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NO. 30
Series of 2001


In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) 7722, otherwise
known as the "Higher Education Act of 1994" and for the purpose of rationalizing
Nursing Education in the country with the end in view of meeting the health needs of the
people through quality health services and keeping it relevant and apace with the demands of
global competitiveness, the following policies and standards for Nursing Education are
hereby adopted and promulgated by the Commission, thus:


Section 1. The authorization to open a nursing school shall be based upon the
written recommendation of the Board of Nursing (BON), Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC) and the National Student Affiliation Committee (NSAC), Department of
Health (DOH) and the approval of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

Section 2. All nursing programs must have prior authorization from the
Commission on Higher Education.

Section 3. The rules and regulations are herein prescribed for all nursing schools
duly recognized or authorized by the government to operate the program.


Person is a unique bio-psycho-socio-cultural and spiritual being, always in constant

interaction with his environment. These interactions affect his state of health.

The nurse assumes the caring role in the prevention of diseases, promotion and
restoration of health, alleviation of suffering and when recovery is not possible towards a
peaceful death.

Within the context of the Philippine society, nursing education subscribes to the belief
that the national identity, cultural consciousness, moral integrity and spirituality are vital
components in the development of a Nurse. A broad liberal education and a multi-
disciplinary approach seek to enhance this belief. Nursing education therefore, aims to
prepare a critical thinking nurse practitioner who, upon completion of the program,
demonstrates beginning professional competencies; and shall continue to assume
responsibility for personal and professional development, and utilizes research findings in the
practice of the profession.


Section 1. The college should be administered by a full-time dean who:

a. is a Filipino citizen;
b. is a current Registered Nurse in the Philippines;
c. is a holder of Master's degree in Nursing;
d. has at least five (5) years of competent teaching and supervisory experience in
colleges or institutes of Nursing;
e. is an active member of good standing of the Association of Deans of Philippine
Colleges of Nursing (ADPCN) and the accredited national nurses association

Section 2. The general functions and responsibilities of the Dean of Nursing are
a. assist the administrators to attain institutional goals, e.g. instruction, research,
community extension services and all related matters;
b. initiate curriculum development programs;
c. implement faculty development programs;
d. recommend faculty for appointment, promotion and tenure including leave and
e. approve faculty teaching load;
f. oversee faculty's academic advisement of the student;
g. collaborate with student services, admission policies and referrals based on
established criteria;
h. ensure adherence to established standards of instruction;
i. ascertain that requirements for graduation are complied with;
j. represent the school in professional and community civic affairs;
k. attend to physical and budgetary resources;
l. collaborate with the health services and other academic units in the
implementation of instructional programs.


Section 1. The faculty shall have academic preparation appropriate to teaching

assignment. In addition, she/he must:

a. be a Filipino citizen;
b. be a current Registered Nurse in the Philippines;
c. be a holder of Master's degree in their major field and/or allied subjects;
d. have at least three (3) years of clinical practice in the field of specialization;
e. be a member of good standing of the accredited national nursing association

Section 2. When vacancies occur in the teaching force of the college during the
school year, substitute or replacement with similar or higher qualifications shall be employed.
Section 3. The following conditions of employment must be observed:

a. The salary of faculty shall be commensurate with their rank.

b. Full time faculty member who shall be responsible for both classroom and Related
Learning Experience (RLE) must teach nursing courses.

Section 4. The faculty shall be assigned academic ranks in accordance with their
academic training and clinical expertise. The recognized ranks are: instructor, assistant
professor, associate professor, and professor.

Section 5. The faculty development program plays a role in the effective

operation of the college. It consists of activities and programs towards the development of the
faculty for intellectual, personal, and professional as well as moral and spiritual growth. The
program may be in the form of:

a. scholarship grant
b. graduate studies
c. in-service and continuing training programs
d. clinical skills enhancement for at least two weeks a year

Section 6. The teaching load of college faculty members should be as follows:

a. Dean - not to exceed a total of six (6) units of lecture in a semester.

b. Full-time faculty members may carry a regular teaching load of 15-24 units per
semester. One hour of related learning experience supervision is equivalent to one
(1) unit credit.
c. Government employees who serve part time faculty for non-nursing course must
secure permit from the employer and may be given a maximum teaching load of
nine (9) units.
d. Part-time faculty employed full-time elsewhere may carry a teaching load of not
more than 9 units in all the schools in which he teaches.

Section 7. The school must have a faculty manual containing information and
policies on all matters pertaining to the faculty.

(See Annex A)

Section 1. The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) curriculum may be

amended or revised provided it meets the minimum requirements of the Commission on
Higher Education.


Section 1. The institution must maintain a high standard of instruction, utilizing
appropriate and updated syllabi and instructional methods/strategies that contribute to sound
nursing education.
a. The professional nursing subjects must be offered observing strictly pre-requisite
requirements and sequence.
b. Credit for the completion of the course is based on the fulfillment of curricular
c. The ratio of faculty to student in science laboratory class is 1:25; in regular
classroom is 1:50.
d. The institution shall provide for a systematic and continuing plan of evaluation of
the student's progress through a marking system that is consistent and congruent
to set objectives.
e. A system of supervision should be instituted and implemented for the purpose of
evaluating teaching performance.
f. There should be a regular academic audit of instructional resources such as
syllabi, textbooks and others.
g. Record management must be maintained.

