China Fastener Directory 2014
China Fastener Directory 2014
China Fastener Directory 2014
The World's Largest Fastener Market
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Search Fastener Standards & Specifications
DIN, IFI, JIS, SP (Special Parts)
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Speci al Repor t
lthough the fastener indus-
try belongs to the traditonal
industry, it is a long-lastng
industry. Not only a house-
hold, but also a project
needs fastener products
for backup services. Indeed, it is a promising
industry because of its contnuous demand at
home and abroad.
According to the research organizaton
Freedonia, demand for industrial fasteners
in China is projected to increase 10.7 percent
annually to 74.2 billion yuan in 2013, driven
by rapid growth in manufacturing producton,
especially industrial machinery and motor ve-
hicles. In additon, industrial fastener demand
will be supported by expansion and modern-
izaton of Chinas infrastructure.
However, it has been a hard tme for the China
fastener exporters during these years. A series
of problems like a sudden cut of export tax
rebate, antdumping dutes, appreciaton of
RMB, rising cost of labor force and fuctuaton
of material prices, bring pressure to bear on
In this issue, China Fastener Info interviewed
several typical China fastener and related
companies. Lets take a look at what they
think about the industry and how they face
the challenges.
For in-depth analysis of China fastener indus-
try, you also may refer to page 92 to check out
China Fastener Imports & Exports Report for
the First Half of 2013 and Recent Situaton
and Development Trend of China Fastener
Exclusive Interviews of
Typical China Fastener Companies
ingbo Fastener Factory was originally subordinated to a state-owned en-
terprise when it was founded in 1984. Since 1997, it has restructured into a
share-holding cooperatve enterprise, mainly supplying high strength hex bolts
in accordance with ANSI and DIN standards. Diameters of the inch products
range from 1/4 to 1 with tensile strength of Grade 2-8, and diameter of the
metric products range from M6 to M30 with tensile strength of Grade 4.8-10.9.
Driven by the increasing export demand, Ningbo Fastener Factory set up its
foreign trade department in 2003. In order to adapt to the producton require-
ments, it opened its branch Ningbo Yunhao Fastener Manufacturing Co., Ltd. in
2004, which is mainly engaged in product backup services such as heat treat-
ment, surface treatment, packaging, storage and so on. The establishment of the
new branch has further enhanced its strength in product cost and quality control.
With nearly 30 years of experience
in fastener manufacturing, Ningbo
Fastener Factory has developed into
a well-known factory of more than
200 employees and annual produc-
ton capacity over 20,000 tons. In
2009, its annual sales reached 20
million US dollars; due to the sluggish
export market, the number declined
to 18 million US dollars in 2012; since
many indicators show that the global
economy is recovering, it is expected
that its annual sales will achieve 22
million US dollars in 2013.
In the following passages, lets see
how this tme-honored Ningbo Fas-
tener Factory stays atuned to the
change and moves agilely.
Ningbo Fastener Factory:
A Time-Honored
Factory Stays Attuned to the
Change and Keeps Moving
Reported by China Fastener Info
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Speci al Repor t
Most Promising Markets: US, Brazil, Russia
To start with the interview, Jacob Ye, sales manager of Ningob Fastener Factory
told reporter, Our main export markets are American markets, such as Brazil,
Chile, Peru, Argentna, the United States, Canada, Mexico, etc. The most prom-
ising markets for us are the United States, Brazil and Russia.
He analyzed that these markets represent three diferent geographical regions.
For example, the United States is the center of North American market, whose
economy has gradually recovered since 2008. Furthermore, it has a huge market
to digest its own producton capacity; Brazil, one of the BRICS countries, is the
biggest country in Latn America, whose economy and strength are the strongest
of the Latn American countries. In recent years, its economy has maintained
a relatvely high growth rate, so it has an irreplaceable advantage in the Latn
American markets; Russia, also a member of the BRICS, has become a popular
export market in recent years. He is confdent that the products will enjoy many
opportunites in Russian market since Russia has joined the WTO.
Severely Afected by Antdumping Dutes, Skillfully Tackle Appreciaton of
Nowadays, the China fastener industry is severely afected by the antdumping
dutes worldwide. And there is no excepton for Ningbo Fastener Factory. Jacob
described the situaton in the China fastener industry, For the China fastener
industry is facing overcapacity, coupled with the withdrawal of China fastener
enterprises from the EU market and the global economic recession from 2008,
the overall industry gets even worse and the competton between companies
becomes more and more ferce.
As to the risk control of RMB appre-
ciaton, Ningbo Fastener Factorys
approach is to speed up the collecton
of payment and carry out forfaitng,
so that the loss can be well controlled.
The factory also tries to use RMB
setlement if possible.
Rigorous Quality Assurance,
Satsfactory Afersales Service
Quality is the cornerstone of busi-
ness survival. Ningbo Fastener Factory
began to implement ISO9001 qual-
ity management system in 2001, and
established product testng laboratory
in 2004. Its full-tme QCs will strictly
control the product quality during each
key process, to ensure that all prod-
ucts meet the standard requirements.
Before delivering the products from
the factory, its factory QCs will do full
testngs, such as product sampling on
sizes, performance and so on to ensure
that the customers receive 100% sats-
facton products.
In terms of afersales service, its
techincians in service center pay a
return visit to customers and carry
out the quality trace periodically and
take customers feedbacks into ac-
count. If there are any complaints,
we will respond to our customers
within 24 hours. We will also regularly
do customer satsfacton surveys in
all aspects in order to understand the
requirements and suggestons from
potental customers, which will further
help improve ourselves. Jacob added.
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Speci al Repor t
Seeking New Proft Growth Points for Sustainable
It is common that many foreign fastener companies have
over 100 years of history. However, things difer in China.
It is extraordinary for a China fastener company who has
nearly 30 years of experience in fastener manufacturing.
Ningbo Fastener Factory is a good example of sustainable
Jacob shared his views on this issue, Sustainable devel-
opment of enterprises should be based on profts. It is
clear that many traditonal standard fastener companies
have low profts and fnd it difcult to survive through the
current hard tmes. If a company wants to keep sustain-
able development, it will inevitably need to fnd new proft
growth points, which are basically focused on two aspects:
developing value-added products and expanding industrial
chain, which will become our future directons. In order to
get ready for the product restructuring and transformaton,
we are going to expand our plant and move to a new loca-
ton, where a new producton line of automotve fasteners
and non-standard parts will be launched.
Ningbo Fastener Factory
Tel: +86-574-87573686
Fax: +86-574-87591360
Website: htp://,
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Speci al Repor t
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
we are one of the leading manufacturers of blind rivets in
China, supplying over 4,000 diferent sizes of rivets per IFI
standard, DIN7337 standard and ISO standard. The total
manufacturing area is over 25,000 square meters, with
annual producton capability of around 2 billion pieces. We
are ISO/TS16949 certfed, as an OEM supplier for many
European manufacturers.
What are your competitive products? Please
give us some examples of their advantages.
Our compettve products are top quality structural rivets.
For an example, our CUP-FIX rivet has high shear strength
and tensile strength, with mult-grip capability. One CUP-
FIX type can work to replace several standard grip fasten-
ers which can simplify the stock control. It also has good
hole flling and sealing capability, providing strong vibraton
resistant joints with a visible lock. CUP-FIX is ideal for a
variety of applicatons, such as automobiles, vehicles, vent-
laton, ladders and cabinets.
Reported by China Fastener Info
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Speci al Repor t
s a Chinese leader in blind rivetng systems, Shanghai
Fast-Fix Rivet Corp. ofers a comprehensive line of
blind rivets, inlcuding open type blind rivets, close-end
type rivets, mult-grip type blind rivets, grooved type blind
rivets, peel type blind rivets, and structural rivets in various
materials (aluminum, steel, stainless steel, copper, etc.), as
well as blind rivet installaton tools, including manual and
pneumatc blind rivetng systems, which are exported to
more than 50 countries worldwide.
Here, reporter of China Fastener Info interviewed Jason
WANG, general manager of Shanghai Fast-Fix Rivet Corp. to
fnd out its lastest developments and plans for the future.
To start with, could you please briefly intro-
duce the history of Shanghai Fast-Fix?
Shanghai Fast-Fix Rivet Corp. has over 12 years experi-
ence in producton & export of blind rivets. Nowadays,
Focus on
High-End Markets
Shanghai Fast-Fix Rivet Corp.
Continuous Innovation
How about the sales performance in 2012?
What is your sales target in 2013?
To our delight, our sales saw a remarkable increase in 2012,
which was stmulated by new product development and
global economic recovery. Especially for domestc market,
our sales volume increased by over 40%, which was largely
atributed to the automotve industry. As you know, China
has become the largest global auto market. Our strict qual-
ity control and management system per ISO/TS16949 is
essental to guarantee such an increase. This year we are
expectng an increase of at least 30%.
What is the ratio of overseas to domestic
sales? Who are your target customers?
The rato is 9:1. Currently export market represents 90%
of our total sales volume. We supply blind rivets to most
famous manufacturers & leading distributors in Europe and
North America. For domestc sales, we focus on high-end
markets, such as automotve industry.
Nowadays, only those who keep innovating
can firmly hold their market position. What
measures has Shanghai Fast-Fix taken to
ensure continuous innovation and improve-
Our R&D department consists of highly skilled product
designers and professional technicians. On average we
require 5 to 7 weeks to bring a new product to the manu-
facturing stage. Due to our ability to keep up with and
antcipate changes in the industry, we maintain our leading
role in the fastening feld.
As an innovator, Shanghai Fast-Fix must have
launched many new types of rivets. Could
you please introduce some significant inno-
vations for us?
In 2006, we successfully developed a series of structural
rivets, including CUP-FIX series, HEMFIX series and A-FIX
series, driving Chinas rivet technology to a new level and
breaking the dominaton of imported rivets in the Chinese
In 2008, we developed D-FIX series for use in automotve
and railway systems, which flled the gap in domestc mar-
ket and replaced the imported rivets.
In 2012, we developed some new products, including Stain-
less Steel SEAL-BULB Rivet, Plastc Tri-Fold type Rivet and
Dia. 10mm Steel CUP-FIX Rivet. These new products have
flled the domestc gaps. And recently a new optcal sortng
machine has arrived, which will enlarge our supply capabil-
ity to automotve industry.
Stainless Seal-Bulb rivet
Dia.10mm CUP-FIX rivet
Plastc Tri-Fold rivet
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Speci al Repor t
What is your target in the future?
Our target is to be the preferred supplier of fastening solu-
tons to automotve industry worldwide in the near future.
In closing, as a fastener veteran, how do you
consider the fastener industry in China?
Chinas fastener industry is developing very fast during the
process of economic globalizaton. Meanwhile, the require-
ments of product quality and related tech-
nologies are also much higher than before.
Simple imitaton without innovaton or new
product development will not last long.
In addition to innovation, what makes Shang-
hai Fast-Fix stand out among industrial com-
We make sure that the quality of each size and every lot
is under control, and conform to internatonal standards
& customer specifcatons. We keep subsistent samples of
every lot for at least one year, to track the products in case
of any problem. PPAP are also available for customers from
automotve industry.
Today, Fast-Fix has gained recognition in
both domestic and overseas markets. How do
you implement brand building?
We build our brand by supplying perfect quality and profes-
sional service. More and more customers have nominated
Fast-Fix as their sole supplier. We are also promotng our
brand and new products by professional exhibitons and
leading magazines.
It is learned that Shanghai Fast-Fix will ex-
hibit at the upcoming Fastener Trade Show
Suzhou. What is your goal for participation?
What kinds of products will you showcase to
the professional visitors?
The Fastener Trade Show is a very professional exhibiton, of-
fering a good chance to meet domestc & internatonal cus-
tomers. We hope to show the customers our wide range of
diferent products and our advantages like structural rivets.
Rivets are a permanent mechanical fastener. Before being
installed a rivet consists of a smooth cylindrical shaf with
a head on one end. The end opposite the head is called the
buck-tail. On installaton the rivet is placed in a punched or
drilled hole, and the tail is upset, or bucked (i.e., deformed),
so that it expands to about 1.5 tmes the original shaf
diameter, holding the rivet in place. To distnguish between
the two ends of the rivet, the original head is called the
factory head and the deformed end is called the shop head
or buck-tail.
Something about Rivets
Because there is efectvely a head on each end of an installed
rivet, it can support tension loads (loads parallel to the axis
of the shaf); however, it is much more capable of supportng
shear loads (loads perpendicular to the axis of the shaf). Bolts
and screws are beter suited for tension applicatons.
Fastenings used in traditonal wooden boat building, such
as copper nails and clinch bolts, work on the same principle
as the rivet but were in use long before the term rivet was
introduced and, where they are remembered, are usually
classifed among the nails and bolts respectvely.
Tel: +86-21-58912860 Email: Website:
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Speci al Repor t
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
hejiang Qifeng Hardware Make Co.,Ltd. was established in 2001 with regis-
tered capital of 17.77 million yuan. It has more than 300 employees and its
monthly output reaches approximately 1,500 tons. It covers an area of 42,000
square meters, including constructon area of nearly 30,000 square meters. In
2012, the total export value of Zhejiang Qifeng increased by 12 percent year-on-
year to 14 million U.S. dollars, while its domestc sales achieved 60 million yuan.
A Leading Fastener Enterprise
Fulfills Transformation and Upgrade
An Interview with Chen Yuezhong, President of
Zhejiang Qifeng Hardware Make Co., Ltd.
2001 Zhejiang Qifeng was founded. Its
annual turnover reached one million yuan.
2003 A 3,000-square-meter new plant
was established. Its annual turnover reached
7 million yuan.
