Form A - Assessment Report Harriet Madams 30093271

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Form A

Faculty of Education and Arts

Section 1 - Placement Details
Professional Experience
Assessment Report
Pre-Service Teacher (PST) Details to be completed by PST (Student)
Program Details
PST Name
Student Number
PST FedUni Email
Placement dates
No. of days completed
FedUni Mentor Name
Professional Experience Final Assessment (cont. from Final Evaluation Part 3)
Federation University Contact Details
Program Name
Course Theme
Course Code
Method Areas (Sec Only)
Placement Team Professional Experience Ofce, School of Education and Arts, Federation University, PO Box 663 Ballarat 3353
Year Level (e.g. EEBED3102)
1. 2.
Page 1 of 7 Current Version: 16/04/2014 Review Date: 16/11/2014
CRICOS Provider Number 00103D
Course Code: EEBED 4104
*PLEASE NOTE: School Professional Experience Co-ordinator will be abbreviated to S.P.E.C. when required.
Mentor Teacher Name
School / Centre
Mentor Teacher Email
S.P.E.C. Name
Contact Telephone Grade / Year Level
Admin Only FDL CRA DBase
Final Overall Assessment (Please tick one box)
High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Marginal Fail Unsatisfactory
PST Telephone
Absence dates
Make-up dates
Bachelor of Education (P-10)
E tended Practicu
EDBED 10 Four
cience Health
Harriet Mada
00 1 0 01 0 0
harriet ada tudent federation edu au
1 th ul - nd u u t 01 1 t u u t
Ric Da i
Holly Watts
Bacchus Marsh Grammar
Liz O'Day
(03) 5366 4800 Prep

