Ministry Matters is the ministry history of Bernie and Brenda Smith, missionaries to the West Africa Advanced School of Theology in Lomé, Togo.
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F Ministry Matters F
Bernie and Brenda Smith, Assemblies of God
missionaries since 1991, have served at West Africa Advanced School of Theology (WAAST) in Lomé, Togo since 1994. As all missionaries do, Bernie and Brenda have served in a variety of roles as the needs have arisen. Their primary role, however, is that of instructors at WAAST. Bernie teaches many subjects, most in the domains of Bible, theology, and missions. He also is associate pastor of the WAAST International Chapel, a church of 2000+ members which broadcasts via Radio Jesus Loves You on the WAAST campus. With degrees from Central Bible College (B.A. Bible) and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary (M.A. Missiology), he served as youth and children's pastor at Oak Grove Assembly of God in Springfield, Missouri, and pastored Alfordsville Assembly of God in Indiana before becoming a missionary. Brenda teaches English composition and research methodology. She has her B.A. in English and Bible from Goshen College and is currently pursuing her M.A. in Missiology at Assemblies of God Graduate School of Theology in Lomé, Togo. She also teaches children across America about missions through the Winnie the World pages for the Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge. In addition to their teaching duties at WAAST's central campus in Lomé, the Smiths enjoy traveling to the WAAST extension centers throughout West and Central Africa to teach three-week block courses, as well as ministering in local churches.
Bernie & Brenda Smith F F (765) 414-5771