A Handbook of Pali Mantras PDF
A Handbook of Pali Mantras PDF
A Handbook of Pali Mantras PDF
Compiled by Mae Chi Margo Somboon
Ever since the release of A Handbook of Pali Mantras in early
2011, it became apparent that there is a demand for English
translations of Pali Mantras, that would be available to monks,
novice monks, nuns and laymen from all walks of life. Although
much information is available, this is scattered and hard to find.
The aim of this book is to compile all information available to
us to make it easily accessible and to assist anyone to be able
to chant Pali mantras, either in a congregation or at home.
This is my 2
attempt at such an ambitious project of merit.
After personally putting the first book to the test, it is now
possible to provide an improved version of a chanting book.
Several new mantras have been added to the new addition,
most notably, the 10 Precepts for junior monks, as well as the
7 funeral verses that are frequently chanted.
I would like to dedicate this work to one of our great kings,
King Naresuan the Great.
May all blessings be with the King and may his spirit continue
to watch over the Kingdom of Thailand.
About us:
As the only western nun at this temple, I initially found it very
difficult to follow the chanting of Pali mantras during morning
and evening chanting sessions.
English translations were few and hard to come by. I had to
look into several thin volumes to find what everyone was
chanting and half the time, when I did find it, chanting was
over. This is indeed a most frustrating situation for the novice.
When I began compiling and adding mantras, as well as fill in
the missing sections, an interesting problem kept presenting
itself. Many words in this edition would correctly be joined in
the correct Pali writing. However, I quickly realized that if these
words were to follow correct Pali writing, the foreigner
attempting to chant these verses would indeed find it difficult.
It is for this reason that I deliberately chose to separate words
in a manner that makes reading these easier.
Now 4 years later, I have compiled a list of commonly used
mantras which I would like to share with anyone who is
interested in chanting these passages.
However, before continuing, I would like to acknowledge the
people closest to me, who were instrumental in encouraging
and helping me with this venture. Without their acts of loving
kindness this 2
book would never have become a reality
Anumodhana Sathu..
To my teacher, Ajahn Somjit, who is the head Mae Chi here at
Wat Yai, and to Mae Chi Bhim who is currently in her 8th year
of Pali studies. Thank you for your encouragement in such an
ambitious project.
To Lesley, for believing in my work and encouraging me every
step of the way and for providing any necessary equipment.
Lesley has been and continues to be a dear friend and a
fountain of encouragement.
My sincere thanks also goes to Millie Young for her input in
designing the cover and making suggestions on how the layout
should be done. In this respect I must also include a dear
friend who has had much influence in introducing me to the
right people and reuniting me with old friends, as well as
providing me with brilliant photography. A very talented
woman and a dear friendThank you J udith Golden for your
friendship and your most invaluable input.
My sincere thanks must also be expressed to the various
monks, whose fine work has also been included here. Without
their dedicated work, I would never have been able to chant
with the congregation. I have merely built on the information
which was initially provided by their efforts.
And finally, my sincere thanks and appreciation goes to the
staff of Rajabhat University, Ayutthaya Province, for believing
in the work I have done to enhance and make the practice of
Theravada Buddhism a little easier.
[Which means, may these blessings of long life, strength, good health
and happiness always be with you]
Chanting is one of the ways of practicing the Dhamma.
It is a Buddhist way of life which has interested many
foreigners who come to practice the Dhamma in Thai
monasteries and who continue to grow in numbers.
Two obstacles in their chanting are:-
They are not able to pronounce the chanting words
They do not understand the meaning
The use of symbols is essential in aiding pronunciation.
Ive included some of the most important ones as
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KAPACCAVEKKHANAPATHA [Recollection when using the Requisites]
DEVATDIPPATIDNA GTH [Morning Transfer of Merit]
ATITAPACCAVEKKHANA PATHA [Recollection after using the Requisites]
UDDISNADITTHNA PATHA [Evening Transfer of Merit]
RDHAN TISARAKHOM SLA [Requesting the Precepts]
TISRN [Initial Homage to the Triple Gem]
RDHAN DHAMMADESAN [Requesting Dhamma Teachings]
RDHAN PARTTA [Requesting the Protections]
TISRN [Initial Homage to the Triple Gem]
NAMAKARASIDDHIGTH [The verses on reverence making for success]
NAMOKARTTHAKAGTH [Verses on 8 Times making Namo]
MAGLSUTTA [The Discourse on blessings]
RATANSUTTA [The Protection of the Verses on treasure]
KARNIYMETTASUTTA [The Discourse on Loving Kindness]
KHNDAPARTT [The Group Protection]
MRAPARTTA [Verses for warding off bad dreams and negativity]
VTKPARTTA [The Quails Protection]
TNTIYPARITTA [The tntiya Protection]
ANGULIMLPARTTA [Angulimls Protection]
AGGAPASDASUHA GTH [Verses from the Discourse on the
Supreme[Objects of] Faith]
DUKKHAPTDI GTH [Verses on having got suffering and so on]
BOJJGAPARTTA [The Enlightenment Factor Protection]
BHYPARTTA [The Fearlessness Protection]
SAKKATV [Verses on the Asseverations of Truth]
YAKICI [The Supreme Treasure]
MNGL CHAKKAVAL YAI [The Great Wheel of Blessings]
DHAMMAJKKHAPPAVTTANASUTTA [The Discourse on setting the
wheel of Dhamm in motion]
TIRATANNUSARANA PTH [Passages of the recollection of the three
BUDDHAJ AYAMAGALA GTH [BAHU] [Verses on the Buddhas
Wholesome Victories]
JAYAPARTT [The Victory Protection]
BRMI 30 TAT [30 Virtues attained by the Buddha]
YTH VARIVAH [Annumodhana Passage]
AYUTTHO PALLATO THEELO Annumodhana passage recited after a meal
CULLAMAGALCCAKAVL [The lesser sphere of blessings]
AGGAPASADASUTTA [Verses from the Discourse on the Supreme objects
of Faith]
RATANATTAYNUBHVADIGTH [Verses on the power of the Triple
SUMAGALAGTH [Verses of Excellent Blessings]
WANTA CHAO [Popular mantra during Buddhist Lent]
WANTA YAI [Invokes the protection of the devas of all religions]
YOTPRAKAN TRIPDOK [A mantra for people of a very high spiritual status]
APITAM [7 verses chanted at funerals]
PASUKULA GTH [Verses recited when receiving Pasukula Robes]
PABBATOPAMA GTH [Verses on the Smile of the Mountains
ARIYADHANA GTH [Verses on the Noble Wealth]
DHAMMNIYMASUTTA [Discourse on the fixed law of Dhamm]
DHAMMASAGNIMATIKAPATHA [Passage on the Matrix of the
TILAKKHANA GTH [The Verses on the 3 Characteristics and so on]
BUDDHAUDNA GTH [The Buddha inspired Verses]
BADDHEKARATTA GTH [Verses on a well-spent Day]
VIPASSANBHMIPTHA [Passages on the Stages of Insight]
PATTHNAMTIKPTHA [Passage on the Matrix of the Patthana]
Yo soBhagav ArahaSammsambuddho
Svkkhto yena Bhagavata Dhammo
Supatipanno yassa Bhagavato Svakasagho
Tammaya Bhagavanta saddhamma sasagha
Imehi sakkrehi yathraha ropitehi abhipujayma
Sadhu no bhante Bhagav succiraparinibhutopi
Paccim janat nukampa manas
Ime sakkre duggata pann karabhte patigganhatu
Amhka dgharatta hitya sukhya
Araha Sammsambuddho Bhagav
Buddha Bhagavanta Abhivademi
Svakkhto Bhagavata Dhammo
Dhamma Namasmi
Supatipanno Bhagavato Svakasagho
Sangha Nammi
Namotassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammsambuddhassa
[Repeat 3 times]
[Handamata Buddhabhituti karoma-se]
Yo so tathgato Araha Sammsambuddho
Vijjccarana sampanno sugato lokavid
Anuttaro purisadammasrati sata devamanussna Buddho
Yo ima loka sadvaka samaraka
paja sadevamanussana saya abhi saccikatv
Yo Dhamma desesi dikalyna majjekalyna
Sttha sabyajana kevala paripua
parisuddha brahmacariya paksesi
Tamah Bhagavanta abhipujayma
Tamah Bhagavanta siras nammi
[Handamaya Dhammabhituti karoma-se]
Yo so Svkkhto Bhagavat Dhammo
Sandithiko Akliko Ehipassiko
Opanyiko pccata veditabo vihi
Tamah Dhamma abhipujaymi
Tamah Dhamma siras nammi
[Handamaya Saghabhituti karoma-se]
Yo so Supatipanno Bhagavato Svakasgho
Uju Patipanno Bhagavato Svakasgho
ya Patipanno Bhagavato Svakasgho
Samcipatipanno Bhagavato Svakasgho
Ythita cattri purisaugni tth purisapuggala
Esa Bhagavato Svakasgho
huneyyo Phuneyyo Dakkhineyyo Ajalkaraniyo
Anuttara pukhetta lokassa
Tamah Sagha Abhipujayma
Tamah Sagha siras nammi
[Handamaya Ratanattayappana maggathaya ceva Saveggavatthu
Paridipakapataca bhanama-se]
Buddho susuddho karun mahnavo
Yoccanta suddhabaran nalkano
Lokassa ppupkile sagthako
Vandmi Buddha ahamdarenata
Dhammo padpoviya tassa sathno
Yo maggapk mata bheda bhnnako
Lokuttara yo c tadttha dipanno
Vandmi Dhamma ahamadarenata
Sagho sukhetta bhyatikhetta sato
Lolappahno ariyo sumedhasso
Vandmi Sagha ahamadarenata
Iccevame kantabhi puja neyyaka
Vttutaya vndayata bhisakhata
Pu maya yam mam sabbhupaddav
Ma hontu ve tassa phabhva siddhiy
Idha tathgato loke uppano Arah Sammsambuddho
Dhammo c desito niyyniko uppasmiko
parinnibhniko sambhodagmi sugata pavedito
Mayanta Dhamma sutv eva jnm
Jtipi dukkh, Jarpi dukkh, Maranmpi dukkh
Soka parideva dukkh domanassupyaspi dukkh
Appiyhi sampayogo dukkho piyhi vippayogo dukkho
yampicca nalabati tampi dukkha
Sakhittena pacupada nakkhanda dukkho
Rppadanakkhando, Vedanpadanakkhando,
Sakarpadanakkhando, Vinpadanakkhando
Yesa pariya, Daramno so Bhagav
Eva bahula svake vinetti
Eva bhga c panassa Bhagavato
svakesu anussani bahul pavttati
Rpa annic, Vedana annic, Sa annic,
Sakara annic, Vina annic
Rpa anatt, Vedana anatt, Sa anatt,
Sakara anatt, Vina anatt
Sabbe sakara annic, Sabbe dhamm anattti
Te [Ta - for ladies] maya
Otinnmbha jtiy jara, maranena, sokehi, paridevehi,
domanasehi,upysehi, dukkhotin, dukkha parta,
kevalssa, dukkha kandhssa, antakiriya payetati
[For Monks & novice Monks]
Ciraparini bhutampita Bhagavanta udissa Arahanta
Sammsambuddhosaddh agrasama anagriya pabbajita,
Bhagavati brahmacariya carma,Bhikkuna
Ta no brahmacariya, imassa kevalssa dukkhakkhandssa
antakiriy y savassatu
[For Laymen]
Ciraparini bhutampitam Bhagavanta sarana kata,
Dhammac pikkhusakac tassa Bhagavato ssana,
yat sati, yat pala,mansi karoma anupaccma
sa sa no pati pati
Imassa kevalssa dukkhakandssa antakiriy y savassatu
[Words of worshipping the triple gem]
To him, the Blessed One, the Accomplished One,
the supremely self-enlightened One, having extinguished all the flames
of desire and having become rightly enlightened through his own effort.
To the teaching of the Blessed One, which are well expounded, and to
the disciples of the Blessed One, who are well practiced, we worship the
Blessed One, his teachings and his disciples, and with these proper
offerings, we render supreme homage.
Though the Blessed One passed away a long time ago,
he left great benefits for us.
The Blessed One has great compassion towards us who are of a later
generation. May the Blessed One accept these offerings of ours, for our
long-lasting welfare and for our long-lasting happiness.
The Buddha is the Accomplished One, the Supremely self-enlightened One,
the Blessed One who has extinguished all the flames of desire and
became rightly enlightened through his own efforts.
I pay homage to the Buddha, the Awakened and the
Blossomed One, who is well knowledgeable.
The teachings of the Buddha are well expounded. I salute those teachings
of the Buddha who have practiced well. I bow down with respect to them.
[Now let us pay preliminary homage to the Buddha]
Homage to him, the Blessed One, the Accomplished One.
The Supremely self-enlightened One.
[Now let us chant in praise of the Buddha]
He who is the truth winner, having attained Nibbna,
The Supremely self-enlightened One.
The perfect embodiment of virtue and wisdom,
the auspicious path finder. The knower of all realms,
the incomparable tamer of individuals,
the supreme master of devas and men.
The Awakened One, who is knowledgeable, self-awakened
and blossoming by virtue of the Dhamma. The analyst who knows how
to teach the Dhamma selectively.
Any Buddha at all, is one who, with his own vast supreme wisdom,
shows explicitly the extinguishing of suffering, and has taught the the word,
together with the devas, the Maras, the Brahmins and all other human beings,
so that they may all know the truth about suffering.
So is the Dhamma thus explained by any one of the Exalted Ones.
So fine indeed it sounds in the beginnings. Fine it is in the middle and fine in the
end. For it proclaims, by the title and explanation so given, a holy life which
consists of a most sublime, pure and perfect way of practice.
To that Blessed One I pay the highest respect.
To that Blessed One I bow my head down with respect.
[Now let us chant in praise of the Dhamm]
The Dhamm is well expounded by the Exalted One. It is something which
one who learns and truly practices, will realize by ones own self.
It is something which can be actually practiced and yields results without the
limitations of time. It is something worthy of telling others to take heed of.
And it is something that can be only realized through personal experience.
To that Dhamm I pay the highest respect
To that Dhamm I bow my head down with respect.
[Now let us chant in praise of the Sagha]
Of good conduct is the community of noble disciples of the Exalted One.
Of upright conduct is the community of noble disciples of the Exalted One.
Of right conduct is the community of noble disciples of the Exalted One, who
practice in order to know well the Dhamm which frees one from suffering.
Of proper conduct is this community of noble disciples of the Exalted One.
The noble disciples of the Exalted One are such people, namely the 4 pairs of men,
the 8 of individuals. This community of noble disciples of the Exalted One is:-
Worthy of gifts. Worthy of hospitality. Worthy of offerings.
Worthy of reverential salutation and
Worthy of the incomparable field of merit for the world.
To that Sagha I pay the highest respect
To that Sagha I bow my head down with respect
[Now let us chant our salutation to the Triple Gem]
Together with the pali passage conducive to spiritual urgency
To the Buddha who is pure-minded and has an ocean deep compassion.
He possesses the eye of sublime insight which is most well purified.
He is one who puts into extinction all evils and all defilement of the world.
I join my palms in the gesture of devoted respect to the Buddha.
The Dhamm of the teacher glows brightly like a lamp.
It is divided into path, fruit and Nibbna.
I join my palms in the gesture of devoted respect to the Buddha.
The Sagha is the greatest of all fields of merit. For it is they who, having attained
nibbna, become awakened just as the Exalted One has done. It is they
who abandon their defilements of all sorts and become noble ones with wisdom.
I join my palms in the gesture of devoted respect to the Sagha.
May any meritorious deeds I have performed in honoring the Triple Gem, which
is worthy of veneration, be the power through which all obstacles disappear.
The Accomplished One has arisen in this world. He is one distancing himself from
all defilements and becomes self-enlightened. And the Dhamm so expounded,
is the means to lift one out of suffering. It is the extinguisher of all cravings, thus
paving the path to Nibbna. Thus it leads to true knowledge as proclaimed by the
Exalted One. Having heard the teachings, we can perceive this:-
Birth is suffering, Decay is suffering, Death is suffering
Sorrow, lamentation, physical sickness, mental sickness and despair are suffering.
Association with the unpleasant is suffering.
Dissociation with the pleasant is suffering.
Not to receive what one desires is suffering.
In brief the five aggregate of grasping is suffering.
Which are as follows:-
The grasped-at group of the body.
The grasped-at group of feeling
The grasped-at group of memory
The grasped-at group of volitions
The grasped-at group ofconsciousness
All these are meant to be understood by Buddhist disciples.
The Exalted One, during his lifetime, frequently instructed his disciples in
just this way. The teachings of the Exalted One are mainly meant for
his disciples and are presented as follows:-
Body is impermanent
Feeling is impermanent
Memory is impermanent
Volitions are impermanent
Consciousness is impermanent
Body is not self
Feeling is not self
Memory is not self
Volitions are not self
Consciousness is not self
All conditioned things are impermanent.
All dhamms are not self.
All of us, beset by birth, decay and death, by sorrow, lamentation,
pain, grief and despair, beset with dukkha, obstructed by dukkha, [consider]
that it is well if the complete ending of dukkha groups be known.
We all devote ourselves to the Accomplished One who has distanced himself from
all defilements and became self-enlightened, though he passed away a
long time ago.
