Civil Liberties - Individual Rights Protected
Civil Liberties - Individual Rights Protected
Civil Liberties - Individual Rights Protected
V. Freedom of Speech
the Constitutional protection of free
speech deals with:
1. spoken words
2. the press
3. symbolic speech expression of ideas,
beliefs, or opinions through forms other
than speech or print
V. Freedom of Speech
V. Freedom of Speech
V. Freedom of Speech
V. Freedom of Speech
a. Restrictions on Expression
especially in times of war, the government has
tried to create restrictions on freedom of
espionage spying for a foreign power
sabotage destructive act intended to damage
the nations defensive efforts
treason carrying out war against the U.S.
seditious speech urges resistance to authority
or advocates overthrowing the government
(Schenck case)
a. Restrictions on Expression
commercial speech - advertising
statements that describe products,
receive less 1st Amendment protection
(i.e. liquor, cigarette, condom
V. Freedom of Speech
b. Unprotected Speech
libel published report of something false
that injures a persons reputation or
slander spoken form of libel
a. privacy
supporters of the right to privacy use the
9th Amendment to constitutionally justify
their argument
Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) Court
agreed with the right to privacy when it
struck down laws making birth control
a. privacy
Roe v. Wade (1973) Griswold v. Connecticut
was an important precedent in the decision
which said that women had the right to an
both Griswold and Roe were important in the
2003 decision which ended anti-sodomy laws
prohibiting consensual gay and lesbian sexual
relations (Lawrence v. Texas)