3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 1-800- KIWANIS FAX 1-317-879-0204
Hello Key Clubbers! My name is Asia Harris and I am a senior at
Cathedral High School in Natchez, Mississippi. It is honor to be serving as your Lieutenant Governor of Division 15. Outside of Key Club, I am on the praise dance team at my church, and I am with the music team at Vacation Bible School. After college, I would love to pursue my dream of becoming a computer hardware engineer. My goals for my term as Lieutenant Governor will be renewing Key Clubs that have been inactive, establishing new Key Clubs within our division, creating better communication between all the schools in the division, having more meetings for the club officers, club members, and advisors, creating new service projects, finding ways to help with the Eliminate Project, and more ideas to come. If you have any concerns, questions, or suggestions on anything, feel free to email me at aharris499@gmail.com . I am looking forward to working with all of you!
Asias Announcements
Latest News: Introduction- Page 1 The Governors Project- Page 2 Service Projects- Page 3 International Convention- Page 4 Announcement s- Page 5 The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it. ---Hubert H. Humphrey
New Board Training
Nothing is impossible the word itself says Im possible! --- Audrey Hepburn
Page 1 Volume 1 Issue 1 Did you know: Key Club was originally developed in 1925 as a vocational guidance program meant to compete with the elite student fraternities of the time? 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 USA 1-800-KIWANIS FAX 1-317-879-0204 OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF LAMISSTENN DISTRICT KEY CLUB: DIVISION 15
Page 2 What You Should Know About Key Club? 1. Our Mission- Key Club is an international student-led organization that provides its members with opportunities to perform service, build character and develop leadership. 2. Our Values- Leadership, character building, caring, inclusiveness 3. Our Vision- We are caring and competent servant leaders transforming communities worldwide. 4. Our Pledge- I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school, and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions. 5. Motto-Caring-- Our Way of Life
The Governors Project, this year, is The Eliminate Project. The Eliminate Project is where Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined together to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. Neonatal tetanus kills one baby per nine minuteswhich kills 60,000 newborn children each year. Also, an abundant amount of mothers die from maternal tetanus. Seeing the mothers and the children suffer from these diseases is very painful and devastating to see. So, to eliminate the maternal and neonatal tetanus from the Earth, 129 million mothers and their children MUST be immunized. This requires vaccines, syringes, safe storages, transportation, thousands of skilled workers and more. It will take $110 millionand the dedicated work of UNICEF and every member of Kiwanis Family.
How Can We Help the Eliminate Project? There are PLENTY of ways for all of us to help The Eliminate Project. Here are some suggestions:
Floral Fundraiser- Sell white and blue-tipped carnations for students and faculty to purchase to raise funds and awareness Fun Food Fridays-The weeks end deserves to be celebrated. Organize a snack cart to deliver popcorn, cookies, or other tasty treats to sell at school on Fridays.
Or you can simply just ask for donations.
For more information on these ideas, check out www.keyclub.org/TheEliminateProject or www.TheEliminateProject.org
*Lets also remember that $1.80 saves a mother and her future babies.*
Quick Reminder: Key Club will focus on three key initiatives for The Eliminate Project from now through 2015. All three are related to Kiwanis familys plan to raise US$110 million to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. These are priorities to look for during the year. 1. Trick-Or-Treat (www.TheEliminateProject.org/trickortreat) 2. Eliminate Week (www.TheEliminateProject.org/eliminateweek) 3. Go For The Goal (www.TheEliminateProject.org/slprecognition)
Think About It: Whats our club doing to help protect moms and babies through The Eliminate Project? How can I inspire everyone to get involved?
Service Projects are needed because we are helping the communities in the world. There are five elements that you need to remember: 1. Seek Out Community Needs. 2. Educate members. 3. Respond to the Needs. 4. Reflect. 5. Evaluate and Celebrate.
CHILDRENS MIRACLE NETWORK HOSPITALS: Since 1983, Childrens Miracle Network Hospitals has raised more than $4.7 billion for 170 childrens hospitals across the United States and Canada. These donations have gone to support research and training, to purchase equipment, and to pay for uncompensated care. This is all to help and improve the lives of as many children as possible.
