Training and Development at Jindal Steel

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The document discusses the training and development process at Jindal Stainless Limited based on a summer internship project.

The student's declaration states that the project report was completed by the student towards fulfilling the requirements for their MBA degree and has not been submitted elsewhere.

The different chapters covered include an introduction, company profile, research methodology, training process, data analysis and interpretation, findings, limitations, suggestions and conclusion.


I Gulnapsa Parwin student of Master of Business Administration(2012-14),Astha School

of Management, Bhubaneswar hereby declare that this project report entitled Training and
Development Process at Jindal Stainless Limited is a genuine report carried out by me &
it is a confide record of work done at Jindal Stainless Limited, located at (Kalinga Nagar
Industrial Complex),Jajpur Road, under guidance of Mr.Avinash Kumar, Associate
Manager(HR) in Jindal Stainless Limited, & Prof.BipulKumar (Faculty Guide) Astha
School Of Management, Bhubaneswar towards the partial fulfilment of the Master of
Business Administration degree. This project report has not been submitted by anyone to any
university for the reward of post graduate program in management.

Date Gulnapsa Parwin


I acknowledge my indebtedness to our Prof. Bipul Kumar, Dean Astha School of
Management, for his guidance & clarifying the doubts in the area of my project study. I am
also thankful to all other faculty members of our college for their kind co-operation with me
for the preparation of this report. I respect the kindliness and gratuity all have shown to me
among all other students. for providing the opportunity to do Summer Internship Project in
Jindal Stainless Ltd. I feel honoured to take this opportunity to sincerely thank Mr.Ashok
Rath, AGM(Training & Development) Jindal Stainless Ltd, who allowed me to work under
such an esteemed organization. I am also thankful to my SIP Project Guide Mr. Avinash
Kumar Associate Manager(HR)& all employees of JSL HR centre for providing me the
necessary information & relevant data & helping me in completion of the project. I am also
thankful to all the respondents who played a major role in completion of this research work
and without their help I could not have completed the project.


Chapter- 1
Chapter -2
Company profile
Chapter - 3
Research Methodology
Chapter - 4
Training Process
Development Process
Important of T & D
Aim of Training Process
JSL Training Process

Chapter 5
Data Analysis & Interpretation
Chapter 6
Chapter -7
Chapter 8


Training is the short-term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by
which non-managerial personnel acquire technical knowledge and skills for a definite
purpose. It refers to instruction is technical and mechanical operations like operation of some
machine. It is designed primarily for non-managers, it is for a short duration and it is for a
specific job-related purpose.
Training is the continuous, systematic development among all level of employees of that
knowledge and their skill attitude which contribute to their welfare and that of the company.
Training is different from education particularly formal education. The education is
concerned mainly with enhancement of knowledge, but the aim of training is the increase
knowledge while changing attitudes and competences in good manner. Basically the
education is formulated within the framework and to syllabus , but the training is not formed
in to the frame and as well as syllabus. It may differ from one employee to another, one group
to another even the group in the same class. The reason for that can be mentioned as
difference of attitudes and skills from one person to another. Even the situation is that, after
good training program me, all different type skilled one group of employees can get in to
similar capacity, similar skilled group. Training in an organisation can be mainly of two
types; Internal and external training sessions. Internal training involves when training is
organized in-house by the human resources department or training department using either a
senior staff or any talented staff in the particular department as a resource person.
Development is a long-term systematic process of growth and development by which
the managers develop their abilities to manager. so it is the result of not only participation in
formal courses of instruction but also of actual job experience. It is the concerned with
improving the performance of the manager by giving them opportunities for growth and
Development concerns the means by which a person cultivates those skills which
application will improve the efficiency and effectiveness with which the anticipated results of
a particular organisational segment are achieved.

Training is systemic and Standard Operating Practices (SOP) oriented

Industrial training is not a random process. It is highly systematic and related to the
short term and long term business plan of an industry. It is integral part of employee
productivity which is linked to the Knowledge enhancement, skill up gradation and
developing sound positive attitude. This in turn will make the employee more productive
and there by building a high performance organization. Other side of the coin is that training
is sacrosanct and system driven by Quality Management Systems ( QMS) like ISO- 9001 -
2008( International Standard Organization),EMS( Environment Management System- 14001-
2004),OHSAS( Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series-18001-2007) and IMS(
Integrated Management System).In all these QMS ,Training is an integral part comely
addressing Training Need Identification or Gap Analysis, Available training plan and
Effectiveness of Training and a laid down process and system though standard Operating
Practices ( SOPs) with records which is subjected to internal ,inter-unit audit by internal
qualified auditors as well as periodic ( 6 monthly ) and surveillance ( Re-certificate Audit by
the certifying agencies .The Non-Conformities ( NCs) need to be closed through action plan
.The reference clauses under the system is as follows .