Zhejiang Qifeng Timeline
2008 Zhejiang Hi-Tek Railway Fastening
Systems Co.,Ltd. was established. The frst
railway spikes were applied to two key rail-
way projects, respectively Zhengzhou-Xian
High-Speed Railway and Wuhan-Guangzhou
High-Speed Railway. Its annual turnover
reached 80 million yuan.
Tel: +86-573-86851456 Fax: +86-573-86851478
Email: Website:
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Speci al Repor t
Reported by China Fastener Info
Through 12 years of endeavor, Zhejiang Qifeng has de-
veloped from a small manufacturer who only produced
stamping parts to a large-scaled enterprise with a
wide product range: aerospace fasteners as compet-
tve products, railway spikes as main products, standard
fasteners as basic export products.
What makes Zhejiang Qifeng become a technology-
oriented enterprise in the feld of aerospace and railway
fasteners? Reporter of China Fastener Info interviewed
Chen Yuezhong, president of Zhejiang Qifeng, to explore
how the company fulflls transformaton and upgrade.
Diferentated producton and diferentated market-
2011 Its aerospace precision
production base was completed
and put into operation by the end
of 2011. The new base covers an
area of 13,450 square meters.
2012 Its aerospace fas-
tener base passed China na-
tional laboratory accreditation,
GJB9001B-2009, AS9100B-2004
and military level-3 security
certifcation. Its annual turnover
reached 14 million yuan.
ing and give full play to comple-
mentary advantages of both partes. In 2012, they jointly established a high-end fastener producton base with annual produc-
ton capacity of more than 50,000,000 pieces of aerospace, military and nuclear power fasteners in Grade 12.9 above. The base
is running so well that it has passed China natonal laboratory accreditaton, GJB9001B-2009, AS9100B-2004, and military
level-3 security certfcaton. It is expected to obtain weapons and equipment
research and producton license by the end of this year.
As a technology revoluton project, the new plant for high-end aerospace
fasteners was put into operaton in late 2011. In 2012, our turnover was 12
million yuan and it is expected to reach 30 million yuan in 2013. Our goal is
to reach 100 million yuan by 2016. This project is considered as a new round
of transformaton and upgrade for us, which help enhance our technical
strength and expand new markets. I am sure that it will become another com-
pettve edge for Zhejiang Qifeng. Chen indicated.
Making Fasteners that Run Fastest
- Keeping on Railway Fastener Area!
Indeed, if a company needs to transform and upgrade, the key point is to
frmly grasp the market and take the initatve in the rapidly changing market
ing are the development trend of internatonal fastener
market. Having done lots of survey, we rapidly grasped the
pulse of the market and seized new opportunites of global-
izaton. Therefore, we fnd a diferentated road, which gen-
erates new vitality to the development of Zhejiang Qifeng.
Chen summarized the growth of Zhejiang Qifeng.
Making Fasteners that Fly Highest
- Entering Aerospace Fastener Field!
The market has neither lastng strong man nor ever-
victorious army, but lastng enterprising mind. Chen is a
practtoner of this sentence.
To enter the aerospace, military
and other high-end fastener
markets, Zhejiang Qifeng and
China Aerospace Science &
Industry Corporaton (CASIC)
reached a strategic cooperaton
agreement in December 2011,
aiming to achieve resource shar-
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Speci al Repor t
Afer the rectfcaton and reform project of natonal high-
speed railway was released by the country, the railway
engineering drove increasing demand for railway spikes.
In 2008, having realized the booming trend of railway
constructon at home and abroad, Zhejiang Qifeng worked
with China Natonal Center for Quality Supervision and Test
of Standard Parts to jointly establish Zhejiang Hi-Tek Rail-
way Fastening Systems Co.,Ltd. They worked together to
develop high-speed railway screw spikes; in October 2008,
the frst railway spikes were successfully used in natonal
key projects - Zhengzhou-Xian High-Speed Railway and
Wuhan-Guangzhou High-Speed Railway; on November 5,
2010, the company obtained material procurement market
access certfcate issued by Shanghai Railway Bureau and
signed a strategic cooperaton framework agreement,
which allowed them to take the initatve in the market.
Through years of eforts, Zhejiang Qifeng has nine produc-
ton lines for high-speed rail screw spikes, with maximum
producton capacity of 1.2 million pieces. The products
have been widely used in many high-speed railways, such
as Wuhan-Guangzhou, Zhengzhou-Xian, Beijing-Shanghai,
Lanzhou-Xinjiang, etc.
Chen added, We are now equipped with a leading produc-
ton line for spike thread rolling. We plan to become the
largest railway spike producton base in East China region
and even in China. By then, our fasteners will be applied to
each domestc railway. We will make eforts to go outside
and run towards the world!
Under the background of transformaton and upgrade,
Zhejiang Qifeng becomes an industrial pioneer who actvely
transforms itself by virtue of its keen market observaton.
Chen, president of Zhejiang Qifeng noted that the success
of transformaton and upgrade is atributed to two advan-
tages: talents & team, brand & quality.
Talents & Team Driving Force of Zhejiang
As a fastener leading enterprise commited to creatng a
new growth point, Zhejiang Qifeng gives priority to talent
recruitment and training. To adapt to the situtaton, Chen
vigorously develops talent incubator program.
Since 2004, Zhejiang Qifeng has started to introduce
university graduates of relevant majors, providing them
with a variety of atractve career development models and
favorable policies. By recruitng excellent talents majoring
in foreign trade or technology, Zhejiang Qifeng has kept
pace with the tmes and improved itself in all aspects from
R&D to sales; it has formed a vibrant and innovatve team
to strengthen its ability on technological innovaton, and
establshed graduate entrepreneurial zone; it also tmely
organizes training courses in some state-owned enterprises
such as China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporaton
(CASIC), so that the technical skills and career awareness of
the staf are improved. By now, the company is technically
backed by three senior engineers and several intermediate
engineers, which lays a solid foundaton for company trans-
formaton and upgrade and provides a strong guarantee to
access the high-end markets.
Brand and Quality Lifeline of Zhejiang Qifeng
It is reported that Zhejiang Qifeng has become one of the
frst companies to apply Zhejiang regional famous brand
Haiyan Fastener.
It is our great honor to get the privilege of using Haiyan
Fastener brand. Since fastener industry is one of the
four pillar industries in Haiyan, there is no doubt that the
establishment of Haiyan Fastener brand will foster the
development of Haiyan fastener industry. This honor will
also help enhance our corporate image and push product
upgrade, Chen contnued, Zhejiang Qifeng grows bigger
and stronger by virtue of reliable quality. I hope Zhejiang
Qifeng brand and Made by Qifeng will become a quality
symbol in customers minds.
According to the Chinese zodiac, 12 years is a mathematcal
cycle. It has been 12 years since Zhejiang Qifeng was es-
tablished. Mingled with sweets and biters during 12 years,
Zhejiang Qifeng has grown stronger and stronger through
transformatons. According to Chen, Zhe-
jiang Qifeng embarked on transformaton
and upgrade from the very start and will
keep working on it in the next 12 years.
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Speci al Repor t
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
Shanghai Shangdian Washer Co., Ltd., founded in 1956, this year celebrates its 57th
anniversary as a specialist in manufacturing washers.
For more than half of the century, Shangdian has established itself as a leading manu-
facturer of washers through a combinaton of producton equipment, an unwavering
commitment to quality and an outstanding customer service.
Shanghai Shangdian
Celebrates 57 Years of Success
he expert is specialized in a wide range of washers includ-
ing fat washers, wave washers, spring lock washers,
deformed for automobile, square taper and conical washers,
serrated lock washers, tooth washers etc., of a wide range of
materials in diferent standards. Shangdian also ofers custom-
ized washers, stamping parts and deformed punched pieces.
Its annual producton capacity exceeds 6,000 tons.
We are able to ofer a very wide range of products, says
Mr. Sun Shuying, general manager of Shanghai Shangdian
Washer. From very small to very big we can supply a
whole range of washers, meaning that we can be very fex-
ible when answering our customers needs due to our over
50 years of experience.
Another compettve edge for Shangdian is its wide variety
of surface treatments including zinc platng, mechani-
cal zinc platng, hot dip galvanizing, zinc fake, zinc-nickel
platng, as well as other surface treatment according to
customers requirements.
Shangdian delivers its products to worldwide customers in
a variety of markets, including the U.S., Germany, Europe,
Southeast Asia, and Middle East and so on. It also has built
a good relatonship with famous brands such as Shanghai
Volkswagen, Faw-Volkswagen, Beijing Jeep, Siemenss sub-
sidiaries, Dong Feng Automobile Company, etc.
Shangdian has been commited to contnuously investng in
producton equipment, logistcs and internal infrastructure
to stay compettve and to maintain the capacites for its
customers requirements.
Furthermore, Shangdian has always been stcking to the
business principle of Integrity, Unity and Practce. To do
business with customers is just like to make friends with
them. Therefore, we always establish close relatonships
with our customers with integrity, ofer customers a com-
prehensive service through our group as a unity, and put
our words into practce, states Mr. Sun Shuying.
With an absolute dedicaton to quality and technology de-
velopment running through the business, coupled with its
frm business principle, there is no doubt that the company
will contnue to keep steady growth in the next 50 years.
Shanghai Shangdian Washer Co.,Ltd.
Tel: +86-21-64802072
Fax: +86-21-64802072
Website: htp://,
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Speci al Repor t
Reported by China Fastener Info
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
Yuyao No.2 Standard
Fastener Factory:
40 years of experience
in manufacturing eyebolts
Mr. Ruan Lifei points out that its
know-how in manufacturing eyebolts
ensures that they provide the high
quality products, fast delivery, techni-
cal support and outstanding service.
Another important factor that makes
for our success is our customers. As
a mater of fact, we grow with our
customers, Mr. Ruan Lifei says.
Yuyao No.2 Standard Fastener Fac-
tory always carries out the policy of
customer-orientaton. Every prod-
uct launched is to meet customers
diferent needs. And recently the
company has introduced an improved
DOOR, which is more user friendly
and of longer service life. Thanks to
the precious suggestons from our
European hardware distributors or we
cannot launch a beter new hinge.
Now its new products sell well at
home and abroad.
Reported by China Fastener Info
We encourage all our customers
to audit our operatons so we can
be fully assessed for their quality
systems and they can have frst hand
confdence in our capabilites. We
also value their feedback in identfy-
ing possible areas of further potental
Mr. Ruan Lifei notes that, for instance,
as to the full-test of products, SIE-
MENS also helped us a lot. It placed or-
ders on our products and encouraged
our improvement in every procedure,
especially in the product test. For its
advice, our products fnd ready mar-
kets in many developed countries.
In 2013 Yuyao No.2 Standard Fastener
Factory is celebratng its 40th an-
niversary. We thank all our custom-
ers that during those 40 years helped
improve our product quality, invested
their confdence in Yuyao No.2 qual-
ity, and have allowed the company to
be ready to guarantee an even beter
service and quality for the next 40
years, states Mr. Ruan Lifei.
Then what makes for Yuyao No.2
Standard Fastener Factorys success?
Mr. Ruan Lifei, general manger of the
company, ascribes the success to the
policies of specializaton and custom-
Yuyao No.2 Standard Fastener Factory
has been focusing on producing a
wide range of eyebolts since its incep-
ton in 1973. Armed with a wealth
of experience and knowledge in this
feld, Yuyao No.2 Standard Fastener
Factory can ofer high quality precise
eyebolts to every customer.
As a famous saying goes, practce
makes perfect. To produce the best
eyebolts, the only thing Yuyao No.2
Standard Fastener Factory has been
done over the past 40 years is to
manufacture eyebolts. The company
introduced state-of-the-art making
machines and testng equipment. It
has been ISO9001 certfcated not
long afer its establishment.
or more than 40 years Yuyao No.2 Standard Fastener Factory has been manufacturing eyebolts
for professional users worldwide. As a pioneer and leader in making and exporting eyebolts in
China, Yuyao No.2 Standard Fastener Factory has built a strong reputation both in the national
and international markets. Now you can fnd its eyebolts widely used in food machines, spinning
machines, medical appliance, micro trucks, packing machines, agricultural machines, etc., in Ger-
many, Belgium, Sweden, Japan and many other countries in the world.
Tel: +86-13805807544 Fax: +86-574-62003980
E-mail: Website:
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Speci al Repor t
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Speci al Repor t
uanghua Boyexin Hardware
Products Co., Ltd., a professional
manufacturer and exporter of drywall
screws, chipboard screws, tapping
screws, drilling screws and wood
screws, has launched a new product
portoliothe deck screw.
The deck screw has a strong torsional
strength which can provide an
excellent ant-loose performance.
The most important characteristc of
the deck screw is its strong resistance
to corrosion for its Ruspert coatng.
The ant-corrosion performance, as
measured in a standard salt spray
test is up to 1500 hours of salt spray
corrosion resistance. Whats more,
the Ruspert coatng is available in
diferent colors which can ensure the
beauty of exterior applicaton.
Another feature of the deck screw is
the sharpness of its point as well as its
added cutng tail that makes it easy
to install. For these reasons, the deck
screw is self-drilling and self-tapping.
Whats more, to meet customers
diferent needs, Boyexin can provide
diferent drives including torx drive,
square drive and square & Phillips
drive. Till now the deck screws made
by Boyexin have been widely used in
felds such as ships, foor, hard wood,
gardens and so on.
Huanghua Boyexin
Launches Deck Screws
As a specialist dedicated to the
manufacturing and exportng of
screws, its drywall screws, chipboard
screws, tapping screws, drilling
screws and wood screws have earned
an enviably high recogniton in the
internatonal markets such as America,
Japan, Europe, Middle-east and other
architectural hardware markets.
For Boyexin high quality, compettve
prices and customer care are essental
features in meetng the requirements
of all its customers and establishing its
high reputaton in this feld.
