Animals in Entertainment: "Their Lives Are in Our Hands"
Animals in Entertainment: "Their Lives Are in Our Hands"
Animals in Entertainment: "Their Lives Are in Our Hands"
Wild animals have been used to entertain people throughout history, from those
forced to fight in arenas in the Ancient times to those performing nowadays in
circuses, zoos or aquariums.
Animals naturally live free, in open spaces where they can move freely, feed and
reproduce themselves, play or just survive; but without cages keeping them away
from others ways of life in deplorable conditions, with no enough space.
Animals used for entertainment are removed from their natural habitats, and most
of the times involved in cruel training methods, causing serious injury and even
death. We should know that animals are NOT actors, or clowns to make us laugh;
are living beings and we all should take care of them.
Its sad to notice that there is minimal state or federal protection for animals used in
entertainment, but we can do something about this.
1. DONT go to circus with animals: they are abused with electrical prods that
pinch their sensitive area to make them do what the trainers want or what
youd like to see. They are in small areas, exposed to stress situations,
violence/abuse and with a low quality of life.
2. DONT go to aquariums shows: Some zoos and aquariums do rescue some
animals and work to save endangered species, but most animals in zoos
were either captured from the wild or bred in captivity for the purpose of
public display, not species protection.
Some of these places may appear to be educational or that they try to protect the
wildlife; BUT most of them are designed with the public desires and not the needs
of the animals.
Maybe we are not part of a governmental organization, and we might thing that
theres nothing we can do; but NOT doing it is enough. NOT going to aquarium
shows, not buying endangered species and not going to circus with animals.
Their lives are in our hands