Grade 4 English Speaking Adverbs of Duration
Grade 4 English Speaking Adverbs of Duration
Grade 4 English Speaking Adverbs of Duration
Adverbs of Duration
I. Learning Objectives
Identify adverbs of duration from sentences
Use adverbs of duration
Appreciate Gods gift of life
II. ubject !atter
A. Topic: Adverbs Of Duration
B. eferences: !"#$ II %.&
$. 'aterials: s(ort paragrap() selection) printed materials
III. "rocedure
A. "re#arator$ Activities
%. !otivation
*or (o+ long (ave you been living in t(is +orld, As a c(ild) (o+ do you en-oy
you life,
&. 'nloc(ing of Difficulties
a. / t(an.) s(o+ appreciation of
b. occupied 0 busy
c. blessings 0 gifts) graces
d. c(oice 0 preference
). Develo#*ent of Lesson
%. "resentation
&. +o*#rehension +hec(,'#
a1 2(at is t(e selection all about,
b1 2(at does t(e +riter tells us about life,
-. .licitation
a. ead t(e p(rases3sentences from t(e selection.
4. T(oug( +e live temporarily in t(is +orld
&. 2e may be briefly occupied.
5. 6ome die s(ortly after birt( +(ile ot(ers live long enoug(.
%. 2e +ont stay (ere permanently.
7. 6tay +it( 8im forever.
/. Anal$sis
a. 2(at does eac( underlined +ord tell, 9duration1
ead t(e selection:
:#ife is a gift to be en-oyed and not a problem to be solved.; T(oug( +e live
temporarily in t(is +orld) +e (ave to ma.e t(e most out of it. 2e may be briefly
occupied but lets find time to t(e #ord for all (is blessings. <o one
.no+s (o+ long +e +ould e=ist. 6ome die s(ortly after birt() +(ile ot(ers live long
enoug( to be +it( t(eir loved ones.
2e +ont stay (ere permanently. 2e +ill all leave t(is +orld) 6ooner or #ater.
<obody .no+s> But one t(ing is sure) let t(e #ord come into our life t(at +e may stay
+it( 8im forever>
T(e c(oice is yours>
b. 2(at +ord is modified by eac( +ord, 9lengt( of time1
c. 2(at part of speec( do t(ese +ords s(o+, 9verb1
0. Generali1ation
Adverbs of duration tell how long something happened.
Examples are briefly, shortly, long, forever, permanently, temporarily.
Adverbs of duration describe how long an action is done.
+. "ost Activit$
%. A##lication
A. "ncircle t(e adverb of duration in t(e follo+ing sentences.
a. *at(er arrived s(ortly after 'ot(er.
b. T(e manager presented (is report briefly.
c. T(e s(o+ +as temporarily cancelled due to po+er failure.
d. T(e family decided to migrate to t(e United 6tates permanently.
e. Do animals e=ist forever,
B. *ill in t(e blan.s +it( t(e appropriate adverb of duration.
4. T(e secretary read (er report ?????????. 9briefly1
&. T(e tourists stayed ?????? in Boracay. 9long1
5. $lasses +ere suspended ????? due to flas( floods. 9temporarily1
%. T(e family decided to live ??????? abroad. 9permanently1
7. T(e policemen arrived ????? after t(e incident. 9s(ortly1
@Ans+ers may vary.
&. .nrich*ent Activities
Dyad Activity:
$all on pupils to as. and ans+er Auestions using adverbs of duration. "ncourage t(em to
ma.e t(eir o+n Auestions.
4. 8o+ long does a butterfly live, 9s(ortly1
&. 8o+ long s(ould you ans+er a teac(ers Auestion, 9briefly1
5. 8o+ long do you plan to stay in grade sc(ool, 9temporarily1
-. Values Integration
8o+ can +e be +it( our #ord forever,
2e can be +it( our #ord forever by 8im as our 6avior.
IV. .valuation
ead t(e paragrap( belo+. *ill in t(e blan.s +it( t(e appropriate adverbs of duration. $(oose
your ans+ers from t(e +ords inside t(e bo=.
s(ortly forever temporarily
permanently overnig(t long
A bomb blast roc.ed one of t(e commercial centers in t(e city.
<e+s about t(e incident spread ?????????? after t(e bombing.
T(e area +as closed ?????????? to t(e public to avoid furt(er accidents t(at mig(t
follo+. elatives of t(e victim stayed
?????????? in searc( for t(eir loved ones. Ot(ers +aited
?????????? in nearby (ospitals caring for t(e in-ured. 6ome
business establis(ments +ere closed ?????????? due to severe
damages and losses.
V. Assign*ent
Use eac( of t(e follo+ing adverbs of duration in t(e sentence.
4. s(ortly 5. forever 7. briefly
&. permanently %. temporarily