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EED Lesson Plan
Name: Lynn Chennault Grade Level: 2nd Subject: Social Science Date: November 7, 2014 Key Idea Concepts/Skills of Lesson: 7 Continents Lesson Goals: Identifying the seven continents Prerequisite Skills and/or Concepts: The students will need prior knowledge of maps and globes, singing, 2 truths and a lie game, and coloring. Accommodations: SPED-The student will be given more time to complete each activity. The special education teacher will work with the student to assist where needed and keep on task. GIFTED-Students will be allowed to research a continent of their choice on the iPad once they have finished their activities. ELL- I have no ELL students. Alabama Course of Study Reference: CCRS: SS 2.6: Identify States, continents, oceans, and the equator using maps, globes and technology. CCRS Music 2.1: Sing on pitch using good posture. National Standards Reference: III. People, Places, and Environment CT Signature:
Exploration: (Contains student activities that focus attention, diagnosis student prior learning and relates previous learning to new experience.) Objective: The students will recall prior knowledge to play two truths and a lie about each continent.
Materials: 1.PPT
Procedures: 1. The teacher will call the class to attention. 2. The teacher will ask the students to think about continents. The teacher will say, Today we are going to play two truths and a lie about continents. 3. The teacher will display the PowerPoint with 3 statements on each slide for a total of 12 statements. 2 statements will be true and one will be a lie. The students will hold up thumbs up if the statement is a truth and thumbs down if it is a lie. 4. The teacher will move through each slide allowing the students to respond to each statement. Assessment: The teacher will assess the students prior knowledge of continents on a map by assessing total group response. 5. The teacher will say, Today we are going to learn more about continents and how to find them on a map. We will make a book and list the continents after we find them on the globe. We will also color our continent on a map. First we will listen to the continent song. We are going to listen to it several times and try to learn it. Invention: (Contains student activities that are appropriate and meaningful. These provide explanation, provide examples, and provide closure. Objective The students will identify the shapes of each of the continents as displayed on a map.
The students will sing on pitch while using proper posture.
Materials: 1. PowerPoint 2. Continent Book 3. Crayons 4. Pencils 5. Globes 6. Continent hand out
Procedures: 1. The teacher will display the PowerPoint and play the video clip with the continent song it several times. The teacher will lead the children through the song several times stressing good posture and pitch. The teacher will demonstrate proper posture. The teacher will move through the fact slides sharing information about each continent. 2. The teacher will hand out the continent books. The teacher will display the next group of slides with each continent on it. Each slide has the continent and the name of the continent. The teacher will have the students color and write the name of each continent in their books as they are presented on the slides. 3. Once the books have been completed the teacher will release responsibility to the students to work in Assessment: The teacher will assess the continent book to determine the students ability to identify continents on a map. The teacher will assess the continent hand out to determine the students ability to identify continents on a globe.
The teacher will assess the students pitch and posture through observation. groups to find each continent on the globe and list it on the continent worksheet. 4. The teacher will instruct the students to turn in their work and return to their seats. 5. The teacher will say, Now that we know a little more about each continent, I would like for you to answer this question with your shoulder partner. If we could not live on our continent of North America, which continent would you want to live on? Give at least one reason to explain why you would want to live there. The teacher will allow the students to discuss which continent they would like to live on, and then have them share with the class. Closure: The teacher will review the statements from the 2 truths and a lie anticipatory set allowing the students to change their responses as desired. Expansion: (Contains student activities that provide practice, provide application, and evaluate student understanding and learning.) Objective: The students will locate North America on a map and demonstrate this ability by coloring the continent.
Materials: 1. Map 2. colors 3. Pencil
Procedures: 1. The teacher will hand out a world map and ask the students to color our continent of North America. 2. The students will color our continent and then turn in the map on the red book case. Assessment: The teacher will assess the students ability to locate North America by assessing the map.
Lesson Plan References:
Power Point, Student Handouts, Rubrics: Include copies of a PowerPoint if it is used in the procedure. Also, student handouts, rubrics and similar materials mentioned in the procedure must be included with the lesson plan.
My 7 Continents Book
By: ____________
North America
South America
7 Continents Hand-out Directions: Work with your group to find all seven continents. Once you find them, write the name of the continent on this list. Word Bank Asia Africa North America South America Europe Australia Antarctica
Name: ______________________ Date: ___________________ Color Our Continent! Directions: Color our continent red.
