Fudge RPG

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Publishers of Fudge, the Deryni Adventure Game,

and other Grey Ghost

Grey Ghost
Press, Inc.
Welcome to Fudge!
Welcome to Fudge, a fully customizable roleplaying game! If youre new to Fudge, please be sure to visit the following
Fudge sites online:
fudgerpg.com -- home of Grey Ghost Press, Inc., publisher of the core Fudge rules and other Fudge products.
fudge.phoenyx.net -- the Fudge Guide, hosted by the Phoenyx, an internet service that also hosts the Fudge mailing list.
fudgefactor.org -- the premier online Fudge magazine.
What is Fudge?
Fudge is a rules-light role-playing game, concentrating on role-playing rather than endless dice rolls and tables and similar
detailed game mechanics. It also uses words rather than numbers to describe character traits.
For example, a character might be a Great Swordsman rather than a 14th level fighter. Combined with simple action
resolution, Fudges descriptive nature makes ideal it for novice players. Fudge is also flexible enough to satisfy experienced
There are no artificial limits placed on character creation; any character the player can imagine can be described in Fudge
terms. (Of course, Fudge encourages players to consult with their game master when designing characters, since the GM has
final say over whether or not a character is acceptable in a given game.)
The basic Fudge rules contain no campaign world information (except for a few examples). But the games flexibility
allows it to be easily used with nearly any other role-playing games campaign world - and, of course, with game masters
own personal creations.
Whats This Document?
This is a copy of the 1995 printed version of the Fudge rules, now in .pdf format for viewing with Adobes Acrobat Reader.
All of the text in this document is available for use under the 1995 Fudge Legal Notice license (see page 2). Please note
that as of January, 2005 Grey Ghost Press is the point of contact for the commercial license for this version of Fudge.
The Fudge game has also been released for use under the Open Game License. See www.fudgerpg.com/publishers for
If you like what you see here, and would like to see more, please take a look at the Fudge 10th Anniversary hardcover book,
now available from many favorite local game stores!
Ann Dupuis
August 2, 2005
Freeform Universal Do-it-Yourself
Gaming Engine
A Role-Playing Game
by Steffan OSullivan
Editing and Typography by Ann Dupuis
Published by
Grey Ghost Games
PO Box 838
Randolph, MA 02368-0838
FUDGE and FUDGE-related materials are
available on the Internet at
FUDGE Freeform Universal Do-it-yourself
Gaming Engine
Copyright 1992-1995 Steffan OSullivan. All rights
reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any
form or by any electronic or mechanical means (includ-
ing without limitation photocopying, recording, or infor-
mation storage and retrieval), except under a limited,
royalty-free license as follows:
1. Copies of all or portions of FUDGE may be made for
your own use and for distribution to others, provided
that you do not charge any fee for such copies and fur-
ther provided that each copy contains this Legal Notice in
its entirety, whether distributed in print or electronically.
2. You may create derivative works such as additional
rules and game scenarios and supplements based on
FU D G E, provided that (i) such derivative works are for
your own use or for distribution without charge, or for
publication in a magazine or other periodical, and (ii)
you include at the beginning of each derivative work the
following ABOUT FUDGE and DISCLAIMER paragraphs
in their entirety:
FU D G E is a role-playing game written by Steffan
OSullivan, with extensive input from the Usenet commu-
nity of rec.games.design. The basic rules of FU D G E a r e
available on the internet via anonymous ftp at
oz.plymouth.edu, and in book form or on disk from Grey
Ghost Press, Inc., P.O. Box 838, Randolph, MA 02368.
They may be used with any gaming genre. While an indi-
vidual work derived from FU D G E may specify certain
attributes and skills, many more are possible with FUDGE.
Every Game Master using FUDGE is encouraged to add or
ignore any character traits. Anyone who wishes to distrib-
ute such material for free may do so merely include
this ABOUT FUDGE notice and disclaimer (complete with
FUDGE copyright notice). If you wish to charge a fee for
such material, other than as an article in a magazine or
other periodical, you must first obtain a royalty-free
license from the author of FUDGE, Steffan OSullivan, P.O.
Box 465, Plymouth, NH 03264.
You must include at the beginning of each derivative
work the following disclaimer, completed with your
name, in its entirety.
The following materials based on FUDGE, entitled
[your title], are created by [your name] and made avail-
able by [name], and are not authorized or endorsed in
any way by Steffan OSullivan or any publisher of other
FU D G E materials. Neither Steffan OSullivan or any pub-
lisher of other FUDGE material is in any way responsible
for the content of these materials. Original FUDGE materi-
als Copyright 1992-1995 Steffan OSullivan, All Rights
If you wish to distribute copies of all or portions of
FUDGE or derivative works based on FUDGE for a fee or
charge, other than in a magazine or other periodical, you
must first obtain written permission from:
Steffan OSullivan
P.O. Box 465
Plymouth, NH 03264
Legal Notice
About the Illustrations:
Cover graphics and design by Jeff Koke. (Thanks,
Jeff!) Copyright 1995 by Grey Ghost Press, Inc. All
rights reserved. Original FU D G E Blocks concept by
Dennis Harris.
The interior illustrations were scanned from clip art
books containing artwork from (primarily) the 19th
century. They may be legally photocopied and distrib-
uted as part of the FUDGE rules in accordance with the
above Legal Notice. The two clip art books used were:
The Cli p Art Book, A Compilation of More Tha n
5, 000 Il lustr a ti ons a nd Desi gns; Research and
Introduction by Gerard Quinn; 1990 Studio Editions;
published in 1993 by Crescent Books, New
York/Avenel, NJ.
MEN, A Pictorial Archive from Nineteenth-Century
S o u r c e s , selected by Jim Harter, 1980 by Dover
Publications, Inc., NY.
FUDGE is Copyright 1992-1995 by Steffan OSullivan. All rights reserved, except as granted under a limited, royalty-free license
presented in the Legal Notice above. First printing (FUDGE Limited Edition) by Wild Mule Games August, 1994. Second printing
by Grey Ghost Games August, 1995. Grey Ghost Games is an imprint of Grey Ghost Press, Inc. Inquiries may be sent to Grey
Ghost Press, Inc., P.O. Box 838, Randolph, MA 02368, or via electronic mail to ghostgames@aol.com.
ISBN 1-887154-00-0
Table of Contents
1 Character Creation.............................................5
1.1 Character Creation Terms ...............................5
1.2 FUDGE Trait Levels.........................................5
1.3 Character Traits................................................6
1.31 Attributes.................................................6
1.32 Skills ........................................................6
1.33 Gifts.........................................................7
1.34 Faults .......................................................8
1.35 Personality ..............................................8
1.36 Fudge Points ...........................................8
1.4 Allocating Traits...............................................9
1.5 Subjective Character Creation.......................10
1.6 Objective Character Creation........................11
1.61 Attributes...............................................11
1.62 Skills ......................................................12
1.63 Gifts & Faults ........................................14
1.64 Trading Traits........................................14
1.7 Uncommitted Traits.......................................14
1.8 Random Character Creation..........................14
1.9 Minimizing Abuse..........................................15
2 Supernormal Powers .......................................16
2.1 Supernormal Power Terms ...........................16
2.2 Powers at Character Creation .......................17
2.21 Powers Available ..................................17
2.22 Associated Skills ...................................18
2.23 Combat Powers.....................................18
2.3 Non-humans ..................................................18
2.31 Strength and Mass ................................18
2.32 Speed.....................................................19
2.33 Scale Correlations .................................20
2.34 Cost of Scale .........................................20
2.35 Racial Bonuses and Penalties...............21
2.4 Legendary Heroes .........................................22
2.5 Magic..............................................................22
2.6 Miracles ..........................................................23
2.7 Psi .................................................................24
2.8 Superpowers..................................................24
2.9 Cybernetic Enhancements.............................24
3 Action Resolution.............................................25
3.1 Action Resolution Terms...............................25
3.2 Rolling the Dice.............................................26
3.21 Reading the Dice ..................................26
3.22 Other Dice Techniques ........................27
3.23 Success Rates ........................................27
3.3 Action Modifiers ............................................28
3.4 Unopposed Actions .......................................28
3.5 Opposed Actions...........................................29
3.6 Critical Results ...............................................30
3.7 NPC Reactions ...............................................31
4 Combat, Wounds & Healing ............................32
4.1 Combat Terms ...............................................32
4.2 Melee Combat................................................32
4.21 Story Elements ......................................32
4.22 Simultaneous Combat Rounds .............33
4.23 Alternating Combat Turns ....................34
4.3 Melee Combat Options .................................35
4.31 Melee Modifiers ....................................35
4.32 Offensive/Defensive Tactics ................35
4.33 PCs vs. NPCs.........................................36
4.34 Multiple Combatants in Melee .............36
4.35 Hit Location ..........................................37
4.36 Fancy Stuff ............................................38
4.4 Ranged Combat .............................................39
4.5 Wounds..........................................................41
4.51 Wound Levels .......................................41
4.52 Damage Capacity..................................42
4.53 Wound Factors......................................43
4.54 Sample Wound Factors List..................44
4.55 Determining Wound Level ...................45
4.56 Grazing..................................................47
4.57 Recording Wounds ...............................47
4.58 Non-human Scale in Combat ...............49
4.6 Wound Options .............................................51
4.61 Damage Die Roll ..................................51
4.62 Stun, Knockout, and Pulling Punches .52
4.63 Min-Mid-Max Die Roll ..........................52
4.64 PC Death...............................................54
4.65 Technological Levels as Scale..............55
4.7 Combat and Wounding Example .................55
4.8 Healing...........................................................57
5 Character Development ...................................58
5.1 Subjective Character Development ..............58
5.2 Objective Character Development ...............58
5.3 Development through Training....................59
6 Tips and Examples ...........................................60
6.1 GM Tips and Conversion..............................60
6.11 Conversion Hints ..................................60
6.12 Templates..............................................61
6.2 Character Sheet Example ..............................61
6.3 Character Examples.......................................61
6.31 Fantasy Characters................................62
6.32 Historical Characters.............................64
6.33 Modern Characters ...............................68
6.34 Science Fiction Characters ...................70
6.35 Miscellaneous Characters .....................71
6.4 Class and Racial Template Examples ...........74
6.5 Animal & Creature Examples........................78
6.6 Equipment Examples ....................................80
7 The Addenda.....................................................82
7.1 Fudge Magic ..................................................82
7.2 Fudge Miracles...............................................90
7.3 Fudge Psi .......................................................92
7.4 Alternate Rules...............................................97
The author would like to thank Andy Skinner for quality
input above and beyond anyone elses. Andys contribu-
tions over the years have been both major and profound.
Other valued contributors include Reimer Behrends,
Martin Bergendahl, Peter Bonney, Thomas Brettinger,
Robert Bridson, Travis Casey, Paul Jason Clegg, Peter F.
Delaney, Jay Doane, Ann Dupuis, Paul Dupuis, Brian
Edmonds, Shawn Garbett, Ed Heil, Richard Hough,
Bernard Hsiung, John H. Kim, Pete Lindsay, Bruce
Onder, Christian Otkjaer, Bill Seurer, Larry Smith, Stephan
Szabo, John Troyer, Corran Webster, and others on
rec.games.design on the Internet.
I would also like to thank, most warmly, Ann Dupuis
of Grey Ghost Press for her strong support of FUDGE over
the years. Not only has she urged me forward with the
work when I got lazy, published FUDGE, promoted it, had
FUDGE dice made, and paid my way to many conventions,
shes managed to remain a good friend during this time.
If youve ever tried to push a lazy, stubborn person into
doing what they should be doing, youll know this is a
difficult and usually thankless task. Id like to break
precedent and actually thank her for it.
Groo the Wanderer is a trademark of Sergio
Aragones, and use of the name in this product does not
challenge the trademark status in any way.
About the Author
Steffan OSullivan is the author of GURPS Bestiary,
GURPS Swashbucklers, GURPS Fantasy Bestiary and
GURPS Bunnies & Burrows. He lives in New Hampshire,
U.S.A., and has wide-ranging interests. He has formally
studied history, pre-med, theater and transpersonal psy-
chology. (GURPS

is a registered trademark of Steve

Jackson Games.)
Table of Contents
To avoid confusion, he, him, etc., are used to
describe a player and PC, and she, her, etc., are used
to describe a Game Master and NPC.
FUDGE is divided into six Chapters plus the Addenda,
each of which is divided into Sections. The decimal
point in Section numbers is a true decimal. For example,
Section 1.35 comes between Section 1.3 and Section 1.4.
This chapter contains all the information youll need to
create human characters, including character traits and
trait levels, and some different ways to allocate them.
For non-human characters or characters with super-
normal abilities (magic, psionics, super powers, etc.)
you will also need to read Chapter 2, S u p e r n o r m a l
Powers, before your characters will be complete.
1.2 FUDGE Trait Levels
FUDGE uses ordinary words to describe various traits of
a character. The following terms of a seven-level
sequence are suggested (from best to worst):
These levels should be written on each character sheet
for easy reference.
A GM may alter this list in any way she desires, includ-
ing expanding or shrinking it. For example, if Superb
doesnt sound right to you, use Awesome or even
Way Cool. If the words Mediocre and Fair dont make
sense to you, change them. These seven terms will be
used in the rules, however, for clarity.
To remember the order, compare adjacent words. If, as
a beginner, your eventual goal is to become an excellent
game player, for example, ask yourself if youd rather be
called a Fair game player or a Mediocre game player.
There is an additional level that can be used in FUDGE,
but is not listed above: Legendary, which is beyond
Superb. Those with Legendary Strength, for example, are
in the 99.9th percentile, and their names can be found in
any book of world records.
Impor t ant Not e: not every GM will allow PCs to
become Legendary. Even in games that do include the
Legendary level, it is not recommended that any character
be allowed to start the game as Legendary. Superb repre-
sents the 98th to 99.9th percentile of any given trait,
which should be enough for any beginning PC. Of
course, if a player character gets a bit overconfident,
meeting an NPC Legendary swordswoman can be a
grounding experience
Chapter 1: Character Creation
1.1 Character Creation Terms
Trait: anything that describes a character. A trait can be an
attribute, skill, inherited gift, fault, supernormal power,
or any other feature that describes a character. The GM
is the ultimate authority on what is an attribute and
what is a skill, gift, etc.
Level: most traits are described by one of seven adjec-
tives. These seven descriptive words represent levels a
trait may be at. In addition, the Objective Character
Creation method grants the player free levels, and
demands he keep track of them. In this case, one level
is required to raise a trait to the next better adjective.
Attribute: any trait that everyone in the game world has,
in some degree or other. See Section 1.31, Attributes,
for a sample list of attributes. On a scale of Terrible ...
Fair ... Superb, the average human will have an attribute
at Fair.
Skill: any trait that isnt an attribute, but can be improved
through practice. The default for an unlisted skill is usu-
ally Poor, though that can vary up or down a little.
Gift: any trait that isnt an attribute or skill, but is some-
thing positive for the character. Some GMs will define a
certain trait as a gift, while others will define the same
trait as an attribute. In general, if the trait doesnt easily
fit the Terrible ... Fair ... Superb scale, its probably a gift.
Fault: any trait that limits a characters actions, or earns
him a bad reaction from other people.
Supernormal Power: although technically gifts, supernor-
mal powers are treated separately in Chapter 2.
If someone really has to begin play as a Legendary
swordsman, strong man, etc., doing the GMs laundry for
half a year or so (in advance) should be sufficient bribe
to be allowed to start at that level. Of course, working
towards Legendary makes a great campaign goal, and so
PCs may rise to that height, given enough playing time
and a generous GM.
1.3 Character Traits
Traits are divided into Attributes, Skills, Gifts, Faults
and Supernormal Powers. Not every GM will have all five
types of traits in her game. These traits are defined in
Section 1.1, Character Creation Terms.
1.31 Attributes
Gamers often disagree on how many attributes a game
should have. Some prefer few attributes, others many.
Even those that agree on the number of attributes may
disagree on the selection. While FU D G E discusses some
attributes (Strength, Fatigue, Constitution, etc.) in later
sections, none of these are mandatory. The only attribute
the basic FU D G E rules assume is Damage Capacity, and
even that is optional see Sect i on 4.52, D a m a g e
Here is a partial list of attributes in use by other games;
select to your taste, or skip these altogether:
Body: Agility, Aim, Appearance, Balance, Brawn, Build,
Constitution, Coordination, Deftness, Dexterity,
Endurance, Fatigue, Fitness, Health, Hit Points, Manual
Dexterity, Muscle, Nimbleness, Quickness, Physical,
Reflexes, Size, Smell, Speed, Stamina, Strength, Wound
Resistance, Zip, and so on.
Mind: Cunning, Education, Intelligence, Knowledge,
Learning, Mechanical, Memory, Mental, Mental Strength,
Perception, Reasoning, Smarts, Technical, Wit, and so on.
S oul : Channeling, Charisma, Charm, Chutzpah,
Common Sense, Coolness, Disposition, Drive, Ego,
Empathy, Fate, Honor, Intuition, Luck, Magic Resistance,
Magic Potential, Magical Ability, Power, Presence, Psyche,
Sanity, Self Discipline, Social, Spiritual, Style, Will,
Wisdom, and so on, and so on.
Other: Rank, Status, Wealth.
Most games combine many of these attributes, while
others treat some of them as gifts or even skills. In
FU D G E, if you wish, you can even split these attributes
into smaller ones: Lifting Strength, Carrying Strength,
Damage-dealing Strength, etc.
At this point, the GM decides how many attributes she
deems necessary or she might leave it up to each
player. (Commercial games range from one or two to
over 20.) See Section 6.3, Char a cte r Exa mples, f o r
some possibilities.
1.32 Skills
Skills are not related to attributes or their levels in
FUDGE. Players are encouraged to design their characters
logically a character with a lot of Good physical skills
should probably have better than average physical attrib-
utes, for example. On the other hand, FU D G E allows a
player to create someone like Groo the Wanderer
, who
is very clumsy yet extremely skilled with his swords.
The GM should then decide what level of skill depth
she wants. Are skills broad categories such as Social
skills, or moderately broad abilities, such as Inspire
People, Parley, and Market Savvy, or are they specific
abilities such as Barter, Seduce, Repartee, Persuade, Fast-
Talk, Bully, Grovel, Carouse, Flatter, Bribe, etc.?
An attribute is, in some ways, a very broad skill group,
and skills may be ignored altogether if desired.
Combat skills require special consideration. The broad-
est possible category is simply that: Combat Skills. A
broad range breaks that down to Melee Weapons,
Unarmed Combat, and Missile Weapons. A somewhat
narrower approach would break down Melee Weapons
into Close Combat Melee Weapons (knives, blackjacks,
Character Creation
GROO is a trademark of Sergio Aragons. If you dont know
Groo, go to a comic book store and check him out!
etc.), One-handed Melee Weapons (one-handed swords,
axes, maces, etc.) and Two-handed Melee Weapons
(polearms, spears, battle-axes, two-handed swords, etc.).
Or, for a precise list of skills, each group in parentheses
could be listed as a separate skill; a character skilled at
using a broadsword knows nothing about using a saber,
for example.
Each choice has its merits. Broad skill groups that
include many sub-skills make for an easy character sheet
and fairly competent characters, while specific skills
allow fine-tuning a character to a precise degree.
See Section 6.3, Character Examples, for an idea of
how broadly or finely skills can be defined in a game.
Sample Skill Lists
See page 102 for a brief list of skill examples. The list is
not in any way intended to be comprehensive or official.
It is merely to help those not used to skill-based systems
think of some skills for their characters. By all means,
change the names, create new ones, compress or expand
those listed, disallow some, etc. It is useful to print (or
photocopy) a sample skill list on a separate sheet for
each player during character creation.
1.33 Gifts
A gift is a positive trait that doesnt seem to fit the
Terrible ... Fair ... Superb scale that attributes and skills
fall into. However, this will vary from GM to GM: a pho-
tographic memory is a gift to one GM, while it is a
Superb Memory attribute to another. Some GMs will
define Charisma as an attribute, while others define it as
a gift. To one Game Master, a character either has Night
Vision or he doesnt; another will allow characters to take
different levels of it. A Game Master may not even have
gifts in her game at all.
Alternatively, gifts can come in levels, but the levels
dont necessarily coincide with the levels used by other
traits. For example, Status might be three- or four-tiered,
or even nine-tiered instead of fitting into the seven levels
of attributes and skills. Wealth might come only in five
different levels whatever each GM desires.
Supernormal powers, such as the ability to cast magic
spells, fly, read minds, etc., are technically powerful gifts,
but are handled separately in Chapter 2. Likewise, traits
above the human norm, such as a super strong fantasy or
alien race, are treated by definition as supernormal pow-
In general, if a gift isnt written on the character sheet,
the character doesnt have it.
Some possible gifts include:
Absolute Direction; Always keeps his cool;
Ambidextrous; Animal Empathy; Attractive; Beautiful
speaking voice; Bonus to one aspect of an attribute;
Combat Reflexes; Contacts in police force; Danger Sense;
Extraordinary Speed; Healthy Constitution; Keen senses;
Literate; Lucky; Many people owe him favors; Never dis-
oriented in zero Gravity; Never forgets a name/face/what-
ever; Night Vision; Patron; Perfect Timing; Peripheral
Vision; Quick Reflexes; Rank; Rapid Healing; Reputation
as Hero; Scale; Sense of empathy; Single-minded +1 to
any lengthy task; Status; Strong Will; Tolerant; Tough
Hide (1 to damage) Wealth; etc.
See also Section 6.3, Character Examples, for exam-
ples of different gifts. Many others are possible.
Character Creation
Riding Horses
Riding Riding Camels
Riding Elephants
Driving Oxen
Animal Skills Driving Driving Mules & Horses
Driving Dogs
Care Feeding
Breeding First Aid
Veterinary Diagnosis
Examples of Skill Depth
1.34 Faults
Faults are anything that makes life more difficult for a
character. The primary faults are those that restrict a char-
acters actions or earn him a bad reaction from chance-
met NPCs. Various attitudes, neuroses and phobias are
faults; so are physical disabilities and social stigmas.
There are heroic faults, too: a code of honor and inability
to tell a lie restrict your actions significantly, but are not
signs of flawed personality.
Some sample faults:
Absent-Minded; Addiction; Ambitious; Amorous heart-
breaker; Bloodlust; Blunt and tactless; Bravery indistin-
guishable from foolhardiness; Cant resist having the last
word; Code of Ethics limits actions; Code of Honor;
Compulsive Behavior; Coward; Curious; Finicky; Easily
Distractible; Enemy; Fanatic patriot; Full of bluff and blus-
ter and machismo; Garrulous; Getting old; Glutton; Goes
Berserk if Wounded; Gossip; Greedy; Gullible;
Humanitarian (helps the needy for no pay); Idealist
not grounded in reality; Indecisive; Intolerant; Jealous of
Anyone Getting More Attention; Lazy; Loyal to
Companions; Manic-Depressive; Melancholy; Multiple
Personality; Must obey senior officers; Nosy; Obsession;
Outlaw; Overconfident; Owes favors; Phobias; Poor;
Practical Joker; Quick-Tempered; Quixotic; Self-defense
Pacifist; Socially awkward; Soft-hearted; Stubborn; Quick
to take offense; Unlucky; Vain; Violent when enraged;
Vow; Worry Wart; Zealous behavior; etc.
See also Section 6.3, Character Examples, for exam-
ples of different faults. Many others are possible.
1.35 Personality
A characters personality may be represented by one or
more traits, or it can be written out as character back-
ground or description.
As an example of the first case, courage is an attribute,
a gift or even a fault. As an attribute, Superb Courage or
Terrible Courage has an obvious meaning. As a gift, obvi-
ous bravery gives the character a positive reaction from
people he meets (assuming they see him being coura-
geous, or have heard of his deeds, of course).
However, both Very Courageous and Very Cowardly
can be faults because they can limit a characters actions.
A courageous character might not run away from a fight
even if it were in his best interest, while a cowardly one
would have a hard time staying in a fight even if he
stood to gain by staying.
Or a characters level of courage might not be a quanti-
fied trait at all, but something the player simply decides.
Moose is very brave, a player jots down, and that is
that. It doesnt have to count as a high attribute, gift or
A player should ask the GM how she wants to handle
specific personality traits. If the player describes his char-
acter in detail, the GM can easily decide which personali-
ty traits are attributes, gifts, or faults. However they are
handled, most characters benefit by having their person-
alities fleshed out.
1.36 Fudge Points
Fudge Points are meta-game gifts that may be used to
buy luck during a game they let the players fudge a
game result. These are meta-game gifts because they
operate at the player-GM level, not character-character
level. Not every GM will allow Fudge Points those
who prefer realistic games should probably not use them.
The GM sets the starting number of Fudge Points. The
recommended range is from one to five. Unused Fudge
Points are saved up for the next gaming session. Each
player may get an additional number each gaming ses-
sion. (This is also set by the GM, and may or may not
equal the starting level.) Alternately, the GM may simply
allow Experience Points (EP) to be traded for Fudge
Points at a rate appropriate for the campaign: 3 EP = 1
Fudge Point, down to 1 EP = Fudge Point.
Fudge Points can be used in many ways, depending on
what level on the realistic-legendary scale the game is
played at. Here are some suggested ways to use them
the GM can create her own uses, of course. A GM may
allow as few or many of these options as she wishes
the players should ask her before assuming they can do
something with Fudge Points.
Character Creation
1) Spending a Fudge Point may accomplish an
Unopposed action automatically and with panache
good for impressing members of the appropriate sex, and
possibly avoiding injury in the case of dangerous actions.
The GM may veto this use of Fudge Points for actions with
a Difficulty Level of Beyond Superb. The GM may disallow
this option for an Opposed action, such as combat.
2) A player may spend one Fudge Point to alter a die
roll one level, up or down as desired. The die roll can be
either one the player makes, or one the GM makes that
directly concerns the players character.
3) A player may spend one Fudge Point to declare that
wounds arent as bad as they first looked. This reduces
the intensity of each wound by one or two levels (a Hurt
result becomes a Scratch, for example, or even a Very
Hurt becomes a Scratch). Or it can mean that any one
wound (or more), regardless of level, is just a Scratch.
This latter option may cost more than one Fudge point.
The GM can restrict this to outside of combat time.
4) A player may spend one (or more) Fudge Points to
get an automatic +4 result, without having to roll the
dice. This use is available in Opposed actions, if allowed.
5) For appropriately legendary games, a GM-set num-
ber of Fudge Points can be spent to ensure a favorable
coincidence. (This is always subject to GM veto, of
course.) For example, if the PCs are in a maximum secu-
rity prison, perhaps one of the guards turns out to be the
cousin of one of the PCs and lets them escape! Or the
captain of the fishing boat rescuing the PCs turns out to
be someone who owes a favor to one of them, and is
willing to take them out of his way to help them out
And so on. This option should cost a lot of Fudge Points,
except in certain genres where bizarre coincidences are
the norm.
1.4 Allocating Traits
Character creation in FU D G E assumes the players will
design their characters, rather than leaving attributes and
other traits to chance. The GM may allow randomly
determined traits if she desires a suggested method is
given in Section 1.8, Random Character Creation.
There are no mandatory traits in FUDGE. The GM should
inform the players which traits she expects to be most
important, and the players may suggest others to the GM
for her approval. The GM may even make a template, if
desired a collection of traits she deems important
(with room for customization) and let the players
define the level of each trait. S ee Sect i on 6. 12,
When a character is created, the player should define
as many character traits as he finds necessary which
may or may not coincide with a GM-determined list. If a
player adds an attribute the GM deems unnecessary, the
GM may treat that attribute as simply a description of the
character. She may require a roll against a different
attribute than the player has in mind, and the player must
abide by her decision.
As an example, a certain GM decides she wants charac-
ters to have a general Dexterity attribute. A player takes
Good Dexterity for his PC, but wants to show that the
character is better at whole body dexterity than at manual
dexterity. So he writes: Great Agility and Fair Manual
Dexterity. However, the GM can ignore these distinctions,
and simply require a Dexterity roll, since that is the trait
she has chosen. (She can average the PC-chosen levels,
or simply select one of them.) Of course, she can also
allow him to roll on the attributes he has created.
In FUDGE, a character with a trait at Fair will succeed at
ordinary tasks 62% of the time there is usually no
need to create a superstar. In fact, Great is just that: great!
Superb should be reserved for the occasional trait in
which your character is the best hes ever met.
Any trait that is not defined at character creation will be
at a default level:
For attributes: Fair.
For most skills: Poor (easier skills are at Mediocre, while
harder ones are at Terrible). A skill default means
untrained, or close to it. However, it is possible to take a
skill at Terrible (below the default level for most skills),
which implies an ineptitude worse than untrained.
Character Creation
For most gifts, supernormal powers and certain GM-
defi ned skills: Non-Existent. (That is, the default is non-exis-
tent. The trait itself exists in some character, somewhere.)
Each player should expect the GM to modify his char-
acter after creation its the nature of the game. The GM
should expect to review each character before play. It
would, in fact, be best if the characters were made in the
presence of the GM so she can answer questions during
the process.
1.5 Subjective Character Creation
An easy way to create a character in FUDGE is simply to
write down everything about the character that you feel
is important. Any attribute or skill should be rated using
one of the levels Terrible through Superb (see S e c t i o n
1.2, FUDGE Trait Levels).
It may be easiest, though, if the GM supplies a template
of attributes shell be using. See Section 6.3, Charact er
Exampl es, for template ideas.
The GM may also tell the player in advance that his
character can be Superb in a certain number of attributes,
Great in so many others, and Good in yet another group.
For example, in an epic-style game with eight attributes,
the GM allows one Superb attribute, two Greats, and
three Goods. In a more realistic game, this is one Superb,
one Great, and two Goods.
This can apply to skills, too: one Superb skill, two
Great skills, and six Good skills is a respectable number
for a realistic campaign, while two Superbs, three Greats,
and ten Goods is quite generous, even in a highly cine-
matic game.
The GM may also simply limit the number of skills a
character can take at character creation: 10, 15, or 20 are
possible choices.
Gifts and faults can be restricted this way, also. For
example, a GM allows a character to have two gifts, but
he must take at least three faults. Taking another fault
allows another gift, or another skill at Great, and so on.
These limitations help the player define the focus of
the character a bit better: what is his best trait (what can
he do best)?
A simple two lower for one higher trait-conversion
mechanic can also be used. If the GM allows one Superb
attribute, for example, the player may forego that and
take two attributes at Great, instead. The converse may
also be allowed: a player may swap two skills at Good to
get one at Great.
Example: a player wants a Jack-of-all-trades character,
and the GM has limits of one Superb skill, two Great
skills and six Good skills. The player trades the one
Superb skill limit for two Great skills: he can now take
four skills at Great. However, he trades all four Great
skills in order to have eight more Good skills. His charac-
ter can now have 14 skills at Good, but none at any high-
er levels.
In the Subjective Character Creation system, it is easy to
use both broad and narrow skill groups, as appropriate
for the character. In these cases, a broad skill group is
assumed to contain the phrase, except as listed other-
For example, a player wishes to play the science officer
of a starship. He decides this character has spent so much
time studying the sciences, that hes weak in most physi-
cal skills. So on his character sheet he could simply write:
Physical Skills: Poor
He also decides that his characters profession would
take him out of the ship in vacuum quite a bit, to exam-
ine things. So hed have to be somewhat skilled at zero-G
maneuvering. So he then adds:
Zero-G Maneuvering: Good
Even though this is a physical skill, it is not at Poor
because he specifically listed it as an exception to the
broad category.
When the character write-up is done, the player and
GM meet and discuss the character. If the GM feels the
character is too potent for the campaign she has in mind,
Character Creation
she may ask the player to reduce the characters power
see Section 1.9, Minimizing Abuse.
The GM may also need to suggest areas that she sees
as being too weak perhaps she has a game situation in
mind that will test a trait the player didnt think of. Gentle
hints, such as Does he have any social skills? can help
the player through the weak spots. Of course, if there are
multiple players, other PCs can compensate for an indi-
vidual PCs weaknesses. In this case, the question to the
whole group is then, Does anyone have any social
Instead of the player writing up the character in terms
of traits and levels, he can simply write out a prose
description of his character. This requires the GM to trans-
late everything into traits and appropriate levels, but thats
not hard to do if the description is well written. This
method actually produces some of the best characters.
An example:
GM: I see you rate Captain Wallops blaster skill high-
ly, and also his piloting and gunnery, but Im only allow-
ing one Superb skill which is he best at?
Player: Blaster!
GM: Okay, Superb Blaster. That would then be Great
Piloting and Great Gunnery, all right? That leaves you
with two more skills to be at Great, since I allow four to
start out. Hmmm I notice he successfully penetrated
the main Khothi hive and rescued the kidnapped ambas-
sador that sounds like a Great Ability to Move Quietly
to me is that accurate, or would you describe it as
some other ability?
Player: Uh, no sorry, I didnt write that clearly
enough. He disguised himself and pretended to be a
Khothi worker!
GM: Ah, I see! How about Great Disguise skill and
Great Acting ability, then? And he must be Good at the
Khothi language, right?
And so on.
1.6 Objective Character Creation
For those who dont mind counting numbers a bit, the
following method creates interesting and well-balanced
In this system, all traits start at default level. The GM
then allows a number of free levels the players may use
to raise selected traits to higher levels. Players may then
lower certain traits in order to raise others even further.
Finally, a player may opt to trade some levels of one trait
type (such as attributes) for another (skills, for example).
The whole process insures that no single character will
dominate every aspect of play.
1.61 Attributes
A GM using the Objective Character Creation system
should decide how many attributes she deems necessary
in the campaign. She can choose to leave it up to each
player, if she wishes. Players then have a number of free
attribute levels equal to half the number of attributes
(round up). For example, if she selects four attributes,
each player starts with two free levels he can use to raise
his characters attributes.
For a more high-powered game, the GM may allow a
number of free levels equal to the number of attributes
All attributes are considered to be Fair until the player
raises or lowers them. The cost of raising or lowering an
attribute is
+3 Superb
+2 Great
+1 Good
0 Fair
1 Mediocre
2 Poor
3 Terrible
Character Creation
Thus, a player may raise his Strength attribute (which is
Fair by default) to Good by spending one free attribute
level. He could then spend another free level to raise
Strength again to Great. This would exhaust his free lev-
els if there were only four attributes but he would
have one more if there were six attributes, and eight
more free levels if there were 20 attributes.
When the free attribute levels have been exhausted, an
attribute can be raised further by lowering another
attribute an equal amount. (See also Sect i on 1.64,
Tradi ng Tr aits.) From the previous example, Strength
can be raised one more level (to Superb) if the player
lowers the characters Charm to Mediocre to compensate
for the increase in Strength.
If the GM allows the players to choose their own attrib-
utes, she may simply tell them to take half as many free
levels as attributes they choose. If a player chooses an
attribute and leaves it at Fair, that attribute does not count
towards the total of attributes which determines the
amount of free levels. That is, a player cannot simply add
twelve attributes, all at Fair, in order to get six more free
levels to raise the others with. GM-mandated attributes
left at Fair do count when determining the number of free
levels, though.
As an interesting possibility for those who want attrib-
utes and skills to reflect each other accurately, do not let
the players adjust attribute levels at all. Instead, they
select only skill levels, gifts and faults for their characters.
When the character is done, the GM can then determine
what attribute levels make sense for the skill levels cho-
sen, and discuss it with the player.
Example: a character is made with many combat and
wilderness skills, but no social skills. He also has a smat-
tering of intelligence skills. The GM decides that this
character has Strength, Dexterity and Health of Great
from spending a lot of time outdoors, practicing with
weapons, etc. She will even let the player choose one to
be at Superb, if desired. Perception is probably Good,
since wilderness survival depends on it. Any social
attribute is Mediocre at best possibly even Poor
while Intelligence is Mediocre or Fair. If the player
objects to the low Intelligence ranking, the GM can point
out that the character hasnt spent much time in skills that
hone Intelligence, and if he wants his characters IQ to be
higher, he should adjust his skill list.
