This document provides an abstract for a paper about architecture and morphogenesis. It discusses how computers now allow for mathematical modeling of biological forms and processes, enabling construction based on these models. The fundamental biological process is morphogenesis, the process by which an entity forms itself. The abstract notes that designers who draw from morphogenetic models have a wide range of approaches, from the phenomenological to the pragmatic to the empirical. It raises several questions about how morphogenetic techniques could influence architecture and concludes by considering current practitioners and outlining future strategies.
This document provides an abstract for a paper about architecture and morphogenesis. It discusses how computers now allow for mathematical modeling of biological forms and processes, enabling construction based on these models. The fundamental biological process is morphogenesis, the process by which an entity forms itself. The abstract notes that designers who draw from morphogenetic models have a wide range of approaches, from the phenomenological to the pragmatic to the empirical. It raises several questions about how morphogenetic techniques could influence architecture and concludes by considering current practitioners and outlining future strategies.
This document provides an abstract for a paper about architecture and morphogenesis. It discusses how computers now allow for mathematical modeling of biological forms and processes, enabling construction based on these models. The fundamental biological process is morphogenesis, the process by which an entity forms itself. The abstract notes that designers who draw from morphogenetic models have a wide range of approaches, from the phenomenological to the pragmatic to the empirical. It raises several questions about how morphogenetic techniques could influence architecture and concludes by considering current practitioners and outlining future strategies.
This document provides an abstract for a paper about architecture and morphogenesis. It discusses how computers now allow for mathematical modeling of biological forms and processes, enabling construction based on these models. The fundamental biological process is morphogenesis, the process by which an entity forms itself. The abstract notes that designers who draw from morphogenetic models have a wide range of approaches, from the phenomenological to the pragmatic to the empirical. It raises several questions about how morphogenetic techniques could influence architecture and concludes by considering current practitioners and outlining future strategies.
Andrew Paul Architecture has always been informed by biological forms and processes, but it was not until the twentieth century that computers allowed for both robust and speculative mathematical modelling of these processes. The parallel development of new building materials and techniques has ena- bled construction based upon these models. The fundamental biological process is that by which an entity forms itself: morphogenesis. Amongst designers who draw from morphogenetic models, there appears to be a wide cross-sec- tion of approach, including the phenomenological (Christopher Alexander), the pragmatic (Michael Hansmeyer) and the empirical (Patrik Schumacher). Ernst Haeckels axiom otogeny recapitulates phylogeny indicates the relevance of evolutionary theory to the current discussion. This theme gives rise to a number of questions: Can architecture be considered as a natural process? Is architecture analogous to life - or even a form of life? Do adequate tools exist to analyse or synthesise architecture from this perspective? Can existing architecture be replicated by morphogenetic techniques? Can morphogenetic processes create better architecture? Do these processes favour a particular scale, timescale or complexity? Besides addressing the questions above, this paper considers the methods of current practition- ers in relation to morphogenesis and evolutionary design. It offers an assessment of the relevance and practicality of this method and outlines possible future strategies. References Alexander, C. (1979). The timeless way of building. 1st ed. New York: Oxford University Press. Dollens, D. (2014). Alan Turings Drawings, Autopoiesis and Can Buildings Think?. MIT Press. Hansmeyer, M. (2009). Computational Architecture: Voxel Geometries. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Sep. 2014]. Jo, J. and Gero, J. (1998). Space layout planning using an evolutionary approach. Artifcial Intelligence in Engineering, 12(3), pp.149--162. Roudavski, S. (2009). Towards morphogenesis in architecture. International journal of architectural comput- ing, 7(3), pp.345--374. Schumacher, P. (2014). The Parametric City. [online] Available at: http://www.patriks- [Accessed 23 Sep. 2014].