AutoCAd 2007 Command List
AutoCAd 2007 Command List
AutoCAd 2007 Command List
• -3DCONFIG Provides a command line interface to the 3D graphics system's configuration settings.
• 3DFLY Activates fly-through mode and enables you to navigate in any direction, including off the XY plane.
• 3DFORBIT Controls the interactive viewing of objects in 3D, using an unconstrained orbit.
• 3DMOVE Displays the move grip tool in a 3D view and moves objects a specified distance in a specified direction.
• 3DROTATE Displays the rotate grip tool in a 3D view and revolves objects around a base point.
• 3DWALK Interactively changes the view of a 3D drawing so that you appear to be walking through the model.
• AECTOACAD Creates a new DWG file with all AEC objects exploded.
• BREP Removes the history from 3D solid primitives and composite solids.
• CHSPACE Moves objects from model space to paper space, or vice versa. (integrated Express Tool)
• CONVERTOLDLIGHTS Converts lights created in previous releases to lights in AutoCAD 2007 format.
• CONVERTOLDMATERIALS Converts materials created in previous releases to materials in AutoCAD 2007 format.
• COPYTOLAYER Copies one or more objects to another layer. (integrated Express Tool)
• -COPYTOLAYER Copies one or more objects to another layer. (command line version)
• LAYCUR Changes the layer of selected objects to the current layer. (integrated Express Tool)
• LAYDEL Deletes the layer of a selected object and all objects on the layer, and purges the layer from the drawing. (integrated Express Tool)
• -LAYDEL Deletes the layer of a selected object and all objects on the layer, and purges the layer from the drawing. (command line version)
• LAYISO Isolates the layer of selected objects so that all other layers are turned off. (integrated Express Tool)
• LAYMCH Changes the layer of a selected object to match the destination layer. (integrated Express Tool)
• -LAYMCH Changes the layer of a selected object to match the destination layer. (command line version)
• LAYMRG Merges selected layers onto a destination layer. (integrated Express Tool)
• -LAYMRG Merges selected layers onto a destination layer. (command line version)
• LAYOFF Turns off the layer of the selected object. (integrated Express Tool)
• LAYON Turns on all layers. (integrated Express Tool)
• LAYUNISO Turns on layers that were turned off with the last LAYISO command. (integrated Express Tool)
• LAYVPI Isolates an object's layer to the current viewport. (integrated Express Tool)
• LIGHTLIST Opens the Lights in Model window to add and modify lights.
• LOFT Creates a 3D solid or surface by lofting through a set of two or more curves.
• MATERIALMAP Displays a material mapper grip tool to adjust the mapping on a face or an object.
• RENDERPRESETS Specifies render presets, reusable rendering parameters, for rendering an image.
• SECTIONPLANE Creates a section object that acts as a cutting plane through a 3D object.
• SUNPROPERTIES Opens the Sun palette and sets the properties of the sun.
• VISUALSTYLES Creates and modifies visual styles and applies a visual style to a viewport.
• -VISUALSTYLES Creates and modifies visual styles and applies a visual style to a viewport. (command line version)
• 3DPAN Starts the interactive 3D view and enables you to drag the view horizontally and vertically in a perspective view.
• 3DSWIVEL Changes the target of the view in the direction that you drag.
• CAMERA Sets a camera and target location to create and save a 3D perspective view of objects.
• CONE Creates a 3D solid with a circular or elliptical base tapering symmetrically to a point or a circular or elliptical planar face.
• CUI Manages customized user interface elements such as workspaces, toolbars, menus, shortcut menus and keyboard shortcuts.
• CYLINDER Creates a three-sided 3D solid with a circular or elliptical base and top.
• DSETTINGS Sets grid and snap, polar and object snap tracking, object snap modes, and Dynamic Input.
• DVIEW Defines parallel projection or perspective views by using a camera and target.
• -ETRANSMIT Packages a set of files for Internet transmission. (command line version)
• EXTRUDE Creates a 3D solid or surface by extruding an object or planar face a specified distance and direction.
• FIELD Creates a multiline text object with a field that can be updated automatically as the field value changes.
• IMAGEADJUST Controls the image display of the brightness, contrast, and fade values of images.
• -IMAGEADJUST Controls the image display of the brightness, contrast, and fade values of images. (command line version)
• PAGESETUP Controls the page layout, plotting device, paper size, and other settings for each new layout.
• PURGE Removes unused named items, such as block definitions and layers, from the drawing.
• -PURGE Removes unused named items, such as block definitions and layers, from the drawing. (command line version)
• REFCLOSE Saves back or discards changes made during in-place editing of a reference (an xref or a block).
• RENDER Creates a photorealistic or realistically shaded image of a three-dimensional wireframe or solid model.
• RPREF Displays the Advanced Render Settings palette for access to advanced rendering settings.
• VIEW Saves and restores named views, camera views, layout views, and preset views.
• -VPORTS Creates multiple viewports in model space or paper space. (command line version)
• -WBLOCK Writes objects or a block to a new drawing file. (command line version)
• WEDGE Creates a five-sided 3D solid with a sloped face tapering along the X axis.
