A Detailed Analysis of Saptamsa
A Detailed Analysis of Saptamsa
A Detailed Analysis of Saptamsa
Writing is a creative activity. And Jupiter, the Moon, Mercury and Venus deal with writing.
Let's analyse my Saptamsa with regards to these four planets and secondarily other
planets as well if applicale.
! herey reproduce my irth data again from another thread as well as list down my
planetary placements for those without a software to construct the chart.
! was orn in Singapore "# degree #$ minutes %orth& #'( degrees )# minutes *ast+ at ,-(.
am on ..nd June #/0.. 1he time2one at that time for Singapore is $ hours (' minutes *ast
of 3raeenwich rather than the current , hours which we ad4usted in #/,( to synchroni2e
the timing with 5ong 6ong, 7erth, Shanghai and 6uala Lumpur.
My placements in Saptamsa are as follows 8with a 9apricorn Lagna: -
;ody Longitude 8in <=$:
Lagna ./ 9p #.' ('./.>
Sun = M6 #$ 9n ??' (/.$/>
Moon = 7i6 #) 9p '?' #$.((>
Mars = ;6 .' Vi )0' ??.,'>
Mercury = 36 ## 7i (?' (0.(0>
Jupiter = 76 #? 3e #/' #/./?>
Venus = Am6 .0 7i ('' ('.,0>
Saturn 8@: = <6 # Sc #'' (..,/>
@ahu = A6 ( 1a ''' ?/.,$>
6etu ( Sc ''' ?/.,$>
1he first thing ! want to highlight is that the Moon = a planet dealing with ideas and the mind
= is in the #st house gaining full sight of the opposite $th house that it rules. 1he Moon
deals with the imagination although its ideas are not strictly original although the originality
comes from miAing and matching the impressions it gets. 1hat is why writers of imaginative
fiction normally has a strong Moon. Moon eing in the Ascendant means my mind is
attuned and creative to writing activities.
!t rules the $th 5ouse where the Sun is which is ruler of the ,th 8the occult:. ! love to write
on occult matters.
1he Moon is disposited y Saturn in Scorpio in the ##th together with 6etu. Saturn a trinal
lord is well disposited y 6etu 8a planet dealing with the occult: in the ##th house in
Scorpio. ##th house taBes care of planets within it, so Saturn and 6etu flourishes. Saturn
also rules the .nd which deals with reading. ! constantly read on occult matters 8Saturn
con4unct 6etu in Scorpio:
@ahu in the )th in 1aurus is well placed. !t rules 1aurus and Virgo so it is a trinal lord.
MaBing a trinal aspect to the Moon means that everytime ! have an idea 8the Moon:, !
would have to get it off my chest through writing 8@ahu rules osession: = although in the
conteAt of other posts, the Moon also needs to get off its chest on things y doing
something creative and not 4ust writing.
Venus is in its deep eAaltation in 7isces with Mercury also Cuite close to its deep fall in the
third house dealing with information. Mercury gets %eecha ;haga Doga and gets mutual
reception with Jupiter in 3emini in the 0th. All three planetary placements testify to their
strength. Venus is good for writing in lovely prose 8something pleasing for readers to read:,
Mercury writes aout ideas and Jupiter lends its writing output with some Cuality.
8!n fact in the pantheon of planets dealing with writing, Jupiter ranBs first, Moon ranBs
second, Mercury ranBs third and Venus ranBs fourth:.
Jupiter eing in the 0th is ?th to the third meaning the seat of the throne for the (rd dealing
in writing. !t thus enhances the (rd, not 4ust ecasue it is Jupiter ut also it is the ?th to the
Mars disposits ##th where Saturn and 6etu is as well as the fourth and is placed in the /th.
1hat is a good placement. Eirstly the ?th to Lagna deals with asic education. ##th to the
Lagna deals with gains. My asic education enales me to get a good foundation of the
*nglish Language and as the years go y 8##th deals with effects as one ages: my
command of the language improves. !t enales me to write with a style that is more than
4ust a marshalling of facts 8the (rd: ut enales the audience to gain a deeper insight of
things 8the /th:.
Mar is disposited y Mercury in the (rd and hence Mars is also linBed to the three planets
of writing descried earlier - Mercury, Venus and Jupiter.
/th house dealing with philosophy shows that my sentence structure has some
philosophical style imprinted on it and not 4ust using conventional simple sentence