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Airwatch MEM Troubleshooting Guide v7.2

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Mobile Email Management (MEM)

Troubleshooting Guide
Mobile Email Management (MEM) Troubleshooting Guide | v.2014.07 | July 2014
Copyright 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary &Confidential.
2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.
This document, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license. The information in this manual may only be used in accordance with the terms of the license. This
document should not be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form, except as permitted by the license or by the express permission of AirWatch, LLC.
All other marks and names mentioned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
Introduction to Troubleshooting Guide
This troubleshooting guide provides you the causes and the troubleshooting tips for errors you might experience during
or after integrating AirWatch Mobile Email Management's deployment models with your email infrastructure.
Targeted Audience
This guide is targeted for IT Administrators and thetechnical executives managing their organization's email
infrastructure integrated with AirWatch Mobile Email Management (MEM).
Mobile Email Management (MEM) Troubleshooting Guide | v.2014.07 | July 2014
Copyright 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary &Confidential.
Page 2
Introduction to Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Secure Email Gateway
Error Cause Solution
SEG Web Listener
Touchdown does not
receive email. All other
mail clients do not have
An HTTP redirect is
defined at the
default website to
redirect all traffic to
Exchange. It is
propagated down
to all child
Remove redirect or limit to default website only
Users are unable to
send large attachments
The default IIS
settings limit file
size is 4 Mb
Add the following in the listener web.config: <system.web>
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="10240" /> </system.web>
The revocation function
unable to check
revocation as the
revocation server was
You are using
The SEGlistener server must be running in the same domain as the CA
that has issued the identity certificate
HttpResponse status:
e): Request Entity Too
The CAS server is
most likely using
IIS6. You are
probably also using
client certificates to
authenticate or the
attachment size is
limited to 50 Kb
Increase the uploadReadAheadSize IIS setting on the CAS server. From
IIS ->Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync web app > select ConfigurationEditor >
system.webServer > serverRuntime > uploadReadAheadSize on the CAS
Emails are not getting
sent from the device.
They disappear from
the outbox but does
not showup in the sent
items folder
Weak device
Upgrade to 6.1 SP 1 or 6.1 HF4 or above
415 Unsupported
Media Type and/or 401
You are trying to
connect to a Lotus
Domino server. The
cUrl setting in the
listener web.config
file is
1. Add Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync to the URL. i.e.
eler/Micros oft-Server-ActiveSync"
2. This might also be caused if there is a trailing slash on the end of the
Mobile Email Management (MEM) Troubleshooting Guide | v.2014.07 | July 2014
Copyright 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary &Confidential.
Page 3
Troubleshooting Secure Email Gateway
missing the
ActiveSync part
Cert Auth:
Logged warning:
The remote server
returned an error: (401)
You are using KCD
for certificate
authentication and
the CRL distribution
list cannot be
reached. Or the
identity certificate is
otherwise invalid.
Run the following command on the SEGserver to validate the certificate
chain of the identity certificate. The cert must be .cer and text file can be
created at the current directory. certutil nse urlfetch -verify
certname.cer > cert.txt
Touchdown and Lotus
Notes server issue: 449
Retry after provision
keeps getting returned
and the folder syncs
never complete.
Typically you can not
finish the TD quick
config setup process
The SEGinstallation only creates the first app path. Manually create the
second app path and email should start syncing.
Note that both app paths point to the same AppPool and the mail server
URL defined in the SEGlistener web.config remains unchanged and
should have no trailing slash (http(s)://mail-
SSL Cert Errors _
After changing the IIgnore SSL Errors setting, you may need to do an
App pool restart or IIS Reset for the setting to take affect.
Mails not syncing
The SEGversion
should be the same
as the console
version for the
mails to sync. This
is intermittent in
Download the latest installer from the AirWatch Admin Console and
install it on the SEGserver.
Mails not syncing on
the devices
Load on the SEG
Increase the server cores and worker threads on the SEGserver (
VM Admin has to carry out these changes)
Refer the link for more info on increasing the worker threads:
SEGmailbox crashing
on iOS
SEGversion not
Upgrade to the latest version of SEG
Mobile Email Management (MEM) Troubleshooting Guide | v.2014.07 | July 2014
Copyright 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary &Confidential.
Page 4
Troubleshooting Secure Email Gateway
Error Cause Solution
SEG Integration Service
Insufficient resources to
perform operation
MSMQ have queue level
quotas and machine level
quotas. The queue level
quotas are usually not
set. The machine level
quota defaults to 1 GB
worth of combined
messages for all queues.
