Commitment Guide
Commitment Guide
Commitment Guide
For during a severe ordeal of aficton, their abundant joy and their extreme
poverty have overfowed in a wealth of generosity on their part. For, as I can
testfy, they gave according to their means, and even beyond their means,
begging us earnestly for the privilege of sharing in this ministry.
2 Corinthians 8:2-4
Prayerfully seek Gods leadership. Ask God to shape your
decisions. Walk through the doors God opens for you!
What is God calling this church to do and to be? How is God
working through our church to afect peoples lives? And
how would God work through you to make a diference in
Include your family in the discovery and decision-making
process. Talk with and learn from the experience and example
of others.
What decisions and priorites could you change in your life to
further invest yourself in your church? Give in ways that make
a diference to you.
Think outside the income-stream box. Capital giving may
include new strategies for giving. Inventory your blessings
and your potental for increased giving.
There are multple methods for giving in a capital program.
Capital giving might include any combinaton of weekly,
monthly, quarterly, annual, one-tme, and/or asset transfer
gifs. Put together your own personal giving plan for the next
three years to help you follow through with your commitment.
There is no formula, no quick accountng, no comparison
gif model, no percentage target for a capital stewardship
commitment. As always, the truest measure of stewardship
is not equal gifs, but equal sacrifce. Not everyone has
the resources to make a million dollar gif, but each
and every person can meaningfully invest themselves
in what God is doing at this church in proporton to the
resources he or she has.
I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of
God, to present yourselves as a living sacrifce, holy and acceptable
to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to
this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so
that you might discern what is the will of God what is good and
acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:1-2
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If there is no formula for what one might give, then how
does anyone gauge how right their commitment decision
might be? Try the questons below to discover your own
internal measures.
In a personal way, will this commitment make a diference
to me? Will this commitment afect my life, allowing me to
invest myself in the mission and ministry of my church?
Is this a decision I am willing to take tme to pray about,
genuinely seeking Gods guidance in how God might work
through me?
Is this a decision I will have a signifcant conversaton about
with my family and with my larger family of faith?
Am I thinking creatvely about a comprehensive giving plan
that represents what I am capable of giving? What assets
and resources could I use as a gif?
Will this giving decision involve a sense of sacrifce in my
life? Do my priorites refect my commitment to my church?
Am I discovering a new joy in giving? There is something
freeing and deeper about the life of grace that we never
experience untl we learn to give as freely and deeply as
God gives to us.
Found Faithful Commitment Guide
If an investment like stocks, real estate, and other assets has increased
in value since its purchase and has been held for more than one year, then
there may be signifcant tax advantages to transferring ownership of that
asset to the church as a charitable donaton. Giving the appreciated asset
eliminates potental capital gains taxes for the donor while stll allowing the
donor to receive the contributon credit for the current market value of the
asset. Because of its tax exempt status, the church can sell the asset and
receive full market value less transacton costs.
What if I sell frst then give the cash? You may have to pay capital gains
taxes which will reduce the afer-tax proceeds from the sale.
Sell First Give Asset
Market Value 20,000 20,000
Original Cost -10,000 -10,000
Appreciated Gain 10,000 10,000
Tax (assuming 28%) 2,800 -0-
Afer tax value of Gif to the Church 17,200 20,000
Contributon Credit to Donor 17,200 20,000
Note: Tax positons and tax law can be complicated and can change with new laws. Any
discussion of tax treatment is not intended, and should not be considered, as tax advice. Consult
your personal tax professional for advice on your tax positon.
Please check with your church business ofce for instructons and arrangements for the transfer
of all forms of gifs other than cash.
Honor the Lord with your possessions and with the frst fruits
of all your produce; then your barns will be flled with plenty,
and your vats will be burstng with wine.
Proverbs 3:9-10
In terms of afectng people and ministries, what will this project
accomplish for God, for others, for you?
(Mathew 28:19, Luke 17:20-21, 1 Kings 5:5 )
What does your heart prompt you to do? Describe it?
(Exodus 25:1-2, 35:4-29, 1 Corinthians 13:3, 2 Corinthians 9:7)
What is your Prayer Plan to discern Gods will?
(Luke 11:9-10, John 17, Mathew 6:5-13)
What does sacrifce mean to you? Defne it.