We have gone forth with faith from home to homelessness, following
the Blessed One to practice the holy life, being fully equipped with the
monks training rules and livelihood,
May this holy life lead us to the end of this whole mass of suffering.
[Handamaya Tankhnikapaccavekkhan Patha bhanama-se]
Patisakha yoniso cvara patisevmi
Yvadva sitassa patiktay, oonhassa patiktay,
Dasamm kasavta tapsiri sapa sampsana patikhtaya,
Yvadva hirik pin paticc danatha
Patisakha niso cvara patisevmi,
Neva davya namatya na mandanya na vibhusanya,
Yvadva imassa kyassathitiya y panya vihi
superatiy brahmaccariy nuggahya.
Iti purca vedana patihakhmi navaca vedana na
Yatr ca me bhavsati anavjjat ca psuvihr cti.
Patisakha yniso snasana patisevmi,
Yvadva sitassa patikhtay, oonhassa patikhtay,
Dasammkasavta tapsiri sapa sampssana patikhtaya,
Yvadva utu pari saya vino dana patisalla naramattha,
Patisakha ynis gillna-paccay bhesajja parikkra
Yvadva uppnana veyya patikhna vedanna
patikhtaya, bay pajjha paramat yti.
Recollection at the Moment of using the Requisites
[Robes, food, lodging and medicine are the 4 necessities of a bikkhus life.
In the Pali language, they are called paccaya, the means for supporting life.]
Properly considering the robe, I use it only to ward off cold, to ward off heat,
to ward off the touch of gadflies, mosquitoes, wind sun and reptiles.
and only for the purpose of covering the shame [sexual organs].
Properly considering the alms food, I use it not playfully, nor for intoxication,
nor for fattening, nor for beautification. I use it only for the continuation
and nourishment of this body, for keeping it unharmed for helping with
the brahmacarriya, [thinking] I shall destroy old feelings of hunger and not
produce new feelings [of over-eating, etc.]. Thus there will be freedom for
me from [bodily] trouble and enabling living at ease.
Properly considering the lodging, I use it only to ward off cold, to ward off
heat and the touch of gadflies, mosquitoes, wind, sun and reptiles.
I use it only for the purpose of removing the dangers from weather
and living in seclusion.
Properly considering the supports for the sick-medicine utensils,
I use it only to ward off painful feelings that have arisen, for the
maximum freedom from disease.
[HandamayaTatupati gul l apaccavekhana Patha bhanm-se]
Yatapccaya pawttamana tatumtameveta
Ythita civara tatu papuchago ca puggalo
Tatumttago nissato nichevo suyo
Sappni pana imni civarni achikuchaniyni
Ima putikaya pattava attiviya chikuchaniyni chaynti
Yatapccaya pawttamana tatumtameveta
Ythita pintapatto tatu papuchago ca puggalo
Tatumttago nissato nichevo suyo
Sapo panya pintapatto achikuchaniyo
Ima putikaya pattava attiviya chikuchaniyo chaynti
Yatapccaya pawttamana tatumtameveta
Ythita snasana tatupapuchago ca puggalo
Tatumttago nissato nichevo suyo
Sappni pana imni senasanni achikuchaniyni
Ima putikaya pattava attiviya chikuchaniyni chaynti
Yatapccaya pawttamana tatumtameveta
Ythita gillna paccaya bhesajja parikharo
tatu papuchago ca puggalo
Tatumttago nissato nichevo suyo
Sappo panya gillna paccaya
bhesajja parikharoachikuchaniyo
Ima putikaya pattava attiviya chikuchaniyo chaynti
[Handamaya devatadippatigthya bhanm-se]
Y Devat santi vihravasini,
Thupe ghare bodhi ghare tahi tahi,
T dhamm dnena bhavantu pujit,
Sothi karontedha vihra mandal,
Thera ca majjha navak ca bikkhav,
Sr mik dnapatt upsak,
Gm ca des nigam ca issar,
Sappnabhta sukhit bhavantu-te,
J albuj yepi ca andhassambhav,
Sasedajt atthavo paptthik,
Niynika dhamma vara paticca-te,
Sabbepi dukkhassa karontu Saghaya,
Thtu cira sata Dhammo dhamma dhara ca puggal,
Sagho hotu smmaghova attya ca hitya ca,
Amhe rakkhtu saddhammo sabbepi dhamma crino,
Vuddhi sampapeyma dhamme ariya pavedite
Pasann hontu sabbepi panino Buddh ssane,
Sammdhra pavechanto kle devo pavssatu,
Vuddhi bhvya satthna samiddha netu medani,
Mt pit ca atraja nicca rakkhanti puttaka
Eva dhammena rjno paja rakkhantu sabbad
Morning Transfer of Merit
Those devas who dwell in the monastery, in the stupa and in the Bodhi tree.
Those devas who have worshipped with the gift of the Dhamm
May they bring happiness to this monastic area.
Monks who are seniors, those who are of middle rank, those who are
newly ordained, those who are laymen and laywomen of good breeding and
monastery dwellers. All householders, villagers, foreigners, country-men,
and those who are chieftains, may they be happy.
All living beings, whether womb-born, egg-born, putrescence-born
or spontaneously born, may they have the sublime light of the Dhamm
and may this lead them beyond the wheel of suffering. May it bring them to
an end of suffering. May the Dhamm of the righteous man last long.
May people who observe the Dhamm be long-lived. May the monks be
harmonized and be ready to bring about suitable benefits.
May the true Dhamm protect us and protect those who observe the Dhamm.
May we all be endowed with the prosperity in Dhamm,
which the Noble One has proclaimed.
May all living beings have confidence in Buddhism.
May the rain come in the right season. May the rain bring success to the
earth for the prosperity of all living beings.
J ust as a mother and father regularly shield their own child who was born
from them. May the king administer his people with the royal virtues forever.
Yoso Bhagav ArahaSammsambuddho
Svkkhto yena Bhagavata Dhammo
Supatipanno yassa Bhagavato Svakasagho
Tammaya Bhagavanta saddhamma sasagha
Imehi sakkrehi yathraha ropitehi abhipujayma
Sadhu no bhante Bhagav succiraparinibhutopi
Paccim janat nukampa manas
Ime sakkre duggata pann karabhte patigganhatu
Amhka dgharatta hitya sukhya
Araha Sammsambuddho Bhagav
Buddha Bhagavanta Abhivademi
Svakkhto Bhagavata Dhammo
Dhamma Namasmi
Supatipanno Bhagavato Svakasagho
Sangha Nammi
Namotassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammsambuddhassa
[Repeat 3 times]
[Handamaya Buddhnussatinaya karoma-se]
Itipi so Bhagav Araha Samm Sambuddho
Vijjcarana sampanno sugato lokavit
Anuttaro purisadammasrati satth devamanussna
Buddho Bhagavti
[Handamaya Buddhbhigiti karoma-se]
Buddh varahanta varta diguna bhiyutu
Suddh bhinna karunhi samgatato
Bodhesi yo sujanata kamalava suro
Vandamah tamarana siras jinenda
Buddho yo sabba panina sarana khemamuttama
Pathamnussathitana vandmi ta sirnaha
Buddhsahsmi daseva, Buddho-me sami-kissaro
Buddho dukkhassa gt ca vidhta ca hitssa-me
Buddhssaha niyydemi sariran jivita citta
Vandantoha [Vandanteha for ladies]carissmi
Buddh seva subhodita, Nthi-me sarana a,
Buddho-me sarana vara
Etena saccavjjena vaddheya sathu ssane
Buddha-me vndamnena, ya pu pasuta idha
Sabbepi antarya-me mahesu tassa tejasa
[Prostrate and recite the following verse]
Kyena vacya va cetsa va
Buddhe kukamma pakata mayya
Buddho patigganhtu accyanta
Klantare savaritum va Buddhe
[Handamaya Dhammanussatinaya karoma-se]
Svkkhto Bhagavata Dhammo
Sandtthiko Akliko Ehipassiko
Opanyiko pccata veditabo vihiti
[Handamaya Dhammabhigiti karoma-se]
Yo mggapka pariytti vimokkhabhedo
Dhammo kulka patan tada thri thri
Vandamah tamahara varadhmma metta
Dhammo yo sabbapnina sarana khemamuttama
Dutiya nussatitthana vandmi ta sirnaha
Dhammasshasmi daso [dase for ladies] va, Dhammo-me
Dhammo dukkhassa gt ca, vidhta ca hitssa-me
Dhammasha niyydemi sariran jivita citta
Vandantoha [vandanteha for ladies] carissmi
Dhammaseva sudhammata, Nthi-me sarana a
Dhammo-me sarana vara.
Etena saccavjjena vaddheya sathu ssane
Dhamma-me vndamnena ya pu pasuta idha
Sabbepi antarya me, mahesu tassa tejasa
[Prostrate and recite the following verse]
Kyena vacya va cetsa va
Dhamme kukamma pakata mayya
Dhammo patigganhtu accyanta
Klantare savaritum va Dhamme
Handamaya Saghanussatinaya karoma-se]
Supatipanno Bhagavato Svakasagho
Ujupatipanno Bhagavato Svakasagho
yapatipanno Bhagavato Svakasagho
Yadida cattri purisayugni attha purisa puggal
Esa Bhagavato Svakasagho
huneyyo Phuneyyo Dkkhineyyo Ajalikaranyo
Anuttara pukhetta lokassti
[Handamaya Saghabhigiti karoma-se]
Yotthabhedo ariya puggal Sagha settho
Sildi dhamma pavar saya kayacitto
Vandamah tamariyna ganna susuddha
Sagho yo sabbapnina sarana khemamuttama
Tatiynussatitthana vandmi ta sirnaha
Saghasshasmi daso [dase for ladies]va
Sagho-me smi kissaro, Sagho dukkhassa gt ca
vidhta ca hitssa-me, Saghassha niyydemi sariran
jivita citta
Vandantoha [vandanteha for ladies] carissmi, Saghassa
Nthi-me sarana a, Sagho-me sarana vara
Etena saccavjjena vaddheya sathu ssane
Sagha-me vndamnena, ya pu pasuta idha
Sabbepi antarya-me mahesu tassa tejasa
[Prostrate and recite the following verse]
Kyena vacya va cetsa va
Saghe kukamma pakata mayya
Sagho patigganhtu accyanta
Klantare savaritum va Saghe
[Words of worshipping the triple gem]
To him, the Blessed One, the Accomplished One,
the supremely self-enlightened One, having extinguished all the flames
of desire and having become rightly enlightened through his own effort.
To the teaching of the Blessed One, which are well expounded, and to
the disciples of the Blessed One, who are well practiced, we worship the
Blessed One, his teachings and his disciples, and with these proper
offerings, we render supreme homage.
Though the Blessed One passed away a long time ago,
he left great benefits for us.
The Blessed One has great compassion towards us who are of a later
May the Blessed One accept these offerings of ours, for our
long-lasting welfare and for our long-lasting happiness.
The Buddha is the Accomplished One, the Supremely self-enlightened One,
the Blessed One who has extinguished all the flames of desire and
became rightly enlightened through his own efforts.
I pay homage to the Buddha, the Awakened and the
Blossomed One, who is well knowledgeable.
The teachings of the Buddha are well expounded. I salute those teachings
of the Buddha who have practiced well. I bow down with respect to them.
[Now let us pay preliminary homage to the Buddha]
Homage to him, the Blessed One, the Accomplished One.
The Supremely self-enlightened One.
[Now let us chant in praise of the Buddha]
Thus far and wide has the reputation of the Blessed One spread.
The perfect embodiment of wisdom and virtue, the auspicious path
finder. The knower of all realms. The incomparable tamer of individuals.
The supreme master of devas and men. The Awakened One who is
knowledgeable, self-awakened and blossoming by virtue of the Dhamm.
And also one who possesses the ability to teach the Dhamm selectively.
[[Now let us chant the recollection of the Buddha]
The Buddha is endowed with fine virtues, such as the sublime
virtues of an Arahant. In him could be found profound insight and
pure compassion. He makes the righteous man awaken like the sun
makes the lotus blossom.
I join my palms in the gesture of respect and bow to
him who has no defilements. Any Buddha at all, is one who
is the highest and secure refuge for all living beings.
I bow low to that Buddha, the Exalted One,
who forms the basis for my first factor of recollection.
I am indeed the servant of the Buddha, the Buddha is my
great master. The Buddha is my suffering destroyer and my benefit
bestowal as well. To that Buddha I sacrifice my body and my life.
I, who revere the Exalted One, will walk his excellent path of awakening.
I have no other refuge, the Buddha is my superb refuge. By the declaration of
this truth, may I be prosperous in the teachings of the great master.
I, who revere the Exalted One, and with the merits I have obtained,
may all dangers be overcome through their power
[prostrate and recite]
Whether by body, speech or mind,
Whatever evil karma I have committed towards the Buddha,
May the Buddha forgive me for the whole fault,
For the sake of later restraint towards the Buddha.
[Now let us chant in praise of the Dhamm]
The Dhamm is well expounded by the Exalted One. It is something which
one who learns and truly practices, will realize by ones own self.
It is something which can be actually practiced and yields results without the
limitations of time. It is something worthy of telling others to take heed of.
And it is something that can be only realized through personal experience.
[Now let us chant the supreme praise of the Dhamm]
The teachings of the Buddha are something sublime, because they
consist of all the virtues, as well expounded by him.
It is divided into Path, Fruit, Pariytti [the scriptures] and Nibbna.
It keeps those who uphold it, from falling into the world of evil.
I revere that superb Dhamm, which removes all darkness.
The Dhamm is the highest and most secure refuge for all living beings.
I bow low to the Dhamm which forms the basis for my second factor
of recollection. I am indeed the servant of the Dhamm, the Dhamm is
my great master. The Dhamm is my suffering-destroyer and my
benefit-bestower as well. To the Dhamm I sacrifice my body and my life.
I, who revere the Dhamm, will walk the Dhamms excellent way.
I have no other refuge, the Dhamm is my superb refuge.
By the declaration of this truth, may I be prosperous in the teachings of
the great master. I, who revere the teachings of the Buddha, and with the
merits I have obtained, may all dangers be overcome through their power.
[prostrate and recite]
Whether by body, speech or mind,
Whatever evil karma I have committed towards the Dhamm,
May the Dhamm forgive me for the whole fault,
For the sake of later restraint towards the Dhamm.
[Now let us chant the recollection of the Sagha]
Of good conduct is the community of noble disciples of the Exalted One.
Of upright conduct is the community of noble disciples of the Exalted One.
Of right conduct is the community of noble disciples of the Exalted One, who
practice in order to know well the Dhamm which frees one from suffering.
Of proper conduct is this community of noble disciples of the Exalted One.
The noble disciples of the Exalted One are such people, namely the 4 pairs of men,
the 8 of individuals. This community of noble disciples of the Exalted One is:-
Worthy of gifts. Worthy of hospitality. Worthy of offerings.
Worthy of reverential salutation and
Worthy of the incomparable field of merit for the world.
[Now let us chant the supreme praise of the Sagha]
The Sagha that has arisen from the Dhamm, comprises such good virtue
as good moral practice. They form the group of 8 types of noble people.
They are guided in body and mind by excellent morality and other virtues.
To that group of morally pure noble people, I pay my respect. For it is the
Sagha that is the highest and secure refuge for all living beings.
To that Sagha, who forms the basis for the third recollection, I pay my respect.
I am indeed the servant of the Sagha, the Sagha is my great master.
The Sagha is my suffering-destroyer and my benefit-bestower as well.
To the Sagha I sacrifice my body and my life.
I, who revere the Saghas excellent well-practiced way. I have no other refuge.
The Sagha is my superb refuge. By the declaration of this truth, may I be
prosperous in the teachings of the great master. I, who revere the Sagha and
with the merits I have obtained, may all dangers be overcome through their power.
[prostrate and recite]
Whether by body, speech or mind,
Whatever evil karma I have committed towards the Sagha,
May the Sagha forgive me for the whole fault,
For the sake of later restraint towards the Sagha.
[Handamaya Atitapaccavekkhanapatha bhanama-se]
ccamay apccavekkhitawa ya jivra pariputa
Ta yva deva situssa patikhtaya, nhassa
Ta samma kasavta sappa siri sapasa passana
Yva deva hirigo pinna patija danatha
ccamay apccavekkhitawaiyo pintapatto pariputto
Snewa tawaiya namatya na mandanya na
Yva deva imassa kyasa tidiy y panya vihi
Suparatiy brahmaccariy nuggahya
Itthi purca vedana patihakhmi navaca
Vedana na upadessmi, Yatr ca me bhavssati
Anavjjat ca phasuviharo cti
ccamay apccavekkhitawa ya snasana pariputa
Ta yva deva situssa patikhtaya, nhassa
Ta samm jasavat tapsiri Sapp sampssana
Yva deva utpari saya vino dana patisalla nar
ccamay apaccavekkhittava yo gillna paccaya
Bhesajja parikharo pariputto
So yva deva uppnana veyya patikhna
Vedana patikhtaya
Appaya paja paramatayti
[Now let us recite the passage on recollection after using the
Whatever robe has been used by me today without recollection,
Was only to ward off the cold, to ward off cold, to ward off the touch of
Gadflies, mosquitoes, wind, sun and reptiles.
Only for the purpose of covering the shame [causing] sexual organs.
