Fudge RPG
Fudge RPG
Fudge RPG
Grey Ghost
Press, Inc.
Welcome to Fudge!
Welcome to Fudge, a fully customizable roleplaying game! If youre new to Fudge, please be sure to visit the following
Fudge sites online:
fudgerpg.com -- home of Grey Ghost Press, Inc., publisher of the core Fudge rules and other Fudge products.
fudge.phoenyx.net -- the Fudge Guide, hosted by the Phoenyx, an internet service that also hosts the Fudge mailing list.
fudgefactor.org -- the premier online Fudge magazine.
What is Fudge?
Fudge is a rules-light role-playing game, concentrating on role-playing rather than endless dice rolls and tables and similar
detailed game mechanics. It also uses words rather than numbers to describe character traits.
For example, a character might be a Great Swordsman rather than a 14th level fighter. Combined with simple action
resolution, Fudges descriptive nature makes ideal it for novice players. Fudge is also flexible enough to satisfy experienced
There are no artificial limits placed on character creation; any character the player can imagine can be described in Fudge
terms. (Of course, Fudge encourages players to consult with their game master when designing characters, since the GM has
final say over whether or not a character is acceptable in a given game.)
The basic Fudge rules contain no campaign world information (except for a few examples). But the games flexibility
allows it to be easily used with nearly any other role-playing games campaign world - and, of course, with game masters
own personal creations.
Whats This Document?
This is a copy of the 1995 printed version of the Fudge rules, now in .pdf format for viewing with Adobes Acrobat Reader.
All of the text in this document is available for use under the 1995 Fudge Legal Notice license (see page 2). Please note
that as of January, 2005 Grey Ghost Press is the point of contact for the commercial license for this version of Fudge.
The Fudge game has also been released for use under the Open Game License. See www.fudgerpg.com/publishers for
If you like what you see here, and would like to see more, please take a look at the Fudge 10th Anniversary hardcover book,
now available from many favorite local game stores!
Ann Dupuis
August 2, 2005
Freeform Universal Do-it-Yourself
Gaming Engine
A Role-Playing Game
by Steffan OSullivan
Editing and Typography by Ann Dupuis
Published by
Grey Ghost Games
PO Box 838
Randolph, MA 02368-0838
FUDGE and FUDGE-related materials are
available on the Internet at
FUDGE Freeform Universal Do-it-yourself
Gaming Engine
Copyright 1992-1995 Steffan OSullivan. All rights
reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any
form or by any electronic or mechanical means (includ-
ing without limitation photocopying, recording, or infor-
mation storage and retrieval), except under a limited,
royalty-free license as follows:
1. Copies of all or portions of FUDGE may be made for
your own use and for distribution to others, provided
that you do not charge any fee for such copies and fur-
ther provided that each copy contains this Legal Notice in
its entirety, whether distributed in print or electronically.
2. You may create derivative works such as additional
rules and game scenarios and supplements based on
FU D G E, provided that (i) such derivative works are for
your own use or for distribution without charge, or for
publication in a magazine or other periodical, and (ii)
you include at the beginning of each derivative work the
following ABOUT FUDGE and DISCLAIMER paragraphs
in their entirety:
FU D G E is a role-playing game written by Steffan
OSullivan, with extensive input from the Usenet commu-
nity of rec.games.design. The basic rules of FU D G E a r e
available on the internet via anonymous ftp at
oz.plymouth.edu, and in book form or on disk from Grey
Ghost Press, Inc., P.O. Box 838, Randolph, MA 02368.
They may be used with any gaming genre. While an indi-
vidual work derived from FU D G E may specify certain
attributes and skills, many more are possible with FUDGE.
Every Game Master using FUDGE is encouraged to add or
ignore any character traits. Anyone who wishes to distrib-
ute such material for free may do so merely include
this ABOUT FUDGE notice and disclaimer (complete with
FUDGE copyright notice). If you wish to charge a fee for
such material, other than as an article in a magazine or
other periodical, you must first obtain a royalty-free
license from the author of FUDGE, Steffan OSullivan, P.O.
Box 465, Plymouth, NH 03264.
