A spectrophotometer uses a spectrometer to produce light of specific wavelengths and a photometer to measure the intensity of transmitted light. It can be used to measure the concentration of substances in solution by how much light of a particular wavelength they absorb. Beer's law describes the quantitative relationship between absorbance and concentration, showing absorbance is directly proportional to concentration. To use a spectrophotometer like the Spectronic 20, the user sets the wavelength, zeros the instrument using a reference solution, and then measures the absorbance of samples to determine concentration.
A spectrophotometer uses a spectrometer to produce light of specific wavelengths and a photometer to measure the intensity of transmitted light. It can be used to measure the concentration of substances in solution by how much light of a particular wavelength they absorb. Beer's law describes the quantitative relationship between absorbance and concentration, showing absorbance is directly proportional to concentration. To use a spectrophotometer like the Spectronic 20, the user sets the wavelength, zeros the instrument using a reference solution, and then measures the absorbance of samples to determine concentration.
A spectrophotometer uses a spectrometer to produce light of specific wavelengths and a photometer to measure the intensity of transmitted light. It can be used to measure the concentration of substances in solution by how much light of a particular wavelength they absorb. Beer's law describes the quantitative relationship between absorbance and concentration, showing absorbance is directly proportional to concentration. To use a spectrophotometer like the Spectronic 20, the user sets the wavelength, zeros the instrument using a reference solution, and then measures the absorbance of samples to determine concentration.
A spectrophotometer uses a spectrometer to produce light of specific wavelengths and a photometer to measure the intensity of transmitted light. It can be used to measure the concentration of substances in solution by how much light of a particular wavelength they absorb. Beer's law describes the quantitative relationship between absorbance and concentration, showing absorbance is directly proportional to concentration. To use a spectrophotometer like the Spectronic 20, the user sets the wavelength, zeros the instrument using a reference solution, and then measures the absorbance of samples to determine concentration.
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Principles of Spectrophotometry
A spectrophotometer consists of two instruments, namely a spectrometer for producing
light of any selected color (wavelength), and a photometer for measuring the intensity of light. The instruments are arranged so that liquid in a cuvette can be placed between the spectrometer beam and the photometer. The amount of light passing through the tube is measured by the photometer. The photometer delivers a voltage signal to a display device, normally a galvanometer. The signal changes as the amount of light absorbed by the liquid changes. If development of color is linked to the concentration of a substance in solution then that concentration can be measured by determining the etent of absorption of light at the appropriate wavelength. !or eample hemoglobin appears red because the hemoglobin absorbs blue and green light rays much more effectively than red. The degree of absorbance of blue or green light is proportional to the concentration of hemoglobin. "hen monochromatic light (light of a specific wavelength) passes through a solution there is usually a quantitative relationship (#eer$s law) between the solute concentration and the intensity of the transmitted light, that is, where I sub % is the intensity of transmitted light using the pure solvent, I is the intensity of the transmitted light when the colored compound is added, c is concentration of the colored compound, l is the distance the light passes through the solution, and k is a constant. If the light path l is a constant, as is the case with a spectrophotometer, #eer$s law may be written, where k is a new constant and T is the transmittance of the solution. There is a logarithmic relationship between transmittance and the concentration of the colored compound. Thus, The &.'. is directly proportional to the concentration of the colored compound. (ost spectrophotometers have a scale that reads both in &.'. (absorbance) units, which is a logarithmic scale, and in ) transmittance, which is an arithmetic scale. As suggested by the above relationships, the absorbance scale is the most useful for colorimetric assays. Using a Spectronic 20 spectrophotometer The *pectronic +% spectrometer is widely used in teaching laboratories. The specific instructions will differ with other models, but the principles remain. ,. The instrument must have been warm for at least ,- min. prior to use. The power switch doubles as the .eroing control. +. /se the wavelength knob to set the desired wavelength. 0treme wavelengths, in the ultraviolet or infrared ranges, require special filters, light sources, and1or sample holders (cuvettes). 2. "ith the sample cover closed, use the .ero control to ad3ust the meter needle to 4%4 on the ) transmittance scale (with no sample in the instrument the light path is blocked, so the photometer reads no light at all). 5. "ipe the tube containing the reference solution with a lab wipe and place it into the sample holder. 6lose the cover and use the light control knob to set the meter needle to 4%4 on the absorbance scale. -. 7emove the reference tube, wipe off the first sample or standard tube, insert it and close the cover. 7ead and record the absorbance, not the transmittance. 8. 7emove the sample tube, read3ust the .ero, and recalibrate if necessary before checking the net sample. "hy use a reference solution9 6an$t you 3ust use a water blank9 A proper reference solution contains color reagent plus sample buffer. The difference between the reference and a sample is that the concentration of the assayable substance in the reference solution is .ero. The reference tube transmits as much light as is possible with the assay solution you are using. A sample tube with any concentration of the assayable substance absorbs more light than the reference, transmitting less light to the photometer. In order to obtain the best readability and accuracy, the scale is set to read .ero absorbance (,%%) transmission) with the reference in place. :ow you can use the full scale of the spectrophotometer. If you use a water blank as a reference, you might find that the assay solution alone absorbs so much light relative to distilled water that the usable scale is compressed, and the accuracy is very poor.