1.62 Skills
In the Objective Character Creation system, each player
has a number of free skill levels with which to raise his
skills. Suggested limits are:
For Extremely Broad Skill Groups: 15 levels.
For Moderately Broad Skill Groups: 30 levels.
For Specific Skills: 40 to 60 levels.
Ask the GM for the allotted amount, which will give
you a clue as to how precisely to define your skills. Of
course, the GM may choose any number that suits her,
such as 23, 42, or 74 See Secti on 6.3, C h a r a c t e r
Examples. Game Masters may devise their own skill lists
to choose from some possibilities are included in the
skill lists on page 102.
Most skills have a default value of Poor unless the play-
er raises or lowers them see Section 1.4, Allocating
Trai t s.
Certain skills have a default of non-existent. These
would include Languages, Karate, Nuclear Physics, or
Knowledge of Aztec Rituals, which must be studied to be
known at all. When a character studies such a skill (puts
a level into it at character creation, or experience points
later in the game), the level he gets it at depends on how
hard it is to learn. Putting one level into learning the
Character Creation
Spanish language, for example, would get it at Mediocre,
since its of average difficulty to learn. Nuclear Physics,
on the other hand, might only be Poor or even Terrible
with only one level put into it. It would take four levels
just to get such a skill at Fair, for example.
For ease in character creation, use the following table:
As in the Subjective Character Creation system, the GM
may limit the number of Superb and Great skills each
character may have at character creation. For a highly
cinematic or super-powered game, no limit is necessary.
For example, the GM sets a limit of one Superb skill,
three or four Great skills, and eight or so Good skills.
These limits can be exceeded through character develop-
ment, of course. See Section 6.3, Character Examples.
Once the free levels are used up, a skill must be
dropped one level (from the default Poor to Terrible) to
raise another skill one level. (See also Sect ion 1.64,
Trading Traits.) All choices are subject to GM veto, of
It is possible to mix different breadths of skill group-
ings. A GM who has little interest in combat can simply
choose Unarmed Combat, Melee Weapons and Ranged
Weapons as the only three combat skills. But this does
not stop her from using all the individual Social skills
(and many more) listed as examples on page 102. If this
option is chosen, the broad groups cost double the levels
of the narrower groups.
Mixing skill group sizes within the same areas is awk-
ward in the Objective Character Creation system. For
example, it is difficult to have a generic Thief Skills group
and also have individual skills of lockpicking, pick-pock-
eting, palming, security-device dismantling, etc. If she
does wish to do this, then the broad skill group in this
case has a maximum limit of Good, and triple cost to
raise or more, if the GM so mandates.
If the GM is using broad groups, a player may raise a
specific skill (such as Poker, for example, instead of gen-
eral Gambling skill). A player would give his character a
specific skill when the GM is using broad-based skill
groups to fit a character concept. Do not expect the char-
acter to be equally adept with the other skills in the
group. This would be true for Groo
the Wanderer, for
instance, who would simply raise Sword skill, even if the
GM is using the broad term Melee Weapons as a skill
group. Groo would have, in fact, a Poor rating with all
other Melee weapons, and this would accurately reflect
the character.
Character Creation
Cost of Skills in
Objective Character Creation
Easy Most Hard Hard
Terrible 2 1 0 1
Poor 1 0 1 2
Mediocre 0 1 2 3
Fair 1 2 3 4
Good 2 3 4 5
Great 3 4 5 6
Superb 4 5 6 7
Easy = Cost of GM-Determined Easy Skills
Most = Cost of Average Skill
Hard = Cost of GM-Determined Hard Skills
VH = Cost of GM-Determined Very Hard Skills
(usually related to Supernormal Powers)
GROO is a really great trademark of Sergio Aragons.
1.63 Gifts & Faults
If the GM has gifts in her game, she may allow player
characters to start with one or two free gifts more for
epic campaigns. Any further gifts taken must be balanced
by taking on a fault, or by trading traits.
A player may gain extra trait levels by taking GM-
approved faults at the following rate:
1 fault = 1 gift.
1 fault = 2 attribute levels.
1 fault = 6 skill levels.
However, the GM may rule that a particular fault is not
serious enough to be worth two attribute levels, but may
be worth one attribute level or three skill levels. On the
other hand, severe faults may be worth more attribute
1.64 Trading Traits
During character creation, free levels may be traded (in
either direction) at the following rate:
1 attribute level = 3 skill levels.
1 gift = 6 skill levels.
1 gift = 2 attribute levels.
Fudge Points cannot be traded without GM permission.
(If tradable, each Fudge Point should be equal to one or
two gifts.)
So a player with three free attribute levels and 30 free
skill levels may trade three of his skill levels to get anoth-
er free attribute level, or six skill levels to get another free
1.7 Uncommitted Traits
Whether the character is created subjectively or objec-
tively, each character has some free uncommitted traits
(perhaps two or three). At some point in the game, a
player will realize that he forgot something about the
character that should have been mentioned. He may
request to stop the action, and define a previously unde-
fined trait, subject to the GMs approval. A sympathetic
GM will allow this to happen even during combat time.
GM-set skill limits (such as one Superb, three Greats)
are still in effect: if the character already has the maxi-
mum number of Superb skills allowed, he cant make an
uncommitted trait a Superb skill.
See the sample character, Dolores Ramirez, S e c t i o n
1.8 Random Character Creation
Some players like to roll their attributes randomly. Here
is one possible method to use in such cases. Alternate
techniques can be easily designed.
Have the player roll 2d6 for each attribute. Use the fol-
lowing table to find the attribute level:
2 = Terrible
4 = Poor
3,5 = Mediocre
6-8 = Fair
9,11 = Good
10 = Great
12 = Superb
The GM needs to decide if the player still gets the stan-
dard number of free levels or not. She may also restrict
trading levels.
Character Creation
For skills, the results are read as:
2-5,12 = Terrible
6-8 = Poor
9-10 = Mediocre
11 = Fair
The player still gets the standard number of free skill
levels, or the GM may allow only half the normal levels.
The GM can let the players choose their gifts and faults,
or she may wish to make up separate tables of gifts and
faults, and have the players roll once or twice on each.
(Conflicting traits should be rerolled.) For example:
Rol l Gift Fault
2 Nice Appearance Poor Appearance
3 Tough Hide Bruises Easily
4 Charismatic Aura of Untrustworthiness
5 Keen Hearing Hard of Hearing
6 Detects Lies Easily Gullible
7 Melodious Voice Stammers
And so on. The GM should customize and complete to
her taste. Of course, she could set up a 3d6 table instead
of a 2d6 table, or even use a 1d6 table listing general gift
or fault areas (Social, Physical, Emotional, Mental,
Wealth/Status, etc.) and then roll again on an appropriate
second table. This would allow 36 equally likely choices.
1.9 Minimizing Abuse
Obviously, character creation in FUDGE can be abused.
There are many ways to avoid this:
1) The GM can require that the character take another
fault or two to balance the power. (Okay Ill allow you
to have all that but you need a challenge. Take on
another weakness: maybe some secret vice, or be unable
to tell a believable lie, or anything that fits the character
concept that I can use to test you now and then.)
2) She can simply veto any trait (or raised/lowered
combination) she feels is abusive. (I see you raised
Battle-Axe in exchange for lowering Needlepoint.
Hmmm.) This allows the GM to customize the power
level of a game. For high-powered games, allow most
anything; for less cinematic campaigns, make them trade
equally useful trait for trait.
3) She can simply note the character weaknesses and
introduce a situation into every adventure where at least
one of them is significant to the mission. (Youll be sent
as an emissary to the Wanduzi tribe they value fine
Needlepoint work above all other skills, by the way)
4) She can use the disturbance in the force technique
of making sure that more powerful characters attract
more serious problems. (The bruiser enters the bar with
a maniacal look in his eye. He scans the room for a few
seconds, then begins to stare intently at you.)
Character Creation
Chapter 2: Supernormal Powers
2.1 Supernormal Power Terms
Supernormal power: that which is beyond the capability
of human beings as we know them. Supernormal pow-
ers are treated as powerful gifts. Some may have associ-
ated skills (which are taken separately, using the normal
skill rules).
Power: a supernormal power.
Mana: magical energy. Mana is an invisible substance that
magicians can detect (or even create) and manipulate to
alter matter, time and space.
Magic: the art of influencing events through manipulation
of mana, or through compelling beings from another
dimension, or channeling power from some other
source. Magic may be studied by humans, but it is
inherent in some races, such as natives of Faerie.
Miracle: magic performed by a deity. Miracles are often
subtle. Holy persons can attempt to work miracles by
invoking their deity. Some religions call any non- or
semi-material being greater than human a deity. Others
believe there is only one Deity, and that these other
beings are simply angels, demons, djinni, efriti, etc. In
the former belief, magical results wrought by these
superhuman beings are miracles; in the latter belief,
they are not miracles, but merely a display of more psy-
chic power than humans are capable of.
Psi: any power that involves mind over matter, time or
If your game doesnt have any supernormal powers,
you dont need to read Chapter 2 at all. Genres such as
modern espionage, WWII French resistance, gunslingers
of the Old West, or swashbuckling Musketeers are fre-
quently played without supernormal powers. Feel free to
skip ahead directly to Chapter 3, Action Resolution.
However, those who play in games with non-human
races, magic, psi, superpowers, etc., will need to read
this chapter before character creation is complete.
Superpower: any supernormal power that is an inherent
ability, whether because of mutation, exposure to radia-
tion, a gift of space aliens, etc., or granted by a device,
such as an alien-science belt. Examples of superpowers
can be found in many comic books, and include super
strength, the ability to fly, see through walls, cling to
ceilings, become invisible, etc.
Cybernetic Enhancement: any mechanical or electronic
enhancement to a normal body that gives the character
supernormal powers.
Non-human Races: certain fantasy and science fiction
races (actually species) have abilities beyond the human
norm, such as being much stronger, or able to fly, etc.
Most of these abilities could also be classified as Psi or
Superpowers, so they are not treated separately, except
for Mass and Strength. Androids and robots are consid-
ered races for rules purposes.
Scale: characters may have certain attributes that are well
beyond the human norm, one way or the other, but that
need to be related to the human norm. Prime examples
include Strength, Mass, and Speed. Such attributes are
rated in Scale. Human Scale is 0. A race (or individual)
of greater than human average strength, for example,
would be Scale 1 Strength or more, while a race of less-
er average strength than humans would be Scale 1
Strength or less. Individuals can then be of Fair strength,
or Good strength, etc., relative to those of their own
Genetic Enhancement: a genetic enhancement may or
may not give a character supernormal powers. If it does,
then it must be treated like any other supernormal
power listed above.
2.2 Powers at Character Creation
Supernormal powers may or may not be available in a
given game. They are not appropriate to all genres.
The best way to design a supernormal character is
through close discussion with the GM. A player should
describe what he wants the character to be able to do,
and the GM will decide if thats within the limits she has
in mind for the game. If not, shell make suggestions
about how to change the character to fit her campaign.
Supernormal powers are treated as powerful gifts, with
availability set by the GM. The GM may decide that each
player can take two Powers for free, for example, or five,
or more. The player may make a case for further Powers,
but may need to take faults to balance them.
Some Powers are so effective that they are worth more
than other Powers. In the Objective Character Creation sys-
tem, the GM may set the cost of a certain supernormal
power equal to two or three average supernormal pow-
ers. In some cases, the GM may veto player suggestions
outright: omniscience and omnipotence are good examples!
The GM may decide that supernormal powers may be
pooled with other traits for trading purposes. In this case,
one average Power is worth two gifts. For example, a
player who wishes to play a magician in a fantasy setting
will need to trade some skill, attribute, or gift levels to
buy magical Powers.
Undefined Powers have a default of non-existent
that is, they do not have a default value of Fair, like
attributes, or Poor, like skills. If a supernormal power is
not defined for a character, he doesnt have it.
2.21 Powers Available
The GM needs to design the type, number allowed,
and drawbacks of Powers in her game. Some examples:
Types of Powers: a given campaign may allow magic,
psi, superpowers, etc., or some combination of the
above. The GM also needs to decide how finely a super-
normal power is subdivided. Is ESP a generic Power, or
is it split into separate Powers such as Precognition and
Clairvoyance? Is magic subdivided into spells, or groups
of spells (such as elemental magic) or simply the ability
to break the laws of nature in any way that can be imag-
ined? And so on.
Number of Power s al l owed: the GM may set the
number of Powers allowed per character. The number
may range from one to 20 or even more. Multiple
Powers per character are especially likely in a fantasy
campaign where individual spells are separate Powers.
Drawbacks of Powers: in some campaigns, using a
Power may bear a penalty or have some drawback.
Typical drawbacks include mental or physical fatigue,
lengthy time requirements, unreliable or uncontrollable
results, and undesirable side effects (such as loud noises,
bad smells, and the like). Some Powers will only work
under certain conditions or with certain materials, or are
limited to a certain number of uses per day or month.
Others may be risky to the character, affecting physical or
mental health. The GM may allow drawbacks to count as
faults: a number of them can offset the cost of a Power in
the Objective Character Creation system.
Supernormal Powers
2.22 Associated Skills
If a Power logically requires a skill to use it efficiently,
the skill must be bought separately. For example, the
superpower Flight allows a character to fly, and usually
no skill roll is needed. But the ability to make intricate
maneuvers in close combat without slamming into a wall
requires a roll against a Flying skill. (The GM may ignore
this and simply say that no roll is needed for any flying
maneuver with a Flight Power.)
Another common skill is Throwing: hurling balls of fire
or bolts of energy at a foe. Or the GM might rule that
being able to aim and accurately release such energy
comes with the power for free: no roll needed, it auto-
matically hits the target every time unless the target
makes a Good Dodge roll (see Chapter 4, C o m b a t ,
Wounds & Healing).
This can be especially true with magic: the ability to
cast spells at all may be a gift, but to do it right is a skill,
or even many different skills.
2.23 Combat Powers
If a supernormal power can be used to attack a foe, the
GM must determine the strength of the Power for damage
purposes preferably during character creation. An
offensive Power is usually handled as a propelled
weapon, such as a gun, or as being equivalent to a cer-
tain melee weapon. This can just be expressed in terms
of damage, though, such as Ball of Fire, +6 damage, or
large Claws, +3 damage. (See Sect i on 4.54, S a m p l e
Wound Factors List.)
In the case of a magical or superhero attack, the more
potent the attack, the greater the power required, or per-
haps the greater the strain on the character who uses it.
This can be a penalty to the skill level, greater fatigue,
and/or some other disadvantage.
2.3 Non-humans
Some campaigns will have characters (or animals, mon-
sters, etc.) with traits beyond the human norm. In particu-
lar, characters with Strength and Speed well above or
below the human range are common in role-playing
games. Examples include giants, superheroes, pixies,
aliens, ogres, intelligent rabbits, robots, etc.
In FU D G E, Strength, Mass and Speed are rated by the
GM in terms of Scale for different races. Most other traits
that may be different for non-humans are handled with a
Racial Bonus or Penalty rather than being on a different
Scale see Section 2.35. Of course, the GM may assign
any trait she wishes in terms of Scale.
Humans are of Scale 0, unless some other race is the
game-world norm. (E.g., if all the PCs are playing pixies
or giants. In these cases, the PCs race is Scale 0, and
humans would be a different Scale.) Non-human races
can have a positive or negative number for Scale,
depending on whether they are stronger (or bigger or
faster) or weaker (or smaller or slower) than humans.
2.31 Strength and Mass
The word Scale used alone always means Strength/
Mass Scale in FUDGE any other Scale, such as Speed, or
Strength without Mass, will be defined as such.
Each level of Strength (from Terrible to Superb) is
defined to be 1.5 times stronger than the previous level.
A character with Good Strength is thus 1.5 times as strong
as a character with Fair Strength. Note that this progres-
sion is not necessarily true for any other attribute. There
is a wider range of strength in humans than dexterity, for
example: Superb Dexterity is only about twice as good as
Fair Dexterity.
Strength Scale increases in the same way: a Scale 1, Fair
Strength individual is 1.5 times stronger than a Scale 0,
Fair Strength individual. This holds for each increase in
Scale: a Scale 10 Superb Strength creature is 1.5 times
stronger than a Scale 9 Superb Strength creature, for
Supernormal Powers
At this point, it is tempting to say that a Scale 1 Fair
Strength is equal to a Scale 0 Good Strength. This is true
for Strength, but not for Mass. Scale really measures Mass,
or Density, and Strength just goes along for the ride.
In FU D G E, Mass has a specific meaning: how wounds
affect a character. (This may or may not coincide with the
scientific definition of Mass.) It takes more human-pow-
ered hits to weaken a giant than a human, for example.
She may not really be a healthy giant, but her sheer bulk
means that human-sized sword strokes dont do as much
damage relative to her as they would to a human
unless they hit a vital spot, of course. Likewise, a pixie
can be healthy and robust, but not survive a single kick
from a human. The difference is Mass, and the strength
related to it.
A Scale 1 Fair Strength fighter has an advantage over a
Scale 0 Good Strength fighter, even though their
Strengths are equal. The Scale 1 fighter is less affected by
the others damage due to his mass. Therefore, do not
blithely equate Scale 0 Good with Scale 1 Fair.
Of course, the GM may envision a less massive but
harder to kill race than humans. This is best handled by a
Racial Bonus (Section 2.35), either as a Toughness Gift
(Tough Hide, or Density either one would subtract
from damage), or by a bonus to Damage Capacity.
The GM may decide that increased Mass does not nec-
essarily mean of greater size the race may be of
denser material. Dwarves in northern European legend
were derived from stone, and are hence denser than
humans. Such a dwarf hits harder and shrugs off damage
easier than most humans: he is Scale 1, though shorter
than a human. (Of course, the GM should define
dwarves attributes and Scale to her own requirements.)
Normally, Strength and Mass are handled by a single
Scale figure. That is, if a creature is said to be Scale 7,
that means Scale 7 Mass and Scale 7 Strength. Strength
can vary within each race just as it can for humans. You
can have Scale 10 Superb Strength Giants and Scale 10
Terrible Strength Giants. Unlike Strength, though, it is not
recommended that Mass vary much within a race. If you
do allow Mass to vary for an individual, it should never
be worse than Mediocre or better than Good. In fact, it is
far better to call Good Mass a Gift, and Mediocre Mass a
fault than treat it as an attribute.
The GM may choose to separate Strength Scale from
Mass Scale. This would allow Pixies of Strength Scale 6
and Mass Scale 4, for example. However, combat
between two Pixies would not work the same as combat
between two humans. In this case, they would have a
harder time hurting each other than humans would, since
their Strength Scale (ability to give out damage) is lower
than their Mass Scale (ability to take damage). This may
actually be what she wants: a super-strong superhero who
can dish out punishment but cant take it can be repre-
sented by Strength Scale 10, Mass Scale 2, for example.
See also Section 4.58, Non-human Scale in Combat.
2.32 Speed
Each level of Speed (from Terrible to Superb) is
defined to be 1.2 times faster than the previous level. A
character with Good Speed is thus 1.2 times as fast as a
character with Fair Speed. This is not the same progres-
sion as for Strength.
Speed Scale increases in the same manner: a Scale 1,
Fair Speed individual is 1.2 times faster than a Scale 0,
Fair Speed individual. This holds for each increase in
Scale: a Scale 10 Superb Speed animal is 1.2 times faster
than a Scale 9 Superb Speed animal, for example.
Speed is not a necessary attribute, of course, and can
be ignored entirely if desired. It is included primarily for
creatures and vehicles significantly faster than humans.
For comparison purposes, assume a Fair Speed human
can run at about 10 mph (16 kph) over some distance,
provided they are in shape, of course. Sprinting short dis-
tance is somewhat faster. This comes to about 15 yards
(meters) per three-second combat round.
Note that in short races, you dont really have to roll
the dice to see if someone of Superb Speed can beat
someone of Good Speed he can, and will, much more
often than rolling the dice would reveal.
Supernormal Powers
The Speed Scale rises too slowly for comparing such
things as race cars or space ships to human movement.
In these cases, either use a rough human Scale, or simply
set the average space ship at Space Ship Speed Scale 0,
and rate others relative to it. Thus, the average race car
will be roughly human Scale 12 or you can simply call
it Race Car Scale 0, and compare other race cars to it. A
Space Ship might be Human Scale 100, or Space Ship
Scale 0.
2.33 Scale Correlations
The Game Master should refer to the following table
when assigning a Scale to a race. This only has to be
done once, at race creation.
First, the GM should decide how much stronger (or
weaker or faster, etc.) the average member of race X is
compared to the average human. For example, she
decides that Ogres are three times stronger than humans,
and pixies are eight times weaker (which equals 0.12
times as strong). She then needs to look up the closest
numbers to these strength multipliers on the table below,
and look in the corresponding Scale column to find the
correct racial Strength/Mass Scales. In this example, Ogres
are Scale 3 creatures, while Pixies are Scale 6. (You may
envision Ogres and Pixies differently, of course.)
The Strength/Mass Scale number is figured into damage
in combat, and all weapons and armor are assumed to be
of the same Scale as the wielder. (These numbers have
been rounded to the nearest useful number. They are
only roughly 1.5 times the previous number, but close
enough for game purposes.)
Other examples: a GM reads in a Medieval text that a
dragon is as strong as 20 warriors. Looking at the table,
20 times the human norm is Scale 8. However, since the
average warrior has Good strength, she chooses Scale 9
for the average dragon in her world. Of course, an indi-
vidual dragon can still have Poor Strength compared to
other dragons. This is simply listed as Strength Poor (2),
Scale 9.
This same GM wants PC leprechauns to be available.
While they are small, she decides their magic makes them
a bit stronger than their size would otherwise indicate:
Scale 4. So a Good Strength leprechaun is as strong as a
Terrible Strength human in her world.
The GM can also use this table to determine relative
lifting strength or carrying capacity of characters or beasts
if she wishes.
The GM may require a Strength roll to lift a given
object. This will depend on the Scale of the character, of
course. Thus, a leprechaun might need a Good Difficulty
Level Strength roll to lift a rock that a human could lift
without even a roll. (See Chapter 3, Action Resolution.)
2.34 Cost of Scale
If you are using the Objective Character Creation sys-
tem, each step of increased Strength/Mass Scale for a
player character should cost one attribute level and one
gift. This is because each level of Scale includes +1
Strength and extra Mass, which is the equivalent of the
Tough Hide gift. However, a generous GM may charge
In a superhero game, this gets very expensive, very
quickly. An alternative method: let one supernormal
power equal a certain Scale. For example, the GM allows
one Power to equal Scale 4 (five times as strong as the
Scale Table
Scale: Multipliers: Scale: Multipliers:
Strength Speed Strength Speed
11 0.01 0.13 5 7.5 2.5
10 0.02 0.16 6 10 3
9 0.03 0.2 7 15 3.5
8 0.04 0.23 8 25 4
7 0.06 0.28 9 40 5
6 0.1 0.3 10 60 6
5 0.15 0.4 11 90 7.5
4 0.2 0.5 12 130 9
3 0.3 0.6 13 200 11
2 0.5 0.7 14 300 13
1 0.7 0.8 15 450 15
0 1 1 16 650 18
1 1.5 1.2 17 1000 22
2 2.3 1.4 18 1500 27
3 3.5 1.7 19 2500 32
4 5 2 20 4000 38
Supernormal Powers
average human). A character buys three Powers of super
strength and has Scale 12 Strength. Another GM allows
Scale 13 (200 times as strong as the average human) to
equal one Power. Since a character with two Powers in
super strength would have Scale 26 Strength (!), the GM
decides to limit the amount of super strength available to
one Power.
A player then raises or lowers his characters Strength
attribute to show how he compares to the average super-
strong superhero. Strength can then be raised to Scale 13
Good, for example, at the cost of one attribute level.
The GM may also allow separate Mass and Strength for
superheroes (or even races). For example, the superhero
mentioned in Sect ion 2. 31 with Strength Scale 10 and
Mass Scale 2 would only have to pay for two gifts and
ten attribute levels. Or, with a generous GM, a single
supernormal power covers the entire cost.
Other supernormal powers may have levels. Examples
include Telekinesis (increased power allows greater
weight to be lifted), Telepathy (increased power equals
greater range), Wind Control (increased power allows
such things as a jet of wind, whirlwind, or tornado), etc.
In these cases, each level can be bought as a separate
supernormal power, which is expensive. Or you could
use the option given above for Scale: one supernormal
power buys the supernormal ability at a middling power
range, and a simple attribute (or even skill) level raises or
lowers it from there.
For Scales below the human norm, each step of Mass
Scale includes a fault equivalent to Easily Wounded, and
the GM may allow this to be used to balance other traits
like any other fault see Section 1.64, Trading Traits.
2.35 Racial Bonuses and Penalties
There is rarely any need to use Scale for traits other
than Strength, Mass and Speed. Its easy to imagine some-
one wanting to play a race that is slightly more intelligent
than humans, but a race ten times smarter than the
smartest human is so alien that it would be impossible to
play. This is true for most traits we just cant grasp
such extreme differences from our world view.
Actually, there is a way to use intelligence in Scale: in a
non-quantified manner. For example, when creating a
dog character, you can list:
Intelligence: Great (Scale: Dog)
Since no one is able to quantify inter-species intelli-
gence accurately, do not expect to use it comparatively. It
gives an indication that, relative to other dogs, this dog
has Great intelligence. The word Scale isnt necessary
Great canine intelligence works just as well.
The GM should usually use Racial Bonuses or Penalties
for traits other than Strength, Mass and Speed. If the GM
envisions halflings as being particularly hardy, she can
give them a +1 bonus to Constitution: halfling Fair
Constitution equals human Good Constitution. As another
example, an alien race, Cludds, have a racial penalty of
1 to Intelligence.
It is best to use trait levels relative to humans on the
character sheets, though you should put the racial-relative
term in brackets. (Example: Grahkesh, Intelligence Poor
[Cludd Fair].) However, always list Strength relative to the
characters own race, with the Scale (if other than 0), so
the Mass will be accurate. See the sample character,
Brogo the Halfling (Section 6.311), for an example of
both racial bonus and different Scale.
Supernormal Powers
Racial bonuses and penalties can be used for any type
of trait: attributes, skills, gifts, supernormal powers, or
If using the Objective Character Creation system, each
level of a Racial Bonus or Penalty is usually equal to one
level of the specific trait raised or lowered normally. That
is, if you are granting a +1 to Agility or +1 to Perception
for a race, it should cost one attribute level. If a race has
a bonus of a Perfect Sense of Direction, it should cost
one gift. The innate ability to fly or cast magic spells
should cost one supernormal power, etc.
If a race is at 1 to all Social skills, however, this
should only be worth 1 skill level if you have a single
skill called Social Skills. If you have many social individ-
ual social skills, it should be worth one fault. The con-
verse is true for Bonuses that affect many skills: it should
cost one or more gifts.
2.4 Legendary Heroes
Some genres allow human characters to develop
beyond the realm of the humanly possible. Such cam-
paigns eventually involve planes of existence beyond the
mundane as the PCs require greater and greater chal-
This style of gaming can be represented in FU D G E b y
Legendary Levels. Section 1.2, Levels, introduced the
concept of Legendary traits as a goal for PCs to work
toward. This section expands that concept infinitely.
If the GM and players prefer this type of gaming, any
skill can be raised beyond Legendary. Instead of renam-
ing each level, simply use a numbering system:
Legendary 2nd Level Swordsman, Legendary 3rd Level
Archer, etc. Attributes can also be raised, but (except for
Strength) this is much rarer.
Each level of Legendary gives a +1 bonus to any action
resolution. The character Hugh Quickfinger, for example,
has a Longbow skill of Legendary 2nd Level. This gives
him a total bonus of +5 (+3 for Superb, and +2 for two
levels of Legendary). In any contest against a Fair
Longbowman (+0), Hugh should easily triumph.
The Obj ect i ve Cha r a ct er Devel opment s y s t e m ,
Section 5. 2, lists suggested experience point costs for
attaining these levels.
These levels do not automatically exist in any given
game: these are strictly optional levels for specific, non-
realistic genres.
2.5 Magic
If the Game Master wishes to include magic in the cam-
paign, it may be easiest to translate whatever magic sys-
tem she is familiar with into FUDGE. If she wishes to craft
her own FU D G E magic rules, she should consider what
she wants magic to be like in her game world.
Questions to ask include: What is the source of magic?
Is it a natural process, such as mana manipulation? If it
does use mana, does the mage create the mana, or is it
inherent in a locale? Or does the mage summon other-
world entities to do his bidding? Or must the mage find a
source of Power and channel it to his own ends? Or is
the source of magic something altogether different?
Can anyone learn to work magic, or is it an inherent
talent (that is, does it require a supernormal power)? Are
there levels of Power available, and what would having
more levels mean? Is a skill also required? Of course,
even if a magician must have a Power to cast spells, there
may also be magic items that anyone can use these
are common in tales and legends.
Supernormal Powers
If beings are summoned, are they evil, good, neutral,
confused? How do they feel about being commanded to
work for the magician? Can they adversely affect the
magician if he fails a spell roll? If Power is being chan-
neled from an external source, is that source in the physi-
cal plane or astral? Is it from a living being, or contained
in an inanimate object as inert energy, like a piece of
coal before going into a fire?
What is the process of using magic? Does it involve
memorized spells? Physical components? Meditation?
Complex and time-consuming ritual? How long does it
take to cast a spell? Can a spell be read out of a book?
Improvised on the spot?
How reliable is magic? Are there any drawbacks? Any
societal attitudes toward magicians? Is it common knowl-
edge that magicians exist, or are they a secret cabal,
whose doings are only whispered about in ever-changing
Once these issues have been resolved, and the degree
of magic in the game decided on, the magic system can
be created using FUDGE mechanics. A sample magic sys-
tem, FU D G E M a g i c , is included in Chapt er 7, T h e
2.6 Miracles
FUDGE assumes miracles are powered by a deity. Some
miracles may happen at the deitys instigation (GM whim,
or deus ex machina for plot purposes), and some may be
petitioned by characters.
Miracles may take place in a startling fashion or in a
mundane way. In fact, many people believe that miracles
occur daily, but we dont notice them because they
appear as simple coincidences. The stranger walking
down the road who just happens to have the tools you
need to fix your wagon might indeed be just a coinci-
dence, or it may have been divinely arranged that he
chanced by at that time. If the tools were simply to
appear by themselves, or the wagon fix itself, there
would be little doubt that a miracle had occurred. This is
neither good nor bad the GM can choose either
method of granting miracles, and need not feel bound to
be consistent.
The GM must decide whether miracles can occur in her
world, and whether they can be called by character peti-
tion. If the latter, then she has to make many other deci-
sions. Can any character petition a particular deity? Does
it matter if the character is actually a member of a reli-
gious order? How important is the characters behavior
would a deity help a member of a particular religious
order even if he had been acting against the deitys goals?
How certain is the miracle to occur? How soon will it
become manifest? How broad and how specific can
requests be? Are any Ritual or Supplication skills needed
to petition a deity, or can anyone simply breathe a prayer
for help?
The answers will vary from GM to GM no generic
system of miracles is possible. A sample miracle system,
FU D G E M i r a c l e s, is included in Ch apt er 7, T h e
Supernormal Powers
2.7 Psi
Again, it is probably easiest for the GM to translate
whatever psionics rules she knows to FUDGE. As a simple
system, each psionic ability can be a separate supernor-
mal power. The ability to read minds, or foresee the
future, or telekinetically move an object, etc., each cost
one supernormal power (two gifts). Just how p o w e r f u l
the psionic ability is depends on the level of psi the GM
wants for the game world. Someone who can telekineti-
cally lift a battleship is obviously more powerful than
someone who cant lift anything heavier than a roulette
ball though the latter may make more money with his
power, if hes highly skilled!
If the game world has more than one level of power
available, then a character must spend multiple free
power levels to get the higher levels. See also S e c t i o n
2.34, Cost of Scale.
In general, higher levels of Psi Powers equal greater
range, or the ability to affect larger or more subjects at
once, or access to a greater number of related skills (a
low Telepathy Power lets you send your thoughts to
another, for example, but greater Power lets you read
minds, send painful waves of energy, sense emotions,
and possibly even control others). A higher level might
also let you use less fatigue or have a lower risk of
burnout, take less time in concentration to use, or allow
more uses per day, or be used in a broader range of con-
ditions (a low ESP Power can only be accessed in a dark-
ened room, for example, while a high Power level can be
used at any time), and so on.
The GM may also require skills to use these powers.
Having the psionic ability to use telekinesis just allows
you to pick an object up with your mental powers, and
move it crudely about. Fine manipulation, such as pick-
ing a pocket, requires a successful roll against a telekinet-
ic skill.
A sample psi system, F U D G E P s i , is included in
Chapter 7, The Addenda.
2.8 Superpowers
If the campaign allows superpowers similar to those
found in comic books, there will probably be a wide
variety of powers available. How many an individual
character can have depends on the power level of the
campaign. A common treatment of superheroes involves
faults related to Powers, which makes more Powers avail-
able to the character. For example, a super hero is able
to fly, but only while intangible. The accompanying fault
lowers the cost of the Power to that of a gift.
There are far too many powers to list in FU D G E
browsing through a comic stores wares will give you a
good idea of whats available. As with psionics, each
power costs one of the free supernormal powers avail-
able, and some can be taken in different levels. Potent
ones cost two or more of the average superpowers.
Super strength is treated as a separate scale see
Sect i on 2.3, N o n - h u m a n s . Other superpowers that
come in levels are discussed in Section 2.34, Cost of
2.9 Cybernetic Enhancements
Artificial limbs, organs, implants and neural connec-
tions to computers are common in some science fiction
settings. If these grant powers beyond the human norm,
they must be bought with supernormal power levels if
using the Obj ecti ve Cha r a cter Cr ea ti on system, or
with the GMs approval in any case.
If an implant grants a bonus to an attribute, it should
cost as much as the attribute bonus, which is not neces-
sarily as much as a supernormal power. Since an artificial
implant may occasionally fail, however, the GM can give
a slight cost break by also allowing a free skill level else-
where on the character sheet.
Supernormal Powers
Chapter 3: Action Resolution
3.1 Action Resolution Terms
Dice: Various options for dice are given: players may use
either three or four six-sided dice (3d6 or 4d6), or two
ten-sided dice as percentile dice (d%), or four FUDGE dice
(4dF), described in the text. It is also possible to play
FUDGE diceless.
Unopposed Action: some actions are Unopposed, as
when a character is trying to perform an action which
isnt influenced by anyone else. Examples include jump-
ing a wide chasm, climbing a cliff, performing a chem-
istry experiment, etc. The player simply rolls the dice
and reads the result.
Rolled Degree: this refers to how well a character does at
a particular task. If someone is Good at Climbing in gen-
eral, but the die-roll shows a Great result on a particular
attempt, then the rolled degree is Great.
Difficulty Level: the GM will set a Difficulty Level when a
character tries an Unopposed Action. Usually it will be Fair,
but some tasks are easier or harder. E x a m p l e : climbing an
average vertical cliff face, even one with lots of handholds,
is a fairly difficult obstacle (Fair Difficulty Level). For a very
hard cliff, the GM may set the Difficulty Level at Great: the
player must make a rolled degree of Great or higher to
climb the cliff successfully.
Opposed Action: actions are Opposed when other peo-
ple (or animals, etc.) may have an effect on the outcome
of the action. In this case, each contestant rolls a set of
dice, and the results are compared to determine the
out come. Exampl es i ncl ude combat, seducti on
attempts, haggling, tug-of-war, etc.
Relative Degree: this refers to how well a character did
compared to another participant in an Opposed Action.
Unlike a rolled degree, relative degree is expressed as a
number of levels. For example, if a PC gets a rolled
degree result of Good in a fight, and his NPC foe gets a
This chapter covers how to determine whether or not a
character succeeds at an attempted action. In the previ-
ous chapters, traits were defined in terms of levels:
Superb, Great, Good, etc. This chapter explains how
those levels affect a character's chances of success at an
action, whether fighting a giant or tracking down a clue.