QMS Ref.Clauses
ISO- 9001 -2008 6.2.2
Environment Management System-
Occupational Health and Safety
Assessment Series-18001-2007
IMS Ref. Clauses of all the above standards

The permanent employees of HR department of JSL.
This project concentrates on training policies of JSL.
To examine the process of training in overall development of skills of workforce.
To examine the impact of training on the workers.
To study the changes in behavioural pattern due to training.
To present a panoramic view of recruitment process in JSL.

Reason for emphasizing the growth and development of personnel include creating a pool of
readily available and adequate replacements for personnel who may leave or move up in the
Enhancing the companys ability to adopt and use advances in technology
because of a sufficiently knowledgeable staff.
Building a more efficient, effective and highly motivated team which enhances
the companys competitive position and improves employee morale.
Ensuring adequate human resources for expansion into new program



Jindal organisation was set up in 1970 by the steel visionary ShriO.P.Jindal. Since his
childhood the young Jindal had interested in technical work. He started his industrial career
with a small bucket- manufacturing unit in Hisar. In 1964, he commissioned a Pipe Unit
Jindal India Limited, followed by a large factory in 1970 under the name Jindal Strips
Limited . Since three decades it has emerged as one of Indias most dynamic group. Jindal
Stainless Limited is Indias largest integrated manufacturer of international quality stainless
steel products in Austenitic, ferritic and Martenistic grades with a strong export market in the
US, Europe, Middle East and South Asian countries. With a turnover of 2300 corer while
catering to 40% of the domestic demand.
JSL Stainless Ltd is Indias largest and only integrated stainless steel manufacturer. It
is one of the top 10 rated stainless steel producers in the world. From mining of iron ore , the
group produces hot rolled and cold-rolled steel and stainless steel products, high grade
pipes, values added galvanized and other item and has also diversified into power generation.
The Jindal Group has manufacturing unit across India , US and Indonesia.
Jindal Stainless is a Greenfield integrated Stainless Steel project in the state of Odisha
with capacity of 1.6 mtpa which involve mining of Iron, manganese& chrome ore for
production of ferroalloys and Stainless Steel in the melt shop and rolling mills. To meet the
full requirement of power, Jindal Stainless has a 500 MW captive power plant.
JSL Odisha Greenfield phase-1 facilities include :
=2*60 MVA Ferro chrome furnaces with 15000T per annum capacity.
=1*27.5 MVA Ferro manganese furnaces with 50000T per annum capacity.
=2*125 MW power plant
=Coke oven battery 4 25,000T per annum coke.

JSL Odisha Greenfield phase-II facilities include :
It includes 3 units
SMS (Steel Melting Shop)
HSM (Hot Strip Mill)
CRM (Cold Rolling Mill)


Shri Om Parkas Jindal more popularly known as O.P. Jindal was born on August 7
in1930. Since his childhood the young Jindal had interested in technical work. He started his
industrial career with a small bucket-manufacturing unit in Hisar. In 1964, he commissioned
a Pipe Unit Jindal India Limited, followed by a large factory in 1970 under the name Jindal
Strips Limited. He created thousands of jobs in backward areas, built schools and hospitals
and was deeply admired for his philanthropy. He entered politics and was the Minister of
Power in Haryana at the time of his tragic death in a helicopter crash in 2005.
In November 2004, Sh. Jindal was conferred the prestigious "Life Time Achievement
Award" for his outstanding contribution to the Indian Steel Industry by the Bengal Chamber
of Commerce & Industry.
His life's mission was to help others, particularly the common man in every possible
way. He was dedicating his maximum time for alleviating poverty of the economically
backward people. Shri.Jindal's mantra was "where others saw walls, he saw doors". Then
whether it was opening doors or breaking down walls he always led the way. The life journey
of Sh. O P Jindal is in the form of a successful industrialist, a philanthropist, a politician and
a charismatic leader.

