Nany Namwas
Nany Namwas
Nany Namwas
Ira Watchful
Jivika Source of life
Jiya Sweetheart
Kashvi Shining
Kavya Poem
Keya Flower
Khushi Happiness, oy
Kiara !ark"haire#
$ahika !ew #rops
$ishti Sweet person
$yra $yrrh
%avya %ew
%eysa Pure
%itya &egular
Pari Ethereal 'eauty
Parinaa( Sweet, fairy
Pihu Peahen, a female peafowl
Prisha )elove#, *o#+s gift
&iya Singer
Saanvi *o##ess ,akshmi
Samaira Enchanting
Sana )rilliance or ra#iance
Sara Princess
Shanaya First ray of the sun
Siya Sita
-anya Fairy .ueen
-ara &ocky hill
-iya )ir#
/anya *racious gift of go#
/ar#aniya *iver of goo# fortune
/e#ika 0onsciousness
/ritika -hought
1ashvi Fame
2ara Princess
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