If the quota exceeds you
see this message.
Check MSMQ queues on the MEGQueue Reader server.
If any of the queues are overflowing with messages, restart the
related Queue Reader services and optionally purge the
overflowed queue.
The private key is not
present in the X.509
Private key for the client
certificate is missing. The
AirWatchServices API
AppPool user (Network
Service by default) must
have access to the
private key.Or
permissions problem
with the client
certificate's private key
On the SEGserver, make sure the client cert is in the Local
Computer > Personal Store and has a private key with full
permissions for the AppPool user (usually Network Service)
Keyset does not exist
The AirWatchServices API
AppPool user (Network
Service by default) must
have access to the
private key.
On the SEGserver, make sure the client cert is in the Local
Computer > Personal Store and has a private key with full
permissions for the AppPool user (usually Network Service).
Could not establish trust
relationship for the SSL/TLS
secure channel with
authority ''Invalid
hexadecimal string format"
Caused by copying a
certificate thumbprint
from the certificate
properties dialog to the
.config file. In some cases
the certificate
thumbprint has an
invalid leading character.
The root issuing certificate authority cert for the SSL cert needs
to be added to the Local Machine / Trusted Root Certification
Authorities store on the MEGserver.
An unsecured or
incorrectly secured fault
was received from the
other party. See the inner
FaultException for the fault
code and detail.: An error
occurred when verifying
1. Time Synchronization
Issue. The EAS
Integration Service and
the AirWatchServices API
must be UTC time
synchronized to within 5
minutes. 2. Requests are
1. Sync server times.
2. Use bindingMode="SslOffload" in the API web.config for the
ActiveSyncIntegrationServiceEndpoint. 3. Add the SEGclient
certificate to Trusted People (and possibly Personal) store on
AirWatchServices API and give rights to manage the private
key. Please note this happens randomly with some certificates.
Typically certificate chain trust is acceptable.
Mobile Email Management (MEM) Troubleshooting Guide | v.2014.07 | July 2014
Copyright 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary &Confidential.
Page 5
Troubleshooting Secure Email Gateway
security for the message
being SSL Offloaded by
the server.
3. Certificate Trust error
(not common)
An unsecured or
incorrectly secured fault
was received from the
other party. See the inner
FaultException for the fault
code and detail. At least
one security token in the
message could not be
1. Client certificate is
missing from the Local
Computer > Trusted
People Store on the API
2. You are using
authentication and the
user's role does not have
the "Remote Services -
Security - AllowRemote
Access " permission set.
1. Add the client certificate to the Local Computer --> Trusted
People store on the API server. Aprivate key is not required.
2. Add the required permission.
Mobile Email Management (MEM) Troubleshooting Guide | v.2014.07 | July 2014
Copyright 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary &Confidential.
Page 6
Troubleshooting Secure Email Gateway
Error Cause Solution
SEG Console
Webpage shows error:
Could not load type
Activation.HttpModule' from
.NET version
The test connection fails on the
console even after fulfilling all the
You do not have
a port binding for
port 80
Created a port binding on the IIS that points to port 80.
Error Cause Solution
SEG queue
(Gmail)Logged Exception:
Processor ... Captcha required
Administrator user
is locked; wrong
might have been
used many times.
Go to this page and unlock the Administrator:
Make sure the correct Administrator password is
entered in system settings for Mobile Email > Gmail.
Mobile Email Management (MEM) Troubleshooting Guide | v.2014.07 | July 2014
Copyright 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary &Confidential.
Page 7
Troubleshooting Secure Email Gateway
Error Cause Solution
SEG Device Errors
Device does not showup on
the Email Management
Log Error in Web
reader service
On the Web Listener:
Check for any errors and attempt to resolve these first. The
device first hits this service, so this is the first checkpoint
On the EAS Integration Service:
Check for any errors, and attempt to resolve these. Typical
issues are either a certificate issue or the fact that the
Integration Service did not properly restart after installation. If
the Web Listener does not showerror, it is possible that the
next step in the communication path, i.e. the EAS Integration
Service has an issue
On SEG Queue Reader Service:
Check for any errors,this service writes device related
information to the database, which is then read by the
console and displayed on the dashboard.
