This document provides instructions for configuring a GreenPacket USB device, which includes installing the WiMAX Connection Manager software, configuring the device settings using the WiMAX Connection Administrator application, and ensuring the Connection Manager is not running during configuration. Key settings like network passwords may require an additional scrambling tool. Once configuration is complete, the device can connect to WiMAX networks.
This document provides instructions for configuring a GreenPacket USB device, which includes installing the WiMAX Connection Manager software, configuring the device settings using the WiMAX Connection Administrator application, and ensuring the Connection Manager is not running during configuration. Key settings like network passwords may require an additional scrambling tool. Once configuration is complete, the device can connect to WiMAX networks.
This document provides instructions for configuring a GreenPacket USB device, which includes installing the WiMAX Connection Manager software, configuring the device settings using the WiMAX Connection Administrator application, and ensuring the Connection Manager is not running during configuration. Key settings like network passwords may require an additional scrambling tool. Once configuration is complete, the device can connect to WiMAX networks.
This document provides instructions for configuring a GreenPacket USB device, which includes installing the WiMAX Connection Manager software, configuring the device settings using the WiMAX Connection Administrator application, and ensuring the Connection Manager is not running during configuration. Key settings like network passwords may require an additional scrambling tool. Once configuration is complete, the device can connect to WiMAX networks.
1 | P a g e C o n f i g u r a t i o n o f G r e e n P a c k e t U S B
This Manual will guide through the Configuration of the
GreenPacket USB (newer version, without the h in the label sticker) 1. Install the WiMAX Connection Manager that comes in the device and usually, is automatically installed when the device is connected for the first time to the computer.
2. If it does not install automatically, install in manually by double clicking the SetupLoader.exe file
2 | P a g e C o n f i g u r a t i o n o f G r e e n P a c k e t U S B
3 | P a g e C o n f i g u r a t i o n o f G r e e n P a c k e t U S B
3. To complete the installation, hit the Finish button. The Connection Manager will show up in the Start menu. For device configuration, do not start this application!!!
4 | P a g e C o n f i g u r a t i o n o f G r e e n P a c k e t U S B
4. For configuring the CPE, WiMAX Connection Administrator application is required. (Filename: WiMAXCA.exe)
5. Make sure that the WiMAX Connection Manager is not running!!! Double click the WiMAXCA.exe file and change the configurations as shown in the required tabs:
5 | P a g e C o n f i g u r a t i o n o f G r e e n P a c k e t U S B
6. For the password, the Airspan Password Scrambler tool might be required.
6 | P a g e C o n f i g u r a t i o n o f G r e e n P a c k e t U S B
7. When the configuration is saved, it completes the CPE configuration and the CPE can be used to connect to the NT WiMAX Network.
7 | P a g e C o n f i g u r a t i o n o f G r e e n P a c k e t U S B
8. For the general user, only installing the default application that comes in the device is sufficient. (Provided that it has been configured with the above mentioned process)