Human Resource Management - CAIIB
Human Resource Management - CAIIB
Human Resource Management - CAIIB
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Established on 30th April 1928
To be the premier Institute for developing and nurturing competent professionals in banking
and finance field.
To test and certify attainment of competence in the profession of banking and finance.
To collect, analyse and provide information needed by professionals in banking and finance.
throughout the world
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Mr. J Job Xavier is a senior H R professional with over 30 years experience and has headed HR in
Banking, Manufacturing, Media, Healthcare, and Financial services industries. He is professionally
quahfied in Law, Human Resources and Personnel Management.
He has 20 years experience in Banking; having worked with a nationalized bank, a private bank and a
new generation bank. He headed the HR in the latter two banks, with complete responsibility for all their
HR activities.
Passionate about training, he has built training centres in three of the organizations he had worked. Mr.
Xavier is Executive and Founder Director of Trinity Academy for corporate Training, Mimibai and is
currently associated with a number of firms as HR Advisor, dealing with recruitment. Assessment,
Training and Performance Management.
The Institute has adopted the practice of preparing dedicated courseware for all its examinations almost
a decade back and it continuously endeavors to update its books and courseware so that the candidates
taking the subject examinations are up to date with the latest knowledge in the banking and finance
industry. Apart from updating courseware the Institute also revamps courses and recasts it to suit the
requirements of the practising bankers. The revised format of CAIIB is an example of this endeavor of
the Institute to make the course more relevant for practising bankers.
The revised format of CAIIB underlines the fact that current day banking requires general as well as
domain specific knowledge. It is seen that, in the specialization era, a candidate who has worked under
one vertical in a bank for several years and has expertise in that area may not be equally comfortable
working in a new vertical unless the knowledge of the new vertical is made available in a professional
manner. Such persons need an opportunity to learn the nuances of a new vertical. Also a person
working in a given area in banking needs to keep pace with the current developments; which given the
work pressure may not be automatic. It is to meet with these divergent needs that we have formulated
the new CAIIB.
The new syllabus offers two compulsory papers viz.. Advanced Bank Management and Bank
Financial Management. The paper on Advanced Bank Management covers economic analysis,
business mathematics, human resources management and credit management. The paper on Bank
Financial Management includes international banking, risk management, treasury management and
balance sheet management. Thus, the two compulsory papers not only cover the modules of the three
papers of the current CAIIB but also include new areas such as economic analysis and business
mathematics, very useful skills for current day bankers.
As regards the third paper, candidates have the option to choose one out of the many optional papers
that will now be offered as electives. The electives cover the entire gamut of specialized domains in a
bank. The electives currently being offered are Human Resources Management, Risk, Treasury, Retail
Banking, International Banking, Corporate Banking, Co-operative Banking, Information Technology,
Rural Banking, Financial Advising and Central Banking.
The Institute brings out periodical subject updates for majority of its examinations. The updates help
the instimte in bringing out revisions in courseware once in three years. As such the book/courseware
and updates should be sufficient for the purpose of the examinations. Nevertheless, the book should not
be considered as the only source of information while preparing for the examination due to the rapid
changes witaessed in all the areas affecting banking and finance. The students have to keep themselves
abreast with the current developments by referring to economic dailies, articles, books and government
publications/websites etc. In view of this a few questions will be based on the recent developments
related to the syllabus, but may not have appeared in the book.
While the compulsory papers provide the breadth of banking, the electives provide the depth. We are
sure that candidates will find the new CAIIB useful for their purposes. Equally the banks will find the
CAIIB qualified professionals possess cutting edge knowledge.
thanks to
But for
successfiil in such a short period of time.
R. Bhaskaran
Recommended Reading
The Institute has prepared comprehensive courseware in the form of study kits to facilitate preparation
for the examination without intervention of the teacher. An attempt has been made to cover fully the
syllabus prescribed for each module/subject and the presentation of topics may not always be in the
same sequence as given in the syllabus.