Section 2. The Related Learning Experiences (RLE) are highly selected to

develop competencies utilizing the nursing process in varying health situations. The
following conditions must be observed:

a. There should be close correlation of theoretical knowledge to related learning

experience. Classroom and RLE activities must be congruent
b. Classroom and RLE is a continuous process. Faculty teaching in the classroom
must continue to teach the students in their RLE.
c. Related learning experiences are organized around the objectives and
competencies set for the course and all students must be able to achieve such.
d. Faculty compensation is based on the computation of one (1) hour RLE is
equivalent to one (1) lecture hour.
e. Effectiveness and efficiency of the related learning experience, must consider the
following factors:
1. Background knowledge and capacity of the learner.
2. Size and nature of the learning resources both in institutions and
3. Adequate number and variety of clientele.
4. Adequate number of qualified nursing and other personnel.
5. Evidence of quality nursing care services.
6. Compliance with the required equivalence of fifty one (51) hours to (one) 1
unit RLE
7. Ratio of student to clientele depends upon the objectives and the capacity of
the student. The ratio of student to clientele is:

Level 1st Sem 2nd Sem

III 1:1 1:2
IV 1:2-3 1:3-5

8. A faculty-student ratio of:

Level 1st Sem 2nd Sem
III 1:8-10 1:8-12
IV 1:12-15 1:12-15
f. Utilization of varied teaching-learning methods/strategies appropriate to the
g. Evaluation is an integral part of the teaching-learning process and must utilize
appropriate feedback mechanism.


Section 1. Every college offering the nursing program should have library
resources necessary for general education and nursing. This implies quality and quantity that
meet the needs for scholarship and research of students and faculty.

a. Quality refers to such factors as breadth and depth of coverage and representatives
of authorship in various disciplines.
b. Quantity refers to the number of holding and reference materials which should be
in proportion to the enrollment and needs of the student and faculty.

Section 2. The following are the minimum staff requirements:

a. the college should have a full time registered librarian

b. the librarian must be a graduate of BS in Library Science with three (3) years
experience in library work
c. the ratio of librarians to clerical and other staff will vary depending upon the range
of operations and services provided by the library and upon its total workload

For first 500 students - one full-time Librarian and three full-time
support staff

For every additional 1,000 students - one additional full-time Librarian

or a major fraction thereof

Section 3. Minimum library holdings:

a. Must be adequate to the curricular, instructional, research, and recreational needs

of its clientele. The collection should consist of up-to-date and relevant books,
serials, pamphlets, documents and non-book materials, and electronic resources
(used with computers). The provision of textbooks is not the responsibility of the
library but a maximum of five (5) copies of frequently used materials shall be
provided. In the matter of reserve books, a provision of at least one copy for every
twenty-five (25) students is deemed sufficient.
b. The availability of CD-ROMs and online databases may replace one or more of
the library requirements, depending on the number of full-text titles/volumes
contained therein. Particular consideration shall be given to the availability of
Internet services to supplement the library's collection of information resources.

c. In addition to the core book collection, a core periodical collection of current and
relevant titles (local and foreign) shall also be provided. The recommended
number of periodicals based on enrollment are as follows:

Enrollment No. of Periodicals

less than 1,000 students 50

1,001 - 3,000 75
over 3,000 100

d. The selection shall also include an extensive Filipiniana collection to meet the
ever increasing demand of users for this type of materials. A comprehensive
acquisition of current Filipiniana titles relevant to the school's curriculum is
strongly recommended. It is recommended that this Filipiniana collection be
separated from the general collection for purposes of identity, preservation, and
functionality of use.
e. A regular weeding program shall be undertaken to keep the collection relevant and

Section 4. The following are the minimum requirements for the library quarters:

a. The building shall provide adequate space for housing the library's collection in
whatever format, for study and research, and for staff workroom and offices. In
addition, provision for future expansion should be made.
b. The library should be accessible to members of the faculty, students and
employees of the institution.
c. The facilities shall be attractive and designed to provide safety, and promote
operational efficiencies and effectiveness of use.
d. Suitable space for staff workroom, offices, lounge should be available.
e. The size of the library building shall take into account the size of its total user
population, the extent and nature of its collection, and the size of its staff.
f. The library should be adequately lighted, properly ventilated, and acoustically
suited for quiet reading, aesthetically attractive and properly maintained.
g. The library should be open and accessible beyond class hours.


Section 1. The administration should encourage and support research among its
students and faculty and promote utilization of research findings for improvement of nursing
care, educational management, and other aspects of the nursing program.

Section 2. There should be a budget for research and publications.


Section 1. The Policies and Standards on Laboratory Facilities for Undergraduate
Level of Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics and Physics laboratory shall be

Section 2. Nursing Skills Laboratory - The rooms must have adequate space with
adequate instruments and equipment simulating a hospital setting, community, home and
health centers or lying in. It should have at least two (2) doors, which will serve as an
entrance and exit and there should be a fire extinguisher installed near the door. It should be
apportioned into:

1) a classroom which can accommodate a maximum of 48-50 students at

one time. It should be amphitheater in style.
2) a demonstration room where there is one (1) bed to eight (8) students
at one given time.
3) for specific equipment and supplies, please see Annex C

Section 3. Clinical Facilities and resources for related learning experiences should
include lying-in, schools & industrial establishment, community agencies, out-patient clinics
and general, special and specialty hospitals.

a. The hospital maybe independent or owned or operated by the institution or

utilized by the college in accordance with the contractual agreement between the
college and the hospital which clearly specifies the responsibilities of each party.
The minimum capacity of 100 beds and the minimum bed occupancy of eighty
percent are required of every base hospital.
b. The hospital/agency utilized by the students for clinical experience should be
accredited by the Bureau of Licensing and Regulation of the Department of Health
as a 100-bed teaching hospital with general services.
c. Parties to the contract of affiliation should provide and maintain an environment
conducive to the attainment of the teaching-learning objectives. Open
communication should exist among the nursing, medical staff and the school
personnel. The college and the hospital agency should establish effective
coordination and cooperation.
d. The nursing service should be provided with a plantilla position of a training
coordinator and the required staffing composed of qualified professional and non-
professional personnel.
e. There should be an adequate number of patients varying in age, sex, level/acuity
and types of illness desired for teaching-learning experience of different curricular
f. Provision should be made for adequate physical facilities, supplies and equipment
for effective nursing care and students' learning experiences. Conference rooms
suitable for ward classes should be provided.
g. The hospitals and community health agencies used for the students' learning either
urban or rural should have the following components:
1. Classroom for conference
2. Library
3. Comfort Room
4. Dressing Room
5. Lounge
6. Locker
h. The faculty and the nursing service personnel of the affiliation agency should
work together in the planning, implementation and evaluation of student's

