Animals in The Traditional Worldview of The Yorùbá: Ajibade George Olusola

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Ajibade George Olusola
This is a contribution to an on-going debate on animal ethics. It is an episte-
mological study into the Yorb beliefs and perceptions about animals that
have existed and still exist in the areas they inhabit. The research sets out to
elucidate the Yorb perception of animals with regard to their classifica-
tion, habitat, and their role and position in religious, political, social, eco-
nomic, and domestic domains of humans. This leads to an appraisal of rela-
tionships that exist between the Yorb people and animals in their commu-
nities. The study explores the Yorb folklore in its various dimensions as
the paradigm to espouse their ontological perception of animals. The study
concludes that the Yorb people attach much importance to their animals
and that animals occupy an important place and space in human existence
and life on the globe.
Keywords: African folklore, belief, classification of animals, human-animal
relationship, taboo, Yorb
The role of folklore cannot be overemphasised in any culture. It
deals with any aspect of a cultures beliefs, practices, crafts, speech,
legends, or stories that have been passed on orally from generation
to generation (Quinn 2000: 129). Armstrong et al. (2003: 111) have
given a laudable sketch of how animal ethics developed and its cur-
rent status. It is believed that it originated among hunter-gather-
ers and it has grown to the extent of recognising freedom of life and
existence for the animals that are also called speciesism in the
language of Ryder. The debate on animal ethics is very interesting
and timely; and it is worthwhile to include the views of people from
other continents in the debate especially in this age of globalisation
in which the world is practically conceived as a global village. The
idea and attitude of the Yorb people towards animals need to be
appraised as a form of exposition towards the policies on animals
that may arise in a country like Nigeria in the nearest future. This
paper begins with a classification of animals among the Yorb and
the rationale behind these classifications
, and goes on to espouse
animal-related taboos and some mythical allusions about them. It
explicates the features and attitudes that demonstrate the equal-
ity of humans and animals.
There are various parameters for the classification of animals among
the Yorb. One of the yardsticks is their groups. This is what the
Yorb call w. There is even a proverb among the people that
says kwrn ej n sek pa wn lkkan Snakes are easily
killed one by one because of their failure to operate as a group.
This proverb suggests that animals have their kingdoms and groups.
It also connotes that if they move as a group, their vulnerability
will be minimal. Another trait which they use in their classification
is their habitat. That is why it is possible to talk about eran omi
water animals, aquatic animals; eran il land animals. Physiologi-
cal traits are also adopted to classify them. Thus, we have eran abwo
animals with horn, eran afayf reptiles, eran els mj bipeds,
els mrin quadrupeds, eye birds, eku rats. A more general clas-
sification depends on whether the animal is domesticated or found
in wild nature either in water or on land. This classification has
given us eran il domestic animals and eran gb wild animals.
This wider classification tallies with their perception of their world
as a world of binary complementarities in which they see every-
thing existing in the cosmology in dual form but not opposing each
other. They categorise animals into three groups by using physiog-
nomy as the parameter. This has to do with furry animals among
whom lion acts as their king; animals with feathers have ostrich as
their king, and the Squamate, the majority of which are reptiles,
have python as their king. A close observation of the classification
shows that the categories might easily overlap.
Among the Yorb, there are many taboos and myths about differ-
ent types of animals, representing relationships that exist between
the people and the animals and the Yorb philosophy about these
particular animals. The Yorb have resolved to certain acts and
Ajibade George Olusola Folklore 30
responded to some animal species due to the interactions they have
had with them over the time. These have entered into the canons of
folklore in the form of mythical narratives, legends, poetry and even
literature. Among such rules are, for example, the taboo of killing a
mating animal. The Yorb explain this restriction by drawing par-
allels with the sexual relationship between humans, which should
also never be disturbed. This is an indication of moral concern for
the animals, which is a rather logical idea.
One must also believe that the feelings of others warrant our at-
tention. For most people, the mere realization that others experi-
ence negative feelings in the same way that they themselves do is
enough to generate a moral concern. The attribution of mental
states, especially those associated with pleasure and pain, joy
and misery, is connected irrevocably with the possibility of mo-
rality (Rollin 2003: 89).