Candidates are also expected to take note of all the latest developments relating to the subject covered in
the syllabus by referring to Financial Papers, Economic Journals, Latest Books and Publications in the
subjects concerned.
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Objective of the Examination: To provide advanced knowledge in banking subjects for better decision making.
Question Paper Pattern: Objective Type - Multiple Choice Questions
Eligibility: 1. Membership of the Institute
2. Pass in JAIIB examination of the Institute.
Revised Structure:
Revised CAIIB Examination (2010) is structured with 2 compulsory papers and 11 elective papers as
given below.
1, Advanced Bank Management
2. Bank Financial Management
benchmaridng; TQM,BPR,ISO 9000 Series and other techniques for Organizational improvement and Management of Service Industry; Quality Circles. Six Sigma and its implication in organizational development.
3. Organizational Change and Development; Responsibility Chatting, Conditions for Optimal Success, Role of
Change Agent and Managing Change.
4. HRM in Banks: Traditional Role of Human Resources Department in Banks, Expectations from H R Depart ment .Conflict of new initiatives with work culture and capacity. Major HRM challenges facing Banks, Core
Banking and HR challenges,
3. Knowledge management in Banks; Need for Knowledge Management Officer, Role in the Banks, HRM and
Information Technology, Information and Database Management, Preparation and updation of Manuals and
job cards. Linkage with Educational Institutions.
I. Strategy Formulation and implementation; Need for a distinctive H R strategy. Formulating the strategy;
connecting strategy to organization, aligning H R Systems with decision framework. Relationship between
sustainable strategic success and performance of the organization. Execution of strategy: Role of CEO,
Executive team, and line Managers, Succession Planning, HRD Audit, Effectiveness of HRD, Best HR
practices in banks.
2 Organizational Communication; Barriers to Communications, Steps for effective communication in the
3. Manpower Planning; Recruitment, Selection, Placement and Promotion, Recruitment Vs Outsourcing:
Concept and Feasibility of Outsoiucing, advantages, disadvantages and constraints. Compensation; incentive
system linked to productivity, dealing with Attrition.
4. Performance Manag^ent and Appraisal Systems : Performance Appraisal System, Role of P A S, Emeig- ing
Trends, 360 degree performance Appraisal, Appraisal Vs Feedback, competency mapping, key performance
areas (KPA)
schemes. Job Enrichment, Job Rotation, Employee Development strategies and Techniques.
1 Training and Development; Attitude development, Role and impact of training. Career Path Planning and
Counseling, Changing face of Banking, Future of Bank Education, Identification of Training Needs.
3. Training Methodology; subject matters of Training , Training infrastructure in Banks, outsourcing of Training,
On -the -job training. Management of conflict between Training and operations due to manpower constraints.
Development of soft skills and communications. Developing competencies through e-leam- ing, virtual
learning and self directed learning. Training measurement and impact.
1. Fundamentals of HRM
2. Organisational
3. Organisational Changes
4. HRM in Indian Banks
5. Knowledge
HR as a Strategic Player
CEO and His Team
HR Functions
10. Performance Management
Organisational Changes
Knowledge Management
Fundamentals of HRM
The Times of India, on the occasion of celebrating 170 years of existence in India, organised a number
of seminars, which discussed the future; the future of Hope, the future of Style and the future of India,
the country that is being widely recognised as one of the most exciting emerging economies in the
world. Besides becoming a global hub for outsourcing, Indian firms are spreading their wings across
countries through mergers and acquisitions. During the first decade of this century, Indian companies
have bought a large number of foreign companies for billions of dollars, inviting the attention of
leading players the globe over, resulting in considerable FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) inflow. This
impressive development has been due to a growth in inputs (capital and labour) as well as increased
productivity indices. By the year 2020, India is expected to add about 250 million to its labour pool at
the rate of about 15 million a year, which is more than the entire labour force of a number of
progressive European nations. The BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) countries are expected to
dominate the world economy with India poised to have the second largest GDP after China, by 2040.