Section 1. General Entrance Requirements. - Applicants desiring to enroll in a

nursing course must belong to the upper forty percent (40%) of the graduating class of the
general secondary course, as certified by the principal/registrar.*
*This provision holds true until R.A. 7164 is repealed.

Section 2. The school must have a well-defined admission, promotion and

retention policies published and made known to students.

Section 3. Admission quota must consider the capability of the school to provide
the following:
a. qualified faculty
b. teaching/learning resources
c. resources of the base hospital
- clientele
- staffing
- facility
- number of student affiliates

Section 4. Monitoring of the Admission Quota will be periodically done by the

Commission on Higher Education (CHED) with the assistance of ADPCN and the
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), Board of Nursing.


Section 1. As a general rule, a candidate for graduation must have taken the last
curriculum year in the college, which is to confer the degree. The student should be evaluated
according to the criteria or system of evaluation required by the college to determine
proficiency in all major courses.

Section 2. No student should be permitted to take a subject until he/she has

satisfactorily passed the pre-requisite subjects.

Section 3. A student should be allowed to carry only the regular semestral load.
However, graduating students must be guided by issuances.


Holder of the diploma Graduate in Nursing (GN) who wish to pursue baccalaureate
degree of a nursing program and has been active in the nursing practice should submit

records of experiences, credentials, seminars and workshops attended within the last five (5)
years from date of application to the Commission on Higher Education.

*This provision holds true until R.A. 7164 is repealed.


Nursing schools are encouraged to undergo accreditation preferably within five (5)
years after recognition.


Section 1. This set of policies and standards shall take effect beginning school
year 2001-2002.

Section 2. This order supersedes all previous issuances concerning nursing

education, which may be inconsistent or contradictory with any of the provisions hereof.


This Office shall be constrained to take appropriate action regarding the operation of
the school if any of the aforementioned conditions are not met. Further, if the board
performance in three (3) board examinations within a period of 5 years is 3% and below, the
Commission on Higher Education (CHED) shall order outright closure; if 4-10%, a gradual
phase out shall be effected.


Pasig City, Philippines, ___August 24, 2001____________.







First Semester
Subjects Units

English 1 (Comm. Skills) 3

Filipino 1 (Sining ng Pakikipagtalastasan) 3
General Chemistry (3/2) 5
Mathematics (College Algebra) 3
General Psychology 3
P.E. 1 2
C.M.T./ROTC (1.5)

Second Semester
Subjects Units

English 2 (Comm. Skills II) 3

Filipino 2 (Panitikang Pilipino) 3
Sociology/Anthropology 3
Anatomy and Physiology (3/2) 5
Physics 3
Natural Science (Biology) 3
P.E. 2 2
C.M.T./ROTC (1.5)

* Based on the Associate in Health Science Education (AHSE) Curriculum


First Semester
Subjects Units

Primary Health Care I (4/3) ** 7

Information Technology (Computer) 3
Health Ethics 3
Philosophy of Man 3
Basic Statistics ( w/ Biostatistics) 3
P.E. 3 2
C.M.T./ ROTC (1.5)

Second Semester
Subjects Units

Introduction to Philippine Literature 3

Primary Health Care 2 (3/2) ** 5
Health Economics w/ Taxation and Agrarian Reform 3
Science, Technology and Society 3
Logic and Critical Thinking 3
P.E 4. 2
C.M.T. / ROTC (1.5)


Subjects Units

Microbiology and Parasitology (3/1) ** 4

NCM 100 - Foundations of Nursing (2/1) 3
Nutrition 3

* Based on the AHSE Curriculum
** lecture/lab
First Semester

NCM 101- (Promotive & Preventive Nsg Care Mgmt 8/8)*** 16
Community Health Development* 3
Strategies of Health Education 3

Second Semester
Subjects Units

NCM 102 (Curative & Rehabilitative Nsg Care Mgmt I)8/8*** 16

Introduction to Research 3
Philippine History 3

NCM 103 (Related Learning Experience) 4 (204 hours)


First Semester
Subjects Units

NCM 104 (Curative & Rehabilitative Nursing Care

Management II) 8/8*** 16
English 3 (Communication Skills III) 3
Philippine Government and Constitution 3


Second Semester
Subjects Units

NCM 105 (Nursing Management and Leadership) 8/8*** 16

Rizal 3
Asian Civilization 3

*may be integrated in NCM 101, 102, and 103
*** lecture/RLE

I. General Education - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 65

A. Language and Humanities- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 24

English (Comm. Skills I & II) 6

Filipino I & II 6
Introduction to Literature 3
English 3 (Comm. Skills III) 3
Philosophy of Man 3
Logic and Critical Thinking 3

B. Mathematics , Natural Sciences & Information Technology - - 26

Mathematics (College Algebra) 3

Chemistry (General) 3/2 5
Biology/Geology/Earth Science 3
Physics I 3
Anatomy and Physiology 3/2 5
Microbiology and Parasitology 3/1 4
Information Technology (Computer) 3

