This document provides safety warnings and instructions for operating and maintaining a Magnatex Pumps magnetic drive sealless pump. It warns that people wearing medical devices should avoid direct contact with the pump's magnetic components and seek medical attention if they experience interference. It explains that the magnetic field is contained within the assembled pump coupling, so medical device wearers are safe when the pump is assembled and in operation. It also provides instructions to check the motor shaft rotation matches the pump prior to coupling and notes the recommended lubricant as high quality turbine oil or synthetic equivalent for the bearing housing.
This document provides safety warnings and instructions for operating and maintaining a Magnatex Pumps magnetic drive sealless pump. It warns that people wearing medical devices should avoid direct contact with the pump's magnetic components and seek medical attention if they experience interference. It explains that the magnetic field is contained within the assembled pump coupling, so medical device wearers are safe when the pump is assembled and in operation. It also provides instructions to check the motor shaft rotation matches the pump prior to coupling and notes the recommended lubricant as high quality turbine oil or synthetic equivalent for the bearing housing.
This document provides safety warnings and instructions for operating and maintaining a Magnatex Pumps magnetic drive sealless pump. It warns that people wearing medical devices should avoid direct contact with the pump's magnetic components and seek medical attention if they experience interference. It explains that the magnetic field is contained within the assembled pump coupling, so medical device wearers are safe when the pump is assembled and in operation. It also provides instructions to check the motor shaft rotation matches the pump prior to coupling and notes the recommended lubricant as high quality turbine oil or synthetic equivalent for the bearing housing.
This document provides safety warnings and instructions for operating and maintaining a Magnatex Pumps magnetic drive sealless pump. It warns that people wearing medical devices should avoid direct contact with the pump's magnetic components and seek medical attention if they experience interference. It explains that the magnetic field is contained within the assembled pump coupling, so medical device wearers are safe when the pump is assembled and in operation. It also provides instructions to check the motor shaft rotation matches the pump prior to coupling and notes the recommended lubricant as high quality turbine oil or synthetic equivalent for the bearing housing.
3575 West 12th Street Houston, TX 77008 Phone (713) 972-8666 Fax (713) 972-8665 Magnatex Pumps, Inc. 477 West 38th Street Houston, TX 77018 Phone (713) 972-8666 Fax (713) 972-8665 !WARNING! - MAG DRIVE PUMP DO NOT WORK ON THIS PUMP IF YOU ARE WEARING A MEDICAL DEVICE (DEFIBRILLATOR, PACEMAKER, ETC.) PERSONNEL WHO EXPERIENCE INTERFERENCE WITH THEIR MEDICAL DEVICE SHOULD MOVE AWAY FROM THE PUMP AND REFRAIN FROM HANDLING MAGNETIC PUMP COMPONENTS. SEEK IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION IF YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED INTERFERENCE WITH YOUR MEDICAL DEVICE. The rare earth permanent magnets in this pump have been manufactured such that the magnetic field is directional toward each half of the magnetic coupling. For this reason, the magnetic field that exists outside of the assembled magnetic coupling is minimal. When the two halves are apart, the magnetic field is exposed, which is why we recommend that personnel wearing medical devices DO NOT HANDLE the magnetic coupling components. When the pump is assembled, the magnetic fields from the magnetic coupling components are not exposed and it is safe for wearers of medical devices to be in the general proximity of the assembled pump, whether the pump is in operation or not. It is best to check the direction of motor shaft rotation prior to connecting the pump and motor coupling halves with the removable flexible element and spacer flanges. Rotation should match the cast-in arrow or label and the direction of the casing scroll noted under the discharge flange. If the direction of rotation is incorrect, switch two of the three-phase power leads to the motor. If the coupling flexible element is installed, proceed as follows: High quality Turbine Oil from a major oil manufacturer of ISO Grade 68. Synthetic oils of the same grade may be used if desired. Cooling fluid to the bearing frame taps is recommended for process pumping temperatures above 350F to extend service life.