To provide screws with high quality,
Boyexins screws are made by the
cold heading spheroidized wire. And
all the moulds and equipment are
introduced from Taiwan. In additon,
the products tests are extremely
strict. Boyexin operates frstartcle
inspecton, autonomous detecton
and circuit detecton to ensure the
quality, which can make sure that the
product performance is in line with
the internatonal leading level.
The price is also Boyexins
compettve edge. Boyexin is
headquartered at Hebei province,
the northern part of China, which can
take the advantage of relatvely lower
producton costs. For this reason, the
prices of screws made by Boyexin are
quite compettve than those of the
other part in China.
Mr. Li Jianhua, general manager of
Boyexin, recognizes, though, that
the ultmate measure of success
is from the customers, Customer
satsfacton is our other important
goal. We try our best to make every
customer feel satsfacton for our
quality, prices and service. And tll
now, the high customer retenton is
the evidence of our efort.
Boyexins business philosophy is to
produce the best screws for architecture
hardware market and become the best
supplier in this feld . Central to this
philosophy is Boyexins deep desire to
serve customers and to provide them
with the best screws for their applicatons.
All of the development and investments
made by us have always been clearly
targeted to achieve these goals, Mr.Li
points out, which in turn helps Boyexin
experience signifcant growth.
Huanghua Boyexin Hardware
Products Co., Ltd.
Tel: + 86-317-5653398
Fax: +86-317-5653586
Reported by China Fastener Info
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Speci al Repor t
Dongtai Huawei Builds New Plant to
Increase Production Capacity
t is reported that Dongtai Huawei has started to build its new plant.
More investment will be made in the technology innovaton. The fnal
completon of new plant must be a great boost to Huaweis sales as it can in-
crease our producton capacity, said person-in-charge of Dongtai Huawei.
Dongtai Huawei is a leading manufacturer of stainless steel standard
fasteners, including stainless steel hex head cap screws, hex socket head
cap screws, anchor bolts, threaded rods, self-taping screws, thread forming
screws, anchors, etc. In additon, it also has a producton line of non-fer-
rous precision castngs, providing stainless steel, brass and aluminum preci-
sion castngs for customers from a variety of industries, such as electronics,
electric, machinery, railway, constructon, yachts, etc. Its FL brand fasten-
ers are not only widely used in the domestc industries, but also greatly
exported to Europe, America, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, etc.
Since its incepton, Dongtai Huawei has been strongly commited to quality
assurance. It has a full range of producton equipment, such as cold headers,
punches, cold extrusion press machines (hydraulic press machines), auto-
matc lathes, and CNC lathes. Besides, it has its own laboratory equipped
with spectroscopes, hardness testers, salt spray testers, tension testers, etc.
The company has been ISO9001 certfcated since 1999 and operated to
the requirement of ISO 14001. The FL brand
stainless steel fasteners have won the honors
of Jiangsu Famous Brand, Haiyan Brand
Products and 2012 Top 10 Prestgious China
Fastener Brand.
For its quality commitment, Dongtai Huawei
have shown consistent growth. And the castng
and yacht part segments recently see acceler-
ated development, which will be a key develop-
mental trend for Dongtai Huawei in the future.
As to the status quo of China fastener industry,
spokesman of Dongtai Huawei said, China
fastener companies have obviously fell into two
partes. One party is actve in competng on
prices regardless of the future development. The
other party is trying to invest heavily in high-end
products and compettve products, and brand
building as the industrial upgrade policy is encour-
aged in China. Dongtai Huawei chooses the later.
Therefore, Dongtai Huawei will pay
more atenton to the brand pro-
moton in the coming years so as to
expand our global presence.
You can find Dongtai
Huawei Standard Com-
ponent Corporation,
the one-stop supplier of
stainless steel fasteners,
almost in every Fastener
Trade Show organized
by China Fastener Info
More information about Dongtai Huawei please visit: or
Tel: +86-21-68753496 Fax: +86-21-68753596
Reported by China Fastener Info
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
Reported by China Fastener Info
Zhejiang Dongrui: A Leading
Machine Maker in China
hejiang Dongrui Machinery Industry Co.,Ltd., a leading
machine maker in Mainland China, is now expanding
its global presence. During the past 24 years, Dongrui has
earned a high reputaton at home and abroad for its qual-
ity, service and performance. Now its machines, especially
the mult-staton cold upsetng formers are strongly recog-
nized by customers from all around the world.
Concentration of technologies applied to machines
Since its foundaton, Dongrui has focused on the machine
manufacturing, especially the mult-staton cold upsetng
formers. With 24 years of experience in making the cold
upsetng formers, Dongrui now becomes one of the lead-
ing makers in this feld in China. Now its machines are not
only popular in Mainland China, but also fnd ready markets
in Europe, America, Middle-east, Southeast Asia, etc. The
groups revenue exceeded 100 million in 2012, and the cold
formers accounted for 70% of the total amount.
Six years ago, the cold former market was monopolized
by Taiwanese companies in Mainland China, Mr. Zou Youlu
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Speci al Repor t
recalls, deputy general manager of Dongrui, however, six
years later, and the cold formers made by Dongrui have
broken the monopoly of Taiwans counterparts, even over-
taking the Taiwan-made machines.
As a specialist in machine manufacturing, Dongrui has been
sparing no efort to improving its technologies by intro-
ducing equipment and advanced technology from Italy,
Germany and America. The success of its current global
presence is the result of its concentraton of technologies
to create the most precise and reliable machines.
Its worth mentoning that the printng and packaging ma-
chines are the earliest feld that Dongrui is engaged in. And
so far, there were over 70,000 sets of printng and packag-
ing machines made by Dongrui across the world.
Whats more, Dongrui owned an experienced team with
brilliant capacity of innovaton, technology and design. As
a result, the Chinese natonal standard was drawn up by
Dongruis team, and Dongrui is one of the members of the
natonal machinery department.
Commitment to service for customerssatisfactions
Apart from the technology, excellent service is another key
factor that accelerates Dongruis development. By virtue of
its excellent team, Dongrui can provide a variety of profes-
sional technology supports for its customers:
Supply a broad array of cold upsetng formers for pro-
ducing diferent fasteners and special parts.
Provide technical support and on-site maintenance:
round-the-clock seven-day comprehensive service includ-
ing technology consultaton by telephone and on-site
Provide installaton kit and wear part maintenance: error-
free supply and fast delivery.
Ofer equipment upgrading: equipment will be renewed
with up to date technology and added additonal functons.
Ofer machine overhaul repair: old equipment can be reno-
vated; wear parts are completely maintained or replaced.
Mr. Zou puts it, Your old machine can run as well as a new
one afer our renovaton.
Dongrui has always considered the quality of its products
and services as an indispensable prerequisite and primary
compettve factor to earn both natonal and interna-
tonal customers recogniton. The company has been
ISO9001:2008 and CE certfed. These results are not consid-
ered as a standalone achievement, but as the evidence of a
contnuous efort to improve every aspect of Dongrui manu-
facturing processes as well as its customers satsfacton.
During the past 24 years, we have established partner-
ships with a great many famous fastener companies. In the
future we will remain strongly commited to supplying the
best quality products and outstanding service to customers
all around the world, says Mr. Zou.
More informaton about Zhejiang Dongrui Machinery
Industry Co., Ltd., please Visit, or
Contact Tel: +86-577-66000098, Fax: +86-577-66000098,
. 47 .
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Speci al Repor t
ongguan Yiwen Screw Machinery Co.,Ltd., one of the
leading machine manufacturer in China, recently intro-
duces a 3-die 6-blow screw head making machine. This new
machine features seven advantages:
1. It is of high precision, high speed and stability for its qual-
ity high-strength castngs are all purchased from Taiwanese
2. The machined parts are highly precise for they are pro-
cessed through computer CNC one-tme.
3. Key parts such as crankshafs, skateboards, bearings and so
on are all imported from Japan, which can ensure the ma-
chines high precision, high speed and high wear-resistance.
4. The specially designed oil circuits are made of aluminum
pipes and lubricated with high pressure. The wear-resistant
areas are undergone special treatment so as to guarantee the
machines long-term stability.
5. Its longer length and larger outside diameter can meet dif-
ferent producing needs of a broad array of products.
6. Customers can easily shif to diferent machines according
to their needs for it has a shif functon that can be used as a
1-die 2-blow round cutng machine, or a 2-die 4-blow, or a
3-die 3-blow machine.
7. The machine has many other user-friendly functons avail-
able for customers, such as matching, computer detecton,
braking, frequency conversion, etc.
Established in 2003, Dong-
guan Yiwen Screw Machinery
Co.,Ltd., is specialized in the
manufacture and design of ma-
chines, including 1-die 2-blow,
2-die 4-blow, 3-die 6-blow and
4-die 4-blow screw head mak-
ing machines, and high-speed
thread rolling machines, rivet
machines, etc.
Dongguan Yiwen
Introduces 3-Die
6-Blow Screw Head
Making Machine
Reported by China Fastener Info
Yiwen has experienced an accelerated develop-
ment since its incepton with an annual sales growth
of around 50%, and earned a strong reputaton in
the fastener machinery industry for its high qual-
ity, professional service and compettve prices. Its
machines boost advantages of high precision, high
speed, high performance and high performance-
price rato.
Mr. Yang Jinbo, the founder of Yiwen atributed this
fast development to his policy of central to quality
and service.
Mr. Yang Jinbo, was previously a mechanic, who has
already had over 30 years of experience in machine
maintenance and manufacture. In its early years, the
funding shortage was Yiwens biggest problem. How-
ever, it was just this obstacle that forced Mr. Yang
Jinbo to efciently allocate his limited resource. He
atached great importance to the quality and service
that customers are concerned about most. He always
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Speci al Repor t
Over the last decade, Yiwen has shown consistent growth
for its quality and service, and its machines are well re-
ceived by many listed companies and have earned cus-
tomers trust and recogniton both at home and abroad.
Existng customers keep coming back because they know
they can rely on Yiwens machines and its promises, which,
in Yiwens case, are commitments as well as promises.
Now Yiwen is gearing up to expanding its presence in the
global markets and the new 3-die 6-blow screw head mak-
ing machines will surely fnd ready markets in the overseas
markets for its exceptonal advantages.
Dongguan Yiwen Machinery Co.,Ltd.
Tel: +86-769-83124939
Fax: +86-769-83126949
Website: htp://
tells his staf that, we should ensure the quality and service
of the machines even it is an unproftable business once we
have made promise to our customers.
To ofer high quality machines to its every customer, ma-
terials of the machines are all introduced from Japan and
Taiwan. Whats more, most of Yiwens staf are veterans
that with over 20 years of experience in making machines.
You can get 24-hour professional service from its techni-
cians whenever you need. And its more than 5000-square
warehouse can ofer a prompt delivery of customer orders.
Additonally, Yiwen ofers a unique service on 3-guaran-
teesmaintenance guarantee, replacement guarantee and
return guarantee. Till now there is no other machine-mak-
ing company can provide such a unique service except for
Yiwen because we are quite confdent of our quality.
. 49 .
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Speci al Repor t
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
For details contact China Fastener Info
Tel: 86-20-38861363 Fax: 86-20-38812687
For details contact China Fastener Info
Tel: 86-20-38861363 Fax: 86-20-38812687
In the next pages, you will find recommended namecards of Top
Supplier in China. You can call, fax or email your inquiries directly
to the companies or visit, click on the
Top Supplier banner for further information. Be sure to let these
companies know you saw them in China Fastener Directory (CFD).
China Fastener Directory Issue 13
China Fastener Directory Issue 13
. 51 .
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
Top Suppl i er s
Haiyan Pufa Metal Co.,Ltd.
Threaded rods, special threaded rods and packing,
bolts, hex nuts, screws, washers, material.
Tel: +86-573-86161198
Fax: +86-573-86161181
Email: pufagroup _
Meishan CSR Fastener Science &
Technology Co., Ltd.
Authorized supplier of special rivets and riveting tools for
railway new type wagons and export rolling stocks, especially
the standard supplier of [2007]163 wagon. At present, the
company has formed many series of products from 4mm to
28mm, including single side, double side and reusable rivets, huckbolts.
Tel: +86-833-8164260
Fax: +86-833-8164262
Fairiver Inc.
Special screws, automotive screws, hose clamp screws, B7
threaded rods and studs, stainless steel bolts and nuts, flat
washers and lock washers.
Tel: +86-574-87166420
Fax: +86-574-87166450
Guangzhou Chiku Screw Co.,Ltd.
High-speed, high-strength flash-point self-drilling screws.
Tel: +86-20-36822230
Fax: +86-20-36822900
Changze Hardware and Electric
Precision parts for electrical appliance, light fixture, etc.
Tel: +86-757-26385090, +86-13794613722
Fax: +86-757-29836880
Dongguan Yiwen Screw Machinery
1-die 2-blow, 2-die 4-blow, 3-die 6-blow, 4-die 4-blow
heading machines, high speed thread rolling machines.
Tel: +86-769-83124939
Fax: +86-769-83126949
Haining Shuangmin Fasteners
Kinds of nuts, including hex nuts, nylon insert lock nuts,
hex slotted nuts, square nuts, flange nuts, wing nuts, etc.
Tel: +86-571-89267438
Fax: +86-571-89268176
China Fastener Directory Issue 13
P 43
P 89
P 78
P 91
P 103
P 18
P 78
P 45
Bolt Mfg. Trade Ltd. Haiyan
Hex bolts, carriage bolts, hex lag bolts, hex nuts, threaded rods, washers.
Tel: +86-573-86178080, 86178181, 86178282, 86178383
Fax: +86-573-86177766
. 53 .
