Root Cause Analysis Paper
Root Cause Analysis Paper
Root Cause Analysis Paper
Authors Note
Brianna DeValk is currently a Registered Nurse enrolled in the
Bachelor of Science Degree program at Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing. On my
honor, I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment or test, and I pledge that I am in
compliance with the BSMCON Honor System. Any correspondence to this paper can be
directed to the Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing student website and addressed in the
Nursing 3206 class discussion board.
diagnosis of those at risk for developing behaviors associated with non-adherence is crucial
when treating patients with chronic diseases processes, like HIV. Construction of a fishbone
diagram assisted with the identification of a number of predisposing factors associated with nonadherence. These factors consisted of variances of: knowledge deficits associated with
medications/ doses/ purposes/ symptom management, deficient communication on behalf of the
healthcare provider, and economic hardship.
Formulation of the fishbone diagram began with the problem statement Non-adherence
with HIV medication regimen. Categories designated to further analyze causative factors are as
follows: Economic, Healthcare Provider, Complexity of Therapy, Condition: Timeline, and
Patient. All causes identified fit appropriately into the diagram. Inclusions within each category
are as follows:
Healthcare Provider
Complexity of Therapy
Condition: Timeline
Unpredictable living conditions
Inadequate access to health care
Lack of established relationship with patient leading to a lack of
necessary encouragement and support.
Lack of communication regarding benefits of therapy, medication
instructions, and side effects
Length of Therapy
Number of Medications and associated doses
Inconvenience with patients schedule
Side effects of medication: impotence, heart burn, etc.
Absence of symptoms leads many patients to feel that their
condition has been managed. There is a severe lack of knowledge
regarding effects if medication suddenly stopped.
Adherence to medication regimens for chronic disease processes is
known to decline over time. Patients get tired of taking the same
medication, adhering to the same schedule, etc.
Intellectual Limitation
Physical Impairment
Substance Abuse
Elliott, R., Shinogle, J., Peele, P., Bhosle, M., & Hughes, D. (2008). Understanding
Medication Compliance and Persistence from an Economics Perspective. Value in
Health,11(4), 600-610.
Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-1-Infected Adults and
Adolescents. (2014, May 1). Retrieved October 22, 2014.
Kalogianni, A. (2011). Factors affect in patient adherence to medication
regimen. Health Science Journal, 5(3), 157-158.