Fat Loss Facts, Tips & Tricks
Fat Loss Facts, Tips & Tricks
Fat Loss Facts, Tips & Tricks
Copyright Will Brink & Internet Publications. You are welcome to pass on this special report to others. You
may not, however, edit it, extract content from it or offer it for sale in any way.
Biography:Will Brink
Brinks Unified Theory of Nutrition
The K.I.S.S. System for Success
Weight Loss Tips No One Uses
The Whey to Weight Loss
Fat Loss Revealed
Brinks Bodybuilding Revealed
Table of Contents
3 Fat Loss Facts, Tips & Tricks:
Copyright Will Brink & Internet Publications. You are welcome to pass on this special report to others. You
may not, however, edit it, extract content from it or offer it for sale in any way.
ill Brink is a columnist, contributing consultant, and writer
for numerous health/tness, medical, and bodybuilding pub-
lications. His articles on nutrition, supplements, weight loss,
exercise and medicine can be found in magazines and jour-
nals such as Lets Live, Muscle Media 2000,
MuscleMag International, Life Extension,
Muscle & Fitness, Inside Karate, Exercise
for Men Only, Oxygen, Te Townsend Let-
ter For Doctors, as well as many others.
Will Brink is the author of the book Prim-
ing Te Anabolic Environment: A practical
and Scientic Guide to the Art and Science
of Building Muscle, as well as various chap-
ters in sports nutritionrelated textbooks
and the ebooks Fat Loss Revealed and
Brinks Bodybuilding Revealed.
Will graduated from Harvard University
with a concentration in the natural sciences, and is a consultant to supple-
ment companies.
He has served as an NPC judge and as a Ms. Fitness USA judge. A well
known trainer, Will has helped many top level bodybuilders through all
facets of precontest and oseason training. He has also worked with ath-
letes ranging from professional golfers, tness contestants, and police and
military personnel.
His articles and interviews can be found on dozens of websites and at his
own piece of cyberspace at www.brinkzone.com.
Will has coauthored several studies published in peer-reviewed, academic
journals on sports nutrition and health.
Biography: Will Brink
Fat Loss Facts, Tips & Tricks: 4
Copyright Will Brink & Internet Publications. You are welcome to pass on this special report to others. You
may not, however, edit it, extract content from it or offer it for sale in any way.
His monthly column on supplements, Te Intake Update, is one of the
most popular features in MuscleMag International.
Will has lectured at trade associations and universities around the United
States and has appeared on numerous radio and television programs to ex-
amine issues of health and tness.
He can be contacted at:
PO Box 812430
Wellesley MA
See Wills Brinkzone website:
Check out Fat Loss Revealed:
Check out Brinks Bodybuilding Revealed:
Biography: Will Brink
The Brinkzone
Fat Loss Revealed
Bodybuilding Revealed
5 Fat Loss Facts, Tips & Tricks:
Copyright Will Brink & Internet Publications. You are welcome to pass on this special report to others. You
may not, however, edit it, extract content from it or offer it for sale in any way.
his short ebook is broken up into four ma-
jor sections that gradually take the reader
from the largest perspective on nutrition
down to the very specic. Te rst section
takes two seemingly disparate viewpoints on nu-
trition and unies them into a single theory peo-
ple can use to make decisions regarding their
approach to weight loss. Tis unied theory
is the basis for my approach to nutrition, and
should give people a solid understanding of the
type of information they can expect from my
ebooks and articles.
Section Two is an overview of how people fail to achieve their tness/health
related goals by overthinking and getting too wrapped up in the details. Tis
is what I refer to as paralysis by analysis. People often take overly compli-
cated approaches to their tness/health/fat loss related goals, get confused,
get frustrated, throw their hands up in disgust, and give up. Te K.I.S.S.
philosophy will help to clear the confusion, and allow you to move forward
with your health and tness goals.
