RFL91 - Wonderful Mess, A
RFL91 - Wonderful Mess, A
RFL91 - Wonderful Mess, A
A wonderful mess
I re- been done. Would you like after all, what scientific ex-
cently to get down and play in the periments are all about.
heard a milk for a few minutes be- Even if the experiment
Always put
story from fore we clean it up?” “doesn’t work,” we usually
yourself in
Stephen Indeed, he did. After a learn something valuable
others shoes. If
G l e n n few minutes, his mother from it.
it hurts you, it
about a said, “You know, Robert, Wouldn’t it be great if all
probably hurts
famous whenever you make a parents would respond the
the other
r e s e a rc h mess like this, eventually way Robert’s mother re-
person, too.
scientist you have to clean it up and sponded to him?
who had restore everything to its —Jack Canfield
made sev- proper order. So, how (From A Second Helping of
eral very would you like to do that? Chicken Soup for the Soul)
important medical break- We could use a sponge, a
throughs. He was being in- towel, or a mop. Which do
you prefer?” He chose the
terviewed by a newspaper
reporter who asked him sponge and together they
why he thought he was cleaned up the spilled
h, it’s just the little, homey things,
able to be so much more milk.
The unobtrusive, friendly things,
creative than the average His mother then said,
The won’t-you-let-me-help-you things
person. What set him so far “You know, what we have
That make the pathway light.
apart from others? here is a failed experiment
And it’s just the jolly, joking things,
He responded that, in in how to effectively carry
The laugh-with-me-it’s-funny things,
his opinion, it all came a big milk bottle with two
The never-mind-the-trouble things
from an experience with tiny hands. Let’s go out in
That make our world seem bright.
his mother that occurred the back yard and fill the
when he was about two bottle with water and see
For all the countless, famous things,
years old. He had been try- if you can discover a way
The wondrous, record-breaking things,
ing to remove a bottle of to carry it without drop-
Those never-can-be-equaled things
milk from the refrigerator ping it.” The little boy
That all the papers cite,
when he lost his grip on the learned that if he grasped
Can’t match the little, human things,
slippery bottle and it fell, the bottle at the top near
The just-because-I-like-you things,
spilling its contents all over the lip with both hands, he
Those oh-it’s-simply-nothing things,
the kitchen floor—a veri- could carry it without
That make us happy, quite.
table sea of milk! dropping it. What a won-
When his mother came derful lesson!
So here’s to all the little things,
into the kitchen, instead of This renowned scien-
The everyday-encountered things,
yelling at him, giving him tist then remarked that it
The smile-and-face-your-trouble things,
a lecture, or punishing was at that moment that
“Trust God to put it right,”
him, she said, “Robert, he knew he didn’t need to
The done-and-then-forgotten things,
what a great and wonder- be afraid to make mis-
The can’t-you-see-I-love-you! things,
ful mess you have made! I takes. Instead, he learned
The hearty I-am-with-you! things
have rarely seen such a that mistakes were just op-
That make life worth the fight.
huge puddle of milk. Well, portunities for learning
—Grace Haines
the damage has already something new, which is,
nowing that you’re loved gives you hope and faith and cheers up your whole outlook! When people
feel your love and you tell them it’s God’s love, they kind of feel like, “Maybe somebody up there does
love me! Maybe everything is going to turn out okay in the end after all!”
—David Brandt Berg