Basic Business Plan
Basic Business Plan
Basic Business Plan
Business Plan
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a!le of Contents
"# E$e%uti&e Summary
'# Business ()ner*s+ , Produ%t-Ser&i%e
.# Mission Statement
/# Company Stru%ture
0# ar1et Mar2et*s+
3# Current (pportunity
4# Pro5e%tion of Business 6uture
7# 6inan%ial Summary
""# Mar2et Analysis
'# "ndustry, Yesterday, oday and omorro)
.# Competiti&e Analysis *Appendi$ B+
/# Demo1raphi%s , ar1et Mar2et
0# Entry Barriers
"""# Mar2etin1 Strate1y
'# Produ%t-Ser&i%e
.# Sales Strate1y
/# Promotion
0# Pri%in1 Strate1y
3# 8e! Strate1y
4# Differentiation *Competiti&e Ad&anta1e+
"9#(perations Plan
'# :o%ation
.# (peration
/# (r1ani;ation Stru%ture
0# Employees
3# Spa%e
4# Capa%ity<
7# Criti%al Suppliers
=# 6inan%ial system
># Computer system#
'?# E@uipment
''# Permits and :i%enses
'.# "nsuran%e
'/# Contra%ts
'0# Patents and Copyri1hts
'3# Credit Poli%y
9# 6inan%ial Plan
'# Produ%t and Ser&i%e Pri%in1
.# 6undin1 Sour%e*s+
/# Cash 6lo) Pro5e%tion *Appendi$ A+
9"# Appendi$ A< Cash 6lo) Statement
9""# Appendi$ B< Competiti&e Analysis
9"""# Appendi$ C< Aesume
"# E$e%uti&e Summary
(&er&ie) of the !usiness e$plainin1 the fundamentals#
'# Business ()ner*s+ , Produ%t-Ser&i%e
i# 8ho are you and )hat @ualifies you to operate this !usinessB
ii# 8hat is the produ%t or ser&i%e *!rief des%ription+B
.# Mission Statement
i# Briefly des%ri!e )hat you )ill do to !e su%%essful and 1uidin1 prin%iples *ser&i%e,
@uality, %ommunity fo%us, passion for the !usiness, et%+
/# Company Stru%ture
i# State sole proprietorship
ii# ::C
iii# Corporation
i&# Ceneral Partnership
&# :imited Partnership
&i# Status of !usiness *start-up, e$pansion of a 1oin1 %on%ern, ta2e-o&er of e$istin1
!usiness, fran%hise, et%#+#
0# ar1et Mar2et*s+
i# 8ho are the %ustomersB
'# "ndustrial
.# Consumers
/# Co&ernment
ii# "s your !usiness B.B *!usiness to !usiness+, B.C *!usiness to %onsumer+, B.C
*!usiness to 1o&ernment+, et%# E$plain#
3# Current (pportunity
i# 8hy is the opportunity %urrently a&aila!le to youB
'# Ne) idea or te%hnolo1yB
.# No %ompetitionB
/# Spe%ial s2illsB
4# Pro5e%tion of Business 6uture
i# 8hat is the future of the !usinessB
'# :imited *time+ opportunity or timelessB
.# 8hyB
7# 6inan%ial Summary
i# otal amount of funds sou1ht for &enture< D
ii# otal amount of estimated startup %osts< D
iii# otal amount of pro5e%ted a&era1e monthly e$penses< D
i&# otal amount of pro5e%ted a&era1e monthly re&enue< D
""# Mar2et Analysis
'# Determines a%%ess to the mar2et !y studyin1 the industry, %ompetitors and %ustomer
demo1raphi%s *so you %an %hoose a tar1et mar2et+#
.# "ndustry, Yesterday, oday and omorro)
i# 8hat industry does your produ%t-ser&i%e mi$ fall underB 8hat has this industry done in
the last se&eral years, )hat is it doin1 today, and )hat do industry analysts *trade
or1ani;ations+ predi%t for the futureB
/# Competiti&e Analysis *Appendi$ B+
i# 8ho is the %ompetitionB "f there are many it )ill !e easy to enter the mar2et, !ut hard
to 1et si1nifi%ant share- "f there are fe), it mi1ht !e harder to enter, !ut you %ould 1ain
