Ba Zi - The Flower of Romance Star
Ba Zi - The Flower of Romance Star
Ba Zi - The Flower of Romance Star
How to locate the Flower of Romance (FOR) Star. I remember by the below
method. To locate what is yor FOR star! all yo ha"e to do is #now yor own
$odiac sign. %llow me to illstrate it sing the below chart&
1. Based on the 4 cardinial points, N,S,E and W. I have put up the 4 points indicated by the color.
2. Know the odiac se!uence,
o(#11$and 5i(#12$.
). %,, now you start, always start 6ro7 the W #"ooster$ and 7oves anti8cloc,wise, there are only
4 points, 6ro7 W 8 S 8 E 8 N. .ow9 Si7ple, when we start 6ro7 W, we also count, W :1, what is
the odiac o6 19 It is "at. 'here6ore, "ooster #West$ is the ;%" 6or odiac si(n "at. Ne&t, 7ove
anti8cloc,wise and carry on with the countin(, 6ro7 W#1$ ne&t is S #2$ which is %&, there6ore,
.orse is the ;%" 6or odiac si(n %& and so on.
4. Keep countin( anti8cloc,wise. <et say a odiac o6 5i(, that is 12, ,eep countin( anti8cloc,wise
and it will ends at the N #"at$, "at is the ;%" star 6or =odiac Si(n 5i(.