Whatever alms food has been consumed by me today, without
recollection, it was not for play, nor for intoxication, nor for fattening,
nor for beautification. It was only for the continuation and nourishment
this body, for keeping it unharmed, for helping with the brahmacarriya,
with the thoughts of destroying old feelings [of hunger] and not
new feelings [of over-eating, etc], thus there will be freedom for me
from bodily troubles and enabling living at peace.
Whatever lodging has been used by me today without recollection,
it was only to ward off cold, to ward off heat and to ward off the
touch of gadflies, mosquitoes, wind, sun and reptiles. It was only for the
purpose of removing the dangers from weather and living in seclusion.
Whatever supports for the sick, medicines and utensils have been used
by me
today without recollection, they were only to ward off painful feelings
that have arisen for the maximum freedom from disease.
[Handamaya Uddisandhithnapatha bhanama-se]
Immin pukammena, Upajjhya gunttar,
Acariypakra c, Mt pit ctak,
Srio kandim rj, Gunavanta narpi c,
Brahmamr c Indh, c do lokapla c devat,
Ymo mitta manussa c, Majjhatt verikpi c,
Sabbe satt sukh hontu.
Puni pakatni me, Sukha c tividha dentu,
Khippa ppetha vo mata,
Immin pukammena, Immin udissena c,
Khippah sulabhe ceva, Tanhupada nach dana,
Y santne hin dhamm, Yva nibbnat mamma,
Nassantu sabbad yeva, Ytha jto bhave bhave,
Ujccita satipa,Ktuc viriyesu me,
Buddh dipvaro nato, Dhammo ntho varuttamo,
Ntho pacceka Buddh c, Sagho nthottaro mamma,
Tesotta mnubhvena, Mrokasa labhantu m
[Now let us chant the verses on the transfer of merit & the verses on self-determination]
I transfer the merit that has arisen from my practice to my preceptor
of great virtue, my teachers who encourage me, my father, mother and
my relatives. The Sun, the moon and the king. The virtuous people and
high-ranking people, The Brahma God, the evil one and the Inda God.
The world guardian God and the devas, the lord of death, the friends
and human beings. The indifferent and the hostile.
May all beings be happy and free from unsatisfaction.
May the wholesome deeds that I have performed, bring you three-fold bliss
and help you immediately attain nibbna.
By this act of performing wholesome deeds, and through this act of sharing,
may I likewise attain the eradicating of clinging and craving.
Whatever unwholesome deeds I have in my mind, till I attain nibbna,
may they immediately come to an end.
Whenever I am born, may I have an upright mind and excellent wisdom.
May these three virtues work together to uproot all defilements. May there be
no chance for all harmful influences to weaken my efforts.
The Buddha is the supreme refuge.
The Dhamm is the supreme refuge.
The silent Buddha and the Sagha are my true refuges
By the power of these supreme ones, may the evil ones lose their chance.
Maya pante tisaranena
sah paca slni yaccma
Dutiyampi maya pante tisaranena
Sah paca slni yaccma
Tatiyampi maya pante tisaranena
saha paca slni yaccma
Requesting the 5 and 8 Precepts
We, Venerable Sir, request the
three refuges with the five [eight] precepts.
For the 2
time we, Venerable Sir, request the
three refuges with the five [eight] precepts.
For the 3
time we, Venerable Sir, request the
three refuges with the five [eight] precepts.
Namotassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammsambuddhassa
[Repeat the above verse 3 times]
Buddh sarana gaccmi
Dhamma sarana gaccmi
Sagha sarana gaccmi
Dutiympi Buddh sarana gaccmi
Dutiympi Dhamma sarana gaccmi
Dutiympi Sagha sarana gaccmi
Tatiympi Buddha sarana gaccmi
Tatiympi Dhamma sarana gaccmi
Tatiympi Sagha sarana gaccmi
The Preliminary Passage for Revering
Homage to the Exalted One, the Arahant,
The Buddha perfected by himself
[The above passage is repeated 3 times]
T sarana
To the Buddha I go for refuge
To the Dhamm I go for refuge
To the Sagha I go for refuge
For the 2
time to the Buddha I go for refuge
For the 2
time to the Dhamm I go for refuge
For the 2
time to the Sagha I go for refuge
For the 3
time to the Buddha I go for refuge
For the 3
time to the Dhamm I go for refuge
For the 3
time to the Sagha I go for refuge
Pntipt veramani sikkhpada samdhiymi
Adinndhn veramani sikkhpada samdhiymi
Kmesu micchcra veramani sikkhpada samdhiymi
Musvad veramani sikkhpada samdhiymi
Surmerayama-japam datthna veramani sikkhpada
Imni atth sikkhpada samdhiymi
[Repeat this last sentence 3 times]
For Wan Phra repeat after the monk:-
Accgan rattintiwan
Im attkasa - manakata
Buddh pata ubssata
Imaca rattin Imaca tivasa
Samma Deva apirkkhitum samdhiymi
The 5 Precepts
1) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from killing.
2) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from stealing [taking that which
is not given].
3) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from sexual misconduct.
4) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from false speech.
5) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from liquor, alcohol or
intoxicants which becloud the mind.
Pntipt veramani sikkhpada samdhiymi
Adinndhn veramani sikkhpada samdhiymi
Abrahmccarriy veramani sikkhpada samdhiymi
Musvad veramani sikkhpada samdhiymi
Surmerayama-japam datthna veramani sikkhpada
Vikla-bojan veramani sikkhpada samdhiymi
Nccagitvdit viskha dassan mlghand vilpan dharan
mandan vibhsa natthna veramani sikkhpada
Uccsayan mah sayan veramani sikkhpada samdhiymi
Imni atth sikkhpada samdhiymi
[Repeat this last sentence 3 times]
For Wan Phra repeat after the monk:-
Accgan rattintiwan
Im attkasa - manakata
Buddh pata ubssata
Imaca rattin Imaca tivasa
Samma Deva apirkkhitum samdhiymi
The 8 Precepts
1) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from killing.
2) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from stealing [taking that
which is not given].
3) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from any form of sexual act.
4) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from false speech.
5) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from liquor, alcohol or
intoxicants which becloud the mind.
6) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from taking [solid] food after
7) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from participating in or
witnessing dancing, singing, instrumental music performance, unseemly
shows or sights and wearing garlands or using perfumes, embellishment
adornments or beautifying accessories.
8) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from [using] high and
luxurious furniture, [e.g. couches, etc.].
[For novice monks]
Pntipt veramani sikkhpada samdhiymi
Adinndhn veramani sikkhpada samdhiymi
Abrahmaccrriy veramani sikkhpada samdhiymi
Musvad veramani sikkhpada samdhiymi
Surmerayama-japam datthna veramani sikkhpada
Vikla-bojan veramani sikkhpada samdhiymi
Nccagit vdit viskha dassanveramani sikkhpada
Mlghand vilpan dharan mandan vibhsa natthna
veramani sikkhpada samdhiymi
Uccsayan mah sayan veramani sikkhpada samdhiymi
J atrup rajat patiggahna veramani sikkhpada
Imni atth sikkhpada samdhiymi
[Repeat this last sentence 3 times]
The 10 Precepts [For Novice Monks]
1) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from killing.
2) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from stealing [taking that
which is not given].
3) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from any form of sexual act.
4) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from false speech.
5) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from liquor, alcohol or
intoxicants which becloud the mind.
6) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from taking [solid] food after
7) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from participating in or
witnessing dancing, singing, instrumental music performance, unseemly
shows or sights.
8) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from wearing garlands or
using perfumes, embellishment adornments or beautifying accessories.
9) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from [using] high and
luxurious furniture, [e.g. couches, etc.].
10) I undertake to observe the precept of abstaining from accepting gold and
Brahmclokatipati sahampati,
Kat ajal andivara ayjath,
Santdha sattapara jakkha jtik,
Desatu dhamma anukampima paja
I nvitation to Teach Dhamma
The Brahma-god Sahampati, director of the world,
with palms joined in reverence, requested a boon:
Beings are here with but little dust in their eyes;
Pray teach Dhamma out of compassion for them.
Vipatti pati bhya
Sabba sampatti siddhiy
Sabba dukkha vinsya
Paritta brtha magala
Vipatti pati bhya
Sabba sampatti siddhiy
Sabba bhaya vinsya
Paritta brtha magala
Vipatti pati bhya
Sabba sampatti siddhiy
Sabba roga vinsya
Paritta brtha magala
Requesting the Protections
For warding off misfortune
for the attainment of all fortune
for the destruction of all dukkha,
may you chant a blessing and protection.
For warding off misfortune
for the attainment of all fortune
for the destruction of all fear
may you chant a blessing and protection.
For warding off misfortune
for the attainment of all fortune
for the destruction of all sickness,
may you chant a blessing and protection.
Namotassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammsambuddhassa
[repeat the above verse 3 times]
Buddh sarana gaccmi
Dhamma sarana gaccmi
Sagha sarana gaccmi
Dutiympi Buddh sarana gaccmi
Dutiympi Dhamma sarana gaccmi
Dutiympi Sagha sarana gaccmi
Tatiympi Buddha sarana gaccmi
Tatiympi Dhamma sarana gaccmi
Tatiympi Sagha sarana gaccmi
The Preliminary Passage for Revering
Homage to the Exalted One, the Arahant,
The Buddha perfected by himself
[The above passage is repeated 3 times]
T sarana
To the Buddha I go for refuge
To the Dhamm I go for refuge
To the Sagha I go for refuge
For the 2
time to the Buddha I go for refuge
For the 2
time to the Dhamm I go for refuge
For the 2
time to the Sagha I go for refuge
For the 3
time to the Buddha I go for refuge
For the 3
time to the Dhamm I go for refuge
For the 3
time to the Sagha I go for refuge
Y cakkum mhamal pakatth
sama va Buddh sugat
Vimutt marssa pasa vinim cayant papesi
khema janata vineyya
Buddha varanta siras nammi
Lokassa nathaca vinaya kaca
Tantejas te jyasiddhi hotu
Sabbantarya ca vinsamentu
Dhammodhajo yo viya tassa sathu,
dassesi lokassa visuddhimagga
Niyniko Dhamma dharssa dhari,
Satvaho santikaro succino
Dhamma varanta siras nammi
Mohpadla upasanta daha
Tantejas te jyasiddhi hotu
Sabbantarya ca vinsamentu
Saddhammsena sugata nugoyo,
Lokassa papupkile sajet
Santo saya santini yojako ca,
Svakkhatadhamma vidita karti
Sagha varnta siras nammi
Buddh nubuddha sama silditthi
Tantejas te jyasiddhi hotu
Sabbantarya ca vinsamentu
Sammbuddhe tth visaca tvatasaca sahassake paca
sata sahassni nammi siras aha tesa dhammaca
sakaca atarena nammiha
Namo kr nubhvena hantv sabbe upttave
aneka antaraypi vinasantu asesato.
Sambuddhe paca pasaca jatu visatisa
hassake tasasata sahassni nammi siras
naha tesa dhammaca sakaca atarena nammiha
Nama kara nubhvena hantv sabbe upttave aneka
antaraypi vinasantu asesato.
Sambuddhe navuttara sate ttjatta pissa hassake
visatisa tasa hassni nammi siras aha tesa
dhammaca sakaca atarena nammiha
Nama Kara nubhvena hantv
sabbe upttave aneka antaraypi vinasantu asesat
Namakarasi ddhi ngt
[The verses on reverence making for success]
The seeing one who has removed delusions stain by himself a Buddha,
a Sugata, one freed: He has freed himself from the snares of
Mara, the evil one. Multitudes who could be led to security.
To the Buddha, highest excellence, my head I bow down.
Protector and Leader of the world,
By this power, may you be triumphantly successful,
and all dangers, may they be destroyed.
The Dhamm, that is like the teachers banner, showing the world
the path of purity, leading out of samsara, upholding the Dhamm.
Well-practiced, conducive to happiness, to making peace.
To the Dhamms highest excellence my head I bow down.
Cleaver of delusion and calmer of fiery passion.
By this power, may you be triumphantly successful,
and all dangers, may they be destroyed.
The army of the true Dhamm following the sugata, is victor in the
world over evil and defilement, calmed by themselves, at peace and
Having known [in themselves] the well expounded Dhamm.
To the Sagha, highest excellence my head I bow down.
Enlightened after the Buddha, of the same virtue and view.
By this power, may you be triumphantly successful,
and all dangers, may they be destroyed.
Namo Arahato Sammsambuddhass mahsino
Namo Uttam Dhamassa Svkkhatasseva tenidha
Namo Mahasaghasspi Visuddha sladitthino
Namo Omtyraddhassa Rattan taysa saduka
Namo Omkatitass tassa vatthuta yssapi
Namo Krapp bhvena vigachantu uppdav
Namo Kara nubhvena suvtthi hotu sabbad
Namo Krass tejena vidhimi homi tejav
[Versus on 8 times making Namo]
Homage to the great sage, far from defilement, perfectly enlightened by
Homage to the highest Dhamm, well expounded here by him.
Homage to the great Sagha of moral conduct and view most pure.
Homage to the triple Gem, beginning auspiciously with om.
Homage to the Triple Gem over passion and vileness.
By the power of this homage may all obstacles disappear.
By the power of this homage, forever may there be well-being.
By making homage successfully, may I succeed in all ways.
Asevna ca balana, Panditnaca sevana
Puja ca puja nyna, Etammagala muttama
Patirupa desavso ca, pubbe ca kata puta
attasamm panidhi ca, Etammagala muttama
Bhusaccaca sippaca, vinayo ca susikittho, Subhsit ca
yvc, Etammagala muttama
Mt pitu upatthna, putta drassa sagaho
Ankul ca kammant, Etammagala muttama
Dnaca Dhamma cariy ca, ta knaca sagaho
Anavajjn kammni, Etammagala muttama
Art virat papa, majjapn ca samo
Appamdo ca dhammesu, Etammagala muttama
Gravo ca nivto ca, santutth ca katata,
Kalena Dhamma savana, Etammagala muttama
Khant ca sova cassata, samannaca dassana,
Kalena Dhamma skcca, Etammagala muttama.
Tapo ca Brahma cariyaca, ariya saccna dassana,
Nibbna sacci kiriy ca, Etammagala muttama
Buddhassa loka dhammehi, citta yassa na kampati,
Asoka viraja khema, Etammagala muttama
Etdisni katvna, sabba dhamma para jita,
Sabbattha sotthi gaccnti,
Tantesa magala muttamant.
The Discourse on Blessings
Not to consort with fools, With the wise to consort,
To honor the honorable, This is the highest blessing.
Living in befitting places, In the past to have made pu,
And with oneself rightly guided, This is the highest blessing.
Ample learning and handicraft, Being well-trained in discipline,
And with speech well spoken, This is the highest blessing.
Supportive of mother and father, Cherishing of wife and children,
Ways of working without conflict, This is the highest blessing.
Giving with conduct according to Dhamm, Helpful towards relatives,
and with constructive karma, This is the highest blessing.
Abstinence from evil, Refraining from intoxicants,
Heedfulness is all that is Dhamm, This is the highest
Respectfulness and humility, Contentment and gratitude,
The timely hearing of the Dhamm, This is the highest blessing.
Patience & meekness when corrected, and when sighting of samanas,
Timely discussion of Dhamm, This is the highest blessing.
Ardent effort, The divine life leading,
Insight into the noble truths, And the realization of Nibbna,
This is the highest blessing.
Though in contact with worldly dhamms, yet the mind is not shaken,
Griefless, dustless and secure,
This is the highest blessing
Since by doing such things as these, [men] are
everywhere unvanquished and go everywhere in safety.
This is the highest blessing.
Yakici vitta idha va hura va
Nano sama atthi tath gatena
Etena saccena suvtthi hotu
Kaya viraga amata panta
Na tena dhammena samtthi
Etena saccena suvtthi hotu
Yabuddha sesso parivay
Samdhina tena samo na vijjti
Etena saccena suvtthi hotu
Ye puggal attha sata pastth
Te dakkhineyy sugatassa svak
Idampi Saghe Ratana panta
Ye suppayutt manas dalhena
Tepati pat amata vigyha
Idampi Saghe Ratana panta
Khna purna nava ntthi
Te khinabja avirulhi chand
Idampi Saghe Ratana panta
Ynita Buddha samma katni
Tatakata devamanussa pujita
Ynita Buddha samma katni
Tatakata devamanussa pujita
Saggesu va ya ratana panta
Idampi Buddhe Ratana panta
Yada jhg Sakymuni samhito
Idampi Dhamme Ratana panta
Samdhi mnanta rika mahu
Idampi Dhamme Ratana panta
Cattri etni yugni hontu
Etesu dinnni mahapphalni
Etena saccena suvtthi hotu
Nikkhmino Gotma ssanamhi
Laddha mudh nibbuti Bhuja
Etena saccena suvtthi hotu
Viratta cittyatike bhavasmi
Nibbnti dhira yath yampadipo
Etena saccena suvtthi hotu
Pummni va yaniva antalkkhe
Buddha namasmma suvtthi
Pummni va yaniva antalkkhe
Sagha namasmma suvtthi
The Protection of the 6 Versus on Treasure
The riches of this world and the next and all precious things the
heavens may hold, none can compare with the Tathagata.
In the Buddhas found this treasure rare.
By virtue of this truth, may bliss abound
The waning out of lust, the deathless rare,
The Sakyan sage in concentration found, naught with that state can compare.
In the Dhamms found this treasure rare.
By virtue of this truth, may bliss abound
The Buddha most high, praised purity & called it concentration straight resulting.