JSL is an ISO: 9001, ISO: 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certified company and has come
a long way from its incorporation in 29th September of the year 1980 as Jindal Ceramics
Limited. JSLS is India's largest stainless steel manufacturer having manufacturing facilities at
three locations at Hisar, Vizag and Orissa. Manufactures different ranges of flat steel
products and serves the domestic and international markets. Part of the Rs. 50,000 cr. O P
Jindal Group, JSL Stainless Ltd. is Indias largest and only integrated Stainless Steel
manufacturer. With a turnover of Rs. 5700 cr. it captures 35% of the domestic market share
and has a strong global presence in 40 countries worldwide. Its manufacturing plants are
located in Hisar (Haryana), Kalinganagar (Orissa), Vizag and Indonesia for manufacture of
stainless steel flat products in Austenitic, Ferritic and Martenistic grades as well as high value
added precision strips. JSL ranks among the four global specialty steel producers and is also
the world leader in producing 200 series Cr-Mn Stainless grade.
The Jindal group today is a global player, with its products accessing even the
remotest global markets. It is committed to maintain world-class quality standards, efficient
delivery schedules and also focus on cost differentiation strategy, and create a competitive
challenge for competitive market. The Group has 14 constituent companies with the sub-
groups being headed by four sons of Mr.O.P Jindal.

To be amongst the top 10 stainless steel producers in the world
Builds lasting relationship with customers based on trust and mutual benefits.
To gain international reorganisation for cost leadership, product innovation and
customer satisfaction
Build opportunity and responsibility to make a meaningful different in peoples life.
To be admired as a socially responsibility Corporate and sustained value creator for
all its stakeholders
Integrity: Conduct all business dealings along transparent lines.
Respect for Individual: Recognise Individual's contribution in the growth and
Development of the Company and treat all Jindal its with respect and dignity.
Meritocracy: Foster an environment of excellence in performance and
Dynamic Thinking: Demonstrate a winner's attitude with a crystal clear focus to deliver
sustained value for all stakeholders.
Creativity &Innovation: Encourage creative experimentation, embracing new ideas and
institutionalize continuous improvement in all aspects of
Business performance.

Social Responsibility: Dedicate efforts to the social and environmental issues to enrich the
Quality of life of community we serve.

Our Guiding principles are based on the Core values. They are the standards for
conduct of business and behaviour of all our employees.

Value Creation: Sustained value creation for all its stakeholders; Customer, Employee,
Supplier, Shareholder, Society & Nation.
Creativity & Innovation: Encourage creative experimentation and institutionalize
continuous improvement in all aspects of business and performance.
Transparency: Conduct all business dealings along transparent lines.
Environment, Safety and Health: Manage and protect the safety and health of our people,
products, locations, and environment.
Personal Conduct: Display high standards of personal and professional conduct.
Responsible Corporate Citizen: Enrich the quality of life of the communities we serve.
Learning &Development: Foster an environment of learning and excellence.
Confidentiality: Respect and ensure confidentiality of all business related information.


Methodology refers to the methods adapted to arrive at a conclusion.
A study or research design is a plan comprising of the researcher decision about
the procedures, sampling , collection and analysis of data for given study which aims to fulfil
the purpose without wasteful expenditure of time, energy and money.
It includes both direct and indirect methodology. The direct methodology includes
Participating observation in recruitment process
Supervision by the assigned guide
Guidance from executives to DGM
Providing coordination from expert
Web based portal.
Indirect methodology include
Review report
Company website
Company brochure
HR report
Company manual
Monthly HR report
Annual HR report

A. Sample of the Study
The population studied for the present study consisted of employee belonging managers,
executives & HOD level. The purpose of the study is to identify their training needs, for that
they improve their performance in their work process. The study covered a sample of 250
employees belonging to the managerial & executive level an above

B. Creating database:
For identification of the training needs of the employees from level -1, level-2, level-3, i.e.
employees from middle level to managerial level. I prepared a database of these employees.
Database included employees name, designation, and department. The sample of the data
base is be given in annexure.

C. Preparing Questionnaire:
After completion of database, I was prepared questionnaire that contained questions related
with the survey. A specimen of the questionnaire is showed on the annexure 1. All the
personal details of the employees mentioned in the questionnaire.