This is to show that the Yorb believe that animals like humans
are able to feel pain, pleasure, joy, fear, and so on. That is why this
kind of taboo is strictly adhered to especially by the hunters, and a
violation of the taboo may turn against them, i.e. they may have a
similar experience when they are with their wives. This illustrates
the belief of the Yorb that animals are divine just like humans
and that the divine essence in them must be revered and honoured.
Likewise, some animals are regarded as sacred and can neither be
killed nor eaten. These include the vulture and ground hornbill.
The parrot is also regarded as a sacred bird among the Yorb; they
do not kill it but try to domesticate it. In ritual performance, only a
feather of the parrot is used, which the Yorb believe to be pos-
sessed. The devotees of the deity Oya consider it a taboo to eat the
buffalo. This deity is believed to be the mother of all buffalos. Ac-
cording to a myth, a hunter once went into the bush to hunt and as
he was laying in ambush for animals on a tree he saw a buffalo next
to a termites nest. As he was getting ready to shoot the buffalo, he
saw that the buffalo turned into a beautiful woman, who put clothes
on and hid its skin inside the termites nest. The hunter was aston-
ished and could not do anything until the animal-woman left the
spot. Later on, the hunter came down from the tree, took the skin
from the termite nest and climbed up the same tree to lye in am-
bush again. Later on, the animal-woman came and wanted to take
Animals in the Traditional Worldview of the Yorb
the skin so that she could transform into a buffalo again but the
skin was gone. She searched for it and all her efforts were in vain.
Then the hunter came down and approached the animal-woman and
asked what she was searching for. The woman answered and the
hunter told her that he would show her where the skin was only if
the woman consented to become his wife. The woman agreed to the
proposal after a long persuasion that her secret would not be re-
vealed to anybody. This was how they entered into marriage. When
the hunter returned home she introduced the new wife to the former
housewife without revealing the secret of the new wife. They went
on with their lives and the wife had three children with the hunter.
Over the years, the senior wife became curious as to the identity of
the strange wife but the husband refused to reveal it until one day
which he was enticed with delicacies by this senior wife, and told
her the secret and where he kept her buffalo skin. She was warned
by the husband not to divulge the information to anyone, or he risked
dying. That was how they continued their life in that village. One
day, the hunter went to the farm with one of his children with the
animal-woman and the rest of them stayed home with their mother
and with the senior wife and her children. There was a quarrel be-
tween the two wives and the senior wife then used the secret of the
skin to abuse the junior wife. She said, Ma je ma mu, w re n be
lk Eat and drink, your skin is inside the barn. The junior wife
was surprised to hear this and it greatly disturbed her. She felt
that almost everybody in the village must have known her secret.
The abuse revealed her where the hunter kept the skin. She took it
and turned into a buffalo again, and so did her children, and they
headed towards the farm where the hunter had gone with the other
child. By the time the strange buffalos arrived at the farm the hunter
already knew that there was a problem. He armed himself and the
child and prepared for the battle. The buffalo (his wife who had
turned into an animal) reminded the hunter of their bond and that
the bond was broken by the hunter. The latter asked for forgiveness
but it was all in vain. They started to fight and in the end, when the
father was killed by the mysterious buffalo, the child ran home. As
the boy was running away he was told by the buffalo that he and his
generation must continue to worship buffalo. The buffalo went into
the bush and left one horn on the ground for the boy as the idol to
be worshipped. The boy was unable to turn into a buffalo because of
the medicine that the hunter used on him. This was how the wor-
Ajibade George Olusola Folklore 30
ship of Oya started among the Yorb, and it is still conducted to-
day. Buffalos horn is usually one of the idols of this deity, and it is
kept inside her calabash. There are salient aspects in the above
myth with regard to animal ethics. Both animals and human beings
have a god-given power to exert authority and influence over one
another. Oya, who is a prominent goddess among the Yorb, has
her origin in the animal kingdom. The type of relationship that ex-
ists between the Yorb hunter and the animal is also mysterious.