Naught with concentration can compare.
In the Dhamms found this treasure rare.
By virtue of this truth, may bliss abound
Those 8 persons whom all the sages praise, make up 4 pairs worthy of offerings.
They are the followers of the Sugata, & offerings made them bear abundant fruit.
In the Saghas found this treasure rare.
By virtue of this truth, may bliss abound
Who so desireless, have applied themselves,
Firm-minded to the love of Gotma, their goal attained,
they are to deathless plunged, and freely enjoy the coolness theyve gained.
Karanya matth kusalena,
Yata santa pada abhis mecc.
sacko uj ca suhuj ca suvaco cassa mudu anti mn.
Santussako ca subharo ca appakicco ca salahu kavutti.
Santindriyo ca nipako ca appagabbho kulesu ananu giddho.
Na ca khudda sammcare kici yena vi pare upava
Sukhino v khemino hontu.
Sabbe satt bhavantu sukhitatt.
Ye keci pna bhtatthi tas v thvar v anavases,
Dgh v ye mahant v majjhim rassak anu kathul.
Ditth v ye ca adith, ye ca dre vasanti avidre
Bht v sambhaves v.
Sabbe satt bhavantu sukhitat.
Na paro para nikkubetha.
Ntthi maetha kattacci na kici,
Byrosan pat ghassa, Na masa dukkh micchyya.
Mt yath niya putta, yus eka puttama nurakkhe,
Evampi sabba bhtesi, Mna sambhvaye apari mna,
Mettaca sabba lokasmi.
Mna sambhvaye apari mna uddha addho ca tiriyaca.
Asam bda avera asapatta.
Ditthacara nissino v sayno v yva tassa vigata middho.
Eta sati adhittheya Brahma metta vihra idha mhu.
Ditthica anupagmma siliv dassanena sampanno.
Kmesu vinneyya gedha.
Nahi jtu gabbhaseyyam puna retttii.
The Discourse on Loving-kindness which should be done
This is what should be done by one skilled in good, who would attain the
state of peace. He should be able, upright, truly straight, meek and gentle.
Not proud contented and easy to support, with few duties and frugal habits.
He should be calm in facilities and discreet, not puffed up, not greedy
among lay supporters. And let him not do even the slightest thing which
later on, the wise may blame. [He should contemplate]
May they be happy and secure. All beings, may they be secure & happy-hearted.
Whatever living beings there are; weak or strong, omitting none.
Those who are long or great, middle-sized, short, subtle or gross.
And those which are seen, or the unseen and those which dwell near and far,
beings and those who wish to be.
All beings, may they be happy-hearted.
Let none another deceive, nor despise anyone at all or with
thoughts of anger or hate, wish dukkha for each other.
Thus as a mother might guard her son with her life, her only child,
in the same way with all beings. Unlimited ones mind should be developed.
Loving-kindness for all the world, unlimited ones mind should be developed,
above, below and all around. Unclamped, without malice or enmity.
Standing or walking, seated too, and lying down while free from drowsiness,
he should stand firm in this mindfulness. This is divine Abiding here, they say.
And not going to views, virtuous and possessed of insight, having removed greed
for sensual pleasures. He will surely come no more to any womb.
Virpakkhi me metta
Chabyputtehi me metta
Apdakkhi me metta
Catuppdehi me metta
Ma ma apdako hisi
Ma ma catuppdo hisi
Sabbe satta, sabbe pn
Sabbe bhadrni passantu
Metta ervatehi me
Metta Kanghgota makhi c
Metta dipddakhi me
Metta bahppadehi me
Ma ma hisi dipdako
Ma ma hisi bahppado
Sabbe Buddh ca keval
Ma kici papa magam
Appamano Buddho
Appamano Dhammo
Appamano Sagho
Pamna vantni siri sappni,
Ahi vccik satpadi unnanabhi sarabu musik.
Kata me rakkh,
Kata me partta,
Patikammantu Bhutani.
Soha Namo Bhagavato,
Namo sattana Samma Sambuddhana
The Group Protection
From me there is metta [compassion] towards Virpakkha,
towards Erpatha there is metta,
From me there is metta towards Chamyputta
towards Kanghagotamaka there is metta.
From me there is metta towards the footless,
towards the two-legged there is metta,
From me there is metta towards the four-legged,
towards the many-legged there is metta.
Let not the footless do me harm. Two-legged, let them harm me not.
Let not the four-legged do me harm. Many-legged, let them harm me not.
All creatures, all that lives, all beings, all of them together,
May they know what is auspicious. May evil never come to them.
Measureless is the Buddha. Measureless is the Dhamm.
Measureless is the Sagha
But measured are creeping things. Snakes, scorpions, centipedes,
spiders, lizards and rats. Made by me this wording, made by me this
protection, may those beings go away.
I revere him, the Exalted One.
I revere them, the seven Sammsambuddhas.
Ute tayaca kuma ekaratcha
Harissa vano pata vippabhaso
Ta ta namasmi harissa vana pata vippa bhasa
Tayaca kuta viharemu tivasa
Ye brahmana vetakku sappa dhamme
Te me namo tejama palayantu
Namathu Buddhana, Namathu potiya
Namo vimutana, Namo vimutiya
Ima so paritta katv moro jarti esana
Ute tayaca kuma ekaratcha
Harissa vano pata vippabhaso
Ta ta namasmi harissa vana pata vippa bhasa
Tayaca kuta viharemu ratti
Ye brahmana vetakku sappa dhamme
Te me namo tejama palayantu
Namathu Buddhana, Namathu potiya
Namo vimutana, Namo vimutiya
Ima so paritta katv moro va sama kappaytti
Verses for warding off bad dreams and negativity in daily life.
The verses have been separated into morning and evening verses
to ward off all sources of negativity.
Atthi loke slaguno
Tena saccena kahmi
vajjitv dhamm bala
Sacca bala mavassya
Santi pakkh apattan
Mt pit ca nakkhanda
Saha sacce kate myha
Vajjesi solasa karisni
Saccena me samo natthi
Sacca socceyya nuday
Sacca kiriy manuttara
Saritv pubbake jine
Sacca kiriy maksaha
Santi pd avacan
J taveda patikkama
Mah pajjalito sikh
Udaka patv yath sikh
Esa me sacca pram-t
The Quails Protection
In the world, there is the quality of virtue, truth, purity
and compassion. I, according with truth, shall make an
unsurpassed truth-asseveration. Reflecting on the power of Dhamm,
and calling to mind the conquerors of the past, depending on this
power of truth.
I made a truth asseveration:
Here are wings that do not fly, which do not walk, and mother
and father have gone out J ataveda the fire: Go back!
This act of mine I made with truth. The great crested flames
avoided sixteen lengths of land, like fire that has to water reached.
For truth my equal there is not.
This is my perfection of truth.
Vipasissa namth
Sikkhi sappi namth
Vessabhusa namth
Namthu saku sandhassa
Konga manassa namth
Kassa pasa namth
Agira sassa namthu
Yo ima Dhamma madesesi
Ye cpi nibbut loke
Te jna apisuna
Hitta devamanussna
Vijj carana sampanna
Vijj carana sampanna
Cakkhu mantassa sirimat
Sabba bhtanu kampino
Nahtakassa tapassino
Mrsena pamaddino
Brahmanassa vusimato
Vippamutassa sabbadhi
Sakyabhutassa sirimato
Sabba dukkha pandana
Ytha Buddha vipassisu
Mahnta vita sarad
Ya namasanti gotama
Mahnta vita sarada
Buddha vandmi Gotamanti
The tntiya Protection
Praise be to Vipass
Praise be to Sikkhi too
Praise be to Vessabh
Praise be to Kakusandha
Praise be to Kongamana
Praise be to Kassapa
Praise be to Angirasa
He who has taught this dhamm
All of them were quenched in the world
They, the persons of gentle speech
Praise Gotma, who is for the benefit of
Perfect in knowledge and conduct.
Perfect in knowledge and conduct.
Possessed of vision and glory.
Sympathetic to all beings
Washed [of stains] of ardent ways.
Crusher of Mara and his host.
[True] Brahmin reached to perfection
In every way set free
The glorious son of the sakyas.
For dispelling all dukkha
by clearly seeing as it is.
The mighty ones of wisdom ripe.
devas and men.
The mighty ones of wisdom ripe.
We revere the Buddha Gotma.
Yatoha bhagini ariyya
J ati ya jato
Nabhi jana sacicca
Pana jivita varopeta
Tena saccena sotthi-te
Hotu sotthi gabhassa
Angulimalas Protection
Sister, from [the time of] being born in the noble birth,
I do not know that I have purposely deprived any living
creature of life.
By this truth, may you be safe.
May there be safety for [the child] in your womb.
Aggato ve pasannna
Agge Buddhe pasannna
Agge Dhamme pasannna
Agge Saghe pasannna
Aggasmi dna dadata
Agga yu ca vanno ca
Agassa dt medhv
Devabhto manusso v
Agga Dhamm vijnata
Takkhinneyye anuttare
Virgpasame asesato
Pukkhette anuttare
Agga pu pavaddhati
Yaso kitti sukha bala
Agga Dhamm samhito
Aggappatto pamodatti
Verses from the Discourse on the Supreme
[Objects of] Faith
For those with faith supreme indeed,
the Dhamm supreme is known:
Having faith in the Buddha supreme,
worthy of offerings, unexcelled:
Having faith in the Dhamm supreme,
passionless, quietening, full of bliss,
Having faith in the Sagha supreme
the field for pu unexcelled.
Having given of gifts supreme,
pu supreme increases then:
Long your life, most beautiful,
with honor, fame, strength, happiness.
The wise man of his best doth give,
thus attaining Dhamm supreme.
And having become a god or at man,
attains the Supreme full of joy.
Dukkhapta ca nidukkh
Bhayapta ca nibbhay
Sokapta ca nissok
Hontu sabbepi pnino
Etavta ca amhehi
Sambhata pu sampada
Sabbe deva numodantu
Sabba sampatti siddhiy
Dana dadantu saddh ya
Sila rakkhntu sabbad
Bhavan bhirat hontu
Gaccntu deva tagath
Sabbe Buddh balapatt
Paccekanaca ya bala
Arahantnaca tejena
Rakkha bandmi sappaso
Verses on having got suffering and so on
Having got suffering, may they not suffer,
Having got fear, may they not fear,
Having got grief, may they not grieve,
[thus] all beings may they be, to the extent that by us
pu has been attained and collected,
may all devas rejoice in [and share] it for the attainment of all fortune.
By faith should gifts be protected. Delightful should meditation be,
[thus going to the state of a devat.
By all Buddhas attained to power, and the power of the solitary ones,
and by the might of the Arahants, I bind [this thread] in every way
for protection.
Having revered the Buddha treasure, truly the best of medicines,
welfare for the devas and men, by the Buddhas might may they be.
My all distress be destroyed and all your dukkha be ceased.
Having revered in the Dhamm treasure, truly the best of medicines,
calmer of fiery passions. By the Dhamms might may safety be.
May all distress be destroyed and all your fears be ceased.
Having revered the Saghas treasure, truly the best of medicines,
Worthy of gifts and hospitality. By the Saghas might may safety be.
May all distress be destroyed and all your ills be ceased.
Bojjngo satisnkto dhammna vicayo tatth viriyam
pti passdhi
Bojjhng ca tatth pare samdhu pekkha bojjhng
sattete sabba dassin munin samma dakkht bhavita
bahul kat savattanti
abhiya nibbnya ca bodhiya
Etena saccavjjena sotthi te hotu sabbad
Ekasmi samaye ntho Mogallnaca Kassapa gillne
dukkhite disv bojjnghe satta desyi te ca tam abhin
ditv rga muccisu tankhne
Etena saccavjjena sotthi te hotu sabbad
Ekd dhamma rjpi gelaen bhiplito cundatherna
tava bhn
petvn sadara sammo ditv ca bdh tah vutthsi
Etena saccavjjena sotthi te hotu sabbad
Pahn te ca bdh tinnanmpi mahesina magght gile
sv patthnu pati dhammta
Etena saccavjjena sotthi te hotu sabbad
The Enlightenment Factor Protection
The enlightenment factors are reckoned mindfulness,
then investigation of Dhamms. Effort, joy and tranquility.
The enlightenment factors are thus further:-
Collectedness, equanimity enlightenment factors.
These seven which the all-seeing Muni has taught
perfectly, developed and frequently practiced.
Bring about the super-knowledges, Nibbna, and enlightenment.
By speaking of this truth, ever in safety may you be.
At one time the Lord saw Phra Mogallano and Phra Kassapa
suffering from fever. He pointed out the seven enlightenment
factors and they, overjoyed, were at that moment free of disease.
By speaking of this truth, ever in safety may you be.
When the king of Dhamm was afflicted by fever, he asked
Phra Cunda Thera on this matter. That he should speak affectionately
and then having rejoiced, he arose from that diseased condition.
By speaking of this truth, ever in safety may you be.
Those diseases were destroyed by the 3 great sages, as the path
destroys the defilement, attainment according with the nature of Dhamm.
By speaking of this truth, ever in safety may you be.
Yaduni mitta avamagalaca
Yo cmanpo sakunassa saddo
Ppaggaho dusupina akanta
Buddh nubhvena vinsamentu
Yaduni mitta avamagalaca
Yo cmanpo sakunassa saddo
Ppaggaho dusupina akanta
Dhamm nubhvena vinsamentu
Yaduni mitta avamagalaca
Yo cmanpo sakunassa saddo
Ppaggaho dusupina akanta
Sagh nubhvena vinsamentu
The Fearlessness Protection
Whatever unlucky sights and inauspiciousness
and the sounds of birds which is not pleasing.
Evil planets, bad dreams undesired:-
By the Buddhas power may they be destroyed.
Whatever unlucky sights and inauspiciousness
and the sounds of birds which is not pleasing.
Evil planets, bad dreams undesired:-
By the Dhamms power may they be destroyed.
Whatever unlucky sights and inauspiciousness
and the sounds of birds which is not pleasing.
Evil planets, bad dreams undesired:-
By the Saghas power may they be destroyed.
Dukkha pat ca nidukkh
Sokappatt ca nissok
Ettvat ca amhehi
Sabbe devnumodantu
Dana dadantu saddhya
Bhavan bhirat hontu
Sabbe Buddh balapatt
Arahantnaca tejena
Bhaya pat ca nibbya
Hontu sabbepi pnino
Sambhata pu sampada
Sabba samdhi siddhiy
Sila rakkhntu sabbad
Gaccntu deva tagath
Pacce knaca ya bala
Rakkha bandmi sabbaso
Sakkatv Buddh ratana
Osata utama vara
Hitta devmanussna
Nassantu patv sabbe
Dukkha vupasamentu-te
Sakkatv Dhamm ratana
Osata utama vara
Purilhu pasamana
Dhamm tejena sotthin
Nassantu patv sabbe
Baya vupasamentu-te
Sakkatv Sagh ratana
Osata utama vara
Sagh tejena sotthin
Nassantu patv sabbe
Rog vupasamentu-te
Verses on the Asseverations of Truth
For me there is no other refuge.
The Buddha truly is my refuge.
By speaking of this truth,
may you be blessed with victory.
For me there is no other refuge.
The Dhamm truly is my refuge.
By speaking of this truth,
may you be blessed with victory.
For me there is no other refuge.
The Sagha truly is my refuge.
By speaking of this truth,
may you be blessed with victory.
Nthi-me sarana a
Buddh-me sarana vara
Etena saccavjjena, hotu-te jayamagala
Nthi-me sarana a
Dhamm-me sarana vara
Etena saccavjjena, hotu-te jayamagala
Nthi-me sarana a
Sagh-me sarana vara
Etena saccavjjena, hotu-te jayamagala
Yakici ratana loke
Vijjta vividha puthu
Ratana Buddh sama nthi
Tasm sotthi bhavantu-te
Yakici ratana loke
Vijjta vividha puthu
Ratana Dhamma sama nthi
Tasm sotthi bhavantu-te
Yakici ratana loke
Vijjta vividha puthu
Ratana Sagha sama nthi
Tasm sotthi bhavantu-te
The Supreme Treasure
Whatever treasure there is in the world,
Divers [kinds] found here and there,
No treasure is there to equal the Buddha
Therefore, may there be safety for you.
Whatever treasure there is in the world,
Divers [kinds] found here and there,
No treasure is there to equal the Dhamma
Therefore, may there be safety for you.
Whatever treasure there is in the world,
Divers [kinds] found here and there,
No treasure is there to equal the Sagha
Therefore, may there be safety for you.
Natthi-me sarana aa, Buddho-me sarana vara
Etena saccavajjena, Sotthi te hotu sabbad
Natthi-me sarana aa, Dhammo-me sarana vara
Etena saccavajjena, Sotthi te hotu sabbad
Natthi-me sarana aa, Sagho-me sarana vara
Etena saccavajjena, Sotthi te hotu sabbad
For me there is no other refuge, The Buddha truly is my refuge,
By speaking this truth, ever may you be in safety.
For me there is no other refuge, The Dhamma truly is my refuge,
By speaking this truth, ever may you be in safety.
For me there is no other refuge, The Sagha truly is my refuge,
By speaking this truth, ever may you be in safety.