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
Top Suppl i er s
Sanwei Fasteners Co.,Ltd.
Hex bolts, nuts, chipboard screws, drywall screws, self-
tapping screws, wood screws, wedge anchors, shell an-
chors, drop in anchors, sleeve anchors, thread rods, etc.
Tel: +86-21-64604216
Fax: +86-21-64604935
Shanghai Fast-Fix Rivet Corp.
Open end blind rivets, closed end blind rivets, multi-grip rivets,
grooved type, peel type blind rivets, plastic rivets and drive rivets,
colored rivets, steel rivets, aluminium rivets, stainless steel rivets,
copper rivets, hemfix, a-fix, cup-fix.
Tel: +86-21-58912860
Fax: +86-21-58912793
Shanghai Jian & Mei Industry
and Trade Co.,Ltd.
Nut series, screw series, bolt series, washer series, CNC
machining series, rigging series, hose clamp series,
stamping series.
Tel: +86-21-33328690-858, +86-18621005605
Fax: +86-21-61460136
Shanghai Minmetals Fasteners
Bolts, nuts, wood screws, machine screws, self-tapping
screws, washers, rivets, anchors, fixings and plugs.
Tel: +86-21-63815858 ext. 1118
Fax: +86-21-63816007, 63806009, 63803459
Website:, www.smmiec.
P 29
P 41
P 6,7
P 23
P 10
P 9
P 49
P 28
Ruian Fansheng Fasteners Co.,Ltd.
Stainless steel hexagon nuts, ss nuts with flange, ss self-locking
hexagon nuts, ss domed cap nuts, acorn nuts, BS nuts, square
nuts, hexagon weld nuts, square weld nuts, hex socket set screws
with flat point, hex socket set screws with taper point, hex socket
set screws with dog point, hex socket set screws with cup point.
Tel: +86-15658618918
Fax: +86-577-65531115
Shanghai Shangdian Washer
Standard parts, flat washers, stamping parts, and de-
formed punched pieces.
Tel: +86-21-57317386 (factory), +86-21-64802072 (office)
Fax: +86-21-57321201 (factory), +86-21-64802072 (office)
Email: (factory), (office)
Suno Group Limited
Screws, nuts, bolts.
Tel: +86-10-84785796, 84785786, +86-13693623001
Fax: +86-10-84783493
Sunta Hardware Co.,Ltd.
Nuts, hex bolts, carriage bolts, threaded rods, drywall
screws, chipboard screws, hex lag screws, self-drilling
screws, self-tapping screws, anchors, washers, ss
spring nuts, machined parts.
Tel: +86-21-65184034
Fax: +86-21-65438880
. 55 .
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
Top Suppl i er s
Zhejiang Qifeng Hardware Make
Bolts, nuts, wood screws, stampings, machining parts, railway
screw spikes, cold heading parts, non-standard parts.
Tel: +86-573-86851456
Fax: +86-573-86851478
Zigong Kamgu High-tech
Materials Co., Ltd.
Superhard materials including cemented car-
bide and tungsten steel.
Tel: +86-20-39936290, 39936291
Fax: +86-20-39936391
P 16,17
P 89
P 91
P 65
P 79
Pinghu City Kangchengda
Fastener Co.,Ltd.
Flat washers and stamping parts.
Tel: +86-573-85608402, +86-13806722843
Fax: +86-573-85608401
Pinghu Xiongfeng Hardware
Products Co.,Ltd.
Fasteners, stamped parts.
Tel: +86-573-85921338, 85930578
Fax: +86-573-85920998
Zhongshan Junbao Hardware
Product Co.,Ltd.
Screws (for roller skates, scooters, bicycles, etc.),
SEMS screws, bolts, nuts, rivets.
Tel: +86-760-22220033, +86-13925381229
Fax: +86-760-22222001
Jiashan Yongxin Fastener
Various stamping parts and standard parts, such as high
strength gaskets, stainless steel washers, non-standard
washers, stainless steel machine screws, self-tapping
screws, wood screws, chipboard screws, etc.
Tel: +86-573-84896996, 84896955
Fax: +86-573-84898022
Win & Best Hardware Co.,Ltd.
Stainless steel self-tapping screws, hex bolts, hex socket
bolts, rivets, aluminum rivets, aluminum rivets, non-standard
products, especially stainless steel non-standard products.
Tel: +86-760-88404337, 88417850
Fax: +86-760-88401990
. 56 .
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
Top Suppl i er s
Chaoyi Screw Industry (Taichang)
Building series, automobile series, electric series,
nut series, screw series.
Tel: +86-13771903149
Fax: +86-512-53456687
Cangzhou Kangde Electronics
Industrial fasteners, automotive washers, terminals and the terminal compo-
nents, tablet press parts used in telephone, parts used for shielding mobile
phone signals, chassis and drawn parts, springs, etc.
Tel: +86-317-8768929, 8768828, +86-13932731416
Fax: +86-317-8769092
Chengdu Xinxin High-Strength
Fastener Manufacture Co.,Ltd.
Xinqiang brand GB, HG high strength fastener components,
set of high strength bolts, nuts and plain washers for steel
structure, custom parts, special parts.
Tel: +86-28-82433170, 82433171, 82433172
Fax: +86-28-82433173
Dongguan Dongcheng JINJIA
Hardware Products Co.,Ltd.
Screws, rivets, hardware, stainless steel screws, precision
screws, springs, machine parts, hardware used in stationery,
clocks & watches, calculators, PCB (printed circuit board).
Tel: +86-769-22694759
Fax: +86-769-22694729
Email: kinga _
Dongguan Jinbaida Hardware
Self-drilling screws in carbon steel 1022, screws in ss
201/410/304/316, hexagon flange drilling screws with
tapping screw thread in ss 304, composited screws in ss
304 and 410, custom fasteners.
Tel: +86-769-87181528, +86-13686182432
Fax: +86-769-82120406
Dong Guan King Tower Hardware
Screws, self-tapping screws, axles, lock screws, automotive
turning parts, screw drivers, toy axles, machine screws, ma-
chining parts, aluminum screws, stainless steel screws, brass
screws, security screws, electronic screws, precision screws, hardware screws,
nylon screws, wrenches, lathe parts, turning screws, washers, bolts, nuts, rivets.
Tel: +86-769-81022811
Fax: +86-769-81022811
Dongtai Huawei Standard
Component Corporation
Stainless steel hex head cap screws, hex socket head cap
screws, anchor bolts, threaded rods, wire rods, self tapping
screws, thread forming screws, expansion bolts, square neck
bolts, punch products, etc.
Tel: +86-21-68753496
Fax: +86-515-85525866, +86-21-68753596
Eagle Metalware Co., Ltd.
Bolts and screws: hex socket head cap screws, hex socket
head set screws, hex socket flat head screws, hex socket
button head screws, hex socket head shoulder screws, hex
head bolts, hex keys, wheel hug bolts. Anchors: drop in an-
chors, cut anchors, weld anchors, wedge anchors, sleeve
anchors. Non-standard fasteners.
Tel: +86-769-83538778
Fax: +86-769-83665378
. 57 .
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
Top Suppl i er s
Elehk Plastic Electronic Co.,Ltd.
Plastic anchors, over 60 items, more than 400
Tel: +86-13580813754, +86-769-85385387
Fax: +86-769-89321081
Evan Fastening Systems Shanghai
Nylon slotted pan head screws, nylon phillips pan
head screws, nylon phillips flat head screws, nylon
slotted cheese head screws, nylon hex head screws, nylon knurled thumb screws,
nylon clinch rivets, nylon blind rivets, nylon snap rivets, nylon snap latches, captive
screws, self-clinching nuts, panel fasteners, weld nuts.
Tel: +86-21-68222695
Fax: +86-21-68222697
Everglory Hardware Co.,Ltd.
Blind rivets, anchors, washers, hand tools (riv-
eter series), nuts.
Tel: +86-512-67260325
Fax: +86-512-67425066
Fenghua City General Standard
Components Factory
High strength standard and non-standard parts for auto-
mobiles and motorcycles. Wheel bolts, wheel nuts, flange
bolts, flange nuts, hex head bolts, screws, self-tapping
screws, hex nuts, anchor bolts, special fasteners, etc.
Tel: +86-574-88915038
Fax: +86-574-88927698
Foshan Nanhai Hekang Hardware
Product Co.,Ltd.
Screws in Grade 12.9, 10.9 and 8.8 & ss screws, DIN912/GB70 hex socket head cap
screws, DIN931-933/GB5782-5783 hex head screws, DIN7991 hex socket counter-
sunk head screws, ISO7380 hex socket button head screws, ISO7379 hex socket
head shoulder screws, DIN916-45H alloy steel hex socket head set screws.
Tel: +86-18923191655
Fax: +86-757-85957282, +86-20-81121965
Foshan Nanhai Juxin Hardware
Products Factory
Clinch nuts, furniture nuts, tubular rivets in various specifica-
tions, pneumatic riveting nut guns, manual riveting nut
guns, screw molds, etc., We can also produce different
specifications and Non-standard fasteners according to
customers requests.
Tel: +86-757-81103030
Fax: +86-757-85939387
Foshan Qiaoyi Hardware and
Electrical Equipment Co.,Ltd.
All kinds of precision machine screws, self tapping screws,
thread-forming screws, self tapping assembly screws, ma-
chine screws, locking screws, machine assembly screws
and other non-standard fasteners.
Tel: +86-757-85223306, 86305830, 86318938
Fax: +86-757-86312555, 85200428
Guangzhou Precision Hardware
Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.
Self-clinching nuts, stainless steel countersunk blind rivets, stain-
less steel single grip blind rivets, stainless steel closed-end blind
rivets, stainless steel open-end blind rivets, stainless steel peel
type blind rivets, stainless steel multi-grip blind rivets, large flange
multi-grip blind rivets.
Tel: +86-13928813244
Fax: +86-20-36534139
. 58 .
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
Top Suppl i er s
Haining Zhongheng Hardware
Products Co.,Ltd.
All types of threaded rods and double-end studs. Different
kinds of fasteners, such as nuts, bolts, washers, etc. Stainless
steel or brass fasteners.
Tel: +86-573-87612078, +86-13757305069
Fax: +86-573-87616038
Haiyan Booming Fastener Co.,Ltd.
Slotted countersunk head wood screws, cross recessed countersunk flat head
screws, hex head wood screws, hex socket head cap screws, cross recessed pan
head tapping screws, cross recessed pan head drilling screws with tapping screw
thread, furniture screws, machine screws, combined bolts, T-bolts.
Tel: +86-573-86125138, 86126827
Fax: +86-573-86125238
Haiyan Guangda Hardware
Hex bolts, carriage bolts, flange bolts, square head bolts,
T-bolts, guardrail bolts, security bolts, track bolts, structural
sets of bolts.
Tel: +86-573-86408015
Fax: +86-573-86408017
HaiYan HaiYan Plastic Fasteners
Drywall screws, chipboard screws, round head washer tapping screws, round
head washer drilling screws, anchor bolts, machine screws, furniture screws,
DIN571 hexagon wood screws, bolts, nuts, threaded rods.
Tel: +86-573-86978109
Fax: +86-573-86978109
Email:, carry _
Haiyan Hexing Hardware
Drywall screws, chipboard screws, wood screws, self-drilling screws,
machine screws, self-tapping screws, anchor screws.
Tel: +86-573-86122056, +86-13655832688
Fax: +86-573-86168056
Haiyan Minghua Standard
Parts Manufactory
Wood screws, self-tapping screws, machine screws, chipboard screws,
Tel: +86-573-86153766, +86-13906831766
Fax: +86-573-86111706
Haiyan OuLai Hardware Products
Self-drilling screws, drilling screws with tapping
screw thread, DIN7504, IFI SAE J78.
Tel: +86-13456211822
Fax: +86-573-86862922
Haiyan Ronghua Standard Parts
M3-52 threaded rods, hex (hexagon) nuts, thick hex
(hexagon) nuts, long hex (hexagon) nuts.
Tel: +86-573-86408266
Fax: +86-573-86118693
. 59 .
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
Top Suppl i er s
Haiyan Weishi Import & Export
Chipboard screws, drywall screws, furniture screws, eye screws, expansion
screws, self-drilling screws, washers, threaded rods, stampings and non-standard
parts. GB bolts, DIN bolts, ANSI bolts, BS bolts, U-shaped bolts, weld bolts, nuts,
machine screws, wood screws, self-tapping screws.
Tel: +86-573-86026258
Fax: +86-573-86026758
Haiyan Xingtong Machinery Co.,Ltd.
High speed, multi-station cold headers.
Tel: +86-573-86929777
Fax: +86-573-86929778
Handan Taizi Fasteners
Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.
Wedge anchors, drop-in anchors, cut anchors, sleeve anchors, heavy duty an-
chors, metal style anchors, hit anchors, concrete anchors, chemical anchors,
anchor bolts, nylon anchors, etc.
Tel: +86-310-4188841
Fax: +86-310-5601550
Handan Jinggong Construction
Anchor Manufactory Co.,Ltd.
Sleeve anchors, wedge anchors, hammer drive anchors,
shield anchors, drop in anchors.
Tel: +86-310-6607111
Fax: +86-310-6607111
Hangzhou Quanling Standard
Component Co.,Ltd.
Carbon steel screws with diameter ranging from 2.9mm
to 8mm and length ranging from 2.5mm to 150mm.
Tel: +86-571-88792667
Fax: +86-571-88791659
Website:, www.quanling-
Hebei Xin Yu Metal Products
Furniture T-nuts, stamped fasteners, T-nuts, washers,
stamped wing nuts, pallet nuts, weld nuts, toggle wing
T-nuts, stampings, stainless steel nuts.