Section 2 - Placement Information

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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D
Mentor Teacher
You have been allocated a Pre-Service Teacher
(PST) from Federation University.
The Pre-Service Teacher will have emailed the
Professional Experience Report to your S.P.E.C.
This report is to be completed digitally.
Please complete the Blue shaded sections within
this Assessment Report and follow the process below.
Congratulations on your placement.
Please complete the Pink shaded sections
within this Assessment Report, and follow the
stepped process below.
Pre-Service Teacher (PST)
Initiate contact with the Schools
Professional Experience Co-ordinator
(S.P.E.C.) to introduce yourself and
request contact details for your Mentor
Complete Pre-Placement requirements
in your Learning Log.
Prior to placement,
Complete Section 1 of this
Assessment Report.
The PST will download this Assessment
Report from FedUni Online (Moodle).
The PST will complete their details
in Section 1 of this Report.
Email a copy of this Assessment Report
to the Schools Professional Experience
The S.P.E.C. will forward this document
to your Mentor Teacher.
You will receive this Assessment Report from
the S.P.E.C. on day one of placement.
Your Mentor Teacher will retain this
Assessment Report for the duration of
your Professional Experience placement.
During this time you are expected to
complete all components of your PST
Learning Log (Form B).
Please retain this Assessment Report for
the duration of the PSTs placement. During
the placement complete each section of the
Report and discuss with your PST.
Should you have any concerns or questions
regarding the readiness capacity of your PST
or the placement process, please contact
the FedUni Mentor in the rst instance.
Administrative queries should be directed to:
Your S.P.E.C. will sight and email you
the completed report at the end of your
placement. They will CC the FedUni
Professional Experience Team.
Email this completed Assessment Report
to your S.P.E.C. for sighting and PST at the
email address they have provided in Section 1.
CC the FedUni Professional Experience Team:
Upload this completed Assessment
Report, your Learning Log and the
Learning Task Refection Record to
FedUni Online (Moodle - Professional
Experience EDARTS) within one week of
placement completion.
The PST will upload this completed
Assessment Report, along with any other
documentation to FedUni Online (Moodle).
The Professional Experience Co-ordinator
will forward this report to:
and the PST.
Please ensure any Payment Claims are
completed and forwarded to:
Stepped Process
Stepped Process
4 4
On behalf of Federation University, thank you for
undertaking the role of Mentor Teacher. Your role in the
professional learning of the Pre-Service Teacher is highly
valued and an integral component of teacher education.
Section 2 - Placement Information cont.
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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D
Context and Aims
Practical teaching experience is a integral component of the Bachelor of Education program. In a school setting, the
professional experience involves planning for teaching, the creation of a learning environment and interaction with
students to achieve learning objectives. During periods of teaching practice, PSTs further develop, apply and refect upon
the application of their practical and theoretical knowledge of teaching and learning. With a selection of appropriate teaching
approaches and resources, PSTs draw on their understanding of how to present content and facilitate learning processes
to motivate and engage learners to achieve valid educational outcomes.
During this course Pre-Service Teachers (PSTs) will demonstrate the following professional teaching competencies and abilities:
At completion of the placement,
PSTs are expected to have:
1 Email the Professional Experience Assessment Report
to the S.P.E.C. at the commencement of the placement.
2 Complete all tasks as outlined in the Learning Log.
3 Systematically document evidence related to the
completion of each learning task in the Learning Tasks
Table. Discuss with your Mentor Teacher to ensure they
align with the placement context.
4 Be actively involved and engaged from the beginning.
This means roving the classroom, joining small groups,
sitting with a nominated student and assisting, as well
as participating in any helpful way as directed by the
Mentor Teacher.
5 Provide the Mentor Teacher with all documentation
related to the placement in a timely manner.
1 It is expected that by the fnal 3 weeks of this
placement, PSTs will be assuming a role similar to that
expected of beginning teachers, including taking full
responsibility for the planning and teaching of a class.
2 Demonstrated an ability to establish clear
and achievable learning goals for students.
3 Evaluated student work samples and responses.
4 Worked co-operatively and purposefully
with colleagues.
5 Refected and documented their experiences, strengths
and future needs as learners and teachers.
6 Developed a resource folder aligning with the
Professional Standards of their experience, which
include learning tasks and lesson plans.
As a Pre-Service Teacher you
are expected to:
As a Mentor Teacher
you agree to:
a strong commitment to students and the teaching profession.
effective communication and classroom management.
monitoring, evaluating and reporting on students progress
to the students themselves and to parents.
planning and facilitating learning experiences which foster both
collaborative and independent learning within a context of
developing information technologies.
an understanding of students and an ability to respond to their needs.
willingness to work within the legal and ethical requirements of the
teaching profession.
utilising resources, particularly those from emerging information
technologies both in and outside the school, to promote learning.
working collaboratively with teachers and other members of the school
staff to contribute to the general well being of the school and its
1 Support the PSTs development through
active participation in the classroom.
2 Assist PST development through refective
discussions (formal and informal).
3 Complete a mid-placement evaluation
and a nal evaluation.
4 Provide written feedback on any planned
activities or lessons taught by the PST.
5 Assist the PST in setting and addressing
learning goals.
6 Provide feedback to the PST to support their
understanding of the Professional Standards.
7 To further support the development of learning
outcomes for PSTs, Federation University has
developed a Student At Risk Procedure (STAR).
This process is to be used when a PST has
been identied as being at risk of failure during
placement, or requires additional support for
early intervention. The process provides direct
support for the Mentor Teacher, the school/centre
and the PST to develop and implement a clear
plan of action. Initial contact concerning possible
failure should be made to the FedUni Mentor as
soon as possible.
8 Monitor and guide the PSTs in the completion
of their Learning Log.
9 Complete the assessment of the placement and
provide feedback to the PST concerning the
placement, allowing time for the PST to refect
on the assessment and to clarify
recommendations made.
Section 3 - Evaluation
Part One / Mid-placement Evaluation
Part Two / Mid-placement Evaluation
Based on:
your discussions with the PST
observations of their teaching
feedback concerning completed learning tasks
progress towards addressing learning goals
Please comment on the progress this PST is making and note areas for future learning and development.
Task Y / N Dated
Professional Experience Assessment Report received via email from Pre-Service Teacher (PST)
PST has discussed the identied learning tasks to be completed
Two (2) Learning Goals discussed with PST - (Refer to Learning Log Section 4)
Two (2) Learning Goals documented by PST - (Refer to Learning Log Section 4)
PST Mid-Placement refection discussed
PST Mid-Placement refection documented
PST End of placement refection discussed
PST End of placement refection documented
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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D
Y 14/07/2014
Y 14/07/2014
Y 14/07/2014
Y 14/07/2014
Y 04/08/2014
Y 04/08/2014
Y 27/08/2014
Y 27/08/2014
Harriet has now settled in well to the classroom. She had learnt a lot through observations she had made from me and how
I run the classroom and through trial and error. Harriet is wonderful with the chn and works well with them, even though she
hadn't had experience in the younger years in a junior school. She always begins her lessons with an introduction and
shares some of the chn's work during and at the end of most lesson as well as concluding it. Harriet has been working on
classroom control where she has learnt that it is okay to follow up with behaviour management strategies that are in place
within the classroom. She has become more confident with this and making sure that she keeps on top of it from the
beginning, as it would make it hard to remain in control and keeping the chn on task. Harriet took a couple of lessons on
day 3 and 4 and took on half days in week 2. Then in week 3 she felt ready to take on full control, which was good to see.
She is very enthusiastic and keen to learn and I believe she will be a great teacher in the near future.
Harriet has completed and written up each of her learning tasks that she has documented which will inform her teaching
and aide the development of her professional practice.
Through observations and my planning Harriet has been able to see how I differentiate and cater to individual learning
needs. She has then been able to carry this over when she has taught lessons and taken full control. Harriet has also been
an active participant within the classroom and in the school setting. This has allowed her to accomplish her goals thus far.
Final Evaluation - Part 1
Professional Standards Report
At the completion of the Professional Experience, please complete this Professional Standards Report for Graduate Teachers
by placing a tick in the appropriate column to indicate the level of development demonstrated by this PST (appropriate to a
fourth year PST). This evaluation should be used when considering assessment in Section 1.
1. Know students and how they learn C S N N/A
1.1 Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students
1.2 Understand how students learn
1.3 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds
1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specic learning needs of students across the full range of abilities
1.6 Strategies to support full participation of students with disability
2. Know the content and how to teach it C S N N/A
2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area
2.2 Content selection and organisation
2.3 Curriculum, assessment and reporting
2.4 Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and how to teach to promote reconciliation
between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians
2.5 Literacy and numeracy strategies
2.6 Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Professional Knowledge
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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D
Professional Practice
3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning C S N N/A
3.1 Establish challenging learning goals
3.2 Plan, structure and sequence learning programs
3.3 Use a range of teaching strategies
3.4 Select and use resources
3.5 Use effective classroom communication
3.6 Evaluate and improve teaching programs
3.7 Engage parents/carers in the educative process
C = Commendable S = Satisfactory N = Not Satisfactory N/A = Not Addressed