C. Social Sciences - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15

Psychology (General) 3
Sociology/Anthropology 3
Philippine History 3
Philippine Government & Constitution 3
Asian Civilization 3

II. Associate in Health Science Education (AHSE) Curriculum - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -24

Primary Health Care I 4

with RLE 3
Primary Health Care II 3
with RLE 2
Health Economics with Taxation
and Agrarian Reform 3
Bioethics 3
Basic Nutrition 3
Science, Technology and Society 3

III. Nursing - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 80
Ις NCM 100 - Foundations of Nursing Practice 3
NCM 101 - Promotive and Preventive Nursing 16
Care Management
NCM 102 - Curative and Rehabilitative 16
Nursing Care Management I
NCM103 - Related Learning Experience 4
NCM104 - Curative and Rehabilitative Nursing
Care Mgmt II 16
NCM105 - Nursing Mgmt & Leadership 16
Introduction to Nursing Research 3
Strategies in Health Education 3
Community Health Development 3



Units Hours Equivalence

PHC I 3 = 153 hours

PHC II 2 = 102 hours
NCM 100 1 = 51 hours
NCM 101 8 = 408 hours
NCM 102 8 = 408 hours
NCM 103 4 = 204 hours
NCM 104 8 = 408 hours
NCM 105 8 = 408 hours
-------- ----------------
42 = 2, 142 hours

Physical Education - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - 8
PE 1 = 2 units
PE 2 = 2 units
PE 3 = 2 units
PE 4 = 2 units

Citizens Military Training - CMT/ROTC - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 6

CMT 1 = (1.5 units)
CMT 2 = (1.5 units)
CMT 3 = (1.5 units)

CMT 4 = (1.5 units)



Language and Literature

English 1 - Communication Skills I

Basic skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing . (3 units)

English 2 - Communication Skills II

Intermediate skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Pre-requisite: English 1. (3 units)

English 3 - Communication Skills III

Advanced skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Pre-requisite: English 2 (3 units)

English 4 - Introduction to Literature

A study of the different literary forms - poetry, drama, short story, novel and
essay. (3 units)

English 5 - (Variant) Any of the following: Speech Communication;

Business English; Technical English or World Literature;
Philippine Regional Literature; Asian Literature; Third World Literature. (3 units)

Filipino 1 - Sining ng Pakikipagtalastasan

Listening , speaking ,reading and writing. (3 units)

Filipino 2 - Panitikang Pilipino

From its beginning in folk tradition, through colonial periods to the
present; to be taught in Filipino. (3 units)

Mathematics and the Natural Sciences

Mathematics 3 - College Algebra

Linear equations; algebraic and graphical solutions of the quadratic equations;
exponents and radicals; complex numbers, binomial expansion; determinants;
progressions; theory of equations. (3 units)

General Chemistry (Inorganic, Organic Chemistry)

Qualitative quantum mechanical description of the atomic, tonic and
molecular structure of matter; theoretical and practical treatment of chemical and
nuclear reactions; property-structure correlation of solids, liquids and gases.
(5 units) 3 units lecture, 2 units laboratory (4 hours)
It deals with the study of chemical composition of living cells This embraces
the study of the chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids and protein, nucleic acids and
enzymes and their metabolism when taken as food by man. (5 units) 3 units lecture
and 2 units laboratory (4 hours)

Mechanics, heat and thermodynamics; electromagnetism, waves, optics and
modern physics. (3 units) 2 units lecture and 1 unit laboratory.

Anatomy and Physiology

Focuses on structure, functions and adaptations of the human body, with
emphasis on physiological regulations, adaptive mechanisms (5 units) 3 units lecture,
2 units lab. (4 hrs.)

Microbiology and Parasitology

Deals with the physiological and pathogenic properties of bacteria, fungi and
viruses as an introduction to disease causation. Deals with the component of immune
system and host-parasite interaction (4 units) 3 units lecture and 1 unit lab. (4 hrs.).

AHSE Subjects

Important concepts and principles of Bio Ethics (3 units).

Science, Technology and Society

Interactions of Science, Technology and Society to health (3 units).

Primary Health Care I

Concepts and principles in the provision of basic care in terms of health
promotion/maintenance and disease prevention at the individual and family level.
7 units (4 units lecture, 3 units RLE)

Primary Health Care II

Concepts and principles in the provision of basic health care in terms of health
promotion/maintenance and disease prevention at the community level. 5 units
(3 units lecture, 2 units RLE)

Humanities and the Social Sciences

Philosophy of Man
An inquiry into man as person and his existence in the world with emphasis on
the Filipino in the context of his culture and society. (3 units)

Health Ethics
Reflection on moral experience. Foundations of moral values ; values and
society; the family, the economic society, the political society. Reflection on Filipino

values. Contemporary problems: abortion, graft and corruption, violence , poverty,
etc. (3 units)

The nature of human society and culture; social structure and non-literate
societies particularly with respect to their kinship systems.(3 units)

Health Economics with Taxation and Agrarian Reform

Concepts of micro-economics, money and banking, economic growth and
development and international economics in relation to health (3 units)

Philippine History
A comprehensive cultural and socio-economic history of the Philippines from
the Pre-Hispanic period to the present. (3 units)

Philippine Government and Constitution

Trends of the growth, organization, functions and working of the government
of the Republic of the Philippines, with emphasis on Philippine Constitution;
includes a comparative analysis of the Constitutions. (3 units)

Asian Civilization
Focuses on health practices of Asian countries as a basis for the practice of
transcultural nursing. It also includes the geographical and historical settings of these
civilizations. (3 units)

Rizal and His Writings

Biography of Dr. Jose Rizal; a critical view of the social order in which he
lived, through an analysis of his works and letters, his opinions on nationalism,
government, religion, education, as well as his philosophy of living and the relevance
of these ideas to the contemporary Philippine scene. (3 units)