Policy update issues _
Change the following configuration files to verbose logging :
l SEGQueue Reader service (requires service restart)
l SEGConsole (requires app pool recycle)
Check the logs for errors pertaining to the following:
l Communication errors between the MEGQueue Reader
service and the SEGconsole Check for network errors that
might prevent successful communication.
l Check for errors in the MEGQueue Reader service in
reading the policies off the queue and provisioning them
to the SEGserver.
Mobile Email Management (MEM) Troubleshooting Guide | v.2014.07 | July 2014
Copyright 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary &Confidential.
Page 8
Troubleshooting Secure Email Gateway
Error Cause Solution
Other Issues
Test connections fails on an
Office 365 setup
Office 365 was
setup with DirSync
and federated
services, so AUTH
for the cloud
redirects to
prospects servers.
This causes the test
connections to fail
but the integration
actually works
Verify this once the setup is done and mail flowhappens normally
Test connection fails while
installing SEG
The user does not
have proper role
Check the user roles,the user should have EAS enabled to his ID.
Also, right click on the user and grant access to EAS on Exchange
Test connection fail -
connectivity between
AirWatch and SEG
The Local DNS
could not resolve
the host
In the local machine (SEG) edit the host file
(C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts) to redirect the
as510.awmdm.sg to the corresponding IP address
Post upgrade to 7.1HF2,
some customers reported
that SEGs were incorrectly
treating enrolled devices as
Amailbox user had
a very long name
(256 characters)
that resulted in a
failure to migrate it
correctly to a
column whose
max length was
This resulted in the
migration script
failing, hence all
managed devices
were not migrated
to the newMEM
table structure
Check the profile and disable Multi MEM
Test connection while
configuring SEGfailed
between SEGand AirWatch
SEGwas not able to
communicate with
The AirWatch API website was set to use the API app pool instead
of the Default App Pool:
The change had to be made , set the binding mode back to Default
on the services web.config file and
was able to confirm that the SEGSetup went past the API URL and
username/password stage in my test SEGinstall.
Mobile Email Management (MEM) Troubleshooting Guide | v.2014.07 | July 2014
Copyright 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary &Confidential.
Page 9
Troubleshooting Secure Email Gateway
Test connection fail -
Connectivity between
AirWatch and SEG
The service does not
start some times ,
so before checking
the logs, it is better
to start the service
and try test
connection again.
Restart or force start the AirWatch EAS Integration Service
Mobile Email Management (MEM) Troubleshooting Guide | v.2014.07 | July 2014
Copyright 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary &Confidential.
Page 10
Troubleshooting Secure Email Gateway
Troubleshooting PowerShell
Error Cause Solution
Error running New-PSSession command:The SSL certificate is
signed by an unknown certificate authority
Exchange SSL Cert
missing from client
Install the Exchange Server's SSL
Cert on the calling computer in
Trusted Root. You should be able to
log into OWAwithout seeing a cert
The WinRM client cannot process the request. The
authentication mechanism requested by the client is not
supported by the server or unencrypted traffic is disabled in
the service configuration. Verify the unencrypted traffic
setting in the service configuration or specify one of the
authentication mechanisms supported by the server
Authentication is
not enabled for
the PowerShell
web application on
the Exchange
Enable Basic Authentication.
Exception Message : Apositional parameter cannot be found
that accepts argument '[ActiveSyncAllowedDeviceIDs]'. +
CategoryInfo: InvalidArgument: (:) [Set-CASMailbox],
ParameterBindingException + FullyQualifiedErrorId:
The executing user
(the PowerShell
admin defined in
system settings)
does not have
Make sure the PowerShell admin
user has the necessary permissions
for mail management. See the Shell
Infrastructure Permissions section.
Mobile Email Management (MEM) Troubleshooting Guide | v.2014.07 | July 2014
Copyright 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary &Confidential.
Page 11
Troubleshooting PowerShell
Troubleshooting Google Apps for Business
Google Apps integration (password retention) involves automatic policy provisions as well as manual actions that include
Error Cause Solution
Web console error during Google
Apps integration
1. Change AW Web Console and AW SEGQueue Reader Service configuration
files to verbose logging
2. Check whether commands are being written to the MEGQueue Reader
3. Check whether AW is able to make Google Apps connections and issue
password provision commands successfully
4. Check whether data is being written to the DB properly
Mobile Email Management (MEM) Troubleshooting Guide | v.2014.07 | July 2014
Copyright 2014 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Proprietary &Confidential.
Page 12
Troubleshooting Google Apps for Business

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