Ib Lab - The Rate of Dissolution
Ib Lab - The Rate of Dissolution
Ib Lab - The Rate of Dissolution
Partners: ____________________
Formulates a testable
hypothesis and explains
the hypothesis using
scientific reasoning
Provides an explanation /
Explanation/prediction is
Suggests a partially
complete procedure which
includes some appropriate
Suggests improvements to
the method and makes
suggestions for further
Suggests improvements to
the method
6 -5
2 -1
Incompletely explains
trends, patterns or
relationships in data
Comments completely on
the accuracy of the data
Comments somewhat on
the accuracy of the data
Draws a conclusion
consistent with the data
Draws a conclusion
without using scientific
6 - 5
4 - 3
2 - 1
12/12 = 100% , 11/12 = 95%, 10/12 = 90%, 9/ 12 = 85%, 8/12 = 80%, 7/12 = 75%, 6/12 = 70%,
5/12 = 65%, 4/12 = 60 %, 3/12 = 55%, 2/12 = 50%, 1/ 12 = 45%