Part A Vocabuar! " Put t#e words in t#e bo$ in t#e correct %rou&' bake dolphin eagle lettuce nut peel sausage slice snake soup a) Food: ________________________________________________ b) Animals: ________________________________________________ c) Ways of cooking/preparing food: ________________________________________________ (10 points) ( )nderine t#e correct word' a) y brother is !ery interested in / of football" b) Are you terrified in / of spiders# c) $iam doesn%t have / make much money in his &ob" d) Are you going to have / take a go at scuba di!ing# e) 'at likes s(imming to be / keep fit" () points) *rammar + ,rite sentences and -uestions wit# t#e will .uture' a) *elen / call / the teacher / tomorro( ________________________________________________________ b) +ou / not ha!e / more time / later ________________________________________________________ c) When / , / see / you again # ________________________________________________________ (- points) New Inside Out Pre-intermediate Review D Test p1 Macmillan Publishers Limited 200 / 0#oose t#e best word to com&ete t#e sentences' 1 , _____________ adonna. but , don%t no(" a) like b) used to like c) used to liked / _____________ this programme finishes. ,%m going to bed" a) As b) ,f c) As soon as - When she (as young she _____________ a film (ith 0eorge 1looney" a) used to make b) made c) make 2 _____________ he%s late. ,%ll lea!e a message" a) ,f b) When c) As soon as ) 3hat%s the man _____________ (as dri!ing the car" a) (hich b) he c) (ho 4 _____________ to (alk to school or take the bus# a) 5sed you b) 6id you use c) 6id you used (4 points) 5 0om&ete wit# t#e correct .orm o. t#e verbs' a) What ______________ you ______________ (buy) if , ga!e you 7100# b) When , ________________ (get) home the programme ________________ (already / finish)" c) ,f , ________________ (can) li!e any(here in the (orld. , ________________ (li!e) in ,taly" d) 3his table (as !ery e8pensi!e" ,t ________________ (make) by hand in France" e) As , ________________ (go) into the shop. , sa( someone ________________ (lea!e) their bag on the floor" f) ______________ your car ______________ (build) in 0ermany# (4 points) 1 S&ot t#e mista2e3 0ross out t#e incorrect sentence4 a or b' 1 a) 3his is the 16 (hich has that ne( song on it" b) 3his is the 16 (ho has that ne( song on it" / a) Would you come (ith me if , (ould mo!e to the 59A# b) Would you come (ith me if , mo!ed to the 59A# - a) 3hese earrings (ere make by 6ior" b) 3hese earrings (ere made by 6ior" 2 a) When , had arri!ed at the station the train left" b) When , arri!ed at the station the train had left" ) a) When he (as young he had a bad accident" b) When he (as young he used to ha!e a bad accident" () points) New Inside Out Pre-intermediate Review D Test p/ Macmillan Publishers Limited 200 Part 5 Pronunciation ,ord stress !Trac" #$% 6 7isten and underine t#e stressed s!abe in eac# word' a) afraid b) dangerous c) holiday d) rela8 e) terrified () points) 7istenin% !Trac" #2% 8 7isten to t#e in.ormation about t#e Nenet &eo&e' Are t#ese sentences true 9T: or .ase 9;:< a) 3he :enet tra!el from place to place because they need to mo!e their animals" ___ b) ;nly the :enet men make the &ourney each year" ___ c) <ach family li!es in one tent" ___ d) 3he (omen put up the tents" ___ e) 3he children are taught by their families" ___ () points) New Inside Out Pre-intermediate Review D Test p- Macmillan Publishers Limited 200 Readin% = Read t#e te$t and c#oose t#e correct words to com&ete t#e sentences' 1 3(o dogs and a cat _________ " a) (alked to 1anada b) (ent to the 5= (ith their o(ners c) made a long &ourney / 3he *unter family left the animals _________ " a) (ith their brother b) (ith a friend c) at their home - 3he animals started their &ourney because _________ " a) they didn%t like >ohn b) they (anted to go home c) they (anted to go on a trip 2 3he animals _________ " a) had a !ery difficult &ourney b) had been on a &ourney before c) (ere helped by the police ) 3he *unters found the animals _________ " a) dead in the lake b) 200 kilometers a(ay from home c) near their cottage The Incredible Journey is a childrens book by Canadian author Sheila Burnford, which was first published in 1961. It tells the story of three animals, uath, Bod!er and "ao # two do!s and a cat # who made an incredible and dan!erous $ourney across the north%west of Canada. "he animals owners, the &unter family, went on a trip to the '( and left the three pets with a friend, )ohn. *ne day, )ohn left for a trip with his brother, and the animals left to try and find their family. )ohns housekeeper thou!ht that )ohn had taken the animals with him, and so she didnt realise that the animals had !one. "he three animals followed their instincts and went west. *n their $ourney they faced many dan!ers, includin! bad weather and attacks from wild animals. "hey met many kind or stran!e people on the way. +hen the &unters came back from the '( and went to collect their animals, they were ,ery upset to find that they had !one. +ith the help of the police they tried to find their three pets, but decided that they had probably died in the wild Canadian countryside. "he &unters then went to their cotta!e by a beautiful lake, and they found the animals there in the forest, waitin! for them. "hey had tra,elled -.. kilometres to !et there/ () points) New Inside Out Pre-intermediate Review D Test p2 Macmillan Publishers Limited 200