Siri titi matite joccaya sitima hittima hakuna parimitta pu tika
rsa sabbantarya nivarana samatssa Bhagavato Arahato Samma
Sambuddhassa tvatisa
mah puris lakkhan nubhvena
Asity nupyaca na nubhvena
ttuddh rasatt magala nubhvena
Chbnnara siya nubhvena, Ketumla nubhvena
Tasa paramitta nubhvena
Tasa ppa-paramitta nubhvena
Tasa paramatta paramitta nubhvena
Silsa mati pa nubhvena
Buddha nubhvena, Dhamma nubhvena, Sagha nubhvena,
Tej nubhvena, Itt nubhvena,
Pal nubhvena, ya Dhamma nubhvena,
J atur stissa hssa Dhamma kant nubhvena
Nava lokuttara Dhamma nubhvena
Ata kika makkha nubhvena
Atta samm pattiy nubhvena
Chalabi nubhvena, J atuscca na nubhvena
Tasapala na nubhvena, Sabata na nubhvena
Metta karuna mutita uppekha nubhvena
Sabba partta nubhvena
Ratanatya sarana nubhvena
Tuyha sabba rga soku patv tukkhato manssu paysa
Sabba antaraypi vinnasantu
Sabba sagappa tuyha samichantu titayta tuyha hotu
satavssa jvna sama khiko hotu sabbad
Akasa papa tavana bumika kamahassa mutta rkhaka devat
sata tumhe anra kantu.
Bhavtu sabba magala
Rakhntu sabba devat
Sabba Buddha nubhvena,
Sada sotthi bhavntu-te
Bhavtu sabba magala
Rakhntu sabba devat
Sabba Dhamma nubhvena,
Sada sotthi bhavntu-te
Bhavtu sabba magala
Rakhntu sabba devat
Sabba Sagha nubhvena,
Sada sotthi bhavntu-te
Nakkhnta ykkha Buddhana
Papa kahri varan
Parttasa nubhvena
Hantv tesa upptave
[The last verse is repeated 3 times]
Anuttara abhisampoti
Patama ya ateseai
Samma deva pavattento
Ytha khata ubo anta
J atu variya sajjesu
Tesita Dhamm rajena
Namena vissuta sutta
Veyya karana patena
Sampuccitv tatakhato
Dhammjakkha anuttara
Loke patti vttiya
Patipatt ca maccim
Vissuta na tassana
Samma sompotitta
Dhamma jakkha pavttana
Sakhitantan bhanm-se
Evame sutta eka samaya Bhagav prna siya viharati
isipatan mikhatye ttrakho Bhagav paca vakkhiye bikkhu
Tavme pkkhave antapapa jitena na sevitapa yojaya kmesu
kmasuklli knuyoko hino khamo potujaniko anariyo antta
sahito yo jaya attakila mata nuyoko dukkho anariyo antta
Ete-te pkkhave ubo ante anupakkhmma mchima pati pata
tata khatena abhisambuddha jkkhu karan, na karan,
upasamya abhiya
sambhotya nibbanya savttati
Katam ca sa pkkhave mchima pati pata tata khatena
abhisambuddha jakkhu karani, na karani, upasamya
abhiya sampotya nibbanya savattati
Ayameva ariyo atta khiko makho syyathita
Samm titi, samm sakapo, samm vaja, samm kammanto,
Samm ajjivo, samm vayamo, samm sati, samm Samdhi
Ayakho sa pkkhave mchima pati pata tatkhatena
abhisambuddha jakkhu
karani, na karani, upasamya abhiya sambotya
nibbanya savattati
Itakho pana pkkhave tuka ariya sajja,
Jtipi dukkha, jarpi dukkha, maranmpi dukkha,
soka parideva dukkha domanasu payasapi dukkha appiyehi
dukkho piyehi vippayogo dukkho yampicha nalabati-tampi
sakittena pajupata nakhanta dukkha
Itakho pana pkkhave dukkhasamutayo ariya-sajja, yaya
tanha, bono bhavit nantirka sahkhat ttra-ttra bhinn-tini
kama tanha, bava tanha, vibava tanha.
Itakho pana pkkhave dukkha niroto ariya-sajja yotassa yeva
yasesa virkha niroto jakkho pati-nissakho mutti anrayo.
Itakho pana pkkhave dukkha nirota khmini pati pata aria-
ayameva ariyo atta khiko makho
syyathita samma titti, samma sakapo, samma vaja, samma
samma ajivo, samma vayamo, samma sati, samma samdhi
Ita dukkha ariya sajjanti-me pkkhave pupe ananu sutesu
dhammesu jakkhu, utapati na, utapati pa, utapati
vijja, utapati aloko, utapati
Takho panita dukkha ariya-sajja pariyanti
me pkkhave pupe ananu sutesu dhammesu jakkhu,
utapati na, utapati pa, utapati vijja, utapati aloko,
Takho panita dukkha ariya-sajja paritanti-me
pupe ananu sutesu dhammesu jakkhu, utapati na,
utapati pa, utapati vijja, utapati aloko, utapati
Ita dukkhassa mutayo ariya sajjanti-me pkkhave
pupe ananu sutesu dhammesu jakkhu, utapati na,
utapati pa, utapati vijja, utapati aloko, utapati
Takho panita dukkhassa mutayo aria-sajja
pahta panti-me pkkhave pupe ananu sutesu dhammesu jakkhu,
utapati na, utapati pa, utapati vijja, utapati aloko, utapati
Takho panita dukkhassa mutayo aria-sajja pahinnti-me
pkkhave pupe ananu sutesu dhammesu jakkhu, utapati na,
utapati pa, utapati vijja, utapati aloko, utapati
Ita dukkha niroto ariya sajjnti-me pkkhave pupe ananu sutesu
jakkhu, utapati na, utapati pa, utapati vijja, utapati aloko,
Takho panita dukkha niroto aria-sajja scchika tppanti-me
pupe ananu sutesu dhammesu jakkhu, utapati na, utapati
utapati vijja, utapati aloko, utapati
Takho panita dukkha niroto aria-sajja scchika tanti-me
pupe ananu sutesu dhammesu jakkhu, utapati na, utapati
utapati vijja, utapati aloko, utapati
Ita dukkha nirota khmini pati pata aria sajjanti-me pkkhave pupe
ananu sutesu dhammesu jakkhu, utapati na, utapati pa,
utapati vijja, utapati aloko, utapati
(*) Takho panita dukkha nirota khmini pati pata aria-sajja
bhave-tappanti-me pkkhave pupe ananu sutesu dhammesu
jakkhu, utapati na,
utapati pa, utapati vijja, utapati aloko, utapati
Takho panita dukkha nirota khmini pati pata aria-sajja
pkkhave pupe ananu suttesu dhammesu jakkhu,
utapati na, utapati pa, utapati vijja, utapati aloko, utapati
Yava kivaca me pkkhave imesu jatusu aria-sajjesu evanti
tvatassa kara yata Buddha na tassana na suvisutta ahossi
Neva tavaha pkkhave satevake loke sammara-ke sabrahma-ke
sassa-mana brahmaniya pajya sateva manussya anuttara
samma sampoti abhisambuddho pajasi
Yato ca-kho-me pkkhave imesu jatusu aria-sajjesu evanti
tvatassa kara yata Buddha na tassana suvisutta ahossi
Ataha pkkhave satevake loke samarake sabrahma-ke
paccya sateva manussaya anuttara samma-sampoti
pajasi na ca pana-me tassana utapati akuppa me
aya-mantima jati nttitni puna bhavoti
Itama voja Bhagav attamana paca vkkhiya bikkhu Bhagavato
basita abhinnatu imassa-mija pana veyya karanasmi
pamne ayasamato
kontassa virijam vitamalam dhamma jakkhu utapati
yakici samutaya dhamma sappanta nirota dhammnti
Pavttiteca Bhagavata dhammajake bumma deva sattamanussa
vesu eta
Bhagavata prna isipatane siya mikhataye anuttara dhamma
pavttita apati vtiya sammanena va brahmanena va tevena va
marena va brahmuna va kenaji va lokasminti
(*) Bummana devana satta sutv
J atu mahrajika deva satamanussa vesu
J atu mahrajiknam devana satta sutv
Tavattisa deva satamanussa vesu
Tavattisna devana satta sutv
Ym deva satamanussa vesu
Ymna devana satta sutv
Dusita deva satamanussa vesu
Dusitna devana satta sutv
Nimma-narati deva satamanussa vesu
Nimma-naratna devana satta sutv
Para-nimita vasa-vti deva satamanussa vesu
Para-nimita vasa-vtina devana satta sutv
Brahma-kyika deva satamanussa vesu
Brahma-kyikna devana satta sutv
(***) Eta Bhagavata prna siya isipatane
Brahma parisajja deva satamanussa vesu
Brahma parisajjana devana satta sutv
Brahma parhita deva satamanussa vesu
Brahma parhitana devana satta sutv
Mahbrahma deva satamanussa vesu
Mahbrahmana devana satta sutv
Parittabha deva satamanussa vesu
Parittabhna devana satta sutv
Appamanaba deva satamanussa vesu
Appamanabana devana satta sutv
Abassara deva satamanussa vesu
Abassarana devana satta sutv
Paritta-suba deva satamanussa vesu
Paritta-subana devana satta sutv
Appamna-suba deva satamanussa vesu
Appamna-subna devana satta sutv
Suba-khinaka deva satamanussa vesu
Suba-khinakna devana satta sutv
Vehapala deva satamanussa vesu
Vehapalna devana satta sutv
Aviha deva satamanussa vesu
Avihna devana satta sutv
Attapa deva satamanussa vesu
Attapna devana satta sutv
Sutassa deva satamanussa vesu
Sutassna devana satta sutv
Sutassi deva satamanussa vesu
Sutassina devana satta sutv
Akani-takkha deva satamanussa vesu
(***) Eta Bhagavat parana-siya isipatane mikhataye
anuttara dhamma-jakkha pavtita appati vttiya
samanena va brahmanena va
tevena va marena va brahmuna va kenaji va lokasminti
Itihatena kanena tena muhutena yava brahma lokasato
Ayaca tassa-sahassi loka tatu sakampi sampakampi sampaveti
Appamano ca oraro opaso loke patura-hossi atikkameva devna
deva nubhava
Attakho Bhagav uttana uttesi asi vatabo kontao
asi vatabo kontaoti iti-hitta ayasmato kontasa aa
kontao daveva nama ahssi-ti
The Discourse on setting the Wheel of Dhamma in
I have heard that on one occasion The Blessed One was staying at Varanasi in the
game refuge of Isipatana. There he addressed a group of five monks.
There are two extremes that are not to be indulged in by one who has gone forth.
That which is devoted to sensual pleasure: base, vulgar, common, ignoble and
unprofitable; and that which is devoted to self-affliction; painful. ignoble and
unprofitable. Avoiding both extremes, the middle way realized by the Tathagatha -
producing vision, producing knowledge leads to calm, to direct knowledge, to
self-awakening, to unbinding.
And what is the middle way realized by the Tathagatha producing vision, producing
knowledge leads to calm, leads to direct knowledge, to self-awakening, to
unbinding. Precisely this noble Eight-fold path; right view, right resolve, right speech,
right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.
This is the middle way realized by the Tathagatha that producing vision, producing
knowledge leads to calm, to direct knowledge, to self-awakening, to liberation.
Now this monks, is the noble way of suffering:
Birth is suffering, Aging is suffering, Death is suffering.
Sorrow, pain, lamentation, distress & despair are suffering.
Association with what is unbeloved is suffering, dissociation with what is beloved is
suffering, not getting what one wants is suffering.
In short, the five aggregates of clinging is suffering.
And this, monks, is the noble truth of the origination of suffering.
The craving that makes for further becoming i.e. craving for sensuality, craving for
becoming, craving for non-becoming.
And this, monks, is the noble truth of the cessation of suffering.
The remainderless fading and cessation, renunciation, relinquishment, release and
letting go of that very craving.
And this, monks, is the noble way of practice, leading the way to the cessation of
suffering: Precisely this eightfold noble path right view, right resolve, right speech,
right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.
Vision arose, insight rose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose
within me with regard to things never heard before: this noble truth of suffering is to
be comprehended!
Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose
within me with regard to things never heard before: this noble truth of suffering is to
be comprehended!
Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose
within me with regard to things never heard before: this noble truth of suffering is to
be comprehended
Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose
within me with regard to things never heard before: this noble truth of suffering is to
be comprehended
Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose
within me with regard to things never heard before: this noble truth of the origination
of suffering has been abandoned.
Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose
within me with regard to things never heard before: This is the noble truth of the
cessation of suffering.
Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose
within me with regard to things never heard before: This is the noble truth of the
cessation of suffering to be realized.
Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose
within me with regard to things never heard before: This is the noble truth of the
cessation of suffering has been realized.
Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose
within me with regard to things never heard before: This is the noble truth of the way
of practice, leading to the cessation of suffering.
Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose
within me with regard to things never heard before: This is the noble truth of
practice; leading to the cessation of suffering is to be developed.
Vision arose, insight arose, discernment arose, knowledge arose, illumination arose
within me with regard to things never heard before: This is the noble truth of
practice; leading to the cessation of suffering has been developed.
And, monks, as long as this my three round, twelve per mutation knowledge and
vision concerning these four noble truths as they have come to be was not pure, I
did not claim to have directly awakened to the right self-awakening unexcelled in the
cosmos with its Deities, Mras and Brahmas, with its contemplatives and Brahmans,
its royalty and its common people. But as soon this my three round, twelve per
mutation, knowledge and vision, concerning these four noble truths as they have
come to be was truly pure, then I did claim to have directly awakened to the right
self-awakening, unexcelled in the cosmos with its Deities, Mras and Brahmas, with
its contemplatives and Brahmans, its royalty and its common people.
The knowledge and vision arose in me; unprovoked is my release. This is the last
birth. There is no further becoming.
That is what the Blessed One said Gratified, the group of five monks
delighted at his words. And while this explanation was given, the arose to
Venerable Kondaa the dustless, stainless Dhamma eye:
Whatever is subject to origination, is all subject to cessation.
Now when the Blessed One had set the wheel of Dhamma in motion, the earth deities
cried out: at Varanasi, in the game refuge of Isipatana, the Blessed One had set in
motion the unexcelled wheel of Dhamma that cannot be stopped by brahma or
contemplative, deity, Mra, Brahm, or anyone else in the cosmos.
On hearing the earth deities cry, the deities of the heaven of the four kings took up
the cry.
of the On hearing the cry heaven of the four kings take up the cry,
the heavens of the thirty-three took up the cry.
On hearing the cry of the thirty-three take up the cry,
the Yama deities took up the cry.
On hearing the cry of the Yama deities,
the Dusita deities took up the cry.
On hearing the Dusita deities take up the cry,
the Nimmanarati deities took up the cry.
On hearing the Nimmanarati deities take up the cry,
the Paranimmita-vasavati deities took up the cry.
On hearing the Paranimmita-vasavati deities take up the cry,
the deities of the Brahma retinue took up the cry.
On hearing the Brahma retinue take up the cry
At Varanasi, in the game refuge at Isipatana, the Blessed One has set in motion
the unexcelled Wheel of Dhamma that cannot be stopped by Brahman or
contemplative, deity, Mra, Brahm, or anyone at all in the cosmos.
So, in that moment, that instant the cry shot right up into the Brahm world.
And this ten-thousand-fold cosmos shivered and quivered and quaked, while a great,
measureless radiance appeared in the cosmos, surpassing the effulgence of the
deities. Then the Blessed One exclaimed:
So you really know Kondaa? So you really know? And that is how Venerable
Kondaa acquired the name A-KondaaKondaa who knows..
Itipi so Bhagav Araha Samm Sambuddho
Vijjcarana sampanno sugato lokavit
Anuttaro purisadammasrati satth devamanussna
Buddho Bhagavti
Svkkhto Bhagavata Dhammo
Sandtthiko Akliko Ehipassiko
Opanyiko pccata veditabo vihiti
Supatipanno Bhagavato Svakasagho
Ujupatipanno Bhagavato Svakasagho
yapatipanno Bhagavato Svakasagho
Smi-cipatipanno Bhagavato Svakasagho
Yadida cattri purisayugni attha purisa puggal
Esa Bhagavato Svakasagho
huneyyo Phuneyyo Dkkhineyyo Ajalikaranyo
Anuttara pukhetta lokassti
Passages of the recollection of the three Treasures
He is indeed the Exalted One, far from defilements, perfectly enlightened
by himself. Fully possessed of wisdom and excellent conduct, one who is the
proceeded trainer of tamable men, teacher of deities and men.
The Awakened one, the Lord skilled in teaching dhamm.
Well expounded is the Exalted Ones Dhamm.
To be seen here and not delayed in time, [inviting] one to come and see,
leading inwards, to be seen by each wise man for himself.
The Sagha of the Exalted Ones disciples, who have practiced well.
The Sagha of the Exalted Ones disciples, who have practiced straightly.
The Sagha of the Exalted Ones disciples, who have practiced rightly.
The Sagha of the Exalted Ones disciples, who have practiced properly.
That is to say, the 4 pairs of men, the 8 types of individuals.
That is the Sagha of the Exalted Ones disciples, who are
Worthy of gifts
Worthy of hospitality
Worthy of offerings
Who should be respected,
the incomparable field of merit [pa] for the world.