si1nifi%ant share#
0# Demo1raphi%s , ar1et Mar2et
i# Do a thorou1h study of the population demo1raphi%s in the mar2et your !usiness )ill
sell in# hen, de%ide )hat type of person *tar1et mar2et+ )ill !uy your produ%t# Does
the population demo1raphi% in your area ha&e enou1h mat%h )ellB "s there enou1h of
this type of %lient *tar1et mar2et+ in your area to ha&e a su%%essful !usinessB
ii# Mar2et Se1ments %an in%lude<
'# A1e
.# Se$
/# "n%ome
0# Edu%ation :e&el
3# (%%upation
4# :o%ation *re1ion, nei1h!orhoods+
7# :ifestyle *psy%ho1raphi%s, ho!!ies+
=# Business (r1ani;ation *si;e, industry+
># Aeli1ion
3# Entry Barriers
i# Are there !arriers to entryB Ei1h entry %ostB Ei1h ris2 and %ost to 1et in, !ut limits the
amount of %ompetitors# :o) entry %ostB :o) ris2 and %ost to 1et in, !ut li2ely to ha&e
many %ompetitors# Are there permits or re1ulatory appro&als re@uiredB
ii# Are there other %ompeten%ies you need to de&elopB Are they easily a%hie&a!leB
"""# Mar2etin1 Strate1y
'# Build strate1y from %ore %ompeten%ies *@uality, speed, ser&i%e, produ%t, pri%e, %on&enien%e,
lo%ation, et%#+ he strate1y is to tell %ustomers )hat you )ill do !etter than the %ompetition#
Customer must !e a!le to %learly see &alue#
.# Produ%t-Ser&i%e
i# Ci&e a detailed des%ription of your produ%t or ser&i%e# "n%ludin1 photos %reates a more
po)erful presentation#
/# Sales Strate1y
i# Eo) )ill you 1et to your produ%t-ser&i%e to the mar2etB Dire%t salesB hrou1h a
%hannel *distri!utor, manufa%turers representati&e, retailer, internet+B
0# Promotion
i# Eo) )ill you promote your produ%t-ser&i%e to the %ustomerB E$amples are<
'# his 1oes !a%2 to demo1raphi%s and fi1urin1 out )hat types of person *tar1et
mar2et+ )ill !uy your produ%t# So, )hat 2ind of ad&ertisements does this person
respond to the !estB
3# Pri%in1 Strate1y
i# Eo) you are 1oin1 to pri%e your produ%t or ser&i%eB :oo2 at the %ompetitions pri%e,
)hat you !elie&e your %osts mi1ht !e, and %an you 1et the same pri%e or a premium
o&er the %ompetitionB
ii# Penetration pri%in1 strate1y
'# Pri%e %har1ed is set artifi%ially lo) to 1ain mar2et share# (n%e a%hie&ed, pri%e is
iii# S2immin1 pri%in1 strate1y
'# Char1in1 a hi1h pri%e !e%ause you ha&e a su!stantial %ompetiti&e ad&anta1e#
Eo)e&er, the ad&anta1e is not sustaina!le# he hi1h pri%e tends to attra%t ne)
%ompetitors into the mar2et, and the pri%e ine&ita!ly falls due to in%reased
i&# 6ollo)-the-leader pri%in1 strate1y
'# Set pri%e !ased on %ompetitors *leads to Fpri%e )arsG+#
&# 9aria!le pri%in1 strate1y
'# Pri%e flu%tuates !ased on *%han1in1+ %ost of produ%tion#
&i# E%onomy Pri%in1
'# No frills lo) pri%eH the lo)est possi!le re1ardless of )hat other are doin1# Cost
of mar2etin1 and manufa%ture are 2ept at a minimum#
&ii# Premium Pri%in1
'# Ei1h pri%e is for a uni@ueness a!out the produ%t or ser&i%e# his approa%h is
used )here a su!stantial %ompetiti&e ad&anta1e e$ists#
4# 8e! Strate1y
i# 8hat )ill you use your )e! site forB E$amples< simply mar2etin1, sales transa%tions,
in&entory, %ustomer edu%ation, partner net)or2in1, et%#
7# Differentiation *Competiti&e Ad&anta1e+
