Biology 1 2014 Syllabus

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Course: Oakland City University: Biology 111 (3 hours), Biology I (North Daviess)

Term: Fall !1"# $%ring !1&

Instructor: 'oni(a )lade
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/hone 01#131#0!!! ,2t. 31!3
Text: C4#1 Biology Con(e%ts (Digital 5e2t only)
Course Description: Biology I %rovides through regular la6oratory, (lass dis(ussion and 7ield
investigations, a study o7 the stru(ture, 7un(tion, and re%rodu(tion o7 the (ell, geneti(s, evolution,
and e(ology o7 living organis+s and their environ+ent.
Counts to 7ul7ill the Biology re8uire+ent 7or the )eneral (Class o7 !1! and su6se8uent
(lasses), Core "!, Core "! 9ith :(ade+i( ;onors and Core "! 9ith 5e(hni(al ;onors di%lo+as
Dual (redit availa6le through Oakland City University
Materials need for class:
Co+%osition note6ook ($(ien(e <ournal), 7older or 3#ring 6inder 9ith %a%er, la%to%, %ens=%en(ils,
glue sti(ks, and a 7lash drive
Class Assignments
5his (lass 9ill in(lude grou% and individual 9ork, s(ien(e <ournaling, reading assign+ents,
%o9er %oint, vo(a6ulary, 8ui>>es, and tests along 9ith la6 a(tivities and 7inal e2a+. :ll +aterial
9ill (over the Indiana :(ade+i( $tandards 7or $(ien(e !1! and %re%are students 7or the ,C:
Biology I test at the end o7 the year.
Chapters and topics to be covered this year (2! standards attached"
1. Introdu(tion to Biology
. Cell Biology
3. )eneti(s
". 'ole(ular Biology
&. ,volution
1. ,(ology
?. ,C: *evie9
#tudent $e%uirements and &xpectations
$tudents are e2%e(ted to 6e %re%ared 7or (lass 9ith all +aterials needed 7or (lass.
$tudents 9ill get three %asses out o7 (lass 7or the 3 9eeks 7or e+ergen(ies only@
$tudents need to 6e on ti+e in (lass and ready to 9ork 9hen the 6ell rings. :ttendan(e is
very i+%ortant. 5he 6ell assign+ent 9ill 6e on the 6oard to 6egin at the 6eginning o7 (lass.
;o+e9ork and %ro<e(t +aterials are due the day o7 the due date. I7 9ork is not turned in
6y the due date it 9ill 6e due the ne2t day 9ith &A taken o77 7or 6eing late. :ny 9ork that
is turned in days late 9ill lose &!A. :ny 9ork turned in days a7ter the due date 9ill not
6e a((e%ted.
$tudents 9ho are (aught (heating 9ill 6e dealt 9ith and hand6ook rules 9ill 6e en7or(ed.
:ll rules in the hand6ook 9ill 6e en7or(ed in the (lassroo+.
Ba%to%s are 7or (lass %ur%oses only, no ga+es or non#related 9e6sites during (lass.
NO 7ood or drink in (lass, this in(ludes gu+, (andy, and 9ater.
5here 9ill 6e no horse%lay tolerated in (lass or la6 areas. $tudents should 7ollo9 all
sa7ety guidelines 9hen 9orking in the la6.
/arti(i%ation %oints 9ill 6e given in (lass 7or a grade. :BB students need to 6e %re%ared
and %arti(i%ate@
:ny use o7 a (ell %hone in (lass 9ill 6e a 9rite u%. 5he %hone should not 6e seen in (lass,
no te2ting or other use.
No +usi( devi(es 9ill 6e allo9ed in (lass.
&xtra Credit
$tudents 9ill have an o%%ortunity to earn e2tra (redit 7or this (lass. : student (an not earn +ore
than ! %oints 7or a 3 9eek %eriod. ,2tra (redit o%%ortunities are listed in the e2tra (redit 6inder
7ound at the 7ront o7 the (lassroo+. :lternate e2tra (redit %ro<e(ts are allo9ed, 6ut +ust 6e
a%%roved 6y 'rs. )lade at least 9eeks 6e7ore the end o7 the grading %eriod. ,2tra (redit 9ill
not hel% students 9ho do not turn in nor+al (lass assign+ents and %ro<e(ts.
'rading #cale
:ll grades are graded on a %oint syste+. 5o 7igure a grade take the total earned and divide 6y the
total %ossi6le. :ll grades 9ill 6e on ;ar+ony.
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