Clinical2 Secondlesson
Clinical2 Secondlesson
Clinical2 Secondlesson
Lesson Plan Form
Teacher: Lauren Holbrook
Unit Name: Cause and Effect
Lesson Title: The Causes and Effects of Camilla Creme
Grade Level: 3rd
1) Students will
develop an
understanding of
cause and effect
1) Observation of student
discussion and
responses during the
creation of the anchor
chart, and at the review
of the lesson
2) Students will be
able to determine
cause and effect
within a text
SC Standards:
EDEL 441
activity card, and ask if the cause or effect is
6. Ask them which words signaled them to know
which was the cause and which was an effect
7. Brainstorm with students different signal words
8. Introduce the book
9. Tell students the objective of the lesson (we will be
able to find cause and effect relationships in a
story) and to listen closely because they will use the
cause/effect relationships from the book to
complete their assignment
10. Read A Bad Case of Stripes
11. Give students directions and expectations for
creating their flip-books, show example
Be sure to put your name on the flip-book
(line for it on the back)
Two of the flip page has a cause or effect
from the story, and one is blank
The blank space on the front is for you to
choose a cause or effect of something that
happened in the story
Write the cause or effect that goes with each
example on the designated space inside and
state whether it is a cause or an effect
Once you have filled in your answers, you
can go back and illustrate
Do as much as you can by yourself
Your work needs to be neat and complete; I
will be taking these up at the end of the
Mrs. Layton and I will be walking around the
room to help you with any questions
12. Have students return to their seats (call by group
13. Display anchor chart on the board so that it is
visible to all students
14. Walk around the room to assist students and
answer any questions
15. Have students share their answers, as well as their
chosen cause/effect (popsicle name sticks)
16. Review what was learned with students
What is cause
What is effect
How can we tell which is which?
EDEL 441
17. Collect students completed flip book for assessing
Lesson Closure
*How will you summarize
the lesson?
I feel that the lesson went very well! The students were very well behaved
and followed all my directions to a T! Most of the students grasped the concept quite
easily, but a few did struggle at the start of the activity. I meant to connect the
concept of the lesson to students current lesson in science (adaptations and
habitats), as well as where they might see it in their daily lives/ ask for examples,
but my nervous energy flooded my brain and completely forgot! I know that when I
have my own class, and teach all the lessons and subjects, it will be a lot easier to
remember to make the connections between the disciplines. In the future I will stop
occasionally while reading and discuss the cause and effect relationship that just
occurred to reinforce and highlight the cause and the effects in the story. This might
help students in identifying cause and effect relationships within text, as well as
during the activity. All of the students completed their flip-book before the lesson
time had ended, and had a blast coloring and illustrating it. The night before my
lesson I found a great chant on cause and effect, but I wasnt sure if it would take up
too much time to learn it, sing it, and put it with the music. I wish I would have used
it regardless and it would have incorporated technology into my lesson. The
students appeared engaged when going over the chart, reading the book, and
creating the flip book. There were no behavior issues or reminding students to stay
on task while completing the activity! They showed their participation through
answering and asking questions, and working diligently on their flip-books. The
book may have been a little too long, or contained too many cause and effect
examples, because when students were to pick their own cause and effect from the
story, they had trouble remembering all that happened. Since I had a good number
of students struggle with that particular part I called the classs attention to the
front of the room and went through the pictures, narrating what I saw, which
sparked the students memory and they finished the part with ease. Another thing I
wish I had done was write some of the examples we read and discussed on the
anchor chart to serve as a guide. When creating and going over the chart I should
have reminded myself to take my time, I think it was my nerves reaction to being
EDEL 441
observed, and wanting to get everything fit into the lesson timeframe. The pace was
not too fast, but I could have spent more time elaborating on the concept befor going
over examples. Overall I feel that this lesson went very well, and the feedback from
my observation form, cooperating teacher, and the students reassured me of my
quality of teaching. This was a great learning experience and I have gained some
more ideas for how and what to do with my lessons.