Name: Lynn Chennault Grade Level: 2nd Subject: Social Science Date: November 10, 2014 Key Idea Concepts/Skills of Lesson: Continents of the World Lesson Goals: Identifying continents on a map and the games children play in other cultures Prerequisite Skills and/or Concepts: The student will need prior knowledge of continents, games, animals, and climate. Accommodations: SPED-The student will be given more time to complete each activity. The special education teacher will work with the student to assist where needed and keep on task. GIFTED-Students will be given an opportunity to research games played in other continents, and allowed to demonstrate how the game is played. ELL- I have no ELL students. Alabama Course of Study Reference: CCRS: SS 2.6: Identify states, continents, oceans, and the equator using maps, globes and technology. CCRS ELA 2.34: Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation in order to provide requested detail or clarification. National Standards Reference: III. People, Places, and Environment CT Signature:
Exploration: (Contains student activities that focus attention, diagnosis student prior learning and relates previous learning to new experience.) Objective: The students will list an animal, country, and game from our continent.
Materials: 1.whiteboard 2. dry erase marker
Procedures: 1. The teacher will call the class attention to her by saying, Class, class, class! to which the students will respond Yes, yes, yes! The teacher will demonstrate the lesson is ready to begin by saying, I am ready to teach. The students will respond, I am ready to learn! 2. The teacher will say, Yesterday we learned about the 7 continents. We learned a song and we learned where the continents were in the world. Today we are going to learn about a country in each continent, an animal found on the continent, and a game the children play on each continent which is a part of the culture of those children. Lets begin by thinking of some of these things from our continent and write them on the board. 3. The teacher will record the students responses. The teacher will then say, Today we will use a Assessment: The teacher will assess the students list to determine the students focus. passport to record all the information we learn about each continent. Then we will fill out a top hat to compare two games from around the world.
Invention: (Contains student activities that are appropriate and meaningful. These provide explanation, provide examples, and provide closure. Objective: The students will create passport entries to record new information about continents and their culture of play.
Materials: 1. PowerPoint 2. Passport 3. Pencils
Procedures: 1. The teacher will begin the PowerPoint and hand out the passports to the students. The teacher will instruct the students to write their name on cover of the passport. She will then ask the students to fill in all the information on the first page. 2. The teacher will give the students time to fill in the first page and then redirect the students attention to the PowerPoint. 3. The teacher will move through each slide sharing the information about each continent. The teacher will say, For each continent, I have included a song from that area. The song will play while we discuss the information we need for our passport. Lets begin with North America which is our continent. We have already listed all of the things we need to fill out the North America page. Please take a minute to copy the answers from the board that we already came up with or you may come up with your own, but I must okay it. The song we are listening to is old time rock n roll. When the song ends you must be finished with your writing. 4. The teacher will advance to the Antarctica slide. The teacher will draw attention to the fact that there is no music for Antarctica. The teacher will explain that there are Assessment: The teacher will assess the students passport to determine their ability to record information about continents and their culture of play. no humans who live on Antarctica year round. The teacher will continue to share the information found on the PowerPoint. The teacher will continue through the rest of the slides sharing the information needed for the passport. The teacher will pay special attention to the games the children play as part of their culture. Closure: Once the students have completed the passport the teacher will explain that they will use the passport to help them compare the games of the world to the games we play here in North America. Expansion: (Contains student activities that provide practice, provide application, and evaluate student understanding and learning.) Objective: The students will compare childrens game from around the world with games they play.
Materials: 1. Chart 2. Pencil
The students will write a complete sentence about a game from another continent they would like to play with their friends.
Procedures: 1. The teacher will hand out a chart. The chart will have 4 headings, North America, Name of Game, Continent, and Name of Game. The teacher will explain that the students should fill out the chart with at least two games that are alike and the name of the game here, and the name of the continent and game that is alike. 2. The teacher will model the example on the first line of the page. 3. The teacher will instruct the students to use their passport and work together to fill out the chart. The teacher will say, Once you have finished, turn over your paper and a complete sentence about a game from another continent that you would like to play with your friends. Make sure it is a complete sentence with superhero swag. Once you have finished your Assessment: The teacher will assess the students chart to determine their ability to compare games from around the world to the games they play here.
