Prediksi-Soal-1 Soal

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1. The meaning of the caution above is.

A. The truck is big
B. The truck brings fui! gas
C. Other vehices shou! run faster than the truck
". Other vehices shou! be far enough from the truck
The te#t is for no $ % &
"ear 'r. an! 'rs. Her(anto
)e (ou! ike to invite *ou to the stu!ent+s fare(e
,art*. This (i be he! :
On : Satur!a*- $.
November $/1$
At : 1/ a.m.
0n : S'1 Negeri 2 3aan 'am,u &$
0t+s a big honor if *ou cou! come.
OS0S Chair,erson
$. )hen (i the fare(e ,art* be he!5
A. 0n the morning
B. At noon
C. 0n the afternoon
". 0n the evening
&. 60t+s a big honor if *ou cou! come.7
)hat !oes the (or! 6*ou7 refers to.
A. The stu!ents
B. 4u!ians*ah
C. 'r. an! 'rs. Her(anto
". 4u!ians*ah an! frien!s
This big vehicle brings flammable fluid
The te#t is for no . % 28
.. )hat !oes the te#t te us about5
A. The fight is sight* overbooke!
B. The ,assengers of fight 1$ (i !ea* !ue to the (eather
C. The ,assengers (i get com,imentar* roun! %tri, tickets if take a ater fight
". The fight (i be boar!ing about a 9uarter to the hour in casing the overbooke!
:. )h* !o the !e,arture gate change! to ;B5
A. Because the (eather outsi!e is ba!
B. Because the fight 1$ (i sto, in 3akarta
C. Because it shou! be boar!ing about a 9uarter to the hour
". Because the groun! cre( is in the ,rocess of !eicing the (ings
2. 6The groun! cre( is in the ,rocess of deicing the (ings in ,re,aration.7
The un!erine! (or! has the same meaning (ith.
A. Ceaning
B. S(ee,ing
C. )ashing
". Cutting

The te#t is for number < to ;
Good morning passengers of
fight 12 bound for Medan,
with stops in Jakarta. The
departure gate has been
changed to 8B. !so, there wi!!
be a s!ight departure de!a"
due to inc!ement weather
outside. The ground crew is in
the process of deicing the
wings in preparation for
departure. #t a!so !ooks !ike
the fight is s!ight!"
o$erbooked, so we are
o%ering comp!imentar" round
&trip tickets to a few
passengers wi!!ing to take a
!ater fight. 'e shou!d be
boarding about a (uarter to
the hour. Thank "ou for "our
<. Ho( much is the ,rice of 1.6 coor teevision5
A. 4, 1:/.///
B. 4, $:/.///
C. 4, ;:/.///
". 4, 1///.///
;. Ho( ong !oes the sho, o,en ever*!a*5
A. . hours
B. : hours
C. 2 hours
". < hours
The text for number 9 to 10
Sche!ue of "e,arture in 1inang =am,ai Ari,ort
No Plane Route Day Departure Arrival Price of Ticets
"umai %
'on!a* an!
< a.m ; a.m 4, ?/.///-@
"! 1eita Air
"umai %
)e!nes!a* %
? a.m 11 a.m 4,. :&/.///-@
"umai %
Satur!a* an!
1/ a.m 1/..: a.m 4, .//.///-@
?. )hat time !oes 'er,ati Air arrive to 1ekanbaru5
A. /;.// am
B. 1/. .: am
C. 11.// am
". 11..: am
1/. Ho( man* !a*s !oes Batavia Air o,erate in a (eek5
A. five !a*s
B. four !a*s
C. three !a*s
". t(o !a*s
The te#t for number 11 to 1&
"ear 4oAa
Thank *ou for *our etter of 1:
'a*. Sorr* 0 !i! not re,* *our etter sooner. 0+ve
been ver* bus* ate*. Bver* schoo hoi!a* 0 have to visit m* gran!mother in 1akuCati- a
viage at the foot 'ount Samet in Centra 3ava. Sometimes 0 go there m* ,arents. Last
hoi!a* (e visite! them again. )e (ent there b* train. Let me te *ou something about it.
