The document provides an installation checklist for a Petroplas piping system in two pages. It lists steps to take before arriving on site such as obtaining drawings, verifying materials and tools. It also lists steps when on site such as unpacking equipment, inspecting trenches, and demonstrating the system components. The checklist then details steps for installing entry boots, measuring and cutting pipe, coupling pipes, installing piping, testing the primary and secondary pipes, and checking for leaks.
The document provides an installation checklist for a Petroplas piping system in two pages. It lists steps to take before arriving on site such as obtaining drawings, verifying materials and tools. It also lists steps when on site such as unpacking equipment, inspecting trenches, and demonstrating the system components. The checklist then details steps for installing entry boots, measuring and cutting pipe, coupling pipes, installing piping, testing the primary and secondary pipes, and checking for leaks.
The document provides an installation checklist for a Petroplas piping system in two pages. It lists steps to take before arriving on site such as obtaining drawings, verifying materials and tools. It also lists steps when on site such as unpacking equipment, inspecting trenches, and demonstrating the system components. The checklist then details steps for installing entry boots, measuring and cutting pipe, coupling pipes, installing piping, testing the primary and secondary pipes, and checking for leaks.
The document provides an installation checklist for a Petroplas piping system in two pages. It lists steps to take before arriving on site such as obtaining drawings, verifying materials and tools. It also lists steps when on site such as unpacking equipment, inspecting trenches, and demonstrating the system components. The checklist then details steps for installing entry boots, measuring and cutting pipe, coupling pipes, installing piping, testing the primary and secondary pipes, and checking for leaks.
Installation Checklist for the Petroplas Piping System (Page 1 of 2)
Prior to arriving at site:
Obtain drawings and be sure contractor understands semi rigid piping and series installation. Be certain contractor is aware of all of the materials required for the job. Quantities of entry boots, test boots, connector and test tubes & fittings should be verified. Be certain all materials have been ordered and have been delivered to site. Hole saws, mandrels, pipe cutter, Fusion machine, test gauge(s) and all pertinent templates should be verified. Our piping requires a 40" bend radius. This is measured from the face of the sump to the inside of trench. Be certain contractor knows trenching requirements and site has been trenched. Make sure contractor knows bedding and backfill requirements and prepares trenches accordingly. For overseas jobs, verify pipe threads Arriving at site: Unpack Petroplas equipment and match against packing list. Group items together. Inspect trenching and modify as needed Show contractors the components of the system and demonstrate their use. Briefly summarize procedure to contractor prior to commencing work. Installation of Flexible Entry Boots: Contractor should install all necessary piping (risers, shear valves, plumbing trees, etc.) in sumps keeping in mind orientation of pipe exit from sump. Entry boot must be on flat face of sump and be aligned with sump piping. Do not rely on pipe flexibility. When installing FuelGuard Entry boots in dispenser sumps for tee fittings, opposing holes must be aligned to facilitate installation. Do not rely on pipe flexibility. Be sure to use the appropriate template and hole saw for drilling of entry boots. Very Important! Once installed, be sure to tighten nuts around compression rings and tighten band clamps around piping when installation is completed. Installation Checklist for Petroplas Piping System (Page 2 of 2) Measuring and cutting pipe: Measure length of pipe needed using a flexible tape measure. To accurately measure the length of piping needed, measure the distance between the face of the first fitting and the face of the second fitting and subtract one inch. When moving pipe on site, cover pipe ends to be sure no debris enters the piping. Dry fit pipe through entry boots to make sure pipe is proper length. Mapping out cuts ahead of time can minimize scrap at the end of the job. Use the G Clamp Cutter to cut the pipe, both primary and secondary pipe. Examine pipe to be sure blade has not pierced primary pipe. Coupling Pipe: Prepare fusion machine by checking that the unit has the correct voltage. Scrape both ends of the pipe, mark the depth of pipe to go into the fitting. Clean the ends of the pipe with alcohol. Insert the both ends of the pipe into the fitting. Connect the electrodes onto the fitting. Ensure fitting is not under any stess o Scan the barcode, and start the machine. Allow full cool down time. Mark the fitting with weld time, operator and date. Install Piping: Push piping through entry boot. Use soapy water as needed to facilitate installation. Place test boots over couplings and secure with band clamps. Use soapy water as needed. Remove caps from fittings & couplings and hand tighten. Install extension tubes and connector tubes on test boots as required. Be sure trench bedding is flat, compacted, and level with bottom of piping at sump. Testing Pipe: With all primary joints secured, pressurize primary piping to 100 psi. Soap all joints to check for leaks in fittings. Reweld fitting if required. De-pressurize primary and install test gauge on tank sump extension tube. Plug tube in terminating sump. Use Teflon tape to seal both gauge and plug in test tubes. Pressurize secondary to 10 psi. Soap all joints and check for leakage. Tighten band clamps as required. Note: Gauges and contractors equipment are the cause of many leaks.