• BACKGROUND Sets up the background for your scene. (merged with VIEW)
• FOG Provides visual cues for the apparent distance of objects. (replaced by RENDERENVIRONMENT)
• LSNEW Adds realistic landscape items, such as trees and bushes, to your drawings. (no replacement)
• MATLIB Imports and exports materials to and from a library of materials. (replaced by MATERIALS)
• RENDSCR Has no effect except to preserve the integrity of scripts. (no replacement)
• SHOWMAT Lists the material type and attachment method for a selected object. (replaced by LIST)
• CAMERADISPLAY Toggle whether camera objects are displayed in the current drawing.
• CAMERAHEIGHT Stores the default height for newly created camera objects.
• CLEANSCREENSTATE Stores a value that indicates whether the clean screen state is on. (read-only)
• DIMFXL Sets the total length of the extension lines starting from the dimension line toward the dimension origin.
• DWFFRAME Determines whether the DWF frame is visible and if it will plot.
• DWFOSNAP Determines whether object snapping is enabled for DWFs that are attached to a DWG.
• ERSTATE Determines whether the External References window is inactive, active/visible or active/auto-hidden.
• GRIDDISPLAY Controls the display behavior and display limits of the grid.
• GRIDMAJOR Controls the frequency of major grid lines compared to minor grid lines.
• GRIDUNIT Specifies the grid spacing (X and Y) for the current viewport.
• GTAUTO Controls whether or not grip tools display automatically when selecting objects in 3D space.
• GTDEFAULT Controls whether or not the 3DMOVE, 3DROTATE, and 3DSCALE commands start automatically when the MOVE, ROTATE,
and SCALE commands (respectively) are started in a 3D view.
• GTLOCATION Sets the default location for grip tools.
• INTERFEREVPVS Sets the visual style for the current viewport while using the INTERFERENCE command.
• LEGACYCTRLPICK Specifies the keys for selection cycling and the behavior for CTRL + left-click.
• LOFTANG1 Sets the draft angle through the first cross section in a loft operation.
• LOFTANG2 Sets the draft angle through the last cross section in a loft operation.
• LOFTMAG1 Sets the magnitude of draft angle through the first cross section in a loft operation.
• LOFTMAG2 Sets the magnitude of draft angle through the last cross section in a loft operation.
• LOFTNORMALS Controls the normals of a lofted object where it passes through cross sections.
• OSOPTIONS Automatically suppresses object snaps on hatch objects and when using a dynamic UCS.
• PERSPECTIVE Specifies whether the current viewport displays a perspective working view.
• PSOLHEIGHT Sets the default height for a swept solid object created with the
• POLYSOLID command.
• PSOLWIDTH Sets the default width for a swept solid object created with the
• POLYSOLID command.
• RENDERPREFSSTATE Stores a value that indicates whether the Advanced Render Settings palette is open.
• SHADOWPLANELOCATION Controls the location of an invisible ground plane used to display shadows.
• SOLIDHIST Controls the default History property setting for new and existing objects.
• STEPSIZE Specifies the step size in current units when users are in Walk mode.
• STEPSPERSEC Specifies the number of steps taken per second when users are in Walk mode.
• VSCURRENT Stores the name of the visual style applied to the current viewport.
• VSEDGEJITTER Controls the degree to which lines are made to appear as though sketched with a pencil.
• VSEDGEOVERHANG Makes lines extend beyond their intersection, for a hand-drawn effect.
• VSEDGES Controls the types of edges that are displayed in the viewport.
• VISUALSTYLES Displays the Visual Styles Manager palette allowing you to create and modify visual styles, or apply a visual style to a
• VSHALOGAP Sets the halo gap in the visual style applied to the current viewport.
• VSHIDEPRECISION Controls the accuracy of hides and shades in the visual style applied to the current viewport.
• VSINTERSECTIONCOLOR/P Specifies the color of intersection polylines in the visual style applied to the current viewport.
• VSINTERSECTIONEDGES Specifies the display of intersection edges in the visual style applied to the current viewport.
• VSINTERSECTIONLTYPE Controls whether obscured lines are displayed in the current viewport and sets their linetype.
• VSOBSCUREDCOLOR Specifies the color of obscured lines in the visual style applied to the current viewport.
• VSOBSCUREDLTYPE Specifies the linetype of obscured lines in the visual style applied to the current viewport.
• VSSILHEDGES Controls display of silhouette curves of solid objects in the visual style applied to the current viewport.
• VSSILHEDGEWIDTH Specifies the width in pixels for display of silhouette edges in the current viewport.
• VSSPECULAR Controls the display of specular highlights on faces without materials in the current viewport.
• VSSTATE Stores a value that indicates whether the Visual Styles window is open.
• ZOOMWHEEL Allows users to toggle the behavior of mouse wheel zoom operations.
Changed System Variables
• AUTOSNAP Controls the display of the AutoSnap marker, tooltip, and magnet.
• BACKZ Stores the back clipping plane offset from the target plane for the current viewport, in drawing units.
• DELOBJ Controls whether objects used to create other objects are retained or deleted from the drawing database.
• FRONTZ Stores the front clipping plane offset from the target plane for the current viewport.
• PICKADD Controls whether subsequent selections replace the current selection set or add to it.
• SURFU Sets the surface density for PEDIT Smooth in the M direction.
• SURFV Sets the surface density for PEDIT Smooth in the N direction.
• TRACKPATH Controls the display of polar and object snap tracking alignment paths.
Removed or Obsolete System Variables
• None
Make sure to check out Lee's Command and System Variable Database which started here on this history website.