Bahu sahssam bhinmitt svudanta
Grmekhala udita ghorassa sena mra
Dndhi dhamma vidhin jitav munindo
Tantejas bhavtu-te jayamagalni
Mar tire khamabhiyu jitta sabba ratti
Ghrampan lava kam kamtha dhaykha
Khanti sudant vidhin jitav munindo
Tantejas bhavtu-te jayamagalni
Nalgiri gajavara atimtta bhta
Dvgicca khamasanva suda runnta
Mettambuse khavidhin jitav munindo
Tantejas bhavtu-te jayamagalni
kkhittakaga matihatth sudrunanta
Davntiyo jana patha Gullim lavnta
Iddhi bisakha tamano jitav munindo
Tantejas bhavtu-te jayamagalni
Katvna kattha mudara iva gabbhinya
Cicya dut vacana jana kya mjjhe
Sntena-sma vidhin jitav munindo
Tantejas bhavtu-te jayamagalni
Scca vihya mantissa chaka vdakhettum
Vdabhiro pitamana atthi-anda bhta
Pa paddipa jalit jitav munindo
Tantejas bhavtu-te jayamagalni
Nando pannda pujaga vibhuta mahdi
Pttena Thera pujagena dhamma paynto
Iddhu paddesa vidhin jitav munindo
Tantejas bhavtu-te jayamagalni
Dugg haddithi pujagen sudttha hattha
Brahma visuddhi jutimiddhi bak bhidna
na gadena vidhin jitav munindo
Tantejas bhavtu-te jayamagalni
Etpi Buddh jayamagal tth gth
Yo vcano dina dine sarte mattndi
Htvnane kavividhni cupaddhavni
Mokha sukha adhigameyya naro sappa
Verses on the Buddhas Wholesome Victories
Creating a form thousand-armed, each holding a weapon,
Mara on the elephant Grimekhala, roared frightfully with his soldiers.
The lord of the Munis conquered him by means of Dhamm giving.
By this power, may joyous victory be yours.
Even more fiendish than Mara making war all night, was
Alavaka, the yakka, impatient and arrogant.
The lord of the Munis conquered him by means of well-taming with patience.
By this power, may joyous victory be yours.
Provoked to run amok, Nlagir the king tusker, like a raging fire,
murderously assailed all in his path, striking terror in all beings.
The lord of Munis conquered him by means of loving-kindness.
By this power, may joyous victory be yours.
Very cruel, with upraised sword, garlanded with fingers, did the
savage robber Angulima pursue the Blessed One for 3 full leagues.
The lord of Munis conquered him by means of super-natural power.
By this power, may joyous victory be yours.
Having made her belly like a pregnant woman [by tying wood],
Cica spoke lewdly in the midst of the people.
The lord of Munis conquered her by fair and peaceful means.
By this power, may joyous victory be yours.
Saccaka, whose speech habitually departed from the truth,
raised up like a flag, his theory with a mind become completely blind.
The lord of Munis conquered him by wisdoms shining lamp.
By this power, may joyous victory be yours.
Nanopananda, the serpent of wrong understanding but great power.
By instructing his spiritual son Mogallana, the sovereign sage
rendered the naga king powerless and transformed him.
By this power, may joyous victory be yours.
Like a well-coiled serpent on a branch, were the wrongly
grasped views of the Brahma-god Baka of light and power.
The lord of Munis conquered him be means of the medicine of knowledge.
By this power, may joyous victory be yours.
He, who day after day, without lethargy, recites and recollects these
eight hymns of the Exalted Ones great victories, that wise man,
having overcome many and diverse obstacles, shall attain the bliss of
Mah karuniko ntho hitya sabba panina
Puretv parmi sabba pato sambhodimuttama
Etena saccavjjena hotu te jayamagala
J aynto bodhiya mle sakyna nandi vaddhno
Eva tva vijayo hohi, J ayassu jayamagale
apar jita pallake sise patthave pokkre abhisekke
sabba Buddhana aggapatto pamodathi
Sunakkhatta sumagala supabbhatta
suhutitta sukano sumuhuto ca
Suyittha Brahmacrssu
Padkhina kyakamma vccakamma
Padkhina padkhina manokamma
Panidhi-te padkhin padkhinni
Katvna labhantadhe padkhine
Bhavtu sabba magala
Rakhntu sabba devat
Sabba Buddh nubhvena
Satta sotthi bhavantu-te
Bhavtu sabba magala
Rakhntu sabba devat
Sabba Dhamm nubhvena
Satta sotthi bhavantu-te
Bhavtu sabba magala
Rakhntu sabba devat
Sabba Sagh nubhvena
Satta sotthi bhavantu-te
The Victory Protection
The Lord, greatly compassionate for the welfare of all living beings,
having fulfilled all the perfections attained by himself at the highest Bodhi.
By speaking of this truth, may you be blessed with victory.
Victorious at the Bodhi trees root, he who increased delight for the
sakyas, thus may victory be yours. May you win the blessing of
victory in the undefeated posture upon the exalted holy place,
having the consecration of the Buddhas, he rejoices in the best attainment.
Lucky stars, lucky blessings, a lucky dawn, a lucky sacrifice,
a lucky instant, a lucky moment [when] well given
are things to brahmacarriya.
When bodily karma is righteous and righteous is verbal karma
[when] mental karma is righteous. Righteous are their aspirations.
When righteous deeds have been done, one gains the goal
by righteousness.
May there be for you all blessings.
May all the devas guard you well.
By the power of all the Buddhas [Dhamms - Saghas]
Ever in safety may you be
[Handamaya Sarabannena Buddhmagalakht bhanama-se]
Sambuddho tipta settho nissin
Jeva mchime kontao puppabakhe ca
Akhaneyye ca Kassapo Sariputto ca
dakkhine hartiye Upali ca Pajnimepi ca
Annatto payappe ca khavmpati
Mogallano ca Uttare Isanepi ca Rahulo
ime kho magala Buddh sabbe itta
patithitta vandita te ca amhehi
sakkrehi ca putita etesa anu bhvena
Sabba sotthi bhavntu-no
Ijjewama janta namasaneyya namasamano
ratanattaya ya pu pisanta vipula
alltta tassanu pavena hatantarayo
Tna brami sampanno
Tna upabrami sampanno
Tna paramatta brami sampanno
Metta mitri karuna mutita upekkha brami sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Sla brami sampanno
Sla upabrami sampanno
Sla paramatta brami sampanno
Metta mitri karuna upekkha brami sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Nekhamma brami sampanno
Nekhamma upabrami sampanno
Nekhamma paramatta brami sampanno
Metta mitri karuna upekkha brami sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Pa brami sampanno
Pa upabrami sampanno
Pa paramatta brami sampanno
Metta mitri karuna upekkha brami sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Viriya brami sampanno
Viriya upabrami sampanno
Viriya paramatta brami sampanno
Metta mitri karuna upekkha brami sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Khanti brami sampanno
Khanti upabrami sampanno
Khanti paramatta brami sampanno
Metta mitri karuna upekkha brami sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Sjja brami sampanno
Sjja upabrami sampanno
Sjja paramatta brami sampanno
Metta mitri karuna upekkha brami sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
ttitna brami sampanno
ttitna upabrami sampanno
ttitna paramatta brami sampanno
Metta mitri karuna upekkha brami sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Metta brami sampanno
Metta upabrami sampanno
Metta paramatta brami sampanno
Metta mitri karuna upekkha brami sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Upekkha brami sampanno
Upekkha upabrami sampanno
Upekkha paramatta brami sampanno
Metta mitri karuna upekkha brami sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Tas brami sampanno
Tas upabrami sampanno
Tas paramatta brami sampanno
Metta mitri karuna upekkha brami sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Purapa Rasmi
khane Rasmi
Taksin Rasmi
Hurudi Rasmi
Pajjim Rasmi
Paya Rasmi
Udra Rasmi
Isan Rasmi
Akasa Rasmi
Patavi Rasmi
Phra Buddh kuna
Phra Dhamme ta
Phra Sagha na
Dukkha Roga Baya
Sabba Dukkh, Sabba Sok,
Sabba rog, Sabba Pai,
Sabba khor, senidjaro
Vivacay, Sabba tana,
Sabba laba bhavantu-me
Rakkhntu surakkhntu
Yath vrivah pr
pariprenti sagara
Eva meva ito dinna
petna upakappati
Iccita patthita tumha
khippameva samijjahtu
Sabbe prentu sakapp
Cando pannaraso yath
Mani jotiraso yath
Sabbtiyo vivajantu
Sabba rogo vinassatu
M te bhavatvantaryo
Sukh dgyuko bhava
Abhiva dana slissa
Nicca vuddh pacyino
Cattro Dhamm vaddhanti
Ayu vanno sukha bala
Anumodhana Passage
[Yath vrivah]
J ust as the rivers full of water, fill the ocean full,
even so does that here given benefit the dead.
Whatever by you wished or wanted, may it quickly be.
May all your wishes be fulfilled, as the moon upon the 15
or as the wish-fulfilling gem.
May all stress be averted. May all diseases be destroyed.
May no dangers be for you. May you be happy, living long.
He of respectful nature, who, ever the elderly honoring.
Four qualities for him increase:-
Long life and beauty, happiness and strength.
[Generally chanted by monks & nuns after consuming food]
Ayuttho pallto theelo
One with wisdom gives life and strength
Wanntho pati-pnatto
Gives health and wisdom
Sukassa tata metawee
One with wisdom gives happiness
Sukaso ateekajati
Will receive happiness
Ayu tatawa pala wanna
Sukaca pati pnatto
One who gives life, strength, happiness and wisdom
Theekayu yasswa hoti
Will be born happy and with prestige in every life
Sabb Buddh nubhvena, Sabb Dhamm nubhvena, Sabb
Sagh nubhvena
Buddh ratana, Dhamma ratana, Sagha ratana
Tinna ratana nubhvena catursitisahassa
Dhammakhand nubhvena, Pitakattay nubhvena
J ina svak nubhvena,
Sabbe-te rog, Sabbe-te bay
Sabbe-te antarya, Sabbe-te uppdav
Sabbe-te dunimitt, Sabbe-te avamagala vinnasantu
yu vaddako, Dhna vaddako, Siri vaddako,
Yas vaddako, Bal vaddako, Vnna vaddako,
Sukha vaddako, hotu sabbad
Dukkha, rog bay, vera soka sathu cupaddav
Aneka antaraypi vinnasantu ca tejasa
Jyasiddhi dana labha, Sotthi bhga ya sukha bala
Siri ayu ca vanno ca bhoga vuddh ca yasav
Satavassa ca ayu ca jivasiddhi bhavantu-te
Bhavtu sabba magala
Rakhntu sabba devat
Sabba Buddh nubhvena
Satta sotthi bhavantu-te
Bhavtu sabba magala
Rakhntu sabba devat
Sabba Dhamm nubhvena
Satta sotthi bhavantu-te
Bhavtu sabba magala
Rakhntu sabba devat
Sabba Sgh nubhvena
Satta sotthi bhavantu-te
The Lesser Sphere of Blessings
By the power of the Buddhas
By the power of the Dhamms
By the power of the Saghas
The Buddha treasure, the Dhamm treasure, the Sagha treasure
The three treasures, by their power,
By the power of 84,000 sections of Dhamm,
By the power of the conquerors disciples,
May all your diseases, all your dangers, all your obstacles,
all your distress, all your unlucky signs, all your inauspiciousness,
all be destroyed.
Long life increasing, wealth increasing, fortune increasing,
fame increasing, power increasing, beauty increasing,
happiness increasing, may they ever be:
Dukkha, disease, danger, enmity, sorrow, perils and distress,
not only one obstacle, may they be destroyed by this power.
Triumph, success, wealth and gain. Safety, luck, happiness, strength.
Fortune, long life and beauty. Prosperity and fame, may they increase
and a hundred years of life and success in livelihood may you be.
All blessings be with you. May all the devas guard you well.
By the power of all the Buddhas [Dhamms, Saghas], ever in safety may you be.
J ust as the rivers fill with water, fill the ocean full, even so does that here given,
benefit the dead. Whatever by you wished or wanted, may it quickly be.
May all your wishes be fulfilled
as the moon upon the first day, or as the wish-fulfilling gem.
May all distress be averted. May all diseases destroyed.
May there be no danger for you. May you be happy, living long.
He of respectful nature, who ever the elders honoring,
Four qualities for him increase;
Long life, beauty, happiness and strength.
Aggato ve pasannna
Agge Buddhe pasannna
Agge Dhamme pasannna
Agge Saghe pasannna
Aggasmi dna dadata
Agga yu ca vanno ca
Agassa dt medhv
Devabhto manusso v
Agga Dhamm vijnata
Takkhinneyye anuttare
Virgpasame asesato
Pukkhette anuttare
Agga pu pavaddhati
Yaso kitti sukha bala
Agga Dhamm samhito
Aggappatto pamodatti
Verses from the Discourse on the Supreme
[Objects of] Faith
For those with faith supreme indeed,
the Dhamm supreme is known:
Having faith in the Buddha supreme,
worthy of offerings, unexcelled:
Having faith in the Dhamm supreme,
passionless, quietening, full of bliss,
Having faith in the Sagha supreme
the field for pu unexcelled.
Having given of gifts supreme,
pu supreme increases then:
Long your life, most beautiful,
with honor, fame, strength, happiness.
The wise man of his best doth give,
thus attaining Dhamm supreme.
And having become a god or at man,
attains the Supreme full of joy.
Ratanattay tejasa
Soka satu cupaddav
Vinnasantu asesato
Sotthi bhgya sukha bala
Bhoga vuddh ca yasav
J ivasiddhi bhavantu-te
Rakkhntu sabba devat
Bhavtu sabba magala
Sabba Buddh nubhvena
Sada sotthi bhavantu-te
Rakkhntu sabba devat
Bhavtu sabba magala
Sabba Sagh nubhvena
Sada sotthi bhavantu-te
Ratanattay nubhvena
Dukkha roga bay vera
Aneka antaraypi
J ayasiddhi dhana labha
Siri yu ca vanno ca
Satavssa ca yu ca
Rakkhntu sabba devat
Bhavtu sabba magala
Sabba Dhamm nubhvena
Sada sotthi bhavantu-te
Verses on the Power of the Triple Gem
By the power of the Triple Gem,
By the might of the Triple Gem,
dukkha, disease, danger, enmity,
sorrow, perils and distress
not only one obstacle
may they be destroyed without remainder.
Triumph, success, wealth and gain,
safety, luck, happiness and strength,
fortune, long life and beauty:
prosperity and fame, may they increase
and a hundred years of life,
and successful in livelihood may you be
All blessings may they be
May there be for you all blessings,
May all the devas guard you well,
By the power of the Buddha [Dhamm - Sagha]
Ever in safety may you be.
Bhavtu Sabba-magala
Rakkhantu Sabba Devat
Sabba Buddh Nubhvena
Sad Sotth Bhavantu-te
Bhavtu Sabba-magala
Rakkhantu Sabba Devat
Sabba Dhamm Nubhvena
Sad Sotth Bhavantu-te
Bhavtu Sabba-magala
Rakkhantu Sabba Devat
Sabba Sagh Nubhvena
Sad Sotth Bhavantu-te
Verses of Excellent Blessing
May there be for you all blessings,
May all the devas guard you well,
By the power of all the Buddhas,
Ever in safety may you be.
May there be for you all blessings,
May all the devas guard you well,
By the power of all the Dhammas,
Ever in safety may you be.
May there be for you all blessings,
May all the devas guard you well,
By the power of all the Saghas,
Ever in safety may you be.
Jay san gat Buddh
Catuscca sabha rasa
Tanhakardayo Buddh
Sabbe patithitta maiha
Sise patithitto maiha
Sagho patithitto maiha
Hdaye me anuruddho
Konda pitibhagasmi
Dkkhine savane maiha
Kassapo ca mah namo
Kesato pitibhgasmi
Nissino siri sampanno
Kumara Kassapo Thero
So maiha vdane vicca
Punno Agullimalo ca
Thera paca ime jata
Sesa Siti Mahthera
Ete Siti Mahthera
Jalnta silte jena
Ratana purato asi
Dhjjaga pccato asi
Kandha mora parittaca
kse chadana asi
Jina nn varasa yutta
Vta pita disajt
Asesa vinaya yantu
Vsato me sakkiccena
J ina pajarama jamhi
Sada palento ma sabbe
Icce vamnto sugutto surakkh
Dhamma nubhvena jitari
Saddhamma nubhva plito
Jetv mara savhana
Ye pivisu nar sabh
ttavi sati nyak
Mtthake te munissara
Buddho Dhammo daviloccane
Ure sabba gunakaro
Sariputto ca dakkhine
Mogallno ca vmake
Asu Ananda Rhulo
Ubhsu vama sotake
Surio va pabhakaro
Sobhito muni pugavo
Mahesi citta vdako
Patitthsi gunkaro
pli Nanda Svali
Nalte tilaka mama
Vijita jina svaka
J ita vanto jinorasa
Agama gesu santhita
Dkkhine metta suttaka
Vame Agulimalaka
tntiya suttaka
Sesa pkra sthit
Sata pakra lakata
Bahira jatu pddava
Annta jina tejasa
Sada Sambuddh pajare
Viharnta mahitale
Te Mah Purisa sabh
Jina nubhvena jitu pddavo
Sagha nubhvena jitantaryo
Carmi jina pajarettii
The lord of men, the Buddhas
went up to their victorious thrones, after having conquered the
evil one, together with his army and vehicles , have obtained the
savior of Four Noble Truths.
May the 28 Buddhas, known as Tanhankara, etc. and the sublime
leaders stand firmly upon my head.