You must include at the beginning of each derivative
work the following disclaimer, completed with your
name, in its entirety.
The following materials based on FUDGE, entitled
[your title], are created by [your name] and made avail-
able by [name], and are not authorized or endorsed in
any way by Steffan OSullivan or any publisher of other
FU D G E materials. Neither Steffan OSullivan or any pub-
lisher of other FUDGE material is in any way responsible
for the content of these materials. Original FUDGE materi-
als Copyright 1992-1995 Steffan OSullivan, All Rights
If you wish to distribute copies of all or portions of
FUDGE or derivative works based on FUDGE for a fee or
charge, other than in a magazine or other periodical, you
must first obtain written permission from:
Steffan OSullivan
P.O. Box 465
Plymouth, NH 03264
Legal Notice
About the Illustrations:
Cover graphics and design by Jeff Koke. (Thanks,
Jeff!) Copyright 1995 by Grey Ghost Press, Inc. All
rights reserved. Original FU D G E Blocks concept by
Dennis Harris.
The interior illustrations were scanned from clip art
books containing artwork from (primarily) the 19th
century. They may be legally photocopied and distrib-
uted as part of the FUDGE rules in accordance with the
above Legal Notice. The two clip art books used were:
The Cli p Art Book, A Compilation of More Tha n
5, 000 Il lustr a ti ons a nd Desi gns; Research and
Introduction by Gerard Quinn; 1990 Studio Editions;
published in 1993 by Crescent Books, New
York/Avenel, NJ.
MEN, A Pictorial Archive from Nineteenth-Century
S o u r c e s , selected by Jim Harter, 1980 by Dover
Publications, Inc., NY.
FUDGE is Copyright 1992-1995 by Steffan OSullivan. All rights reserved, except as granted under a limited, royalty-free license
presented in the Legal Notice above. First printing (FUDGE Limited Edition) by Wild Mule Games August, 1994. Second printing
by Grey Ghost Games August, 1995. Grey Ghost Games is an imprint of Grey Ghost Press, Inc. Inquiries may be sent to Grey
Ghost Press, Inc., P.O. Box 838, Randolph, MA 02368, or via electronic mail to ghostgames@aol.com.
ISBN 1-887154-00-0
Table of Contents
1 Character Creation.............................................5
1.1 Character Creation Terms ...............................5
1.2 FUDGE Trait Levels.........................................5
1.3 Character Traits................................................6
1.31 Attributes.................................................6
1.32 Skills ........................................................6
1.33 Gifts.........................................................7
1.34 Faults .......................................................8
1.35 Personality ..............................................8
1.36 Fudge Points ...........................................8
1.4 Allocating Traits...............................................9
1.5 Subjective Character Creation.......................10
1.6 Objective Character Creation........................11
1.61 Attributes...............................................11
1.62 Skills ......................................................12
1.63 Gifts & Faults ........................................14
1.64 Trading Traits........................................14
1.7 Uncommitted Traits.......................................14
1.8 Random Character Creation..........................14
1.9 Minimizing Abuse..........................................15
2 Supernormal Powers .......................................16
2.1 Supernormal Power Terms ...........................16
2.2 Powers at Character Creation .......................17
2.21 Powers Available ..................................17
2.22 Associated Skills ...................................18
2.23 Combat Powers.....................................18
2.3 Non-humans ..................................................18
2.31 Strength and Mass ................................18
2.32 Speed.....................................................19
2.33 Scale Correlations .................................20
2.34 Cost of Scale .........................................20
2.35 Racial Bonuses and Penalties...............21
2.4 Legendary Heroes .........................................22
2.5 Magic..............................................................22
2.6 Miracles ..........................................................23
2.7 Psi .................................................................24
2.8 Superpowers..................................................24
2.9 Cybernetic Enhancements.............................24
3 Action Resolution.............................................25
3.1 Action Resolution Terms...............................25
3.2 Rolling the Dice.............................................26
3.21 Reading the Dice ..................................26
3.22 Other Dice Techniques ........................27
3.23 Success Rates ........................................27
3.3 Action Modifiers ............................................28
