1) The cyclotron accelerates positively charged particles using oscillating electric and uniform magnetic fields perpendicular to each other.
2) It consists of two D-shaped metal chambers called dees between which a potential difference alternates, accelerating particles in a circular path due to the Lorentz force.
3) The cyclotron frequency does not depend on particle speed, allowing continuous acceleration, but it is limited to non-relativistic speeds and can only accelerate positively charged particles.
1) The cyclotron accelerates positively charged particles using oscillating electric and uniform magnetic fields perpendicular to each other.
2) It consists of two D-shaped metal chambers called dees between which a potential difference alternates, accelerating particles in a circular path due to the Lorentz force.
3) The cyclotron frequency does not depend on particle speed, allowing continuous acceleration, but it is limited to non-relativistic speeds and can only accelerate positively charged particles.
1) The cyclotron accelerates positively charged particles using oscillating electric and uniform magnetic fields perpendicular to each other.
2) It consists of two D-shaped metal chambers called dees between which a potential difference alternates, accelerating particles in a circular path due to the Lorentz force.
3) The cyclotron frequency does not depend on particle speed, allowing continuous acceleration, but it is limited to non-relativistic speeds and can only accelerate positively charged particles.
1) The cyclotron accelerates positively charged particles using oscillating electric and uniform magnetic fields perpendicular to each other.
2) It consists of two D-shaped metal chambers called dees between which a potential difference alternates, accelerating particles in a circular path due to the Lorentz force.
3) The cyclotron frequency does not depend on particle speed, allowing continuous acceleration, but it is limited to non-relativistic speeds and can only accelerate positively charged particles.
Q1. Give the principle, construction and working of the cyclotron.
Also write the
limitations of it. Ans: Cyclotron is the device which is used to accelerate positively charged particles.
Principle: A positively charged particle can be accelerated to high energy with the help of an oscillating electric field, by making it cross the same electric field time and again with the use of a strong magnetic field. The frequency of revolution of charged particle is not dependent on the energy. It acts on principle of cross action of fields in which the +vly charged particle or ions is made to move time and again in a region of strong magnetic field and high frequency electric field which are mutually perp. to each other then it can acquire sufficiently high k.e energy. Construction: It consists of two dees or D-shaped metal chambers D1 and D2. The dees are separated by a small distance. The two dees are perpendicular to their plane. P is the position where the ion source is placed.
The dees are maintained to a potential difference whose polarity alternates with the same frequency as the circular motion of the particles. The dees are closed in a steel box placed between the poles of a strong electromagnet. The magnetic field is perpendicular to the plane of the dees.
Theory and Working: The positive ion P to be accelerated is placed in between the two dees. If at any instant, D1 is at negative potential and D2 is at positive potential, then the ion gets accelerated towards D 1 but since its perpendicular to B, it describes a circular path of radius r and Lorentz force provides the centripetal force.
Time taken to describe a semicircle is
If this time is equal to the time during which D 1 and D 2 change their polarity, the ion gets accelerated when it arrives in between the gaps. The electric field accelerates the ion further. Once the ion is inside the dee D2, it now describes a greater semicircle due to the magnetic field. This process repels and the ion goes on describing a circular path of greater radius and finally acquires a high energy. The ion is further removed from a window W. The maximum energy acquired by the ion source is
The frequency of cyclotron is given by
Limitations of Cyclotron: Only when the speed of the circulating ion is less than 'c' the speed of light, we find the frequency of revolution to be independent of its speed. At higher speeds, the mass of the ion will increase and this changes the time period of the ion revolution. This results in the ion lagging behind the electric field and it eventually loses by collisions against the walls of the dees. The cyclotron is suitable for accelerating heavy charged particles but not electrons. Cyclotrons cannot accelerate in charged particles. It is not suited for very high kinetic energy. Q1. Write an expression for the force experienced by the charged particle moving in a uniform magnetic field B With the help of labeled diagram explain the working of cyclotron? Show that cyclotron frequency does not depend upon the speed of the particle?
Q2. A particle of mass m and charge q moving with a uniform speed normal to a uniform magnetic field B describes a circular path of radius & Derive expressions for (1) Radius of the circular path (2) time period of revolution (3) Kinetic energy of the particle?
Q3. Can neutrons be accelerated in a cyclotron? Why?
Q4. A uniform magnetic field 0.5 T is applied normal to the plane of the Dees of a Cyclotron. Calculate the period of the alternating potential to be applied to the Dees to accelerate deutrons (mass of deuteron = 3.3 10-27 kg and its charge = 1.6 10-19C) *********************