If a myth like this should hold water then the Yorb must give
more regard and honour to the animals. The Yorb believe that a
human spirit may inhabit some animals, insects, or birds, such as,
for example, cats, goats, deer, grass hoppers, bush rodents and some
This happens at the metaphysical level, and with the incur-
sion of foreign religions Islam and Christianity , and global civi-
lisation has not succeeded in destroying this belief, but has estab-
lished this belief system instead. In most cases these human ani-
mals use the shape of animals to perpetrate evil deeds, though some-
times humans use the shape of animals to save their lives, espe-
cially during wars.
There are many traditions among the Yorb that demonstrate the
equality of animals and humans. To begin with, in the past and even
now in some rural areas populated by the Yorb, various animals
are still sacrificed to the deities associated with these animals, and
human sacrifice was also performed. This may not be common in
contemporary society because of the fundamental human rights
enshrined in national constitutions. Therefore, if both animals and
humans can be used as objects of sacrifice, it is an indication that
animals and humans are equal. Another point of emphasis with re-
gards to the equality of animals and humans among the Yorb is a
deep interaction between them, this applies particularly to domes-
tic animals. Among the Yorb, children must be given names that
have meaning, and the meanings have to do with the situation or
circumstances surrounding the birth of their children. The Yorb
people still actively observe the tradition of giving meaningful names
also to their domestic animals. These names are not only meaning-
ful but they represent the Yorb worldview. It is a common prac-
Animals in the Traditional Worldview of the Yorb
tice among them, particularly in respect of dogs. Here are few ex-
amples of names given to dogs:
ynlr We must think of the end of a matter. This is just
telling them that it is not good enough to think of the present situ-
ation whenever a decision has to be made concerning a matter, but
that there is also a need to think very carefully so that such a per-
son will not have to regret the decision in the end.
Tantlun? Who is as big as God? This name which they some-
times give to their dogs represents the belief system of the Yorb
people as an ethnic group who value the existence, power and prow-
ess of the Supreme God in their daily activities. Since their dogs
are their companions on most occasions, calling the dog by this name
makes them conscious of their fate and faith in this God, and it also
reminds them of His divine omnipresence.
Tanmynla? Who knows the future? This is another name that
shows the weakness of humans with regard to what will happen to
them in the future. The Yorb believe that noone knows future
events except the Supreme God who is omniscient. This is why such
a name is given to a dog, which is always by their side, as a re-
minder at all times.
Bynk If there is life. This name that the Yorb people
sometimes give to dogs is the first part of a proverb which con-
cludes with se tn there is hope. This name is an expression of
their philosophical concept of vitality. They believe that anything
can be solved unless somebody is dead; this is why they continue to
hope and aspire towards something good and pleasant regardless
of an unfavourable situation and circumstances. It is to remind peo-
ple who are losing hope that they must remain hopeful so that they
could see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Sometimes, the Yorb do give names to animals according to the
colour of their skin; the white ones are called Afn white, the black
ones are called Ad black, while the yellow ones are called Apn
yellow. Curiously enough, some people are called Ad, as well. All
these above examples point to the fact that the Yorb believe that
animals and humans share certain qualities.
Ajibade George Olusola Folklore 30
The Yorb attach great importance to ork, the laudatory/descrip-
tive poetry of the Yorb. So they have personal ork addressed to
individuals and they also have lineage or clan ork panegyric.
close observation of the Yorb people reveals that they also create
ork for their animals. There are numerous examples of animal
panegyric in the tradition, and some are included below. The first
one is about antelope, which they call Etu. The praise poem goes
Etu bj Antelope bj
Els osn The one who has legs painted red
with camwood
Artete- gbn-on-ni The one who has thighs with which
to touch the dew
Eranko t l tr The animal that put on eyelashes
Eranko t wa gnb. The animal that wears gnb tribal
The above antelope ork describes its appearance and manner. This
is not in any way different from how the Yorb people formulate
and chant the orks about humans. It is a tradition of the Yorb
people to wear tribal marks on their faces. This is what they now
ascribe to the antelope because it has some natural marks on its
face that look like tribal marks. In Yorb cosmography this stands
for the equal importance of animals as well as humans.