Physical Education
P.E. 1 - Self-Testing Activities and Gymnastics
P.E. 2 - Rhythmics and Aquatics
P.E 3 - Individual and Dual Sport
P.E. 4 - Team Sports


NCM 100 - Foundations of Nursing

Overview of nursing as a service, an art, and a profession. It shall include a
discussion on the different roles of a nurse emphasizing on health promotion, illness
prevention utilizing the nursing process as a basis for nursing practice.
3 units (2 units Lecture , 1 unit RLE)

NCM 101 - Promotive and Preventive Nursing Care Management

Developmental theories and concepts, to critically analyze health needs and
concerns of the individual, family and community.
16 units ( 8 units Lecture, 8 units RLE)

NCM 102 - Curative and Rehabilitative Nursing Care Management I

Concepts and principles of nursing care management of clients with alteration
in human functioning across the life span in varied settings.
16 units (8 hrs. Lecture, 8 hrs. RLE)

NCM 103 - Related Learning Experience

Focuses on the enhancement of the student skills by previous concepts given
in NCM 101, 102.
4 units (204 hours)

NCM 104 - Curative and Rehabilitative Nursing Care Management II

Concepts and principles of nursing care management of clients with alterations
in human functioning across the life span in various settings. This is a continuation of
NCM 102 and 103.
16 units (8 hours lecture, 8 hours RLE)

NCM 105 – Nursing Management and Leadership

Focuses on the development of leadership and management skills essential to
the professional nurse. Includes ethico-moral aspects of health and nursing practice,
the nurses responsibilities for personal and professional growth.
16 units ( 8 units lecture, 8 units RLE)

RES : Introduction to Research

It deals with the research process and its application to the nursing care
management of clients in varied settings. 3 Units

COM HEALTH DEV: Community Health Development

Focuses on the in-depth discussion of the principles, approaches, strategies,
and processes to community health development. Equips the students with the
principles of health education as a core Community Organizing Participatory Action
Research (COPAR) model. 3 units

Strategies of Health Education

Principles and concepts of teaching with emphasis in teaching health.
3 units

Basic Nutrition
Basic nutrients, their functions, sources, metabolism, physiology and
interrelationships including human nutritional requirements and importance of good
nutrition to one’s health, the family and the community. (3 units)

Physical Education
2 units per semester
Total - 8 units
(1.5 units) per semester
Total - 6 units



The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) curriculum is a competency-based and
community-oriented curriculum. The teaching-learning process is best achieved by the
proper selection and organization of learning experiences in a given situation. Hence, the
challenges depend greatly in the preparedness and ability of the faculty to organize the
learning experiences in the classroom or various health situations based on the clearly-
defined objectives.
The RLE are viewed in terms of changes in the behavior of the students and not just
in terms of content. The faculty must be competent in selecting RLE that will provide for
continuity, sequence and integration of principles, concepts, skills and values that have been
previously learned in the classroom and other situations.
In coming up with the proposed formula for determining cost of RLE per student,
consideration was given to (a) Rules and Standards of Nursing Education and the prescribed
units and hours for the RLE in the BSN Curriculum, (b) faculty preparation, and
competence. The following should be considered:

1. A class is composed of 48-50 students.

2. Faculty-student Ratio per semester and year level
3rd Year level 1:8-10 students to a group (1st Semester)
1:8-12 students to a group (2nd Semester)
4 Year level 1:12-15 students to a group
3. Related Learning Experiences hours required
for whole course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2142 hours
4. PHC I - 153 hours
PHC II - 102 hours
NCM 100 - 51 hours
NCM 101 - 408 hours
NCM 102 - 408 hours
NCM 103 - 204 hours
NCM 104 - 408 hours
NCM 105 - 408 hours
Total 2142 hours
5. Basis for Computation to Determine RLE Fee
No. of hours assigned to faculty X hourly rate = RLE Fee
6. Computation of RLE Hours

1 unit = 51 hours

Primary Health Care I and II
1. Person Depicts Social Graces
development process as a person
thru Role Play
- Psychosocial Aspect a) Sets up tables for format and tables, plates, spoon and fork,
informal parties, tea party chairs , table linens, napkins,
glasses, cups
b) Receiving messages thru the Telephone
Communication technique Forms on interviewing
2. Health
- Personal Hygiene Handwashing Sinks (2)
1 surgical
1 kitchen
Care of Eyes, Ears, Hair, Teeth, Towels, cotton pledgets, soap,
Nails, Feet soap dish, orange stick,
hairbrush, toothbrush,
toothpaste, glass
- Comfort Measures Bedmaking Crutch beds (6)
1 bed/8 students at one time
Bedbath Tray containing soap dish with
soap, alcohol, comb, dusting
powder, nail file, nail cutter
Bed bath trays (3)
Basins (2)
Pitcher (2)
Face Towel
Bath Towel (2)
Blankets (2)
Rubber Sheet
Draw Sheet
Shampooing Kelly pad
Rubber Sheets
Pail (big)
Cotton balls for ear plugs
Bedside table (6)
Footstool (6)
Overhead table (1)
Pillows (6)
- bedsheet
- pillows

Rubber Sheet
3. Health Process History taking Forms of gathering data

Physical Assessment (adult) Assessment tools (individual &


a) Vital Signs B/P Apparatus

- mercurial
- aneroid
Teaching stethoscope
- oral
- rectal
Tapes showing assessment of
these parts

b) Physical Assessment I Snellens Chart

(Head, Neck, Throat) Penlight
Head Mirror
Tongue depressor

c) Physical Assessment II Video tapes showing assessment

of these parts
(Chest, Thorax, Abdomen) Stethoscope

d) Physical Assessment III Tapes showing assessment of

these parts
(Upper and Lower Extremities)
Sensory Reflexes Reflex hammer
4. Community Simulated Community Setting
- Houses
- Barangay Hall with graphs
showing vital statistics of a
hypothetical community and spot
- Herbal plants
Posters on acupressure