This so called 'demographic dividend' has drawn a new interest in the Human Resource concepts and
practices in India and given a new insight into the people profile and human resource strength of this
India has also, over the centuries, absorbed managerial ideas and practices from around the world.
Through a well developed network of international trade; travelers who exchanged ideas and practices,
a serious study was done of the then prevalent ideas of social and public administration. One of the
earliest management books, titled 'Arthashastra', written three millennium before Christ, codified many
aspects of general management principles as well as human resource practices in ancient India. This
treatise presented notions of the financial administration of the state, guiding principles for trade and
commerce, as well as the management of people. For example, in the matter of awarding punishment,
Kautilya says that it should be proportionate to the gravity of the crime. These ideas have influenced
our collective consciousness and have got embedded in various institutions and their thinking for
centuries. Increasing trade, that included engagement with the Romans, led to widespread and
systematic governance methods. Aroimd 500A.D, the Gupta Dynasty, encouraged the establishment of
rules and regulations for managerial systems, and later from about 1000 A.D, great emperors and their
kingdoms in the North and learned kings in the South, as well as the advent of Islam influenced many
areas of trade and commerce. A further powerful effect on the managerial history of India was provided
by the British system of corporate organisation for 200 years. The Civil Service instituted and practiced
by the British, developed an excellent process for people and business management so successfully that
even today, almost 60 years after independence, the Indian Administrative Services still follow major
practices set by the Civil Services.
In the contemporary context, the Indian management mindscape continues to be influenced, amongst
others, by the residual traces of ancient wisdom as it faces the complexities of global realities. One
stream of holistic wisdom, identified as the Vedantic philosophy, pervades managerial behaviour at all
levels of work organisations. This philosophical tradition has its roots in sacred texts from 2000 B.C.
and it holds that human nature has a capacity for self transformation and attaining spiritual high groimd
while facing realities of day to day challenges (Lannoy 1971). As Albert Schweister said in his book
"Indian Thought and Its Development": "I was compelled to admit the fact that world and life
affirmation is present at the back of this thought from the very dawn of history, and that the existence
and interfiasion within it of world and life negation and world and life affmnation constitute its special
characteristic and determine its development". Such cultural based tradition and heritage can have a
substantial impact in the way in which life is lived and on the psyche of various institutions including
current managerial mindsets, individual motivation and in understanding family bonding and mutuality
of obligations.
The caste system, which was recorded in the writings of the Greek Ambassador Megasthenes in the
third century B.C., is another significant feature of Indian social heritage that for centuries has
impacted organisational architecture and managerial practices, and has now become the focus of critical
attention in the social, political and legal agenda of the nation. Traditionally, the caste system
maintained social or organisational balance. Brahmins (priests and teachers) were at the apex,
Kshatriya (rulers and warriors), Vaishya (merchants and managers) and Shudra (artisans and workers)
occupied the lower levels. While the practice itself had a number of obvious drawbacks, what was
significant was a clear delineation of jobs and responsibilities that went with each caste. This was based
loosely on a not scientific but socially then accepted belief that the Brahmins who performed religious
rites were blessed with a higher intellect and hence considered superior.
policies and practices .The first such attempt came in with the introduction of reservations where the
message was to provide a window of opportunity to the less privileged to catch up with the rest. Soon
thereafter came the impact of globalisation with highly professional MNC companies with their
emphasis only on competence and merit and suddenly the work environment in the country changed for
the better when much more enlightened policies aimed at the individual, came into play. The traditional
role of the staff or personnel department, gave way to a more enlightened people management
approach, increasingly taking a broader and more reflective perspective of human resource
management (HRM) in India.