D. Response to questionnaire:
From the sample size 250, a questionnaire was given to all of the employees, both executives
and non-executives, managerial level. Out of which 235 could be collected back duly
E. Data entry and analysis:
It has been an uphill task to enter the enormous data received through the questionnaire,
which consists nearly 20 questions. Response to the descriptive question through very few,
but was valuable for the purpose of study, hence there were further structured in time with the
system adopted for compilation and data analysis.

F. Data collection
I have used primary data for my research. And the primary data is in the form of
questionnaire/ survey. Because the collection of data for the need identification process have
been collected from the primary data. Because questionnaire is the only method in which,
employees are share their own need, which cant be full filed by other method. In some cases
data are collected from the secondary data- like-
JSL record.
Annual job evaluation report.
Annual performance appraisal report.

G. Appraisal forms:
The next step was to analyze appraisal form of each and every employee. Appraisal forms of
JINDAL included many details like past performance, past training identified, past training
given, goals met etc, which served as the input for my project

H. Meeting with Head of departments:
After completion of all the steps, I met all the Departmental heads, who identify specific
training needs (behavioral & technical) for the employees in their departments. I also told
them to give appropriate weight age (in percentage terms) to the employees, who need
training and in order to categorize them in High, Middle and Low priority.

l. Analysis of questionnaire:
The last step was to analyze the collected data and compile it. In order to make it more useful
and easily understandable, I showed important findings with the help of graphical
representation of the compiled data.

J . Record of Personal Attributes:
In order to keep a record of the strengths and Areas of Improvements of the employees, I
consult with every department HODs about their comments on employees personal
attributes which became a part of my compiled data.

K. Procedure for nomination
The concerned HOD has to nominate in the prescribed format in line with the training needs
identified at the beginning of the year also in line with the training plan to the Human
Resource Department, who will obtain the necessary approvals. Internal employee will
facilitate most of the programs. In case external faculties are approached for conducting
certain sessions, prior approval of Head-HR has to be taken for the payment of professional
fees & the course content. The concerned coordinator will also organize to collect an
evaluation feedback form, which will be handed over to the location Human Resource
Department for analysis & future reference.

L. I nternal training
If the number of people identified with a specific need, then the programs will be held within
the organization using the available resources like people with professional expertise, in-
house venues like HRD center. The annual training plan will be drawn by Human Resource
Department based on the identified needs. This will circulate every year during the month of
July, along with all details regarding the programs.

M. External training
In the event of large number of employees being identified with a specific area of
improvement, then the division/department head will communicate to Human Resource
Department, the need for identifying institutes where they can be deputed. The training
calendar from various institutes will be available with the Human Resource Department, for
helping managers to take the necessary decision.

N. Training Feedback
This forms an integral part of the entire training process. Evaluation/Feedback from the
training indicates appropriate changes that have to be made in the program design/content,
which will improve the effectiveness of the program. The feedback will also consist of an
action plan by the concerned employee with a specific time frame to implement the learning
to the actual performance. The feedback forms are available with the Human Resource
Departments. It is the responsibility of the head of the department & the Human Resource
Department to work together and assess the effectiveness of the training attended by the
employee. This will also help in updating the training records of the individuals & in
conducting an analysis of various training programs.



Training is concerned with imparting developing specific skills for a particular
purpose. Training is the act of increasing the skills of an employee for doing a particular job.
Training is the key to enhance the internal capabilities through various proven learning
methodologies. Development is the outcome of the training, where one can see the perceived
result accrued out of the structured inputs given in terms of training. The industrial training
always has certain purpose for achieving the business goals whether short term or long term,
in the process employees gain functional as well as behavioural inputs which add on to their
employability, Thus his knowledge and inherent talent are to be converted to skill in
performing the specific type of job for which he has to been appointed.
According to Edwin.B.Flippo: Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and
skill of an employee for doing a particular job. Training involves the development of skills
that are usually necessary to perform a specific job.

Aim and objective of training
Importance of training
Methods of training
Training needs identification
Training calendar
Stages of training
Identified the lacking skill, towards system and behaviour towards job of
employees and train them in such a way that employees should increase their
performance towards job. So the main aim of training is to induce a suitable change in
the individual concern. So the training objective are the tactical application of strategic
aims. These statements are clear, unambiguous specific and precise terms, which specify
at what extent the learners, will be able to do at the end of each stage of the learning
process. Training objective holds a number of great significance from a number of
stakeholder perspective i.e. Trainee, Trainer, Designer, and Evaluator.