Tel: +86-317-2066275, +86-13582675998
Fax: +86-317-2065378, 2065298
Jiangsu Huajie Stainless Steel
Products Co.,Ltd.
Stainless steel bolts (hexagonal bolts/U-bolts/T-head bolts/
custom non-standard bolts), threaded rods.
Tel: +86-523-83901012, +86-18796734633
Fax: +86-523-83784202
Jiangsu Yagu Standard Parts
Threaded rods, stud bolts, anchor bolts, U-bolts, hex
bolts, T-bolts & hex nuts, heavy nuts, thin nuts, nylon nuts,
flat washers, spring washers, stainless steel round bars,
angle iron, channel bars, wire rods, stamping parts, etc.
Tel: +86-523-83190618
Fax: +86-523-83190628
. 60 .
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
Top Suppl i er s
Jiangxi Jingwei Yili Fastener
Stainless steel/iron tapping screws, drywall screws, bolts, studs,
washers, set screws, non-standard parts. Kinds of bolts with round
head, big flat head, countersunk head, washers, cheese head;
tapping screws with flat head, countersunk head, round head, big flat head and
washers; self-drilling screws with hexagon head, flat head and round head.
Tel: +86-793-6726885, +86-757-85569546, +86-13822637778
Fax: +86-793-6726889, +86-757-81180255
Jiashan Cage Fastener
Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.
Grade 4.8/8.8/10.9/12.9 bolts and various non-standard
parts, precision wire for cold heading, such as ML08,
1010A, 1015A, 1001T, 1022A, 35ACR, 40ACR, 10B21, 40Cr,
SCM435, etc.
Tel: +86-573-84183628
Fax: +86-573-84187030
Jiashan Yuchao Metals
Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.
Metal stamping parts, fasteners, electrical accessories, electronic acces-
sories, automotive and motorcycle parts, plastic parts.
Tel: +86-573-84255518
Fax: +86-573-84255518
Jiaxing Chinafar Standard Parts
Plain threaded rods, stainless threaded rods, foundation bolts, z i n c
white plated threaded rods, zinc yellow plated threaded rods,
hot dip galvanized threaded rods.
Tel: +86-573 -85278818, +86-15157313011
Fax: +86-573 -85278816
Email: jarod _
Jiaxing Xinyue Standard Part
Threaded rods.
Tel: +86-573-86966998, 86966966, 86969888,
Fax: +86-573-86966988, 86967000
Jinan Star Fastener Co.,Ltd.
Hexagon bolts, hexagon flange bolts, carriage bolts,
half-round head oval neck bolts, square-head bolts, T-
bolts, U-bolts, anchor bolts, guide bolts, hexagon head
wood screws, hexagon socket head cap screws, hexa-
gon square nuts, and various washers.
Tel: +86-531-87881740
Fax: +86-531-87871032
Jinjiang Yonggu Fasteners Co.,Ltd.
DIN, ANSI, JIS: Bolts & nuts. Shaped bolts, shaped nuts.
Tel: +86-595-85522999
Fax: +86-595-85526996
Lederer Shanghai Fastener
Trading Co.,Ltd.
Screws, bolts, threaded rods, studs, plugs, washer assem-
blies, set screws, pins, rivets, nuts, washers, rings, collars,
Tel: +86-21-54335280
Fax: +86-21-54335281
. 61 .
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
Top Suppl i er s
Linan Tianmu Electric Power
Accessories Co.,Ltd.
Hot dip galvanized bolts, nuts and washers in Grade 4.8, 6.8, 8.8.
Tel: +86-571-63821078
Fax: +86-571-63821958
Machinery Limited
Nakashimada is the leader in the world cold forging
industry, delivering the most accurate and depend-
able machines to world-class customers including
watches, automobiles to aircrafts. From 1D2B (1-die 2-blow) to multi-station 7D7B,
Tel: +86-13554770032, +86-755-82211008
Fax: +86-755-61237382
Nanjing Xi Diou Stainless Steel
Stainless steel bolts and nuts with steel grades 316L, 904L,
254SMO, 1.4529, AL6XN, HasC276, 2205, 2507, non-standard
hardware components and other stainless steel materials (round
bar, flat bar, angle bar, channel, flange plate, tube, coil, etc).
Tel: +86-18761846904
Fax: +86-25-52300650
Ningbo Beilun DaQi Orient
Standard Fastener Factory
Hex socket pipe plugs in DIN906, DIN908, DIN910, hex
socket set screws in DIN913, DIN914, DIN915.
Tel: +86-574-86133818
Fax: +86-574-86136567
Pinghu Huaye Fasteners Co.,Ltd.
DIN6923(GB6177), DIN6331, IFI, JIS, etc. Nuts,
sleeve pipes, T-style nuts, spacers, square nuts,
flange nuts, non-standard nuts, wheel nuts, high-
strength fasteners, DIN6923, DIN6331, square nuts.
Tel: +86-573-85229068
Fax: +86-573-85084850
Pinghu Xiongfeng Hardware
Products Co.,Ltd.
Eye nuts, eye bolts, flat washers, nuts, stampings, hex keys.
Tel: +86-573-85921338, 85930578
Fax: +86-573-85920998
Ruian Daqianyuan Fastener
Rivet nuts, ANSI rivet nuts, fasteners, BS rivet nuts, pull rivet nuts, stainless steel rivet
nuts, pull riveting gun nuts, flat head rivet nuts, aluminum rivet nuts, manual pull
rivet gun nuts, pneumatic rivet guns, hex rivet nuts, M3-M12, and non-standard
Tel: +86-577-25636143
Fax: +86-577-58866268
Sailuk Rivet Co.,Ltd.
Open end blind rivets, closed end blind rivets, multi-grip
rivets, grooved types, peel type blind rivets, plastic rivets and
drive rivets, colored rivets, steel rivets, aluminium rivets, stain-
less steel rivets, copper rivets, hemfix, A-fix, cup-fix.
Tel: +86-18029293080
Fax: +86-757-86605695
. 62 .
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Top Suppl i er s
Shanghai BSC Industry Co.,Ltd.
Flat washers, spring washers, square washers,
marble angles, stamping parts, stainless
steel bolts, stainless steel nuts, stainless
steel threaded rods, steel fasteners, DIN125,
DIN9021, DIN440.
Tel: +86-21-56383752, 54488960
Fax: +86-21-56383751
Email:, billow _
Shanghai Chunri Metal Product
Pressing parts, hex wrenches, standard fasteners and non-
standard, such as GB/DIN/ANSI/ASME/JIS/UNI/NFE/AS/ISO, etc.
Normal washers, HV washers, stainless washers, insulated
washers and spring washers, etc. Drywall screws, chipboard
screws, etc.
Tel: +86-21-3751-0666
Fax: +86-21-3751-0666
Shanghai Huxi High Strength
Bolts & Nuts Factory
High strength hexagon bolts, torsion set of high strength
bolts, ANSI and DIN high strength sets, GB, non-stan-
dard high strength bolts and nuts.
Tel: +86-21-63761925, 63144342, +86-13901711298
Fax: +86-21-63140999
Shanghai JingYang Fastener
Captive screws, spring screws, self-clinching
bolts, panel fasteners, weld nuts, thumb screws,
self-tapping screws, blind rivets, screws, nuts,
non-standards fasteners.
Tel: +86-21-62139626, 27, 28, 29, 30
Fax: +86-21-62515913
Shanghai Jinrui Norm Parts
Supplies Co.,Ltd.
Flange bolts, non-standard fasteners, flanges, non-standard nuts,
non-standard bolts, egg neck bolts, plungers, U-bolts, ring bolts,
flange nuts, slot nuts, hex nuts, hex bolts, hex screws studs, rivets,
anchors, plain washers, combination bolts, tapping screws.
Tel: +86-21-59512360
Fax: +86-21-59516506
Shanghai Kingpluse Industry
Co., Ltd.
Bolts, nuts, wood screws, machine screws, self-
tapping screws, spring washers, flat washers,
anchors, etc. according to DIN, ANSI, BS and
JIS standards.
Tel: +86-21-57733852
Fax: +86-21-57736953
Shanghai Linghong Fasteners
Self tapping screws, chipboard screws, self drilling screws, all kinds of stainless
steel screws, supporting machining parts.
Tel: +86-21-57485180, 57485032, +86-13701708568
Fax: +86-21-57485033
Shanghai Xupu Fasteners Co.,Ltd.
Hex bolts (grade 4.8 and 8.8), heavy head high strength
structural bolts (grade 10.9), high strength tension control
bolts (grade 10.9), U-bolts, anchors (sleeve anchors, drop-
in anchors, wedge anchors, chemical stud bolts, nail-in
anchors, etc.), all-threaded rods, studs, nuts, washers,
non-standard fasteners, etc.
Tel: +86-21-58410574-663
Fax: +86-21-50848620
. 63 .
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
Top Suppl i er s
Shenzhen Dingsheng Hardware
Products Factory
Rivets, male and female screws, step screws, non-
standard screws, turning parts.
Tel: +86-755-28179975, 28179976
Fax: +86-755-28179977
Sun-Maku Co.,Ltd.
Self-drilling screws, self-tapping screws, wood screws,
drywall screws, chipboard screws, non-standard fasten-
ers, machine screws, roofing screws, concrete screws.
Tel: +86-769-83130568, +86-13925853081
Fax: +86-769-83130567
Email: sun _
Suzhou Chuangjia Fastener Co.,
Bolts, screws, rivets, nuts, pipe sleeves used in many
different industrial fields, such as automobiles, bicycles,
construction, electronics and electric motors.
Tel: +86-512-53667068, +86-13771903149
Fax: +86-512-53667078
Suzhou XIN FU YE Mould
Products Co.,Ltd.
Main dies, taptite dies, hexagon head dies, first dies, first and
second die casings, pins, inserts, cut off knives, cut off dies,
recess punches, thread rolling die plates, etc.
Tel: +86-512-65790769, +86-769-87687717
Fax: +86-512-65790759, +86-769-87687070
Techfast Precision Sdn. Bhd.
Self-clinching fasteners, self-clinching standoff series, self-
clinching nuts series, broadching series, stud series, knurled
head standoff series, other related self-clinching items,
electronic hardware, male/female standoffs, spacers, double ended standoffs,
swage standoffs, hex jack screws, captive panel screws, thumb screws, shoulder
screws, others turned parts, etc.
Tel: 006-0355485112
Fax: 006-0355485113
Wenzhou Fengding Fastener Mfg.
Flange bolts, hex bolts, machine screws, outsize truss
head screws with cross recess, high quality special
fasteners, and stainless steel flange bolts, cross recessed
side cut screws, etc. Grade: 4.8, 6.8, 8.8, 10.9, 12.9.
Tel: +86-577-86534867
Fax: +86-577-85506777
Wenzhou Licheng Fasteners
Set screws and non-standard parts.
Tel: +86-577-88690200, 88692886, +86-13506648461
Fax: +86-577-86779500
Wenzhou Sanlin Metals Products
Brass hex nuts, brass cap nuts, brass bolts, brass screws,
brass washers, brass precise hardware, stainless steel nuts.
Tel: +86-577-86563888, 86563866
Fax: +86-577-86562028
. 64 .
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
Top Suppl i er s
Wrth (China) Co.,Ltd.
The core values of Wrth: providing one-stop
professional solutions of C class C products
(including fasteners) and helping customers with Class C parts management
Tel: +86-00-4000-878758
Wuxi Anshida Hardware Co.,Ltd.
Open type blind rivets, sealed type blind rivets, multigrip
type blind rivets, peel type blind rivets, grooved type blind
rivets, color-plated blind rivets, large flange blind rivets, solid
rivets, semi-tubular rivets, insert nuts, etc.
Tel: +86-510-88762491, 88765068, 88765062
Fax: +86-510-88763742
Yushung Metal Products Co.,Ltd.
Silicon bronze fasteners, phosphor bronze fasten-
ers, aluminium bronze fasteners, brass fasteners,
silicon bronze rods, phosphor bronze rods, alu-
minium bronze rods, brass (naval) rods.
Tel: +86-757-81813165
Fax: +86-757-81285289
Yuyao Mingfeng Plastic Products
Expansion bolts.
Tel: +86-574-62817545, +86-13957803373
Fax: +86-574-62817172
Yuyao Xiongji Hardware Co.,Ltd.
Sleeve anchors: flange nut sleeve anchors, hex nut sleeve an-
chors, hex bolt sleeve anchors, hook bolt sleeve anchors, eye
bolt sleeve anchors; wedge anchors; hit anchors; hex bolts.
Tel: +86-574-62267698
Fax: +86-574-58102122
Zhoushan City Hesheng
Fasteners Co.,Ltd.
Fasteners, fittings, nuts, bolts, other fasteners & fittings, rivet nuts,
non-standard nuts, round nuts, lock rivet nuts, hex rivet nuts.
Tel: +86-580-8075230, +86-13705806507
Fax: +86-580-8075197
Zuudee Titanium Industry
Cold forged titanium alloy bars, bolts,teel wing nuts, wing
screws, T-screws, thumb screws, sheet Ti stamped nuts, furni-
ture nuts, cage nuts, etc. The products are strictly conformed to
the standards of GB, DIN, BS, ANSI and JIS.
Tel: +86-21-58221695
Fax: +86-21-58075251
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
Chinas auto sales
growth in July
Chinas leading steelmaker, Baosteel raised the ex-factory
price of hot-rolled coils by 150 yuan ($24.5) per metric ton for
September delivery on Aug 13, and the price of other major
products was marked up by 120 yuan per ton.
It is the frst tme the Shanghai-based steel mill has in-
creased product prices since May. Baosteel lowered prices for its
main products in June and July on sof demand, and kept prices
unchanged in August.