The an!sca,e ooks beautifu. The terraces of arge ,a!!* fie!s (ith their coorfu
scareco(s an! ta bamboo trees at certain corner seem magnificent. 0t is !ifferent from our
cro(!e! cit*- isn+t it5
The ,eo,e- most of them are farmers- are ver* kin!. The* s,en! most of their time in
the ,a!!* fie!s. The* rea* ike to (ork har!. To me- going to 1akuCati is interesting. "on+t
*ou (ant to Coin me one !a*5
0 ho,e *ou (i.
)arm* *ours
11. )hat !oes the etter te *ou about5
A. visit to her gran!mother in 1akuCati.
B. Her gran!mother+s viage.
C. He 1ceo,e of the viage.
" Tri, to *our fami*.
1$. )hen !i! Dann* receive the etter from 4oAa5
A. On 'a* 1:
B. Before 'a* 1:
C. After 'a* 1:
". "uring 'a* 1:
1&. Ho( !i! the* get there5
A. B* ,ane.
B. B* train.
C. B* ta#i.
". B* shi,.
The te#t for number 1. to 12
)est Sumatera has man* interesting ,aces to be visite! b* !omestic an! foreign
tourists. One of them is Bukit Tinggi. 0t has a EAoo+- EDort "e =ock+- ELubang 3e,ang+- ENgarai
Sianok+ an! E3am Fa!ang+. On hoi!a*- there are man* ,eo,e (ant to go there an! aso the*
can bu* man* souvenirs. Because there are man* recreation areas- so it is cae! 6Bukit Tinggi
=ota )isata7.
1.. )here is Bukit Tinggi ocate!5
A.Sumatera 0san!
B.)est Sumatera
C.North Sumatera
".South Sumatera
1:. )hat is the te#t about5
A.Boring ,aces
B."angerous ,aces
C.interesting ,aces
".frightening ,aces
12. 6man* recreation areas-7
The un!erine! (or!s have simiar meaning .
A. 3ourne*
B. Hoi!a*
C. Tourism
". Gacation
Fembong HSugar@coate! Back 4ice CakesI
1$: g H1 J cu,sI back gutinous rice four
1inch of sat
:/ g H1K$ cu,I *oung grate! coconut
1// m Hscant L cu,I thin coconut mik- (arme!
L tabes,oon sake! ime (ater
Oi for !ee, fr*ing
Sugar coating:
<: g H1K& cu,I sugar
$ tabes,oons (ater
1I 'i# back gutinous rice four- sat an! grate! coconut in a sma mi#ing bo(. Stir
together the ime (ater an! (arm coconut mik an! ,our this into the ingre!ients in the
mi#ing bo(- mi#ing (ith *our han!s to get fair* soft- ,iabe !ough. 0f the !ough
seems crumb*- knea! in a fe( more !ro,s of (ater.
$I =nea! for a fe( minutes unti smooth an! !ivi!e !ough into 1/ to 1$ ,ieces. 4o in
*our han!s into ova sha,es an! ,ut them to fatten to about 1 cm thickness.
&I Heat oi to a !e,th of $ L cm over me!ium heat an! fr* the cakes an! for & to .
minutes ,er si!e. "rain on absorbent ,a,er.
.I 'i# the sugar an! (ater in a sma- heav* base! sauce,an an! boi har! unti the s*ru,
is thick an! the surface is fu of arge bubbes. 1ace cakes in the sugar s*ru, an! toss
the cake about unti the sugar carameiAes on the surfaces. Transfer cakes onto a ,ate to
These cakes are cae! Egetas+ (hen ma!e (ith (hite gutinous four an! coate! (ith
carameiAe! bro(n sugar.
