Ahmed Shehata
UWRT 1102
Instructor: Fran Voltz
30 November, 2014
Final class Reflection
As I write this final letter it simply verifies that I have survived this semester of college.
Through all of the set-backs and challenges this is the last step to completing this class. I can
remember the first day of class so clearly, and it is almost odd to think that that day was only a
few months ago. I remember hearing and reading about the plan for this semester was and
completely dreading all the writing that I knew was ahead of me. I have never enjoyed writing
but for some reason after the first day of class I had this feeling that writing might be one of my
favorite classes. And I was definitely right. Looking at my E- portfolio it is evident that I worked
hard in this course and that through it all I have a great compilation of my work. From the small
writings of day book entries to the Extended Inquiry Project all of it is displayed in my Eportfolio and I am happy to say I did it all!
Although my love for writing didnt change very much, I improved daily in this class.
Through my daybook I was able to express my love and hate for writing. It allowed me to be
able to document important steps I made as a writer, but also I did some fun entries too. I really
enjoyed doing the assignments and the final product of it is displayed in my writing. As I went
back through all my day book entries it helped me see all the steps it took to get to the completed
product of my inquiry project. For example, at the start of the inquiry process we were assigned
to write an interest points. This was actually the key to me figuring out what I was going to do in
depth research on and find the topic I decided to inquire more about. It was through this
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assignment that I had randomly written down September 11th and who knew out of all the
ideas I had written down that would be the one I would choose.
have always been the type of person and writer that likes to get another persons opinion
on the thoughts that I have been thinking and it was after talking with my dad that I decided on
the topic of airport security. Soon after deciding it was time to begin on my Topic Proposal
paper. Thinking about it now this wasnt too difficult to complete, but I wanted it perfect. I
researched enough to get a good basis of knowledge and was able to present my topic to you of
Amplified Airport Security after 9/11.
The research portion of the inquiry process went well, and it was through the Annotated
Bibliography that I was able to narrow my sources down and choose the ones that would be most
effective. I can honestly say this was not a fun assignment at all, but looking back it was the most
drastic step for me to get quality information for my paper. Trying to find four good sources to
use and analyze was challenging and felt meaningless at times. However, as it is stated in my Eportfolio it is because of the Annotated Bibliography that I now understand the importance of
using sources that are credible and non-bias to a certain extent. Needless to say I was thankful
when we turned this portion of the inquiry process in.
After our class peer review and getting comments back from you on our Annotated
Bibliography I was able to start taking pieces of information from my sources and add in my
own thoughts about my topic into the actual paper. I knew my EIP was going to be an
exploratory essay, but I was apprehensive to writing a paper this way simply because I had never
done so before. Writing an eight page paper seemed to be a challenge at first but after sorting out
my information and doing daybook entries about my thoughts on the knowledge I was gaining,
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writing the paper came easier than I had expected. The Extended Inquiry Project was the biggest
assignment of the semester, but all the tiny steps we did along the way made the project not seem
as difficult. The EIP was the most important assignment to me and I am proud of the grade I
earned of an A and feel like it proves my efforts. It took a lot of time to get my EIP the way I
wanted and even after it was returned to me I spent a great deal of time revising the paper again.
I took your comments and the comments from my peers under great consideration and made
adjusts that were needed to improve my paper. For example, I did edit my introduction to my
paper and I feel it now captures the readers attention better and it is also not as vague as it was
Since I am reflecting this semester I am able to see how much I have changed as a writer.
At the beginning of the semester it was a challenge for me to stop thinking of writing the way I
had always done it in high school. Moving past all the old ways I had been taught to formulate a
paper was tough, but I can now say I no longer think in 5 paragraph papers. I also learned that
the first draft of your paper isnt going to be the perfect draft. It takes multiple revisions of the
same work to have a paper that expresses your thoughts in the way you want them to, and even
then the same paper can be revised again. You taught me that a paper is never finished because I
can always add more or tweak certain areas that need improving. This also held true when I had
to tackle my introductory paragraph. I have always hated introductions because until I have the
perfect introduction I cant move on to the rest of my paper, and I have learned once again that
there is no such thing as a perfect introduction, or even paper for that matter. Through all of
these challenges I feel as if I grew stronger as a writer and I know that this will continue through
my college career.
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Overall this course went very well. I am pleased with the amount of work I put into this
class and even happier with the response and knowledge I gained from it all. I learned a lot about
writing, but even more so about pushing myself to do better than ever before. I had to learn how
to put some things I had learned prior behind me and try new ways of thinking. It was a pleasure
to be in your class and I hope I can continue to say that my experience in classes at UNCCharlotte will be just as wonderful as being in yours. Thank you for everything you taught me
and know that the impact you made on me as a writer is something that I will be forever grateful
for. God bless!