Sometimes a Fair result is sufficient to complete a task,
and sometimes a Good or better result is needed. The
better your skill, the better your chances of getting these
higher results.
rolled degree result of Mediocre, he beat her by two
levels the relative degree is +2 from his perspective,
2 from hers.
Situational Roll: the GM may occasionally want a die roll
that is not based on a characters trait, but on the overall
situation or outside circumstances. This Situational roll is
simply a normal FU D G E die roll, but not based on any
trait. That is, a result of 0 is a Fair result, +1 a Good
result, 1 a Mediocre result, and so on. This is most
commonly used with Reaction and damage rolls, but
can be used elsewhere as needed. For example, the
players ask the GM if there are any passersby on the
street at the moment theyre worried about witness-
es. The GM decides there are none if a Situational roll
gives a Good or better result, and rolls the dice. (A close
approximation to 50% is an even/odd result: an even
result on 4dF occurs 50.6% of the time. Of course, 1d6
or a coin returns an exact 50% probability.)
Beyond Superb: it is possible to achieve a level of rolled
degree that is beyond Superb. Rolled degrees from
Superb +1 to Superb +4 are possible. These levels are
only reachable on rare occasions by human beings. No
trait may be taken at (or raised to) a level beyond
Superb (unless the GM i s all owing a PC to be at
Legendary, which is the same as Superb +1 see
Section 5.2, Objective Character Development). For
example, the American baseball player Willie Mays was
a Superb outfielder. His most famous catch, often
shown on television, is a Superb +4 rolled degree. It
isnt possible for a human to have that level of excel-
lence as a routine skill level, however: even Willie was
just a Superb outfielder, who could sometimes do
even better. A GM may set a Difficulty Level beyond
Superb for nearly impossible actions.
Below Terrible: likewise, there are rolled degrees from
Terrible 1 down to Terrible 4. No Difficulty Level
should be set this low, however: anything requiring a
Terrible Difficulty Level or worse should be automatic for
most characters no roll needed.
3.2 Rolling the Dice
There is no need to roll the dice when a character per-
forms an action that is so easy as to be automatic.
Likewise, an action so difficult that it has no chance to
succeed requires no roll, either it simply cant be
done. Dice are used solely in the middle ground, where
the outcome of an action is uncertain.
The GM is encouraged to keep die-rolling to a mini-
mum. Do not make the players roll the dice when their
characters do mundane things. There is no need to make a
roll to see if someone can cook lunch properly, or pick an
item from a shelf, or climb a ladder, etc. Dont even make
them roll to climb a cliff unless its a difficult cliff or the sit-
uation is stressful, such as a chase. (And possibly a Superb
climber wouldnt need a roll for a difficult cliff. He should
get up it automatically unless its a very difficult cliff.)
For any action the player character wishes to perform,
the Game Master must determine which trait is tested.
(This will usually be a skill or an attribute.) If the action is
Unopposed, the GM also determines the Difficulty Level
usually Fair. (See also Section 3.5, Opposed Actions.)
For running FUDGE Diceless, see the Addenda, Section
3.21 Reading the Dice:
Of the four dice techniques presented in FU D G E, this
one is recommended. It gives results from 4 to +4 quick-
ly and easily, without intruding into role-playing or
requiring complex math or a table.
FU D G E dice are six-sided dice with two sides marked
+1, two sides marked 1, and two sides marked 0. They
are commercially available from Grey Ghost Press, Inc.
see the Legal Notice, p. 2, for their address.
You can make your own FU D G E dice easily enough.
Simply get four normal white d6s. Using a permanent
marker, color two sides of each die green, two sides red,
and leave the other two sides white. When the ink has
dried, spray the dice lightly with clear matte finish to pre-
vent the ink from staining your hands. You now have
4dF: the green sides = +1, the red sides = 1, and the
white sides = 0.
(While you can try to play with normal d6s, reading:
1,2 = 1
3,4 = 0
5,6 = +1,
this is not recommended. It takes too much effort, and
intrudes into role-playing. 4dF is functionally equivalent
to 4d38, but this is also not recommended for the same
reason, even if you have d6s labeled 1-3 twice.)
To use FUDGE dice, simply roll four of them, and total
the amount. Since a +1 and a 1 cancel each other,
remove a +1 and 1 from the table, and the remaining
two dice are easy to read no matter what they are.
(E x a m p l e : if you roll +1, +1, 0, 1, remove the 1 and
one of the +1s, as together they equal 0. The remaining
two dice, +1 and 0, are easily added to +1.) If there is no
opposing pair of +1 and 1 dice, remove any zeros and
the remaining dice are again easy to read.
The result of a die roll is a number between 4 and +4.
At the top of the character sheet, there should be a sim-
ple chart of the attribute levels, such as:
To determine the result of an action, simply put your
finger on your trait level, then move it up (for plus
results) or down (for minus results).
E x a m p l e : Nathaniel, who has a Good Bow Skill, is
shooting in an archery contest. The player rolls 4dF, using
the procedure described above. If he rolls a 0, he gets a
result equal to Nathaniels skill: Good, in this case. If he
rolls a +1, however, he gets a Great result, since Great is
one level higher than his Good Archery skill. If he rolls a
3, unlucky Nathaniel has just made a Poor shot.
Action Resolution
It is not always necessary to figure the exact rolled
degree. If you only need to know whether or not a char-
acter succeeded at something, it is usually sufficient for
the player simply to announce the appropriate trait level
and the die roll result. The game goes much faster this
way. For example, a player wants his character, Captain
Wallop of the Space Patrol, to fly between two asteroids
that are fairly close together. The GM says this requires a
Great Difficulty Level Piloting roll and asks the player to
roll the dice. The player looks up Captain Wallops
Piloting skill, which is Great, and rolls a +2 result. He
simply announces Great +2 as the result. This answer is
sufficient the GM knows that Captain Wallop not only
succeeded at the task, but didnt even come close to
damaging his craft.
Of course, there are many times when you want to
know exactly how well the character did, even if its not
a matter of being close. If the character is composing a
poem, for example, and his Poetry skill is Fair, you will
want to figure out what Fair+2 means: he just wrote a
Great poem! There are many other instances where
degrees of success is more important than merely know-
ing success/failure.
3.22 Other Dice Techniques
For those who dont want to make or buy FUDGE dice,
three different options are available:
4d6: this method requires 2d6 of one color (or size)
and 2d6 of another color or size. First declare which two
dice are the positive dice, and which two the negative,
then roll all four dice. Do not add the dice in this system.
Instead, remove from the table all but the lowest die (or
dice, if more than one has the same lowest number
showing). If the only dice left on the table are the same
color, that is the result: a positive die with a 1 showing
is a +1, for example. If there are still dice of both colors
showing, the result is 0.
Examples (p = positive die, n = negative die): you
roll p4, p3, n3, n3. The lowest number is a 3, so the p4 is
removed, leaving p3, n3 and n3. Since there are both
positive and negative dice remaining, the result is 0. On
another roll, you get p1, p1, n2, n4. Remove the highest
numbers, n2 and n4. This leaves only positive dice, so
the result is +1, since a 1 is showing on a positive die,
and there are no negative dice on the table.
3d6: Roll 3 six-sided dice. Add the numbers and look
up the results on the table below. The table is so small
that it could easily fit on a character sheet. Example: a
roll of 3, 3, 6 is a sum of 12. Looking up 12 on the table
yields a result of +1.
Rolled: 3-4 5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16 17-18
Result: 4 3 2 1 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4
d%: roll two ten-sided dice, having first declared which
will be the tens digit. Read the tens die and the ones
die as a number from 1 to 100 (01 = 1, but 00 = 100), and
consult the table below, which should be printed on the
character sheet:
Rolled: 1 2-6 7-18 19-38 39-62 63-82 83-94 95-99 00
Result: 4 3 2 1 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4
Of course, the GM may customize this table as she
wishes. These numbers were chosen to match 4dF, which
the author feels is an ideal spread for FUDGE.
3.23 Success Rates
The following table is provided so that players can bet-
ter evaluate their chances of success.
Chance 4dF
of achieving or d% 3d6 4d6
+5 or better: 0.2%
+4 or better: 1% 2% 2%
+3 or better: 6% 5% 7%
+2 or better: 18% 16% 18%
+1 or better: 38% 38% 39%
0 or better: 62% 62% 61%
1 or better: 82% 84% 82%
2 or better: 94% 95% 93%
3 or better: 99% 98% 98%
4 or better: 100% 100% 99.8%
5 or better: 100%
Action Resolution
Thus, if your trait is Fair, and the GM says you need a
Good result or better to succeed, you need to roll +1 or
better. Youll do this about two times out of five, on the
Youll notice that using 3d6 or 4d6 the results, while
slightly different, are close enough for a game called
FUDGE. The 4d6 results do allow +/5, however, but this
shouldnt be a problem since they occur so rarely. In fact,
you could use 5dF to allow +/5 if you wanted
3.3 Action Modifiers
There may be modifiers for any given action, which
can affect the odds referred to in the preceding section.
Modifiers temporarily improve or reduce a characters
Examples: Joe, Good with a sword, is Hurt (1 to all
actions). He is thus only Fair with his sword until hes
healed. Jill has Mediocre Lockpicking skills, but an
exceptionally fine set of lock picks gives her a Fair
Lockpicking skill while shes using them.
If a character has a secondary trait that could contribute
significantly to a task, the GM may allow a +1 bonus if
the trait is Good or better.
Example: Verne is at the library, researching an obscure
South American Indian ritual. He uses his Research skill
of Good, but he also has a Good Anthropology skill. The
GM decides this is significant enough to give Verne a
Great Research skill for this occasion. If his Anthropology
skill were Superb, the GM could simply let Verne use that
instead of Research: you dont get to be Superb in
Anthropology without having done a lot of research.
Other conditions may grant a +/1 to any trait. In
FUDGE, +/2 is a large modifier +/3 is the maximum
that should ever be granted except under extreme condi-
3.4 Unopposed Actions
For each Unopposed action, the GM sets a Difficulty
Level (Fair is the most common) and announces which
trait should be rolled against. If no Skill seems relevant,
choose the most appropriate Attribute. If there is a rele-
vant Skill, but the character is untrained in it (its not list-
ed on his character sheet), then use the default: usually
Poor. If a high attribute could logically help an untrained
skill, set the default at Mediocre. For example, a character
wishes to palm some coins without being observed. The
GM says to use Sleight of Hand skill, but the character is
untrained in Sleight of Hand. The player points out that
the characters Dexterity attribute is Superb, so the GM
allows a default of Mediocre Sleight of Hand for this
The player then rolls against the characters trait level,
and tries to match or surpass the Difficulty Level set by
the GM. In cases where there are degrees of success, the
better the roll, the better the character did; the worse the
roll, the worse the character did.
In setting the Difficulty Level of a task, the GM should
remember that Poor is the default for most skills. The
average trained climber can climb a Fair cliff most of the
time, but the average untrained climber will usually get a
Poor result. In the example in Section 3. 2 ( N a t h a n i e l
shooting at an archery target), if the target is large and
close, even a Mediocre archer could be expected to hit it:
Mediocre Difficulty Level. If it were much smaller and far-
ther away, perhaps only a Great archer could expect to
hit it regularly: Great Difficulty Level. And so on.
Example of setting Difficulty Level: Two PCs (Mickey
and Arnold) and an NPC guide (Parri) come to a cliff the
guide tells them they have to climb. The GM announces
this is a difficult, but not impossible, cliff: a Good
Difficulty Level roll is required to scale it with no delays
or complications. Checking the character sheets, they find
that Parris Climbing skill is Great and Mickeys is Good.
Arnolds character sheet doesn t list Climbing, so his skill
level is at default: Poor. Parri and Mickey decide to climb
it, then lower a rope for Arnold.
Action Resolution
Parri rolls a +1 result: a rolled degree of Superb. She
gets up the cliff without difficulty, and much more quick-
ly than expected. Mickey rolls a 1, however, for a rolled
degree of Fair. Since this is one level lower than the
Difficulty Level, hes having problems. Had Mickey done
Poorly or even Mediocre, he would perhaps have fallen
or not even been able to start. Since his rolled degree
is only slightly below the Difficulty Level, though, the GM
simply rules he is stuck half way up, and cant figure out
how to go on. Parri ties a rope to a tree at the top of the
cliff, and lowers it for Mickey. The GM says it is now
Difficulty Level: Poor to climb the cliff with the rope in
place, and Mickey makes this easily on another roll.
Arnold would also need a Poor rolled degree to climb
the cliff with the rope, but since his skill is Poor, they
decide not to risk it. Mickey and Parri have Arnold loop
the rope under his arms, and pull him up as he grabs
handholds along the way in case they slip. No roll is
needed in this case, unless they are suddenly attacked
when Arnold is only half way up the cliff
(The whole situation was merely described as an exam-
ple of setting Difficulty levels. In actual game play, the
GM should describe the cliff, and ask the players how the
characters intend to get up it. If they came up with the
idea of Parri climbing the cliff and lowering a rope, no
rolls would be needed at all unless, possibly, time was
a critical factor, or there were hidden difficulties the GM
chose not to reveal because they couldnt have been per-
ceived from the bottom of the cliff.)
Occasionally, the GM will roll in secret for the PC.
There are times when even a failed roll would give the
player knowledge he wouldnt otherwise have. These are
usually information rolls. For example, if the GM asks the
player to make a roll against Perception attribute (or Find
Hidden Things skill), and the player fails, the character
doesnt notice anything out of the ordinary. But the play-
er now knows that there is something out of the ordinary
that his character didnt notice Far better for the GM to
make the roll in secret, and only mention it on a success-
ful result.
3.5 Opposed Actions
To resolve an Opposed action between two characters,
each side rolls two dice against the appropriate trait and
announces the result. The traits rolled against are not
necessarily the same: for example, a seduction attempt
would be rolled against a Seduction skill for the active
participant (or possibly Appearance attribute) and against
Will for the resisting participant. There may be modifiers:
someone with a vow of chastity might get a bonus of +2
to his Will, while someone with a Lecherous fault would
have a penalty or not even try to resist.
The Game Master compares the rolled degrees to deter-
mine a relative degree. For example, Lisa is trying to flim-
flam Joe into thinking shes from the FBI and rolls a
Great result. This is not automatic success, however. If
Joe also rolls a Great result on his trait to avoid being
flimflammed (Knowledge of Police Procedure, Learning,
Intelligence, etc. whatever the GM decides is appropri-
ate), then the relative degree is 0: the status quo is main-
tained. In this case, Joe remains unconvinced that Lisa is
legitimate. If Joe rolled a Superb result, Lisas Great result
would have actually earned her a relative degree of 1:
Joe is not going to be fooled this encounter, and will
probably even have a bad reaction to Lisa.
The Opposed action mechanism can be used to resolve
almost any conflict between two characters. Are two peo-
ple both grabbing the same item at the same time? This is
an Opposed action based on a Dexterity attribute the
winner gets the item. Is one character trying to shove
another one down? Roll Strength vs. Strength (or
Wrestling skill) to see who goes down. Someone trying
to hide from a search party? Perception attribute (or Find
Hidden skill) vs. Hide skill (or Camouflage, Stealth, etc.).
Trying to out-drink a rival? Constitution vs. Constitution
(or Drinking skill, Carousing, etc.). And so on.
Some Opposed actions have a minimum level needed
for success. For example, an attempt to control a persons
mind with a Telepathy skill might require at least a Fair
result. If the telepath only gets a Mediocre result, it
doesnt matter if the intended victim rolls a Poor resis-
tance: the attempt fails. Most combat falls into this cate-
gory see Chapter 4.
Action Resolution
For an example of Opposed actions involving more
than two characters, see Sect i on 4. 34, M u l t i p l e
Combatants in Melee.
An Opposed action can also be handled as an
Unopposed action. When a PC is opposing an NPC, have
only the player roll, and simply let the NPCs trait level be
the Difficulty Level. This method assumes the NPC will
always roll a 0. This emphasizes the PCs performance,
and reduces the possibility of an NPCs lucky roll decid-
ing the game.
As a slight variation on the above, the GM rolls 1dF or
2dF when rolling for an NPC in an opposed action. This
allows some variation in the NPCs ability, but still puts
the emphasis on the PCs actions.
For those without FUDGE dice, the GM can simply roll
1d6 for an NPC. On a result of 2-5, the NPC gets the list-
ed trait level as a result. On a result of 1, the NPC did
worse than her trait level; on a result of 6 the NPC did
better than her trait level. Those who want to know pre-
cisely how much better or worse should roll a second d6:
1,2,3 = +/1 (as appropriate)
4,5 = +/2
6 = +/3
3.6 Critical Results
Critical results are an optional FUDGE rule for GMs who
like the idea. A natural rolled result of +4 can be consid-
ered a critical success the character has done excep-
tionally well, and the GM may grant some special bonus
to the action. Likewise, a natural result of 4 is a critical
failure, and the character has done as poorly as he possi-
bly can in the given situation.
Note that achieving +/4 with die modifiers does not
count as a critical result, though the character has done
exceptionally well or poorly. When a natural critical
result is rolled, the GM may ignore what the rolled
degree would be, and treat it as an automatic beyond
Superb or below Terrible result.
Optionally, if a character gets a rolled degree four or
more levels better than the Difficulty Level, he has gotten
a critical success. Likewise, four levels below a Difficulty
Level is a critical failure.
Action Resolution
A critical result in combat can mean many things: one
fighter falls down, or drops his weapon, or is hurt extra
badly, or is stunned for a round and cant even defend
himself, or is temporarily blinded, or knocked out, etc.
The GM should be creative, but not kill a character out-
The GM may even wish to make a table, such as these
sample melee critical results:
Roll 2d6:
2 Blinded for the next combat round no defense
or offense!
3 Fall down: skill at 2 for one round.
4 Armor badly damaged no armor value rest of
5 Weapon finds chink in armor do not subtract for
6 Off balance skill at 1 next turn.
7 Drop Weapon.
8 Weapon breaks, but still useful: 1 to damage.
And so on finish and customize to your tastes.
This is an easy way to achieve a lot of detail without
complicating FUDGE. Those with Internet access are invit-
ed to add any interesting critical results tables they create
to the FUDGE sites.
3.7 NPC Reactions
Sometimes a non-player character has a set reaction to
the PCs. Perhaps shes automatically their enemy, or per-
haps the party has rescued her, and earned her gratitude.
But there will be many NPCs that dont have a set reac-
tion. When the PCs request information or aid, it might
go smoothly or it might not go well at all. Negotiation
with a stranger is always an unknown quantity to the
players it may be so for the GM, too.
When in doubt, the GM should secretly make a
Situational roll. If the PC in question has a trait that can
affect a strangers reaction, this should grant a +/1 (or
more) to the result. Examples include Appearance (which
could be an attribute, gift or fault), Charisma, Reputation,
Status, and such habits as nose-picking or vulgar lan-
guage. The Reaction roll can also be modified up or
down by circumstances: bribes, suspicious or friendly
nature of the NPC, proximity of the NPCs boss, observed
PC behavior, etc.
The higher the Reaction roll result, the better the reac-
tion. On a Fair result, for example, the NPC will be mildly
helpful, but only if its not too much effort. She wont be
helpful at all on Mediocre or worse results, but will react
well on a Good result or better.
Example: Nathaniel needs some information about the
local duke, who he suspects is corrupt. He has observed
that folks are reticent to talk about the duke to strangers.
Nathaniel decides to approach a talkative vegetable seller
at the open market. Nathaniel has an average appearance
(no modifier), but is charismatic: +1 to any Reaction roll.
He makes small talk for a while, then slowly brings the
duke into the conversation. The GM decides this was
done skillfully enough to warrant another +1 on the reac-
tion roll. However, the situation is prickly: 2 in general
to elicit any information about the sinister local ruler.
This cancels Nathaniels bonuses. The GM rolls in secret,
and gets a Fair result. The old lady slips out a bit of use-
ful information before realizing what shes just said. At
that point she clams up, but Nathaniel casually changes
the subject to the weather, dispelling her suspicions. He
wanders off to try his luck elsewhere.
Action Resolution
Unless one participant is unaware of an attack or
decides to ignore it, combat is an Opposed action in
FUDGE. The easiest way to handle combat in FUDGE is as a
series of Opposed action. This can be done simply or
with more complexity. The author of FUDGE uses simple
and loose combat rules in order to get combat over with
quickly and get back to more interesting role-playing.
This chapter, largely optional, is for players who prefer
combat options spelled out in detail.
Melee combat and Ranged combat are treated separately.
Chapter 4: Combat,
Wounds & Healing
4.1 Combat Terms
Melee: any combat that involves striking the opponent
with a fist or hand-held weapon. Any attack from further
away is a Ranged attack.
Story Element: a distinct segment of the storyline in the
game. In combat, the interval between story elements
can be a practical place for a die roll.
Combat Round: an indeterminate length of time set by
the GM around three seconds seems reasonable to
some people, while that seems grossly short or absurdly
long to others. A given GMs combat round may vary in
length, depending on the situation. Generally, when
each character involved has made an action, a given
round is over.
Offensive damage factors: those which contribute to
damaging an opponent: Strength (if using a Strength-
driven weapon), Scale, and deadliness of weapon.
Defensive damage factors: those which contribute to
reducing the severity of a received blow: Scale, armor,
and possibly Damage Capacity.
Total damage factor (or simply damage factor): t h e
attackers offensive damage factor minus the defenders
defensive damage factor.
4.2 Melee Combat
FU D G E gives three options available for handling the
pacing of melee combat: moving from story element to
story element, using simultaneous combat rounds, or
alternating combat turns. An individual GM may devise
4.21 Story Elements
In the simplest combat system, the GM explains the sit-
uation in as much detail as is apparent, then asks the
players to describe what their characters are doing. The
more complete the description of their characters
actions, the better the GM knows how to assess the situa-
tion. This can be important if she has something that
wont be revealed until the middle of a battle. Die rolls, if
any, are required by the GM for each story element.
A story element is the smallest unit of time in this type
of combat resolution. The GM may break the battle down
into several story elements, or treat the whole encounter
as one element. This depends on the GMs style, the
importance of the battle, the number of participants,
whether or not there are unexpected surprises, etc. Each
element should be a dramatic unit.
For example, the PCs are faced with a detachment of
guards at the door while the evil mastermind is trying to
activate the Doomsday machine at the back of the room.
The fight with the guards might be one element while
the confrontation with Dr. Doomsday could be a second.
Another GM might treat the whole battle as one story
element, while a third GM would treat each 5-second
segment separately. Whatever the number of elements,
keep the battle description as word-oriented as possible.
The GM may ask for a single die roll from a player
occasionally, or require three rolls and take the median
(The median is the middle value die roll, which may
be the same as either the high or low die roll. For exam-
ple, if the player rolls a Good, a Mediocre, and a Superb
result, the median is Good, since it s the result in
between Mediocre and Superb. But a result of Poor,
Great, and Great gives a median die roll of Great. Using a
median tends to soften the role of extreme luck. Some
GMs use a median when a single die result represents
many actions.)
Once the GM has decided which trait (or traits) each
PC should use for this combat, she then gives them a
modifier, ranging from 3 to +3. Zero should be the most
common modifier. The modifier is based partly on how
well the PCs plan would work, given what the GM
knows of the NPCs, and partly on circumstances: fatigue,
lighting, footing, surprise, weapon superiority, bravery or
cowardice of NPCs, wounds, etc.
Here is a long example of story element style of com-
Gunner, separated from the other PCs, surprises five
members of a rival gang in a garage. The player
announces that Gunner will shout and charge the rival
mob, carrying his Tommy gun as if hes about to fire
they dont know its irreparably jammed. He hopes to see
them run away, hit the dirt, or freeze in fear. Hell then
use his Tommy gun as a club, starting at the left end of
their line. Hell keep his current opponent in between
him and the others as long as possible. He hopes to then
roll up their line, one at a time, keeping the wall to his
left side as he charges.
The GM makes a Situational roll for the mob: Mediocre.
The mob members dont recover quickly from their sur-
prise, so she gives Gunner a +1 to his Brawling skill of
Good for this plan. She also decides that one mobster
will run away and the others wont draw their guns until
Gunner has already engaged the first enemy. His Running
skill is Great, so she gives him another +1, since he can
cover ground quickly. Total modifier for Gunner is +2,
bringing his Brawling skill to Superb for this combat.
Since this is a fairly long action and she doesnt want a
single unlucky roll to ruin Gunners chances, she asks
him for three Brawling skill rolls (at the +2 modifier), and
to use the median roll.
Gunner rolls a Good, Superb, and Great result, in that
order. The median roll is Great, and the GM decides this
is good enough to have downed the first two mobsters,
and describes the battle so far in entertaining detail. Now
Gunner is facing the last two thugs, who finally have
their pistols out and could probably plug him before he
charges that far. The GM asks, What does Gunner do
Gunner hurls the Tommy gun into the face of one gun-
man while making a low diving tackle for the other, hop-
ing to dodge under any bullets. The GM calls for a single
roll against Brawling to cover this whole action: Gunner
gets a Fair result. The GM rules that Gunner throws the
Tommy gun well enough to distract one gunman, but not
harm him. He does, however, manage to tackle and sub-
due his other foe, whose shots all go wild.
At this point, the GM rules that the mobster grazed by
the thrown Tommy gun now steps over and points his
pistol to Gunners head while hes kneeling over the
other mobster. Gunner wisely heeds the call to surrender
and hopes his friends can rescue him
4.22 Simultaneous Combat Rounds
Those who like their combat broken down into discrete
bits can use combat rounds. In simultaneous action
rounds, all offensive and defensive maneuvers happen at
the same time. This is realistic: few real combats consist
of fighters taking turns whacking at each other.
The GM determines which traits the combatants should
roll against. This depends largely on which weapon they
are using, which might simply be a fist. Weapon type
also affects damage see Section 4.5, Wounds.
Each combatant makes an Opposed action roll. On a
relative degree of zero, the combat round is a stand-off
the fighters either circled each other looking for an
opening, or exchanged blows on each others shields,
etc. nobody is hurt.
A minimum result of Poor is needed to hit a (roughly)
equal-sized opponent. That is, a human needs to score a
Poor blow (and still win the Opposed action) in order to
hit another human. If both opponents roll worse than
Poor, the round is a standoff.
If one opponent is significantly bigger than the other
(of a different Scale, at least), he needs a Mediocre or
even Fair result to hit his smaller foe, while even a
Terrible result will allow the small fighter to hit the larger.
(Of course, such a blow must still win the Opposed
action.) Extremely small targets, such as a pixie, may
require a Good or even a Great result. Examples include
humans fighting giants, or very large or small animals.
If the result is a relative degree other than zero, and the
minimum level needed to score a hit is achieved or sur-
passed, the winner checks to see if he hit hard enough to
damage the loser. In general, the better the hit (the
greater the relative degree), the greater the likelihood of
If one combatant is unable to fight in a given round
(possibly because he s unaware of the attacker, or
because of a critical result in the previous round see
Section 3.6, Critical Results), the combat may become
an Unopposed Action for the active fighter, usually with a
Poor Difficulty Level. If a character can defend himself in
some way, such as using a shield, it is still an Opposed
Action, but the defending character cannot hurt the other
character even if he wins the combat round.
Combat often takes more than one combat round.
Characters are not limited to attacking each round
they may attempt to flee, negotiate, try a fancy acrobatic
stunt, or any other appropriate action.
4.23 Alternating Combat Turns
Using alternating combat turns, each combat round
consists of two actions: the fighter with the higher initia-
tive attacks while the other defends, then the second
combatant attacks while the first defends. With multiple
characters involved in combat, the side with the initiative
makes all their attacks, then the other side makes all their
attacks. Or the GM may run the combat in initiative
order, even if fighters from both sides are interspersed
throughout the combat turn.
Gaining initiative is an Opposed action. If the charac-
ters dont have an Initiative attribute or skill such as
Reflexes or Speed simply use Opposed Situational
rolls. A gift such as Combat Reflexes can grant a +1 to
initiative. Surprise may grant a bonus to the roll, or give
automatic initiative. Initiative can be rolled once for each
battle or once each round. Perhaps a character could
trade skill for initiative: attack hastily (+1 to initiative that
round) but be slightly off balance because of it (1 to
attack and defend that round).
Each attack is an Opposed Action: the attackers
Offensive skill (Sword, Melee Weapon, Martial Art, etc.)
against a defenders Defensive skill (Shield, Parry, Dodge,
Duck, etc.). This type of combat take longer than simulta-
neous rounds, but some players feel it gives a character
more control over his own fate.
Using these rules, a Defensive parry skill may simply
equal the weapon skill, or it may be a separate skill that
must be bought independently of an Offensive skill. The
GM must tell the players at character creation which
method she is using or allow them extra levels on the
fly to adjust their defensive abilities.
Some weapons, such as an Axe, are poor parrying
weapons. Players should ask the GM at character creation
if a weapon may be used to parry and still be used to
attack without penalty in the next turn and give their
characters decent Shield or Dodge skills to compensate
for poor parrying weapons.
All-out offensive and defensive tactics can be used. A
character forfeits his attack for a round if he chooses All-
out defense, and is at 2 on his defense on his oppo-
nents next turn if choosing All-out offense or perhaps
gets no defense at all!
The default defense for animals depends on their type:
carnivores will usually have a Defense value one level
less than their Offense, while this is reversed for most
prey species.
4.3 Melee Combat Options
The various options listed below may be used with any
melee system. This is not a comprehensive or official
list of options. The GM should, in fact, consider these
options merely as examples to stimulate her imagination.
The GM may wish to import complex combat options
from other games into FUDGE.
4.31 Melee Modifiers
Some situations call for one side or the others trait
level to be modified. Here are some examples:
A fighter who is Hurt is at 1, while one who is Very
Hurt is at 2.
If one fighter has a positional advantage over the other,
there may be a penalty (1 or 2) to the fighter in the
worse position. Examples include bad footing, lower ele-
vation, light in his eyes, kneeling, etc.
Subtract the value of a shield from the opponents
weapon skill. A small shield has a value of +1 in melee
combat only, while a medium shield has a value of +1 in
melee combat and +1 to defense against ranged attacks
(if the shield material is impervious to the weapon). A
large shield (+2 in all combat) is cumbersome to lug
around. The larger the shield carried, the more the GM
should assess penalties for things such as acrobatic and
other fancy maneuvers. Shields can also be used offen-
sively to push an opponent back, for example, or knock
someone over.
Compare combatants weapon sizes and shields (see
Secti on 4.54, Sa mple Wound Fa ctor s Li s t). If one
fighters weapon + shield value is +2 (or more) greater
than the other fighters weapon + shield value, the fighter
with the smaller weapon is at 1 to his combat skill.
(E x a m p l e : one fighter has a Two-handed sword: +4 to
damage. His opponent has a knife and an average shield:
+1 to damage, +1 for shield makes a total of +2. The
knife wielder is at 1 to skill in this combat since his
weapon modifier is 2 less than the sword fighters.)
Aiming at a specific small body part (such as an eye or
hand) will require a minimum result of Good or Great to
hit and also have a 1 to the trait level. If a result of Great
is needed and the fighter only gets a Good result but still
wins the Opposed action, he hits the other fighter but
not in the part aimed for.
A fighter may have a magical blessing (+1 or more) or
curse (1 or worse).
All-out offense, such as a berserk attack, grants a +1 to
the combat skill (and an additional +1 for damage, if suc-
cessful). However, if an all-out attacker ties or loses the
Opposed action, the other fighter wins, and gets +2 to
An All-out defensive stance earns a +2 to the combat
skill, but such a combatant cannot harm his foe except
with a critical result.
A successful All-out Defense and a successful
Perception or Tactics roll produces a 1 penalty to the
opponent on the next round. The fighter takes a few sec-
onds to scope out the area and maneuvers to take advan-
tage of any terrain or conditional irregularity. Similar
combat subtleties are possible, and encouraged taking
a successful All-out defense one round can allow a player
to try an acrobatics maneuver the next combat round
without risk of being hit, for example.
4.32 Offensive/Defensive Tactics
This optional rule, used with simultaneous combat
rounds, allows more tactical flavor to combat at a small
expense of complexity. This option replaces the All-out
attack and defense options listed above, and allows for
both combatants to be injured in the same combat round.
Before each round, a fighter may choose to be in a
normal posture, an offensive posture or defensive pos-
ture. An offensive or defensive stance increases combat
skill in one aspect of combat (offense or defense), and
decreases the same skill by an equal amount for the other
aspect of combat.
There are five basic options:
+2 to Offense, 2 to Defense
+1 to Offense, 1 to Defense
Normal Offense and Defense
1 to Offense, +1 to Defense
2 to Offense, +2 to Defense
Each combat round, a player secretly chooses a combat
stance by selecting two FUDGE dice and setting them to a
result from +2 to 2, which represents an offensive modi-
fier. (The defensive modifier shown above with the
offensive modifier is automatically included.) Both sides
simultaneously reveal their choices.
For those without FUDGE dice, choose one die placed as
Die face: Option:
1 2 to offense
2 1 to offense
3,4 Normal offense
5 +1 to offense
6 +2 to offense
Each fighter then makes a single Opposed action roll as
normal. The result is applied to both offense and
defense, however, and will thus have different results for
offense and defense if anything other than a normal pos-
ture is chosen. The offensive rolled result of each fighter
is then compared to the defense of the other fighter.
For example, a fighter with Good sword skill chooses
+1 to offense and 1 to defense for a particular combat
round: his offensive sword skill is Great this round, while
his defensive sword skill is Fair. His opponent, a Great
swordswoman, chooses normal posture. The swords-
woman rolls a 1: a Good result for both her offense and
defense. The first fighter rolls a 0 result: his offensive
rolled result is Great, his defense is Fair.
His offense result of Great is compared with her Good
defense: he wins by +1. However, her offense result of
Good is simultaneously compared with his defense of
Fair: she also wins the Opposed action by +1. Both sides
check for damage, to see if they got through each others
armor see Section 4.5, Wounds.
4.33 PCs vs. NPCs
If a PC is fighting an NPC the GM can treat combat as
an Unopposed action by assuming the NPC will always
get a result equal to her trait level. In this case, the PC
will have to tie the NPCs trait level to have a stand-off
round, and beat the NPCs trait in order to inflict damage.
This option stresses the player characters abilities by dis-
allowing fluke rolls by NPCs.
4.34 Multiple Combatants in Melee
When more than one opponent attacks a single fighter,
they have, at least, a positional advantage. To reflect this,
the lone fighter is at 1 to his skill for each additional foe
beyond the first. (For epic-style games, with a few heroes
battling hordes of enemies, this penalty can be reduced,
or the GM can simply give the hordes Poor skills and low
Damage Capacity which is not out of character for a
The lone fighter rolls once, and the result is compared
with each of the opponents rolled degrees, one after the
other. The solo combatant has to defeat or tie all of the
opponents in order to inflict a wound on one of them. If
he beats all of his foes, he may hit the foe of his choice.
If he ties his best opponent, he can only wound another
whose result is at least two levels below his.
E x a m p l e : Paco is facing three thugs, who have just
rolled a Great, Good, and Mediocre result, respectively.
Paco rolls a Great result, tying the best thug. He hits the
thug who scored a Mediocre result (at least two levels
below his result) and is not hit himself (he tied the best
The lone fighter takes multiple wounds in a single
round if two or more enemies hit him. Usually, he can
inflict damage on only one foe in any given round his
choice of those he bested. Its also possible to allow a
sweeping blow to damage more than one foe at a time.
Of course, this slows a slash down: reduce damage done
by 1 or 2 for each foe cut through.
A well-armored fighter facing weak opponents can sim-
ply concentrate on one foe and let the others try to get
through his armor (that is, not defend himself at all
against some of his attackers). In this case, the lone fight-
er can damage his chosen foe even if he is hit by other,
ignored foes. This is historically accurate for knights wad-
ing through peasant levies, for example. There may or
may not be a penalty for the lone fighter in this case.
