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Curriculum Vitae
Vinoth Kumar. S +91 9962567855
UI Desiner !inoth"s#7686$ Seeking Opportunity to De#lo% m% creati!e talents an& a'ilities in the (iel& o( &esinin )*#lore m% s"ill in the area o( +otion ra#hics animation, -D mo&elin an& .iht / Sha&e &ra0in Software Skills 1&o'e illustrator 1&o'e 2hotosho# 1&o'e a(ter e((ects 1uto&es" +a%a 2hotora#h% / Cinematora#h% 1##le +1C 3C2 1&o'e &ream!ie0er +ocha 2ro 1&o'e 2remiere Academic Qualification Model drawing course (2002) 4echnical e*amination in (reehan& outline / mo&el &ra0in, Approved y! 5o!t. o( 4amil 6a&u "#Sc $isual communication (200% 200&) 'nstitute! 7in&ustan Collee o( 1rts / Science, Coim'atore, 4amil 6a&u. (iploma in Animation and $isual effects (200)) 'nstitute! Diital maic 1ca&em% / 2ro&uction house, Chennai. M#Sc *rap+ics and Animation (20,, - 20,%) 'nstitute! 1nnamalai Uni!ersit%, Chennai. .rofessional /ork 01perience 'mage 'nfotainment 2td ( May 200) August 20,0) o 8oine& 9'MA*0: ; creati!e e&ucational institution, as a (acult% in 200). It 0as a reat #lat(orm to start m% career. I 'uilt m% technical "no0le&e an& learne& !arious so(t0ares, li"e 1&o'e 2remier, a(ter e((ects. I also aine& oo& "no0le&e in !i&eo e&itin. o <ase& on m% s"ill an& #er(ormance, I 0as #romote& as 94echnical 7ea&: (or Alwarpet 'ranch. +% role 0as to manae an& lea& a 4echnical team. 7a& o##ortunit% to con&uct man% seminars, e!ents, com#etitions an& in&ustrial !isits, 0hich I ha!e ela'orate& 'elo0 in a se#arate section. 2arallel to the #rocess, I u#ra&e& m%sel( to the !isual e((ects an& su##orte& !arious stu&ents #ro=ects. o I orani>e& 0or"sho#s on #hotora#h% / stu&io lihtin techni?ues. Su##orte& @esearch / &e!elo#ment &e#artment to (ine tune the course #attern (or -& an& !(* lessons. Create& o0n 'oo" materials 0ith -& ma%a mo&elin, lihtin / te*turin tutors. o @esearch / &e!elo#ment &e#artment su##orte& me to #ro!i&e cinematora#h% an& Visual e((ects trainin, (or -D an& !(* (aculties, (rom !arious 'ranches all o!er in In&ia. 4his #a!e& 0a% to hone m% technical s"ills to shoot Com#uter 5ra#hics short(ilms AC5 shotsB. o 2re#are& m%sel( to 'e a uest lecturer to multime&ia stu&ents in $'3 Uni!ersit% / Anna Uni!ersit%. 1'le to con&uct 0or"sho#s on actin s"ills to those stu&ents. Ordusion 3ec+nologies ( August 20,0 3ill date ) o In 20,0, =oine& as a 3ull time 5ra#hic &esiner in 9Ordusion tec+nologies:, It is an US 'ase& com#an%. In that, 4+iragu (esign studio is the name o( m% &esinin team +a=or 0or" 'uilt;in 0ith 9In(o 5ra#hics: an& 9+otion ra#hic elements: (or their clients. I ac?uire& oo& e*#erience in stor%'oar&in, !isual stor%tellin an& se?uential art 0ith ra#hic &esinin. o 1s #er the re?uest I also i!en m% su##ort to the @ / & &e#t. in m% #re!ious concern as a #art time em#lo%ee till 20,%. o 5ra&uall%, I su##orte& m% 4+iragu team to (orm a creati!e &esinin team in In&ia as 0ell. @ecruite& (e0 !isuali>er, -D animator, an& -D mo&eler to &e!elo# the team. 1ssine& 0or" to them 'ase& on the #ro=ect. Coor&inate& 0ith all team mem'ers an& ensure& to com#lete the i!en tas" 0ithin the re?ueste& &ea&line. o Cualit% #ro=ects 'e(ore the &ea&line mo!e& the team to ne*t le!el to et more international #ro=ects. 2rou& to 0or" 0ith 5cur!e, 6e0ell @u''ermai& an& SK. 4echnoloies . o @ecentl%, the manaement reconi>e& me as 9.ro5ect 2ead : (or all 5ra#hic &esinin an& 1nimation #ro=ects . 