The Buddha is upon my head. The Dhamm is upon my both eyes.
The Sagha, the phenomenon of virtues is at my chest.
Venerable Anuruddho is at my heart
Venerable Sariputto is at my right side
Venerable Aa Kontao is behind my back.
Venerable Mogallano is at my left side.
Venerable Ananda & Venerable Rahulo are at my right ear
Venerable Kassapa & Venerable Mahnamo are at my left ear.
Venerable Sobhito, the handsome master, splendored perfectly like the
sunshine, is all over the hairs throughout my body.
On both sides, in front and behind.
Venerable Kumara Kassapo, the great sage and eloquent speaker,
is at my mouth.
Those fires known as Angulimala, Upali pu, Nanda, Sivali,
stand like a holy mark, anointing my forehead.
The remainder of the 80 senior saints, victors, disciples and followers
of the conqueror, The Buddha, with each one brilliantly distinguished,
by the power of moral conduct, be installed throughout all parts of my body.
The discourse on metta is a my left hand.
The discourse of Dhajagga is behind my back.
The protective verses of Angulimala is at my left hand.
The production of Kandha and protective verses of Atanatiya, like a strong
roof, covers me in the air.
The conquerors besides the Buddhas with their various powers of virtue
and so on, are like seven walls, enclosing me by the majestic power of
Dhamm. At all times may I reside in the encircling cage of the Enlightened One.
Then may all trouble of external and internal diseases, caused by air, bile
and so on, be eliminated and be entirely destroyed.
May the lords of men, who have the most excellent virtues, protect me.
May the holy ones, centralized within my jinapajira,
well protect and safeguard, by the majestic power of doctrine,
subdue any distress. By the majestic power of the conqueror,
who won over the enemies by the majestic power of Dhamm, expel
all perils; by the majestic power of the Sagha
may I be guarded.
Wantmi jediya sappa sappathne supatidhita sareerigathatu
mahbhodi Buddharupa sagala satta. Wantmi Buddha sappa-
Kamata me pante wantmi Dhamma sappa-metosa.
Kamata me pante wantmi Sangha sappa-metosa.
Kamata me pante wantmi gammathna sappa-metosam.
Kamata me pante wantmi Kru Upacc-ccariyakuna sappa-metosa.
Kamata me pante wantmi arame pattse-maya
bhodi-rukkha jediya sappa-metosa.
Kamata me pante wantmi pante Bhagav logantha attitan-metosa,
an-kata metosa, pajjupnna-metosa.
Kamata me pante aha pante Buddha rkkhito yawachewa
Buddha sarana gaccmi.
Aha pante Dhamma rkkhito yawachewa Dhamma sarana gaccmi.
Aha pante Dhamma rakkhito yawachewa Sagha sarana gaccmi.
Yo toso mohajitte Phrabuddhasmi pakato maya.
Kamata me gata-tosa sappa papa vinnsatu
yo toso mohajitte Phradhammasmim pakato maya.
Kamata me gata tosa sappa papa vinnsatu
yo toso mohajitte Phrasaghasmi pakato maya.
Kamata me gata-tosa sappa-papa vinnsatu
ijjewama-janta nam-saneyya nam-samano ratan-taya ya
punna-pisanta vipula allata tassanu pavna hatantarayo
amantaymi wo pkkhave pati-wettaymi wo pkkhave kaya-waya
Dhamma Saghara ppama-thena sampathetti.
Both Wanta Chao and Wanta Yai are not mantras that
are regularly chanted. These two mantras, call upon the spiritual
realm of all religions, for guidance and protection.
These verses are chanted on the opening and throughout
Buddhist Lent, in many temples.
This is the 90 day confinement period that is
observed every year by Buddhists worldwide,
when Lord Buddha
went to heaven, to teach the Dhamma to his mother,
who had passed away 7 days after his birth.
It is believed that all the devas and other spiritual beings
from the heavens descend
to earth to observe humanity during this time.
Wantmi jediya sappa sappathane supatidhitam sareerigtathu
mohpoti Buddh-rpa sagala satta.
Wantmi Buddha pava-parttina tilo-gagetum tipave-ganata
yo logasettho sagala kile-sa cetawna potesi cana ananta ya namattya
natiya puline ca teereya saja-pntakirige sumanja lkkhe ya tata yonagapure
munino ca pata tam patalnccan maha siras nammi
suvnna malige suvnna pppate sumanagute yonagapure namatya
natiya panja patavara thana.
Aha wantmi turato, Aha wantmi tatuyo, Aha wantmi sappaso sisa me
patuma gattawa tipaja nayna tawaya waja satu pagarena manasja sukantako,
Buddh karawta, Dhamma karawta, Sagha karawta,
Sikkh karawta, Samdhi karawta, Appamta karawta,
Pati-santra karawta, ganlya namitta sowajassta.
Aha pante Buddha-rkkhito yawachewa Buddha sarana gaccmi,
Aha pante Dhamma-rkkhito yawachewa Dhamma sarana gaccmi,
Aha pante Sagha-rkkhito yawachewa Sagha sarana gaccmi.
Wantami Buddha sappa-metosa,
Kamata me pante wantmi Dhamma sappa-metosa,
Kamata me pante wantmi Sagha sappa-metosa,
Kamata me pante wantmi arame pattase-maya
potiruka jediya sappa-metosa.
Kamata me pante wantmi Kru Upacc-accriykuna sappa-metosa.
Kamata me pante wantmi gammathna sappa-metosa.
Kamata me pante wantmi pante Bhagav loganatha atitn-metosa,
ana-kata-metosa, pajjupnna-metosa.
Kamata me pante wantmi Buddham pu sagalanta satta sata hontu
sucki avera-gayo, chika sagalo tukanto kaccnti sappe marana.
Aha ca nammi Dhamma sukante nate-sita satta sata hontu sucki avero-gayo
chika sagalo tukanto kaccnti sappe marana.
Aha ca nammi Sagha munilo jasavaga satta sata hontu sucki
avera-gayo chika sagalo tukanto kaccnti sappe marana.
Aha ca amantaymi wo pkkhave pati-wettaymi wo pkkhave kaya-waya
Dhamma Saghra appamtena sampthetti
ijjewama-janta nama-saneyya nam-samno ratanattaya yam pu-pisanta
vipula alltta tassanu pavena hatantarayo
Itipi so Bhagav Arah vjaso Bhagav
Itipi so Bhagav Smm Smbuddho vjaso Bhagav
Itipi so Bhagav vijjccarana sampanno vjaso Bhagav
Itipi so Bhagav sugato vjaso Bhagav
Itipi so Bhagav lokavit vjaso Bhagav
Arahanta sarana gaccmi
Arahanta siras nammi
Smma Sambuddh sarana gaccmi
Smma Sambuddh siras nammi
Vijjccarana Sampanna sarana gaccmi
Vijjccarana Sampanna siras nammi
Sugata sarana gaccmi
Sugata siras nammi
Lokavita sarana gaccmi
Lokavita siras nammi
Itipi so Bhagav anttaro vjaso Bhagav
Itipi so Bhagav purisadmmasrati vjaso Bhagav
Itipi so Bhagav st devamanussna vjaso Bhagav
Itipi so Bhagav Buddho vjaso Bhagav
Anttara sarana gaccmi
Anttara siras nammi
Purisadmmasrati sarana gaccmi
Purisadmmasrati siras nammi
St devamanussna sarana gaccmi
St devamanussna siras nammi
Buddha sarana gaccmi
Buddha siras nammi
Itipi so Bhagav, Itipi so Bhagav
Ruph kanto ancca lkana pramjja sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav, Itipi so Bhagav
Vedana kanto ancca lkana pramjja sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav, Itipi so Bhagav
Sa kanto ancca lkana pramjja sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav, Itipi so Bhagav
Sakara kanto ancca lkana pramjja sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav, Itipi so Bhagav
Vina kanto ancca lkana pramjja sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav, Itipi so Bhagav
Patavi chkawala jtu mahrjika tava tisa
tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Tejoh chkawla jtu mahrjika tava tisa
tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Waiyo chkawla jtu mahrjika tava tisa
tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Apoa chkawla jtu mahrjika tava tisa
tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Akasa chkawla jtu mahrjika tava tisa
tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Yama tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Tutii stsu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Nma narti tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Kama vajarh tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Ruph vajarh tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Patam jnh tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Tuttiya jnh tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Tattiya jnh tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Jatu tatjna tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Pajama jna tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
ks nanjya tanah newasana saya tanah
arupa vajara tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Vina jya tanah newasana saya tanah
arupa vajara tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Akin say tanah newasana saya tanah
arupa vajarah tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Soda patimkkh tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Sakitk patimkkh tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Anka patimkkh tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Araht patimkkh tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Sod Araht patipara tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Sakitk Araht patipara tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Itipi so Bhagav
Anakhmi Araht patipara tatu sammatiyna sampanno
Kusal Dhamm
Itipi so Bhagav ah ah ywachewa Buddha sarana gaccmi
champuti paja issaro kusal dhamma
Namo Buddhya namo Dhammya namo Saghya
paja Buddh nammiha pm jupa timasa anku savita puk
yp upsjj
suhe pasa ya so so sa sa ah ah ah ah niteja sunema puja nvive asa
pusapuba isvasu susu-va-i kusal dhamma jitti vi-hti
Itipi so Bhagav Araha ah ah ywachewa Buddha sarana
gaccmi spotti paja issaro dhamma kusal dhamma nanta
vivako iti samm smbuddho sukalno ywachewa Buddha
sarana gaccmi
Jatu mahrjik issaro kusal dhamma iti vijjccarana
uh uh yawatava tisa issaro kusal dhamma nanta paja sugato
mah ae oh ywachewa Buddham sarana gaccmi
Yama issaro kusal dhamma Brahma sata paja satta sata prmi
anuttaro yama kaywachewa Buddham sarana gaccmi
Dusita issaro kusal dhamma puya pk purisadammasrati
ywachewa Buddham sarana gaccmi
Nima narti issaro kusal dhamma hetupova sata devamanussna
yawachewa Buddha sarana gaccmi
Para nimita issaro kusal dhamma sakara kanto tuka ancca antta
rupa kanto Buddha pp yawachewa Buddham sarana gaccmi
Brahma issaro kusal dhamma ntti pccaya vinapaja
Bhagavata yv nippna sarana gaccmi
Namo Buddhss namo Dhammss namo Sakhss puti lalo
kal kar kan.
Etena saccena suvti hontu hulu hulu hulu savhya
Namo Buddhssa namo Dhammssa namo
vitti vitti vitti mitti mitti jitti jitti jitti vti vti
ymsu suvti hontu hulu hulu savhya
Sapploka irriana sva
Etena sccna suvti hontu sva kuna vaja pala tecca
viriyam sttikmma nippna mokha kuyhaka tana sila
pu pakhaya tappa sukha siri rpa juvsati sena
tna sccna suvti hontu hulu hulu hulu savhya
Namo Buddha satka tuka ancca antta
Rpah kanto, Vedana kanto, Sa kanto Sakara kanto, Vina
Namo itipi so Bhagav namo Buddh satka ancca antta,
Rpah kanto, Vedana kanto, Sa kanto, Sakara kanto, Vina
Namo Svakkhto Bhagavat Dhammo namo Dhamma satka ancca
Rpah kanto, Vedana kanto, Sa kanto, Sakara kanto, Vina
Int sva
Brahma sva
Chkavti sva
Deva sva
Isi sva
Muni sva
Spurisa sva
Buddh sva
Araht sva
Mah Int sva
Mah Brahma sva
Mah Chkavti sva
Mah Deva sva
Mah Isi sva
Mah Muni sva
Mah Spurisa sva
Patjeg Buddh sva
Sppasti vijjtarna sva
Namo Svakkhto Bhagavat Dhammo namo Dhamma satka ancca
Rpah kanto, Vedana kanto, Sa kanto,
Sakara kanto, Vina kanto
Namo Supatipanno Bhagavato Svakasgho namo Sagha
satka ancca antta,
Rpah kanto, Vedana kanto, Sa kanto, Sakara kanto, Vina
Namo Supatipanno Bhagavato Svakasgho
va aparta namo Buddhya ma ah oh tuka ancca antta
yvtassa hayo mona uh ah matuka ancca
antta uh ah mhwanta namo Buddhya na ktni sarana r
ma ah oh tuka ancca antta
Yotprakan Tripeedok is a mantra that
will not be found in most chanting manuals,
as it is generally chanted by monks or individuals who have
attained or are aiming for a very high spiritual status.
Yet I have observed considerable interest in this
very beautiful mantra. It was chanted for
King Bhumibhol on his 60
That is the only time I have ever heard this mantra
chanted, by nine of the top monks in Thailand
Kusala Dhamm, Akusala Dhamma
Apayjas Dhamm, Katame Dhamm
Kusala jasami samaye Dhamma
Vajar kusala jeta Buppana
Hoti-toh mana, Sata hata Sanya
Na Sampayoga, Rupa ramana
Vajatara mana, Vajanara mana
Vara sara mana, Vabuddha para mana
Vajamara mana, Weiya ya vapannara
Pattasmi samaye patohoti-avetiho hoti-evama
kasmi samaye anyeviatti-pati-kasamo-panna ardino
Dhamm imesamma kusala
Pacakhand, Rpakhando, Vedanakhando,
Sakhand, Sakarakhand, Vinakhand,
Tth gth moro pajant, ya kici rupa
attta nakta pachupna accata wa pahtta wa
larika wa sukama wa hina wa panita
wa ya treh wa santige wa tategcc
appissa heta wa, api sangkitt-heta wa
ayawjhatti rpah kant
Saghah Assaghah, Saghahittena Asaghahitta,
Asaghahittena Saghahitta, Saghahittena Saghahitta
Asaghahittena, Asaghahitta, Sampayg, Vippayg,
Sampayttena Vippaytta, Vippayttena,
Sampaytta Asaghahitta
Paytiy, Kana-payti,
Tato-payati, Saja-payati,
Insia-payati, Pokkala-payati,
Gita-wata Pokklna, Pokl-payti,
Sammay Vimtt, Asammay Vimtt,
Kppa Dhamm, Akppa Dhamm,
Parihanna Dhamm, Aparihanna Dhamm,
J etana-pap, Anrakkana-kap,
Buddh chann, Kotrap,
Pay-paratt, Apay-paratt,
Papa-kaman, Apapa-kaman, Niyt, Aniyt,
Niyt, Aniyt, Patipannat, Paletitt,
Araha Arahataya Patipann
Puggal palapati, saccigatha-puramatenati amanta,
Y saccigat paramat , tat s.
Puggal pparapati saccigatha-paramatenati,
na, hewa, wa ta peh accanahi, nithaha, hancci.
Puggal pparapati saccigatha-paramatena, tena.
Wa, ta reh, watapeh, y, saccigat, paramat, tat, so,
Puggal pparapati saccigatha-puramatenati, mica.
Ye getti kusala, Dhamma,
Sabbe, te, kusala-mla,
Ye wa, pana, kusala-mla,
Sabbe, te, Dhamma, kusala,
Ye getti kusala, Dhamma,
Sabbe, te, kusala mlena ekamla.
Ye, wa pana kusala-mlena, ekamla,
sabbe, te, Dhamma, kusala.
Hetu paccay, ramman paccay,
Adhipati paccay, Anantara paccay,
Samanantara paccay, Sahajta paccay
Aamaa paccay, Nissaya paccay,
Upanissaya paccay, Purejana paccay,
Paccjta paccay, sevana paccay,
Kamma paccay, Vipka paccay,
hra paccay, Indriya paccay,
Jhna paccay, Magga paccay,
Sampayutta paccay, Vipayuta paccay,
Atthi paccay, Ntthi paccay
Vigata paccay, Avigata paccay
These are the 7 verses that are recited by monks
at any funeral. These verses are usually recited in the evening for
3 days or more, or until the dead person is either cremated or buried.
All that is created will cease to be. Only our deeds follow us into the next life.
(For the living)
Acira vataya kayo
Pathavi adhisessati
Chuddo apetavinnano
Niratthava kaligara
(For the Dead)
Anicc vata sakara
Uppdavaya Dhammino
Uppajjitv nirujjahanti
Tesa vupasamo sukho
Sabbe satt maranti ca
Marisu ca marissare
Tathe vha marissmi
Ntthi-me ettha sasayo
Verses for Recitation while taking Pasukula Robes
For the Living
Not long alas and it will lie
This body here upon the earth!
Rejected, void of consciousness and
useless as a rotten log.
For the Dead
Conditions truly they are transient
with the nature to arise and cease
Having arisen then they pass away
Their calming cessation happiness
All kind of beings surely come to death
They have always died, will always die
In the same way, I will surely die
Doubt about this does not exist in me.
Yathpi sela vipul
Samant anupariyeyyu
Eva jar ca macca ca
Khattiye Brahmane vesse
Na kici parivajjeti
Na tattha hathna bhmi
Na cpi manta yuddhena
Tasm hi pandito poso
Buddhe, Dhamme ca Saghe ca
Yo Dhamm crikyena
Idheva na pasa santi
Nabha hacca pabbat
Nippothent catuddis
Adhivattanti pnino
Sudde candla pukkuse
Sabba mev bhimaddhati
Na ratana na pattiy
Sakk jetu dhanena v
Sampassa attha mattano
Diro saddha nivesaye
Vacya uda cetas
Pecca sagge panmodati
Verses on the Smile of the Mountains
As though vast rocky mountains, all around touching the sky,
should move across from the four directions, crushing.