To increase the knowledge of workers in doing specific jobs.
To impact new skill among the worker systematically so that they learn
To bring about change in the attitudes of the workers towards follow worker,
supervisor and the organization.
To improve the overall performance of the organization.
To make the workers handle materials, machines and equipment efficiently
and thus to check.
To reduce the number of accidents by providing safety training to workers.
To prepare workers for higher jobs by developing advanced skill in them.
Development is a combination of various training program, though some kind of
training is necessary, it is the overall development of the competency of managerial personal
in the light of the present requirement as well as the future requirement. Development an
activity designed to improve the performance of existing managers and to provide for a
planned growth of manager to meet future organisational requirement is management
Development is a continuous process. It is not one shot program but continues
though out the career of manager.
Development requires clears setting of goals.
Development required condutive environment.

Optimum utilisation of Human Resources T raining and development helps in
optimizing the utilization of human resource that further helps the employee to achieve the
organisational goals as well as their individual goals.
Development of Human Resources Training and development helps to prove an
opportunity and broad structure for the development of human resource technical and
behavioural skill in an organisation. It also helps the employees in attaining personal growth.
Development of the skills of employees Training and development helps in
increasing the knowledge and skills of employee at each level. It helps to expand the horizons
of human intellect and overall personality of the employees.
Training is not a process of learning and judgement; it is a bridge of performance
evaluator to help employees realize their success towards achieving the organisations goals
and objective. When a training serve as a guide, mentor, teacher, helper and supporter-
working with an employee to improve his or her performance, some important factor he/she
should focus:
Productivity: Training and development helps in increasing the productivity of the employees
that helps the organisation further to achieve its long-term goal. Thus training are most
evident part for the new employees, who are not yet fully aware of the most efficient
&effective ways of performing their jobs.
Team Spirit: Training and development helps in inculcating the sense of team work, team
spirit, and inter-term collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within the
Future need of the company: organisation must have a good internal educational program,
which will make less drastic manpower changes & adjustment in the event of sudden
personnel alterations. When the need arise, organisational vacancies can more easily be
staffed from internal sources, if the company initiates and managerial employees, then in
crisis period, this problem may not be arises in the future.
Organisation Culture: Training and development helps to develop and improve the
organisational health culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the leaning culture within
the organisation.
Organisation Climate: Training and development helps building the positive perception
and feeling about the organisation. The employees get these feelings from leaders,
Subordinates, and peers.
Quality: Training and development helps in improving upon the quality of work and work
Personal growth: Management development program gives participants a wider range of
awareness, so that they enlarge their skill and enlightened altruistic philosophy, and make
enhanced personal growth possible.
Effective utilisation of time: Time is vary essential factor while provide training to
employees. Training should devote time and be patient and to help the employees to identify
the possible solutions, during training process. Trainer should not attempt to complete the
coaching in a hurry way. It is very crucial for a trainer to allot the necessary time to
implement the training successfully.
Health & Safety: Training and development helps I improving the health and safety of the
organisation thus preventing obsolescence. A safer work environment leads to more stable
mental attitudes on the part of employees.
Coach and reward: Acknowledge every success. Celebrate, congratulate and reward to the
employee for their performance. For that employees motivated and learn something during
the learning process. Thus at the end of training section trainer get desired result from the
Morale: Training and development helps in creating a better corporate image.
Avoid over criticism: criticism is often avoided because managers are uncomfortable
presenting comments. However, every manager must provide criticism of poor work
behaviours and products to improve performance. Criticism can be palatable, even
productive, when trainer.
To identify right talent for the development needs of the organisation and develop
their skill, attitude according to requirement of organisation.
To ensure that development needs are identified as part of the business planning
process and reviewed regularly.
To ensure equality of access to all development opportunities for all workers
within the organisation.
To provide career development for all employee.
To provide effective induction for all new appointees and people moving jobs
from one level to another level.
To ensure the effective delivery of mandatory training e.g. Health and Safety,
Equal opportunities, process and material handling.
To ensure the appropriate skills are in place to deliver the business strategy.

