This document describes a project to design an automatic embedded QR code recognition system using low-cost components. The system uses a webcam connected to an S3C2440 microcontroller via USB to capture QR code images. The microcontroller processes the images using image processing techniques to recognize the QR code. It then monitors the results on a remote PC connected through Ethernet. The goal is to build a low-cost system for automated QR code recognition using embedded hardware and software.
This document describes a project to design an automatic embedded QR code recognition system using low-cost components. The system uses a webcam connected to an S3C2440 microcontroller via USB to capture QR code images. The microcontroller processes the images using image processing techniques to recognize the QR code. It then monitors the results on a remote PC connected through Ethernet. The goal is to build a low-cost system for automated QR code recognition using embedded hardware and software.
This document describes a project to design an automatic embedded QR code recognition system using low-cost components. The system uses a webcam connected to an S3C2440 microcontroller via USB to capture QR code images. The microcontroller processes the images using image processing techniques to recognize the QR code. It then monitors the results on a remote PC connected through Ethernet. The goal is to build a low-cost system for automated QR code recognition using embedded hardware and software.
This document describes a project to design an automatic embedded QR code recognition system using low-cost components. The system uses a webcam connected to an S3C2440 microcontroller via USB to capture QR code images. The microcontroller processes the images using image processing techniques to recognize the QR code. It then monitors the results on a remote PC connected through Ethernet. The goal is to build a low-cost system for automated QR code recognition using embedded hardware and software.
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AIM: The aim of the project is to DESIGN OF AUTOMATIC EMBEDDED VISION OF QR CODE RECOGNITION SYSTEM. COMPONENTS: S3C2440, Webcam, USB device, LCD Dispa! "#it, $o%er S"pp!& ABSTRACT: With as ma#! as haf of "s #o% o%#i#' smart pho#es, a#d that #"mber 'ro%i#' o# a dai! basis, () Codes have the pote#tia to have a major impact "po# societ! a#d partic"ar! i# advertisi#', mar*eti#' a#d c"stomer service %ith a %eath of prod"ct i#formatio# j"st o#e sca# a%a!& Quick Respose Co!es are a t!pe of t%o+dime#sio#a barcode that ca# be read "si#' smart pho#es a#d mo#itor the va"es o# %eb server& ,"r -mbedded project is to desi'# a#d deveop a o% cost feat"re %hich is based o# embedded patform for () Code reco'#itio# "si#' %ebcam& The () Codes ca# be detected b! %ebcam %hich is co##ected to .)/ micro co#troer thro"'h USB device a#d the ima'e is processed b! "si#' ima'e processi#' tech#i0"e& I"#$e p%ocessi$ is a#! form of si'#a processi#' for %hich the i#p"t is a# ima'e, s"ch as a photo'raph or video frame1 the o"tp"t of ima'e processi#' ma! be either a# ima'e or a set of characteristics or parameters reated to the ima'e& The mai# aim of this project is to reco'#i2e the () Code from the %ebcam, process the i#formatio# b! mea#s of .)/ co#troer a#d mo#itor the res"ts o# remote co#troed $C thro"'h -ther#et& 3ere %e are 'oi#' to "se S3C2440 based micro co#troer %hich is 32 bit co#troer to impeme#t this project& B&OC' DIAGRAM: S(C)**+ ,EBCAM USB DEVICE REGU&ATED PO,ER SUPP&Y -+.-++ ET/ERNET PC IMP&EMENTATION: SOFT,ARE: -mbedded 4C5 TOO&S: 6ei, 7ash /a'ic TARGET DEVICE: 809:;.)/<& APP&ICATIONS: Used to reco'#i2e () Codes o# $C& ADVANTAGES: Lo% cost, eas! to impeme#t, a"tomated operatio#, a#d Lo% $o%er co#s"mptio#& REFERENCE: :& The 809: micro co#troer a#d embedded s!stems b! /a2idi& 2& Datasheets a#d the "ser ma#"as of L$C2:48&