The teacher will assess the students sentences in order to determine the students ability to write a complete sentence. sentence turn your paper in on the red bookcase and pack up to go home. 4. The teacher will give the students time to complete the chart. The teacher will move around the room to assist and assess.
Lesson Plan References:
Power Point, Student Handouts, Rubrics: Include copies of a PowerPoint if it is used in the procedure. Also, student handouts, rubrics and similar materials mentioned in the procedure must be included with the lesson plan.
___ _s Passport Around the World
Passport Information Name: __________________________
Birthday: ________________________
Home Country: ____________________
Teachers Name: ___________________
North America A country on this continent An animal that lives here A game children play here A famous landmark is
South America A country on this continent An animal that lives here A game children play here A famous landmark is
Australia A country on this continent An animal that lives here A game children play here A famous landmark is
Asia A country on this continent An animal that lives here A game children play here A famous landmark is
Africa A country on this continent An animal that lives here A game children play here A famous landmark is
Europe A country on this continent An animal that lives here A game children play here A famous landmark is
Antarctica A country on this continent An animal that lives here A game children play here A famous landmark is Games around the World
Continent Name of Game Other Continent Name of Game
North America
Freeze Tag
Stuck in Mud
Games around the World
Continent Name of Game Other Continent Name of Game
North America
Freeze Tag
Stuck in Mud
Name: Lynn Chennault Grade Level: 2nd Subject: Social Science Date: November 12, 2014 Key Idea Concepts/Skills of Lesson: Oceans of the world and the equator Lesson Goals: Identifying oceans of the world and the equator on a map Prerequisite Skills and/or Concepts: The students will need prior knowledge of maps and globes; the ability to differentiate between oceans, rivers, lakes and ponds. Accommodations: SPED-The student will be given more time to complete each activity. The special education teacher will work with the student to assist where needed and keep on task. GIFTED-Students will be given an ocean to research once all work has been completed. ELL- I have no ELL students. Alabama Course of Study Reference: CCRS: SS 2.6: Identify states, continents, oceans, and the equator using maps, globes and technology. CCRS Music 2.1: Sing on pitch using good posture. National Standards Reference: III. People, Places, and Environment CT Signature:
Exploration: (Contains student activities that focus attention, diagnosis student prior learning and relates previous learning to new experience.) Objective: The students will share one fact they learned from viewing the ocean video clip.
Materials: 1.PowerPoint 2.Oceans video
Procedures: 1. The teacher will call the class attention to her by saying, Class, class, class! to which the students will respond Yes, yes, yes! The teacher will demonstrate the lesson is ready to begin by saying, I am ready to teach. The students will respond, I am ready to learn! 2. The teacher will direct the students attention to the video about oceans. The teacher will say, Today we are going to learn about the oceans of the world. We will start with a video about the different oceans from the different parts of the world. Pay attention to the names of the oceans and the areas they are located. We will be learning about how to find them on a map. We will also learn about a huge imaginary line that splits the world in half! We will share one Assessment: The teacher will assess the students response as they share a fact from the ocean video clip. thing we learned from the video with our table. So listen closely to the video. 3. The teacher will begin the video from the PowerPoint. =vy6dj_ZWOos 4. Once the video has been viewed the teacher will ask the students to share one thing they learned from the video with their table.
Invention: (Contains student activities that are appropriate and meaningful. These provide explanation, provide examples, and provide closure. Objective: The students will sing the ocean song on pitch using good posture.
The students will create a foldable of the oceans of the world in order to organize new information about each ocean.
Procedures: 1. The teacher will display the next slide of the PowerPoint that contains the link to the ocean song. =KUS2Kjzzd9s The teacher will play it multiple times, and then lead the students in singing the ocean song stressing good posture and pitch. The teacher will display the next slide of the PowerPoint. The teacher will tell the students that they will be filling out an Ocean foldable as the teacher leads them through the PowerPoint. The teacher will remind the student that they will also learn about the equator and make an equator foldable. 2. The teacher will hand out the ocean foldable and instruct the students to fill in the missing words as they go through the PowerPoint. 3. The teacher will move through the slides of the PowerPoint sharing information about each of the five oceans beginning with the Pacific ocean. The PowerPoint includes where the oceans are located, the size, and an interesting fact about each ocean. The foldable Assessment: The teacher will assess the students ability to sing on pitch and use good posture through observation.