There are childrens hospitals working to save lives in our community today. 62 children enter a Childrens Miracle Network Hospital for treatment each minute which is one child each second.
Ways That We Can Help: 1. Donate 2. Sponsor 3. Volunteer 4. Share
For more information on Childrens Miracle Network Hospitals or on the ways you can help, check out www.cmn.org .
FIREWORKS SAFETY MONTH: The National Council on Fireworks Safety is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public about the safe and responsible enjoyment of consumer fireworks.
The National Council on Firework Safety gives common sense safety tips for using consumer fireworks in hopes of fewer injuries this year:
Always purchase fireworks from a reliable source. Observe local laws and use good COMMON SENSE. A responsible adult should supervise all firework activities.
For more information on Firework Safety, check out www.fireworksafety.com .
Page 3 ALEXS LEMONADE STAND LEMONADE DAYS: Alexs Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) shares the vision of their founder and creator, Alexandria Alex Scotta cure for all children with cancer.
The mission of the Alexs Lemonade Stand Foundation is To raise money and awareness of childhood cancer causes, primarily research into new treatments and cures. To encourage and empower others, especially children, to get involved and make a difference for children with cancer. Ways That We Can Help: 1. Hold a Lemonade Stand 2. Sponsor an Event 3. National Lemonade Days
For more information on the Alexs Lemonade Stand Foundation or more ideas on how to help, check out www.AlexsLemonade.org . SERVICE PROJECTS
Here are some service project ideas for June: To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity. --- Douglas Adams
The 2014 Key Club International Convention will be held in Anaheim, California. You are probably wondering: Why is it so important to attend ICON? The answer to that question is because it is the biggest event of the Key Club year. ICON will give everyone the chance to interact and meet other Key Clubs from around the world.
It will also give you the opportunity to: Share service project and fundraising ideas Learn about servant leadership Elect next years Key Club International Board Here about the success of The Eliminate Project so far Discover new charities and organizations that you and your club can team up with Have fun and make memories and friendships that will last a lifetime.
If you need more information about ICON, check out www.keyclub.org. What Should You Bring to ICON?
1. Have comfortable clothes (Dont forget to consider the weather when packing your clothes) 2. Have Appropriate Shoes (walking shoes) 3. A Clear Mind (To Pay Attention Carefully) 4. Pack what you believe you will need/want (consider ALL situations) 5. Have a SMILE to warm up yourself and others (all people need is a smile to make their day) 6. Have ENERGY (So you can enjoy the excitement and fun festivities of ICON) P.S. Dont forget your camera to take a lot of memorable photos. QUOTE Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity.
--- Bo Bennett
As long as you live keep smiling because it brightens everybodys day. ---Vin Scully
District Board Contact Information:
Tabitha Kearns District Governor Email: tabithakearns.lamisstenn@g mail.com
Hunter Burkhardt District Secretary-Treasurer Email: sectreas_hunterburk@live.co m
Jean Benoit District Administrator Email: jean5benoit@yahoo.com
Asia Harris Lieutenant Governor of Div. 15 Email: aharris499@gmail.com
Presidential Council Meeting
A presidential council meeting, also known as a PCM, is to give updates on future schedules, to coordinate ideas for service projects, to see the goals of each club within the division, etc. The people that have to attend are the presidents, officers, and advisors. This PCM will be held Tuesday, June 24, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. The meeting location will be at Dairy Queen in Natchez, Mississippi right before you cross the Mississippi River. Im looking forward to seeing all of you!
Reminders: Contact Information is due on June 30 th .
Club Monthly Reports is due on June 5 to both Hunter and me.
Advisors, This One Is For You!
Click the link below, to have access to these resources: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k3m20lwob5r64ae/AAClLMAwOH 9aSnaGwxGn_UGza QUOTE If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
--- John Quincy Adams
Fall Rally: Fall Rally will be held at Cathedral High School in Natchez, MS on October 18, 2014. LaMissTenn District Key Club, Division 15 www.lamisstennkeyclub.org www.keyclub.org