Theres a limit to the number of foes that can simulta-
neously attack a single opponent. Six is about the maxi-
mum under ideal conditions (such as wolves, or spear-
wielders), while only three or four can attack if using
weapons or martial arts that require a lot of maneuvering
space. If the lone fighter is in a doorway, only one or
two fighters can reach him.
When multiple NPCs beset a lone PC, the GM may
wish to use the option in Section 4.33, PCs vs. NPCs.
This will save a lot of die rolling.
Alternately, she may wish to roll only once for all the
NPCs. The lone fighter is still at 1 per extra opponent.
The GM rolls 2dF, and applies the result to each NPC. For
example, if the GM gets a +1 result, each attacker scores
a +1.
For those without FUDGE dice, the GM could simply use
the 1d6 method discussed in Secti on 3.5, O p p o s e d
Example: Three NPC pirates, complete with eye-patch-
es, scars, earrings, sneers and generally bad attitudes, are
attacking dashing PC hero Tucker. The pirates (whose
names are Molly, Annie, and Maggie) are Fair, Good, and
Mediocre, respectively, at combat skills. Tucker is a
Superb swordsman, but is at 2 for having two extra
fighters attacking him at once: his skill is Good for this
combat. The GM wants to roll just once (applying the
result to all three pirates) rather than rolling three times
each combat round.
Rolling 2dF, she gets a +1 on the first round. The
pirates have just gotten Good, Great, and Fair results,
respectively. If Tucker scores a Superb result, he could
hit the pirate of his choice and remain unhit. On a Great
result, Tucker would be unhit, and could land a blow on
Maggie. On a Good result, he doesnt hit anyone, but
Annie hits him. If Tucker rolls a Fair result, both Molly
and Annie would hit him. The process is repeated each
4.35 Hit Location
A light blow to an eye is very different from a light
blow to an armored shoulder, or to a shield. Using a hit
location system adds flavor to combat and the description
of a characters equipment, wounds and scars! Many
games have a hit location system, and a GM can easily
translate one she is familiar with to FU D G E. Or she can
use the simple system given here.
The simplest system is not to worry about called
shots. Merely say the better the relative degree, the bet-
ter the location of the blow. Winning a battle by +8 will
allow the attacker to pierce an eye, if desired. Hopefully,
the players will describe their actions in such detail that
the GM will know how close they came to their objective
merely by looking at the relative degree.
A more complicated system: an attacker can announce
that he is aiming at a specific body location this must
be done before rolling to hit. The GM decides the mini-
mum relative degree necessary for such a shot to succeed,
usually ranging from 2 to 4, though extreme locations
(such as an eyeball) are harder to hit. So if a player wish-
es his character to hit his opponents weapon arm, the
GM can respond, You have to win by 2 to do so. If the
player then does win by relative degree 2 or more, the
weapon arm is hit, and the wound is specific to that arm.
If the attacker wins the combat round, but not by the
minimum relative degree needed to hit the called target,
the defender names which part of the body or shield!
is hit. This will most likely be general body (if there is
no shield), but it could be the off-hand, which would
carry a lesser combat penalty than a wound to the torso.
The GM may have to fudge some here.
A damaged specific body part can be described as
being Scratched (no real game effect), Hurt (a penalty to
use, but the body part still functions), and Incapacitated.
After battle is the time to decide if an Incapacitated body
part can be healed, or is permanently Incapacitated.
A Hurt body part is generally at 1 to its normal use. A
Hurt sword arm gives a 1 penalty to combat, for exam-
ple, while a Hurt leg is 1 to any running, acrobatics, etc.
A Hurt eye is 1 to vision, and so on.
To determine the exact level of the damage, the GM
should consider how well the hit scored, as well as the
Strength of the attacker and the weapon being used.
Winning by the minimum relative degree necessary to hit
the specific body part shouldn t make the victim
Incapacitated unless the attacker is of a much larger Scale
than the defender. On the other hand, an arm hit with a
battle axe wielded by a large, berserk Viking has a good
chance of being cut off even if the Viking just rolled
exactly what he needed to hit the arm
As a guideline, if the attacker surpasses the relative
degree necessary to hit the body part at all, the part is
Scratched or Hurt, depending on Strength and weapon
deadliness. If he surpasses it significantly, the part is Hurt
or Incapacitated.
Species other than humans may have a different list of
body parts to hit, and/or different difficulty modifiers.
4.36 Fancy Stuff
A lot of fancy maneuvers are possible in FUDGE combat.
All require a bit of thought on the GMs part.
What if you want a Speed or Reflexes trait to affect
how often you can strike in combat? How would you
handle someone of Good Speed vs. someone of Fair
If someone has a Power that speeds him up beyond
the human norm, you can simply have him attack every
other round as if his opponent wasnt aware of the
attack. That is, every other round, an Unopposed result
of Poor or better hits the foe, with no chance to be hit
back in return.
For more subtle differences, the GM may allow an
Opposed action to determine if one fighter gets to land a
blow first: after declaring their actions, each fighter makes
a roll against a Speed trait. The winner of the Opposed
action, if any, adds the difference to his weapon skill.
How about FUDGEs graininess getting in the way of
interesting combat? That is, since there are only seven
levels in FUDGE, a Good fighter will often meet another
Good fighter, and it doesnt seem right that you cant
meet someone whos just a little better or worse than
In this case, the GM can create new levels of combat
skills (theres no point in using this option with other
skills). These new levels require full experience points to
reach, but function only as half levels, called plus lev-
els. Thus, you can have:
Superb +
Great +
Good +
And so on. In any combat, someone with a + has the
skill level listed before the +, but gets a +1 every other
round, starting with the second round. So in a combat
between Gus (skill Great) and Ivan (skill Good +), Gus
would have the higher skill on on rounds one, three,
five, etc. But on rounds two, four, six, etc., Ivan will roll
as if he had a Great skill, thus being Guss equal those
What about swinging on chandeliers and other swash-
buckling moves? Since role-playing games have more to
do with movies than real life, this should be encouraged
if the genre is at all cinematic.
In these cases, have the player describe his swashbuck-
ling intentions as fully and dramatically as he can. The
better the story, the better the bonus to the die roll or
no roll needed if the outcome is entertaining enough.
You may then request a roll against Dexterity, or
Acrobatics (or even Chutzpah!) and let that determine
how well he accomplished his aim. Maybe the swing on
the chandelier came off great, but the landing on the
banister was a little rough, so the slide down to slam the
villain in the back was a tad off, and instead of knocking
him out, you merely made him drop his weapon, but
then fell on the floor yourself, and now hes mad, and
maybe you should get up before he picks up his pistol,
or you could try to yank the carpet while youre down
there, right next to it, and he seems to standing on it a bit
off-balance Whatever is fun!
4.4 Ranged Combat
Ranged combat may or may not be an Opposed action.
If the target is unaware of the assault, the attacker
makes an Unopposed action roll to see if he hits his tar-
get. The GM sets the Difficulty Level based on distance,
lighting, cover, etc. Do not modify the attackers skill for
range, partial cover, or other circumstances thats
included in the Difficulty Level. Equipment such as a laser
sighting scope can modify the attackers skill, though.
If the defender is aware of the attack it is an Opposed
action: the attackers ranged weapon skill against the
defenders defensive trait. (A Difficulty Level for range,
lighting, etc., is still set by the GM, and is the minimum
rolled degree needed to hit.) A defensive roll should be
made against a Dodge skill, or Agility attribute, or some-
thing similar.
If the ranged weapon is thrown, there is no modifier to
the defense roll. However, a propelled weapon, such as a
bow, gun, or beam weapon, is much harder to avoid. In
this case, reduce the defender s trait by 2 or 3.
Obviously, the defender isnt trying to dodge a bullet, but
dodging the presumed path of a bullet when an attacker
points a gun at him.
Of course, the defender may decline to dodge, but
shoot back instead. In this case, the action is Unopposed
making the Difficulty Level is all that is needed to hit.
The GM may make such actions simultaneous.
Example: Nevada Slim and the El Paso Hombre are fac-
ing off in a showdown. Both are in the open, in the sun-
light, so theres no lighting or cover difficulty. The range
is obviously the same for both the GM rules its a Fair
task to hit each other. Slim rolls a Poor result, and the
Hombre a Mediocre result. The Hombres bullet came
closer to Nevada Slim than vice versa, but both missed
since neither made the Difficulty Level.
Another Example: Will Scarlet is shooting a longbow
from the greenwood at Dicken, the Sheriffs man, who
has a crossbow. Dicken knows Will is there, because the
man next to him just keeled over with an arrow through
his chest. Dicken is in the open, in good light, so only
range is of any concern to Will Scarlet: the GM says even
a Mediocre shot will hit since they are fairly close. The
range for Dicken to hit Will is of course the same, but
Will is partially hidden behind a log (cover), and just
inside the foliage, so the lighting makes it hard to see
him clearly. The GM decrees Dicken needs a Good roll to
hit Will. Dicken rolls a Fair result, missing Will. Will rolls
a Mediocre result, which hits Dicken, even though it
wasnt as good a shot as Dickens.
In both examples, the fighters forfeited their Dodges in
order to shoot simultaneously. Each combatant needed to
make the appropriate Difficulty Level to hit. Under these
conditions, its possible for both combatants to succeed in
the same combat round. Had Dickens shot hit, Will and
Dicken would have skewered each other.
Guns and similar weapons that do not rely on muscle
power should be rated for damage at the beginning of
the game. No detailed list is provided, but as a rough
guideline: The average small hand gun might be of +2 to
+3 Strength, while a derringer might be +1 or even +0.
Powerful two-handed projectile weapons are at +5 and
higher, while bazookas and other anti-tank weapons are
at +10 and higher. Science fiction small weapons may do
as much damage as a modern bazooka but some are
designed to capture people without injuring them.
Automatic weapons can be simulated roughly by allow-
ing more bullets to hit with higher relative degrees. That
is, blasting away with a weapon that fires 20 bullets in a
combat round and hitting with relative degree +1 a
graze means only one or two hit the target. If a relative
degree +8 represents maximum amount of ammunition on
target (whatever that may be for a given weapon), then
hitting with a +4 means about half maximum hit the tar-
get, while +2 means only one quarter.
If there is no effective armor, simply add a big damage
number if lots of bullets hit: this is going to Incapacitate
anyone, at the very least. If armor is at all likely to slow
down a bullet, you cant just add a bigger and bigger
damage number if more bullets hit: the armor has a
chance to slow down each bullet. In this case, rather than
roll damage for each bullet, or have them all stopped, the
GM needs to fudge some medium result: give a slight
damage bonus if more projectiles hit the target.
4.5 Wounds
FUDGE offers various methods of tracking wounds, with
many options. It is impossible to be 100% accurate when
simulating damage to such an intricate mechanism as a
living being. This is true even for detailed simulations
for an abstract role-playing game, it is hard to get close to
reality at all.
Consequently, many GMs dont try to be very accurate,
and want a simple system that works and lets the story
flow. Others want as much accuracy as they can get.
FUDGE presents a simple freeform system that works, and
suggests some options to make it more mechanical, and
encourages each GM to add as much detail as she is
happy with.
4.51 Wound Levels
Combat damage to a character can be described as
being at one of seven stages of severity. The stages are:
Undamaged: no wounds at all. The character is not
necessarily healthy he may be sick, for example. But
he doesnt have a combat wound thats recent enough to
be bothering him.
Just A Scratch: no real game effect, except to create
tension. This may eventually lead to being Hurt if the
character is hit again. This term comes from the famous
movie line, Im okay, its only a scratch. The actual
wound itself may be a graze, bruise, cut, abrasion, etc.,
and the GM whose game is more serious in tone may
choose to use one of these terms instead.
Hurt: the character is wounded significantly, enough to
slow him down: 1 to all traits which would logically be
affected. A Hurt result in combat can also be called a
Light Wound.
Ver y Hur t: the character is seriously hurt, possibly
stumbling: 2 to all traits which would logically be affect-
ed. A Very Hurt result can also be called a Severe Wound.
Incapacitated: the character is so badly wounded as to
be incapable of any actions, except possibly dragging
himself a few feet every now and then or gasping out an
important message. A lenient GM can allow an
Incapacitated character to perform such elaborate actions
as opening a door or grabbing a gem
Near Death: the character is not only unconscious,
hell die in less than an hour maybe a lot less with-
out medical help. No one recovers from Near Death on
their own unless very lucky.
Dead: he has no more use for his possessions, unless
he belongs to a culture that believes hell need them in
the afterlife
The GM may expand or contract these stages. For
example, expand Hurt and Very Hurt to Light Wound,
Moderate Wound and Severe Wound. In this case, a
Severe Wound might be 3 to all actions or the GM
might leave it at 2, make Moderate Wound = 1, and
make Light Wound something in between a Scratch and
Moderate Wound. That is, maybe a Light Wound causes
no penalty during combat (you dont notice such a slight
wound in the heat of battle), but after combat the charac-
ter will be at 1 to all skills until its healed (such wounds
can be annoying later).
The GM may allow a high Difficulty Level Willpower
roll to reduce or even nullify penalties listed at Hurt, Very
Hurt, and possibly Incapacitated. A gift of a High Pain
Threshold will reduce the penalties by one level, while a
fault of a Low Pain Threshold will increase penalties by
Some players delight in describing their characters
wounds in detail, even writing resulting scars into the
character story.
Aut omati c Death: sometimes you dont have to roll
the dice. Holding a knife to a helpless characters throat
is a good example no roll needed to kill such a char-
acter, but the killers karma suffers.
4.52 Damage Capacity
In FU D G E, Damage Capacity determines how wounds
affect a character. Damage Capacity may be called Hit
Points, if desired. It may be tied to a character trait such
as Constitution (or Hardiness, Fitness, Health, Body,
Strength, etc.), or it may be a separate trait see
Section 6.3, Character Examples. It can also be treat-
ed as a gift/fault.
The GM decides how to handle the differing abilities of
humans to take damage. It really does vary, but how
much is open to debate.
As an extreme example, take the death of the Russian
monk Rasputin, the adviser to Czarina Alexandra, in 1916.
He was fed enough cyanide to kill three normal people,
but showed no signs of it. He was then shot in the chest
and pronounced dead by a physician. A minute later he
opened his eyes and attacked his assassins! They shot
him twice more, including in the head, and beat him
severely with a knuckle-duster. He was again pro-
nounced dead, tied in curtains and ropes, and tossed into
a river. When his body was retrieved three days later, it
was found he had freed an arm from his bindings before
finally dying of drowning! Clearly, the man could soak up
damage well beyond most peoples abilities. He is not
unique, however: there are many cases in history of peo-
ple being hard to kill.
On the other hand, the phrase glass jaw is familiar to
most English speakers, referring to those who are hurt
from the slightest blow.
So there is undoubtedly some room for variation in
damage capacity in characters.
If the GM is handling wounds in a freeform matter,
make Damage Capacity an attribute and let players rate
their characters in it like any other attribute. Or have a
gift (Damage Resistant, perhaps) and a fault (Fragile,
maybe), and let everyone without either the gift or the
fault be normal in this regard. The GM can assess the
characters ability to take damage based on that informa-
tion and the situation at hand.
If the GM wants a more numerical approach to wound
determination, it requires some forethought. If Damage
Capacity is an attribute, the easiest way to rate it numeri-
cally in FUDGE is the standard:
+3 for Superb Damage Capacity
+2 for Great Damage Capacity
+1 for Good Damage Capacity
+0 for Fair Damage Capacity
1 for Mediocre Damage Capacity
2 for Poor Damage Capacity
3 for Terrible Damage Capacity
However, since light metal armor, as listed in Section
4.54, Sample Wound Factors List, only grants a +2 to
defense against being wounded, it is easily seen that a
Great Damage Capacity is equal to light metal armor.
Some GMs will find this absurd: a naked person of Great
Damage Capacity can turn a sword as well as an armored
person of Fair Damage Capacity. Others will remember
Rasputin, and consider it within the bounds of reason
it could be part body size (vital organs harder to reach)
and part healthiness (muscle tissue more resistant to
being cut).
For simplicity, any equation-driven approach to
wounds in FU D G E assumes the GM will use a Damage
Capacity attribute, and it is rated from +3 to 3, as listed
above. If you are not happy with this, please make the
necessary mental substitution.
Here are some other possible ways to handle Damage
Capacity numerically:
1) Make Damage Capacity an attribute, as above, but
instead of automatically granting a bonus, require a
Damage Capacity die roll every time a character is hit for
at least a Light Wound (Hurt result). On a result of:
Gr eat or bet t er : reduce the severity of the
wound by one.
Mediocre to Good: no adjustment to the severity
of the wound.
Poor or wor se: increase the severity of the
wound by one.
This adjustment can either be one wound level, or sim-
ply one damage point, as the GM sees fit.
For certain types of damage perhaps from a stun ray
or a quarterstaff across the ribs the GM can use the
values from +3 to 3 without requiring a roll.
2) Do not use a Damage Capacity attribute; instead
allow the players to take a gift of Damage Resistant
(reduces wound severity by one) or a fault of Fragile
(increases wound severity by one). Again, this adjustment
can be one wound level, or one damage point.
3) Use a Damage Capacity attribute, as outlined as the
first suggestion under Sect i on 4. 57, R e c o r d i n g
W o u n d s . Each hit temporarily reduces your Damage
Capacity attribute one or more levels.
4) Use a Willpower attribute instead of Damage
Capacity. GMs who believe that Rasputin was able to
overcome so much damage because his will was focused
on overcoming his enemies may use this method. Grant
an adjustment to the wound level based on the result of a
Willpower die roll. This can be temporary until the
battle is over or actually have a permanent affect on
reducing wound severity.
4.53 Wound Factors
When determining how wounded a character is when
hit in combat, take into consideration all of the following
1) The relative degree the attack succeeded by the
better the hit, the greater likelihood of damage. Winning
a combat round with a relative degree of +1 means you
probably hit where the opponent is most heavily
armored. Scoring a hit with a +3 finds a chink in the
2) The strength of the blow. For muscle-powered
weapons, such as melee weapons, unarmed attacks,
bows, slings, etc., this is determined by the attackers
Strength attribute: stronger folks tend to hit harder. The
relative Scale modifier is also figured in here. For things
like guns, beam weapons, etc., it is relative to the nature
of the weapon: a .38 usually does more damage than a
.22. The technological level of the weapon can be impor-
3) The deadliness of the attacker s weapon. Big
weapons tend to do more damage than little weapons;
sharp weapons rip tissue more than dull ones, but blunt
weapons can cause concussive damage through armor
thick enough to stop a sharp weapon. People trained in
Karate tend to do more damage than those untrained in
any martial art.
4) The defenders armor. People wearing thicker armor,
and more of it, tend to get hurt less than those wearing
no armor. Armor can be finely differentiated, or simply
said to be Light, Medium, or Heavy armor. Science fiction
scenarios will have Extra-Heavy armor, and even further
levels. Fantasy campaigns may include magic armor that
offers even greater protection, sometimes specific against
certain types of damage.
5) The amount of damage the victim can soak up
(Robustness, Damage Capacity, or Mass). Big, healthy
guys can take more damage before collapsing than little,
sickly guys. But its your call if its a big, sickly fighter
against a little, healthy fellow.
4.54 Sample Wound Factors List
For those who prefer numerical values, here are some
suggested numbers to attach to the factors listed in the
previous section. These may be customized to taste, of
course, and are only offered as a starting point. If used,
they should be written down on the character sheet at
character creation (probably with the weapons and
armor), so as to be readily available during combat.
Offensive factors:
For Characters Strength
(muscle-powered weapons only):
+3 for Superb Strength
+2 for Great Strength
+1 for Good Strength
+0 for Fair Strength
1 for Mediocre Strength
2 for Poor Strength
3 for Terrible Strength
For Attackers Scale:
Plus the attackers Strength Scale
(see Section 4.68, Non-human Scale in Combat).
Note: the attackers Strength Scale is relevant only for
muscle-powered weapons and for those proj ectile
weapons scaled to the attackers size, such as miniature
bazookas or giant-sized handguns. A superhero of Scale
10 using an ordinary pistol would not figure his Scale into
the Offensive Damage Modifier.
For Weapons Strength
(Guns, Crossbows, Beam weapons, etc.,):
+/ Strength of weapon
(see Section 4.4, Ranged Combat).
For Muscle-Powered Weapon:
1 for no weapon, not using a Martial Art skill.
+0 Martial Art skill, or for small weapons
(blackjack, knife, brass knuckles,
sling, thick boots if kicking, etc.).
+1 for medium-weight one-handed weapons
(billy club, machete, shortsword,
epee, hatchet, rock, etc.).
+2 for large one-handed weapons
(broadsword, axe, large club, etc.),
or for light two-handed weapons
(spear, bow, etc.).
+3 for most two-handed weapons
(polearm, two-handed sword, battleaxe, etc.).
+1 for sharpness
(add to other weapon damage
knife becomes +1, shortsword +2,
broadsword +3, greatsword +4, etc.).
Note: For a less lethal game, subtract 1 from each type
of weapon except sharpness. (This will lengthen com-
Note: the value of a shield may be subtracted from the
opponents skill see Section 4.31, Melee Modifiers.
Optional note, as an example of the detail you can
achieve in FUDGE: for heavy blunt metal weapons, such as
maces and flails, halve any protection from the defenders
armor, round down. The concussive damage from such
weapons is slowed, but not totally stopped, by most
armor. E x a m p l e : if using a large mace (+2 weapon)
against plate armor (+4 armor), the armor only counts as
+2 armor.
Defensive factors:
For Characters Damage Capacity Attribute:
Note: this is optional see Secti on 4. 52, D a m a g e
Capacity, for a complete discussion.
+3 for Superb Damage Capacity
+2 for Great Damage Capacity
+1 for Good Damage Capacity
+0 for Fair Damage Capacity
1 for Mediocre Damage Capacity
2 for Poor Damage Capacity
3 for Terrible Damage Capacity
For Armor:
+1 for light, pliable non-metal armor.
+2 for heavy, rigid non-metal armor
+2 for light metal armor.
+3 for medium metal armor.
+4 for heavy metal armor.
+5 or more for science fiction advanced armor.
Note: magical armor may add anywhere from +1 to
whatever the GM will allow to any given armor type
For Defenders Mass Scale:
Plus the defenders Mass Scale
(see Section 4.58, Non-human Scale in Combat).
(If the defender has Mass other than Fair, or a gift of
Tough Hide, it should also be figured in.)
4.55 Determining Wound Level
A given blow will cause a certain level of wounding. In
the simplest wound determination system, the GM assess-
es all of the Wound Fa ct or s (Sect i on 4. 53) a n d
announces how bad the wound is. (In some cases, how-
ever, the PCs wont know the precise degree of damage.
In those cases, the GM can simply say, You think you
wounded her, but shes still on her feet, or, You dont
notice any effect.)
As an example, the GM thinks to herself, Okay, the
fighter with Good Strength just scored a Great hit with a
broadsword. The loser rolled a Fair combat roll, has
Good Damage Capacity and heavy leather armor. Hmm
Ill say the Strength and Damage Capacity cancel each
other, while the sharp sword should be able to penetrate
the leather armor if the blow is good enough. A Great hit
against a Fair defense is enough, but not really massive:
Id say the loser is Hurt. This result would then be
announced to the loser of the combat round.
The GM can also use a Situational roll to help her. Roll
the dice behind a GM screen, and let the result guide
you. A roll of 1 to +1 isnt significant no change from
what you decided. But a roll of +3 or +4 adds a wound
level or two to the damage.
See Section 4.57, Recording Wounds, for details on
how to keep track of wounds received.
That system, while simple and satisfying to a certain
type of GM, doesnt do much for those who prefer the
system detailed in Sect i on 4. 54, Sa mpl e Wound
Factors List. Theres no point in figuring out the offen-
sive and defensive factors if you dont do something with
the numbers.
One system that uses the offensive and defensive fac-
tors requires finding the total da mage f actor . This is
derived by adding up all the attackers offensive factors
and then subtracting all the defenders factors.
Example, first Leroy attacking Theodora, then vice
Good Strength (+1)
Scale 0
(+2 for size, +1 for sharpness = +3 weapon).
Offensive damage factors = 1+0+3 = 4
Fair Damage Capacity (+0)
Scale 0
Boiled leather armor (+2)
Defensive damage factors = 0+0+2 = 2.
Leroys total damage factor against Theodora is 42 = 2.
Superb Strength (+3)
Poleaxe (+4)
Offensive damage factors = 3+0+4 = 7
Good Damage Capacity (+1)
Scale mail armor (+3)
Defensive damage factors = 1+0+3 = 4.
Theodoras total damage factor against Leroy is 74 = 3.
Since Theodoras damage factor is larger, if she hits
him, shell do more damage to him than he would to her
for an equally well-placed blow.
Once these numbers are determined, jot them down so
you dont have to refigure them each combat round.
This system requires each character sheet to have a
wound record track which looks like:
1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9+
Wounds: Scratch Hurt Very Hurt Incapac. Nr. Death
The numbers above the wound levels represent the
amount of damage needed in a single blow to inflict the
wound listed under the number. For example, a blow of
3 or 4 points Hurts the character, while a blow of 5 or 6
points inflicts a Very Hurt wound.
These numbers can be customized by the GM to fit her
conception of how damage affects people. Raising the
numbers makes it harder to wound someone, while low-
ering them makes combat more deadly.
Note that there is no number given for Dead. This is
left up to the GM, and deliberately not included to pre-
vent accidental PC death.
However, you cant simply use the damage factor you
determined above relative degree is also important.
A relative degree of +1 is treated as a graze see
Section 4.56, Grazing.
Otherwise, simply add the relative degree to the dam-
age factor. (You may also wish to include a damage roll
see Section 4.61, Damage Die Roll.)
The result is a number that may or may not be a posi-
tive number. If its zero or less, no damage is scored.
If the number is positive, look up the result across the
top of the wound levels, and figure the wound as
described above. If Leroy hits Theodora with a relative
degree of +2, he adds that to his damage potential of +2
to produce a damage number of 4. Looking down, we
see that a result of 4 is a Hurt result (Light Wound).
Theodora is Hurt, and at 1 until she is healed.
For more detail, see Sect i on 4. 7, Comba t a nd
Wounding Example.
There are other ways to figure damage. A GM who
believes the relative degree is more important than the
damage factor would double it before adding it to the
damage factor. The numbers above the wound levels
should be adjusted in this case:
1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13+
Wounds: Scratch Hurt Very Hurt Incapac. Nr. Death
This is a satisfying system that is recommended for
those who dont mind doubling relative degree.
Others feel Strength is more important, and so on. A
totally different wounding system is given in S e c t i o n
4. 63, Mi n-Mi d-Ma x Die Roll. Many others have been
proposed for FUDGE over the years, and it would be easy
to import one from another game system. Use what you
feel comfortable with.
4.56 Grazing
Any relative degree of +1 can do at most a GM-set
Wound level (plus any Scale difference). It may do no
damage at all, depending on the opponents defensive
factors: a fist hitting plate mail wont hurt the armored
knight in the slightest unless its a giants fist.
Sample graze severity table:
Factor Result
<0 Undamaged
0-4 Scratch
5+ Hurt
A GM may or may not allow a damage die roll on a
graze, even if using the die rolls for other hits. If allowed,
a damage roll shouldnt change the result of a graze by
more than one level.
Scale difference is a little trickier to figure, but it should
be minimized for such a narrow victory: a giants club
could give a human a glancing blow that might inflict a
Very Hurt result, but not necessarily Incapacitate.
On the other hand, a tiger biting a mouse with a relative
degree of +1 grazes the mouse as a cow grazes grass
4.57 Recording Wounds
Once the final damage is determined, it is recorded on
the wounded fighters character sheet. Each individual
wound is described as a Scratch, Hurt (Light Wound),
etc., as introduced in Section 4.51, Wound Levels.
Use a Damage Capacity attribute as an easy way to
record wounds. (In this case, Damage Capacity is not fig-
ured into determining wound severity.) Each hit that is
greater than a Scratch reduces a characters Damage
Capacity attribute one level or more, if the GM deems
the hit to be severe enough. (Scratches can accumulate as
the GM desires perhaps three Scratches equal one hit.)
When someone is reduced to Mediocre Damage
Capacity, he is Hurt: 1 to all actions. When he is at Poor
Damage Capacity, he is Very Hurt: 2 to all actions.
When he drops to Terrible, he is at 3 to all actions or
Incapacitated, if a GM wishes to play it that way. Damage
Capacity below Terrible is Incapacitated, at least possi-
bly worse.
(For characters of Mediocre or worse Damage Capacity,
these levels only affect them when damaged. That is, an
undamaged character of Mediocre Damage Capacity is
not at 1 to all actions. However, if he takes even one hit,
he drops to Poor Damage Capacity, and is at 2 to all
Healing in such a system cannot raise Damage Capacity
above a characters undamaged level that can only be
raised through Character Development (Chapter 5) .
A more detailed method requires a space on the char-
acter sheet to record wounds. This would look like:
1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9+
Wounds: Scratch Hurt Very Hurt Incapac. Nr. Death
The numbers above the wound levels are discussed in
Section 4.55, Determining Wound Level.
The boxes below the wound levels represent how
many of each wound type a fighter can take.
When a wound is received, mark off the appropriate
box. A character takes a Very Hurt result in the first
round of combat. The character sheet would then look
1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9+
Wounds: Scratch Hurt Very Hurt Incapac. Nr. Death
This character is at 2 to all skills since hes Very Hurt.
If he then received a Hurt result, he would check it off
like so:
1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9+
Wounds: Scratch Hurt Very Hurt Incapac. Nr. Death
This character is still at 2 to all skills. The Hurt result is
not cumulative with the Very Hurt result; only the penalty
for the highest recorded wound level counts.
If there is no open box for a given wound result, the
character takes the next highest wound for which there is
an open box. If the character above, for example, takes
another Hurt result, we see that there is no open box in
either Hurt or Very Hurt, so we have to go to
Incapacitated: the character is now incapacitated, and the
sheet would look like:
1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9+
Wounds: Scratch Hurt Very Hurt Incapac. Nr. Death
Note that an H is recorded under the Incapacitated
label. The character is indeed Incapacitated he cant
fight any more but for healing (and scarring) purpos-
es, he has only received two Hurt wounds and one Very
Hurt wound never an Incapacitating wound in one
blow. Since Incapacitating blows are harder to heal from,
this is important.
As another example, a character that takes two Very
Hurt results without taking any other hits is Incapacitated,
since that is the next highest wound level.
Note that three boxes are provided under Scratch. This
can be customized by each GM, of course. A Scratch
wound will not make a fighter Hurt until he receives his
fourth Scratch. Optionally, a Scratch will never raise a
characters wound level beyond Very Hurt, no matter
how many he takes. The GM should not to use this rule
when the PCs fight a monster of huge Scale. Otherwise,
theyd never be able to kill such a creature when the
worst wound they can inflict is a Scratch.
The wound progression above makes for a fairly realis-
tic campaign. For a more cinematic campaign (especially
those without magic or science fiction healing), add an
extra box for Scratch, Hurt, and possibly Very Hurt: lesser
blows wont accumulate so quickly to hinder the charac-
ter. A moderately cinematic character sheet looks like:
1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9+
Wounds: Scratch Hurt Very Hurt Incapac. Nr. Death
It wouldnt be out of line, for an epic scale game, to
add up to two more boxes to Hurt and Very Hurt.
Be warned that adding boxes can lengthen combat sig-
Never add boxes for cannon-fodder NPCs, though you
may wish to do so for major NPCs. In fact, NPC pawns
dont even need the system above. A simple three-stage
system of Undamaged, Hurt, Out of the Battle is good
enough for most of them. Simply make a mark under an
NPCs name for Hurt, and cross out the name for Out of
the Battle.
4.58 Non-human Scale
in Combat
The attackers Strength Scale is added to his offensive
damage factors, and the defenders Mass Scale is added
to her defensive damage factors. If you have combat with
beings weaker than humans, remember what you learned
in school about adding and subtracting negative num-
Armor and weapons affect the damage done normally,
since they are scaled to the folks using them. Hits
become Scratches, Hurt, etc., as usual see S e c t i o n
4.55, Determining Wound Level.
However, an extremely small character is not likely to
be able to wound a large one in the numerical value
wounding system. The GM may allow a point or two of
damage to penetrate if the small character gets a critical
success. Poison-tipped arrows and lances are also a pos-
sibility: the small character can aim for joints in the armor
and merely has to break the skin to inject the poison.
Also, this system treats Mass Scale like armor, which
isnt quite accurate. In reality, a small opponent may be
slowly carving the larger fighter up, but each wound is
too petty, relative to the large scale, to do much damage
by itself. To reflect a lot of small wounds gradually inflict-
ing a hit on a large-scale foe, allow a damage roll when
Scale prevents a hit from doing any damage that is,
when Scale is the only difference between getting a
Scratch and no damage at all. See Section 4.61, Damage
Die Roll.
There are also scale piercing weapons, such as whale
harpoons and elephant guns. These dont have massive
damage numbers: instead, if they hit well, simply halve
the Scale value, or ignore it all together. Of course, if
such a weapon is used on a human, it would indeed
have a massive damage modifier
Combat Examples: In the following examples, each
fighters Strength Scale equals his own Mass Scale, but
not his opponents. (E.g., Wilburs Strength is Scale 0 and
his Mass is Scale 0.) Also, it is assumed the GM is not
using the optional damage roll, which could vary damage
in all three combats discussed.
First example:
Sheba, a human warrior, has just kicked McMurtree, a
wee leprechaun. Shebas offensive damage factor = +1:
Fair Strength: +0
Unarmed Combat Skill, with thick boots: +1
Scale: +0
(Shebas martial art skill normally earns her a +0 to
damage, and boots normally earns a +0. The GM rules
that using both together allows a +1, however.)
McMurtrees defensive damage factor is 3:
Light Leather Armor: +1
Fair Damage Capacity: +0
Scale: 4.
Shebas damage factor against McMurtree is 1(3) =
+4. (Subtracting a negative number means you add an
equal but positive amount.)
If Sheba wins the first combat round with a relative
degree of +2 she scores a total of 4+2 = 6 points.
McMurtrees player looks up 6 on the wound table on his
character sheet: Very Hurt hes at 2 for the next com-
bat round, and in grave danger if she hits again.
Second example:
McMurtrees friend, Fionn, now swings his shillelagh
(oak root club) at Shebas knee. Fionns offensive damage
factor is 1:
Good Strength: +1
Shillelagh: +2
(medium sized relative to Fionn, not sharp)
Scale: 4
Shebas defensive damage factor is +2:
Heavy Leather Armor: +2
Scale: +0
Fionns damage factor against Sheba is 12 = 3.
If Fionn wins by +3, a solid blow, he adds 3+3 = 0.
Unfortunately for Fionn, she takes no damage from an
excellently placed hit.
Fionn had better think of some
other strategy, quickly. Fortunately
for Fionn, he knows some magic,
and if he can dodge just one kick
from Sheba, shell learn the hard
way why its best not to antago-
nize the Wee folk
Third example:
Wilbur, a human knight with a
sword, is attacking a dragon.
Wilburs offensive damage factor
is a respectable +6:
Great Strength: +2
Two-handed sword: +4 (+3 for
size, +1 for sharpness)
Scale: +0
The dragons defensive damage
factor is +8:
Fair Damage Capacity: +0
Tough hide: +2
Scale: +6
Wilburs damage factor against
the dragon is therefore 68 = 2.
If Wilbur hits the dragon with a
relative degree of +3, he does
32 = 1 point of damage. Given
his Strength, weapon, and the
amount he won by, this would
be a severe blow to a human,
even one wearing armor. But this
is no human opponent. Only one
point get through the dragons
Scale and tough hide. The GM
checks off a Scratch for the drag-
on, and the fight continues. Since
there are three Scratch boxes for
a major NPC, Wilbur will have to
do this thrice more before he
finally Hurts the dragon. He may
need help, or have to go back
for his magic sword.