The teacher will assess the students foldable to determine the students ability to identify oceans of the world.
The students will create an equator foldable to aid them in identifying the equator on the map.
will have key information missing on it. The teacher will instruct the students to fill in the missing information. 4. The teacher will continue through the slides until all oceans have been covered. The teacher will ask the students to think about these questions. Why dont we call all water the ocean? Why is the ocean water different from the river water? Is there a line that divides the oceans on the globe? Why or why not? Is there a line that divides the oceans in the real world? Can you see it? The teacher will assign one question to each table. The teacher will allow the students to discuss and then share with the class. The teacher will regain the students attention and say, Now that we have been through the oceans of the world, I would like us to look at our globe again. In particular, I want to look at the equator. The teacher will explain the equator is an imaginary line that cuts the earth in half. It divides the northern and southern hemispheres. The teacher will use the PowerPoint presentation to provide information about the equator. The teacher will hand out the equator foldable, and instruct the students to fill it out as we progress through the presentation. Once the equator foldable has been completed, the teacher will ask the students to table talk about the following questions. What is the equator?
The teacher will assess the equator foldable to determine the students ability to identify the equator on a map. What is its function? Once both foldable are completed, the teacher will bring the lesson to an end by reviewing. Closure: The teacher will say, Lets think back about the video and all we have done today. Lets share 2 things we have learned with a friend from another table. You will have 2 minutes. The teacher will allow the students to share and then regain their attention.
Expansion: (Contains student activities that provide practice, provide application, and evaluate student understanding and learning.) Objective: The students will locate the oceans on a map.
The students will locate the equator on a globe. Procedures: 1. The teacher will say, We have learned a lot about the oceans today and how to find them on a map or globe. Now we will use what we learned to fill out our oceans worksheet. Once we have finished we will look at the globe to find the equator. Lets begin with the worksheet. The teacher will hand out the worksheet and instruct the students to follow directions. 2. The teacher will then say, Once you have finished, bring your paper to me and I will tell you which group you will work with to find the equator. Once you have found the equator, you may pack up to go home. You have done an excellent job today! I am very proud of you! 3. The teacher will arrange the group based on the students finish time. Assessment: The teacher will assess the students oceans worksheet to determine the students ability to locate the oceans and equator on a map.
The teacher will assess the students ability to locate the equator on the globe through individual observation.
Lesson Plan References:
Power Point, Student Handouts, Rubrics: Include copies of a PowerPoint if it is used in the procedure. Also, student handouts, rubrics and similar materials mentioned in the procedure must be included with the lesson plan.
This will be printed landscape and made into a foldable.
This will be printed landscape and used as a foldable. EED Lesson Plan LEARNING CYCLE FORMAT
Name: Lynn Chennault Grade Level: 2nd Subject: Social Science Date: November 13, 2014 Key Idea Concepts/Skills of Lesson: Locating points on a grid Lesson Goals: Locating points on a grid in order to create and find points Prerequisite Skills and/or Concepts: The students will need prior knowledge of numbers, letter, shapes, counting, and grids. Accommodations: SPED- The student will be given extra time to complete the activity and will be provided extra assistance from the special education teacher in order to stay on task. GIFTED- Students will be given an opportunity to create their own picture on a grid. They will trade grids to see if they can reproduce the picture. Alabama Course of Study Reference: CCRS SS 2.6: Locating points on a grid. CCRS Math 2.25: Partition a rectangle into rows and columns of same-size squares, and count to find the total number of them. National Standards Reference: III. People, Places, and Environment CT Signature:
Exploration: (Contains student activities that focus attention, diagnosis student prior learning and relates previous learning to new experience.) Objective: The students will access prior knowledge to determine if a series of statements are true or false. Materials: 1. PowerPoint
Procedures: 1. The teacher will gain the students attention 2. The teacher will display several statements on the board about locating points on a grid. 3. The teacher will say, As I read these statements, I want you to give me a thumbs up if you think the statement is true, a thumbs down if the statement is false, and a thumbs to the side if you arent sure. The teacher will read each statement and give the students a chance to respond. 4. The teacher will say, Today, we will learn how to find a point on a grid. We will place pictures on a Assessment: The teacher will assess the students responses to the statements through observation. large grid on the board, locate frolicking frogs on a grid, and draw a picture using locations on a grid. The teacher will say, We will begin by learning how to find points on a grid. Invention: (Contains student activities that are appropriate and meaningful. These provide explanation, provide examples, and provide closure. Objective: The students will create points on a grid, record those locations, and record locations of frolicking frogs.