Harriet has built a rapport with each of the chn in the class and understands that chn vary in their ability. She was able to
differentiate their needs by breaking the class up into groups for reading and Maths. Harriet had also learnt to have
different expectations for each student.

Harriet gathered our yearly planners, in which she worked off as a base for her planning. She would use the classroom
resources and sought some of her own as well, this showed initiative.

Harriet submitted weekly planner and adapted lessons as required. For example, some farm animals came to visit our
school, so we had to carry a lesson over to the next week. She then had to change an activity the next day, as we did a
writing activity on our visit from the farm animals.
Final Evaluation - Part 1 cont.
4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments C S N N/A
4.1 Support student participation
4.2 Manage classroom activities
4.3 Manage challenging behaviour
4.4 Maintain student safety
4.5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically
5. Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning C S N N/A
5.1 Assess student learning
5.2 Provide feedback to students on their learning
5.3 Make consistent and comparable judgements
5.4 Interpret student data
5.5 Report on student achievement
Professional Practice
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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D
6. Engage in professional learning C S N N/A
6.1 Identify and plan professional learning needs
6.2 Engage in professional learning and improve practice
6.3 Engage with colleagues and improve practice
6.4 Apply professional learning and improve student learning
Professional Engagement
7. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community C S N N/A
7.1 Meet professional ethics and responsibilities
7.2 Comply with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements
7.3 Engage with the parents/carers
7.4 Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities
C = Commendable S = Satisfactory N = Not Satisfactory N/A = Not Addressed

Harriet used our traffic light system, in which she would put students names on it if they weren't following the classroom
or school rules. She would also give them gentle reminders as well. Harriet would also make sure that she would
include all chn most of the time during classroom discussions and roam around the classroom to offer assistance as

Harriet completed running records on a daily basis after she completed a workshop in student services. She would then
interpret their results as to what level they should be on for their reading or if they were on the right level.
As the chn were working she would give them feedback as to wether they were on track or provide support if they
required assistance.

Harriet attended staff and team meetings.

She was a very friendly person who would approach others and engage with other staff members very comfortably.

Harriet received the BMG handbook.

She engaged with parents on a regular basis, both in the morning and at the end of the day. Harriet also attended
Parent/Teacher interviews during her placement.
Recommended goals (3 suggestions for future development)
General comments:
At the completion of this placement please provide comment on:
the PSTs contribution to the classroom
their performance with reference to the completed Final Evaluation - Part 1
possible future goals for learning and teaching
Final Evaluation - Part 3
Final Evaluation - Part 2
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CRICOS Provider Number 00103D
On behalf of the Professional Experience Team at Federation University,
we thank you for your time and contribution to the teaching profession.
1. Complete the Final Overall Assessment panel in Section 1 (rst page) of this report.
2. Email this completed Assessment Report to the S.P.E.C. who will sign and forward to the PST and FedUni
Professional Experience Team at together with completed
pay claim form.
To learn what works best for her. For example, I have my own discipline strategies, but these may not suit or work her.
Harriet contributed very well to the classroom. She was very hands-on and worked really well with the chn. She
contributed to all aspects of the classroom, including; planning, organising lesson resources, setting up classroom
displays, running records, setting up the classroom for the chn in the morning, reading with chn every morning, signing
diaries and checking for notes from parents and marking the roll.

Harriet got to know the students very quickly and understood that they all learn in different ways and that we have
different expectations of each child. She was able to pick up on who needed extra support and would provide this for
these chn.
Harriet was able to recognise when an activity didn't quite go to plan where the chn may have found it a bit more difficult
than she anticipated. So she would either change it up at the time of the lesson or use student feedback for future
Harriet worked off our yearly planner to create an organised planner for each week that she could refer to. She sought
other resources and contributed some of her own knowledge and ideas.
Harriet was a very keen learner and wanted to gain as much experience as she could. Learning how to conduct a
Running Record was one area she really wanted to learn more about. She was very proactive and we set up for her to
work with an aide who has done a lot of PD and has a lot of experience in this area. This aide also runs a reading
recovery program. So Harriet spent some time with her and practiced completeing running records on a daily basis
within the classroom to gain more experience.

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