Greek Yogurt Our Goal Increase Yoplait Yogurt market share by 3%. Increase Yoplait Greek Yogurt market share by 20% through our integrated campaign using three key marketing drivers Brand Awareness Buzz Product Experience Primary Brand Awareness: Keeping the brand at the top of mind Buzz: 3rd party endorsement of a product, brand or service Secondary Product Experience: Allowing prospects to interact with and use products before purchasing Key Marketing Drivers Women (126) Age 18-49 (113) Attended College (107) Have one or more kids (118) Interested in active and healthy lifestyles (117) Likes the idea of travel (130) Target Recommendation United States: Targeting the West Healthiest region in the United States Second highest likelihood to use rate 27.3% of Population Geography Effective Frequency Planning multiple exposures short period of time Traveling from place to place, want to hit current location hard given short time span per location. Planning Recommendation Focus heavier advertising in January - June This will reach our target audience by appealing to the New Years resolution and bikini body mindsets This timing will also work in conjunction with our promo event Timing Television: wide reach/expensive Print: narrow reach/expensive/localized Online:wide reach/cheap/flexible Radio: wide reach/localized/cheap/flexible Promo: narrow initial reach/ localized Media Mix Recommendations Strengths: Drives Foot Traffic Can Be Bought Quickly and Message Changed Quickly Targets Specific Lifestyles Highly Localized - Specific Geographic Market Drivers: Brand Awareness Buzz Radio: Marketing Drivers & Strengths Strengths: Mass Coverage/Reach (96.7% American owns television) Multi-Sensory Appeal & Stronger Lasting Impact - text, audio, and motion Market Drivers: Brand Awareness TV: Marketing Drivers & Strengths Strengths: Highly Targeted Allows Heavy Copy Messages Magazines Have Long Shelf Life (stay in home for more than a month or so) Tangible (consumers can touch advertisement as long as they want) Market Drivers: Brand Awareness Buzz Print: Marketing Drivers & Strengths Strengths: Measurable Outcomes Low Cost compared to other mediums Easy Targeting Methods Versatility / Interactivity Speed (able to make an advertisement and then display in less than a day) Market Drivers: Brand Awareness Online: Marketing Drivers & Strengths Strengths: Get people to try the product Make Greek Yogurt seem more versatile and not just a breakfast snack Easy Targeting Methods Interactivity Market Drivers: Brand Awareness Buzz Product Experience Promo: Marketing Drivers & Strengths $42,000,000 Recommended Budget 20% Growth Rationale West Only: $12,229,045.80 Nation (Not including West) $29,203,687.11 National Vs. West Traditional and nontraditional mix Traditional Television - 85.2% Print - 5.5% Radio - 3.0% Nontraditional Online - 1% Promo - 3% Media Mix Breakdown 3% of Total Budget $716,577 Promotional Event Greek Yogurt Food Truck ($85,000) 6 Month Tour Stops in 6 Cities for food festivals (for example Las Vegas Foodie Fest, and Seattle Street Food Festival) Celebrity appearance/advocate/spokesperson - Jillian Michaels - represents Moms, the face of the competition, comes to every city ($300,000) Samples ($30,000) Yoplait Food Truck 1. Seattle, Washington 2. Portland, Oregon 3. San Francisco, California 4. Las Vegas, Nevada 5. Salt Lake City, Utah 6. Denver, Colorado Food Truck Cities Giveaways/Coupons (samples) Spokesperson Jillian Michaels Achilles 5K at each festival run by Jillian Michaels In Between festivals parked at Grocery Stores (Walmart, Target, Rainbow, Cub) Within each City 38.6% of budget $16,186,950 NATIONAL ADVERTISING 86% $13,923,000 WEST ONLY ADVERTISING 14% $2,263,950 Overall 37.2% $6,023,160 Television Budget Network - 24.4% - $10,657,600 Cable - 27.9% - $11,700,000 Spot - 31.9% - $13,416,000 TV Budget Breakdown ***Percentages in graph represent the total television budget Cable 52 weeks @ 30 TRPs = 1560 TRPs Spot evening news: 26 weeks in the West/ 26 weeks National @ 25 TRPs = 1040 TRPs Network daytime: 52 weeks @ 30 TRPs = 1248 TRPS TV Daypart & TRP Breakdown Total Spent on Print 5.5 % of Total Budget $2,290,799.78 Newspaper: 4.4%, $1,844,592 pg black & white 12 weeks 15 TRPs/week @ 12 weeks = 195 TRPs Newspaper Breakdown Y O P L A IT
H E R E Magazine Breakdown Magazines .5% of total budget - $223,104.00 Health (9.7 TRPs x 6 months) = 252.2 TRPs @ $111,340.21 Cooking Light (9.1 TRPs x 6 months) = 236.6 TRPs @ $44,176.44 Oprah (16.1 TRPs x 6 months) = 418.6 TRPS @ 44,347.80 Family Circle (14.2 TRPs x 6 months) = 369.2 TRPs @ $23,239.44 About 6 months (last half of the year: back to school, coming up on the holidays, after the tour) 3.0% of budget - $1,259,360 AM Drive 11.9% - $629,680 PM Drive 11.9% - $629,680 Total Spent on Radio 1st half of the year (Jan-June) to advertise our promo event Focus advertisements on Alternative Rock and Top 40 stations Radio Breakdown 1.1% of budget - $1,462,396.13 Display $731,198.07 Video $731,198.07 Total Spent Online Womens Lifestyle - 33.3%, $243,732.69 Portals - 33.3%, $243,732.69 Social Targeted - 33.3%, $243,732.69
Online Breakdown - Display Online Breakdown - Video Womens Lifestyle - 50%, $365,599.03 Portals - 50%, $365,599.03 Owned Website- Map of where the food truck is Facebook- Incorporating with Food festivals Twitter- Specific for traveling food truck Owned Media Earned Engagement/Interactions Food, fitness, mommy Bloggers Media Coverage FB/Twitter/Instagram Photos #YoplaitGreekDash #DashforYoplaitGreek #YoplaitGreek Earned Media Commercials and advertising based on tour Documentation (network and cable television) Advertising Moving Forward Questions? Conclusion