What can training do for employees?
Training helps the employees or work-force in the following ways:
Confidence: Training creates on feeling of confidence in the minds of workers. It
gives on feeling of safely and security to them at the work-place.
New skills: Training develop the skills which serves as a valuable personnel
asset of worker. If remains permanently with the worker himself.
Promotion: Training provides opportunity for quick promotion and self-
Higher Earnings: Training helps in earning higher remuneration and other
monetary benefits to the workers as their productivity is increased.
Adaptability: Training develops adaptability among workers.
Increased safety: Trained workers handle the machines safely. They also know
the use of various safety devices in the factory.
1. Introduction or orientation training
2. Job training
3. Apprenticeship training
4. Internship training
5. Refresh training or retaining
6. Training for promotion
I ntroduction or orientation training:
Induction is concerned with introducing a new employee to the organisation and its
procedure, rules and regulation. When a new employee reports for work, he must be helped to
get acquired with the work environment and fellow employees. It is better to give him a
friendly welcome when he joins the organisation, get him introduced to the organisation and
help him to get a general idea about the rule and regulation, working conditions etc. of the
J ob training:
Job training relates to specific job which the worker has to handle. It gives information about
machine, process of production instruction to be followed, methods to be used and so on. It
develops skills and confidence among the workers and enable them to perform the job
Apprenticeship training:
Apprenticeship training programme tends more towards education than merely on the
vocational training. Under this, both knowledge and skills in doing a job or a series of related
jobs are involved. The government of various countries have passed laws which make it
obligatory on certain classes of employers to provide people.
I nternship training:
Under this method the educational or vocational institutes enter into arrangement with an
industrial enterprise for providing practical knowledge to its students. Internship training is
usually meant for such vocations where advanced theoretical knowledge is to back up by
practical experience on the job.
Refresher Training or Retraining:
The refresher training is meant for the old employees of the enterprise. The basic purpose of
refresher training is to acquaint the existing workforce with the latest methods of performing
their jobs and improve their efficiency further. The workers require training to bring them up-
to-date the knowledge and skills and to relearn what they have forgotten.
Training for promotion:
The talented employees may be given adequate training to make them eligible for promotion
to higher job in the organisation. Promotion of an employees means a significant change in
his responsibilities and duties. Therefore, it is essential that he is provided sufficient training
to learn new skills to perform his new duties efficiently.

1. On-the-job training
2. Off-the-job training
On-the-job training:
On-the-job training is considered to be the most effective method of training the operative
personnel. Under this method, the worker is given training at the work place by his
immediate supervisor. In other words, the worker learns in the actual work environment. It is
based on the principle of learning by doing On-the-job training is suitable for imparting
skills that can be learnt in a relatively short period of time.
Off-the-job training:
If requires the worker to undergo training for a specific period away from the work-place.
Off-the-job methods are concerned with both knowledge and skills in doing certain jobs. The
workers are free of tensions of work when they are learning.
Training effectiveness is the degree to which trainees are able to learn and apply the
knowledge and skills acquired during the programme. It is influenced by the attitudes,
interests, values and expectations of the trainee and the training environment.
REACTI ON: Training reaction to the objectives, contents and methods of training are good
indicators of effectiveness.
LEARNI NG: The extent to which the trainees have gained the desired knowledge and skills
during the training period is a useful basic of evaluation of training effectively.
BEHAVI OUR: Improvement of training reflects the manner ad extent to which the learning
has been put to which the learning has been put to practice.
RESULTS: Productivity improvement, quality improvement, cast reduction,
accident reduction, reduction in labour turnover and absenteeism are the outcomes of training
which can be used for evaluating effectiveness.

Training evaluation refers to the process of collecting the outcomes needed to
determine if training is effective.
To measure training outcomes, the training and the companies are evaluate the
training program.
Company wants to determine if the time, money and devoted to training
techniques actually made difference.
Interested to assess the effectiveness of the training program.
Why should a training program evaluated?
To identify the programs strengths and weakness.
To assess whether content, organisational and administrational program
contribute to learning & the use content on the job.
To identify that which training program
To compare the cost & benefits of training Vs. non-training investment.
Implementation of the training program is involved in such action:
Deciding the location and organizing and other facilities.
Scheduling the training program.
Conducting the program.
Monitoring the progress of trainee

J SL Process /Standard Operating Practices (SOPs)

At JSL STAINLESS LTD, need identify conducted through skill gap analysis of the
competency mapping. Other inputs for training are Career Succession Planning
Developmental inputs( By external Nominations),Talent pools identified need as part of
Individual Development Plan ( IDPs) , Redeployment related technical training being
imparted by the Vendor/supplier of the machine and equipment On-The-Job as well as
Classroom as well development inputs incurred out of Annual Performance Appraisal