Another animal that has been attributed ork is bush fowl, par.
The ork of the bird goes as follows:
par Bush fowl
Eni t a fmo lw r The one that we do not marry his
T n gbna lw eni And he is receiving dowry from us
Abi-tete-npolgn er The one with thighs that are
inviting the owner of twenty slaves
Abi-jnj-polgbn wf. The one with pieces of meat that
are inviting the owner of thirty
This ork about bush fowl also describes the attitude towards the
bird in the farm and the sweetness of its meat. Bush fowl have the
Animals in the Traditional Worldview of the Yorb
habit of going irresponsibly to any farm and freely plucking millet,
corn, or any other edible farm product. This is why the bird is de-
scribed as the one that we do not marry our daughter to but it is
receiving dowry. The dowry here is used metaphorically to sym-
bolise whatever the bush fowl eats in the farm. The thighs and the
pieces that are inviting the owners of twenty slaves and owners of
thirty servants are also metaphorically used to mean important
people in the society. This is just indicating the extent of the sweet-
ness of its meat which everybody would like to eat. Linguistically,
the etymological meaning of par is the one that you kill and tell
the news to others. The sweetness of its meat, after you have tasted
it, will make you spread the news to other people. Also, the leopard
or tiger Ekn has its own panegyric among the Yorb. It goes as
Ekn, gn omo yy Tiger, gn offspring of yy
Ekun Abjwr Tiger who fights fiercely
Eranko atormranje The animal that eats flesh from the
Albelw. The one who has knife in its palm.
All attributes in the above ork of tiger praise its powers and he-
roic character. There are many animal lineages among the Yorb
who are praised in a similar manner. If it is buffalo it is praised like
Efon gb Buffalo, gb
Omo A-k-m-r The offspring of the one who bleats
as if it wants to rain
Gbogbo eni t n to Ekun lyn
Everybody following buffalo
Ti Oya n n !e Belongs to Oya
r t n lmo gungi n wrwr.
The spirit that pursues the child
until he climbs the tree.
The above ork of buffalo is authenticating the above myth about it.
Among the Yorb, the issue of beauty is of paramount importance.
A beautiful girl is compared to Egbin, the gazelle, the animal which
is considered the most beautiful. The beauty of this animal, Egbin-
gazelle, is praised in the following ork:
Ajibade George Olusola Folklore 30
Egbin t fi papa !el Gazelle that uses grassland as its
fawo rn !a!o tsn It uses velvet skin as its bed sheet
Dranj Pretty in the forest
Eranko abarayy The animal that has a smooth body
Egbin dra tt Gazelle is so beautiful
Elgn Egbin k s nn igb. That nobody can despise it in the
Monkey bo is another animal which is considered worthy of dedicat-
ing an ork to, mainly because of its character and appearance, which
closely resembles that of humans. The ork of this animal expresses
the idea that it possesses many attributes that are similar to those
of humans:
bo akj lde The Monkey that teaches the dog
how to hunt
A-gbr-t-pte-k The-one-who-schemes-evil-while-
A-gbr-t-pte-k The-one-who-schemes-lies-while-
gbj Akt t gbbon lw ode
The brave Akt who seizes the gun
from the hunter
Eranko t tan ode wgb ss.
The animal who lures the hunter
into the thick forest.
The above ork characterises the relationship between the hunter
and the monkey and the shared attributes between humans and
animals. It shows that animals like humans are able to think and
plan their activities in advance so that they would not fail. Another
important issue discussed in this ork is that the monkey is so wise
and powerful that it may seize the gun from the hunter in the bush.
It is the duty of the hunter who owns a dog to teach the dog how to
hunt in the bush but we see from the ork that even a monkey can
teach the dog how to hunt in the bush. This has to do with the skills
and schemes of monkey in the bush. All the orks praise the worth
and the qualities in them that are similar to those of humans among
the Yorb.
