San Miguel Properties Philippines v. Huang
San Miguel Properties Philippines v. Huang
San Miguel Properties Philippines v. Huang
336 SCRA 737
Facts: The respondent herein oered to !u" the propert" o the petitioner# And has paid an
earnest $one" in the event o an agree$ent !et%een the parties# &ut nonetheless no
agree$ent %as inali'ed.
Hence this petition# (here the respondent contends that the earnest $one" paid# perected the
contract o sale !et%een the parties.
)ssue: (hether or not the $one" paid# perected the contract o sale
Held: *o# The court held that the $one" paid is not earnest $one" as conte$plated !" the Civil
Code. )t %as $erel" an accepted unilateral pro$ise !" the respondents to !u" the su!+ect
properties %ithin the period stipulated.
Such option giving respondents the right to !u" the properties %ithin the period agreed upon is
separate and distinct ro$ the contract o sale %hich the parties $a" enter.