=# his !rin1s your entire mar2etin1 strate1y to1ether#
i# 8hy )ill you su%%eedB 8hat )ill you do different than the %ompetitorsB hese are
%alled your F%ore %ompeten%iesG, )hat you do )ell that perhaps the %ompetition does
not# :ist your %ore %ompeten%ies# E$amples )ould !e superior ser&i%e le&els,
e$%eptional @uality, speed, !etter produ%t or ser&i%e, !etter lo%ation, et%#
ii# "f there is enou1h differentiation, you %an !e su%%essful# "f there is little or no
differentiation, then you )ill usually need to rely on pri%e to 1et !usinessH not the !est
option for a start up !usiness#
"9#(perations Plan
Eo) produ%t is made and-or ser&i%e fulfilled, and other %ore %hara%teristi%s of your !usiness<
'# :o%ation
i# *in%lude %omplete address+#
.# (peration
i# 8hen !usiness )ill or did open
ii# Eours
iii# seasonal or not
/# (r1ani;ation Stru%ture
i# sole proprietor, %orporation, ::C, et%#
0# Employees
i# Num!er of employees needed#
ii# :ist ea%h position and )hat its primary responsi!ilities )ill !e#
iii# ype of employees needed *spe%ial s2ills, 2no)led1e or edu%ation+#
3# Spa%e
i# for produ%tion needed
ii# for people needed
4# Capa%ity<
i# ho) mu%h produ%t-ser&i%e %an you pro&ide in a %ertain time frame#
7# Criti%al Suppliers#
=# 6inan%ial system#
i# Eire a a%%ountant or do it yourselfB
># Computer system#
i# You )ill need some sort of !usiness system, e&en if it is manual to !e1in )ith# :ist
)hat it )ill !e and )hat it )ill need to do#
'?# E@uipment
i# Computers
ii# ools
iii# 6i$tures
i&# Displays
&# 9ehi%les
&i# :ist e&erythin1 you need to %ondu%t !usinessI
''# Permits and :i%enses
i# Permits
ii# :i%enses
'.# "nsuran%e
i# ype
'# Co&era1e amount
'/# Contra%ts
'0# Patents and Copyri1hts
i# Patents
ii# Copyri1hts
'3# Credit Poli%y
9# 6inan%ial Plan
E$plain your finan%ial strate1y#
'# Produ%t and Ser&i%e Pri%in1
.# :ist all of your produ%ts and ser&i%es and ho) they )ill !e pri%ed# hen, list ho) many you
)ill sell ea%h month for the first year# Add these totals to your %ash flo) pro5e%tion#
i# Produ%t - Ser&i%e
'# Pri%e - Aate
ii# Produ%t - Ser&i%e
'# Pri%e - Aate
iii# Produ%t - Ser&i%e
'# Pri%e - Aate
i&# Produ%t - Ser&i%e
'# Pri%e - Aate
&# Produ%t - Ser&i%e
'# Pri%e - Aate
&i# Produ%t - Ser&i%e
'# Pri%e - Aate
&ii# Produ%t - Ser&i%e
'# Pri%e - Aate
/# 6undin1 Sour%e*s+
0# E$plain )here you intend to o!tain fundin1 and ho) mu%h you )ill re%ei&e from ea%h sour%e#
i# :o%ation
'# Amount
ii# :o%ation
'# Amount
iii# :o%ation
'# Amount
i&# :o%ation
'# Amount
&# :o%ation
'# Amount
&i# :o%ation
'# Amount
&ii# :o%ation
'# Amount
3# Cash 6lo) Pro5e%tion *Appendi$ A+
9"# Appendi$ A< Cash 6lo) Statement
"nsert Cash 6lo) Statement
9""# Appendi$ B< Competiti&e Analysis
a2e a loo2 at your most prominent %ompetitors and rate them on the follo)in1 %hara%teristi%s# No)
you ha&e done that, de%ide ho) you )ill ma2e your !usiness appear different *!etter+ to the pu!li%, !y
ratin1 ho) you )ant to !e#
6a%tors You
'# Produ%ts
.# Pri%e
/# Juality
0# Produ%t
3# Customer
4# Produ%t
7# Aelia!ility
=# A!ilities<
># "ma1e
'?# :o%ation
'/# Sales
'0# Credit
'7# Sta!ility
'=# Mar2etin1
9"""# Appendi$ C< Aesume