Animals in the Traditional Worldview of the Yorb
The Yorb even compose songs which they sing to some domestic
animals to portray their activities that are like those of human be-
ings. Here is a folk song that they sing to a brave dog:
Aj mi o! My dog!
Aj ode The hunters dog
gmo- grr The one that tears a child into
Aj ode The hunters dog
sopk-gbem The one that picks it and swallows
gbl-gbarw The one who sweeps the floor with
Aj ode. The hunters dog.
The relationship between the Yorb hunters and animals is very
deep, complex and mysterious. Hunters believe that some animals
are spirits, and that they transform into humans at nights when
the hunters go to their hunting expeditions. Furthermore, they teach
the hunters traditional Yorb folk medicine, which is, in turn, very
useful to them and their society. Yorb hunters believe that not
every animal that they encounter must be killed, because some of
them are powerful and show their real colour during the night to
the hunters.
On the other hand, the relationship between the Yorb hunters
and the animal is characterised by enmity. Most animals flee from
hunters because the latter are regarded as their archenemies. This
unhealthy relationship between the hunters and the animals is
described in the following hunting song:
Omo l lehoro nn gb o! Rabbit is a bastard in the bush
Omo l lehoro nn gb o! Rabbit is a bastard in the bush
B b ti rde Whenever it sees the hunter
N pale m k It will quickly take to its heels
Omo l lehoro nn gb o! Rabbit is a bastard in the bush!
This song represents the type of relationship that exists between
the Yorb hunters and the animal, portraying the former as a threat
to the latter. As rabbits are swift animals, hunters employ various
schemes and tricks to kill them. But a proverb of the Yorb people
shows that animals are also wise. The proverb says y gbn,
Ajibade George Olusola Folklore 30
gngb n gbn; y n gungi, gngb n n br The monkey
is wise, and the hunter (gngb) is also wise; the monkey is climb-
ing a tree and the hunter is also lying in ambush. This scenario is
that of a hide-and-seek interaction representing this unhealthy
relationship between the Yorb hunters and the animal. It also
demonstrates a fundamental point that like humans, animals also
employ their senses, wisdom and intuition, and are able to escape
dangerous situations.
Next to the names and the meaningful ork that the Yorb have
dedicated to animals, there are various human activities that are
ascribed to them, as they have been seen performing them. wko,
the nightingale, is regarded as the best singer. The Yorb have an
adage about it wko ni olr orin Nightingale is the best singer.
This proverb says that this bird is a perfect singer and that regard-
less of how well any human sings, he or she cannot be compared to
the nightingale. In fact, many singers even liken themselves to night-
ingale in order to prove their mastery at the songs they sing. The
Yorb people also like to know about future events, in order to
find guidance in their activities. They observe the speech of a par-
rot Aykt (the name of which could be translated literally as
people hate truth), a mysterious bird which is regarded as impor-
tant. They listen to the speech and are able to decode whatever it
says because they know that this bird is possessed with the power
of second sight. All the above examples and claims are evidences
that both humans and animals are equal in the Yorb cosmology.
People who keep domestic animals often tend to identify themselves
with these. The Yorb proverbs say: Mo mj lyn o jn n ngi,
mi n lo jn ngi If you beat my dog which follows me with a rod,
I am the one that you have beaten with the rod. This demonstrates
the Yorb view and beliefs about their domesticated animals. Some
Yorb deities have their own dogs. For example, Lb is the name
of "ngs dog, Mdgbls is the name of !s (the trickster god)
dog, Omidunsin is the name of Erinls (a river deity) dog. In Ar
town, a community in the south-western part of Yorb land, dog
worship is observed annually. This is in accordance with the role
played by a dog in the creation myth or history of the town. Since
then the dog has become a divine symbol for the people of Ar. Live
dogs are not allowed in the town at all. It is probably the only Yorb
Animals in the Traditional Worldview of the Yorb
town where no dog is to be seen (Beier 2000: 6976). In fact, most
Yorb folktales show deep relationships and interaction between
the Yorb and their animals.