Te third section is a look at some simple though rarely used and un-
der appreciated tips to assist your weight loss eorts. Its intended to
be humorous with tongue rmly in cheek but added to a decent
diet and exercise plan, can be helpful. And we all know that any amount
of help however small can be the line be-
tween success and failure when were trying to
lose some fat.
Te fourth and nal section is a scienceorient-
ed look at the eects of whey protein on weight
loss. Whey protein is almost ubiquitous in the
diets of health conscious people, athletes of all
Fat Loss Facts, Tips & Tricks: 6
Copyright Will Brink & Internet Publications. You are welcome to pass on this special report to others. You
may not, however, edit it, extract content from it or offer it for sale in any way.
kinds, and dieters. Whey has all manner of potential health benets, from
improving immunity, possibly preventing certain forms of cancer, to reduc-
ing the likelihood of overtraining in athletes in addition to the fact its an
exceptionally high quality protein. But can it be used as a legitimate weight
loss aid? Are there studies to support it for that use? Te answer appears to
be yes in both cases, and we explore the studies that exist in that section.
7 Fat Loss Facts, Tips & Tricks:
Copyright Will Brink & Internet Publications. You are welcome to pass on this special report to others. You
may not, however, edit it, extract content from it or offer it for sale in any way.
hen people hear the term Unied Teory, sometimes called
the Grand Unied Teory, or even Teory of Everything,
they probably think in terms of physics. Regardless of the topic,
a unied theory often seeks to explain seemingly incompat-
ible aspects of various theories. For example, a unied theory in physics
attempts to create a single theory capable of
dening the interrelationships among nuclear,
electromagnetic, and gravitational forces. Te
result would be a single comprehensive set of
equations, or as theoretical physicist Michio
Katu, puts it:
...an equation an inch long that would allow us to read the mind of God.
Tats how important unied theories can be. However, unied theories
dont have to deal with such heady topics as physics or the nature of the
universe itself, but can be applied to far more mundane topics, in this case
In this article, I attempt to unify seemingly incompatible or opposing views
regarding nutrition , namely what is probably the longest running debate
in the nutritional sciences calories vs. macronutrients.
One school, which I call the old school of nutrition, maintains weight loss
or weight gain is all about calories, and a calorie is a calorie, no matter the
source (i.e., carbs, fats, or proteins). Tey base
their position on various lines of evidence to
come to that conclusion.
Te other school, which I call the new school
of thought on the issue, states that gaining or
losing weight is really about where the calo-
ries come from (i.e., carbs, fats, and proteins),
Brinks Unified Theory of Nutrition
Fat Loss Facts, Tips & Tricks: 8
Copyright Will Brink & Internet Publications. You are welcome to pass on this special report to others. You
may not, however, edit it, extract content from it or offer it for sale in any way.
and that dictates weight loss or weight gain. In other words, they feel the
calorie is a calorie mantra of the old school is wrong. Tey too come to
this conclusion using various lines of evidence.
Tis has been an ongoing debate between people in the eld of nutrition,
biology, physiology, and many other disciplines for decades. Te result has
been conicting advice and a great deal of confusion for the general public,
not to mention many medical professionals and other groups.
Before I go any further, there are two key points that are essential to under-
stand about any unied theory:
A good unied theory is simple, concise, and understandable even to lay
people. However, underneath, or behind that theory, is often a great deal
of information that can take up many volumes of books. So it would
take a large book, if not several, for me to outline all the information I
have used to come to these conclusions which is far beyond the scope
of this article.
A unied theory is often proposed by some theorist before it can even
be proven or fully supported by physical evidence. Over time, dierent
lines of evidence, whether they be mathematical, physical, etc., support
the theory and thus validate that theory as cor-
rect or else continued lines of evidence show
the theory needs to be revised, or is simply in-
correct. I feel there is now more than enough
evidence at this point for a unied theory of
nutrition and future lines of evidence will con-
tinue (with some possible revisions) to solidify
the theory as fact.