Bubble Deck Technology
Bubble Deck Technology
Bubble Deck Technology
1. Introduction
1.1 Concrete Floor Systems
Reinforced concrete slabs are components commonly used in floors, ceilings, garages,
and outdoor wearing surfaces. There are several types of concrete floor systems in use today,
and are shown in Figure 1-1:
Two-way flat plate (biaxial slab) - There are no beams supporting the floor between the
columns. Instead, the slab is heavily reinforced with steel in both directions and
connected to the columns in order to transfer the loads.
Two-way flat slab with drop panels- This system differs from the two-way flat plate
system by the drop panel used to provide extra thickness around the columns. This
strengthens the column to floor connection in consideration of punching shear.
One-way beam and slab- This is the most typical floor system used in construction.
The slab loads are transferred to the beams, which are then transferred to the columns.
One-way joist slab- The joists act like small beams to support the slab. This floor system
is economical since the formwork is readily available and less reinforcement is required.
One-way wide module joist slab- This system is a variation on the one-way joist slab with
wider spaces between the joists.
Two-way joist slab (waffle slab) - This floor system is the stiffest and has the least
deflection of those mentioned since the joists run in two directions (Concrete Reinforcing
Steel Institute)
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Figure 1-1: Types of Reinforced Concrete Floor Systems (Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute)
Reinforced concrete has many advantages for floor systems- it provides resistance to
high compressive stresses and to bending stresses; it is relatively cheap to produce and
construct; and it can be molded into virtually any shape and size. Disadvantages include a
high weight-to strength ratio and difficulty in structural health monitoring (Reinforced
Cement Concrete Design).
1.2Hollow-Core Slabs
In the mid-20th Century, the voided or hollow core floor system was created to reduce
the high weight-to-strength ratio of typical concrete systems. This concept removes and/or
replaces concrete from the center of the slab, where it is less useful, with a lighter material in
order to decrease the dead weight of the concrete floor. However, these hollow cavities
significantly decrease the slabs resistance to shear and fire, thus reducing its structural
This floor system typically comes in the form of precast planks that run from 4 ft to
12 ft wide and consist of strips of hollow coring with pre-stressed steel strands in between.
Figure 1-2 illustrates several types of hollow-core planks used in the industry. They are
combined on site to form a one-way spanning slab and topped with a thin layer of surfacing.
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Currently, this innovative technology has only been applied to a few hundred
residential, high-rise, and industrial floor slabs due to limited understanding. For this
investigation, the structural behavior of BubbleDeck under various conditions will be studied
in order to gain an understanding on this new technique and to compare it to the current slab
systems. This technology will then be applied to create lightweight bridge decks since a
significant portion of the stress applied to a bridge comes from its own self-weight. By
applying the knowledge gathered during the behavioral analysis, a modular deck component
for pedestrian bridges that is notably lighter but comparable in strength to typical reinforced
concrete sections will be designed.
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2.1 Materials
BubbleDeck is composed of three main materials- steel, plastic spheres and concrete,
as see in Figure 2-1.
Steel- The steel reinforcement is of higher Grade. The steel is fabricated in two formsmeshed layers for lateral support and diagonal girders for vertical support of the bubbles.
Plastic spheres- The hollow spheres are made from recycled high-density polyethylene or
Concrete- The concrete is made of standard Portland cement with a maximum aggregate
size of 3/4 in. No plasticizers are necessary for the concrete mixture. (BubbleDeck
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Table 3-1: Versions of BubbleDeck* (The Biaxial Hollow deck- The way to new solutions)
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3.4 Sound
A comparison was made between Bubble Deck and one-way prefabricated hollow
deck of similar height. The noise reduction with Bubble Deck was 1 db higher than the one
way prefabricated hollow deck. The main criterion for reducing noise is the weight of the
deck and therefore Bubble Deck will not act otherwise than other deck types with equal
The Bubble Deck construction is following every usual criteria, and can be calculated
according to usual principles. The construction is not deviating, in any way, from what is
already known and used. The construction is analogous to an equivalent solid deck.
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3.5 Deflection:
Due to the bubbles a Bubble Deck slab is not as stiff as a solid slab but this effect is
small. Studies and tests have shown that Bubble Deck has approximately 87% of the flexural
stiffness of a solid slab. If no other measures were taken, this would mean marginally higher
deflections at SLS than in an equivalent solid slab in direct proportion to this ratio. However,
the effect can be compensated for by adding a modest amount of steel even though the
deflection is significantly mitigated by the fact that Bubble Deck is lighter and in long term
SLS, where frequently the load combination comprises 100% permanent load and a
proportion such as 33% imposed load, the permanent weight saving maximizes Bubble
Decks effect. Long term SLS is frequently the governing criteria for flat slab designs.