'akes 1$ cakes
1re,aration time: $/ minutes
Cooking time: $/ minutes

1<. 6 an! ,our this into the ingre!ients in the mi#ing bo(..7 Hste, oneI
The (or! Ethis+ refers to .
A. the !ough
B.a sma mi#ing bo(
C.a mi#ing of coconut mik an! ime (ater
". a mi#ing of rice four- sat an! grate! coconut
1;. 64o in *our han!s into ova sha,es an! ,ut them to fatten to about 1 cm thickness.7
Hste, t(oI
The un!erine! (or! means
A. make something fat C. !efeat someone
B. !estro* a bui!ing ". hit someone.

"o *ou kno( that some Bajaj in 3akarta have been re,ace! b* ne( micro cars name!
Mobil Kancil, has been o,erating as ,ubic trans,ort in some areas in 3akarta for some
months no(. These .// cc cars on* fit for . ,eo,e incu!ing the !river an! are sai! to be
environmenta* frien!ier than the tra!itiona bajaj. These smart cars are e#,ecte! to be
use! not on* in 3akarta but aso in Bai an! 'e!an near future. Can *ou imagine if a
Bemos or ,ubic trans,orts are re,ace! b* these mini cars5

1?. )hat !oes the te#t above te us about 5
A. BaCaC in 3akarta C. 1ubic trans,ort
B. 'obi =anci ". Bemos
$/. )h* is 'obi =anci cae! smart cars5 Because . . . .
A. 0t is environmenta* frien!ier than tra!itiona trans,ortation
B. 0t is faster than the other tra!itiona trans,ortation
C. 0t is most comfortabe from the others
". 0t is the chea,est among the others
$1. )h* shou! tra!itiona trans,orts be re,ace! (ith 'obi =anci5 Because it is . . . .
A. faster
B. chea,er
C. more efficient
". more e#,ensive
'r. an! 'rs. Char* (ere on a tour to Buro,e. The* (ere Traveing on a gui!e! tour
to five countries. The* (ere going to trave through the Netheran!- Begium- Ferman*-
S(itAeran! an! Drance for t(o (eeks.
The gui!e for the tour (as a S(iss. On the !a* 1
of the trave the gui!e to! them to
check their ,ass,orts . The traveer cheaves an! their foreign cash- he to! them to kee, them
The* travee! in a com,ortabe coach (ith a toiet- music an! vi!eo. The gui!e sto,,e!
the coach at man* famous ,aces. He e#,aine! the cutura im,ortant of the ,aces. The*
sta*e! in big hotes for the night an! ate in the restaurants.
On the (a*- the* sto,,e! at sma 0nns to eat unch. 0n big to(ns the* (ent for
sho,,ing. The* bought man* souvenirs for their frien!s. The* enCo*e! the t(o (eeks tour.
$$. Ho( !i! the trave gui!e te 'r. An! 'rs. Char* to kee, !ocument5
A. safe*. C. easi*.
B. carefu*. ". careess*.
$&. Ho( man* !a*s !i! 'r. an! 'rs. Char* s,en! their time for touring5
A. < !a*s C. $1 !a*s
B. 1. !a*s ". $; !a*s
4ea! the foo(ing te#t an! ans(er 9uestions $. % $2
A ong time ago- There ive! an o! man in 1enanggungan 'ountain. His name (as =iai
Fe!e 1enanggungan. He ha! su,ernatura ,o(er. =iai Fe!e 1enanggungan ha! a beautifu
!aughter name! "e(i )aangangin (ho ha!n+t marrie! *et. =iai Fe!e 1enanggungan ,ra*e!
!a*s an! nights for her !aughter to have a husban!. One !a*- a *oung han!some man came to
his ,ace. The name of the man is 3aka ,an!eengan. He (ante! to be =iai Fe!e
1enanggungan+s stu!ent. =iai Fe!e agree! to have 3aka as his stu!ent (ith one con!ition that
he (ou! marr* her !aughter. 3aka 1an!eengan an! "e(i )aangagin soon got marrie!. =iai
Fe!e 1enanggungan taught 3aka man* things.