4.6 Wound Options
This section introduces some of the simpler options for
determining wounds. Many others are possible in FUDGE,
and this list should not be considered official or exhaus-
tive. They are included for possible use, but also to
inspire the GM to create her own.
4.61 Damage Die Roll
Although the damage roll is optional, it is recommend-
ed if you are using numerical damage factors. This is
because the damage factors are generally fixed for the
entire fight, and things tend to get stagnant. It also allows
a tiny fighter to have a chance against a larger foe a
satisfying result.
There are many possible ways to use a damage die roll.
One could roll a single FUDGE die for a result of 1, 0,
or +1. This can be added to the damage factor, or, more
broadly, to the actual wound level.
For example, if a fighter inflicts 4 points of damage,
that is normally a Hurt result. If a +1 on 1dF is rolled,
however, that can make the result +5 (if adding to the
damage factor), which brings it up to Very Hurt result.
However, a 1 wouldnt change the wound: it would
lower the result to 3, which is still a Hurt result. But if the
GM is using 1dF to alter the wound level, then a 1
changes the result to a Scratch, since thats one wound
level below Hurt.
Instead of a separate damage roll, one could simply
use the die rolls used to resolve the Opposed action. If
the attacker wins with an even roll (4, 2, 0, +2, +4),
add one to his offensive factor. If he wins with an odd
result (3, 1, +1, +3), his offensive factor is unchanged.
Do the same for the defender, except it affects his defen-
sive factor. This system will help the defender 25% of the
time, the attacker 25% of the time, and wont affect the
damage results at all 50% of the time.
E x a m p l e : the defender loses the combat round, but
rolls his trait level exactly (die roll of 0): he adds one to
his defensive damage factor. The attacker wins with a die
roll of +3: his offensive damage factor is unchanged. The
final damage number is reduced by one the defender,
although losing the round, managed to dodge left as the
attacker thrust a bit to the right, perhaps. He may still be
wounded, but he got his vital organs out of the way of
the blow.
This system could also be applied to the wound level
instead of the damage factor.
A more complicated system uses a Situational roll
(result from 4 to +4, not based on any trait), and adds it
to the calculated damage number (the number over the
wound level), as found in Section 4. 55, D e t e r m i n i n g
Wound Level. Negative final damage is treated as zero
The GM may wish to apply some limitations to the
damage roll, to restrict too wild a result. For example:
1) If the calculated damage is positive, the damage roll
cannot exceed the calculated damage. That is, if the cal-
culated damage is +2, any damage roll of +3 or +4 is
treated as +2, for a total of 4 points of damage.
2) If the calculated damage is positive, the final damage
cannot be less than +1.
3) If the calculated damage is negative or zero, the final
damage may be raised to a maximum of +1 by a damage
First Example: The calculated damage is found to be 2
due to armor and Scale. It would take a +3 or +4 die roll
to inflict a wound on the defender in this case, and then
only 1 point of calculated damage: a Scratch.
Second Exa mple: The calculated damage is +2 (a
Scratch). A damage roll of +2 to +4 results in final dam-
age of four points, since calculated damage cannot be
more than doubled by a damage roll. A damage roll of +1
results in final damage of three points, while a damage
roll of 0 results in two points of final damage. Any nega-
tive die roll results in one point of final damage, since a
positive calculated damage cannot be reduced below one
by a damage roll.
For simplicity, of course, the GM can simply ignore the
limitations, and allow the damage roll to be anywhere
from 4 to +4, let the chips fall where they may
Many other damage die rolls are possible these are
only given as examples to the GM.
4.62 Stun, Knockout, and Pulling Punches
A player can announce that his character is trying to
stun or knock his opponent out rather than damage her.
Using the flat of a blade instead of the edge, for example,
can accomplish this. Damage is figured normally, but any
damage inflicted doesnt wound the opponent: it stuns
her instead.
In this case, a Hurt result is called a Stun a
stunned character cannot attack or all-out defend, and is
at 1 to defend for one combat turn only. However, the
Stun result stays on the character sheet: that is, a second
Stun result, even if delivered more than one combat
round after the first, will cause the character to become
Very Stunned. (Stun results heal like Scratches: after com-
bat is over.)
A Very Hurt result in a stunning attack is called a Very
Stunned result instead: no attacks and 2 to all actions for
two combat rounds.
A result of Incapacitated or worse when going for stun
damage results in a knockout. A knocked-out character
doesnt need healing to recuperate to full health just
time. (Only a harsh GM would roll for the possibility of
brain damage this is fiction, not reality.)
The GM may simply decide that a successful Good
blow (or better) to the head knocks someone out auto-
matically. In an Opposed action, the Good blow would
also have to win the combat, of course.
Likewise, a player may choose to have his character do
reduced damage in any given attack. This is known as
pulling your punch, even if you are using a sword. This
commonly occurs in duels of honor, where it is only nec-
essary to draw first blood to win, and killing your
opponent can get you charged with murder. A Scratch
will win a first blood duel it is not necessary to Hurt
To pull your punch, simply announce the maximum
wound level you will do if you are successful. A fencer
can say he is going for a Scratch, for example. In this
case, even if he wins the Opposed action by +8, and
adds in +3 for his sword, the worst he can do is nick his
foe. He was just trying for a Scratch but the Scratch is
probably in the shape of the letter Z with such a result!
4.63 Min-Mid-Max Die Roll
This system of wound determination does not pretend
to be a realistic method, and can produce some wildly
varying results. But its quick, easy, and lots of fun, and
so works well in a certain style of gaming.
This system requires 3d6 for a damage roll, even if
using 4dF for action resolution.
Overview: roll 3d6 when a damage roll is called for.
You will probably only read one of the dice, however:
either the lowest value (Min), median value (Mid) or
highest value (Max), depending on damage factor and
relative degree. The greater the damage factor and/or rel-
ative degree, the greater the d6 you read for result.
If using the Min-Mid-Max system, use the wound track
on the character sheet listed in Section 4.57, Recording
1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9+
Wounds: Scratch Hurt Very Hurt Incapac.Nr. Death
The offensive and defensive damage factors listed in
Secti on 4.54, Sample Wound Factors L ist, are used.
However, they are not added to the relative degree.
Instead, simply derive the total damage factor as normal:
(attackers Strength + Scale + weapon) minus (defenders
Damage Capacity + Scale + armor). Each player should
jot down this number once it is known for the combat.
Before the game begins, the GM decides how impor-
tant the damage factor and relative degree are in deter-
mining wound severity. The following table is recom-
mended as a starting point; the GM can adjust it as she
sees fit:
Damage Factor Bonus Rel. Degree
< 0 1
0,1,2 0 2,3
3,4,5 +1 4,5
6+ +2 6+
A damage factor of 3, for example, has a die-reading
bonus of +1, while a relative degree of 3 has a die-read-
ing bonus of 0. The GM may charge a 2 penalty if the
damage factor is well below zero (5 or worse).
Since the graze rules are used unchanged with this sys-
tem, there is no listing for relative degree less than 2.
Add the bonus for damage factor with the bonus for
relative degree to get a final bonus. Example: a character
has a damage factor of +3 (bonus: +1) and a relative
degree of +5 (bonus: +1). His total bonus for that round
of combat is +2.
What do these bonuses represent?
A total bonus of less than zero means no damage is
possible dont even roll the dice. Otherwise, locate the
total bonus on the following table:
Bonus Die to Read
0 Min
1 Mid
2 Max
3 Add Max + Min
4 Add all three
Min = lowest die.
Mid = median die.
Max = highest die.
The median is the value in the middle. This may be the
same as the highest or lowest, as in a roll of 2, 4, 4: the
Min = 2, the Mid = 4, and the Max = 4. A roll of triples
means Min = Mid = Max. (Please read the median value
not necessarily the die that is physically between the
other two on the table.)
Once you have determined which die to read, compare
it with the numbers above the wound levels. With a roll
of 1, 3, 5, for example, the Min die = 1 (a Scratch result),
the Mid die = 3 (a Hurt result), and the Max die = 5 (a
Very Hurt result). You would only read one of these
results, however not all three.
With three or more bonuses, add the appropriate dice
as listed on the table. For results beyond 9, the GM is
free to kill the recipient outright, or merely keep it as a
Near Death result, as called for by the situation.
The tables are not meant to be intrusive, merely guide-
lines. The basic intent is to read the Mid if the attacker
has either a decent damage factor o r a decent relative
degree; to read the Min if he has neither; and to read the
Max if he has both. All other values are derived from that
simple idea. So the GM can ignore all the tables, and
with that idea in mind, just fudge which die to read.
For example, a GM might say, Whoa! You just hit him
across the forehead as he backed into a bucket left by
the hastily fleeing janitor. Nice shot he topples over
onto his back. For damage, roll 3d6 and read the Max!
This would have come out of a descriptive game, in
which the players describe their characters actions in
great detail.
Example of the Min-Mid-Max system:
Valorous Rachel is fighting the villainous Archie. Both
are Scale 0, so Scale wont be mentioned.
Quarterstaff: +2
Strength Fair: +0
Offensive damage factor: +2
Light Leather Armor: +1
Damage Capacity Good: +1
Defensive damage factor: +2
Greatsword: +4
Strength Great: +2
Offensive damage factor: +6
Heavy Leather Armor: +2
Damage Capacity Fair: +0
Defensive damage factor: +2
So Rachels damage factor is 22 = 0. She gets no
Archies damage factor is 62 = 4. He gets +1 bonus,
according to the table above.
On the first round, Rachel wins by +2, whacking Archie
across the ribs. Relative degree +2 doesnt get any bonus
(and she has none from her damage factor), so Rachel
will read the Min. She rolls 3d6 and gets lucky: a 3, 5,
and 6. The Min is a 3: she Hurts Archie, who is now at 1
and checks off his Hurt box.
On the second round, Archie manages to win with a
graze: +1 relative degree. Do not even calculate a bonus
in this case use the graze rule unchanged from
Section 4.56, Grazing. His damage factor is only 4, so
he scores a Scratch on Rachel.
On the third round, Archie does very well: he wins by
+4 as Rachel backs into a chair! He now gets two bonus-
es, one from his damage factor and one from his relative
degree: he will read the Max die. But Archies karma is in
serious need of overhaul: he rolls a 1, 2, and 3. Rachel is
only Hurt, and the GM checks off the Hurt box.
Rachel all-out attacks in the following round, and with
the +1 to hit she scores an awesome +6 over Archie! She
gets two bonuses for such a high relative degree shell
read the Max die and gets +1 to the die roll for all-out
attacking. (Note that this is +1 to the die result, not a +1
to the die-reading bonus.) The GM rolls a 1, 4, 6. She
reads the Max and adds 1 for a total of 7. Reading the
wound table on the character sheet, she sees that this is
Incapacitated, and declares that Rachels staff j ust
smashed across the bridge of Archies nose, probably
doing serious damage, and at least knocking him out of
this battle
For a more epic game, where its important to be able
to Incapacitate in one blow, use the following wound
track on the character sheet:
1 2,3 4,5 6 7+
Wounds: Scratch Hurt Very Hurt Incapac. Nr. Death
The extra wound boxes are in keeping with an epic
style game, but are optional.
4.64 PC Death
Sometimes the dice try to kill a PC. In most campaigns,
PC death shouldnt occur through a bad die roll, but only
if the characters actions were truly self-sacrificing or
stupid enough to warrant death. Three methods of
preventing accidental PC death are presented. They may
be used separately or together or not at all.
These should not be used for run-of-the-mill NPCs, but
could be used for major ones.
The automatic death rule in Secti on 4.51, W o u n d
Levels, takes precedence over these suggestions.
1) A character cannot take more than three levels of
wounds in one blow. For example, an unwounded char-
acter could be Scratched, Hurt, or Very Hurt in one blow,
but any excess damage points beyond that would be lost.
A Hurt character could go all the way to Near Death in
one blow, but not be killed outright.
2) A character cannot be rendered Near Death unless
he began that combat round Incapacitated. This is sim-
pler to keep track of than the first system, and assumes
there is some great difference between a severe wound
and mortal wound. There probably isnt, but the rule isnt
intended to be realistic: its to make the PCs more heroic
than real life.
3) A player may spend a Fudge Point (Section 1.36) to
convert a deadly wound to a merely serious one.
4.65 Technological Levels as Scale
Technological differences between weapons and armor
can be expressed as Scale if the GM desires. Instead of
figuring exactly how much mega-damage a transvibra-
tional subneural pulverizer does, the GM can simply say,
This is a weapon that is of the same technological level
as the armor of the defender therefore, it has the same
effect on her as a modern pistol would on kevlar.
However, if used against someone who is wearing kevlar,
the transvibrational subneural pulverizer does lots and
lots of damage kevlar wasnt designed to stop this
type of thing.
Basically, there isnt much difference between thrusting
a sword through a naked mans kidney, or shooting him
with a .38 through the kidney, or using a transvibrational
subneural pulverizer on the kidney: naked people dont
resist most weapons well. Plate armor stops the sword
well, but wont slow down the .38 enough to help much
unless it can deflect it away from the kidney, that is. It
probably wont help at all against the pulverizer, but it
may: the GM will have to decide the effect of such a
weapon on plate armor.
The concept of technological levels as Scale only
comes into effect when weapons of one technological era
are used against armor of another technological era. At
that point, the GM can add an arbitrary Scale difference
to the weapon or armor, whichever is of the higher
tech level. No attempt to quantify tech levels is made
here. This section is merely food for thought.
4.7 Combat and Wounding Example
This example uses the numerical offensive and defen-
sive factors in Section 4. 54, S ample Wound F acto rs
List. It also uses a damage die roll: the 4dF option, with
the three limitations listed.
The two opponents are Medieval warriors, Snorri and
Brynhild. The fight takes place in a barroom, which
quickly empties of other occupants once weapons are
drawn. No one noticed that the innkeepers son had actu-
ally left much earlier than this, when the belligerent
Snorri was merely exchanging insults with the proud
Brynhild. Both fighters are human (Scale 0), so Scale is
left out of the discussion.
Snorri :
Sword skill: Great
No shield
Strength: Good (+1)
Weapon: Magic Sword
(+2 for size, +1 for Sharp, +1 for Magic = +4)
Offensive damage factor: +5
Damage Capacity: Good (+1)
Armor: Heavy Leather (+2)
Defensive damage factor: +3
Axe skill: Good
Shield: Medium (1 to foes weapon skill)
Strength: Great (+2)
Weapon: Axe (+2 for size, +1 for Sharpness = +3)
Offensive damage factor: (+5)
Damage Capacity: Fair (+0)
Armor: Heavy Leather (+2)
Defensive damage factor: (+2)
Snorris damage factor vs. Brynhild: 5-2 = +3
Brynhilds damage factor vs. Snorri: 5-3 = +2
Snorris skill is reduced to Good for this combat by
Brynhilds shield see Section 4.31, Melee Modifiers.
In the first round, Snorri gets a Great result on his
weapon skill (die roll = +1), and Brynhild gets a Fair
result (die roll = 1). Snorri wins with a relative degree of
+2. Snorris damage factor of +3 is added in, bringing the
damage to +5. Looking at the character sheet, a +5 result
equals a Very Hurt wound before rolling for damage.
The GM is requiring damage rolls, so Snorris player
rolls the dice: a 2 result, too bad. This brings the dam-
age down to 3. Since Brynhild is an NPC, the GM looks
at the wound chart on her character sheet, and finds 3: a
Hurt Wound. The GM marks off the box under the word
Hurt, and the next round is fought. Brynhild is now at
1 for the rest of the combat.
In the second round, both combatants get Good results
a standoff. The GM describes it as a give-and-take of
blows that are all parried or blocked as the fighters circle
each other. Another five seconds have passed this round,
the GM decrees.
In the third round, Snorri gets a Great result and
Brynhild only a Good result Snorri has hit again. Since
the relative degree is +1, this is a graze. The GM does
allow a damage die roll on a graze, but wont let it
change the result by more than one level. Snorris dam-
age factor of +3 normally means a Scratch on a graze.
Snorri rolls a 0 for damage, so the GM marks off a
Scratch box on Brynhilds character sheet.
In the fourth round, Snorri decides to finish off the
Hurt Brynhild in one blow: he all-out attacks, which gives
him a +1 modifier to his skill, and a +1 to damage if he
wins. Brynhild had decided to try for a situational advan-
tage, though: she s spending this round in all-out
defense, hoping to spot some way to get an advantage
over Snorri for the fifth round. Brynhild gets a +2 modifi-
er to her skill this turn, but cant hurt Snorri if she wins.
Snorri gets a Great result, even counting his +1 for all-out
attacking, and Brynhild also gets a Great result. Snorri
would ordinarily have lost the combat round (all-out
attackers lose tie results), but Brynhilds all-out defense
means she doesnt aim any blows at Snorri, just beats his
attack down.
The GM requires a Good Perception roll from Brynhild
in order to spot a situational advantage. Her Perception
attribute is Great, so she easily makes it. She notices a
drink on the floor, spilled earlier by a customer in full
flight. Since she successfully defended that round, the
GM rules she maneuvers Snorri into the slippery puddle
for one round.
In the fifth round, the GM gives Snorri a 1 to skill this
round (down to Fair) for bad footing. Snorri tries an ordi-
nary attack, and Brynhild, wounded, desperate, and sens-
ing this may be her only chance, now tries an all-out
attack: +1 modifier to her skill, bringing her up to an
effective skill of Good from her wounded Fair state.
Brynhild rolls a Great result, and Snorri only gets a Good
result: Brynhild wins this round by +1.
Since she was doing an all-out attack, she gets a bonus
of +1 to damage. This does affect a graze, so her normal
Scratch result (for a graze) is increased to Hurt. She rolls
a 0 on the damage roll, so Snorri is now Hurt: 1 until
The combat is interrupted at this point by the town
guards, who had been alerted by the innkeepers son.
Snorri and Brynhild are hauled off to separate cells, prob-
ably only too glad to get out of what had become a
potentially deadly duel
4.8 Healing
Wounds are healed through a medical skill or super-
normal power.
A Scratch is too insignificant to require a roll on a heal-
ing skill (although it might require a kiss to make it bet-
ter). Scratches are usually erased after a battle, provid-
ed the characters have five or ten minutes to attend to
them. An individual GM may rule otherwise, of course:
they may linger on for a day or two.
A Good result on a healing skill heals all wounds one
level (Hurt to healed, Very Hurt to Hurt, etc.). (Scratches
do not count as a level for healing purposes. That is, a
Hurt wound that is healed one level is fully healed.) A
Great result heals all wounds two levels, and a Superb
result heals three levels.
Healing with realistic medical skills takes time: the suc-
cess of the roll merely insures the wounds will h e a l ,
given enough rest. How long this takes depends on the
technological level of the game setting, and is up to the
GM. (A day per treated wound is extremely fast healing,
but may be appropriate in an epic-style game. Likewise,
one minute per magically healed wound is fast.) Whether
or not strenuous activity before the healing period ends
reopens a wound is also left up to the GM
Example: a character with three wounds (two Hurt
results and one Very Hurt) is healed with a roll of
Good. After the appropriate time, the two Hurt
wounds will be fully healed, while the Very Hurt
wound will now be a Hurt wound (and carries a 1
modifier as such).
Otherwise, wounds
heal on their own at
one wound level per
week of rest or
longer, i f t he GM i s
being more real istic.
That is, after a week of
rest, an Incapacitated
character becomes
Very Hurt, etc. The GM
may also require a suc-
cessful roll against a
Constitution attribute:
Fair Difficulty Level for
Hurt, Good Difficulty
Level f or Very Hurt ,
and Great Di ffi cult y
Level for Incapacitated.
Failing this roll slows
t he heali ng process.
Someone Near Death
shoul d take a l ong
time to heal, even with
magical or high tech
h e a l i n g .
After playing a bit, perhaps each session, a player will
want the character to grow in abilities. At this point, a
developing character can exceed the initial GM-set skill
limits (such as one Superb, three Greats). There are two
ways to handle character development, or experience,
as its often called.
5.1 Subjective Character Development
When the player feels the character has accomplished
enough to warrant improving in some trait (and he feels
hes been role-playing well), he petitions the GM for per-
mission to raise it. A trait can only be raised one level at
a time. A trait must be used more to raise it from Good to
Great than Fair to Good, and so on. It should be easier to
raise a Skill than an attribute.
Or the GM can simply award an improvement in a trait
she feels deserves to be raised. In these cases, there is
never a corresponding reduction of another trait this is
character development, not creation.
5.2 Objective Character Development
In the Objective Character Development system, the
GM can award experience points (EP), which the player
can trade in any way he wants at the following rates:
Raising a skill
From: To: Costs:
Terrible Poor 1 EP
Poor Mediocre 1 EP
Mediocre Fair 1 EP
Fair Good 2 EP
Good Great 4 EP
Great Superb 8 EP
Superb Legendary 16 EP
+ GM permission
Legendary Legendary 2nd 30 EP
+ GM permission
Each addl level of Legendary: 50 EP
+ GM permission
Raising an attribute:
Triple the cost for skills of the same level.
Adding a gift:
6 EP (or more) + GM approval.
Adding a supernormal power:
12 EP (or more) + GM approval.
A trait can only be raised one level at a time.
The GM may adjust these point levels as she sees fit
and should require that the player may only raise traits
that were used significantly during an adventure. If a long
campaign is planned, these EP costs could be doubled to
allow room for character growth.
Defining skills narrowly will also ensure characters
dont become too powerful too quickly.
As a guideline, good role-playing should be rewarded
with 1 to 3 EP per gaming session, with a suggested
upper limit of 4 EP for flawless role-playing. Players may
save EP as long as they wish.
Attribute levels may or may not affect EPs put into
skills. For simplicity, you can ignore attribute levels
entirely when raising skill levels. For greater realism,
however, the GM can add a surcharge of +2 EP (or more)
when a skill is raised above an appropriate attribute.
E x a m p l e : Violet the Herbalist has Good Intelligence.
EP costs for raising Herb Lore skill are normal until she
tries to raise it to Great, which is higher than her natural
Intelligence. At that point, she must pay +2 EP beyond
what the table calls for: 6 EP to raise Herb Lore to Great,
and another 10 EP to raise it to Superb.
This proposal is recommended only for character
development not for character creation. The GM
should inform the players at character creation if this
option is in force so they can plan their characters attrib-
utes accordingly.
Chapter 5: Character Development
5.3 Development through Training
Improving skills through EP is not always realistic, to
be honest. A gaming session might only cover a few
hours of campaign time. Allowing a character to improve
one or two different skills from Fair to Good in that time
is far-fetched. But its fun for the players, and psychologi-
cally satisfying, and so recommended.
As an alternative, or in addition to the methods
described above, the GM may allow traits to be raised
through appropriate amounts of training time. This would
require finding a teacher (which would cost money) or
taking an appropriate job (which may not be totally dedi-
cated the skill you wish to learn, and so take longer). Its
also possible to learn something on your own, but the
GM should double the time required. If using the
Objective Character Development system, the GM may
(or may not) require that EPs be spent in this manner
that is, you cant spend EPs unless you also take the time
to train.
The GM sets training time and costs, and difficulty of
finding a teacher. The teacher has two skills that must be
considered: Teaching skill, and the appropriate skill
being taught. The player may need to roll the dice to see
how diligently the character studied the skill. The die roll
should be on an attribute such as Willpower, Drive, Zeal,
Wisdom, Self Discipline, Self Motivation, Psyche,
Intelligence, etc. If the player can give a valid reason why
the character is extremely motivated to learn this skill, the
GM may grant up to +2 to the trait tested. The GM may
request a single die roll, or a roll per week, month, etc. If
multiple rolls are called for, at least half of them should
succeed to earn the skill improvement.
E x a m p l e : Billy Blaster, space cadet, is back at the
Academy after his first tour of duty. He considers his Fair
Laser Pistol skill to be substandard. He takes a six-week
training course in Laser pistol use, taught by an instructor
of Superb Laser skill and Great Teaching skill. (Since Billy
has Gift: Employed by Space Patrol, this is free training
for him.) The GM decides that Billys player needs to
make a Willpower roll for each two-week period to see
how dedicated he is to studying. If at least two of the
three rolls are Mediocre or better, Billy can raise his Laser
pistol skill from Fair to Good, given the length of training
and quality of the instructor. Had the training been short-
er, or the instructor worse, he would have needed a pre-
ponderance of Fair or even Good rolls to have success-
fully raised his Laser pistol skill.
Remember that it is much easier to improve a skill from
Poor to Mediocre than from Great to Superb. Require
more time, or higher Difficulty Levels on the Will rolls to
raise an already high skill.
Character Development
6.1 GM Tips and Conversion
Always remember the main point of the game is to
have fun
The GM should translate at least one of her favorite
characters into FUDGE from whatever system she is used
to. This will give her a good idea of what traits to choose,
and how many.
FUDGE is incredibly flexible, possibly more so than any
system youve played before. Once youve translated a
favorite character, fiddle with her a bit. Can you tweak
her to be exactly what you want, possibly in ways your
previous system wouldnt allow? What if you split that
attribute into two or three effects ah! See, she can be
smart in some ways, but dumb in others; knowledgeable
of some things, ignorant of others. Hmm too many
attributes? Make some of them gifts, then that might be
easier to deal with. And so on have fun!
It is easy to create NPCs to challenge the player charac-
ters by counting levels. Figure roughly how many levels
have been spent on combat skills by the average player
character. This figure, put into combat skills in an NPC,
should give a fair fight. For example, if the PCs are built
on 40 skill levels and four free attribute levels, the aver-
age character might have ten levels in combat skills
directly. In that case, a gang of thugs with ten levels each
of combat skills and two attribute levels put into physical
attributes should challenge the player characters pretty
6.11 Conversion Hints
It is not practical to give guidelines for converting every
game system to and from FU D G E. However, two systems of
trait measurement are in widespread use: a 3-18 scale, and
a percentile system. While these are not used uniformly
(and there are many games that dont use either system),
it is still useful to discuss translating between such systems
and FU D G E.
Standard 3-18 scale traits are converted as follows:
FUDGE Level 3-18 Level
Superb 18+
Great 16-17
Good 13-15
Fair 9-12
Mediocre 6-8
Poor 4-5
Terrible 3 or less
Percentile traits are converted roughly as follows:
FUDGE Level Percentile Level
Superb 98-100
Great 91-97
Good 71-90
Fair 31-70
Mediocre 11-30
Poor 4-10
Terrible 1-3
Chapter 6: Tips and Examples
6.12 Templates
A GM can create a character template for the players.
This may help a player make his first FUDGE character, or
allow players coming from a game with a character class
system to feel at home. She should also allow custom-
designed characters, though, for players who feel limited
by character classes.
The GM limits and the list of attributes at the begin-
ning of each sample character in Section 6. 3 are tem-
plates. The GM can hand out character sheets with attrib-
utes and limits already printed on them. This can be
accompanied by a copy of the list of sample skills on
page 102, and possibly the sample lists of gifts and faults
in Sections 1.33 (Gifts), and 1.34 (Faults). The players
can then create characters with a minimum of hassle.
For more detail, the GM can actually create templates
of character classes. As an example familiar to many
gamers, the GM may have guidelines for players wishing
to play a fantasy fighter character, or magician, or cleric,
or thief, etc. The GM can set up minimum attribute stan-
dards for each character class, recommended gifts, and
minimum skill levels.
Templates can be set up for any genre, not just fantasy.
You may have guidelines for a typical scientist character,
or policeman, or psychic phenomenon investigator, or
Kings Musketeer, etc.
See Sect i on 6. 4, Cl a s s a nd R a c i a l Templ a t e
A different type of template shows the player the native
abilities and limitations of a fantasy or science fiction
race. See the sample character Seihook (Section 6.342),
for a science fiction race, and Section 6.43, Cercopes,
for a fantasy race.
6.2 Character Sheet Example
A character sheet can be any scrap paper, of course.
However, its handy to include the Trait Level progression
and GM starting limits, if any, such as 1 Superb skill, 3
Great skills, magic available, etc.
A sample character sheet is provided at the back of this
book (page 103). Many other character sheet designs are
possible. Refer to the Cost of Skills table for Objective
Character Creation (p. 13 and again with the FU D G E
Sample Skills, p. 102) when creating characters using the
objective system.
6.3 Character Examples
The following characters are designed to different GM
standards to show some of the many possibilities. Each
character example includes the GM guidelines used. All
but the last one are made with the Objective Character
Creation system, though all are compatible with the
Subjective Character Creation system, of course. Easy and
hard skills are denoted as such. (In the Obj ective
Character Creation system, it costs less to get an easy skill
at a given level, and more for a hard skill.) Skills that
have defaults of non-existent and cost one level just to
get at Terrible are listed as: Telepathy (VH). These are
usually skills that control Supernormal Powers.
The numbers in parentheses after trait levels are the
Objective level costs, and are optional on any given char-
acter sheet (but make it easy to tally).
Some characters have a separate Damage Capacity
attribute; others have Damage Capacity represented by
some other attribute, such as Strength, Health, Body,
Constitution, Physical, etc.
Most of the gifts and faults were chosen with an eye
towards variety, for purposes of example. Of course, if
you use these characters, feel free to change any of the
Tips & Examples
6.31 Fantasy Characters
Brogo, Floranna, and Moose have some magic abilities,
using the sample FU D G E Magic system found in the
Addenda. Brogo is just a dabbler in magic, and Moose is
only slightly better. Floranna is a full magician, however.
6.311 Brogo the Scout, Halfling
GM limits: Eight attributes (four free levels); 50 free skill levels,
with maximum of one Superb, three Greats; two free gifts;
magic available.
Note: spell-casting is equal to Coolness2 in this game, with a
maximum level of Fair no Spell-casting skill need be bought.
Also, Magic Potential isnt limited to a specific effect in this
game: Brogo can try for any effect, except as limited by his
fault. Halfling is defined under Brogos faults.
(Four free levels, ten levels taken, balanced by three faults)
Coolness: Good (1)
Damage Capacity: Good (1)
Dexterity: Great (2)
Empathy: Good (1)
Health: Good [Halfling Fair] (0)
Intelligence: Good (1)
Perception: Superb (3)
Strength: Good, Scale 2 (1)
(50 free levels, 50 taken)
Area Knowledge
large area (easy): Good (2)
Bow: Good (3)
Climbing: Good (3)
Elvish Language (hard): Mediocre (2)
Evaluate Goods: Fair (2)
Farming (easy): Fair (1)
Fellowship: Great (4)
Find Secret Passages: Terrible (1)
First Aid: Good (3)
Haggle: Good (3)
Interrogation: Terrible (1)
Knowledge of Old Tales: Fair (2)
Lockpicking: Terrible (1)
Mimic Animal Noises (hard): Great (4)
Move Quietly: Superb (5)
Orcish Language: Fair (2)
Pickpocketing: Terrible (1)
Riding: Pony: Fair (2)
Staff: Good (3)
Storytelling: Good (3)
Survival: Good (3)
Tracking: Good (3)
Wildcraft: Great (4)
(Two free gifts, four taken, balanced by faults)
Absolute Direction; Animal Empathy; Lucky; Night Vision
Supernormal Powers
(One taken, balanced by two faults)
Magic Potential, one level
Can only cast trivial spells; Curious; Glutton; Humanitarian
(helps the needy for no pay); Self-defense Pacifist; Halfling
(Scale 2, Racial Bonus to Health, counts as two faults)
Tips & Examples
6.312 Floranna, Elven Magician
GM limits: Two attributes (one free level); 50 free skill levels,
with maximum of one Superb, three Greats; four free gifts;
magic available.
Note: There are two separate Spell-casting skills, and the GM
allows them to be raised above Fair at a rate of one gift per skill
level. It costs four levels to get Spell Casting on Others at Fair,
then six more levels to get it at Good, since one gift = 6 skill
(One free level, one taken)
Material: Mediocre (1)
Spiritual: Great (2)
(50 free levels, 32 taken, the rest traded for three gifts)
Acrobatics/Athletics: Mediocre (1)
Animal Skills: Good (3)
Camaraderie: Mediocre (1)
Combat Skills: Poor (0)
Courtly Ways: Poor (0)
Cultural Knowledge: Good (3)
Doctoring: Great (4)
Manipulate People: Poor (0)
Move Quietly/Gracefully: Fair (2)
Scientific Knowledge: Mediocre (1)
Spell Casting on Others (VH): Good (10)
Spell Casting on Self (VH): Fair (4)
Thievery: Terrible (1)
Woodland Ways/Nature Lore: Great (4)
(Four free gifts, none taken)
Supernormal Powers
(Six taken, balanced by faults, reduced gifts,
and reduced skill levels)
Elf: extended lifespan, animals (not monsters) react well to her,
Perception = +1 to Material attribute; Magic Potential, White
Magic, Five levels
Absent-Minded; Heart of gold any halfway skillful liar can
get sympathy & help; Idealist not grounded in reality;
Melancholy; Zealous behavior tries to dissuade others from
6.313 Moose the Mage, Human Combat Magician
GM limits: Six attributes (three free levels); 30 free skill levels,
with maximum of one Superb, three Greats; two free gifts;
magic available.
Note: Mooses Spell-casting skill costs double levels because of
his low Intelligence attribute. It would also take double EP to
(Three free levels, four levels taken, balanced by a fault)
Charisma: Poor (2)
Dexterity: Great (2)
Drive: Good (1)
Health: Great (2)
Intelligence: Mediocre (1)
Strength: Great (2)
(30 free levels, 36 taken, balanced by a fault)
Armory: Good (3)
Brawling: Great (4)
Breaking and Entering: Terrible (1)
Climbing: Fair (2)
Crafts: Fair (2)
Flirtatious Skills: Terrible (1)
Knowledge of Old Tales: Terrible (1)
Merchant: Mediocre (1)
Riding: Good (3)
Shield: Great (4)
Singing: Terrible (1)
Spell-Casting (VH): Mediocre (6)
Stealth: Good (3)
Storytelling: Terrible (1)
Sword: Superb (5)
Tactics: Good (3)
Throwing: Great (4)
Woodcraft: Mediocre (1)
(Two free gifts, three taken)
Combat Reflexes; Affluent Wealth (good equipment)
Supernormal Powers
(2 taken, balanced by faults)
Magic Potential, Combat spells, two levels
Tips & Examples
Blunt and tactless doesnt mince words; Fear of the Dark;
Full of bluff and bluster and machismo to hide inadequacy feel-
ings (hell never live up to the impossibly heroic image of his
father); Quick-Tempered; no patience with fools or knaves;
Spell-casting skill costs double due to low IQ; Vow: Destroy the
brigand band that killed his father
6.314 Tarag Half-Ogre
GM limits: Three attributes (three free levels); ten free skill lev-
els, with maximum of one Superb, two Greats; three free gifts;
magic available. Half-Ogre is Scale 3.
(Three free levels, two taken, one traded for three skill levels)
Body: Good, Scale 3 (1)
Mind: Mediocre (0)
[Half-Ogre Fair]
Psyche: Good (1)
(Ten free levels, 13 taken, balanced by low attributes)
Animal Skills: Fair (2)
Artistic Skills: Terrible (1)
Balance Skills: Good (3)
Medical Skills: Terrible (1)
Melee Weapons: Superb (5)
Merchant Skills: Terrible (1)
Outdoor Skills: Good (3)
Ranged Weapons: Good (3)
Social Skills: Terrible (1)
Technical Skills: Terrible (1)
Thief Skills: Terrible (1)
Unarmed Combat: Good (3)
(Three free gifts, three taken)
Quick Reflexes; Peripheral Vision no penalty facing two foes
at once; Tough Hide (1 to damage)
Supernormal Powers
(1.5 taken, balanced by faults)
Half-Ogre (Body Scale 3, Mind at 1); Anti-Magic Aura spells
cast on her are at 1 (counts as only 1 gift because it also inter-
feres with beneficial spells)
Goes Berserk if Hurt liable to attack friends; Gullible; Poor
(not much equipment)
6.32 Historical Fiction Characters
6.321 Hakim al-Saari, Thief of Baghdad, 792 A.D.
GM limits: Four attributes (two free levels); 35 free skill levels,
with maximum of one Superb, one Great; one free gift; no
supernormal powers available.