Procedures: 1. The teacher will display the PowerPoint and explain how to find points on a grid using the information on the slides. 2. The teacher will say, Finding points on a grid is an important skill. We use it in everyday life when we locate things on a map. It helps us find our way in the world. Lets look at how we find a specific place on a grid. The first thing we need to know is how a grid is laid out. There are lines that go from side to side, and lines that go up and down. The lines that go up and down use letters to name them. The lines that go from side to side use numbers to name them. When I am given a coordinate, it has a letter and a number. This coordinate is (A, 6) so I look for the A on the bottom, and the 6 on the side. Where those two lines meet, is where I put my dot. The teacher will continue by doing 5 more coordinates on the PowerPoint. The teacher will ask the students to Assessment: The teacher will assess the students recording sheet and frolicking frog worksheet to determine the students ability to locate points on a grid.
think about the following questions. How do you think locating points on a grid relates to maps and globes? How can grids help us when we want to share information about a map or a location on a map? The teacher will ask table 1 and 3 to table talk about the first question, and tables 2 and 4 to table talk about question number two. The teacher will allow the students to discuss and then share with the class. The teacher will regain the class attention and redirect it to the PowerPoint. 3. The teacher will advance to the next slide, which will be a large grid. The teacher will have 18 pictures of objects with magnets adhered to the back. The students will place a picture on a grid location on the board. 4. The teacher will say, Now we will make our own points on a grid and write the point on our worksheet. I will call you up two at a time to place a picture on a grid location. I will draw sticks to see who comes to the board. When you are given the pictures place it where two lines meet, and then have a seat. The teacher will point out that the grid is really a large rectangle divided into equal
The students will identify the grid as a rectangle divided into equal sized squares and count them to calculate possible placement of pictures. sized squares. The teacher will ask the students to count the squares with her to demonstrate how many options they have to place their pictures. The teacher will draw two student names and allow them to go to the board and place their picture. The teacher will hand out the recording sheet. 5. The teacher will continue to draw sticks until all students have placed pictures on the grid. The teacher will then say, Now you will work with your partner to write the grid location for each picture. When you finish, you will bring your recording sheet to me and pick up this Frolicking Frogs worksheet. You will do this worksheet on your own. 6. The teacher will say, Once you have finished your Frolicking Frogs worksheet, you will put it on the red bookcase and we will review our lesson. Closure: The teacher will say, Now that we know more about locating points on a grid, we can go back and look at some of the statements we werent sure about in the beginning of our lesson. Lets use thumbs up, thumbs down, and thumbs to the side to tell if the statement is true, false or not sure. The teacher will display the statements from the The teacher will assess the students ability to identify the grid as a rectangle divided into equal sized squares and count them to calculate possible placement of pictures through observation. beginning of the lesson and allow the students to respond to them. Expansion: (Contains student activities that provide practice, provide application, and evaluate student understanding and learning.) Objective: The students will create a drawing using coordinates on a grid.
Materials: 1.pencils 2.cordinate worksheet 3.crayons Procedures: 1. The teacher will say, Now that you know how to find a location on a grid. We will use that new knowledge to make a picture using points on a grid. 2. The teacher will hand out the worksheet and model how to complete the worksheet on the ELMO. 3. The teacher will say, We use the grid coordinates to tell us where to place our dot, then we draw a line to the next dot. You must draw the line as you go in order to make the picture. Work on your own to complete the picture. If you finish before everyone else, please color the picture neatly. We will be putting these in the hallway. 4. The teacher will release the activity to the students to complete.
Assessment: The teacher will assess the students coordinate drawing to determine their ability to find points on a grid.
Lesson Plan References:
Power Point, Student Handouts, Rubrics: Include copies of a PowerPoint if it is used in the procedure. Also, student handouts, rubrics and similar materials mentioned in the procedure must be included with the lesson plan.
These are the 18 pictures for giant grid activity.
Name: ____________________ Date:__________________ Recording Sheet Directions- Use the pictures on the board and write down their locations.
