Lesson Plan For Math
Lesson Plan For Math
Lesson Plan For Math
Summer 2013
Name: Roxanne Shepard
Subject/Grade: 3rd Grade Math
Estimated Time Frame: 1 hour
Standard(s): CCSS Math Content 3.oa.a.3 Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal group,
arrays and measurement guantities. Eg. By using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
Big Idea(s)/Essential Question(s): What is an array and how can it help you to solve a multiplication problem?
New Learning: Two numbers can be multiplied together in any order. An array involves joining equal groups and is one
way to think about multiplication.
Vocabulary Array, Communative Property of Multiplication
Concepts Determine what an array is and how it is works with the commutative property of multiplication.
Skills Students can identify an array and can make an illustration of an array using construction paper. Students will
create multiplication equations using the commutative property of multiplication and are able to correctly explain and
draw the arrays and give a clear thoughtful explanation of the commutative property of multiplication.
Applications - Be able to recognize an array and demonstrate an array using construction paper. Know the meaning of the
commutative property of multiplication and be able to demonstrate the commutative property of multiplication.
Learning Target(s)/Objective(s): I can recognize an array and use it with the commutative property of multiplication to help me with multiplication.
Summative Assessment: Using construction paper and glue students will be able to make a city using shapes to make an array. Students will be
able to write multiplication problems using the commutative property of multiplication from the arrays they made for the city.
Instructional Strategies/Activities: Have students look around the room and identify a variety of arrays. Once students have identified an array,
discuss the array, and then share with the class. Students will then model arrays using construction paper. Students will model a few problems
using the commutative property of multiplication on construction paper. Students will then make an example problem to show the class on another
sheet of construction paper. Students will be grouped in small groups as they work and students who require extra help will be have the support of
those in their groups.
Materials and Resources: PowerPoint presentation with definition of an array and a few examples on the PowerPoint of arrays. PowerPoint
presentation with the definition of the commutative property of multiplication and few examples of the commutative property of multiplication.
Show an example of the array city students will be making. Show an example of the commutative property of multiplication using construction
paper and pencils/markers.
Introduce students to arrays using PowerPoint. PowerPoint will include Group students into groups
the definition and examples of an array. Relate how an array looks like an of 2 or 3 to look for
egg carton because of the rows and columns.
examples of arrays in the
classroom. After students
Have students group into small groups of 2 or 3, look around the room, find an example share with
and see if they can find an array in the room. Once students have found each other in their small
an example of an array share with group and then the class.
group and then share with
the class. Ask students to
Students will build on previous knowledge of multiplication facts. Review give examples of the
commutative property of multiplication using PowerPoint. Have students commutative property of
give example of the commutative property of multiplication using multiplication on the board.
construction paper.
Have students discuss the
commutative properties.
Anticipated Learning
Difficulties/Misunderstandings and Strategies to
Address Them
other students.
Anticipated Learning
Difficulties/Misunderstandings and Strategies to
Address Them
Students Use multiplication in situations involving equal groups and arrays. Eg. By using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown
number to represent the problem. As a review, students will work in small groups of 2 or 3 writing 10 problems using the commutative property of
multiplication. After students have completed the task, they will show an example to the class using construction. Students will discuss the
problems and how the order does not affect the answer since they are using the commutative property of multiplication.
Students will hang up their cities once they have finished with them for the class to look at and discuss. Students should be able to give examples of
things from everyday that uses the commutative property of multiplication.
By learning, what an array is and how it works with the commutative property of multiplication students will be able to demonstrate using their
multiplication facts correctly.
Students will be given feedback on the days tasks the next day. Assessment of the days task will determine if the class is ready to move to the next
math skill or if more review is needed.
Reflection on Lesson Plan and Delivery (to be completed after lesson is taught): All students were introduced to arrays and how they are associated
with the commutative property of multiplication. Students discussed with their peers what an array is and students were able to demonstrate
knowledge of the commutative property of multiplication. Students were able to demonstrate using the white board what the commutative
property of multiplication is. Students participated in making a city using an array. Students enjoyed making the city using an array. More
activities were need to fill time for the lesson.