Another folktale tells about w bird
which took the baby of a woman who was bathing in the river. There
are also tales about the interaction of a tortoise with the ruler of a
town, when the townsfolk needed an elephant; also, the tale of Asn,
the squirrel, and a man. The squirrel and Asn were fighting and
the man was trying to come between them and Asn then bit the
nose of the mediator. The above tales and many others show the
interrelatedness of both humans and animals among the Yorb. It
has been observed that some Yorb mourn the death of animals,
while they consider them so dear and precious.
In so many ways, animals occupy an important position in the ex-
istence of humans on the globe. It is a difficult task to enumerate
the usefulness of animals to humans, especially to the Yorb. Even
though many people claim that animals have a right to exist on
their own without intrusion into their kingdoms, the truth is that
among the Yorb it is believed that animals were created to serve
humans. The Yorb use different types of animals, living in the sea
and on the land alike, for food as they are regarded as a rich source
of protein. It is the Yorb philosophy that animal meat is the car-
rier of food from the mouth to the oesophagus and finally to the
stomach. Hence, they call animal meat Alr the Carrier. Some
dishes are considered substandard and unpalatable without meat.
They even believe that people who do not eat meat are eating sn
emptiness. When their hunters go hunting in the bush they do eve-
rything possible to get game to have meat on their table. Whenever
they are performing jl, Yorb hunters make fun of those who do
not kill any animal when they go hunting.
One of the chants they
perform goes as follows:
Y jrnl lasgn ob He will eat his okra soup without
Y jrnl lasgn ob He will eat his okra soup without
Ode t rgb o t mran b The hunter who has gone to hunt in
Ajibade George Olusola Folklore 30
the bush and did not bring animal
Y jrnl lasgn ob He will eat his okra soup without
This song among others is just an example of the importance that
the Yorb people attach to animal protein. One of their proverbs
even says B rk omo eranko k b bj, ti omo nyn k n dn If
the cheek of offspring of an animal is not broken, that of the hu-
mans offspring will not be sweet. This adage points to the idea
that even though the killing of animal for consumption is painful, it
is necessary for human enjoyment and pleasure. Another related
proverb says Oj ni ml n r, be dra lrn The cow is suffer-
ing only during the time of slaughter, knife is not something pleas-
ant on the neck. This proverb agrees with the view that even though
the Yorb are aware that animals have their own emotions and
feelings, the necessity of self-satisfaction and pleasure compensates
the killing of these animals for food. Also, another proverb says f
t a f ade k dn, ibi k pa je l mo Our love for roosters is not
genuine; the point is to kill them. It means that even though people
care and show affection towards animals, the ultimate purpose of
an animal is to be served for food in the end. Illustrative of how the
Yorb value animals and that they are aware of the vital roles
that animals play in their lives, are the many ways in which they
try to inculcate caring for the animals in their children from their
childhood. This is done by means of folktales and moonlight poetry.
Here is an example of a moonlight poem:
Ade mi My rooster
y t mo r The one that I bought
s je lo It went out
Ll oj kan One night
k s kt It fell into a pit
y b mi gb e Mother helped me carry it
Gbgb t mo gb e As I carried it
Gbgbn n n gbn It was shaking
Mo w fi yn I put it by the fire side for warmth.
This childrens poem is like a religious didactic catechism, so that
by the time the children become adults they know that animals
should be cared for. This is to show that it is wrong to make a facile
generalisation that the Yorb do not care for their animals, simply
Animals in the Traditional Worldview of the Yorb
because they do not keep them as pets. Besides using animals for
food, they are also used at sacrifices to the deities. The Yorb be-
lieve that proper sacrifice must be offered to the deities in order to
avert calamities and to also propitiate the gods for their offences
and mistakes that may incur the wrath of the deities upon them.