3.6 Durability
The durability of Bubble Deck slabs is not fundamentally different from ordinary
solid slabs. The concrete is standard structural grade concrete and; combined with adequate
bar cover determined in accordance with EC2 or BS8110; is what provides most control of
durability commensurate with normal standards for solid slabs. When the filigree slabs are
manufactured, the reinforcement module and balls are vibrated into the concrete and the
standard and uniformity of compaction is such that a density of surface concrete is produced
which is at least as impermeable and durable, arguably more so, to that normally produced on
Bubble Deck joints have a chamfer on the inside to ensure that concrete surrounds
each bar and does not allow a direct route to air from the rebar surface. This is primarily a
function of the fire resistance but is also relevant to durability.
Cracking in Bubble Deck slabs is not worse, and probably better, than solid slabs
designed to work at the same stress levels. In fact Bubble Deck possesses a continuous mesh,
top and bottom, throughout the slab and this ensures shrinkage restraint is well provided for
and that cracking is kept to a minimum whether it is intrinsic or extrinsic cracking.
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Site Delivery: The elements are delivered on flatbed trailers typically between 12m to 13.6m
long, excluding drivers cab. The filigree elements will be stacked on top of each other up to a
maximum 2.5 m overall height. For example, with BD280 slabs there will be maximum 7
layers of slabs, with a transport height of 250mm each plus wooden packers typically 50mm
deep separating each element, making an overall height of 2.1m above the trailers bed. Each
individual load will be planned so the weight of a load will be a maximum 29 Tonnes and
you must provide suitably hard and level access for our delivery transport to reach the
offloading position you have determined.
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Lifting and Placing Filigree Elements: The filigree elements must ONLY be lifted by the
lattice beam girder reinforcement. Lifting hooks must ALWAYS be attached under the upper
angles of the girder reinforcement diagonal web bars. Lifting hooks must NEVER be attached
to the upper reinforcement mesh as this would be unsafe.
Site installation drawings are provided for loose site reinforcement (supplied by others) fixed
at the bottom of the slab (directly on top of the pre-cast concrete filigree permanent formwork
without spacers or on top of site shuttering on spacers) and reinforcement fixed at the top of
the slab (directly onto top mesh reinforcement), together with accompanying bar bending
schedules. These must be studied and closely followed at all times.
and construction joint shuttering can commence. Temporary works are our responsibility to
accuracy and care taken to get a tight joint during laying the elements can render joint filling
unnecessary. When joints between slab elements have not been closely butted they must be
filled to prevent grout seepage. Should this be required joint filling can be undertaken with
either mortar grout or a small bead of silicone sealant inserted at the bottom of the splay joint
between elements. This is most easily undertaken prior to installing the loose splice
BubbleDeck element and loose reinforcement installation. Following inspection, the technical
representative will issue you with an inspection record listing any work that needs to be
undertaken prior to site concreting, or confirming the installation is ready for concreting and
the work is to our approval.
Due to the limited space between the bubbles a thin vibrating poker MUST be used to
compact the concrete, remove any entrained air and to ensure a good flow around the
bubbles. Avoid separation occurring due to the vibrating of shuttering, reinforcement and/or
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back-propping is confirmed. This is usually between 3 to 5 days from pouring of the site
concrete as long as the early concrete test results have confirmed the site concrete has
reached at least 60% of its final design strength, but can vary dependant upon our floor slab
design, strength of site concrete, and ambient temperatures.
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Bubble Deck will distribute the forces in a better way than any other hollow floor
Because of the three-dimensional structure and the gentle graduated force flow the
hollow areas will have no negative influence and cause no loss of strength.
Bubble Deck behaves like a spatial structure - as the only known hollow concrete
floor structure. The tests reveal that the shear strength is even higher than presupposed. This
indicates a positive influence of the balls.
Furthermore, the practical experience shows a positive effect in the process of
concreting the balls cause an effect similar to plasticizer additives.
All tests, statements and engineering experience confirm the fact that BubbleDeck in
any way acts as a solid deck and therefore will follow the same rules/regulations as a solid
deck (with reduced mass), and further,leads to considerable savings.
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1. www.BubbleDeck.com
2. Magazine Corner Stone, Page No:30 & 31, autumn 2004 edition.
3. www.bubbleDeck-UK.com
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