The steel market is showing signs of a rebound. In the 10
most recent trading days, benchmark Shanghai steel futures
surged from 3,418 yuan per ton to 3,760 yuan per ton, refect-
ing strong confdence in the market, Shanghai Securites Daily
Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. also lifed its core product
prices by 100 yuan per ton for September delivery on Aug 12.
Several factors are working in favor of steel makers. Steel
demand from property development, automobile and home ap-
pliance manufacturing is recovering; crude steel output has been
falling for three consecutve months; and steel inventories keep
dropping. These factors will shore up market sentment.
9.9% IN JULY
Chinas auto sales rose 9.9 percent
year-on-year to 1.52 million units in July,
the China Associaton of Automobile
Manufacturers (CAAM) announced.
Although the volume marked a
13.6-percent drop on a monthly basis,
the CAAM said the stll robust year-on-
year growth suggest relatvely stable
momentum in the market.
Output surpassed sales by 67,000
units in July, as producers increase stocks
to prepare for equipment maintenance
usually conducted in late July and early
August, the hotest period in which most
workers were sent on holiday, the CAAM
China is betng on its western development pro-
gram to lead a new round of economic growth as the
government is mulling diferentated policies for the
region that will feature huge spending on infrastruc-
ture, Premier Li Keqiang said.
We will roll out more preferental policies tai-
lored for the western region concerning infrastructure
projects, to accelerate the constructon and upgrading
of rail and road networks, he said.
His comments coincide with a policy announced
by the State Council to prioritze railway constructon
in the countrys central and western areas as well as
economically underdeveloped regions.
Li cited measures to guide the transfer of labor-
intensive and environmentally friendly industries from
the coastal region to the west, as well as supportve
policies to develop new energies that include wind,
solar and hydro power.
Due to rising labor costs and a saturated market,
the coastal areas are losing growth momentum. And
experts believe the western region, which boasts a
huge market and big pool of labor, is bound to become
the countrys new growth engine.
With the theme of New Future of China Fas-
teners, the 12th Fastener Trade Show Chengdu will
be held on June 6-8, 2014 at Chengdu Century City
New Internatonal Conventon & Exhibiton Center,
Chengdu, China, to help fastener and related com-
panies to seize the opportunites in Western China.
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Domest i c News
The exports and imports of the hardware product rose
9.27% in the frst six months of 2013 with the exports up 11.45%
and imports down 1.20% year-on-year. The trade surplus added
to USD 2.29 billion in the frst half compared with the same
period of last year.
The hardware industry as a whole showed a steady growth.
The revenues of large-scale companies rose 15.90% and the net
income rose 22.14%. However, the number of companies which
was in the red increased and the defcit became severer.
Although the hardware industry exhibited a steady increase,
the growth speed has slowed down. Companies are inclined to
introduce automatc equipment to reduce the labor cost so as to
improve their proft margins.
The general mechanical com-
ponent industry saw a slowdown in
the frst half of 2013 due to sluggish
demand from the equipment industry
both in domestc and internatonal mar-
kets, the trade protectonism especially
for the fastener branches, the RMB ap-
preciaton, and the increasing produc-
ton costs in China.
The output value for the general
mechanical component industry totaled
RMB 155 billion, up 2.64%. However,
the six branches of general mechanical
component industry showed uneven
development. The fastener, chain,
spring, powder metallurgy, transmission
joint branches almost remained at the
same level this year as last year.
The import and export value of
general mechanical components totaled
USD14.14 billion in the frst six months
of 2013, up 1.89%. The export value
rose 3.16% to USD 5.79 billion while
import value increased 3.16% to USD
8.35 billion.
Among all the branches, gears
showed the best performance both in
export and export. The export value of
gears jumped 8.86% to USD 2.44 bil-
lion, taking up 42.18% of the industrys
total exports. And the imports reached
USD6.20 billion, up 2.89%, accountng
for 74.3% of the total exports.
The exports of springs showed the
largest growth of 17.71%.
The previous largest exported cate-
goryfasteners, saw a decline of 0.33%
in export value, accountng for 39.7%
of the industrys total exports, second
to the gear branches. The import value
also decreased 3.38% to USD 1.48 bil-
Decline in fastener
export value
According to statstcs
released by China Associaton
of Automobile Manufacturers,
Chinas automobile export value
achieved USD 6.14 billion, down
1.81% year-on-year while ex-
ports of auto parts grew 4.59%
in the frst half of 2013.
With the improvement
of Chinese auto parts, more
and more auto part compa-
nies export their products to
the overseas markets. And the
export of auto parts made a
great contributon to the exports
of automotve products in the
frst six months, accountng for
75.82% of the total export value
for the automotve products.
Exports of engines con-
tnued to decline and tres also
decreased 2.08%. Exports of
automotve parts, accessories
and bodies totaled USD14.71
billion, up 9.17%. Other automo-
tve products rose 3.16% to USD
5.66 billion.
. 67 .
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Domest i c News
China Ofcial PMI in
Chinas factory actvity
expanded at the fastest pace in
more than a year in August with
a jump in new orders, raising
hopes that a rapid economic
slowdown in the worlds second-
largest economy may have been
The purchasing managers
index (PMI) fgure, published by
the Natonal Bureau of Statstcs,
rose to 51.0 in August from 50.3
in July.
Beijing has stepped up ef-
forts to prevent a sharp economic
slowdown by quickening railway
investment and public housing
constructon and introducing a
series of measures to help smaller
companies, which could sustain
the revival of internal demand in
the coming months.
The sub-index measur-
ing new orders rose to 52.4 in
August from 50.6 in July, indicat-
ing stronger demand for Chinese
goods. Export orders returned to
expansionary territory, rising to
50.2 from 49.0 in July, suggestng
external demand is also up.
The worldwide market for motor-
cycle components, including those for
electric bicycles and motorcycles, is
forecast to expand 7.5 percent annually
to $119.5 billion in 2017. The Asia/Pa-
cifc region, which has both the highest
motorcycle producton and the most
motorcycles in use, will contnue to
dominate worldwide demand, repre-
sentng four-ffhs of total motorcycle
parts consumpton in 2017.
Global sales of motorcycle parts
will be fueled by rising motorcycle
output and an expansion in the size of
the motorcycle park, both the result
of beter standards of living in devel-
oping natons. China will remain by
far the largest natonal market, with
India and Indonesia also important
because of their large populatons,
plus the large size of their motorcycle
manufacturing industries, which boost
associated component consumpton.
There is a strong correlaton between
average income levels and motorcycle
and related parts demand. In emerg-
ing economies where motorcycles are
an atractve alternatve to walking,
riding a bicycle, or using mass transit,
good gains in motorcycle component
sales are triggered once certain per
capita income thresholds have been
China Fastener Info has ofcially launched the 2013
Prestgious China Fastener Brand Awards, for honoring the
excellent brand companies whove devoted themselves to
promotng China fastener brands in 2013.
Three awards will be unveiled, which include 2013 Top
10 Prestgious China Fastener Domestc Brand Awards, 2013
Top 10 Prestgious China Fastener Export Brand Awards, and
2013 Top 10 Prestgious China Fastener
Machinery Brand Awards.
These awards will be announced on
October 30, 2013 at the 11th Fastener
Trade Show Suzhou.
. 68 .
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Domest i c News
The 11th Fastener Trade Show Suzhou with theme of Fantastc
Suzhou, Fabulous Event scheduled for October 30-31, 2013 at Suzhou
Internatonal Expo Center, Suzhou, China, is experiencing a real book-
ing boom.
Till now there are more than 300 exhibitors to over 550 booths
have secured their stand space, and we are stll receiving a great number
of inquiries every day. We therefore plan to expand the show to meet
the huge demand for stand space, says organizer China Fastener Info.
Its reported that around 35% of the exhibitors are those famous
companies in China and many fastener-making machinery exhibitors
have booked large exhibit space.
The organizer noted that the 11th Fastener Trade Show Suzhou is
expected to atract 600 companies to display fasteners, tools, equip-
ment, molds, surface treatment and raw materials to 12,000 profession-
al visitors in terms of the current booking boom and pre-registraton.
Apart from the fastener brands, exhibitors
from areas of Zhenhai, Jiashan, Pinghu, Yongnian
and South Korea are to feature their pavilions at
the show.
Suzhou, one of the central cites in Yangtze
River Delta, is the most developed and modern
cites in Jiangsu province. The province saw a
high growth of 10.1% to RMB 5405.8 billion
in the gross domestc producton in 2012, the
second highest province in China. Suzhou con-
tributes the largest proporton to the provinces
GDP growth.
Besides, the city enjoys a very convenient
transportaton with only 80 km away from
Shanghai, and less than 200 km away from
Jiaxing, Wuxi, Ningbo, Hangzhou and the like
fastener manufacturing cites. Thus the show
not only can help you easily connect with most
of the fastener manufacturers in China, but also
can provide you a good chance to visit their fac-
tories, saving your tme, money and energy, the
most efectve way to do your business.
More informaton about the 11th Fastener
Trade Show Suzhou, please visit www.fastener-
The organizer noted that the 11th Fastener Trade Show
Suzhou is expected to attract 600 companies to display
fasteners, tools, equipment, molds, surface treatment
and raw materials to 12,000 professional visitors in
terms of the current booking boom and pre-registra-
. 69 .
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Domest i c News
According to a new report published by Transparency Market
Research Industrial Fasteners Market (Externally Threaded, Aero-
space Grade and Standard) for Automotve OEM, Machinery OEM,
MRO and Constructon Applicatons - Global Industry Analysis, Size,
Share, Growth, Trends and Forecast, 2012 - 2018, the global demand
for industrial fasteners was valued at USD 65.50 billion in 2011 and is
expected to reach USD 94.65 billion in 2018, growing at a CAGR of 5.4%
from 2012 to 2018.
Economic development in countries such as China, Brazil and India
has led to a rise in disposable income of consumers which in turn has
resulted in growing demand for automobiles. This factor is expected
to be one of the primary reasons driving the growth of the market.
In additon, rise in constructon and maintenance actvites all across
the world is expected to be an important factor which will boost the
demand for fasteners over the forecast period. However, impositon of
high ant-dumping dutes by the European Union is expected to hamper
growth of the fasteners market. Development of fasteners which are
customized for niche applicaton segments such as railways and solar
equipment is expected to open opportunites for the growth of the
market within the forecast period.
Externally threaded industrial fastener was the largest product
segment, accountng for over USD 25 billion in 2011. This product
segment is expected to show the fastest growth in the near future on
account of rapid industrializaton and rising demand for durable goods.
Other OEM segments such as electronic and electrical, fabricated
metal products and aerospace equipments were the largest applicaton
segments of fasteners and accounted for over 30% of the demand in
2011. However, demand for fasteners is expected to be highest from
constructon on account of the rising constructon and maintenance ac-
tvites worldwide. The constructon applicaton segment is expected to
grow at a CAGR of over 9% from 2012 to 2018. Automotve OEM sector
is expected to show above average growth within the forecast period.
Asia Pacifc accounted for the highest demand for industrial fasten-
ers in 2012 and is expected to account for over 45% of the market by
2018. The trend is expected to contnue over the next six years due to
factors such as rapid industrializaton and favorable economic condi-
tons, which is expected to boost the demand for durable goods and
other manufacturing and development actvites.
TVS Group frm Sundram Fasteners
is betng on United States exports to im-
prove business at a tme when domestc
demand is sluggish. The companys pro-
posed Rs 100-crore capital expenditure
this year will be to boost capabilites to
develop and manufacture new products
for exports, senior company ofcials said.
While we expect the domestc
market to be sluggish for the next two
quarters, we expect our exports to grow.
The US market has shown signs of recov-
ery, said Suresh Krishna, chairman and
managing director of the company.
While European markets contn-
ued to be hit by recession, total export
sales account for about 34% of overall
Sundram sales revenue. Export revenue
during the fnancial year 2012-13 rose
5% to Rs 678.25 crore, while overall net
proft dropped 5.7% to Rs 29.45 crore
for the quarter ended June 30, 2013.
However, volatlity in exchange rates and
slow recovery in demand from European
customers are causes for concern.
. 70 .
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Over seas News
Alcoa reported sales at its Engineered
Products and Solutons segment, including
Alcoa Fastening Systems, rose 3.4% to a record
$1.47 billion in the second quarter of 2013. ATOI
jumped 23% to $193 million, driven by favor-
able productvity and higher volumes across all
market segments.
This segment reported a record quarterly
adjusted EBITDA margin of 22.2%, compared to
20.9% and 19.2%, respectvely, for frst quarter
2013 and the same quarter last year. Overall
Alcoa sales dropped 1.9% to $5.85 billion in Q2.
First-half Engineered Products sales gained
2.9% to $2.89 billion, with ATOI increased 16.5%
to $366 million. In the opening quarter of 2013
the Engineered Products segment grew 2.4% to
$1.42 billion.
Taiwan fastener exports showed a slight decrease of 1% to NT$29.0 billion in
the second quarter of 2013 while imports fell 18% to NT$1.0 billion compared with
the same period of last year. The average price for fastener exports was NT$78.5/
kg, down 3.2% year-on-year.
The U.S. and EU remained the two largest consumers of Taiwans fasteners.
Exports for fasteners from Taiwan to the U.S. increased 2% to 286, 000 tons in Q2.
Exports to EU contnued to contract due to EUs negatve economic conditon.
The average price for fastener exports to the U.S. and EU both declined compared
with the same period in 2012 with NT$72.7/kg to the U.S. and NT$76.1/kg to EU.
Taiwan fastener exports are forecast to reach NT$29.4 billion in Q3, up 2%,
and the exports for the whole year are expected to total NT$114.3 billion. The an-
nual output value is to be around NT$122.9 billion.