NCM 101
1. Therapeutics Drug Administration Drug tray (1)
Samples of oral drug like
Oral iron preparation, oxytocics
“IM” Tray
Tuberculin syringe (1)
Syringes: 2 cc, 5 cc, 10 cc
Needles: g. 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, 25, 26
Container for cotton balls for dry
and with alcohol
Kidney basin
2. Family Responsible Parenthood Visual aids/samples of different
F.P. methods
Developmental Stages
Antenatal Examining Table
CHN bag containing:
- test tubes (2)
- test tube holder (1)
- alcohol lamp (1)
- solutions Benedict,
ascetic acid
- thermometers
oral (1)
rectal (1)
Tape measure (1)
Weighing scale - spring (1)
B/P Apparatus
Outside the CHN bag
- Kelly forceps (2)
- Kidney basin (1)
- Catheter - Fr. 8, 10, 12
(1 each)
Natal / Delivery Shaving tray (1)
- Jar of cotton balls with
liquid soap
- Graduated pitcher w/
flushing solution
- Razor with blade
- Kidney basin
Enema Tray (1)

- Irrigator can with rubber
tubing and clamp
- Enema tip
- Jar for lubricant
- Container of cotton balls
Natal delivery - Graduated enamel pitcher
- Bath thermometer
- Kidney basin
Perennial Tray
- Enamel jar for cotton balls
- Round nose forceps soaked in
a solution
- Enamel pitcher

- Kidney basin
DR Tray
- Kelly forceps (2)
Mayo (1), straight (1)
- Catgut
- Needle holder
- OS
- Anesthetics
IM Tray containing
syringe and needle
container for cotton balls
DR Table
Kelly pad and bucket
Newborn care Cord Dressing Tray (1)
- Jar of cotton pledgets
- Jar of cotton balls
- Jar of O.S.
- Bottle of disinfectant
- Bottle of alcohol
- Jar of cord dressing
- Sterile cord dressing
- Scissors
- Sterile forceps
- Kidney basin
Oil Bath Tray
Jar of cotton balls
Baby oil
Kidney basin
Baby’s blanket
Opthalmic ointment

Crib w/ baby doll


Tape measure
Weighing scale
Baby’s layette
- diapers
- binders
Weighing scale
Baby's layette
- dress
- blanket
Newborn care - safety pins
- mittens
- booties
- Sterilizer
- Feeding bottles w/ cover
- Nipples
- Measuring glass
- Formula
- Can opener
Post Natal Perineal Tray
Breast tray
- jar of cotton balls
- jar for sterile H2O
- Breast pump
Medicine tray with oral
Instruments for taking vital
Immunization Tray (BCG)
- jar of cotton w/ H2O
- Tuberculosis syringe
w/ needle g. 25 or 26
- kidney basin
ECG vaccine
Baby’s layette
Simulated Home Setting
Improvised bed
Earthen jars or equivalent
Improved bed
Care of the Newborn at Home Articles for bathing by basin
with warm water

- cottons
- soap in soap dish
- wash cloth or face towel
- baby dress
- diapers/pins

Care of the postpartum mother Assessment Tools

B/P apparatus
Well Baby Clinic Immunization Tray (DPT, Polio

weighing scale

Suggested Models: Visual Aids Instructional Aids

1. Pregnant Models Breastfeeding Physical Assessment tapes

2. Newborn Models Growth Charts MMDST Kit

3. Pelvic Models Immunization Schedules

Developmental Landmark
Family Planning Methods


1. Home 1. Improved Bed or Bamboo Bed (1)

2. Water Container (1)
3. Hammock/Baby Cradle (1)
4. Basin-medium sized (1)

2. Health Center 1. Nurse’s Station (1)

1.1 Charts/Folders (10)
1.2 Chart Rack (1)
1.3 Records File (1)
1.4 Chair/Table (1 each)

2. Well-Baby Clinic (1)

2.1 Examination Table (1)
2.2 Infant’s Weighing Scale (1)
2.3 Immunization Tray (1)
2.3.1 Syringes (1)

2 cc


2.3.2 Needles
g. 23, 24, 25, 26 1 each (4)
2.3.3 Bottle for dry cotton (1)
2.3.4 Cotton balls
- Interview Guideline/Client
Community A. Family Nursing Process Profile
A.1. Care of Family with - Typology of Family
Health Problems Nursing Problems
(Family Case Study) - Family Nursing Care Plan
- CHN Bag - complete

NCM 102
1. Concept of Surgery/Pain A. Pre-op Care - Consent Form
A.2 Pre-op teachings
A.3 Psychological Preparations
A.4 Physical Preparation - NPO tags
- Bowel Prep - Shaving Tray (razor/blades,
gauze, pads, emesis basin,
cleansing solution
- Skin Prep
A.5 Pre-op Checklist - Pre-op Checklist form
A.6 Pre-op meds - Syringes, needles, pre-op meds
B. Intra-operative - Operating Room
B.1 Principles of Surgical +sink with foot pedals
Asepsis Running water,
a. Surgical Handwashing/ Sterile hand towels, soap
Handscrub Containing germicide
b. Gloving/gowning +Hand brush, Orange stick
c. Opening Sterile Packs +Sterile gloves/gowns
d. Picking up/transferring +Masks, caps
sterile objects +Surgical
Instruments/Sterile Packs
e. Cleaning/sterilizing/ =Major Set
Packing instruments =Minor Set
+Operating table
+Work area for cleaning and
Equipment for sterilization
C. Immediate post-op -Recovery Room
+ oxygen, suction, cord
D. Post-op -Ward Room