Dog- (______, ______) Star- (______, ______)
Donut - (______, ______) Flower- (______, ______)
Bee- (______, ______) Fire truck - (______, ______)
Baby- (______, ______) French fries- (______, ______)
Name: Lynn Chennault Grade Level: 2nd Subject: Social Science Date: November 14, 2014 Key Idea Concepts/Skills of Lesson: Review of Unit Lesson Goals: Review all skills learned in the Finding My Way in the World Unit Prerequisite Skills and/or Concepts: Accommodations: SPED-The student will be given more time to complete each activity. The special education teacher will work with the student to assist where needed. As this student has a behavioral disability and is very intelligent I feel that no other accommodations are needed. GIFTED-The students will be allowed to create a PowerPoint based on all the research they have done throughout the unit. The students will be allowed to present their presentation during the following class. ELL- I have no ELL students. Alabama Course of Study Reference: CCRS SS 2.6: Identify states, continents, oceans, and the equator using maps, globes, and technology. Identifying map elements, including title, legend, compass rose, and scale Identifying the intermediate directions of northeast, southeast, northwest, and southwest Recognizing technological resources such as a virtual globe, satellite images, and radar Locating points on a grid CCRS Music 2.1: Sing on pitch using good posture. National Standards Reference: III. People, Places, and Environment CT Signature:
Exploration: (Contains student activities that focus attention, diagnosis student prior learning and relates previous learning to new experience.) Objective: The students will prepare to review skills learned in the unit by brainstorming using a graphic organizer with the class.
Materials: 1.WhiteBoard 2. Dry erase marker Procedures: 1. The teacher will call the class attention to her by saying, Class, class, class! to which the students will respond Yes, yes, yes! The teacher will demonstrate the lesson is ready to begin by saying, I am ready to teach. The students will respond, I am ready to learn! 2. The teacher will say, Today we are going to review all of the skills we have been learning for the past two weeks. I will help you remember the skills and we will practice each one. I want to start by having you tell me which map skills you remember or any information you remember from Assessment: The teacher will assess the students ability to recall skills learned throughout the unit by observing the class generated graphic organizer. our unit. 3. The teacher will record any information the students remember on a concept map. 4. The teacher will say, I am so proud of you for remembering each of these things! I want you to pat yourself on the back for remember so much! Now lets go through each thing we learned and listen to our songs. Invention: (Contains student activities that are appropriate and meaningful. These provide explanation, provide examples, and provide closure. Objective: The students will demonstrate their knowledge of map skills taught in this unit through the use of a review booklet.
Procedures: 1. The teacher will say, I want to share with you a folder that I have made for each of you. I have been collecting all your work and placing it into your folder. We will use this folder to guide us through our review. I will pass the folder out, but please dont open it until I ask you to. Do NOT take anything out of your folder until I ask you to. I will give you time at the end of the review to look at your things. I will also give them back to you to take home later in the week. 2. The teacher will hand out the student folders. The teacher will then say, I also want to use this booklet to help us review. Please put your name on the front of the booklet. The teacher will hand out the booklets. 3. The teacher will instruct the students to open their folder and their booklet to the first page. Page 1 Maps and Globes Questions: How can we use maps in everyday life? Would you use a map or a globe to find your way from Oxford mall to the zoo in Birmingham? Defend you answer with one reason. Assessment: The teacher will assess the students booklet to determine that the students have reviewed for the map test.
The student will sing on pitch using good posture.
Page 2 Map Elements Questions: Which of these things would you use for: Telling whats on the map? Telling the direction on a map? Finding what a symbol means on a map? Telling how far it is in miles from one city to another? Page 3 Intermediate directions Questions: Which directions are the cardinal directions? Which directions are the intermediate directions? How do the names of the intermediate directions help you figure out where the directions are located on a compass rose? Page 4 Technology Questions: Which website would you use to find: directions from one city to another one? pictures of Disney world from the sky? Page 5 Identify States Questions: How many states are in the USA? What is the name of our state? Is Oxford a state? Why or why not? Page 6 Identify Continents. Questions: What continent do we live on? Are we the only country on our continent? Page 7 Multicultural Play Question:
The teacher will assess pitch and posture through observation. What game from another continent would you want to play with your friends? Page 8 Oceans And The Equator. Questions: Which ocean touches Alabama? Do we live closer to the equator than Alaska? Page 9 Locating Points on a Grid Questions: How does a grid help us find things on a map? The teacher will use the PowerPoint to guide her through each page focusing on the important aspects of each of the skills. Each slide of the PowerPoint will display the students work and the booklet page. The answers to each page will appear on the click of the mouse. The teacher will move through the PowerPoint/Booklet/Student folders reviewing the skills the students will need to remember for their assessment allowing them to discuss and share their thoughts about each question for each page. Closure: The teacher will say, We have reviewed the entire unit on maps and globes. Lets look back at our concept map and add the things we had missed when we started the lesson. The teacher will record the students additions to the concept map.