3.4 Unopposed Actions .......................................28
3.5 Opposed Actions...........................................29
3.6 Critical Results ...............................................30
3.7 NPC Reactions ...............................................31
4 Combat, Wounds & Healing ............................32
4.1 Combat Terms ...............................................32
4.2 Melee Combat................................................32
4.21 Story Elements ......................................32
4.22 Simultaneous Combat Rounds .............33
4.23 Alternating Combat Turns ....................34
4.3 Melee Combat Options .................................35
4.31 Melee Modifiers ....................................35
4.32 Offensive/Defensive Tactics ................35
4.33 PCs vs. NPCs.........................................36
4.34 Multiple Combatants in Melee .............36
4.35 Hit Location ..........................................37
4.36 Fancy Stuff ............................................38
4.4 Ranged Combat .............................................39
4.5 Wounds..........................................................41
4.51 Wound Levels .......................................41
4.52 Damage Capacity..................................42
4.53 Wound Factors......................................43
4.54 Sample Wound Factors List..................44
4.55 Determining Wound Level ...................45
4.56 Grazing..................................................47
4.57 Recording Wounds ...............................47
4.58 Non-human Scale in Combat ...............49
4.6 Wound Options .............................................51
4.61 Damage Die Roll ..................................51
4.62 Stun, Knockout, and Pulling Punches .52
4.63 Min-Mid-Max Die Roll ..........................52
4.64 PC Death...............................................54
4.65 Technological Levels as Scale..............55
4.7 Combat and Wounding Example .................55
4.8 Healing...........................................................57
5 Character Development ...................................58
5.1 Subjective Character Development ..............58
5.2 Objective Character Development ...............58
5.3 Development through Training....................59
6 Tips and Examples ...........................................60
6.1 GM Tips and Conversion..............................60
6.11 Conversion Hints ..................................60
6.12 Templates..............................................61
6.2 Character Sheet Example ..............................61
6.3 Character Examples.......................................61
6.31 Fantasy Characters................................62
6.32 Historical Characters.............................64
6.33 Modern Characters ...............................68
6.34 Science Fiction Characters ...................70
6.35 Miscellaneous Characters .....................71
6.4 Class and Racial Template Examples ...........74
6.5 Animal & Creature Examples........................78
6.6 Equipment Examples ....................................80
7 The Addenda.....................................................82
7.1 Fudge Magic ..................................................82
7.2 Fudge Miracles...............................................90
7.3 Fudge Psi .......................................................92
7.4 Alternate Rules...............................................97
The author would like to thank Andy Skinner for quality
input above and beyond anyone elses. Andys contribu-
tions over the years have been both major and profound.
Other valued contributors include Reimer Behrends,
Martin Bergendahl, Peter Bonney, Thomas Brettinger,
Robert Bridson, Travis Casey, Paul Jason Clegg, Peter F.
Delaney, Jay Doane, Ann Dupuis, Paul Dupuis, Brian
Edmonds, Shawn Garbett, Ed Heil, Richard Hough,
Bernard Hsiung, John H. Kim, Pete Lindsay, Bruce
Onder, Christian Otkjaer, Bill Seurer, Larry Smith, Stephan
Szabo, John Troyer, Corran Webster, and others on
rec.games.design on the Internet.
I would also like to thank, most warmly, Ann Dupuis
of Grey Ghost Press for her strong support of FUDGE over
the years. Not only has she urged me forward with the
work when I got lazy, published FUDGE, promoted it, had
FUDGE dice made, and paid my way to many conventions,
shes managed to remain a good friend during this time.
If youve ever tried to push a lazy, stubborn person into
doing what they should be doing, youll know this is a
difficult and usually thankless task. Id like to break
precedent and actually thank her for it.
Groo the Wanderer is a trademark of Sergio
Aragones, and use of the name in this product does not
challenge the trademark status in any way.
About the Author
Steffan OSullivan is the author of GURPS Bestiary,
GURPS Swashbucklers, GURPS Fantasy Bestiary and
GURPS Bunnies & Burrows. He lives in New Hampshire,
U.S.A., and has wide-ranging interests. He has formally
studied history, pre-med, theater and transpersonal psy-
chology. (GURPS