+Surgical bed

2. Concept of Oxygenation A. Respiratory Therapy - Blow bottles
A.1 Turning, Cough, Deep Incentive Spirometer
A.2 Steam Inhalation - Steam Inhalator
A.3 Nebulization - Nebulizer (Solutions used for
A.4 IPPB - IPPB Machine
A.5 Bronchial clapping
A.6 Postural Drainage

B. Oxygen Therapy
B.1 Oxygen Mask/Cannula/ - Oxygen tank, oxygen regulator
Nasal Prongs (flowmeter), humidifer
B.2 Oxygen Tent/Croupette Distilled water
B.3 T-tube
B.4 Ambu-bag - Oxygen Cannula/Catheter,
Nasal Prongs
Oxygen Mask
- Croupette/Oxygen Tent
- T-tube, Ambu-bag
C. Suctioning - Suction Machine
C-1 Oral Nasal Suctioning - Gloves/Pick-up forceps
C-2 Endotracheal/ - Solution for rinsing and
Tracheostomy soaking suction catheters
C-3 Tracheostomy Care - Tracheostomy Care Set

D. Chest Drainage (Care of - One-way Water Seal Drainage

Patients with Chest Tube) - Two-way Water Seal Drainage
- Three-Way Water Seal

3. Fluids and Electrolytes A. IV Therapy

A.1 IV Fluid Administration - IV tray
a. Preparing the inravenous - Intravenous Infusion Set
infusion equipment Macrodip/Microdip
b. Starting/hanging IV - IV Needles (Butterfly/
c. Calculating IV drops - IV Fluids (hypertonic, isotonic,
hypotonic solution)
d. Types of IV fluids and (1,000 cc., 500 cc., 250 cc.)
e. Discountinuing IV
- Arm board/Splint

A.2 Blood Administration - Blood Transfusion Set
a. Whole Blood - IVB Tray
b. Packed RBC - Normal Saline Solution
500 cc., IV tubing

B. Administration of Drugs thru - IV Tray

B.1 Administration thru - Soluset/Buretrol
Volume Control Set
B.2 Administration thru IV - Syringe, needles
B.3. Administration thru piggy
back/side drip - IV tubings, IV stand

C. Central Venous Pressure -CVP Manometer

Monitoring (CVP) - D5W500 cc./IV Stand

D. Intake and Output - Measuring cup/glass

D.1 Measure Intake - Intake and output sheet

- oral, IV , drainage, emesis - Empty IV bottles or measuring
D.2 Measure Output - Kidney basin
- Urine, stool, drainage,

E. Urinary Catheterization - Urinary Catheterization Set

E.1 Catheter Insertion - Urinary Catheters
E.2 Maintaining Indwelling +Straight Catheter
Catheter +Foley Catheter
E.3 Bedside Urinary Bag - Bedside Urinary bags/ leg bag
E.4 Catheter Care

4. Metabolism A. Nutrition - Weighing Scale

A.2 Artificial Feedings - Asepto-Syringe
a. NGT Feedings - Tube Feedings
b. Gastrotomy Feeding - Measuring Cup

B. Gastric Irrigation - NGT, normal saline

- Gastric Lavage solution, Asepto-syringe,
kidney basin
C. Testing specimens for sugar
C.1 Urine testing for - Benedict’s Test
sugar/acetone - Clinitest Tablet, test tape, or

- Ketostix, Acetest
C.2 Random Blood Sugar - Haemoglucose test

D. Insulin Administration -Insulin Syringes, needles,

alcohol swabs
- Insulin meds - short,
intermediate and long-acting
- Illustration : Areas of the body
to be used as injection sites
E. Enema
E.1 Cleansing enema (Soap Enema set
suds enema) - enema can, rectal tubings,
gloves, rubbers sheet, solution,
tissue paper
E.2 Retention Enema
E.3 Fleet enema - Fleet enema

5. Immunology A. Medical Asepsis

A.1 Handwashing - Isolation Room
A.2 Care of linens and - soap, running water
A.3 Gloving & gowning - gloves, gowns, mask
A.4 Dressing change - antiseptic solution

B. Isolation Technique
- Reverse Isolation technique - Isolation tags
- Isolation bag

6. Reproduction/ Sexuality A. Assisting in Gynecological - Gynecological exam table,

Exam speculum, gloves, lubricant
specimen bottles/slides
B. Vaginal douche - Vagina douche set
C. Administration of vaginal - Sheets for draping
7. Perception and A. Neurological Examination - Sphygmomanometer,
Coordination thermometer, penlight, tuning
A.1. Mental Status fork, reflex hammer
A.2 Sensory/motor - Opthalmoscope,
A.3 Cranial nerve exam Snellen’s chart
- Otoscope, Pins
B. Diagnostic Test
- lumber tap - Lumber tap set

C. Traction
C.1. Type of Traction - Models (dolls) with different
type of traction


C.2 Application of skeletal

balance traction - Orthopedic bed, Balkan frame,
overhead trapeze, Thomas
splint with Pearson attachment
traction and suspension
weights, cords
D. Cast
D.1 Types of Casts and - Models (dolls) with different
indications types of casts
D.2 Cast Application - Plaster of Paris, wadding
sheet, warm water, pail
E. Demonstration on:
E.1 Active/passive exercises - Bed
E.2 Isometric exercises - Footboard
E.3 Turning
- log rolling technique - Stryker frame
- Circo-electric bed
Spinal cord injury
F. Ambulation
F.1 Assisting in simple - Crutches, walker, cane
F.2 Ambulation with crutches,
walker and cane
NCM 103
1. Cellular
Aberration A. Diagnostic tests
A.1 Breast self examination
A.2 Biopsy - biopsy set
B. Therapy
B.1 Radiation Therapy - Radiotherapy room
B.2 Chemotherapy - Lead apron
- Chemotherapeutic agents
C. Ostomy care
C.1 Colostomy/ileostomy care - Colostomy/ileostomy
C.2 Colostomy irrigation - Colostomy irrigation set