(Two free levels, four taken, balanced by fault)
Brawn: Mediocre (1)
Cunning: Good (1)
Deftness: Superb (3)
Ego: Good (1)
(35 free levels, 47 taken, balanced by two faults)
Acrobatics: Good (3)
Assess Merchandise: Good (3)
Begging: Fair (2)
Climbing: Good (3)
Disguise: Fair (2)
Dodge: Good (3)
Knife: Mediocre (1)
Knowledge of Baghdad: Good (3)
Lockpicking: Good (3)
Lying: Good (3)
Pick Pockets: Good (3)
Quote the Koran
and Arab proverbs: Mediocre (1)
Running: Fair (2)
Servant: Mediocre (1)
Stealth: Superb (5)
Storytelling: Fair (2)
Urban Survival: Great (4)
Witty Insults: Good (3)
(One free gift, three taken, balanced by faults)
Healthy Constitution (+1 to Brawn to recover from illness);
Keen senses (+1 to Cunning to notice something); Many people
owe him favors
Cant resist having the last word; Greedy; Many people would
love to turn him in to the authorities; Soft-hearted toward chil-
dren; Boasts openly of his thieving abilities
Tips & Examples
Tips & Examples
6.322 Arian o Gwent, Welsh Archer, 1190
A Norman conqueror murdered Arians family under the guise
of a flag of truce. When Arian slew him in vengeance, she was
outlawed from Wales. Escaping north, the embittered Arian is
about to join Robin Hoods outlaw Saxon band and introduce
into England a new Welsh invention, the longbow
GM limits: Six attributes (four free levels); 30 free skill levels,
with maximum of one Superb, two Great; two free gifts; no
supernormal powers available; must take two faults: Outlaw &
Loyal to Companions, which do not count as trading for other
(Four free levels, four taken)
Calmness: Mediocre (1)
Constitution: Fair (0)
Dexterity: Great (2)
Reasoning: Good (1)
Senses: Great (2)
Strength: Fair (0)
(30 free levels, 36 taken, balanced by one fault)
Acrobatics: Good (3)
Archery: Superb (5)
Bowyer: Great (4)
Climbing: Good (3)
Disguise: Good (3)
Dodge: Good (3)
Fletcher: Good (3)
Move Quietly: Great (4)
Riding: Good (3)
Tactics: Fair (2)
Woodcraft: Good (3)
(Two free gifts, three taken, balanced by fault)
Literate in 1190, this is rare enough to be called a gift;
Attractive; +3 Calmness while shooting a bow
Outlaw; Loyal to Companions; Speaks English with a strong
Welsh accent; Despises Normans Fair Calmness roll to avoid
acting rashly
6.323 Henri le Rouge, Musketeer of King Louis XIII,
GM limits: since this is a cinematic campaign without magical
or SF healing, the GM has set higher limits: Nine attributes
(eight free levels); 60 free skill levels, with maximum of two
Superb, five Greats; three free gifts; no supernormal powers
(Eight free levels, twelve taken, balanced by faults)
Charm: Great (2)
Coolness: Superb (3)
Damage Capacity: Great (2)
Dexterity: Great (2)
Health: Good (1)
Perception: Fair (0)
Strength: Fair (0)
Will: Fair (0)
Wit: Great (2)
(60 free levels, 72 taken, balanced by two faults)
Acrobatics: Superb (5)
Acting: Good (3)
Boating: Terrible (1)
Brawling: Good (3)
Carousing: Good (3)
Climbing: Great (4)
Disguise: Good (3)
Dodge: Good (3)
Engineer: Terrible (1)
Fencing: Superb (5)
First Aid: Good (3)
Flirting: Good (3)
Knowledge of Europe: Mediocre (1)
Knowledge of France: Good (3)
Knowledge of Paris: Good (3)
Knowledge of Planet: Mediocre (1)
Lockpicking: Terrible (1)
Main Gauche: Great (4)
Matchlock Musket: Good (3)
Mechanic: Terrible (1)
Move Quietly: Good (3)
Political Knowledge: Fair (2)
Quick-Draw Sword (easy): Good (2)
Oratory: Mediocre (1)
Tips & Examples
Repartee: Great (4)
Riding: Great (4)
Savoir-Faire: Good (3)
Shadowing: Fair (2)
Swimming: Terrible (1)
Tactics: Good (3)
Wheellock Pistol: Good (3)
(Three free gifts, five taken, balanced by faults)
Combat Reflexes; Handsome; Patron: Captain of Musketeers;
Rapid Healing; Status: Gentleman
Code of Honor; Compulsive Carouser; Disgusted by Non-
Gourmet Food; Extremely Loyal to Companions; Intolerant of
Protestants; Thin-skinned quick to take offense
6.324 Scruffy Sanders, Stagecoach Driver,
1870s, Western U.S.A.
GM limits: Five attributes (three free levels); 30 free skill levels,
with maximum of one Superb, two Great; two free gifts; no
supernormal powers available; minimum one fault that doesnt
count for trading. Scruffy traded his one Superb skill limit for
two extra Greats, so he has four Great skills, and no Superb
(Three free levels, three taken)
Agility: Mediocre (1)
Health: Good (1)
Perception: Good (1)
Savvy: Great (2)
Strength: Fair (0)
(35 free levels, 53 taken, balanced by three faults)
Area Knowledge,
Western States: Good (3)
Bluffing: Great (4)
Brawling: Fair (2)
Concertina (Squeezebox): Good (3)
Dodge: Good (3)
First Aid: Good (3)
Holds His Liquor: Good (3)
Hunting: Good (3)
Move Quietly: Good (3)
Pistols: Fair (2)
Riding: Good (3)
Shotgun: Great (4)
Singing: Good (3)
Stagecoach Mechanic: Good (3)
Tall Tales: Good (3)
Teamster: Great (4)
Witty Insults: Great (4)
(Two free gifts, two taken)
Never forgets a face; Sense of empathy: gets a feel for people
Garrulous; Addiction to disgusting habit: spitting chewing tobac-
co; Lazy would rather talk than do; Getting old, and all that
Tips & Examples
6.33 Modern Characters
6.331 Dolores Ramirez, Journalist, 1990s
GM limits: Ten attributes (five free levels); 50 free skill levels,
with maximum of one Superb, four Greats; two free gifts; limit-
ed Psi available.
Note: The player forgot an important skill for Dolores, and one
a journalist would logically have: Research. This was noticed
during a game, and the player petitioned the GM to add
Research as an Uncommitted trait. The GM agreed, and
[Research: Good] was added to Dolores character sheet.
Dolores already had one Superb and four Great skills, so this is
the best she could start with it. This does not count against
starting free levels Uncommitted traits are extra.
(Five free levels, seven taken, balanced by fault)
Appearance: Good (1)
Constitution: Good (1)
Coolness: Good (1)
Damage Capacity: Good (1)
Dexterity: Fair (0)
Intelligence: Great (2)
Luck: Good (1)
Sanity: Great (2)
Strength: Poor (2)
Will: Fair (0)
(50 free levels, 56 taken, balanced by fault)
Acrobatics: Fair (2)
Acting: Great (4)
Breaking & Entering: Good (3)
Climbing: Fair (2)
Computer Use: Good (3)
Criminology: Mediocre (1)
Disguise: Great (4)
Driving: Good (3)
Interviewing: Great (4)
Karate (hard): Fair (3)
Mexican Cuisine: Mediocre (1)
Move Quietly: Good (3)
Occultism: Good (3)
Photography: Good (3)
Pistol: Good (3)
Shadowing: Great (4)
Shady Contacts: Good (3)
Swimming: Fair (2)
Writing: Superb (5)
(Two free Gifts, four taken, balanced by faults)
Ambidextrous; Beautiful speaking voice; Danger Sense; Never
forget a name
Overconfident; Ambitious; Stubborn; Vain
6.332 Sherman Foley,
homeless person and scanner, modern day
By: Bernard Hsiung
GM limits: no specified attributes free levels = 1/2 of num-
ber of attributes taken; 50 free skill levels, with maximum of
one Superb, four Greats; two free gifts; semi-limited Psi
Note: Sherman's player only chose four attributes when the GM
gave free reign: Sherman has any unlisted attribute the GM con-
siders essential at Fair.
(Four attributes selected: two free levels, two taken)
Damage Capacity: Mediocre (1)
Health: Mediocre (1)
Perception: Great (2)
Willpower: Great (2)
(50 free levels, 44 taken, six used to balance one gift)
Area Knowledge
inner city (easy): Great (3)
Area Knowledge, Earth: Mediocre (1)
Begging: Fair (2)
Climbing: Terrible (1)
Drinking: Good (3)
Driving: Terrible (1)
Forage: Good (3)
Knife: Mediocre (1)
Knowledge, Phobias (hard): Good (4)
Meditation: Good (3)
Sewing: Mediocre (1)
Stealth/Urban: Fair (2)
Street Gossip: Good (3)
Survival/Urban: Great (4)
Use Mind Control (VH): Great (6)
Use Telepathy (VH): Good (5)
Use Telekinesis (VH): Good (5)
Tips & Examples
(Two free gifts, none taken)
Supernormal Powers
(Three taken, balanced by faults,
reduced gifts, and reduced skills)
Mind Control; Telepath; Telekinetic
Use of Psi Requires Immobile Concentration; Materially Poor;
6.333 Dragonfly (James Stoddard), Secret Superhero
GM limits: Seven attributes (four free levels); 50 free skill lev-
els, with maximum of two Superb, six Greats; two free gifts;
four free Superpowers
(Four free levels, eight taken, balanced by faults)
Damage Capacity: Fair (0)
Dexterity: Great (2)
Health: Good (1)
Intelligence: Great (2)
Intuition: Great (2)
Speed: Good (1)
Strength: Fair (0)
(50 free levels, 56 taken, balanced by fault)
Acrobatics: Great (4)
Acting: Good (3)
Bureaucracy: Fair (2)
Computer Use: Great (4)
Control Superpower
(Electron Flow) (VH): Superb (7)
Control Superpower
(Flight) (VH): Good (5)
Criminology: Good (3)
Disguise: Good (3)
Dodge: Great (4)
Driving: Good (3)
Electronics Engineering
Computers (hard): Great (5)
Japanese Language: Great (4)
Judo (hard): Great (5)
Singing: Terrible (1)
Stealth: Superb (5)
(Two free gifts, three taken, balanced by a fault)
Perfect Timing; Good Looking; Tough Hide (1 to damage)
Supernormal Powers
(Four free Superpowers, four taken)
Control Inanimate Electronic Devices; Shrink to 1" (25 mm) for
up to an hour, two times/day (Scale = 10); Fly, only while 1"
(25 mm) high; Electrical Surge (Short-out Machines)
Ethically unable to use Powers to get out of massive debt;
Quixotic always looking for wrongs to right; Phobia of ani-
mals bigger than a collie; Socially awkward (bit of a nerd)
6.34 Science Fiction Characters
6.341 Captain Wallop of the Space Patrol
This character is from a cinematic Space Opera campaign, so
the limits are high. GM limits: Four attributes (four free levels);
50 free skill levels, with maximum of one Superb, three Greats,
eight Goods; two free gifts; one free Supernormal power, sub-
ject to GM approval
(Four free levels, six taken, balanced by fault):
Body: Good (1)
Reason/Mechanical: Great (2)
Perceive/React: Superb (3)
Willpower: Fair (0)
(50 Free levels, 56 taken, balanced by fault)
Acrobatics: Good (3)
Acting/Disguise: Great (4)
Barroom Savvy: Good (3)
Blaster: Superb (5)
Computer Operation: Fair (2)
Diplomacy: Good (3)
Electronics: Good (3)
Familiarity with
Major Planetary Systems: Good (3)
Gunnery: Great (4)
Haggle: Fair (2)
Hard Sciences: Fair (2)
Tips & Examples
Captain Wallop, Skills, cont.
Mimicry: Mediocre (1)
Navigation: Good (3)
Pick Up Languages: Fair (2)
Piloting: Great (4)
Repair Scoutship Systems: Good (3)
Stealth: Great (4)
Unarmed Combat: Fair (2)
Zero-G Maneuvering: Good (3)
(Two free gifts, four taken, balanced by faults)
Handsome; Reputation as Hero; Never disoriented in zero
Gravity; Rank of Captain in the Space Patrol
Supernormal Powers
(One free Supernormal power, one taken)
Able to key in on one mind up to a mile (1.5 km) away and fol-
low the trail on Good Situational roll or better every 15 minutes.
Amorous heartbreaker love em and leave em; Bravery indis-
tinguishable from foolhardiness; Fanatic patriot; Must obey
senior officers in the Space Patrol
6.342 Seihook Alien from Aldebaran
The erlesti are a non-humanoid race from the star system
Aldebaran. An erlest resembles a collection of animated twine
and moss-covered rock. It digests the moss through its skin
but to a human observer, the moss appears to be digesting the
erlest. Erlesti can also use the twine pieces as straws to drink
fluids alcohol affects them as it does humans. While erlesti
have nothing resembling hands, they have strong psi powers
that enable them to manipulate their environment and even
travel space.
Erlesti are friendly with humanity interesting auras, they
say, always interesting. In general, they are bewildered by red
tape, dislike war, value their families above all things, and like
comfort, but dont seek extreme wealth.
Their Damage Capacity is determined by their Size attribute
(their small size and increased density balance out to the same
Scale as humans); Perception is determined by Empathy Skill,
which they say extends to inanimate objects, and refuse to use
any other word to describe the ability. Psi attributes rate raw
strength; psi skills fine manipulation of that strength. Erlesti are
hermaphroditic (they exchange twine with each other to pro-
create), so Seihook is both male and female.
GM limits: Eight attributes (five free levels); 40 free skill levels,
with maximum of one Superb, three Greats; two free gifts;
Supernormal Powers count as attributes no extra cost.
(Five free levels, seven taken, balanced by fault):
Empathy Power: Fair (0)
Levitation Power: Good (1)
Reasoning: Great (2)
Reaction: Fair (0)
Size: Good (1)
(size of 4-year old human)
Telekinesis Power: Great (2)
Telepathy Power: Good (1)
Will: Fair (0)
(40 Free levels, 40 taken)
Bar Etiquette: Fair (2)
Barter: Great (4)
Empathy Skill: Great (4)
Folklore: Fair (2)
Hard Sciences: Mediocre (1)
History: Fair (2)
Knowledge of Alien
(incl. Human) Customs: Good (3)
Levitate Other: Fair (2)
Levitate Self: Superb (5)
Medical Skills: Good (3)
Psychology: Great (4)
Telekinesis Skill: Good (3)
Telepathy, Dampen Thoughts: Poor (0)
Telepathy, Read Thoughts: Fair (2)
Telepathy, Project Thoughts: Good (3)
(Two free gifts, four taken, balanced by faults)
Cant feel physical pain (no penalty for being Hurt or Very
Hurt); Animals do his bidding in simple, non-threatening mat-
ters on a Great Empathy Power roll or better; Tolerant of
Appearances Never disgusted by any alien form; Wealthy
(for an Erlest)
Practical Joker (for example, loves to speak in bad accents in
thought projection); Gossip; Coward fears death
Tips & Examples
6.343 Screamer (Frederick Grant); Occupation: Decker
Cyberpunk character by: Stephan Szabo
GM limits: Seven attributes (three free levels); 30 free skill levels,
with maximum of one Superb, four Greats; two free gifts; Cybernetic
enhancements count as gifts, not supernormal powers.
(Three free levels, five taken, balanced by fault):
Body: Good (1)
Charisma: Poor (2)
Intelligence: Superb (3)
Quickness: Good (1)
Reaction: Great (2)
Strength: Fair (0)
Willpower: Fair (0)
(30 Free levels, 30 taken)
Computer Build/Repair: Great (4)
Computer Programming: Superb (5)
Computer Theory: Great (4)
Cycle: Fair (2)
Electronics: Great (4)
Firearms: Great (4)
Matrix Etiquette: Good (3)
Street Etiquette: Fair (2)
Unarmed Combat: Fair (2)
(Two free gifts, six taken, balanced by faults)
Cybernetics, Datajack; Cybernetics, Can multitask cognitive
processes; Cybernetics, Thermographic Vision; Cybernetics,
Flash Compensation; Cybernetics, Telescopic Sight; Lucky
Bloodlust; Doesn't care if he lives or dies; Manic/Depressive;
Multiple Personality; Overconfident
6.35 Miscellaneous Characters
6.351 Fan Yin Wong, Ghost
Fan Yin is from a campaign where all the PCs are ghosts with
low karma levels. She must do a number of good deeds before
she can risk being reborn again, but her ability to influence the
material world is limited.
GM limits: Twelve attributes (six free levels); 25 free skill lev-
els, with maximum one Superb, two Great; no free gifts, but six
Supernormal Powers, with constraint on the number of uses per
day; two personality faults required, do not count for trading
Note: the supernormal powers are described with uses per
day and skill levels. The default skill level is Poor; it takes one
gift to raise a supernormal power each level above Poor.
(Six free levels, four taken, balance taken as six skills)
Appearance: Great (2)
Charisma: Fair (0)
Dexterity: Good (1)
Fitness: Good (1)
Mechanical Aptitude: Poor (2)
Mind: Fair (0)
Perception: Superb (3)
Reflexes: Good (1)
Sanity: Mediocre (1)
Strength: Fair (0)
Will: Fair (0)
Wisdom: Mediocre (1)
Tips & Examples
Fan Yin Wong, Ghost, cont.
(25 free levels, 31 taken, balanced by attribute levels)
Accounting: Good (3)
Animal Care: Fair (2)
Area Knowledge (easy): Good (2)
Athletics: Poor (0)
Bargain: Good (3)
Computer Use: Fair (2)
Driving: Fair (2)
Folklore: Fair (2)
Knowledge of
Detective Fiction: Great (4)
Lying: Fair (2)
Move Quietly: Mediocre (1)
(vs. other spirits)
Outdoor Skills: Mediocre (2)
Sciences: Mediocre (1)
Womens Magazine Lore: Superb (5)
(No free gifts, two taken, balanced by faults)
Green thumb knack for making plants healthy (even as a
ghost!); Single-minded +1 to any lengthy task
Supernormal Powers
(Six free Supernormal Powers, five taken.
One traded, plus two Faults taken, to raise these four levels)
Pass through Walls (6/day): Fair
Screech (temporarily paralyze multiple living people)
(3/day): Mediocre
Affect Dreams (1/day): Poor
Control Vermin (3/day): Poor
Read Minds (4/day): Mediocre
Fear of spiders (even as a ghost); Worry Wart; Waffles cant
make decisions until forced to; Obsessed with regrets over
missed opportunities
6.352 Cassandra Pine, Vampire Private Investigator
Modern vampire character by DeirdRe Brooks
GM limits: Ten Attributes (five free levels), 60 free skill levels,
with maximum of one Superb, four Greats, two free gifts, three
free supernatural powers.
(Five free levels, Seven taken, balanced by fault)
Appearance: Fair (0)
Charisma: Fair (0)
Dexterity: Great (2)
Humanity: Mediocre (1)
Intelligence: Good (1)
Perception & Alertness: Great (2)
Stamina: Good (1)
Strength: Fair (Scale 3) (0)
Willpower: Good (1)
Wits: Good (1)
(60 free levels, 60 taken)
Animal Handling: Mediocre (1)
Area Knowledge
home city (easy): Good (2)
Athletics: Fair (2)
Computer: Fair (2)
Control Power:
Mind Control (VH): Fair (4)
Control Power:
Psychometry (VH): Fair (4)
Dodge: Good (3)
Driving: Good (3)
Electronic Security: Great (4)
Firearms: Good (3)
Intimidation: Good (3)
Investigation: Superb (5)
Knife: Fair (2)
Language: Spanish: Mediocre (1)
Law & Police Procedure (hard): Fair (3)
Research: Great (4)
Stealth: Good (3)
Streetwise: Great (4)
Subterfuge: Good (3)
Tae Kwon Do (hard): Good (4)
(Two free gifts, two taken)
Contacts in police force; Night Vision
Tips & Examples
Supernormal Powers
(Three free Powers, eight taken, balanced by faults)
Extraordinary Speed; Can change into Mist Form; Mind Control;
Only immobilized by stake through heart; Psychometry;
Regeneration; Scale 3 (unobservable); Can change into Wolf
Burns heal slowly; Low financial resources; Mind control needs
eye contact; Must sleep most of the daylight hours; Violent
when enraged
(Note: The following three faults count as two faults each)
Burned by Sun; Needs blood to live; Dangerous Secret shes
destroyed if its revealed
6.353 Chicory, Bunny
Chicory is a character in a game where rabbits are the norm,
and humans are giant monsters. The scale is therefore relative
to rabbits.
GM limits: Six attributes (three free levels); 40 free skill levels,
wi th maxi mum one Superb, three Great ; two gi ft s, one
Supernormal Power
(Three free levels, seven taken, balanced by faults)
Dexterity: Good (1)
Health: Good (1)
Perception: Superb (3)
Smarts: Great (2)
Speed: Good (1)
Strength: Mediocre (1)
(40 free levels, 52 taken, balanced by faults)
Acrobatics: Terrible (1)
Area Knowledge: Good (3)
Detect Traps: Great (4)
Fighting: Good (3)
Gambling: Good (3)
Herb Lore (hard): Superb (6)
Knowledge of
Burrow Construction: Good (3)
Knowledge of
Humans (VH): Fair (4)
Knowledge of
Non-Rabbit Behavior: Good (3)
Bug: (hard) Fair (3)
Common Bird (hard): Good (4)
Mouse/Rat (hard): Great (5)
Mechanical Skills: Terrible (1)
Non-Rabbit Sounds (hard): Fair (3)
Move Quietly: Fair (2)
Spring Traps: Fair (2)
Storytelling: Fair (2)
Tracking: Great (4)
(Two free gifts + one Supernormal Power;
four gifts taken, balanced by not taking a Power.)
Unafraid of Loud Noises (unlike most rabbits); Never Forgets a
Scent; Strong Will; Night Vision
Nosy; Compulsive Gambler; Phobia: Canines; Jealous of Anyone
Getting More Attention
Tips & Examples
6.354 Squeegee Fizzle, Cartoon Chimp
Squeegee is a time- and space-hopping chimpanzee in a uni-
verse without physical laws as we know them. Real loose rules
on this one, folks! There is no death in cartoons: get your char-
acters to a Heal-O-Ray machine and they'll be fine.
GM l i mi t s: Three Supernormal Powers allowed, at least four
faults required; otherwise: no limits take what you want, and
well talk about it
(no limit; seven levels taken, anything else at Fair)
3-D Agility: Good (1)
Cheek: Great (2)
Imagination: Superb (3)
Nose: Good (1)
Notices Things: Great (2)
Patience: Poor (2)
Resistance to Alien Stuff: Good (1)
Willpower: Mediocre (1)
(no limit, 37 taken)
Acrobatics: Good (3)
Area Knowledge
of the Known Universe: Good (3)
Fruit Lore: Superb (5)
History: Mediocre (1)
Language, Most Alien: Fair (2)
Make Silly Noises: Superb (5)
Make the Sound of
One Hand Clapping: Fair (2)
Mechanical Skills: Terrible (1)
Move Quietly: Great (4)
Pilot Space Ship: Mediocre (1)
Recall of TV SitCom Episodes: Superb (5)
Tell Believable Whoppers: Fair (2)
Throw Things: Good (3)
Tooth-and-Nail Fighting: Good (3)
Zap-O-Stun Gun: Great (4)
(no limit, lots taken)
Always keeps his cool well, usually; Never Forgets a Banana;
Acrobatics skill is Superb for Swinging; no penalty to other
skills while Swinging; Doesnt value Sanity highly
Supernormal Powers
Quadridextrous; Never lost in space; Can think of a Devastating
Comeback (stuns opponent five rounds), on a Superb or better
Cheek (attribute) die roll
Easily Distractible; Compulsive Liar; Will do anything for a
banana; Enemy out to get him: Evil Scientist, Dr. Carnage
6.4 Class and Racial
Template Examples
See also Section 6.342, Seihook, as an example of a
science fiction racial template.
6.41 Ranger Template
(Fantasy Character Class)
See Section 6.12, Templates, for a discussion of char-
acter class templates. This is a sample template the GM
should customize to her own game, including adding or
deleting attributes, gifts, skills, etc. The GM may allow a
beginning character to be a ranger apprentice, rather than
full ranger. An apprentice is one or two levels less than a
full ranger in any given attribute or skill.
Ranger requirements
Dexterity: Good or better
Intelligence: Fair or better
Perception: Good or better
Strength: Good or better
None mandatory. Recommended gifts include Animal
Empathy, Absolute Direction, Combat Reflexes, Night
Vision, other combat gifts.
Tips & Examples
A ranger should not be the type of person who dislikes
being alone. Some rangers work for the authorities,
which might imply a Duty and/or a Vow of Obedience.
Area Knowledge: Fair or better
Bow: Good or better
Climbing: Fair or better
Mimic Animal Sounds: Fair or better
Move Quietly: Good or better
Riding: Fair or better
Scouting: Fair or better
(the skill of observing and remembering)
Spear or Sword: Good or better
Survival: Good or better
Woods Lore: Good or better
6.42 Broad Class Templates
For a loose and easy game, the GM can assign each
character class levels for the broad skill example groups
listed on page 102. This makes an ideal game for teach-
ing role-playing to beginning players, or when playing
with large numbers of players.
For example, the GM decides the players can be one of
seven different character classes: Fighter, Ranger, Rogue,
Magician, Cleric, Diplomat/Scholar, Jack of All Trades.
Each of these characters can be defined as follows:
Beginning Fighter
Physical Attributes: Great
Mental Attributes: Mediocre
Psyche Attributes: Poor
Animal Skills: Mediocre
Athletic skills: Great
Combat skills: Great
Outdoor skills: Fair
Social skills (Fellowship): Fair
All other skills: Poor
Beginning Ranger
Physical Attributes: Good
Mental Attributes: Fair
Psyche Attributes: Poor
Animal Skills: Good
Athletic skills: Fair
Combat skills: Good
Covert skills: Fair
Craft skills: Fair
Outdoor skills: Great
All other skills: Poor
Beginning Rogue
Physical Attributes: Fair
Mental Attributes: Good
Psyche Attributes: Poor
Athletic skills: Fair
Combat skills: Mediocre
Covert skills: Great
Manipulative skills: Great
Merchant skills: Fair
Social skills (Fellowship): Mediocre
Urban skills: Good
All other skills: Poor
Beginning Magician
Physical Attributes: Poor
Mental Attributes: Good
Psyche Attributes: Fair
Craft skills: Mediocre
Knowledge skills: Fair
Spiritual skills: Fair
Supernormal Power skills: Great
All other skills: Poor
Gift Supernormal Power
Tips & Examples
Beginning Cleric
Physical Attributes: Poor
Mental Attributes: Fair
Psyche Attributes: Great
Animal Skills: Fair
Craft skills: Mediocre
Knowledge skills: Fair
Medical skills: Good
Social skills (Formal): Good
Spiritual skills: Great
Supernormal Power skills: Fair
All other skills: Poor
Gift: Divine Favor
Beginning Diplomat/Scholar
Physical Attributes: Poor
Mental Attributes: Great
Psyche Attributes: Mediocre
Artistic skills: Mediocre
Knowledge skills: Great
Language skills: Good
Manipulative skills: Good
Medical skills: Fair
Social skills (Fellowship): Mediocre
Social skills (Formal): Great
Spiritual skills: Mediocre
Technical skills: Mediocre
All other skills: Poor
Beginning Jack of All Trades
Physical Attributes: Fair
Mental Attributes: Fair
Psyche Attributes: Mediocre
Animal Skills: Mediocre
Artistic skills: Mediocre
Athletic skills: Mediocre
Combat skills: Fair
Covert skills: Mediocre
Craft skills: Mediocre
Knowledge skills: Mediocre
Manipulative skills: Mediocre
Merchant skills: Mediocre
Outdoor skills: Fair
Social skills (Fellowship): Good
Social skills (Formal): Mediocre
Spiritual skills: Mediocre
Technical skills: Mediocre
Urban skills: Fair
These character classes are merely examples for a sim-
ple fantasy game. The GM can change or ignore any that
she wishes and create new character classes. She can also
create classes for other genres, such as for a science fic-
tion setting.
Each character class has unlisted Knowledge skills
appropriate to its class. For example, a fighter has Good
Knowledge of tactics, determining weapon quality, judg-
ing how well-trained an army is by observing it for a
while, etc. Likewise, a rogue has Good Knowledge of
types of locks, how many guards a wealthy merchant
might have, the value of a given material for disguising
oneself, etc.
Some skills listed on page 102 as being under one
heading fall under another in certain cases. For example,
a rogue would be Great at climbing, even though
Climbing is listed as an Athletic skill. In this case, its a
Covert skill. The ability to move quietly is listed as a
Covert skill, but a fighter would be Fair at it, and a ranger
Character development in this system is handled nor-
mally. The GM must decide at some point whether to
continue to use broad skill groups or to break skills
down into finer divisions. Each skill must be raised sepa-
rately if the GM decides to break the broad groups into
finer distinctions. If the GM likes keeping the skills
together as groups, then raising an entire skill group level
should cost more experience points than in a system with
narrowly-defined skills perhaps as much as ten times
the cost.
Tips & Examples
6.43 Cercopes (Fantasy Race)
Cercopes (or Kerkopes) were originally a pair of broth-
ers in early Greek mythology. By the first century BC,
however, mythological writers had expanded them into
their own race. It is in this later definition that they are
used here.
Cercopes (singular: cercop) are a small, apish race that
love to play tricks and pranks on anyone they can. Born
thieves, some of them even dared to steal Heracles
weapons! When he caught them and tied them to a pole
for punishment, they amused him so with their jokes and
banter that he let them go. Players should not attempt to
play a cercop unless they have a roguish sense of humor.
Cercopes are small humanoids with ugly, apelike faces
and a prehensile tail. A cercop stands about four feet
high (120 cm), but generally stoops a bit. The face is not
hairy, but both sexes tend to have long sideburns that
often meet under the chin this hair does not continue
to grow, but stays the same length, as monkeys hair
does. The bodies have some scant hair on the back, and
the tail is furred except for the final six inches (15 cm).
Arms, legs and chests have no more hair than the average
human male does, and they wear clothing with a tail
hole. Their feet resemble monkeys feet, but they cannot
manipulate things well with them. They are not fond of
shoes, only wearing them when attempting to disguise
themselves as another race. Cercopes stand upright most
of the time, but lean forward to run, with the tail acting
as a counterbalance. Their tails are strong enough to be
used in combat and to aid in climbing. However, a cer-
cop cannot do fine manipulation (such as pick a lock)
with its tail. Cercopes speak their own language, and
need to learn another to speak with the rest of the party.
The average cercop has a Mediocre Strength and
Damage Capacity, but a Good Dexterity. Their intelli-
gence runs the same range as humans. Cercopes have the
racial gifts of Exceptional Balance (+2 to any action
requiring balance, even in difficult situations), the Ability
to Land on their Feet with no harm from twice the dis-
tance a human could, and Prehensile Tail. Their racial
faults are Impulsiveness (act first, think later), Compulsive
Jokers (practical and otherwise), Kleptomania,
Unattractive Appearance to other races, and Bad
Reputations as Thieves and Tricksters. They have a bonus
of +1 to the following skills: Acrobatics, Move Quietly,
Climbing and Fast Talk. They have a 1 penalty to use
any weapon of Medium size or bigger.
The net result is that it counts as a fault to be a Cercop.
Since anyone playing such a character actually gets some
useful bonuses if playing a thief, the GM should be sure
to enforce the faults especially the Bad Reputation.
NPCs will have a hard time trusting a cercop, usually with
good reason.
This racial template gives a strong incentive to creating
a thief character. However, it is possible to make a cer-
cop warrior or even cleric if desired. Certain faults can be
bought off. That is, a character may have a gift of Not a
Kleptomaniac but it costs one gift, which would nullify
the free fault level. However, the Unattractive
Appearance and Bad Reputation cannot be bought off
these are inherent prejudices in others, not in ones self.
A cercop character could take a fault: No Tail per-
haps he lost it in battle. This would give extra levels to
overcome the 1 penalty to all medium and large
weapons if a character wished to be a warrior cercop, for
Tips & Examples
6.5 Animal & Creature Examples
Non-PC animals need not be built using level limits.
Just define what traits are essential to the animal, and let
it go at that. The Strength Scale refers to Section 2.3,
N o n - h u m a n s . Damage may include a weapon deadli-
ness factor for teeth, claws, and, in some cases, body
optimized for combat (usually carnivores).
Perception: Great to Superb
(Smell should be Scale: Dog)
Strength/Mass Scale: 7 to 0
Skills: Mediocre to Superb
(tailor to specific training received; examples
include attack, guard, guide, track, hunt, and tricks)
Melee Combat: Fair to Superb
Damage Capacity: Good to Great
Agility: Great to Superb
Scale: 6 or 7
Skills: Survival, Hunting, Playing
Gifts: Night Vision, Nine Lives (e.g., each time a cat
receives damage that would kill it in one blow,
check off one life and dont count the damage.
There are other ways to play this, of course, such
as a Legendary Dodge ability.)
Faults: Independent-minded, Curious, Lazy, Vain
Damage Capacity: Fair to Superb
Strength: Scale 3 Good to Great
Endurance: Good
Speed: Scale 4 Good to Great
Skills: Mediocre to Superb
(tailor to specific training received; examples
include riding, driving, racing, fighting, and various
Faults: Tailor to specific animal (Runaway, bites, kicks,
Damage Capacity: Mediocre to Good
Strength: Scale 2 Good to Great
Endurance: Great to Superb
Speed: Scale 3 Mediocre to Good
Skills: Mediocre to Superb
(tailor to specific training received; examples
include riding, driving, packing)
Gifts: Desert Survival
Damage Capacity: Fair to Great
Strength: Scale 8 Good to Superb
Agility: Good to Superb
Skills: Mediocre to Superb
(tailor to specific training received; examples
include riding, hauling, stacking (logs etc.), tricks)
Gifts: Exceptional animal intelligence
Faults: Males subject to Musth (annual madness)
Damage Capacity: Good to Superb
Courage: Fair to Superb
Agility: Good to Superb
Speed: Scale 5 Fair to Great
Strength: Scale 6, Fair to Superb
(Scale may be from 8 to 4 to reflect sizes from
sparrow hawk to eagle)
Skills: Mediocre to Superb
(tailor to specific training received; examples
include manning a measure of the degree of
taming, hunting ground mammals, hunting birds,
aerial acrobatics, trained to the lure, etc.)
