This document discusses cut and fill methods used in construction projects. It defines cut sections as areas where material is removed and fill sections as areas where material is added. It then provides an example of the Seremban–Port Dickson Highway project in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The highway construction utilized cut and fill methods by removing material from hills and using it to fill lower areas. This allowed the project to save costs by reusing excavated material instead of importing soil. It also helped create a straight roadway and avoid potential landslides by flattening hilly terrain. In summary, the document outlines definitions of cut and fill construction and provides an example project that demonstrated cost savings and other benefits from using this
This document discusses cut and fill methods used in construction projects. It defines cut sections as areas where material is removed and fill sections as areas where material is added. It then provides an example of the Seremban–Port Dickson Highway project in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The highway construction utilized cut and fill methods by removing material from hills and using it to fill lower areas. This allowed the project to save costs by reusing excavated material instead of importing soil. It also helped create a straight roadway and avoid potential landslides by flattening hilly terrain. In summary, the document outlines definitions of cut and fill construction and provides an example project that demonstrated cost savings and other benefits from using this
This document discusses cut and fill methods used in construction projects. It defines cut sections as areas where material is removed and fill sections as areas where material is added. It then provides an example of the Seremban–Port Dickson Highway project in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The highway construction utilized cut and fill methods by removing material from hills and using it to fill lower areas. This allowed the project to save costs by reusing excavated material instead of importing soil. It also helped create a straight roadway and avoid potential landslides by flattening hilly terrain. In summary, the document outlines definitions of cut and fill construction and provides an example project that demonstrated cost savings and other benefits from using this
This document discusses cut and fill methods used in construction projects. It defines cut sections as areas where material is removed and fill sections as areas where material is added. It then provides an example of the Seremban–Port Dickson Highway project in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. The highway construction utilized cut and fill methods by removing material from hills and using it to fill lower areas. This allowed the project to save costs by reusing excavated material instead of importing soil. It also helped create a straight roadway and avoid potential landslides by flattening hilly terrain. In summary, the document outlines definitions of cut and fill construction and provides an example project that demonstrated cost savings and other benefits from using this
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a) Definition Cut & Fill
There are quite a lot of definitions for Cut & Fill. Generally, Cut & Fill can be define as a process of constructing a railway, road, building and etc whereby the amount of material from cuts roughly matches the amount of fill needed. b) hat is cut section! Generally, cut section is a section where an amount of material will put or fill into. Cut sections of roadway or rail are characteri"ed by the roadway being lower in ele#ation than the surrounding terrain. c) hat is fill section! Generally, fill section is a section where an amount of material will cut or remo#e into. Fill sections manifest as ele#ated sections of a roadway or trac$ bed. QUESTION PART B Economic Conditions for Balancing Earthwork CUT & FILL %d#antages of Cut and Fill method &based on a real construction wor$). The construction of Seremban Port Dickson Highway 'ntroduction (eremban ) *ort Dic$son +ighway is a highway located in ,egeri (embilan. 't was built to shorter the distance between *ort Dic$son and (eremban and also as an alternati#e road for the federal road. 't has a length of -. $m. Construction The construction of this highway has in#ol#ed cut and fill method. 't is because it was built through hills and mountains. The ad#antages of using this method are such as can sa#e cost. /y using this method, the material from the 0cut area1 will be used to pour into the 0fill area1. (o contractors do not ha#e to the material or soil from other places and this can sa#e cost. ,e2t ad#antage is the roadway can be straight. For e2ample, if the hills or the mountains were not being cut and the roadway built through it, for sure the road will not be straight and it will be up and down roadway. This situation is not good for the road users. 3ther than that, this method can also a#oid natural disasters such as landslides. 'f the hills or mountains were cut, the ground or soil will be flattened and a well drainage system can be built. (o this condition can a#oid landslides to occur. Cut and fill method ha#e their own ad#antages. The construction of (eremban ) *ort Dic$son +ighway has pro#ed all. From the construction, sa#ing cost, shorten distance and time, and a#oid natural disaster are among the ma4or ad#antages. *ictures