The European Commission has released a notce
that the regulaton imposing ant-dumping dutes on
certain iron or steel fasteners from China extended to
Malaysia will expire 1st February 2014, unless a review
is initated.
The notce of impending expiry of certain ant-
dumping measures-(2013/C 148/04) explains that:
Union producers may lodge a writen request for a
review. This request must contain sufcient evidence
that the expiry of the measures would be likely to result
in a contnuaton or recurrence of dumping and injury.
It contnues: Should the Commission decide to
review the measures concerned, importers, exporters,
representatves of the exportng country and Union
producers will then be provided with the opportunity to
amplify, rebut or comment on the maters set out in the
review request.
EU producer can submit a writen request for a
review up untl three months before the expiry of the
original regulaton. If the Commission should decide to
conduct a review the measures will stay in place untl
the completon of said review.
. 71 .
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Over seas News
The U.S. Court of Internatonal Trade rejected Nucor Fasteners
request for a full investgaton into steel fastener imports from
China and Taiwan, American Metal Market reports.
Senior Judge Richard W. Goldberg of the U.S. Court of Inter-
natonal Trade conducted a hearing in New York in mid March to
review the key issues in the case.
Nothing new arose that suggested a favorable ruling for Nu-
cor, importer lead counsel Mathew McGrath of Barnes, Richardson
& Colburn, LLP said.
The issues were previously remanded to the U.S. Internatonal
Trade Commission, which ruled again unanimously that there was no
reasonable indicaton of injury.
Its unclear if Nucor Fastener will appeal the ruling to the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
In the past Nucor Fastener atorney Dan Pickard has indicated
Nucor Fastener would contnue to press its case despite setbacks.
In its antdumping petton, fled in September 2009, Nucor
Fastener alleged average dumping margins of 145% for Chinese
imports, and 74% for imports from Taiwan.
On August 9, the United States Internatonal Trade Commission
(USITC) determined that there is a reasonable indicaton that a U.S.
industry is materially injured by reason of imports of certain steel
threaded rod from India and Thailand that are allegedly sold in the
United States at less than fair value and alleged to be subsidized by the
Government of India. All six Commissioners voted in the afrmatve.
As a result of the Commissions afrmatve determinatons, the
U.S. Department of Commerce will contnue to conduct its investga-
tons on imports of these products, with its preliminary countervail-
ing duty determinaton due on or about September 20, 2013, and
its preliminary antdumping duty determinatons due on or about
December 4, 2013.
Product Descripton: Certain steel
threaded rod is carbon steel rod, bars,
or studs, threaded along greater than
25 percent of their length with a solid,
circular cross secton, of any diameter, in
any straight length. This product is primar-
ily used in nonresidental constructon to
suspend support systems for electrical
conduit, pipes for plumbing, HVAC duct-
work, sprinkler systems, etc. Normally,
one end of the threaded rod is fastened
to the ceiling and the other end is fastened
to the support that is holding the pipes or
ductwork or sprinkler system.
Fastenal Fastener Sales
Edge Up
Fastenal Co. reported fastener sales
rose 1.9% in the second quarter of 2013,
up slightly from the frst quarters 1.7%
gain but lower than the companys fas-
tener sales growth of 7.8% in 2012.
As a percentage of sales, Fastenals
fastener products increased from 42.9%
in the fnal quarter of 2012 to 43.1% at
the end of Q2. Ten years ago fasteners
represented about 55% of the companys
overall sales.
Overall, Fastenals pace of revenue
growth slowed Q2, with sales increasing
5.3% to $847.6 million. During 2012 the
company achieved sales gains of 13.3%.
Q2 pre-tax earnings gained 7.5% to
$192.4 million, with net earnings up 7.7%
to $121 million.
. 72 .
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Over seas News
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
The U.S. Federal Aviaton Administraton proposed
penalizing Boeings commercial airplane unit $2.75 million
for taking nearly two years to fx a problem with fasteners
on its 777 widebody airplanes.
The penalty was unusual in its size and for the fact that
it comes nearly three years afer Boeing said it addressed
the FAAs concerns, which stem from 2008. The FAA
regularly imposes smaller penaltes for rule violatons, but
mult-million-dollar amounts are far less frequent.
The acton came as Boeings 787 Dreamliner aircraf
has sufered a series of mishaps in recent weeks, includ-
ing a spontaneous fre on an Ethiopian Airlines-owned 787
that was parked at a remote stand at Londons Heathrow
Safety is our top priority and a robust quality control
system is a vital part of maintaining the worlds safest air
transportaton system, U.S. Transportaton Secretary An-
thony Foxx said in a statement announcing the acton.
Airplane manufacturers must take prompt and thor-
ough steps to correct safety and compliance problems once
they become aware of them, Foxx said.
Anixter Fasteners unveiled its new facility in Monter-
rey, Mexico.
The new facility is intended to support Anixters cus-
tomers in Mexico and facilitate the growing demand in the
The 50,000 sq f facility includes 45,000 sq f of ware-
house space for local inventory; 5,397 racking positons;
and 5 shipping docks for faster deployment.
JULY 2013
From 1 July 2013, the CE Marking of constructon
products covered by harmonized European Standards
is legally required.
Manufacturers, importers and distributors have
new obligatons and responsibilites when placing
a constructon product in the marketplace. Design-
ers, Architects and builders should also be aware and
understand the new requirements on constructon
Constructon Products Regulaton (the CPR) has
already entered into force. However, the main parts of
its substantal Artcles shall apply frst from 1 July 2013.
The EU Constructon Products Regulaton (No.
305/2011) (CPR) lays down the harmonised conditons
for the sale and supply of constructon products and is
directly applicable in its entrety into UK law.
The constructon products include ceiling mate-
rial, structural metal products, fasteners, doors and
windows, etc.
It is therefore essental that all partes in the
constructon products supply chain understand their
legal obligatons in order to allow themselves suf-
cient preparaton tme to achieve compliance, which
could take up to several months to achieve in terms
of setng up the required procedures and product
The already applicable parts of the CPR focus on
the notfcaton and designaton processes of the Not-
fed Bodies (NB) and the Technical Assessment Bodies
. 74 .
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Over seas News
Japan fastener export volume declined 8.2%
year-on-year to 28,448 tons in June of this year and
value rose 1.3% to 25,290,282,000 yen. The main
consumers of Japan fasteners in June were the U.S.,
Mainland China and Thailand.
Japan fastener imports jumped 20.4% to
20,767 tons in volume in June and grew 38.4% to
7,655,987,000 yen in value compared with the same
period in 2012. The main importers of Japans fasten-
ers in June were Mainland China, China Taiwan and
the U.S.
China and Switzerland are discussing a reciprocal
trade deal that would see import duty exempted for the
majority of imports from either side.
The two sides have signed a memorandum of
understanding to end the talks on a bilateral free trade
agreement afer nine rounds over the past more than
two years, Yu Jianhua, Chinas assistant commerce min-
ister, said at a press conference.
Yu said the two sides are discussing the possibility
to ink the agreement in July.
All industrial goods, including textles, clothes, met-
al products, auto parts and components, from China to
Switzerland will enjoy zero tarifs. More than 960 types
of Chinese agricultural products will be on the list of
duty exempt items, Yu said.
U.S. Fastener imports & exports both contracted
in June. Fastener imports of the U.S. dropped 5%
to $375,268,226 while fastener exports fell 7% to
$296,870,872 in June.
The top fve exporters to the U.S. in June were China
Taiwan (down 5.12% month-on-month to $117.52 million);
Mainland China (down 2.99% to $85.61 million); Japan (up
0.51% to $55.00 million); Germany (down 4.46% to $22.71
million); and Canada (up 2.42% to $22.42 million).
The top fve consumers of U.S. fasteners during the
month were Canada (down 3.53% month-on-month to
$90.35 million); Mexico (down 12.76% to $87.91 million); UK
(down 4.22% to $13.85 million); Mainland China (down 7.41%
to $9.74 million); and France, which replaced Brazil as the
ffh largest importer of U.S. fasteners at $9.50 million.
The Wrth Group closed the frst half of 2013
with total sales of EUR 4.9 billion. This corresponds to
a year-over-year decrease of 3.0 percent, which can
be atributed to the difcult economic environment
in key markets such as Germany, especially in the frst
quarter of the year 2013.
Robert Friedmann, Chairman of the Central Man-
aging Board of the Wrth Group, regards the situaton
as challenging, but is nonetheless optmistc for the
second half of the year. The second quarter of 2013
is already pointng towards a recovery. Other leading
indicators such as incoming orders in our electronics
group or the development of our automotve busi-
nesses give us reason to expect stronger sales growth
in the Wrth Group over the next six months.
Wrth is focusing on the development of new
business segments such as e-business and targeted
investments in growth markets to cross the 10 billion
mark in the current business year. We are stll expect-
ing to see low single-digit sales growth and a satsfac-
tory development of the operatng result in 2013.
. 75 .
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Over seas News
Koninklijke Nedschroef Holding has formally
inaugurated a new producton site for subsidiary
Nedschroef Fasteners Kunshan Co., Ltd.
The ceremony took place on 5th 6th
June at the Jinxi eco-industrial park, Kunshan
(between Shanghai and Suzhou). It took only 7
months for the plants planning and construc-
ton. Nedschroef frst established a trading busi-
ness in China in 2006. The new plant will supply
high specifcaton automotve fasteners.
In an interview with Metal Supply and Sales Magazine, general
director of Prommetz Associaton B.M. Yarantzev commented on the
current protectve measures against imported fasteners.
The protectve measure has been in force for 21 months now
without any of the negatve predictons coming true; while positve
results are appearing. Introducton of the protectve measure has
encouraged investment in the fastener sector.
Unfortunately, the duraton of the protectve measure against
imports of machine building fasteners is limited to three years and will
be terminated in March 2014. If we succeed in prolonging the duraton
of the protectve measure for 6 more years, then in 2020 Russia we will
have a modern compettve domestc producton of machine building
fasteners. In his interview Yarantzev also identfed current barriers in
the way of intensive development of the hardware industry.
Prometz, which represents the largest Russian manufacturers of
metal products, is commited to obtaining the extension of the protec-
tve measures. Mr. Yarantzev believes the extension will allow Russian
producers to reconstruct their producton and compete with imports.
The measure was introduced for a three year term on 18th
March 2011 under Government Decree N 68 On special protectve
measure against fasteners enacted 12th February 2011 and the deci-
sion of the CCC on 22nd June 2011 number 703. The measures are
scheduled to end 17th March 2014.
The Rosmetz hardware associaton is more skeptcal about the
benefts of the protectve measure. During the period of the protec-
tve measures, Rosmetz says, the volume of imports of fasteners has
not changed as a percentage of the volume of Russian producton and
consumpton has increased. 2012 exports of fasteners produced by
Russian companies decreased by 37.1%, indicatve, Rosmetz believes
of contnued challenges in competng with foreign manufacturers.
According to the coordinator of Rosmetz, Alexander Semenov,
the challenge for Russian-made hardware is not only to upgrade
equipment but also to develop the use of modern technology. This
will reduce the cost of producton, allowing competton with imports
on the key indicatorthe fnal price of the product. The technologies
will also allow the producton of high quality fasteners.
A simple extension of the protectve measures and the orienta-
ton towards only Russian-made fasteners on the domestc market,
says Semenov, will not lead to positve results, as evidenced by the
current situaton.
KAMAXs new branchKAMAX Automo-
tve Fasteners (China) Co., Ltd. ofcially opened
on September 2rd in Changzhou, China.
KAMAX is the worlds leading manu-
facturer of high-strength fasteners for the
automotve industry. The KAMAX Automotve
Fasteners (China) Co., Ltd., located in West Tai
Lake Technology Industrial Zone (Wujin Eco-
nomic Development Zone) of Changzhou City,
China, mainly produces high precise and high-
strength bolts for automotve engines. The
annual producton is expected to reach 25,000
tons with the value of USD 100 million.
. 76 .
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Over seas News
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The 9th
Fastener Trade Show
Photo Highlights
Reported by China Fastener Info
. 80 .
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
he 9th Fastener Trade Show Chengdu with the
theme of New Directon, New Benchmark,
New Takeof was held on July 18-19, 2013 at the
Chengdu Century City New Internatonal Conventon
& Exhibiton Center, Chengdu, China.
Many famous fastener and related companies
displayed fasteners, molds, equipment, surface
treatment, raw materials to thousands of visitors
from all over the world. It is worth mentoning that
the show specially set up the bearing zone for the
famous bearing companies in China.
Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan Province and is a
rising economic engine in Chinas West Develop-
ment Strategy. Last year, Sichuan Province ranked
in the top 10 in terms of foreign direct investment
The 2013 Fortune Global Forum opened on 6 June
2013 in Chengdu themed Chinas New Future. Its
also the frst one hosted by a western Chinese city,
following Shanghai, Hong Kong and Beijing.
So we can see that Chengdu, called as the fourth
pole of Chinese economy, is releasing a huge
growth potental. A Western movement has set of
in Chinas manufacturing industry.
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
. 81 .
Exhi bi t i ons
The fastener brands included Zhongshan Win&Best, Dongtai Huawei, Ningbo
Fastener Factory, Dongguan Chunyu, LEDA Metal, Zhejiang New Oriental,
Shanghai Fast-Fix, Ningbo Chaoxin, Zhejiang Kaisheng, VOV Metalware, Hai-
yan Brother United, Handan Feda, PATTA, Guangzhou Rivet, Jiaxing Chaoboer,
Jingjiang Hengfeng, etc. Besides, many fastener-making equipment compa-
nies also showcased their latest machines in the show including Biing Feng,
Zhejiang Yeswin, Ching Chan, Shenzhen Henggong, Shanghai Jiancai, etc.