2. Acute Biologic Crisis

and Emergency A. Emergency Interventions
A.1 First Aid - Emergency kit/cabinet
A.2 CPR - Code cart with emergency
drugs and gadgets
A.3 Emergency cart/code cart

A.4 Defibrillator - Cardiac board
A.5 Cardiac Monitoring - Defibrillator

A.6 Mechanical Ventilation or - EKG machine/cardiac

respiration monitoring
- pressure cycle
- volume cycle
A.7 Use of Ambu bag - Ambu bag
A.8 Use of endo-tracheal tube - Endotracheal tube
A.9 Use of airway - airway

B. Care of high -risk newborn - Isolette/incubator/Billy light

C. Dialysis
- Hemodialysis - Hemodialysis machine
- Peritoneal dialysis - Peritoneal dialysis set, dializing
solution (Impersol), drainage

3. Maladaptive A. Process Recording

Patterns of Bahavior B. Nursing Intervention
B.1 Art/play therapy
B.2 Remotivation therapy
B.3 Group therapy

4. Recording/Reporting A. Receiving and giving of -Mocked Nurses Station

endorsement - Kardex
B. Recording - Chart
- Nurse’s notes - Progress notes
and nurse’s notes
- Medication sheet
- Medicine cards
- I & O sheet
- Graphing sheet (VS)
- Doctor’s Order sheet

5. Patient’s A. Discharge planning - Discharge instruction

Discharge A.1 Medication plan
Planning A.2 Treatment/activities
A.3 Health teaching


I Reference Materials
1. Procedure manual
2. Ward manual (policies, SOP, Protocol)
3. NS manual (org. chart, philo. & obj.,
job description, etc.)
5. Medical dictionary
6. Nursing textbooks (Medical-Surgical, MCN, Psychology, Pharmacology)
7. Hospital Bulletin
8. Hospital directory
9. Telephone directory

II. Office Supplies

1. stapler 8. staple wires

2. puncher 9. thumb tacks
3. staple wire remover 10. fastener
4. spindle 11. pentel pens
5. pencil 12. ruler
6. rubber bands 13. eraser
7. calendar 14. paste/glue

III. Equipment
1. BP apparatus 20. bedpan
2. stethoscope 21. urinal
3. charts 22. pitcher
4. spindle 23. kidney or emesis basin
5. pencil 24. sputum cup
6. clip board 25. pail
7. bed tags/door tag 26. flashlight
8. foot stool 27. water jug
9. foot board 28. boiler/kettle
10. wall clock 29. can opener
11. drop light 30. garbage can
12. weighing scale 31. funnel
13. IV stand 32. mortar & pestle
14. medication tray 33. specimen bottles
15. treatment tray 34. ice pick
16. flushing tray 35. bandage scissors
17. side rail 36. tape measure
18. oxygen gauge 37. rubber sheets
19. monkey wrench 38. drinking straw

IV. Fixture
1. medicine cabinet 4. emergency cast
2. bulletin board 5. screen
3. chart rack 6. medicine & treatment
cards rack
V. Appliance
1. wheelchair 3. refrigerator
2. stretcher 4. electric stove

VI. Records
1. Hospital forms
2. Logbook - articles, inventory, borrowed articles, req.
VII. Linen
1. bedsheet 7. pajama
2. drawsheet 8. curtain
3. pillowcase 9. HWB, Ice cap cover
4. bath towel 10. strap/restraint
5. hand towel 11. laundry bag
6. camisa

I. Fixtures
1. Examining table 5. Shelf - files
2. Table & chair 6. Screen/divider
3. Bench 7. Blackboard
4. Cabinet - emergency, 8. Comfort room
med., supplies 9. Sink w/ running water

II. Equipment/Supplies
1. CHN bag 17. Test tubes & slides
2. Cold chain bag 18. Gloves
3. Weighing scale 19. Specimen bottles
4. Thermometer 20. Waste cans
5. BP apparatus 21. Water container
6. Tape measure 22. Pail
7. Nutrition arm band 23. Flushing can
8. Dressing tray 24. Ice box
9. Rubber sheet 25. Domiciliary delivery bag
10. Microscope 26. Injection tray - syringes
and needles
11. Bunzen burner 27. Medicine glass
12. Pick-up forceps 28. Stove
13. Disinfecting solution 29. Kettle
14. Kidney basin 30. Bandage scissors
15. Gauze 31. Wash basin

III. Records
1. Record book
2 Envelops/Folders - for family record
3. Health records

IV. References
1. Manual for Herbal Medicines/Acupressure
2. PIMS or PDR
3. Director of Agencies - GO & NGO (health and health related)

V. Office Supplies
1. stapler 7. pentel pen
2. staple wire remover 8. chalk & eraser
3. puncher 9. index cards
4. fastener 10. calendar
5. envelopes/folders 11. pencil & eraser
6. forms

VI. Linens
1. sheets
2. hand towels

VII. Instructional Materials

1. Charts - Anatomy
2. Posters
3. Spot map

VIII. Emergency Medicines

1. Antipyretics others:
2. Antihistamines 5. Antihelmintics
3. Coagulants 6. Vitamins
4. Oxytocics 7. Vaccines
8. Reagents

IX. Housekeeping Materials

1. broom 4. soap
2. dust cloths 5. floor map
3. dust pan


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