After severa *ears no( it (as time for the cou,e to ive se,arate* (ith =iai Fe!e
1ananggungan. The* (ou! move to another viage. =iai Fe!e gave some see!s of ,ari or
,a!!* to the cou,e. He aske! the cou,e to ,ant the see!. He aso (arne! the cou,e not to be
arrogant (hen the* (ere rich because of ,anting the see!. He (ante! to cou,e he,e! ,oor
,eo,e. The cou,e starte! a ne( ife. The* ,ante! the see!. Soon- the see!s gre( a ot of rice.
No( the cou,e became ver* rich. The ,oor neighbours came to the cou,e to ask for some ,ari
see!. But the cou,e refuse! to he, them.
=iai Fe!e hear! the cou,e+s ba! behavior. Soon he visite! the cou,e. He met them (hen
the cou,e (as (orking in the fie!. =iai Fe!e take! to the cou,e. He remin!e! the cou,e
not to be arrogant. But the cou,e ignore! him. The* sai! nothing to =iai Fe!e. =iai Fe!e got
ver* angr*. He then sai!- MNou t(o are ike tem,es. Nou cannot isten to me.M 4ight after he
sai! those (or!s- an incre!ibe thing ha,,ene!. So(*- 3aka an! "e(i turne! into tem,es.
Because the tem,es stoo! among the ,ari- ,eo,e then name! them as 1ari Tem,e.
$.. )h* (as the tem,e cae! b* 1ari Tem,e5 Because . . . .
A. it ooke! ike a ,ari
B. ,eo,e name! it ,ari
C. it stoo! among the ,ari
". ,eo,e ike! to ,ant ,ari
$:. Drom the thir! ,aragra,h (e kno( that . . . .
A. The cou,e turne! into the ,ari
B. The cou,e obe*e! =iai Fe!e
C. =iai Fe!e never remin!e! them
". The cou,e !i!n+t obe* =iai Fe!e
$2. Drom the te#t (e can earn that .
A. (e have to res,ect to the other ,ersons
B. (e have to imitate to the other ,ersons
C. (e are not ao(e! to be arrogant ,erson
". (e must not have the feeing as higher creature than others
The Te#t beo( is for 9uestions no $< % $;
'uhamma! Ai
0n 1?:.- a sh* bo* name! Cassius Ca*- 3r.- earne! to bo# at a g*m in Louisvie- =entuck*.
He (as on* 1$ *ears o!. At the g*m- he met a trainer (ho taught him to move (ith ight-
9uick* ste,s. Cassius ha! a natura taent for bo#ing. )ith his skis an! goo! training- he
9uick* became a cham,ion.
0n 1?:?- Ca* (on the Nationa Fo!en Foves tite. The ne#t *ear- he (on an O*m,ic go!
me!a an! became a ,rofessiona bo#er. Ca* beieve! in himsef. His famous (or!s (ere 6 0
am the greatest87 He to! ever*one that he (as going to be cham,ion of the (or!. Cassius
Ca* got a ot of attention. He (ante! to use his fame to get more rights for African@American.
0n 1?2.- Ca* became a heav*(eight cham,ion of the (or!. Then he change! his name to
'uhamma! Ai. 0n 1?2<- Ai refuse! to go into the arm* an! to fight in the Gietnam )ar for
reigious reasons. The )or! Bo#ing Association took a(a* his tite. The* sai! that he cou!
not bo# in the >nite! States again.
Nears ater- the ,eo,e in the association change! their min!s. The* ao(e! him to come back
to fight in the ring. 0n 1?<.- Ai became a cham,ion three times. Bver*one in the (or! kne(
about 'uhamma! Ai. Bver*one agree! that Ai (as the greatest.
