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Korach Summary KORACH Kamens 1
KORACH PARSHAT HASHAVUA: KORACH BY RABBI SYLVAN KAMENS The rebellious mood continued as Korach, the Levite, toether !ith "athan, Aviram and On, all Reubenites, !ere #oined by $%& communal leaders in revolt aainst 'oses and Aaron( Korach claimed e)ual riht to the Hih *riesthood, !hile the others based their claim to leadershi+ on their descent ,rom -acob.s ,irst/born, Reuben( 'oses challened them to a++ear ne0t day at the sanctuary, carryin censers ,illed !ith lihted incense1 2od !ould sho! 3!ho are His and !ho is holy(3 "athan and Aviram re,used to com+ly, anrily declarin that 'oses had brouht them out o, a land ,lo!in !ith mil4 and honey merely 3to 4ill us in the !ilderness(3 Korach and his ,ollo!ers a++eared the ne0t day to undero the test, su++orted by many sym+athi5ers( Anry at the +eo+le.s lac4 o, ,aith, 2od threatened to destroy them all, but 'oses and Aaron arued that the nation should not be +unished ,or one man.s !rondoin( 'oses then announced that i, the rebels died a natural death, he !ould be +roved in the !ron( 6,, on the other hand, the earth s!allo!ed them alive, they !ould be seen to have des+ised the Lord( 7o sooner had he s+o4en than Korach, the other rebels and all their +ossessions +erished in an earth)ua4e and the +eo+le ,led in terror( 6n addition, the $%& men !ho had o,,ered the Korach Summary KORACH Kamens $ incense !ere devoured by a heavenly ,ire( Their censers !ere collected by 8lea5ar, the +riest, and made into +lates to cover the altar( 9ut still, the +eo+le com+lained, blamin 'oses and Aaron ,or the loss o, their leaders( They !ere +unished by a +laue !hich 4illed 1:,;&& 6sraelites and !hich ceased only a,ter 'oses and Aaron had +rayed ,or ,oriveness ,or the +eo+le( The rebellion !as used as a suitable occasion to recall the divine choice o, the Levites and to de,ine the duties and emoluments o, them and the +riests(
Light and Truth: Collected from the Bible and Ancient and Modern History, Containing the Universal History of the Colored and the Indian Race, from the Creation of the World to the Present Time