Debtor-Creditor Cicularization Formate
Debtor-Creditor Cicularization Formate
Debtor-Creditor Cicularization Formate
Debtors / Creditor
Name of debtor/ creditor Date:
Dear Sir(s)
Our records show a debit / credit balance of Rs.____________ at the close of business on
(year end date).
To ensure an independent verification of this balance, we shall appreciate if you will
kindly check this balance with your records and send your confirmation DIRECT to our
auditors, Messrs. __________, Chartered Accountants, by completing the form below for
which an addressed postage paid envelope is enclosed.
Your prompt response to this request will be appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
M/s ________________ Name and address of the debtor/ creditor
Chartered Accountants
Confirmation of balance
I/We confirm that the debit/credit balance of Rs. _________________ as at
________________, in the name of ________________________________________
is/are not in agreement with my/our books. The details of difference ar e as follows:
Yours faithfully,