The 10th
Fastener Trade Show
Sees a Big Success
Reported by China Fastener Info
Te 10th Fastener Trade Show Guangzhou
held on July 3-4, 2013 at Guangzhou Poly
World Trade Expo Center, proved to be a big
success. A great many fastener brands in China
and around 11,000 professional visitors from all
over the world participated in this event for the
fastener world.
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Exhi bi t i ons
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In additon, exhibitors from Yongnian and
Korea featured their pavilions in the show,
aiming to investgate and develop the poten-
tal Chinese market.
During the two-day event, the exhibitors put
a comprehensive range of industrial fasten-
ers, tools, equipment, molds, surface treat-
ment and raw materials, as well as manufac-
turing technology on display.
Guangzhouthe central city
of the Pearl River Delta, is
a key natonal transporta-
ton hub and trading port in
China. Therefore, the 10th
Fastener Trade Show Guang-
zhou had become the best
platorm for the fastener
companies to get the latest
informaton of the industry
and catch the important busi-
ness opportunites.
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CFD2013 Plus Debuts in
National Hardware Show
Reported by China Fastener Info
he 68th annual Natonal Hardware Show (NHS 2013) was held at the Las Vegas Con-
venton Center on May 7-9, 2013. China Fastener Info atended the show with the
newly published China Fastener Directory 2013 Plus (CFD2013Plus).
There were 12 exhibit product
categories, including Build-
ing Products, Farm & Ranch,
Hardware & Tools, Homewares,
Internatonal Sourcing Area,
Inventors Spotlight, Lawn Garden
& Outdoor, Paint & Accessories,
Pet Products, Plumbing & Elec-
trical, Storage & Organizaton,
Outdoors, Tailgate & Recreaton. According to the statstcs, NHS 2013 atracted
more than 1,700 exhibitors, about 20 of which were Chinese fastener companies,
such as Yuyao Xintai, Haiyan Guangda, Suno Group, etc.
During the 3-day show, China Fastener Info found that most
of the visitors came from the US and Mexico, while some
others came from Europe, Middle East and Asia. A majority
of the visitors were involved in hardware, machinery, home
improvement, and sanitary ware industries.
he INDOFASTENER 2013, a dedi-
cated trade fair for the fastener
and fxing industry opened on 23-25
May 2013 at Jakarta Internatonal
Expo Kemayoran, Jakarta-Indonesia.
Organized by PT Wahana Kemalaniaga
2013 as an excellent opportunity for
raw material suppliers, manufacturers
of fastener producton machinery and
equipment, and product manufactur-
ers to come into closer contact with
buyers, specifers, distributors and in-
dustry professionals from across Indo-
nesia and the neighbouring countries
of Southeast Asia who are constantly
sourcing for the latest and cutng-
edge fastener and fxing technologies.
The IndoAutomotve and Ifmac were
concurrently held on May 23-25 2013.
The three shows combined totaled
around 200 exhibitng companies.
There were around 70 exhibitng
companies of fasteners including
Zhejiang Dongrui, Jiancai Machinery,
Taiwan Ching Chan, Taiwan PATTA,
etc. Around 80% exhibitors were from
China Taiwan, and 12% were from
Mainland China.
To both exhibitors and visitors, target-
ing Indonesia market is mainly be-
cause of its vast populaton amount-
ing 240 million people which is 40%
of ASEANs total populaton and its
high consumpton which is around
US$462 billion in 2011, the largest
in South East Asia. Some other facts
accompanied by supportng fgures
from year 2011 can explain more why
Indonesia may ofer tremendous busi-
ness prospects:
1. Total foreign investment increased
by 18% and inward foreign direct
investment (FDI) amountng US$18.2
billion refects strong investment
interest of foreign companies.
Reported by China Fastener Info
2. Having produced more vehicles than
Thailand, Indonesia becomes ASEANs
major car manufacturing base.
3. Auto sales reach 870,000 units and
is estmated to increase by 1 million
in 2012, making it one of the worlds
largest motor vehicles market.
4. Indonesia is well-known worldwide
for its quality indoor and outdoor
wooden furniture. Around 75% of its
furniture is for export. In 2010, the
export of furniture reached US$2.04
billion while ratan product export in-
creased from US$55 million in 2011 to
US$92 million in the frst half of 2012.
5. Indonesian furniture manufactur-
ers actvely seek quality manufactur-
ing machines, tools, and fastener
components to boost export with the
support of the government as part of
the countrys efort to spur further
economic growth.
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
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Exhi bi t i ons
Strong response to Hardware
+Tools Middle East
Reported by China Fastener Info
ardware+Tools Middle East which recently concluded at the Dubai
Internatonal Conventon and Exhibiton Centre reported a strong
response. Exhibitors were extremely positve on the quality of trade visi-
tors to the show which included key decision makers in the purchasing
process from the region.
Mr. Ahmed Pauwels, CEO, Epoc Messe Frankfurt, organiser of
Hardware+Tools Middle East, said: This is a very specialist market and
we are happy with both the exhibitors and visitors response to the show.
There was partcular interest in the country pavilions where a wide range
of cost efectve products was showcased.
Amongst the top visitng countries to Hardware+Tools Middle East afer
the UAE were Saudi Arabia, Oman, Iran and India. Exhibitors felt that a
number of high quality visitors interested in doing business visited their
stands and they deemed the exhibiton a useful platorm for entering the
regional market.
Mr. Rajdeep Jain, Managing Director, Satyam,
who was partcipatng as part of the frst tme
India Pavilion, commented: We are here to
explore the markets of the Middle East. This
is a good meetng point for all Middle East
customers and we can also fnd new custom-
ers. The show has been very fruitul and we
will defnitely come back.
Also taking part in the India Pavilion was Mr.
Rakesh Sharma, Duty Manager, Exports for
Kangaro. He said: This is our frst tme here
and the response has been good. Visitors were
mostly end customers and some really good
distributors. We will come back next year
because this is a really good show.
Yuyao Mingfeng
China Fastener Info
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Taking part in the Taiwan Pavilion was another
frst tme exhibitor Torque Tech Precision Co.
Ltd. Cathy Lin, Account Representatve, said:
We came here because we have some new
products which we wanted to introduce to the
Middle East market. We have met customers
from Iran, UAE and Kuwait that are looking for
new products so it has been a very good show for us.
European-based exhibitors also expressed optmism sur-
rounding their experience at Hardware+Tools Middle East.
Hani Jaber, Sales Manager of Einhell Middle East Trading
FZC was extremely positve at their outng: Coming to
Hardware+Tools Middle East 2013 was the right decision.
Customers coming from Nigeria, Lebanon, Algeria have really
liked our products. All in all, its a very good experience.
Meanwhile, frst tme exhibitor Ihab Al Naimi, Director
of Sales & Business Development for German company
Alnatec, said: For us it was the frst tme exhibitng in the
Middle East and our expectatons have been met. That
means we had visitors from the entre region and from not
expected countries such as Africa.
Hardware+Tools Middle East also had strong representa-
ton from local UAE companies. One of the UAE exhibitors
excited about the response was Lalit Bhamburkar, Manager
of Amana FZE, who said: It was a good show. We have
had a number of interested trade buyers asking about our
products and we hope to exhibit at Hardware+Tools Middle
East again in 2014. Furthermore, Sales Executve at local
company Al Saeed Equipment Trading Est, Mr. Farshid, said:
Its a very good way to launch our products and have good
exposure to the regional customers. We are getng a very
good response from customers and we are hoping to get
good deals through our partcipaton.
As the only dedicated trade fair for hardware, tools and
accessories in the region, Hardware+Tools Middle East has
four main focus areas, namely: Tools, Machinery, Materials
and Hardware. The exhibiton mirrors the regional market
trends and focuses the atenton of manufacturers and sup-
pliers to regional requirements. It is considered as a viable
trade and business development platorm for industry play-
ers looking to engage and interact with regional buyers.
Yongnian Longteng
Sansega Industry
Ningbo Mingli
Chi n a F a s t e n e r Di r e c t o r y 2 01 4 www. chi naf ast ener. i nf o
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Exhi bi t i ons
CFD Continues to Explore ASEAN Markets
Automotive Manufacturing Expo 2013 Report
utomotve Manufacturing 2013 was grandly held from 20-
23 June, 2013 at BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand. As a part of
Manufacturing Expo 2013, it is Thailands only machinery and
technology exhibiton for the automotve parts manufacturing.
The concurrent events included InterPlas Thailand 2013, InterMold
Thailand 2013 and Assembly Technology 2013.
Its estmated that Manufacturing Expo 2013 atracted
around 900 exhibitors, who were mainly from Southeast
Asian countries. The Automotve Manufacturing 2013 drew
350 technology providers from 22 countries, including 5
internatonal pavilions, China, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and
Vietnam to serve a total of 48,941 partcipants with their
compettve products and technologies.
According to KResearch, 2013 will be another promising
year for the Thai automobile industry as it is expected that
car exports will hit a record high of perhaps 1.23 million to
1.26 million units, up 20-26% year on year. As a result, the
overall auto producton will reach a new high of 2.5 million
to 2.6 million units, thus rising 5-9% year on year.
The projecton signals the unceasing growth of Thai auto-
motve industry. The automotve parts manufacturers need
to upgrade the producton in response to the high demands
with high-efciency machines and technologies.
In additon to the automotve, there are another three
major fastener markets in Thailand, which are electronics,
infrastructure and airport.
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Reported by China Fastener Info
eed Exhibitons Japan Ltd., the show organizer, has announced that Manufacturing World Osaka 2013 will be held
with the largest number of exhibitors ever from October 2 (Wed) - 4 (Fri), 2013 at INTEX Osaka, Japan. Manufactur-
ing World Osaka 2013 represents a collectve ttle for 16th Mechanical Components & Materials Technology Expo Osaka
(M-Tech), 16th Design Engineering & Manufacturing Solutons Expo Osaka (DMS) and 4th Medical Device Development &
Manufacturing Expo Osaka (MEDIX). The show is estmated to have the most-ever 900* exhibitors and 32,000* visitors
from around the world, which makes the Western Japans largest trade fair in the manufacturing industry. (*estmated)
As home to many local companies, the Western Japan area, centering on Osaka, has been leading the Japanese manu-
facturing industry for years. Hence, Manufacturing World Osaka always atracts decision makers and professionals of
the industry from Asian countries as well as Japan. This year, Taiwan, Korea and Thailand will build up their own pavilions,
which will make a meetng place where Asias most advanced technologies will create the latest internatonal trend.
Manufacturing World Osaka 2013 Coming Soon
~Western Japans Largest Manufacturing Technology Trade Fair~
Dates: October 2 (Wed)-4 (Fri), 2013
Venue: INTEX Osaka, Japan
Organizer: Reed Exhibition Japan Ltd.
Most-ever 900* Exhibitors & 32,000* visitors
Manufacturing World Osaka Show Management
Dates: October 2 (Wed)-4 (Fri), 2013 Venue: INTEX Osaka, Japan
TEL: +81-3-3349-8518 E-mail:
URL: htp://
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Jan-Jun 2013 China Fastener Imports
Top 20 Countries/Regions
Jan-Jun 2013 China Fastener Exports
Top 20 Countries/Regions
Rank Country/Region Value (USD) Weight (kg)
1 United States 420,904,839 230,265,795
2 Russia 171,272,484 129,773,604
3 Japan 157,283,856 75,984,149
4 Hong Kong 80,775,922 15,983,542
5 South Korea 71,773,749 42,747,185
6 Australia 63,138,826 32,794,973
7 Germany 61,249,481 29,459,589
8 Vietnam 56,080,884 15,390,404
9 Brazil 55,275,963 31,931,982
10 Saudi Arabia 53,248,757 40,215,516
11 India 53,180,160 28,561,385
12 United Arab Emirates 51,893,133 33,458,406
13 Canada 49,676,584 30,782,621
14 Singapore 48,121,997 19,157,116
15 Malaysia 42,803,452 24,181,066
16 United Kingdom 38,710,010 17,994,003
17 Thailand 37,300,801 20,189,343
18 Mexico 35,255,261 19,115,277
19 Italy 34,076,583 17,937,675
20 Turkey 31,306,131 18,937,729
HS 7318 - Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, hook screws, rivets, cotters, cotter pins, wash-
ers (including spring washers) and similar articles, of iron or steel.
According to the statstcs from China Customs, from January to June 2013, China imported 124,506 tons (-1.59% year-on-
year) of fasteners valued at 1,379,833,320 U.S. dollars (-3.12% year-on-year), and exported 1,230,642 tons (+1.97% year-on-
year) of fasteners valued at 2,206,622,799 U.S. dollars (-0.22% year-on-year).
China Fastener Imports &
Exports in First Half of 2013
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I nsi ght
Rank Country/Region Value (USD) Weight (kg)
1 Japan 392,012,965 35,208,522
2 Germany 272,885,449 27,553,336
3 South Korea 157,308,022 21,828,330
4 United States 116,925,121 5,505,896
5 Hong Kong 113,121,944 4,374,964
6 Taiwan 77,940,001 10,293,05
7 France 43,253,122 2,991,603
8 Italy 36,309,143 4,758,914
9 United Kingdom 24,161,948 1,045,448
10 Malaysia 19,742,170 446,467
11 Unknown 15,188,072 743,88
12 Switzerland 11,607,952 428,230
13 Spain 11,484,694 1,863,082
14 Czech 10,754,848 1,349,961
15 Canada 9,379,250 899,122
16 Thailand 9,227,478 496,645
17 Singapore 8,280,985 152,108
18 Sweden 6,583,949 256,307
19 Netherlands 6,363,147 771,017
20 Belgium 5,772,332 742,907
Factors Afectng the Fastener Industry Development
Adverse Factors