Expansion: (Contains student activities that provide practice, provide application, and evaluate student understanding and learning.) Objective: The students will demonstrate growth in map skills.
Procedures: 1. The teacher will say, Now that we remember all of our skills, we will take an assessment to see how much you have Assessment: The teacher will assess the students test to determine their conceptual change of map skills.
Materials: 1. Teacher created test 2. Pencil
learned. Please close your booklet and your folder and lay them aside. 2. The teacher will pass out the test. The teacher will say, Please write your name and number at the top of your paper. I want you to take your time and do your best. If we dont finish now, we will finish tomorrow. There should be no talking. When you finish, turn in your paper and read quietly at your desk until I ask you to pack up. I know you will do great. 3. The teacher will allow the students to take the test while she takes up their folders and booklets.
Lesson Plan References:
Power Point, Student Handouts, Rubrics: Include copies of a PowerPoint if it is used in the procedure. Also, student handouts, rubrics and similar materials mentioned in the procedure must be included with the lesson plan.
Finding My Way in the World Review Booklet
By: This is a _____________. It shows _____________ about a _________place. This is a _____________. It is a ________ representation of the Earth. We use it when we want to work with _____ parts of the world. Write the correct letter under the item it names. A. Compass Rose B. Title C. Legend D. Scale Write the directions on the Compass Rose. Word Bank North South East West Northeast Northwest Southeast Southwest Name the two types of technology we used.
Word Bank Google Earth MapQuest What is a state? A state is a __________ of a country. Color our state yellow. How many states are in the United States? _____
Lets sing our song, and write the name of the continents.
4._____________________ Games From Around the World Name a game from each continent.
Directions: Read each question. Circle your answer.
1. A _________ show detaila about a specific place. It is flat. a. Compass Rose b. Legend c. Map 2. A ____________ is a round 3D model of the Earth. a. Globe b. Grid c. Title 3. This is a ___________ __________. a. Grid b. Compass Rose c. Legend
4. This is a ______________________.
a. Scale b. Globe c. Northwest 5. This is a _______________.
a. Map b. Legend c. Northeast 6. This is a ______________________. a. Title b. Globe c. Compass Rose
7. Write the letter of the intermediate directions on the compass rose. a. Northeast b. Northwest c. Southeast d. Southwest North
West East
8. This program is called __________ __________. a. Google Earth b. Compass Rose c. Grid 9. A _______ is a part of a country, like Alabama. a. Continent b. State c. River Use this grid to Answer questions 10-15.
A B C D E F G 10. What shape is at (D, 5)? a. Triangle b. Square c. Heart
11. What shape is at (C, 2)? a. Star b. Heart c. Circle 12. What shape is at (F, 5)? a. Arrow b. Square c. Circle 13. What shape is at (A, 3)? a. Heart b. Triangle c. Oval 14. What letter is at (B, 4)? a. Square b. Heart c. Arrow 5
**Take your Paper to Mrs. Chennault for number 15 and 16. 15. Sing the Continent Song for Mrs. Chennault. 16. Sing the ocean song for Mrs. Chennault.
Blanc, G. (2014, August 12). eHow | Eastern Europe Children's Games. Retrieved September 14, 2014.
Enchanted Learning Continents. (n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2014.
Murphy, S. eHow | Traditional Asian Games for Kids. Retrieved September 14, 2014.
Nations Online. (n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2014
Smith, S. (2014, June 23). eHow | Traditional African Children's Games. Retrieved September 14, 2014
Taylor, D. eHow | Traditional Children's Games in Australia. Retrieved September 14, 2014.
Walters, A. (2014, August 12). eHow | Games for Latin American Children. Retrieved September 14, 2014.