Even so decay and death, roll over living beings.
Noble warriors, Brahmins, merchants, workers, outcasts
and scavengers no one can avoid it,
All indeed does it subdue. Here is no place for elephants, nor
chariots, nor infantry. Nor is it possible even by a war of spells,
or by wealth, to win. Therefore the wise man, having seen his own good
in the Buddha, Dhamm and Sagha, steadfast establishes confidence.
Whoever practices Dhamm with the body, with speech and mind as well,
that one indeed here they praise;
Hereafter he enjoys in heaven.
Yassa saddh tathgato
Acal supatitit
Silaca yassa kalyna
Ariya kanta pasa sita
Saghe pasada yassatthi
Uju Bhtaca dassana
Adaliddoti tam hu
Amo ghantassa jivita
Tasm saddhaca slaca
Pasda Dhamm dassana
Anujetha medhv
Sara Buddhna ssananti.
Verses on the Noble Wealth
Of one having confidence in the Tathagata
Unshakable and well established, whose virtue is excellent,
dear to Ariyas and praised by them,
who has faith in the Sagha
straightforwardness and understanding,
He is not poor, they say,
not for vain ends in his life
Therefore, confidence and virtue,
faith and insight into Dhamm
should be cultivated by a wise man bearing in mind
the Buddha sasana.
Eva me sutta eka samay Bhagav savatthiya viharati
antha pindikassa rame ttrakho Bhagav bikkhu amntesi
bhikkavo ti
bhadante ti te bikkhu Bhagavato paccassosu Bhagav etada
Uppadav bhikku tathgatana anuppad va tath gatana
thitv vas
dhtu Dhammt thitat Dhammniymata sabbe sakara
anicca ti ta tathgato
abhisambujjhati abhisameti abhisambhujjitv abhisametv
cikkhanti deseti
papeti vivarati vibhajati uttni karti sabbe sakara aniccti
Uppd va bhikkave tath gatana anuppad va tath
gatana thitv va sa
dhtu dhammt thitaya Dhammniymata sabbe sakara
dukkh ti ta tathgato
abhisam bhujjhati abhisameti abhisam bhujjitv abhisametv
cikkhanti deseti
papeti patthapeti vivarati vibhajati uttni karti sabbe
sakara aniccti
Uppdav pkkhave tath gatana anuppad va tath gatana
thitv va sa
dhtu dhammt thitat Dhammniymata sabbe dhamm
anatt ti ta
tathgato abhisam bhujjhati abhisameti abhisam bujjhitva
abhis metv
cikkhanti deseti papeti pattha peti vivarati vibhajati uttni
sabbe dhamm anatt ti idamavoca Bhagav attamana te
Bhagavato bhsita abhinandunti
Discourse on the fixed law of Dhamm
Thus I have heard
at one time the Exalted One was staying at Savatthi,
in Prince J etas grove, in the park of Anatha Pindika.
Then the Exalted One spoke thus to the bhikkhus:
Oh bhikkhus!. Those bhikkhus replied to the Exalted One, Lord
The Exalted One then said, Bhikkhus, whether there is the
appearance of Tathagata or there is not the appearance of the
Tathagata, there is the established condition of Dhamm, this fixed law of
Dhamm:- All that is conditioned is impermanent.
That Tathagata has fully awakened to, he fully understands.
So awakened and understanding, he announces it, points it out.
Declares, establishes, expounds, explains and clarifies [that]:
All that is conditioned is impermanent.
Bhikkhus, whether there is the appearance of Tathagata or there is
not the appearance of the Tathagata, There is the established condition
of Dhamm, This fixed law of Dhamm: All that is conditioned is dukkha.
That Tathagata has fully awakened to, he fully understands.
So awakened and understanding, he announces it, points it out.
Declares, establishes, expounds, explains and clarifies [that]:
All that is conditioned is dukkha.
Bhikkhus, whether there is the appearance of Tathagata or there is
not the appearance of the Tathagata, There is the established condition
of Dhamm, This fixed law of Dhamm: All Dhamms are not self.
That Tathagata has fully awakened to, he fully understands.
So awakened and understanding, he announces it, points it out.
Declares, establishes, expounds, explains and clarifies [that]:
All Dhamms are not self.
Thus spoke the Exalted One.
Delighted, those bhikkhus rejoiced in what the Exalted One has said.
Dhamm Sagha nimtak ptha
Dhamm aloykat Dhamm
Dhamm dukkhya vedanya
Adukkhame sukhya vedanya
Dhamm dhamm
Anupdinnu pdniy dhamm
Sagki litth sagki lesik dhamm
Asagki litth sagki lesik
Avitakka vicr matt dhamm
Pitisa hagat dhamm sukha
Sahagat dhamm
Bhavanaya pahtabb dhamm
Pahtabb dhamm
Dhamm bhvanya
Nevadassanena nabh vanya
caya gmino dhamm
Nevcaya gmino npacaya
Sekkh dhamm assekkh
Paritta dhamm mahggata
Paritta ramman dhamm
Appaman ramman dhamm
Dhamm panita Dhamm
Sammattaniyat dhamm
Magg ramman dhamm
Uppann dhamm
Uppa dhamm
Dhamm paccu pa dhamm
Angat ramman dhamm
Ajjhatt dhamm bahiddh
Kusal dhamm akusal
Sukhya vedanya sampayutt
Sampatutt Dhamm
Dhamm neva vipka navipka
Updinnu pdniy dhamm
Anupdinna nupdniy dhamm
Asagki litth sagki lesik
Savitakka savicr dhamm
Avitakka vicr dhamm
Sahagat dhamm upekkh
Dassanena pahtabb dhamm
Neva dassanena na bhvanya
Dassanena pahta bahetuk
Pahtabb hetuk dhamm
Pahtabb hetuk dhamm
Apacaya gmino dhamm
Gmino dhamm
Dhamm nevasekkha nsekkha
Dhamm appamn dhamm
Mahggata ramman dhamm
Hna Dhamm majjhim
Miccattaniyat dhamm
Aniyata dhamm
Magg dhipatano dhamm
Anuppa dhamm
Att dhamm Angat
Att ramman dhamm
Paccup pa ramman
Ajjhatt bahiddh ramman
Dhamm anidassana sappatigh
Dhamm ajjhatt bahiddh
Sanidassana sappatigh
Dhamm anidassana patigh
Passage on the Matrix of the Dhammsangni
Dhamms, wholesome, unwholesome, undetermined.
Dhamms associated with pleasant feeling, associated with unpleasant feeling.
Associated with neither pleasant or unpleasant feelings.
Dhamms which are [kama] resultants, subject to resultant dhamms,
which are neither resultant dhamms, nor subject to resultant dhamms.
Dhamms kammically acquired and subject to clinging.
Not kammically acquired, but subject to clinging.
Neither kammically acquired but subject to clinging.
Dhamms defiled and subject to defilements.
Undefiled but subject to defilements. Neither defiled nor subject to defilements.
Dhamms with thought conception and discursiveness.
Without thought conception but with discursiveness.
With neither thought conception, nor discursiveness.
Dhamms accompanied by joy, accompanied by happiness, accompanied by
Dhamms to be abandoned by insight, to be abandoned by [mental] development,
To be abandoned by neither insight nor by [mental] development.
Dhamms having roots to be abandoned by insight.
Having roots to be abandoned by mental development.
Having roots to be abandoned neither by insight nor by [mental] development.
Dhamms leading to accumulation of kama, leading to decrease,
leading neither to accumulation nor to decrease.
Dhamms of one in the [noble] training, of one who has completed the noble
Of one neither in the [noble training nor one who has completed the noble training.
Dhamms limited, exalted, immeasurable.
Dhamms having limited objects. Having exalted objects, having immeasurable
Dhamms inferior, medium, superior. Dhamms certain with wrong [result]
Certain with right [result], uncertain [as to result]
Dhamms with the path as object, with the path as root,
with the path as predominant factor. Dhamms that have arisen, that have not
That are bound to arise, Dhamms past, present and future.
Dhamms with a past object, with a future object, with a present object.
Dhamms internal, external. Internal and external.
Dhamms with internal objects, with external objects, with internal & external
Dhamms manifest and reactive, nonmanifest and reactive,
Nonmanifest and nonreactive.
Sabbe sakara anicc ti
Attha nibbindati dukkhe
Sabbe sakara dukkha ti
Attha nibbindati dukkhe
Sabbe sakara anatt ti
Attha nibbindati dukkhe
Appak te manussa sesu
Athya itar paj
Ye ca kho samma dakkhte
Te jan pra messanti
Kanha Dhamm vippahya
Ok anokamgama
Hitv kme akicano
Citta klesehi pandito
Samm citta subh vita
Anupdya ye rat
Te loke parinibut ti
Yad panya passati
Esa maggo vissudhiy
Yad panya passati
Esa maggo vissudhiy
Yad panya passati
Esa maggo vissudhiy
Ye jan paragmino
Tira me vno dhavti
Dhamme dhamm nuvattino
Maccu dheyya suduttara
Sukha bhvetta pandito
Tatr bhirati micchyya
Pariyo dapeyya attna
Yesa sambhodi yagesu
dna pati nissage
Khn sv jutimanto
The Verses on the 3 Characteristics and so on
Impermanence is all that is conditioned:
When with wisdom one sees this, then one tires of dukkha.
This is the path to purity.
Dukkha is all that is conditioned:
When with wisdom one sees this, then one tires of dukkha.;
This is the path to purity.
All the Dhamms are not ones self;
When with wisdom one sees this, then one tires of dukkha.
This is the path to purity.
Among men there are few who go to the further shore;
Most among mankind run about on this hither shore.
But in Dhamm well expounded, those who practice Dhamm,
They among men will go across deaths realm so difficult to escape.
Abandoning the Dhamms dark, the wise should cultivate the bright.
Having gone from home to homelessness, hard to enjoy is solitude.
Let him desire that rare delight. Renouncing pleasure,
owning naught, he should cleanse himself, that wise man
of defilements of the mind.
Who in true Bhodis qualities, the mind well grown, perfected,
Relinquishing in not clinging.
They, pollution free and radiant in this world attain nibbna.
Yadhave ptubhavanti Dhamm
tpino jhyato Brahmanassa
Athassa kakh vapayanti sabb
Yato pajanti sahetu Dhamm
Yadhave ptubhavanti Dhamm
tpino jhyato Brahmanassa
Athassa kakh vapayanti sabb
Yato khanya paccayna avedi
Yadhave ptubhavanti Dhamm
tpino jhyato Brahmanassa
Vidhpaya titthati Mra sena
Surova obhsayaman talikkhanti
The Buddha inspired Verses
When Dhamms do indeed become clear
to a Brahmin, ardent, contemplative,
his doubts all vanish, for then he knows that
each dhamm must have its cause.
When Dhamms do indeed become clear
to a Brahmin, ardent, contemplative,
his doubts all vanish, for then he knows that
each dhamm must have its cause.
When Dhamms do indeed become clear
to a Brahmin, ardent, contemplative,
Routing the hosts of Mara he stands
like the sun illuminating the sky.
Atta nnv gameyya
Yadattampa hna
Paccu paca yo Dhamm
Asahira asakuppa
Ajjeva kicca mtapa
Nahi no Sagha rantena
Eva vihri matapi
Ta ve bhadde karattoti
Nappati kakhe ana gata
Appattanca ana gata
Tattha tattha vipassati
Ta viddh manubrhaye
Kho ja marana suve
Mah senena maccun
Ahorattama tandita
Santo cikkhate mun ti
Verses on a well-spent Day
Let not a man trace back the past
or wander what the future holds;
The past is but the left behind,
the future yet unreached.
But in the present let him see
with insight each and every dhamm
invincibly and unshakably;
That can be pierced by practicing.
Today the effort must be made,
Tomorrow death may come; who knows?
No bargain with his deathliness
can keep him and his hordes away.
But one who bides thus ardently,
relentlessly, by day and by night,
him the tranquil sage has called
the ideal lover of solitude.
Paca khand
Vedana khando
Sakara khando
Dvdas yatanni
Sotya tanan saddyatana
Ghandaya tana
Kyaya tana
Manya tana Dhammya tana
Cakkhu dhtu rpadhtu
Sotadhtu saddhadhtu
Ghna dhtu Ghanda dhtu
J ivh dhtu rasadhtu
Kya dhtu phattabba dhtu
Mano dhtu dhamm dhtu
Bvsatin driyni
Ghanin driya jivim driya
Itthin driya purisin driya
Sukhin driya dukkhin driya
Upekkhin driya
Satin driya samdhin driya
Ana tassa mitin driya
Cattri ariya saccna
Dukkha samudayo ariya sacca
Dukkha nirodh gmini ariya sacca
Dukkha nirodh gmini patad
ariya sacca
Avijj paccay sakar
Vina na paccay nama rpa
Sala yata na paccay phasso
Vedana paccay tanha
Upadna paccay bhavo
J ati paccay jar marana sambhavanti
Evame tassa kevalssa dukkha
Avijj yatveva asesa virga
Sakara niroto vina niroto
Nama rpa niroto salya
Salya tana niroto phassa niroto
Rpa khando
Sa khando
Vina khando
Cakkhvyatana rpa yatana
Ghna y tana
J avhya tana rasya tana
Photthabbya tana
Atthrasa dhyuto
Cakkhuvina dhtu
Sotavina dhtu
Ghna vina dhtu
J ivh vina dhtu
Kya vina dhtu
Mano vina dhtu
Cakkhun driya sotin driya
Kayin driya manin driya
J ivitin driya
Somanassin driya domanassin driya
Saddhin driya viriyin driya
Pain driya
Ain driya a tavin driya
Dukkha ariya sacca
Dukkha niroto ariya sacca
Sakar paccay vina
Nma rupa paccay sala yatana
Phasse paccay vedana
Tanha paccay upadna
Bhava paccay jati
Soka parideva dukkha domanasu
Khandassa samudayo hoti
Nirota sakara niroto
Vina niroto nama rpa niroto
Tana niroto
Vedana rodh tanha niroto
Upadna rodh bhava niroto
J ati rodh jar marana
Evame tassa kevalssa
Niroto hoti
Phassa nirota vedana niroto
Tanha rodh upadna niroto
Bhava rodh jati niroto
Soka parideva dukkha domanasu
Passages on the Stages of Insight
The five groups:
The form group, the feeling group, the memory group,
the volitions group, the consciousness group.
The twelve spheres:
The eye sphere, the form sphere, the ear sphere, the sound sphere,
the nose sphere, the smell sphere, the tongue sphere, the taste sphere,
the body sphere, the touch sphere, the mind sphere, the dhamms sphere,
The eighteen elements:
The eye element, form element, eye-consciousness element, the ear element,
sound element, ear-consciousness element, the nose element, smell element,
nose-consciousness element, the tongue element, taste element,
tongue-consciousness element, the body element, touch element,
body-consciousness element, the mind element, Dhamm element,
mind-consciousness element
The twenty-two faculties:
The eye faculty, ear faculty, nose faculty, tongue faculty, body faculty, mind faculty,
Feminine faculty, masculine faculty, life faculty, bodily pleasure faculty,
bodily pain faculty, mental pleasure faculty, mental pain faculty, equanimity faculty,
confidence faculty, effort faculty, mindfulness faculty,
I am knowing the unknown faulty, knowing faculty, one who has fully known faculty.
The four noble truths:
The noble truth of dukkha, the noble truth of the causes of dukkha,
the noble truth of the practice path to the cessation of dukkha,
Unknowing conditioning volitions, volition conditioning consciousness,
Consciousness conditioning name form, name form conditioning 6 senses spheres,
6 sense spheres conditioning contact, contact conditioning feeling,
feeling conditioning craving, craving conditioning grasping,
grasping conditioning becoming, becoming conditioning birth,
birth conditioning decay and death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and
despair are produced.
Thus the arising of this whole mass of dukkha.
Through the entire ceasing of this unknowing volition ceases, volition ceasing,
consciousness ceases. consciousness ceasing, name form ceases.
name form ceasing, 6 sense spheres ceases
6 sense sphere ceasing, contact ceases
Contact ceasing, feeling ceases.
feeling ceasing, craving ceases
craving ceasing, grasping ceases
grasping ceasing. becoming ceases
becoming ceasing, birth ceases.
birth ceasing, decay and death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair cease.
Thus is the ceasing of this whole mass of dukkha.
Hetu paccayo
Adhipati paccayo
Samanantara paccayo
Aamaa paccayo
Upanissaya paccayo
Paccjta paccayo
Kamma paccayo
hra paccayo
Jhna paccayo
Sampayutta paccayo
Atthi paccayo
Vigata paccayo
ramman paccayo
Anantara paccayo
Sahajta paccayo
Nissaya paccayo
Purej paccayo
sevana paccayo
Vipka paccayo
Indriya paccayo
Magga paccayo
Vipayuta paccayo
Ntthi paccayo
Avigata paccayo
Passage on the Matrix of the Patthana
Root condition
Predominance condition
Contiguity condition
Mutuality condition
Decisive Support condition
Post-nascence condition
Karma condition
Nutriment condition
Concentration condition
Association condition
Absence condition
Non-disappearance condition
Object condition
Proximity condition
Co-nascence condition
Support condition
Pre-nascence condition
Frequency condition
Resultant condition
Faculty condition
Path condition
Presence condition
Disappearance condition