Gifts: Flight
Damage Capacity: Fair to Good
Tips & Examples
Perception: Great
Melee Combat: Great
Stalking: Great
Dodge: Fair
Strength: Scale 2 Fair to Great
Fault: Lazy
Damage Capacity: Fair to Superb
Grizzly Bear:
Perception: Good
Melee Combat: Good
Dodge: Fair
Strength: Scale 3 Fair to Great
Fault: Berserker
Damage Capacity: Fair to Great
Perception: Good
Melee Combat: Great
Dodge: Good
Supernormal Power: Poison, +4 damage bonus
Fault: Bad temper
Damage Capacity: Poor
Melee Combat: Poor
Ranged Combat: Good, short range
Dodge: Poor
Supernormal Power: Noxious Fluid
(blinds, incapacitates, renders foul)
Damage Capacity: Terrible
Giant Spider:
Melee Combat: Good
Dodge: Poor
Supernormal Powers: Poison (paralyzes)
(Good Difficulty Level Strength roll to break)
Damage Capacity: Good
Perception: Great
Melee Combat: Great
Dodge: Good
Supernormal Powers: Flight
Tough Hide (light armor)
Strength: Mediocre to Great, Scale 4
Damage Capacity: Good to Superb
Dragon (customize to taste):
Melee Combat: Good to Great
Ranged Combat: Good, short range
Dodge: Mediocre
Supernormal Powers: Fire Breath (+2 damage)
Tough Hide (1 to 3)
Charm with Eyes
Magic Potential
(some of them)
Fault: Greedy
Strength: Scale 3 to Scale 9
Fair to Great
Damage Capacity: Fair to Great
Tips & Examples
6.6 Equipment Examples
Its possible to define equipment in FU D G E c h a r a c t e r
terms. This is probably unnecessary, but can be done if
Equipment from any technological level, stone age to
science fiction, can be detailed this way. A piece of
equipment can be defined by as many FUDGE traits as are
needed: attributes, skills, gifts or faults.
For example, an old, battered sword found in a damp
dungeon has:
Sharpness: Terrible
Durability: Poor
Looks Shabby.
Such a weapon is treated as a club for damage, rather
than a sword (no Sharpness bonus). The GM may require
a Situational roll every few combat rounds: the sword
breaks on a Mediocre or worse result from parrying or
being parried. And finally, some people will make fun of
anyone carrying such a shoddy-looking weapon.
When the sword was new, however, it had:
Sharpness: Good
Sturdiness: Great
Beautifully Made
In that case, it would indeed merit the +1 for Sharpness
(perhaps any Sharpness level of Mediocre to Good gets
the +1 Sharpness bonus, while duller blades get no
bonus, and better blades might get an a d d i t i o n a l + 1
bonus). It also would never break under ordinary circum-
stances, and its appearance probably earns its owner a
positive reaction from many people.
A bejewelled magic sword found in a dragons hoard
might have:
Appearance: Superb
(+3 to impress those who value wealth)
Troll-slaying (+3 to hit when fighting Trolls; such
wounds will never heal)
Dedicated Purpose (it tries to control the wielder to
hunt trolls)
Dominate Wielder: Fair (Opposed action against a Will
A different magic sword:
Supernormal Power:
Flame Creation (+2 damage)
Flame Shooting: Great
(Range: 3 yards or meters)
Flame Creation only works on a Good or better
Situational roll
Of course, even if the flaming missile fails, it can still
be used as a regular sword, so its not exactly worthless
in such cases.
Tips & Examples
As a final example, consider a science fiction double-
seat fighter spaceship:
Acceleration: Great
Handling: Superb
Speed: Good (Scale 15)
Size: Fair (Scale 8)
Navigation: Good
Targeting: Superb
Auto-pilot: Fair
Food Preparation: Poor
Entertainment: Mediocre
Turret-mounted Laser Rifles, above and below
Bucket Seats in the bridge
Can be used in an atmosphere or in deep space
Non-standard parts (expensive to repair)
Unattractive exterior
Cramped sleeping quarters
Airlock squeaks annoyingly
Ordinary, every-day equipment should not be detailed
out in this manner. There is no need to define a canteen,
for example, as anything other than metal, 1 quart (liter)
capacity. Even for equipment that may have an impact
on the game, such as weapons or thieves tools, you do
not need to have any more information than +2 offen-
sive damage factor or adds 1 to Pick Locks skill.
Its best to restrict defining equipment in FUDGE charac-
ter terms to the truly extraordinary (such as magic items).
Another use is when the equipments powers may be
used in an opposed action: in a car race, for instance,
you need to know the relative speeds and handling capa-
bilities of the vehicles as well as the skills of the drivers.
A battle between spaceships is another good example.
Equipment with personality, such as sentient magic
items or advanced robots, may be treated as full-fledged
FUDGE characters if desired.
Tips & Examples
Chapter 7: The Addenda
The Addenda consist of a variety of supplementary
material for FUDGE.
Chapters 1 through 5 represent plain, vanilla FUDGE
here you can find and create fancier fare. If you pass
FUDGE around, please add any customization to this chap-
ter (quoting Section number and name, such as 1 . 3 3 ,
Gifts), rather than change the original. Suggestions for a
specific genre also go in the Addenda. Examples: a list of
sample superpowers, or a list of guns and their damage.
Please include a date and credit (your name) for the
change, and, if possible, notify Steffan OSullivan, the
original author of FU D G E, via the Internet (to
sos@oz.plymouth.edu) or via the Post Office (c/o Grey
Ghost Games, P.O. Box 838, Randolph, MA 02368).
7.1 Sample Magic System:
Date: November, 1992 to November, 1993
By: Steffan OSullivan
Here is a sample magic system, based on the following
premises mentioned in Section 2.5, Magic:
Who can cast : Magicians only (supernormal power
Levels of Power: yes. There are two game effects: the
greater the power, the easier it is to cast more powerful
spells; and power levels act as a reserve in case of severe
failure, which temporarily drains Power. Voluntarily
draining a level of Power can also guarantee success for
one spell.
Source of Power: manipulation of local area mana.
Reliability: Fair.
Time to cast spells: depends on potency of spell (one
minute to days). This can be speeded up by taking a
penalty to the roll.
Spel ls: improvised. Exact wording isnt important, so
magic books tend to be collections of effects, not formulae.
Materi al Components: none needed, but good use
can give a +1 bonus to skill.
Dr awbacks: casting non-trivial spells is fatiguing;
severe failure causes distress.
Societal const raint s: none magic is rare, but not
unheard of.
Addenda Table of Contents
7 Addenda: Samples and Options ....................................82
7.1 Sample Magic System: FUDGE Magic.......................82
7.11 Magic Potential .............................................83
7.12 Spells............................................................84
7.13 Mana ............................................................85
7.14 Skill...............................................................86
7.15 Resolution.....................................................87
7.16 Personal Magic Resistance ............................88
7.17 Certain Spell-Casting.....................................88
7.18 Enchanting Items ..........................................88
7.19 FUDGE Magic Options.....................................88
7.191 Generalized Magic Potential ................88
7.192 Magicians & Non-Magicians ................89
7.193 Spell-Casting Skill Alternatives.............89
7.194 Less Risky Spell-Casting.......................89
7.2 Sample Miracle System: FUDGE Miracles..................90
7.21 Divine Favor..................................................90
7.22 Petitioning a Miracle .....................................90
7.23 Modifiers to the Petitioning Skill Level ..........91
7.3 Sample Psionic System: FUDGE Psi ...........................92
7.31 Psionic Powers..............................................92
7.32 Psionic Skills .................................................93
7.33 Psychic Reservoir ..........................................93
7.34 Psionic Actions .............................................94
7.35 Desperation Psionics .....................................95
7.36 Psi Modifiers Summary .................................95
7.37 Psi Examples.................................................96
7.4 Alternate Rules.......................................................97
7.41 On-the-Fly Character Creation .......................97
7.42 Running FUDGE Diceless .................................97
7.43 Open-Ended Dice .......................................101
7.44 Heroic Evasion............................................101
7.45 Tracking Wounds ........................................101
This system is based on the conviction that a p l a y e r
using magic should never be blase: there should always
be some tension and excitement when a character casts a
spell, or the magic has gone out of the game. Too often
in a role-playing game, the player running a magician
uses tried-and-true spells so regularly that spell-casting
becomes mundane. Since mundane magic seems a con-
tradiction in terms, FUDGE Magic attempts to instill a little
excitement into spell-casting.
There are many ways to achieve this. FUDGE Magic has
chosen the following limitations:
1) The mana available for a specific spell result gradu-
ally becomes depleted in a given area. That is, casting
two fireballs in a row is harder than casting one fireball
and one lightning blast, for example.
2) Magic is an untamable force; there is a skill cap for
casting spells.
3) Magic is somewhat risky to use there are penal-
ties for severe failure.
Options are provided to alter these limitations for GMs
who dislike them. In fact, Section 7.193, Spell-Casting
Ski ll Alt er na t i ves , is essential for Faerie races and
demigods, who have much more dependable magic pow-
ers than humans. (Unless the GM is generous, such char-
acters would have to buy higher skill levels normally if
using the Objective Character Creation system. Taking
some faults to balance such Powers is in keeping with
the nature of demigods and Faerie races.)
See Section 6. 31 for sample characters using FU D G E
7.11 Magic Potential
Magic Potential is a Supernormal Power. (A suggested
cost in the Objective Character Creation system is two
gifts for each level of Magic Potential. This can be
reduced in a magic-rich campaign.) A character with at
least one level of Magic Potential (usually abbreviated to
Potential, sometimes simply called Power) is referred to
as a magician in these rules substitute your favorite
word. Only magicians may cast spells. (However, see
Section 7.192, Magicians & Non-Magicians, for other
options.) Magic Potential may be taken more than once,
but each level counts as a separate supernormal power.
Each level of Magic Potential must be bought as a spe-
cialization. Specializations can be suggested by the player
or set by the GM. (In the latter case, she should make a
list of acceptable magic specializations.) The categories
can be as broad or as narrow as the GM wishes the
broader the terms, the more powerful the magicians.
Examples of specialized Potential: Alter Inanimate
Material, Augury, Combat Magic, Communication Magic,
Defensive Magic, Elemental Magic, Flying Magic, Healing
Magic, Illusion, Information-Gathering Magic, Mind
Control, Necromancy, Only Affects Living Beings, Only
Affects Sentient Beings, Only Affects Technological Items,
Shapeshifting, White Magic (cannot harm anyone, even
indirectly), etc.
A character may have Power levels in more than one
specialization, unless the GM disallows it for some rea-
son. Certain disciplines may have societal constraints: in
most cultures, studying Necromancy is offensive and
probably illegal. Mind Control, Invisibility, Teleportation,
Illusion Magic, etc., might all be limited to government-
approved magicians, at best. Its even possible that such
magicians will be outlaws. Anything that can be used eas-
ily to commit a crime (especially assassination or thiev-
ery) will be difficult, if not impossible, to learn openly in
most cultures. If a given culture allows such magic open-
ly, it is sure to have powerful defenses against being
damaged by it.
Narrow specializations should probably cost less than
one supernormal power: perhaps each specialized
Potential is worth one gift.
In order to cast a spell of a given result, the magician
must have at least +1 Potential specialized in that type of
magic (on the character sheet, that is: he may be tem-
porarily reduced to 0 Potential). Someone with +1
Potential: Combat Magic and +2 Potential: Information-
Gathering Magic could not cast a spell to create food in
the wilderness, for example.
Failing a spell miserably causes the temporary loss of a
level of Magic Potential (see Section 7.15, R e s o l u t i o n ).
When this happens, the magician faints for at least one
combat round. He needs a Good Constitution roll to wake
up (roll each round). When he comes to, the magician
may function normally, even attempting to cast the same
spell again i f he hasnt dropped below 0 Potential.
If a magician has two or more types of Potential that
are appropriate for the spell being cast, and a loss of
Potential is called for, the GM decides which type of
Potential is reduced. For example, a magician has one
level of Combat Magic and two levels of Fire Magic, and
fails miserably on a fireball spell. The GM could say that
he has lost either his one level of Combat Magic or one
of his Fire Magic levels, but not one of each.
If a magician drops to 1 Potential in any given spe-
cialty, he immediately falls into a coma, lasting anywhere
from an hour to a day (GMs decision). When he wakes,
he must roll against his Constitution: on a Mediocre or
worse roll, he takes a point of damage. He checks
Constitution again at the end of every day he is active
a failed result means another point of damage. These
wounds c a n n o t be healed until he recharges his Magic
Potential back up to level 0.
A magician with 0 Potential may still cast spells; a
magician at 1 Magic Potential, however, cannot attempt
any magic spells that would involve that specialty. He
may still cast spells of another specialty. For example, a
magician who falls to 1 Encyclopedic Magic can no
longer cast a spell that allows him to open his blank
book and read a magically-appearing encyclopedia entry
on a specified topic. But he can still cast spells using his
Animal Empathy Magic, allowing him to call and con-
verse with wild animals, provided that Potential is still 0
or greater. He must still make a Constitution check for
every day he his active, however, to see if his 1
Encyclopedic Magic Potential is causing him wounds.
Magic Potential may be recharged o n l y by resting for one
week per level. (GMs may alter this time to taste, of course:
resting for one day is sufficient for more epic campaigns.)
For example, a magician falls to 1 Potential. Resting one
week will bring him up to 0 Potential (and cure any
wounds incurred by being active while at 1 Potential). A
second week of rest will bring him up to +1 Potential.
No character may gain Magic Potential levels beyond
his starting level except through Character Development
see Chapter 5.
7.12 Spells
When a magician wishes to cast a spell, he describes the
result he has in mind. The GM assesses how powerful such
an effect would be, based on how prevalent magic is in her
campaign. In a low-magic campaign, even a simple spell
such as levitating the jail keys to an imprisoned character
would be taxing. In a high-magic campaign, however, that
would be a trivial spell, and even shooting forth a flash of
lightning from a fingertip wouldnt be out of the ordinary.
The potency of the spell can be modified by the magi-
cians appropriate Power level. An average magician
has three levels of appropriate Power when casting a
given spell. (Modify this number up or down for harder
or easier magic.) That is, a spell is more difficult for a
magician with less than three levels of an appropriate
Power. Likewise, a magician with four or more appropri-
ate Power levels treats a spell as more trivial than it
would be for an average magician.
Appropriate Power does not have to be all of the
same specialization so long as each Power governs the
spell in question. For example, a spell to make a sword
fly up and attack a foe could be governed by Flying
Magic, Combat Magic, and Control Inanimate Material. If
a magician had one level of each of those types of magic,
the spell would be of average potency for him.
A spell is then Trivial, Average, or Potent. (It may also
be Very Trivial, or Very Potent, if the GM wishes. In fact,
the players will undoubtedly propose truly awesome
spells, which should be labeled as Extraordinarily Potent,
or with some other impressive adjective.) The GM tells
the player what the potency of a proposed spell is any
magician character would have a fairly good idea of a
spells potency.
The spells potency determines the Difficulty level. A
spell of average potency has a Fair Difficulty level, while a
Potent spell has a Difficulty level of at least Good. Likewise,
a Trivial spell has a Difficulty level of Mediocre or Poor.
The GM also decides the duration of the spell if it suc-
ceeds seconds, minutes, hours, days, etc. The character
may try to adjust this, subject to GM approval. For exam-
ple, the magician can voluntarily take more fatigue or
reduce the scope of the effect or accept some other
penalty to lengthen the spells duration. Rolling a higher
relative degree can also mean the spell lasts longer. Some
spells have permanent effects: healing (until wounded
again), busting a hole in a wall (until repaired manually or
by magic), teleporting to a distant place (until you come
back), and so on. Of course, even these spell effects may
be temporary in a given GMs world: healing only lasts a
day and the wound reappears, or a hole in the wall fixes
itself after a few minutes, or a teleported person automati-
cally returns after an hour in the other location
The GM also needs to determine if there are any draw-
backs to casting a spell. FUDGE Magic assumes that spells
are tiring to cast, and a magician reduces his Fatigue
attribute when casting. The more potent the spell, the
more the fatigue. (Fatigue is regained by resting, of
course. If Fatigue goes below Terrible, the character pass-
es out. The GM may have separate Fatigue attribute, or
base it on Endurance, Constitution, Strength, etc.)
A GM who dislikes the idea of keeping track of fatigue
can change the drawback to something else. Perhaps a
magician has a limited number of spells he can cast in a
day (or in an hour). In this case, he may have a Spell
Point attribute, which is drained by spell casting and
regained simply by the passage of time. (A trivial spell
wont drain any Spell Point levels, while an average spell
drops a magician from Good Spell Points to Fair, for
example, and more potent spells drain two or more lev-
els at a time.) Draining spell points would not necessarily
make the magician tired in this case, and Spell Points
would regenerate whether the magician was resting or
not or they might only regenerate with sleep.
Or maybe each spell affects a magician s Sanity
attribute, and he needs to convalesce to restore it. Or,
equally entertaining, a spell might affect the sanity of
anyone who witnesses magic! Reduced sanity can mani-
fest in many amusing ways
7.13 Mana
Mana is an energy source capable of manipulating mat-
ter, time and space. It can be tapped only by those with
Magic Potential.
The GM determines the availability and density of
mana in a given game world, just as she does the average
potency of a spell. Mana density can affect two things:
how large an area is needed to fuel a given spell effect,
and (optionally), how easy or hard it is to cast a spell.
When a spell of a particular effect is cast, the magician
draws a specific type of mana to him to create the effect.
The next time this same effect is desired, it will be harder
to do: he has drained some of that mana type in the local
The size of the area is defined by the GM. For most
fantasy worlds, assume its about 50 yards or meters in
diameter. In a low-level magic campaign, the area is the
size of a town or even city. (This would give meaning to
the old line, This town aint big enough for both of us
dueling wizards!) On the other hand, a high-level
magic campaign is so mana-rich that the magician can
simply take a step or two and be in a new area. Note that
the area governs which spells can be cast without penal-
ty: if one magician casts a healing spell, a second magi-
cian will be at 1 to cast a healing spell in the same area
within the next 24 hours. (Mana may recharge at a differ-
ent rate in a given game world, of course.) Note also that
a magician may be unaware of what spells were cast in
an area before he arrived
In a mana-rich area, spells may also be easier to cast:
+1 or +2 to skill level. Likewise, in a mana-poor area,
spells can be harder to cast: 1 or more. The GM decides
if this rule is in effect.
Mana is dispersed and weak in a world such as modern
Earth. The average fantasy game world will have much
stronger mana, and some high-magic campaigns will sim-
ply reek of mana. In any given world, it is possible to
vary the amount of mana. Some lands may be mana-rich,
while neighboring areas are mana-poor. Mana may flow
in currents, or in tides with the phases of the moon.
There may be rogue mana streams that change course
and invade new areas, or a mana drought may afflict a
given locale. Astrological alignments can affect mana, too
thus even here on mana-poor Earth there will be
places and times of the year when cultists gather to call
forth unseen powers
A PC magician would know the general mana level for
at least his home area. He may or may not know whether
it fluctuates periodically, or if far lands have different
mana levels. In order to determine the mana level of the
local area at a given time, a magician must cast a spell
specifically to that end.
7.14 Skill
Spell-casting is a skill that must be learned. The default
is Non-Existent, and, due to the element of uncertainty in
FUDGE Magic (mentioned in Section 7.1, FUDGE Magi c),
the maximum base skill level is Fair. This cannot be
raised permanently but see Sect i on 7.193, S p e l l -
Casting Skill Alternatives.
One generic Spell-Casting skill is assumed, but the GM
may require more if she breaks magic down into different
types. It should cost one level just to get a Spell-Casting
skill at Terrible.
Spell-casting skill may be modified (to a maximum of
Great) by the following:
Taking an average time to cast a spell: +0. (Note: the
GM assesses the average time for any given spell pro-
posed. Potent spells might take all day, or even longer,
while Trivial ones might take one to five minutes.)
Taking a long time to cast a spell carefully: +1. (Relative
to each spell, of course. For a Trivial spell: taking a half
an hour or more.)
Casting a spell much more quickly than normal: 1. (For
a Trivial spell: one combat round of concentration.)
Using normal effort to cast a spell: +0.
Using extra effort to cast a spell (more fatigue than nor-
mal, or counts as two spells cast if there is a limit per
day, or reduces Sanity more than normal, etc.): +1 or +2.
Using less effort than normal to cast a spell: 1 or more.
(Reduced fatigue, or it only counts as half a spell against
a daily limit, etc.)
First spell-casting of a particular effect in a given area
within 24 hours: +0. (See Section 7.13, M a n a , for the
size of an area.)
Additional spell-castings of a particular effect in a given
area within 24 hours: 1 per casting.
For using authentic magic formulae: +1. (The Law of
Contagion or the Law of Similarity, for example see
James Frazers classic anthropological study, The Golden
B o u g h. Both Laws require some physical component: a
feather to cast a flight spell, a piece of the subjects hair
to heal or hurt her, a drop of water that becomes a water
jet, a stick that becomes a staff, a bearskin to change the
magician into a bear, etc. Drafting the spell in poetical
form earns an additional +1, if the GM is willing.)
Multiple magicians casting a spell that they have a l l
tried before: +1 (for 2 to X magicians) or +2 (for more
than X magicians). (X is set by the GM, anywhere from
two to ten, or even more for low-magic campaigns. One
magician is assumed to be the primary caster: roll only
once against his skill.)
Mana-rich area: +1 or +2 (optional).
Normal mana area: +0
Mana-poor area: 1 or more (optional).
Other modifiers may also apply, such as in a spell to
search the mountains magically for someone you love
(+1) or searching for someone youve never met (1).
7.15 Resolution
Each spell is then resolved as an Unopposed action:
the Difficulty level is dependent on the spell potency.
Spells of average potency have a Difficulty level of Fair,
while more trivial spells have difficulty levels of Mediocre
or Poor. (No spell has a Difficulty level of Terrible
magic just doesnt work at that level.) More potent spells
have Difficulty levels of Good to Superb, or even beyond
Superb if a truly powerful effect is desired.
If the magician surpasses the Difficulty level, the spell
occurs as he described it. The better the relative degree,
the better the result. The magician suffers 1 (or more) to
his Fatigue attribute if the GM deems the spell is fatigu-
ing. (If the GM has chosen some other drawback, of
course, apply that instead.)
Sometimes a skill roll is then needed to do something
with the end result of a spell. For example, a fireball
needs to be thrown accurately: use the Throwing Skill
and Ranged Weapon rules in Chapter 4.
If the magician e q u a l s the Difficulty level, then a
watered-down version of the spell occurs. Either it will
have a short duration, or reduced potency, or there is a
time lag before the spell takes effect, etc. There may be
an unexpected side effect, though it wont be harmful to
the magician. There is no penalty for the magician
beyond a possible 1 or 2 to Fatigue, at worst.
If the magician rolls below the Difficulty level, however,
he is adversely affected. The energy inherent in mana
lashes out at the magicians psyche instead of being
focused as desired. There may (or may not) be some visi-
ble magical effect, but it will n o t be the desired effect,
and, if he rolled poorly enough, it may even be inimical
to the magicians goals or health
On a failed roll, the magician is stunned for one com-
bat round (no actions or defense) and takes at least 1
Fatigue. A Terrible result always fails.
If he rolls a result of 4, the spell automatically fails (no
matter what the resulting level) and he also temporarily
drains one level of his Magic Potential see S e c t i o n
7.11, Magic Potential, for effects. (This is the riskiness
of magic mentioned in Section 7.1, FUDGE Magic.)
Examples: Barney casts a spell, Create Pizza, of
Average potency in a normal mana area and gets 3: a
Terrible result. The spell fails and Barney is stunned for a
combat round, but he does n o t drain a level of Magic
Potential because he did not roll a 4. Later, in a mana-
rich area (+1 to cast), Barney takes a long time (+1) to
cast Detect Food, a very Trivial spell (Poor result or bet-
ter needed for success). He has temporarily raised his
skill to Great, the maximum allowed. He rolls a 4 result,
which is a Poor rolled result. Although the rolled degree
is good enough to cast the spell, Barney still fails because
he rolled a 4 result. Barney not only doesnt detect any
food, he also exhausts one level of Magic Potential
7.16 Personal Magic Resistance
If the spell is one which attempts to Control another
being either mentally, physically or spiritually
Opposed action rolls are also called for. First, the magi-
cian casts the spell (as above); then he has to overcome
the Personal Magic Resistance of the subject. Magic
Resistance may be an attribute or gift (Willpower is a
good choice, if there is no specific anti-magic trait), as
the GM desires. Magic Resistance may even be a different
attribute for different types of spells (a mental attribute
for attempts to control the mind, etc.). Note that this sec-
ond roll is Opposed the subject of the spell gets a
chance to resist it, and so can influence the result.
If the GM is willing, the magician may use the result he
just rolled as his skill level for the Opposed action. That
is, if he rolled a Great result on the spell, he rolls the
Opposed action as if his skill were Great. Otherwise, he
uses the same level he rolled initially against.
Control can mean many things to different GMs.
Personal Magic Resistance would resist an attempt to read
someone s mind to one GM, but not to another.
However, Magic Resistance does not resist any spell that
calls or creates physical energy to lash out at another
being. If the magician successfully creates lightning to
blast the subject, it is not resisted by Personal Resistance;
it is treated as a physical weapon.
7.17 Certain Spell-Casting
Sometimes a magician desperately needs a certain
result. In this case, he may opt not to roll the dice at all,
and simply drain one level of Magic Potential for a guar-
anteed success. He takes the usual penalties for losing a
level of Potential see Section 7.11, Magic Potential.
This means hell faint be unconscious after casting
the spell, which limits the utility for certain spells. You
cant control someones mind when you are unconscious,
for example
The GM may restrict this to Trivial spells, or non-Potent
spells, or have no restrictions at all, beyond requiring the
normal fatigue (or other) penalties. If the spell is one that
could logically be resisted by the subject, however, the
subject still gets a Resistance roll. In this case, the magi-
cian rolls as if his skill were Great.
7.18 Enchanting Items
Items may be permanently enchanted in this system.
The magician works for a number of weeks or months
(as required by the GM), depending on the number and
potency of the spells desired, and the general availability
of magic items in the campaign. At the end of e a c h
month (or week), the magician rolls against two skills:
Spell-casting, and the appropriate Craft skill for the mate-
rial being worked. The usual penalties apply on failing a
spell roll. If he surpasses the Difficulty level on each roll,
the spell is slowly being set into the item, one stage at a
time. On a roll that only matches the Difficulty level, the
work counts as only half a time period, but does progress
the enchantment.
Obviously, a mana-rich area will attract magicians,
especially enchanters.
7.19 Fudge Magic Options
These options offer ways to make FUDGE Magic more
sweeping, more reliable, less risky, and even make it
available to non-magicians.
7.191 Generalized Magic Potential
Some GMs may want the players to have sweeping
powers. In this case, each level of Magic Potential allows
a character to try a n y magic effect desired. This is in
keeping with certain fictional settings in which learning
magic involves general principles rather than specific
spell effects. This makes for a very free and open game,
which may or may not be to your tastes.
This system still allows specializations. Simply use faults
to limit a magicians ability to cast certain spells. See
Sect ion 6.311, Char acter Ex amples, Br ogo the Scout.
7.192 Magicians & Non-Magicians
The GM may allow non-magicians to cast spells. In this
case, it is risky, as there is no Magic Potential cushion
one severe failure is enough to devastate the charac-
ter. Still, in an emergency, it may be worth the risk. Such
a character would still need to have some Spell-casting
skill, however. (But see Section 7.193, S p e l l - c a s t i n g
Skill Alternatives).
As a substitute for Magic Potential specialization, the
GM looks over the character sheet (checking traits, per-
sonality, and character background) and decides if a pro-
posed spell would be appropriate for the character. The
character must have some aptitude in the proposed spell
subject, or he may not cast such a spell. For example, a
trained fighter with no knowledge of book learning or
foreign languages could conceivably try a combat spell,
but not a spell to translate a book written in an unknown
Of course, the same spell is of greater potency for a
non-magician than for a magician. This probably means
that a non-magician will only have a chance of casting a
spell that a magician would consider trivial.
7.193 Spell-Casting Skill Alternatives
Since tastes differ, and FUDGE Magic tends to be unde-
pendable (see Section 7.1, FUDGE Magic), three options
are provided for more reliable spell-casting:
1) Use the basic FUDGE Magic system, but allow a magi-
cian to improve his chances of casting a spell beyond
Fair. At a cost of one gift (or even supernormal power),
this may be raised to Good. At a cost of two more gifts
(or supernormal powers), casting skill may be raised from
Good to Great, the maximum.
2) GMs who want magic to be a lot more reliable can
simply treat Spell-casting as any other skill. That is, it
costs the usual skill costs to raise it to Good or even
Great. Superb Spell-casting is not recommended for any
but inherently magical races, even in high-level magic
3) Spell-Casting is equal to the Willpower attribute, or
perhaps Willpower2. (There may still be a ceiling of
Great, Good, or even Fair for Spell-Casting, regardless of
the level of Willpower.) This is especially appropriate for
games in which non-magicians can cast spells see
Section 7.192, Magicians & Non-Magicians. This is a
potent option because the player doesnt have to buy
Spell-casting skill for his character.
7.194 Less Risky Spell-Casting
To make spell-casting less risky (not necessarily a good
thing see Section 7.1, FUDGE Magi c), make it harder
to drain a level of Potential.
Examples (apply as many or as few as desired):
1) A magician cannot deplete a level of Magic Potential
if he is attempting a Trivial spell. That is, if he rolls a 4
on a Trivial spell, he fails the spellcasting, but doesnt
lose a level of Magic Potential.
2) A magician cannot exhaust a level of Magic Potential
if he is attempting a Trivial or Average spell.
3) A magician cannot deplete a level of Magic Potential
if he takes enough time to get a +1 bonus for slow and
careful spell-casting.
4) A level of Magic Potential can only be depleted on a
hurried spell-casting attempt that fails badly.
5) A magician cannot drain a level of Magic Potential
on the first spell cast each day, or when the moon is full,
or if the mana level is low (not enough mana to backlash
potently), etc.
7.2 Sample Miracle System:
FUDGE Miracles
Date: December, 1992
By: Steffan OSullivan
Here is a sample miracle system (not generic), based
on the following premises mentioned in Section 2.6,
Can miracles occur by petition: Yes.
Who ca n petiti on: Anyone. Holy persons have an
advantage. (A holy person is one with the supernormal
power: Divine Favor, and whose behavior is in synch with
the deitys goals GM decision on how the player is
role-playing.) Religious Investiture a social title that
may or may not coincide with Divine Favor is not
required, and, in fact, does no good if behavior is inap-
p r o p r i a t e .
Certainty of petitioned miracles: Mediocre.
Broad or specific requests: Specific requests are more
likely to be granted.
7.21 Divine Favor
Divine Favor is a supernormal power that can be taken
more than once. Each time Divine Favor is taken, it is
dedicated to a single deity. It is possible to have Divine
Favor from more than one deity in a polytheistic world,
or you can have multiple steps of Divine Favor from a
single deity. Each step of Divine Favor counts as t w o
supernormal powers (recommended).
Divine Favor can be temporarily lost if the character
does not act in accordance with the deitys desires.
Usually a period of atonement is required to regain
Divine Favor. This may be instantaneous for a merciful
deity, or it may take up to a month for stricter deities. All
steps are lost and regained as a unit when this happens.
7.22 Petitioning a Miracle
A character may petition a miracle at any time.
However, some deities do not like to be disturbed for
trivial matters, and may ignore requests when it is obvi-
ous the character hasnt even tried to help himself.
In FUDGE Miracles, the petition should be fairly precise-
ly worded. Rather than a simple, Please help me, the
character should focus the plea: We are starving, please
feed us, or, My friend is dying, please heal him. A holy
character can petition for any miraculous result desired,
however there is no established list of miracles.
Characters without Divine Favor have a Petitioning skill
of Poor (or Mediocre in a more deity-active game). Those
with one or more steps of Divine Favor have a
Petitioning skill of Fair. Petitioning skill cannot be raised.
(In a high-level deity-active campaign, Petitioning skill
can be raised to Good at the cost of one supernormal
power.) Petitioning skill c a n be modified, however
see the next section.
To resolve a petition, make an Unopposed action roll
against Petitioning skill. Each step of Divine Favor grants
the holy character one extra chance to roll the dice in a
petition to his deity.
On a Fair or worse result, the roll is a failure. If the
character has any steps of Divine Favor from the same
deity, he may roll again for each step (this does not
count as a separate petition). He can stop at any point
only the last result rolled counts. This means a character
with two steps of Divine Favor can try one, two, or three
rolls. If he gets Good, Fair, and Mediocre results, in that
order, the result of the petition is Mediocre.
On a Fair or Mediocre result, the petition isn t
answered by the deity, but the deity isnt annoyed by the
petitioner. On Poor or worse result, however, the deity is
angry with the character, and there will be a 1 on the
next petition attempt. If the deity is evil, a miracle may
actually occur, but not one the petitioner is likely to
FUDGE Miracles
On a Good or better result, the petition is granted. The
better the rolled result, the better the answer to the
prayer. For example, a Good result heals one wound or
wound level, while a Superb result totally heals the char-
acter. A Good result could call a wolf to defend the peti-
tioner, while three lions might answer a Superb result.
And so on.
7.23 Modifiers to the Petitioning Skill Level
The GM decides if any modifiers are applicable.
Suggested modifiers:
The petitioners behavior has been strictly in accordance
with the deitys desires: +1
The petitioners behavior has not been in accordance
with the deitys desires: 1 or more
The petition will further the deitys desires: +1
The petition goes against the deitys desires: 1 or more
The petition involves the deitys sphere of influence: + 1
(Calling for a fireball from a fire god, for example. This is
not appropriate for a Supreme God, whose sphere encom-
passes all things.)
The petition involves an element antagonistic to the
deity: 1 or more (asking the Fire deity to use water, for
The petition is phrased too generally: 1 or more
The petitioner has not tried to help himself first: 1 or
The petition is too trivial to bother the deity with: 1 or
The petition is a simple, but important, request: +1, pro-
vided the petitioner has exhausted his own abilities to
accomplish this task. (E x a m p l e : requesting a piece of
chalk, which is trifling, but simply cannot be found any-
where near the character. In this case, chalk would have
to be essential to the characters state of body, mind or
The last petition was a Poor or worse result: 1
The deity feels the petitioner is calling for help too fre -
quently: 1 or more (Optional may be invoked by a
GM annoyed at constant requests for miracles)
FUDGE Miracles
7.3 Sample Psionic System:
Date: February, 1993 & December, 1993
By: Shawn Garbett and Steffan OSullivan
There are three types of Psi traits in this system:
Powers, skills, and Psychic Reservoir. Only psionicists
have Powers and the skills to activate them, but everyone
has a Psychic Reservoir to resist psionic attacks.
7.31 Psionic Powers
The GM must decide how precisely to define Psi Powers.
Since each Power must be bought separately, defining
them broadly makes for more powerful characters.
The following chart (see right) shows some broad
groups that include more narrowly defined Psi power
groups listed with them. These in turn contain even more
narrowly defined powers, which a GM may use as indi-
vidual Powers if desired. This list may be regrouped,
expanded, some powers disallowed, a narrowly defined
group made into a broad group that includes other pow-
ers, etc. The list is not intended to be comprehensive, but
merely a sample.
The GM should let the players know what depth of Psi
skills she is using. Each Power costs one Supernormal
Power (two gifts).
Putting one level in a Power gets it at Terrible. Powers
may then be raised at the cost of two s k i l l levels per
level, if using the Objective Character Creation system.
For example, raising Telekinesis Power to Poor requires
two skill levels, and raising it to Mediocre would cost two
more skill levels.
If a GM envisions a psi-rich campaign, of course, the
costs should be much cheaper. Allowing many free levels
of Supernormal Powers is a good way to do this, but be
cautious about trading them for mundane traits.
Power levels define range, quantity or size of subject
affected, etc. see Section 2.7, Psi. A Fair Power can do
whatever the default average is for the campaign world.
Very Broad Mildly Broad Narrow
Groups Groups Groups
Antipsi Distort
ESP Astral Projection
Telesense Clairaudience
Locate Object
Locate Person
Sense Aura
Temporal Revelation Postcognition
Psychokinesis Control Animate Healing
Metabolism Control
Control Inanimate Force Shield
Transmogrify Object
Electrokinesis Alter Electric Current
Control Electrical Devices
Electric Blast
Temperature Control Cryokinesis
Telepathy Empathy Emotion Control
Emotion Sensing
Mind Shield
Mental Communication Mind Reading
Thought Sending
Mental Control Alter Memory
Prevent Clear Thinking
Send Violent Energy
Vampirism Borrow Skill
Drain Psychic Reservoir
Drain Health
Drain Energy
Teleportation Teleport Self
Teleport Other
Teleport Object
Planar Travel
Open Dimension Portal
Some tasks require a minimum Power level, as set by
the GM. If the character has the Power, but not at the
minimum level required, he may not attempt the action
unless he uses Desperation Psionics (Section 7.35). If
the psi has the appropriate Power at three or more levels
above the minimum required, he is at +1 for that use.