>nfortunate*- Ai began to so( !o(n. He ost his tite to other bo#ers. 0n the 1?;/s- Ai to!
the (or! that he ha! a brain !isease cae! 1arkinson+s !isease. No(- it is har! for him to
s,eak an! to use his arms an! egs. But- he sti (orks for charities. Ai ikes to he, *oung
,eo,e in his to(n. He aso traves a over the (or! to tak about human rights. He is a true
hero of his time.
$<. )hat is the main i!ea of the first ,aragra,h5
A. Cassius Ca* (as on* 1$ *ears o!
B. Cassius Ca* ha! a natura taent for bo#ing.
C. Cassius Ca*- 3r.- earne! to bo# at a g*m in Louisvie- =entuck*.
". Cassius Ca* met a trainer (ho taught him to move (ith ight- 9uick ste,s.
$;. Bver*one agree! that Ai (as the greatest H,aragra,h .I
The un!erine! (or! can the best re,ace! b*.
A. The smartest
B. The ongest
C. The (i!est
". The best
The te#t beo( is for 9uestions no $?@&1
Once a farmer o(ne! a !onke* an! a a,!og. The !onke* (orke! har! a !a*-
hauing heav* oa!s. The a,!og sta*e! (ith his master a !a* an! ive! in the house
(ith him. He !i! not (ork- but (as ao(e! to sit on the master+s a,. The !onke* gre(
Ceaous of the a,!og.
1erha,s if 0 behave ike the !og- ike (agging m* tai an! Cum,ing on the
master- the master (i start oving me as much as he !oes the !og. So- the !onke*
!eci!e! to (ait for his chance.
One !a*- (hen he (as eft unatten!e!- the !onke* broke his hater an! ran into
the farmhouse kitchen. There the farmer sat at tabe. The !onke* rushe! u, to him an!
began (agging his tai vigorous*- an! knocke! off a the china from the tabe. He then
starte! Cum,ing aroun! an! froicking ike a itte !og- an! fina* ,onke! himsef
!o(n on the farmer+s a,. The shocke! farmer *ee! for he,. The farmhan!s came
running in an! !ragge! the !onke* off to his stabe- an! gave him a beating he !i! not
forget for the rest of his ife.
$?. )hat is the main i!ea of ,aragra,h &5
A. The (a* the farmer treate! the !onke*.
B. The !og+s habit is ike! b* the master.
C. The things (ere !one b* the !onke* to be ove!.
". The !onke* (ante! to be ove! b* its master
&/. 6The a,!og sta*e! (ith his master a !a*7H,aragra,h 1 ine $I.
)hat !oes the (or! 6his7 refer to5
A. The farmer
B. The !onke*
C. The !og
". The a,!og
&1. )hat can (e earn from the te#t5
A. 0t is not goo! to he, others.
B. 0t is goo! to kee, *our ,romise.
C. 0t is not goo! to be envious to the others
". 0t is goo! to share things (ith the others
The te#t beo( is for 9uestions no &$@&:
Aoe vera is aso kno(n as the 6croco!ie+s tongue7 ,ant in 0n!onesia. 0t is cae! so
because the eave is thick- ong an! shar,- an! the si!es are serrate! ike the bo!* of a
croco!ie. Aoe vera is ,ante! in !r* areas an! in (arm cimates. 0t takes itte (ater to gro(.
Aoe vera is a short@stemme! succuent ,ant gro(ing to 2/@1// cm ta. S,rea!ing b*
offsets- the stems are thick an! fesh*- green to gre*@green- (ith some varieties sho(ing (hite
fecks on the u,,er an! o(er stem surfaces.
Aoe vera is a mutifunctiona ,ant. 0t can be use! to cure a (oun! cause! b* burning.
>sing aoe vera to hea the (oun! is eas* an! sim,e. 1ick the eaves- ,ee the rin!- then
s9ueeAe the stick* i9ui! an! s,rea! it over the (oun!. Aoe vera aso can be ma!e into heath*
!rink to ,revent rheumatism an! !iabetes because it contains vitamin an! mineras. Fenera*-
the !rink he,s to re,air the !amage! ces an! makes the organs of the human bo!* (ork (e.