This sacrifice may take different forms and shapes but the most
important point is that many animals are used for sacrifice among
the Yorb. The Yorb deities are numerous and each of them is
associated with a particular animal, which is sacrificed to this par-
ticular deity. For example, gn (god of iron) is very fond of dogs,
snails, tortoises and rams; sun (a goddess of the river called by
that name) accepts goats and fowls; s (the Yorb trickster de-
ity) is fond of black fowl; "ng (god of thunder) is fond of ram;
rnml (god of wisdom, knowledge and prophesy) is fond of rats
and mud-fish; Obtl (the Supreme God) is fond of snails; sanyn
(the god of herbal medicine) is fond of tortoises; Egngn (Mas-
querade) is fond of ram, just to mention a few. The Yorb know the
choice of each deity and they do everything possible to meet their
demands and needs so that things will augur well in their own com-
munities. Also, animals occupy an important place in what will be-
come of the human body after death within the Yorb cosmology.
Some animals are used as components of rituals at the demise of
old people among the Yorb. For example, whenever a hunter dies,
it is considered necessary to find an animal that he used to kill the
most during his lifetime and use it in the ritual. If this is not done,
the hunters soul cannot go to the place of happiness in heaven and
at the same time his spirit will be troubling his fellow hunters and
members of his family who are alive.
Apart from the hunters com-
munity, they usually kill a bird as an element for the ritual for any
deceased person in a traditional Yorb society. The ritual sacrifice
is called ade rn the fowl that clears or buys the road. Clearing
or buying of the road here refers to the removal of everything that
may hinder the hunter to move on to the life beyond. The road re-
fers to the passage between the earth and heaven. This then con-
notes that without these animals as the ritual elements or objects
of sacrifice, there will be no place for the hunters in heaven. Ani-
mals are even the consummators of various sacrifices and rituals
that are addressed either to the deities or are performed for the
purpose of traditional medicine. This is why these animals are eu-
Ajibade George Olusola Folklore 30
B a rgn If we dont see the vulture
A gbod !ebo We must not offer sacrifice
B a rkl If we dont see ground hornbill
A gbod !or We must not perform rituals.
In essence, the Yorb rely extensively on animals for their own
well-being. Next to using the animals in various rituals and sacri-
fices, they also play a central role in Yorb traditional medicine.
Medicines are made of a whole animal or part of it. There is a par-
ticular rat, called ed, which is used by folk healers to cure infertil-
ity because of its nature to reproduce within a very short time. Even
being as small as it is, it brings much offspring. A part of the incan-
tation goes bmolmo ni teku ed Ed rats procreate frequently.
This quality makes the rat an essential medicinal ingredient for
infertile women to make them fertile. The issue of childbearing
among the Yorb is a serious one and they do everything to make
sure that a married woman bears children. They hold the belief that
anyone without a child lives a meaningless life.
Animals are also partners in trade for the Yorb people. Prior to
the period of the invention of motor vehicles and even after that,
horse (E!in) was used as a means of transportation. Dog is very
useful as a guide and guard depending on its owner or user. The
membranes of the traditional Yorb drums are made from animal
fur. Hunters make use of dogs as partners in hunting and they serve
as guards at home. It is also believed that they have the power of
second sight to see impending doom; therefore they give signs to
their masters while barking. This also signifies that they have emo-
tions and are conscious of their environment. The issue of emotion
and consciousness among animals has been a controversial one,
though it has been said that
If, however consciousness is associated with reinforcement learn-
ing and the first conscious experiences that occurred on this planet
were the basic ones of pains and pleasure, long before any con-
cepts were thought of or any plans laid it for the future, then this
does have implications for the way we see other species. It im-
plies that emotional awareness is evolutionarily very old and
possibly very widespread in the animal kingdom (Dawkins 2003:
Animals in the Traditional Worldview of the Yorb
This is an indication that if we believe that other living organisms,
animals, to be specific, were created like their human counterparts,
then they should be seen as having similar feelings and emotions
with regards to various circumstances and situations. We must also
be mindful of the treatment we give them, especially if we consider
their usefulness and role in the survival of humankind on the globe.
