The State University of Zanzibar Public Lecture
The State University of Zanzibar Public Lecture
The State University of Zanzibar Public Lecture
The State University of Zanzibar (SUZA invites you to public lectures to be delivered
by Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz on the following topics:
1. Research Challenges in Next Generation Cellular Systems: LTE-A and
5G, at 10am 12pm on 21
July, 2014 at Tunguu Campus,
2. Social Impacts of Sensor Networks on our Daily Lives, at 10am 12pm on
July, 2014 at Vuga Campus
Whereas the first lecture is more technical and more appropriate for stakeholders in
the ICT discipline including students and staff, the second lecture is general and will
benefit researchers and stakeholders from a wide range of areas that include
communications, environment, transport, logistics, etc. . For details on lectures
abstracts please visit
About Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz
I. F. AKYILDIZ is a world re-known and outstanding researcher in wireless
communications. He is currently the Ken Byers Chair Professor with the School of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Director of
the Broadband Wireless Networking Laboratory and Chair of the
Telecommunications Group. He is an Honorary Professor with School of Electrical
Engineering at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, and Director of N3Cat
(NaNoNetworking Center in Catalunya) in Barcelona, Spain, since June 2008. Dr.
Akyildiz is also the Finnish Distinguished Professor with Tampere University of
Technology, Tampere, Finland since January 2013.
He is the Editor-in-Chief of Computer Networks (Elsevier) Journal since 2000, the
founding Editor-in-Chiefs of the Ad Hoc Networks Journal (2003), Physical
Communication (PHYCOM) Journal (2008), and Nano Communication Networks
(NANOCOMNET) Journal (2010) all published by Elsevier. He has contributed
immensely in research and academia, and has received a number of worldwide
recognitions and awards. For more details please visit