Ece Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic
Ece Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic
Ece Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic
Roll No.:
Note: Attempt any five questions. Assume suitable data (if missing).
1 (a)
Why is neural networks research eclipsed for a long time? The availability of
what algorithm ended the stalemate? Describe this algorithm.
any ordinary
2 (a)
List the
3 (a)
(b) Distinguish between constructive and destructive methods for networks topology
4 (a)
5 (a)
Define fuzzy set, Intersection of fuzzy sets, Union of fuzzy sets, Compliment of
fuzzy sets. Give an example in each case.
6 (a) Define linguistic variable and membership functions in fuzzy sets theory.
7 (a) Explain why XOR problem can not be solved by a single layer perceptron and
how it is solved by a multi layer perceptron.
(b) Differentiate clearly between biological neuron and an artificial neuron.
CMAC network