6reelance /ork 01perience S78 3$ Internshi# #roram (or - months, 5athere& e*#erience on reen matte shootin an& =ournalism re#orts . .O2'M09 3$ Dor"e& as trainin e&itor (or 8 months 0hile &oin m% collae stu&ies. ('*'3A2 MA*'4 Dor"e& as -& mo&elin / te*turin artist in the #ro&uction house , I 0or"e& (or man% 4amil , 4eluu / +arathi (ilms. S7:002;s Magic S+ow Dor"e& (or title animation an& 2romo !i&eo (or 4ele!ision 'roa&castin. <O8*7 8A(7 .olitical .arty ; Create& )lection 2arties #romotional !i&eo. 3A60 3ractors - mins Vi&eo (or #romotin 1uthori>e& &ealers an& #romoters. 3AM'28A(7 *overnment media pro5ects Dor"e& (or 2u'lic ser!ice a&s 0ith the hel# Chennai cit% tra((ic #olice &e#artment .4hese !i&eos ha& 'een &is#la%e& in (ront o( 4amilna&u Chie( +inister on 8anuar% 26 th 2E1F. In a&&ition to m% reular =o', I ensure to utili>e m% (ree time to 0or" as a 5uest lecturer in 94S4 Softview Media 4ollege:. )nrich m% "no0le&e in Cinematora#h% an& !isual e((ects techni?ues '% sharin them in the classes (or multime&ia &e#artment stu&ents. Sterling =oliday 9esort - +otion ra#hics animation (or 7@ recruitment team. /orks+ops > Seminars conducted y M0 .+otograp+y works+op han&le& F 'atches in 'MA*0. 4his 0or"sho# 0as con&ucte& %earl% once (or stu&ents (rom all o!er In&ia. 4he 0or"sho# inclu&e& !arious session in camera han&lin, lihtin techni?ues, com#osin (rames, ti#s / tric"s in #hoto shoots. I select the 'est out#ut an& coor&inate 0ith the manaement to e*hi'it them in the I+15) .+oto 01po, 0hich 0ill 'e hel& at the month o( +a%. <% !ie0in all the 0or"s o( stu&ents, I &e!elo#e& m% a'ilit% to &istinuish 0or"s an& hihliht the oo& one Speed modeling seminar Das a'le to &emonstrate ho0 9S#ee& mo&elin: &one in the (iel& o( 9*ame designing:. 4his 'uilt oo& con(i&ence to i!e suestions to I+15) Stu&ents to create their #ro=ects Animation .rinciples seminar Su##orte& to share m% soun& "no0le&e o( animation #rinci#les an& #roce&ures 0ith li!e e*am#les to the 1nna uni!ersit% stu&ents Animation awareness program 1'le to con&uct this #roram (or school stu&ents an& enineerin collee stu&ents. Instille& the 'asic "no0le&e o( tra&itional 2& animations. 4+aracter design > illustration /orks+op 5ui&e& stu&ents to enhance their "no0le&e in character mo&elin. Im#ro!e& e*ce#tional a'ilit% to &e!elo# technical &ocuments (or asserts amon stu&ents an& also to &esin stor%'oar& (or animations. 'M'8(S 3raining 'M'8(S is a multime&ia s%lla'us &esine& (or school stu&ents. I #ro!i&e& trainin (or sta((s at <analore / 7%&era'a& =oies > 'nterest .iht / sha&e &ra0in Du''in @a&io =inles 4V commercial a&s 2u'lic ser!ice a&s Short (ilm ma"in Cla% mo&elin +iniature set mo&elin S+ow 9eel (esign .ortfolio link !- %d modeling ! -D character mo&els, Set mo&el, 2ro#s mo&el / 3antas% mo&els. Sho0 reel .in" ; htt#GHH%outu.'eH=I?7KJCs;#F .ersonal (etails Date o( <irth G E7 E6 1986 1e G 28 3atherKs name G S.Sel!am @eliion G 7in&u +arital status G Sinle .anuaes "no0n G 4amil, )nlish Citi>en o( In&ia / hol&er o( In&ian #ass#ort Address 6or 4ommunication 6oG F57;1, 1n&al naar, 1st e*t main roa&, 15S colon%, Velacher%, Chennai 6EE EF2
Python Machine Learning: Using Scikit Learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras, an Introductory Journey into Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Analysis, Algorithms, and Data Science