Aoe vera can aso make our hair thick too. A,,* it over the sca, an! massage it gent* so it
cou! soak thorough*. Ten minutes ater- rinse the hair.
&$. Accor!ing to the te#t above- (hat is the mutifunctiona ,ant5
A. Aoe vera
B. A s,ecia ,ant
C. A croco!ie ,ant
". croco!ie tongue
&&. )hat !oes ,aragra,h three te us about5
A. The ,h*sica a,,earance of aoe vera
B. The a!vantages of aoe vera
C. The ,roce!ure to ,ant aoe vera
". The reason (h* aoe vera cae! croco!ie+s tongue
&.. )h* is aoe vera cae! croco!ie+s tongue5 Because .
A. The eave is thick- ong an! shar, an! the si!es are serrate! ike the bo!* of a
B. The aoe vera is ,ante! in !r* areas an! in (arm cimates
C. Aoe vera is a mutifunctiona ,ant.
". 0t takes itte (ater to gro(
&:. 60t can be use! for curing the (oun!s cause! b* burning.7 H1aragra,h & ine 1I.
The un!erine! (or! means .
A. Aoe vera is a me!ica herb
B. The ,ant has a magica ,o(er
C. Aoe vera is a ver* fesh* ,ant
". Aoe vera can be s9ueeAe!
The te#t beo( is for 9uestions no &2@&;

'ain su,,ies
@ A mug
@ A ,a,er to(e
@ $/ gauge ,astic coate! (ire
@ St*rofoam
@ 'oss
@ 1astic serrate! knife
@ 1hotos- car!s- etc.
@ 1on* bea!s
@ 1ermanents markers
Basic su,,ies
@ Scissors
@ 1enci
@ )ire cutters
@ Fue
@ Cutting
1. )i,e the mug (ith a ,a,er to(e. "ra( !esire! !esign (ith the markers. )ait for 1/
minutes to et it !r*
$. 1ace the St*rofoam in the mug. Cover the to, (ith the moss. >se a itte gue to secure
the moss in ,ace
&. Cut ,ieces of (ire from 2@1; inches ong. )ra, (ire aroun! *our finger & times. A!!
some ,on* bea!s if *ou ike. 4emove from finger. 0nsert it to the St*rofoam in the mug.
Gar* the height of the (ires
.. 0nsert ,hotos- car!s- etc. in (ire ho!ers.
&2. )hat shou! (e !o after ,acing the St*rofoam in the mug5
A. Cover the to, (ith the moss
B. )i,e the mug (ith a ,a,er to(e
C. "ra( !esire! !esign (ith the markers
". Cut ,ieces of (ire from 2 % 1; inches ong
&<. )e use a itte gue on the St*rofoam in or!er to.
A. stick the moss in ,ace
B. !ra( the ,hoto mug
C. cover the mug
". insert the moss
&;. 6 1ac e the St*rofoam in the mug7.
The un!erine! (or! has simiar meaning (ith.
A. Take
B. Bring
C. Lift
". 1ut
The te#t beo( is for 9uestions no &?@.$
A kangaroo is an anima foun! on* in Austraia- athough it has a smaer reative- cae! a
(aab*- (hich ives on the Austraian isan! of Tasmania an! aso in Ne( Fuinea.
=angaroos eat grass an! ,ants. The* have short front egs- but ver* ong an! ver* strong back
egs an! a tai. These are use! for sitting u, an! for Cum,ing. =angaroos have been kno(n to
make for(ar! Cum,s of over eight meters- an! ea, across fences more than three meters high.
The* can aso run at s,ee!s of over .: kiometers ,er hour.
The argest kangaroos are the Freat Fre* =angaroo an! the 4e! =angaroo. A!ut gro( to a
ength of 1.2/ meters an! (eigh over ?/ kios.