Talent Mgt
Aprraisal Needs
On the Job
Validated through the Process of TNI Exercises












Employee assessment and development is the core spirit of JSL .Competency helps to assess
self and employees so as to develop in line with the business requirements. Competencies are
segregated in clusters for Business, People, Customers and Execution. It provides an
opportunity for manager to evaluate and rate both the function as well as behavioural
competencies. The tool enable employee to rate themselves on the function/behavioural
competencies which are required for their current roles.
This is an annual exercise with details of expenses under training head, which is proposed by
SH-Training and sent to Unit head at Jajpur for approval .Based on the business requirement,
the said will be vetted and the contingency expenses ( For e.g. Project Team requires
primavera software training in the HSM,CRM,HSM Areas. The provision of additional cost
to be added and sent to Sr.VP-HR ( New Delhi) to sanction the budget .The monthly MIS of
training will contain the training man days ,internal training as well as external training with
the updated expenses ageist the budget.

Prepare the Training Calendar:
Prepare an annual training calendar based on the training needs. It includes name &
designation of the participant, title & duration of the training, training agency
(internal/external), training budget and tentative monthly plan.
As Competency Mapping is done once in 3 years, critical needs are assessed immediately in
the current year; essential needs are assessed in the 2nd year while the desired needs are
addressed in the 3rd year.
Any need based training requirements arising in the mid of the period /performance appraisal
route are provided for as per their requirement. Training calendar is reviewed on a monthly

Approval of Training Calendar (Technical and Financial):
Annual Training calendar and financial requirements is approved by HOD (HR) and ED &

Select the External Training Agencies:
Receive Proposals/quotations from the different agencies and assess them on the basis of past
experience, feedback from the customers training requirements & budget and send it to the
HOD-HR for finalization on monthly basis.

I ntimate the Training Agency:
Send an approval letter to the training agency via written communication for conducting the
training in the respective month and take final acceptance from them

Communicate the Nominated persons to Concerned Departments:
Communicate the training schedule and the selected training participants to the concerned
HOD and obtain his approval. On-line Training Management Portal (PRASHIKSHAN) is
also being utilized for smooth processing of training nomination. (PRASHIKSHAN is
software through which the employees fill in their training needs, nominate themselves for
training which is then approved by the HODs. HR training in-charge approves on the
training needs as per their TNI (training needs identification).

Execution of Training:
Ensure Smooth execution of training as per schedule with the co-ordination of Administration
and IT department.

Evaluate the Training Feedback
Receive training feedback from every participant after the training is completed.
Evaluate the feedback on the basis of Liker score methodology (method used for
feedback analysis of training programmers).
Training feedback is taken only for those training programmed which are conducted
for more than one day

Training Records:
Receive Training Attendance-Cum-Learning Effectiveness Feedback immediately from every
participant after completion of the internal Training Programmed.

Corrective actions taken for Evaluation of Effectiveness & Feedback:
If the immediate feedback of the training is not up to the mark (less than 7 on 0-10 point
scale), or evaluation of the training is not satisfactory (less than 2 on 0- 4 point scale), then
take corrective actions for enhancing the Post-effectiveness of training.
Training feedback evaluation is considered for taking corrective actions in selection of

I nstruction Design
The most critical needs are addressed through Instruction Design (ID)method (Refer
Training module for cross linkage) at Jindal. One of the typical examples of the same is
attached as feedback of training.

I nduction Training:
The training given to new employees is known as Induction. This is basically given to new
employees to get acquainted with the work environment & fellow colleagues, organization
culture. Induction program starts just after recruitment. The purpose of induction is to orient
the employee with the organization's rules, procedures & policies. In JSL Stainless Ltd. after
2 month later of recruitment, Orientation program starts. And the induction program held for
two days or may be 3-4 days, depending upon the number of employees. Soon after induction
training Induction hand book to be completed and after 3 month post induction review as
post-induction Learning action plan to be documented by training record.

Types of Training at J SL

On the job training.
Off the-job training.(Class Room)

On the- job training- This type of training is given, when employees are working in
the organization. It is a very practical based knowledge is given to the employee. This type
of training is cheaper & less time-consuming than off the- job training. There are various
types of on the- job training like-

Orientation training.
Job instruction training.
Apprentice training.
Job rotation.