No psionic ability can be used unless the character has
the Power listed on his character sheet.
A character may take a latent psi Power at the cost of
one gift. He cant use the Power (may not take any relat-
ed psi skills), but later in the campaign he may spend EP
equal to another gift to awaken the Power. He would
then have to learn the skills to control the Power.
It is also possible to take some interesting faults that
will limit the nature (and reduce the cost) of any Power.
Usable only in emergencies is a common theme in fic-
tion, for example.
7.32 Psionic Skills
You cannot attempt any psionic action unless you have
the specific skill to control the Power in question. Each
Power must have an accompanying skill of correspond-
ing broadness or narrowness (Control Telekinesis, Use
Telepathy, Read Minds, etc.).
The default for psionic skills is Non-existent. Raising a
skill to Terrible costs one skill level, etc. Skills may be
taken as high as Fair at the beginning of a game. (The
GM may allow higher levels if the campaign is centered
around psionic abilities.) They may be improved through
normal character development, and new ones may be
added if the GM is willing. The player should have a
good story concerning awakening new skills, however.
7.33 Psychic Reservoir
Psychic Reservoir is a measure of raw psi power avail-
able. Like most attributes, Psychic Reservoir is at Fair for
every character unless deliberately altered. The GM may
set the default lower, and there may be a ceiling on how
high Psychic Reservoir can be set.
Merely having a Psychic Reservoir attribute does not
mean the character is capable of actively using psi. Other
psionic Powers and skills are necessary to activate the
Psychic Reservoir.
A low Psychic Reservoir can negatively modify any
active psi ability, while a high Reservoir can be tapped to
increase your chances of success see Secti on 7.36,
Psi Modifiers Summary.
A psionicist taps his Psychic Reservoir when he uses a
psychic skill. Ongoing use gradually drains a Reservoir,
and short but heavy-duty use of a psi Power also drains a
Reservoir, but normal brief use doesnt. However, a
rolled degree of Terrible or worse on a psionic skill roll
always lowers Psychic Reservoir a minimum of one level.
A psionicist can also attempt to drain his Psychic
Reservoir deliberately. This may be done to gain a bonus
to a psionic skill (see Section 7.34, Psionic Actions), or
to a Power (see Section 7.35, Desperation Psionics).
There is no immediate penalty for dropping a level of
Psychic Reservoir, as long as it remains Terrible or high-
er. However, your next use of psi may be affected: there
is a negative modifier for using a Psychic skill when your
Psychic Reservoir is below Fair.
If the Psychic Reservoir is drained to below Terrible,
the character immediately loses consciousness. It requires
a Good roll versus a Constitution attribute to regain con-
sciousness, which may be attempted every combat round.
Even after regaining consciousness, a character with
Psychic Reservoir below Terrible is in trouble. The GM
may impose any type of affliction she desires on such a
character until the Psychic Reservoir reaches at least
Terrible. Suggested afflictions include mild insanity (hal-
lucinations, delusions, paranoia, etc.), physical debility
(drooling, shaking, twitching, etc.), attribute reductions,
and negative modifiers for even non-psi actions.
A character can regain one level of his Psychic
Reservoir for each week (or day, or whatever the GM
sets) of rest, up to his current maximum level.
7.34 Psionic Actions
Two kinds of psionic action are possible, Opposed and
An Opposed action is a psionic attack upon an unwilling
subject. The attacker rolls against his specific psionic skill,
and defender rolls against a Willpower attribute to resist.
(A defender may have an appropriate psi skill to use
instead, such as Mind Shield.) An example of an Opposed
action would be an attempt to create fear in someone.
Unopposed psionic actions usually target inanimate
objects. An Unopposed action could be as simple as
examining an object psychically, or as complex as open-
ing a dimensional door at ones feet. Telekinetically hurl-
ing an object at a foe is an Unopposed action because
the object, not the foe, is the subject of the psionic skill.
When a Psi wishes to use an ability, the player
describes the result he wants to the GM. The GM then
assigns a Difficulty level to the action. Even if a psi over-
comes a defenders Willpower roll to resist, he must still
roll the Difficulty level or higher to succeed at a task.
There may also be a minimum Power level needed in
order to attempt an action. For example, telekinetically
lifting a pencil might only require a Terrible Telekinesis
Power, but lifting a large book might require a Mediocre
Telekinesis Power, and lifting a car might require a
Superb Telekinesis Power. If the psis Power level is three
or more above the minimum needed, he gets a +1 to his
skill level.
Note that mentally lifting a pencil might only require a
Terrible Power level, but manipulating it to sign ones
name would probably require a Superb skill result. To
accurately forge another persons signature would not
only require a Superb Telekinesis skill result, but also a
Fair or better Forgery skill result.
The time required to activate a psionic ability depends
on the potency of the desired effect and the Power level
of the character. It is set by the GM. This can range from
a single combat round to hours of concentration. The
individual can also vary the time concentrating (which
must be uninterrupted) to speed up the results or
increase the chances of success see Section 7.36, Psi
Modifiers Summary.
The Psi now applies all modifiers and rolls against the
Difficulty level using the appropriate skill. In an Opposed
action, both parties involved make their rolls. On tie
results, the status quo is maintained, whatever that may
At this point, a psi (or animate target of a psionic
attack) may attempt to sacrifice one or more levels of
Psychic Reservoir to augment his rolled result. That is, if a
psi fails in an Unopposed action, he may stress himself in
an attempt to succeed. In an Opposed action, this can be
considered two people locked in psionic combat, each
struggling to boost their power a bit to overcome the
To augment a rolled result, a Psionicist rolls against the
psionic skill he just used, with current modifiers still
effective. If the result is Good, he may sacrifice one level
of Psychic Reservoir to give him a +1 on the result of the
skill attempt. On a result of Great, he may sacrifice one
or two levels, gaining +1 for each level, and on a roll of
Superb or better, he may sacrifice up to three levels of
Psychic Reservoir. On a result of Fair, Mediocre or Poor,
there is no effect: he may not sacrifice a level of Psychic
Reservoir, but there is no penalty for having tried. On a
result of Terrible or worse, however, he not only drains
one level of Psychic Reservoir, he also loses one level of
rolled result. This can intensify any negative conse-
quences of having failed.
If one party of an Opposed action is successful in aug-
menting his rolled result, the other may then try to aug-
ment his. They may continue to trade sacrificing levels of
Psychic Reservoir until one of them fails to change the
result, or falls below Terrible Psychic Reservoir.
Someone defending with no psionic abilities rolls
against Willpower2 to augment his result.
Once augmenting if any is complete, the GM
decides the duration of the effects the better the roll,
the better the results. Some effects will be permanent,
such as Healing. Continuous concentration may be
required to sustain other effects; this may slowly drain
ones Psychic Reservoir.
Psionic abilities are sometimes dangerous to use. A
rolled degree of Terrible or worse will usually result in
the exact opposite of the desired outcome, or some other
entertaining backfire. In addition, the psi loses one level
of Psychic Reservoir, as outlined in Section 7.33. It may
also have a gruesome result: brain hemorrhage, loss of
sanity, or a similar outcome. A Terrible result on an
Opposed psionic action can mean the loser is now psy-
chically open to his opponent. Such an open channel to
anothers psyche means that if the winner has any psy-
chic ability at all, he can automatically draw on the losers
Psychic Reservoir to power his own abilities. The GM
should determine these effects based on the situation at
7.35 Desperation Psionics
Ordinarily, if the minimum Power level of a proposed
psionic action is higher than the characters Power level,
the psionicist may not attempt the action at all. However,
if one is desperate enough, he c a n try it at a great
For each level of Psychic Reservoir voluntarily drained
before the skill roll, a psionicist can increase his Power
level by +1. Simply pushing the Power level up to match
the minimum level needed is all it takes to try the skill
but he is at 2 to his skill for e a c h level of Psychic
Reservoir he drained for this attempt.
Unlike augmenting a rolled result (as described in the
previous section), draining one level of Psychic Reservoir
before the die roll is automatically successful.
This is obviously not for casual use: the risk of a
Terrible outcome is much higher than normal, as well as
the guaranteed drain on Psychic Reservoir. Nonetheless,
if one were being attacked by the Spawn of The Other, a
demon of tremendous power, one might try anything to
7.36 Psi Modifiers Summary
Apply as many modifiers to the skill as are appropriate:
Psychic Reservoir Level: Psionic Skill use at:
Mediocre 1
Poor 2
Terrible 3
Below Terrible Prohibited
Skill augmented by draining Psychic Reservoir: +1 per
Terrible or worse result on skill augmenting attempt: 1
Desperation attempts: 2 per level of Psychic Reservoir
Power level is 3 or more greater than necessary for the
task: +1
Concentration time reduced by half: 1
Concentration time doubled: +1
Certain drugs, devices, fields, star alignments, areas,
etc., can also have modifiers. As a GM-chosen option,
psionics may be blocked by metal either all metal or
just certain ones.
7.37 Psi Examples
Yardmower Man wants to mow the lawn psionically
he needs the practice. He currently has a Good Psychic
Reservoir and an interesting assortment of psi Powers and
skills. The GM decides that to move and control the yard
mower is a Great Difficulty level task on Telekinesis skill.
It requires only Mediocre Telekinesis Power, however.
Yardmower Man has a Good Telekinesis Power but only
Fair Telekinesis skill. It may be tough to do it well, but
hes willing to try it.
Yardmower Man declares hes going to spend twice as
much time concentrating (+1) and is also under the influ-
ence of Batch-5, a psi-enhancing drug (+1). He rolls a 1
result, which means a Good Telekinesis effort due to his
modifiers. He just missed the Difficulty level. Since his
power is adequate to move the lawn mower, he still
mows the lawn telekinetically, but doesnt do a very
good job. In fact, it looks sloppy: there are thin strips of
unmowed grass here and there, and he took out half of
his daisy bed with one poorly aimed swipe.
Since this is a continued use, the GM decides that for
each hour spent mowing he reduces his Psychic
Reservoir by one level. It takes him two hours.
The next day, Yardmower Man decides the director of
the local government psionic research facility should be
Molecularly Rearranged. (Hes always snooping around,
and has been known to lock up psis in the past.) The GM
rules that Molecularly Rearranging a human other than the
Psi himself is a Superb Difficulty level task against the
Shapeshift skill, and requires at least a Great Shapeshift
Power. It is also a taxing thing to do: it will drain one
level of Psychic Reservoir at the end of the action. It will
be opposed by the directors Presence attribute, which is
as close as this campaign comes to willpower.
Fortunately for Yardmower man, he has the Shapeshift
Power and skill both at Superb level. He also consumes a
double dose of Batch-5, giving him a +2 in the Opposed
action, but severely risking side effects. His Psychic
Reservoir is down to Mediocre from activities the night
before (1 to skill). Yardmower man rolls a 1 Result.
This is modified 1 for low Psychic Reservoir, and +2 for
Batch-5, giving him a Superb Result.
The poor director has a Good Presence and Fair
Psychic Reservoir. He gets lucky and rolls a Great
Presence result trying to resist the psionic attack. But
Great is not good enough (Yardmower man got a Superb
result), so he tries to augment his result by sacrificing a
level of Psychic Reservoir to fight the rearrangement of
his molecules. His sacrifice roll (against Presence) is a
Good Result, so he increases his result to Superb. Hes
still holding on, but just barely. Also, his Reservoir will be
Mediocre after this round of psychic combat.
Yardmower Man, not to be outdone, attempts to sacri-
fice his own Psychic Reservoir. He started the combat
with a Mediocre Psychic Reservoir and full of Batch-5, so
he still applies the +1 overall modifier to his Superb
Shapeshift skill on his augmentation roll. He easily
achieves a Good Result, and he therefore augments his
result to Superb+1. (After this round, his Reservoir will
also drop another level.)
The director desperately tries to augment his result
again, but rolls a Fair result: hes reached the limit of his
ability to stave off defeat. Yardmower Man rearranges the
director into a lovely bush, and stares blankly at the out-
come. At this point, his Psychic Reservoir drops one more
level, as required by the GM for such a taxing action.
Since he lost one level of Psychic Reservoir augmenting
his skill, and another for the difficult Shapeshift action,
Yardmower Man is now left with a Terrible Psychic
Reservoir; hed better not try anything this difficult for a
while. Also, the GM demands a Good Difficulty level roll
against Constitution to avoid any unpleasant side effects
from the Batch-5 overdose. Yardmower Man gets a
Mediocre result, missing by two levels. The GM smiles at
the player, and secretly jots down that the next time he
uses Batch-5, hell hallucinate that the director has
returned to human form and is out to get him
Yardmower Man may someday drain his Psychic
Reservoir fighting someone that isnt there.
7.4 Alternate Rules
One of FUDGEs basic premises is that people have dif-
ferent tastes. Here are a collection of alternate rules sec-
tions for doing things slightly differently.
7.41 Alternate Section 1.4:
Character Creation
Date: December, 1992
By: Ed Heil
Instead of creating characters before starting the game,
create them as the game progresses.
The GM assigns a number of skill levels available to a
PC during a session. This should be based on how finely
the GM defines skills: about 10 to 15 for broad skill-
group games, and maybe twice that for fine skill-group
games. These may be traded at the regular rate of 3 skill
levels = 1 attribute level, or 6 skill levels = 1 gift. Faults
may also be taken, subject to GM approval.
The players start with most of the character sheets
blank simply write out a brief sentence or two describ-
ing the character in a general way. (Jeb is a surly dwarf,
a good fighter, who is out to make a name for himself as
a mean customer and pick up some loot on the way.
He likes to talk tough, and doesn t care much for
As the character is confronted with challenging situa-
tions, the player must decide the level of the trait in ques-
tion. For example, the PCs are confronted with a ruined
castle to explore, and all the players state their characters
are looking for hidden passageways. At this point, each
player must set his PCs skill in finding hidden passage-
ways (however the GM defines such a trait: Perception
attribute, or Find Hidden skill, or Architecture skill, etc.).
Those who are not yet willing to set such a trait must
stop searching: if you use a trait, you must define it.
Since setting an initial skill at Fair level uses up two skill
levels, and setting it at Superb uses up five levels, one
must carefully weigh spending levels on skills as they are
used versus saving them for emergency situations.
As usual, attributes are considered Fair unless altered,
and most skills default to Poor. Taking a trait at a level
below the default adds to your available skill level pool,
of course. However, you may only define a trait as it is
used in a game situation.
Experience points are given out as usual, but EP
awarded are reduced by any unused skill levels after
each session. That is, if you have two levels left after the
first session, and the GM awards you three EP, you only
get one more level for the next session, since you already
have two levels unused. EP, in this case, can be used
either to raise existing skills, as discussed in Section 5.2,
Objective Character Development, or they can be used
to add new skills, as discussed in this section, above.
Note that it costs more EPs to raise an existing skill than
it does to define a previously undefined skill in this on-
the-fly system. EP should be slightly higher under this
system than a regular character creation system, perhaps
a range of up to ten per session.
7.42 Alternate Section 3.2:
Diceless Action Resolution
Date: May, 1995
By: Reimer Behrends
This section handles ways of resolving conflicts without
resorting to the use of dice. There are reasons to do away
with dice: some people find dice mechanics too intrusive
for play; others may want to get rid of randomness alto-
However, diceless action resolution is ill-suited to simu-
lation-based gaming, despite the fact that the game can
(and should) feel just as real as one with dice. Also, dice-
less resolution is usually more demanding of the GM than
rolling dice to select an outcome. Even more so as there
is no hard-and-fast rule for resolving conflicts without
dice; instead, some creativity is required of the GM to fill
in certain blanks.
Alternate Rules
7.421 Basics
The basic idea behind diceless action resolution is sim-
ple: the GM decides upon an appropriate outcome, based
on player input and the situation at hand. The details of
this, however, can be more complicated.
The idea is to use cause and effect to convey the feel-
ing that whatever happens to the characters is not due to
whim, but occurs because of the logic of the situation
and the relevant history of everyone involved. It is impor-
tant that any event (with exceptions, of course) appears
to a be a logical effect of the preceding events. There is
usually not a single event that is the outcome. The GM
has to choose between several possible outcomes
which may vary wildly in terms of success and failure.
Consequently, the two most important parts in resolv-
ing an action are the reasons for a particular outcome
and the consequences of that outcome.
Reasons are numerous. Foremost among reasons for
success and/or failure is of course effective skill.
However, a game where a sufficiently skilled character
always wins and an incompetent character always fails
would be quite boring due to its predictability. So we
have to diversify these results, but in a way that doesnt
feel artificial.
We do this by accounting for other factors besides
effective skill. These factors can involve the environment
(slipping in a puddle), equipment (a gun that jams at a
critical moment), time constraints (defusing a bomb
before it goes off), NPC actions (a character stepping in
the way), etc. The idea is not to account for all possible
factors, just to find one or two reasons that make the out-
come seem logical.
Detailed description is essential to diceless action reso-
lution description not only of the environment, but
also of the characters. Noting that a character has a Great
fencing skill may often suffice, but it is better to add
some details (ideally through a character history).
Describe style, weaknesses, and strengths, even though
they may normally not show up on the character sheet.
The same is true for the description of important actions.
Sometimes a characters perception (or lack thereof)
may result in failure to notice why something happened.
If, for instance, the floor suddenly gives way beneath
him, he may not be certain as to what caused this to hap-
pen: did he step on a trap, or was there an outside agent
involved? In this case, the GM will hide some or all of the
In addition to reasons, we have to consider conse-
quences: what impact does a particular outcome have on
the situation as a whole? The more serious the outcome,
the more the reasons for it happening need to be con-
As an extreme example, death of player characters
should only occur with ample forewarning of the risks or
with really compelling reasons. Of course, jumping off a
skyscraper will most likely render a character dead the
instant he hits the ground. This is acceptable, because the
players understand the logic of the situation. But slipping
on a wet rock while crossing a stream which can be
ascribed to just plain bad luck shouldnt kill a charac-
ter outright. While its true that slipping on a wet rock
probably happens more often than jumping off a build-
ing, the GM needs to be careful in deciding the conse-
quences of such an action.
There are many possible results for typical actions. So,
lacking clear ideas as to which one is most appropriate
maybe even torn between clear success and cata-
strophic failure how can this selection be narrowed
There are a few ways to approach the problem, and it
is a good idea to reach an agreement with the group
before play commences as to what factors will be used.
The following list is far from complete, but gives some
1) Realism: A master archer will hit the target most of
the time. But sometimes even he will fail, or even have a
streak of bad luck. This is important for maintaining a
feeling of realism in the long run. It should also be noted
that realism is relative to genre. Chandelier-swinging is
likely to succeed in a swashbuckling romp, while it is at
best a risky endeavour in a gritty game.
Alternate Rules
2) Drama: Sometimes certain outcomes are dramatically
more appropriate than others. This unfortunately depends
to a great degree upon individual gaming style and can
only be handled briefly here.
3) Characterization: Sometimes, a characters success or
failure at a particular task can help to reinforce or devel-
op his character story.
4) Theme: By assigning a certain theme to each scene
in the game as it is encountered, actions can be resolved
in a way that emphasizes that theme. An example:
[The theme is Combat is dangerous]
GM: Suddenly, you hear a rustling in the underbrush,
and then, out of it, a boar emerges, charging at you.
Player: Im not armed! Ill jump for the branch of the
oak next to me and pull myself up to safety.
[While the avoidance of a fight supports the theme,
Combat is dangerous, there are other possibilities that
emphasize it better.]
GM: You get hold of the branch, but as you start to
pull yourself up, you hear a loud CRACK, and all of a
sudden the ground rushes upwards to meet you.
[The situation is now much more dangerous. However,
with a bit of luck and the help of the other characters in
the group it is still possible to handle it without killing
the PC.]
All of the above factors are meta-game issues. This is
intentional. These factors contribute towards an interest-
ing game, and one of the points of role-playing is to have
an interesting game. Besides, we are already using the in-
game factors as cause and effect to convey a natural flow
of events so we have to resort to the meta-level here.
It may look as though there is a lot of arbitrariness on
the part of the GM. This is correct to some extent. Some
individual decisions will be arbitrary. In the long run it
should balance out, especially if the players possess even
the slightest creativity. Note also that the GM should
always respect player input. If something is going to fail
that should normally work, failure should still reflect
player input. (For instance, the example above with the
breaking branch, where the character technically suc-
ceeds, but the branch does not cooperate).
7.422 Balance Of Power
There is no need to encumber the GM with all the
decisions. The easiest way to hand some power back to
the players is to give them a (limited) voice in the deci-
sion making process. For this purpose we employ Fudge
Points (see Section 1.36).
By spending one Fudge Point, the player (instead of
the GM) can decide the outcome of an action his charac-
ter is involved in, provided the action is possible and not
abusive to the game. (Blowing up an entire building with
a cup of gunpowder is implausible, and possibly abusive
to the plot). If the action is far beyond the normal skill of
the character (given the circumstances), the GM may
require expenditure of two or three Fudge Points instead.
Notice that using Fudge Points also gives the GM more
leeway; she need no longer worry too much whether let-
ting a character fail is too harsh, as it is within the power
of the player to help his character if need be.
7.423 Combat
Diceless combat is action resolution with two added
complications: the high risk of character death and a con-
siderable amount of action that needs to be synchro-
The synchronization part is fairly easy: as in resolution
with dice, you can divide the entire combat in rounds of
appropriate duration, cycling through all participating
characters each round, or use story elements as suggested
in Section 4.21.
Character death is trickier because players dislike losing
their characters due to bad luck (be it because of an
unlucky die roll or GM whim). The key here is to post
warning signs before dangerous situations occur. These
warnings should be subtle, such as the maniacal gleam in
the opponents eyes just before she launches a wild flurry
of attacks. (Hopefully the player will say his character is
Alternate Rules
on the defense, or announce some trick to counter a
charge.) A description of the blood dripping from a char-
acters wrist should warn the player that there may be a
slippery puddle on the floor. In other words, prepare rea-
sons for outcomes in advance and most important
announce them to the players.
If the players maintain some maneuvering space for
their characters after such warnings, that should be suffi-
cient to prevent PC death though not necessarily PC
Character death and any other drastic result is
usually due to a series of failures, each pushing the char-
acter a step further towards the edge but always with
opportunity to find a more favourable course of action in
between. Unfortunately, in some situations this entire
series of failures takes no longer than a few seconds.
The details of combat interaction are now fairly easy to
handle, as they are an extension of normal diceless reso-
lution. However, particular care should be taken to
describe actions fully, especially in melee combat. The
statement I attack the pirate is infinitely less informative
than saying, I assault the pirate with all I have, even if
that means taking a blow or two myself. But I have to get
out of here, and that means getting by her and at least
wounding her so she cant follow quickly.
The object is to give the GM enough data to work with,
such as, Im going to feint towards the left, and if she
goes for it, Ill try to use the opening created to end this
business quickly, or Now that shes wounded, Ill play it
safe, trying to wear her down. Statements like these help
the GM decide how combat should be resolved much
more than a simple, I attack her.
The key here is to be creative. Everything is possible,
so everything should be considered, from a simple rugby
tackle to complex tactical maneuvering.
Bloodshed is an unfortunate but largely unavoidable
side effect of combat. Wounds are also important because
they may become major factors in the future course of
the combat. Thus, wounds must be described and their
effects detailed. For example:
The ball of fire explodes in the centre of the room.
You feel a wave of searing heat washing over you, burn-
ing your clothes away and scorching your skin. The heat
gradually abates, but you still cannot see anything, as the
incredible brightness that hurts your eyes is only slowly
The player should gather from this that his character is
temporarily blinded, in severe pain, needing medical
attention, in a state of dishabille, and in grave danger if
enemies are approaching.
(This is of course appropriate for a high fantasy game.
In a more realistic game, the character is probably
charred and dead.)
Another example, this time a snipers bullet hitting the
characters arm:
Something very hot and painful pierces your left arm.
It also jerks you around abruptly, making it hard to main-
tain balance. Worse, your arm feels totally numb and is
probably fairly useless right now. The good news is that
they (whoever they are) apparently missed your heart by
a few inches.
And so on. There is no need to be too graphic in
describing wounds, though. More important is the
description of how the wound affects the character.
7.424 Summing Up
FU D G E is ideally suited to diceless action resolution
since its already simple and word-based. This can set the
tone for the amount of description necessary for a dice-
less game to succeed. Once players and GM get used to
diceless FU D G E, theyll find themselves describing their
characters and actions in ways they never thought of
before and the game can be richer and more enter-
taining for it.
Alternate Rules
7.43 Alternate Section 3.2:
Rolling the Dice
Date: January, 1993
By: Andy Skinner
As a simple variation on any dice technique, allow
players who roll a +4 result to roll again. If the result is
positive, add it in to the +4 already rolled. If the result is
negative or zero, ignore the second roll. This allows a
small chance of results up to +8, which can be lifesaving
in a dire situation.
Only a pitiless GM would balance this by requiring
additional rolls to see how miserably a person can do on
a 4 result, however.
7.44 Alternate Section 4.36:
Heroic Evasion
Date: February, 1995
By: Peter Bonney & Steffan OSullivan
If a PC is hit, he may reduce the effect of the hit by one
wound level by throwing himself heroically out of the
way of (at least part of) the blow. However, this heroic
evasion will put the fighter at a temporary disadvantage:
2 on the next combat round in addition to any other
penalties that may be accrued. This penalty disappears in
subsequent rounds, as the hero is able to recover his
equilibrium after a brief flurry of wild parrying. This may
be repeated, but there is an additional 1 for every turn
in succession that this is used.
For example, DArtagnan would be hit by Milady for a
Light Wound (Hurt result). He heroically evades, taking
only a Scratch, but is at 2 on the following round. In this
round, he would be Very Hurt, but again he heroically
evades, taking instead a Hurt result. The next round he is
at 4: 2 for evading this round, an additional 1 for
evading two rounds in a row, and 1 for being Hurt. If
he can avoid having to evade on the next round, hell
only be at 1 for being Hurt. Good luck DArtagnan!
If the penalty for an heroic evasion drops a fighters
skill level to below Terrible, he may still take the evasion.
But he automatically collapses: his weapon drops from
his nerveless fingers and his throat is helplessly exposed
to the enemy for an instant death blow if the foe is so
minded. A plea for mercy may accompany such an eva-
sion, but the opponent isnt necessarily bound to honor
such a plea.
Heroic Evasion can be used for major NPCs, too, of
7.45 Alternate Section 4.56:
Recording Wounds
Date: December, 1992
By: Bernard Hsiung
Ordinary playing cards can be used to keep track of
wounds. Give a player one face-down card when his
character is Hurt, and another face-down card when his
character is Very Hurt. He gets rid of them when the
character is healed. Face-up cards represent fatigue
the character is reeling from exhaustion. He gets rid of
those by resting. (A character becomes fatigued by physi-
cal or mental activity, work, stress, etc. Casting spells,
using psi powers, etc., may or may not count as fatiguing
mental activity.)
Each card the character has represents a 1 to traits that
would logically be affected until the third, which repre-
sents incapacitation.
The cards may also describe hit location, if desired: a
black card is the torso, while a red card means an
extremity. The lower the red card, the lower the extremi-
ty; the higher the red card, the higher the wound on the
Alternate Rules
Animal Skills: Animal Care, Animal Lore, Animal Training,
Bee-keeping, Herding, Riding, Teamster, Veterinarian, etc.
Artistic skills: Aesthetics, Cosmetology, Culinary Arts, Literary
Arts, Performing Arts (music, theater, storytelling, jester, dance,
etc., and such skills as Choreography, Composition, Costuming,
etc.), Visual Arts (painting, drawing, sculpting, etc.), and so on.
Athletic skills: Acrobatics, Aerial Acrobatics, Balance Skills,
Boating, Climbing, Jumping, Pole-vaulting, Running, Swimming,
Throwing, Various Sports, Zero-G Maneuvering, etc.
Combat skills: Ambush, Demolitions, Dodge, Punmanship,
Quick-Draw, Shield, Tactics, Throwing, numerous Weapon and
Unarmed Combat skills.
Covert ski lls: Acting, Breaking & Entering, Detect Traps,
Deactivate Traps, Disguise, Forgery, Infiltrate, Intrigue,
Lockpicking, Pickpocketing, Poisoning, Shadowing, Shady
Contacts, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, etc.
Cr aft ski l ls: Armory, Basket Making, Bowyer/Fletcher,
Carpenter, Cooking, Knots, Leatherworking, Masonry, Pottery,
Smith, Tailor, Weaving many others.
Dungeon-delvi ng ski lls: Avoid Traps, Fight, Find Secret
Passages, Pick Locks, Move Quietly, Run, Tell Believable
Knowledge skills (a skill can represent knowledge of a subject
as broad or narrow as the GM will allow): Alchemy, Alien
Customs, Arcane Lore, Criminology, Cultures, Detective Fiction,
Folklore, Geography, History, Literature, Occultism, Political
Situations, Psychology, TV SitCom Episodes, Sciences (lots of
these), etc.
Language skills: Each individual language, Pantomime, Pick
Up Languages, etc.
Manipulative skills: Bamboozle, Bluff, Boot-licking, Bribery,
Con, Exhort, Fast-talk, Flattery, Interrogate, Intimidate, Lying,
Oratory, Persuade, Seduction, Street Gossip, etc.
Medical skills: Anatomy, Antidotes, Diagnosis, Doctoring, First
Aid, Herb Preparation, Medicine, Nursing, Surgery, etc.
Merchant skills: Bargain, Barter, Business Sense, Evaluate
Goods, Haggl e, Innkeepi ng, Marketi ng, Sal esmanshi p,
Shopkeeping, etc.
Outdoor skills: Camouflage, Camping, Fishing, Forage, Herb
Lore, Hide Traces, Hunting, Mimic Animal Noises, Nature Lore,
Navigation, Survival, Tracking, Wildcraft, Woodcraft, etc.
Pr ofessi onal ski lls: Accounting, Begging, Bureaucracy,
Farming, Gambling, Law, Photography, Seamanship many
Social skills (Fellowship): Bar Etiquette, Camaraderie, Carouse,
Choosing just the right gift, Control Libido, Flirting, Game
Playing, Hold your liquor, Make Amusing Faces or Noises,
Matrix Etiquette, Tall Tales, Uplift Spirits, Witty Insults, etc.
Social skills (Formal): Courtly Ways, Detect Lies, Diplomacy,
Etiquette, Interviewing, Parley, Repartee, Rituals, Savoir-Faire,
Servant, etc.
Spiritual skills: Communing with nature, Fasting, Giving com-
fort, Listening deeply, Meditation, Patience, Theology, etc.
Supernormal Power ski lls: Fortune Telling, Levitate, Spell
Casting, Use Mind Control, Use Superpower, Use Telekinesis,
Techni ca l ski ll s: Computer Buil d/Repai r, Computer
Programming, Computer Use, Driving, Electronics, Engineer,
Mechanic, Piloting, Repair Scoutship Systems, Research,
Shiphandling, etc.
Urban skills: Barroom Savvy, Street Etiquette, Streetwise,
Urban Survival, etc.
FUDGE Sample Skills
Cost of Skills in
Objective Character Creation
Easy Most Hard Hard
Terrible 2 1 0 1
Poor 1 0 1 2
Mediocre 0 1 2 3
Fair 1 2 3 4
Good 2 3 4 5
Great 3 4 5 6
Superb 4 5 6 7
Easy = Cost of GM-Determined Easy Skills
Most = Cost of Average Skill
Hard = Cost of GM-Determined Hard Skills
VH = Cost of GM-Determined Very Hard Skills
(usually related to Supernormal Powers)
Defaults: EP
+3 Superb 8
+2 Great 4
+1 Good 2
0 Fair Attributes 1
1 Mediocre 1
2 Poor Most Skills 1
3 Terrible 1
Most Gifts and some skills are non-existent unless
specified on the character sheet.
EP = Raising skills to that level with Experience
Character Name: _____________________________________
Player: ______________________________________________
Date Created: ________________________________________
Unspent EP: ____________ Fudge Points: _____________
Starting Limits:
Character Story & Personality:
Equipment Faults
Gifts Skills
1,2 3,4 5,6 7,8 9+
Wounds: Scratch Hurt Very Hurt Incapacitated Near Death
FUDGE Character Sheet
Scale Table
Scale: Multipliers: Scale: Multipliers:
Strength Speed Strength Speed
11 0.01 0.13 5 7.5 2.5
10 0.02 0.16 6 10 3
9 0.03 0.2 7 15 3.5
8 0.04 0.23 8 25 4
7 0.06 0.28 9 40 5
6 0.1 0.3 10 60 6
5 0.15 0.4 11 90 7.5
4 0.2 0.5 12 130 9
3 0.3 0.6 13 200 11
2 0.5 0.7 14 300 13
1 0.7 0.8 15 450 15
0 1 1 16 650 18
1 1.5 1.2 17 1000 22
2 2.3 1.4 18 1500 27
3 3.5 1.7 19 2500 32
4 5 2 20 4000 38
Sample Wound Factors
Offensive Factors:
For Characters Strength
(muscle-powered weapons only):
+3Superb Strength
+2 Great Strength
+1 Good Strength
+0 Fair Strength
1 Mediocre Strength
2Poor Strength
3 Terrible Strength
For Attackers Scale:
Plus the attackers Strength Scale
(see Section 4.58, Non-human Scale in Combat) .
For Weapons Strength
(Guns, Crossbows, Beam weapons, etc.,):
+/ Strength of weapon
(see Section 4.4, Ranged Combat)
For Muscle-Powered Weapon:
1 for no weapon, not using a Martial Art skill.
+0 Martial Art skill, or for small weapons (blackjack, knife,
brass knuckles, sling, thick boots if kicking, etc.).
+1 for medium-weight one-handed weapons (billy club,
machete, shortsword, epee, hatchet, rock, etc.).
+2 for large one-handed weapons (broadsword, axe, large
club, etc.) or for light two-handed weapons (spear, bow,
+3 for most two-handed weapons (polearm, two-handed
sword, battleaxe, etc.).
+1 for sharpness (add to other weapon damage: knife
becomes +1, shortsword +2, broadsword +3, greatsword
+4, etc.).
Sample Wound Factors
Defensive Factors:
For Characters Damage Capacity Attribute
+3Superb Damage Capacity
+2 Great Damage Capacity
+1 Good Damage Capacity
+0 Fair Damage Capacity
1 Mediocre Damage Capacity
2Poor Damage Capacity
3 Terrible Damage Capacity
For Armor:
+1 for light, pliable non-metal armor
+2 for heavy, rigid non-metal armor
+2 for light metal armor
+3 for medium metal armor
+4 for heavy metal armor
+5 or more for science fiction advanced armor
For Defenders Mass Scale:
Plus the defenders Mass Scale
(see Section 4.58, Non-human Scale in Combat) .
(If the defender has Mass other than Fair, or a gift of Tough
Hide, it should also be figured in.)
Optional Damage Roll
(See Section 4.61, p. 51)
Min-Mid-Max Die Roll
(See Section 4.63, p. 52)
Sample Graze Severity Table
<0 Undamaged
0-4 Scratch
5+ Hurt
FUDGE Combat Tables
Optional Offensive/Defensive Tactics
+2 to Offense, 2 to Defense
+1 to Offense, 1 to Defense
Normal Offense and Defense
1 to Offense, +1 to Defense
2 to Offense, +2 to Defense
3d6 Dice Technique
Rolled: 3-4 5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16 17-18
Result: 4 3 2 1 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4
d% Dice Technique
Rolled: 1 2-6 7-18 19-38 39-62 63-82 83-94 95-99 00
Result: 4 3 2 1 +0 +1 +2 +3 +4

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