=angaroos are marsu,ias. This means that the femae kangaroo has an e#terna ,ouch on the
front of her bo!*. A bab* kangaroo is ver* tin* (hen it is born- an! it cra(s at once into this
,ouch (here it s,en!s its first five months of ife.
&?. )h* is kangaroo cae! marsu,ia5 Because.
A. =angaroo is foun! on* in Austraia
B. Demae kangaroo has e#terna ,ouch
C. =angaroo has short front egs
". Bab* kangaroo is ver* tin*
./. )hat !oes kangaroo eat5
A. 'eat an! grass
B. Frass an! ,ant
C. Anima an! ,ant
". Frass an! anima
.1. Drom the te#t- (e kno( that a kangaroo is.
A. Carnivorous
B. Herbivorous
C. Omnivorous
". Gertebrate
.$. it cra(s at once into the ,ouchH ,aragra,h . ine & I
The un!erine! (or! refers to.
A. a bab* kangaroo
B. a femae kangaroo
C. a mae kangaroo
". an a!ut kangaroo
The te#t beo( is for 9uestions no .&@.:
Last (eek- m* ,arents- sister- brother an! 0 (ent to the Aoo. )e (ent there for
recreation. )e eft at 2 a.m an! ... H.&I there at a.m. The Aoo is about fift* kiometers from m*
There (ere a ot of ,eo,e (atching a giant ...H..I The snake (as there for about a (eek.
0t (as ? metres ong. The (eight of the snake is about 1:/ kg. This makes it move ...H.:I. 0
thought it (as the biggest snake 0 ha! ever seen.
.& A. came
B. (ent
C. arrive!
". !e,arte!
... A. ,eo,e
B. snake
C. house
". Aoo
.:. A. ear*
B. so(*
C. 9uick*
". carefu*
The te )t be!ow is for (uestions no *+,*8
Borobu!ur is Hin!u @ Bu!hist tem,e. 0t is a vauabe treasure for 0n!onesian
,eo,e. Borobu!ur is ocate! in 'ageang- Centra 3ava 0n!onesia. 0t (as buit in the
ninth centur* !uring Saien!ra !*nast* of ancient 'ataram ...H.2I
Borobu!ur is a ...H.<I tem,e a over the (or!. 0ts construction is infuence! b*
the Fu,ta architecture of 0n!ia. The tem,e is buit on a hi .2 m high an! consists of
eight ste,s ike stone terrace. The first five terraces are s9uare- an! the u,,er three are
circuar. Bach of them gives a circe of be sha,e@stu,a. The entire bui!ing is cro(ne!
b* a arge stu,a at the centre of the to, circe. The (a* to the summit e#ten!s through
some ..; km of ,assage an! stair(a*s. The !esign of Borobu!ur (hich s*mboiAes the
structure of universe infuences ,eo,e at Angkor- Cambo!ia. The* make the tem,e ...
.2. A. king
B. tem,e
C. treasure
". king!om
.<. A. (e kno(n
B. vauabe
C. enermous
". huge
.;. A. careess*
B. so(*
C. 9uick*
". carefu*
.?. (ere having unch the* hear! barke! a !og the* (hen
1 $ & . : 2 < ; ?
The goo! arrangement of the Cumbe! (or! above is....
A. . % 1 % $ % & % ? % ; % : % < % 2
B. . % 1 % & % $ % 2 % < % ; % ? % :
C. < % 1 % $ % & % . % : % 2 % ; % ?
". < % 1 % & % $ % . % : % 2 % ; % ?
:/. (as she to tra, an! the !ove the ant tr*ing
1 $ & . : 2 < ;
The goo! arrangement of the Cumbe! (or! above is....
A. $ % 1 % ; % .@ & % : % 2 % <
B. ; % 1 % & % . % : % < % 2 % $
C. ; % 1 % $ % & % . % < % 2 % :
". $ % 1 % ; % & % . % < % : % 2
FOO" L>C=888

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