(2 Samuel 24:24, Romans 12:1-2, Luke 21:1-4)
What can you do to give sacrifcially? Start a list.
(1 Chronicles 29:1-10, Acts 2:44-47, Acts 4:32-37)
First, they gave themselves to God; and then, by the will
of God to us () so that we might complete this generous
undertaking among you.
2 Corinthians 8:5-6
Prayerfully consider asking God the following questons:
Lord, what do You want to do through me to help Your will happen in this
Lord, what have You blessed me to do that You now want to do through me?
A three-year, over-and-above fnancial commitment to a capital
stewardship campaign requires proper motve and motvaton. The
following study will help you to discern both your heart and Gods heart for
giving generously.
5 4 Found Faithful Commitment Guide
Income Stream Giving:
Giving as you receive income whether from your regular
income, bonuses, and/or through your personal business.
Changing your life or your lifestyle in order to create
resources for giving not only frees additonal resources
for giving but could also lead to a profound spiritual re-
orientaton and renewal.
Delaying Expenditures:
Expected purchases might be postponed so that those
funds could be given.
Freedom from Debt:
Resources resultng once debts are paid can become a
source for giving.
Charitable Giving Review:
Reviewing all of your charitable donatons and comparing
their impact with the importance of your churchs project
may encourage you to consolidate some of your giving into
this partcular mission for a partcular tmeframe.
Now as you excel in everything in faith, in speech, in knowledge,
in utmost eagerness, and in our love for you so we want you to
excel also in this grace of giving.
2 Corinthians 8:7
The point is this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap
sparingly, and the one who sows bountfully will also reap
bountfully. Each of you must give as you have made up your
mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a
cheerful giver. And God is able to provide you with every blessing
in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you
may share abundantly in every good work.
2 Corinthians 9:6-9
Income Producing Assets:
Interest earned, income from rental propertes, or monies
from other income producing assets can be dedicated and
Giving Appreciated Assets:
Transferring appreciated assets (stocks, real estate, etc) can
greatly enlarge a gif and may provide tax benefts. Please
see the page about giving appreciated asset at the end of
this secton.
Sale of Assets:
Money resultng from the sale of personal assets, or from
personally owned business assets, could be donated.
Savings & Investments:
You may be able to give some porton of accumulated
assets without signifcantly afectng your future security.
The returns from investng in ministry may be more
signifcant to you than simply accumulatng more market
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As you consider your commitment, think
creatvely about how you can be generous. Ask
God to show you new ways to give.
Additonal Income:
Using your skills and talents, taking on additonal work, or
delaying retrement could produce additonal income to
use as a gif.
Gifs in Kind:
Donatng specifc services and/or materials, either
personally or through your business, provides a unique
opportunity for increased giving.
Found Faithful Commitment Guide
A Look at One Familys Commitment
Actvity Weekly Yearly 3 years
Increased Cash Giving 50.00 2,600 7,200
Eliminate one meal out/wk 50.00 2,600 7,200
Reduce Christmas budget 250 750
Reduce Vacaton budget 250 750
Delay TV purchase for 3 years 1,000
Trudy reduces groceries budget 25.00 1,300 3,900
Trudy gives Garage Sale income 400 1,200
Bill reduces golf outngs 650 1,950
Aaron eliminates 1 sof drink a day 7.00 365 1,095
Missy gives from income 10.00 520 1,560
Family gif from Savings 2,500
Faith Commitment 1,000
Total 3-year commitment $30,105
In additon, we will contnue to support the annual budget and the mission programs
Income & Sacrifce
Analyze your projected income and spending paterns for
the next three years and determine how much could be
given and when. Alter your style of living in meaningful ways
in order to give what you save or dont spend.
Possibilites Amount
Giving Assets
What accumulated assets in your life could be given by
transfer to the church? What income producing assets
could be dedicated and donated? What assets could be
sold so that their value could be permanently invested in
Possibilites Amount
Time & Talent
Determine what you could do to earn extra resources that
could be given during this period. Are there gifs in kind of
services and/or materials you could give?
Possibilites Amount
Resultng Three-Year Potental Commitment:
Seldom are we aware
of all that we have to
give. This worksheet
is for inventory &
investment for your
personal areas of
9 8 Found Faithful Commitment Guide
3939 Joe Ramsey Blvd
Greenville, TX 75401 | 903-455-2970