The Montana Anthropology Student Association is requesting donations for their annual fundraising banquet to support student access to higher education and involvement in anthropological conferences and field trips. Donations are tax deductible and will be acknowledged in the banquet program and university newspaper. The funds raised provide scholarships and educational opportunities that are critical to students' academic and professional success in anthropology.
The Montana Anthropology Student Association is requesting donations for their annual fundraising banquet to support student access to higher education and involvement in anthropological conferences and field trips. Donations are tax deductible and will be acknowledged in the banquet program and university newspaper. The funds raised provide scholarships and educational opportunities that are critical to students' academic and professional success in anthropology.
Original Description:
Donation request form to hand to businesses contacted in person.
The Montana Anthropology Student Association is requesting donations for their annual fundraising banquet to support student access to higher education and involvement in anthropological conferences and field trips. Donations are tax deductible and will be acknowledged in the banquet program and university newspaper. The funds raised provide scholarships and educational opportunities that are critical to students' academic and professional success in anthropology.
The Montana Anthropology Student Association is requesting donations for their annual fundraising banquet to support student access to higher education and involvement in anthropological conferences and field trips. Donations are tax deductible and will be acknowledged in the banquet program and university newspaper. The funds raised provide scholarships and educational opportunities that are critical to students' academic and professional success in anthropology.
The Montana Anthropology Student Association (MASA) would like to ask for your help in making higher education more accessible to students at The University of Montana by supporting our annual fundraising banuet! "e are an organi#ation founded to financially support and intellectually stimulate students at the University of Montana interested in Anthropology! The funds we raise allow students to attend and participate in conferences and other educational events critical for their academic and professional success in the field of Anthropology! "hile we undertake a variety of fundraising activities$ our annual banuet and auction is our largest and most important event! %ach year we ask community businesses to donated goods and&or services to our auction! 'onations are ta( deductible$ and all proceeds go toward MASA scholarships and field trips to local and state anthropological sites and events! )ur ta( identification number is *+,-..,/,0! "e can accept goods&services$ and check or cash donations! 1n e(change for your ta( deductible contribution$ you will be listed as a sponsor in our banuet program and publicly acknowledged in the University2s student newspaper$ The Kaiman! "e greatly appreciate any help you can provide! Thank you so much for your valuable time and support3 Sincerely$ 4ristina "alters$ MASA 5resident 6i# 6ynch$ MASA 7ice 5resident 8asreen 9roomand$ MASA Secretary Michelle Selander$ MASA Treasurer 4irsten :reen$ MASA Academic Advancement ;hair 'ougless Skinner$ MASA Social ;hair <oger Mukai$ MASA Tech and )utreach ;oordinator