The aim of the orientation process is to orientate a new employee with the system,
process, and culture of the organization. It is very difficult thing, because organization tries to
change the mind set of new employee and prepare them to them to learn new process of the
organization. Orientation process has three stages-

A general orientation.
A departmental orientation
A specific job orientation.

The objective of general orientation is to make the employee feel& to make
comfortable with the process and hierarchy of the organization. In case of departmental
orientation, employees orientated about boss, peer, subordinates responsibility, process in the
department etc after joining the department. Orientation training should emphasize the
following topics:

The company's history and mission.
The key members in the organization.
The key members in the department, and how the department helps fulfill the mission
of the company.
Personnel rules and regulations..
Example- In JSL STAINLESS LTD., employees know about SAP like process, but
still JSL giving this training to employee to get more acquainted with their work. And
increase productivity.



The related data has been tabulated with responses .The logical grouping is been done
based on the responses under various sub heading as indicated in the questionnaires and the
related mean values as well as percentages being arrived at while drawing the conclusion
through effective interpretations.
Data entry and analysis: It has been an uphill task to enter the enormous data
received through the questionnaire, which consists of nearly 30 questions. Response to the
descriptive question were very few, but was valuable for the purpose of study, hence there
were further structured in time with the system adopted for compilation and data analysis.

Represents the overall effectiveness of training and development.
Category Not at
all true
always true
No. of respondents 14 85 117 290 101
% of respondents 24.56% 14.00% 19.27% 47.77% 16.63%

INTERPRETATION- From the table it is obvious that only 48% of employees feel that on
the job training is mostly true than off the job training, while19% of employees feel that on
the job training is true than of the job training, while 17% employees almost always true
about that,2% are feel that on the job training is not at all important than off the job training.

Represents the employees willingness to implement the learning.
Category Strongly
Disagree Sometime
Agree Strongly
No of
1 7 55 222 46
% of
0.302% 2.11% 16.61% 67.06% 13.89%

The pie chart shows that 67% of the respondents are agree that the employees willingness to
implement the learning.

Strongly disagree Disagree Sometime agree Agree Sometime agree

Represents the employees perception on Training and Development.
Category Strongly
Disagree Sometime
Agree Strongly
No of
6 31 78 323 192
% of
0.952% 4.920% 12.38% 51.26% 30.47%

The pie chart shows that 51% of the respondents are agree that the employees perception on
training and development.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Sometime Agree Agree Strongly Disagree



After analyzing and interpreting the data certain finding have drawn make it clear
about the effective of training and development program organised in the company.

Majority of the employees feel that the trainer trained them is experienced and
helped to make the training objective into learning experience.
The training content was carefully planned and most of the employees feel that it
was relevant and useful for discharging of their roles and responsibilities.
The majority of the employees feel that the training duration was carefully
planned and did not adversely impact their work.
The majority of the employees feel that the employees are highly motivated to
attend the training programme for further enhancement of their skills and
Most of the employees are highly satisfied and had a good experience in the
training programme attended.
The majority of the employees feel that the inputs used during the training was
good but could never been better.
Most of the employees feel that training and development programmes cultivate
the sense of competition and competitiveness among employees.
The majority of the employees feel that the method of training implementing at
present was satisfactory. But some employees also feel that there was scope for
The majority of them agree that feedback was taken after the training programme.
The majority of them agree that feedback was analyzed and interpreted properly to
improve the training programme.
It could not possible in depth analysis of company as it is big in size.
Some limitations are like unavailable of information due to confidential factor.
It is very difficult to check the accuracy of the information provided.


The core ideas which i found out in my project work were:
The Training Programmes should be more flexible in nature in terms of employee
Concept of E-training should be incorporated since it is the need of the hour.
Different training programmes on capacity building and skill-development should
be introduced.


Chapter 7

Results obtained from the proper justification from the respondents. As they are very
much satisfied with the training program, but they leads some innovative training program for
their work process, which improves their work culture. And an employee also needs some
external trainers, who are very practical oriented and also clarify all the theoretical
knowledge. So company should focus on improvement of training program, so that all
employees satisfy with 100% satisfaction.


ASWATHAPPA.K Human Resource Management
Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company Limited
Fifth Edition

Gupta. K. Shahi- Human Resource Management(Part-2)
Kalyani publishers

Rao Subba.P - Human Resource Management
Himalaya Publishing House
Revised & Enlarged Edition
Data from HR department of JSL, Jajpur
Personal manual of JSL




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