This work discusses the beliefs and practices of the Yorb people
in relation to animals. It shows their method of classifying the ani-
mals and the criteria the classification is based on. This article shows
that the Yorb closely interact with animals, and this has also made
their scientific understanding of animals around them. This deep
understanding of theirs about animals has given them the power to
know the attributes, characters and innate powers and virtues that
the supreme God has given to various animals in the universe. This
is also what they tap for their own benefit and advantage. Also, this
has helped them to realise that the similar attributes and virtues
that the supreme God has given to these animals can also be found
among humans. This understanding helps them to conceptualise
their world. The article shows that the Yorb people believe in the
welfare of animals but not in the rights of animals. This is under-
standable because of the various functions they derive from their
animals. The study also reveals that animals occupy an important
sphere in the lives and existence of the Yorb people. They cannot
do without animals in their religious, or social, economic and po-
litical life. In conclusion, the animal ethics in Nigeria certainly de-
serves rigorous and detailed research to encourage public aware-
ness about what should be the right attitude of the people towards
animals who are also Gods creation.
This classification may not correspond with the zoological classification
but their classification has to do with their close observations and inter-
action with these animals in time and space.
Ajibade George Olusola Folklore 30
These animals are regarded as central in various sacrifices and rituals
without which no sacrifice offered or rituals performed will be acceptable
to the deities.
It is a common belief among the Yorb that some people who have
mystical powers use various types of animals to perform certain acts and
behaviour. This group of people includes the witches, wizards and the
spirit-children, called Emr.
The Yorb hold the belief that every creature has ork and that the
essence of any living being is manifest only or can only be explored by
proper recitation of the ork. There are two types of ork personal ork,
and clan or lineage ork.
The Yorb believe that these animals have their own diviners and
healers just like humans do.
Babalola (1973) and Ojo (1973) have compiled some Yorb folktales.
Their folktales reveal that there is a close and deep relationship and
interaction between the animals and the Yorb. In all their folktales
there are no limits to the interaction of man and animals. They do speak,
eat and relate freely with each other without any barrier. This illustrates
the Yorb worldview in relation to their animals.
jl is a popular oral genre of Yorb hunters. Its variant is called
rmj. Both are enigmatic in meaning, and a rich source of oral reper-
toire of the Yorb philosophy about their cosmography.
Moonlight poetry is an established folklore genre among the Yorb; its
purpose is to teach the socio-cultural values and norms to the children.
This will in turn form an integral part of their adult behaviour and the
conceptualisation of their world and environment.
This ritual is called p among the Yorb hunters community. It is a
process in which all the hunting gear of the deceased hunter will be
taken to the outskirts of the town to a spot chosen by divination. If this
ritual is not performed, the deceased hunter cannot join the world of the
Yorb ancestors.
Armstrong, Susan J. & Botzler, Richard G. (eds.) 2003. The Animal
Ethics Reader. London & New York: Routledge.
Babalola, Adeboye. 1973a. Akojopo alo Ijapa, Apa Kiini. Ibadan:
University Press Limited.
Animals in the Traditional Worldview of the Yorb
Beier, Ulli. 2001. The Hunter Thinks the Monkey is not Wise the
monkey is wise, but he has his own logic: A selection of essays. Bayreuth
African Studies Series, 59. Bayreuth: E. Breitinger.
Dawkins, Marian Stamp 2003. Animal Minds and Animal Emotions.
Armstrong, Susan J. & Botzler, Richard G. (eds.). The Animal Ethics
Reader. London & New York: Routledge, pp. 9499.
Ojo, Olagoke 1973. Ijapa Tiroko Oko Yannibo: Awon itan aroso aladum
fun eko ede ati idraraya. Ibidan: Longman Nigeria Limited.
Quinn, Edward 2000. A Dictionary of Literary and Thematic Terms.
New York: Checkmark Books.
Rollin, Bernard E. 2003. Animal Pain. Armstrong, Susan J. & Botzler,
Richard G. (eds.). The Animal Ethics Reader. London & New York:
Routledge, pp. 8691.
Ryder, Richard D. 1998. The Political Animal: The Conquest of
Speciesism. Jefferson, N.C: McFarland.
Ajibade George Olusola Folklore 30

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