There has been considerable interest in the notion that managerial values are a fimction of the
behaviours of individual managers. The relevance of managerial values in shaping modern
organisational life is reflected in scholarly literature linking them to corporate culture (Deal & Keimedy
1982), organisational commitment and job satisfaction (O'Reilly, Chatham & Caldwell 1991), as well
as institutional governance (Mowday, Porter & Steers 1982).The most recent and widely acknowledged
work in this context is the research and findings from Marcus Buckingham and the Gallup polls which
have indicated a major linkage between a manager's capability to set expectations and get the best out
of the individual by playing to her strength. The feedback from the employee as an integral part of the
management process has been widely recognised. Employee engagement has thus come to be accepted
as a part of good HR practice and a number of companies have such rounds every year with an IT
major, conducting such exercises every quarter in critical and more sensitive departments. These
dimensions could be employed to explain relevant work attitudes, job incumbent behaviours and the
working arrangements within organisational structures.
In the contemporary context, multiple layers of values (core traditional values, individual managerial
values, and situational values) have emerged (Chatteijee & Pearson 2000). Though the societal values
largely remain very miich anchored in the ancient traditions, the younger generation who form the
critical mass in the workforce of today, are increasingly reflecting corporate priorities and values of
global linkages. The advent of satellite TV and global events shaping the economy impacting India in a
major manner has made change inevitable. The recognition that Indian technical education has received
the world over as also the fact that over a 100,000 Indian youngsters complete their higher studies in
the US and other western countries, has drastically altered the aspirations of today's workforce. Thus,
contemporary Indian multinational companies and global firms in India have started shifting their
emphasis to human resources with their knowledge andxperience as the central area of attention in
extending new performance boundaries (Khandekar & Sharma 2005). Considerable research evidence
attests to this trend with particular relevance to greenfield organisations with little or no historical
baggage in their organisational culture (Settt 2004, Roy 2006).
entire banking scenario was dominated by the public sector and old generation private banks, offering
the barest minimum of facilities in an environment very few customers relished.
Some of the foreign banks in the country had introduced a few modern practices in people management
that resulted in a more systematic appraisal process, better employee grievance procedure and more
employee benefits within the constraints of the system. The old establishment and staff departments
were incapable of handling this change. It was during this time that Personnel Managers and Personnel
Departments started appearing in the PSU banks with a heavy slant on interpreting and implementing
the service conditions though rather mechanically. The economic liberalisation and globalisation of
trade and economy has transformed the way business is conducted the world over; opening new
economic opportunities. Banking in India could not remain a mere spectator and major transformation
took place subsequent to the Narasimham committee reports in the last decade of the 20th century,
resulting in the new generation private sector banks, and an entirely new banking experience for the
common man. Retail banking expanded to reach every street by way of ATMs and technology helped
make banking a pleasure by making available products and services at one's finger tips.
The management theory of HRM has been developed over the last 150 years, originating with the
industrial revolution. Before we move on to the specific historical perspective, it is important to
understand a few common terminologies peculiar to HRM that have become the mainstay of any
reference to the discipline.
"HRM" is concerned with the people dimensions in management. Since every organisation is made up
of people, acquiring their services, developing their skills, motivating them to higher levels of
performance and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organisation are
essential to achieving organisational objectives. This is true, regardless of the type of the organisation government, business, education, health, recreational, or social action.
HRM is a management function that helps managers to attract, set expectations and develop members
for an organisation. Concerned with the people dimensions in organisations, HRM refers to a set of
programs, functions, and activities designed and carried out for maximum efficiency.
People: Organisations mean people. It is the people who staff and manage organisations.
Management: HRM involves application of management functions and principles for acquiring,
developing, maintaining and remunerating employees in organisations.
Behavioural Dynamics: Decisions regarding people must be integrated and consistent.
Uniformity of application: HRM principles are applicable to business as well as non-business
organisations too, such as education, health, recreation and even voluntary organisations.
One of the reasons for this lies in its being different in nature compared to any other resources the
organisation depends upon. The other resources are passive - in the sense that they do not react or their
reaction can be controlled or predicted. But human resoxu-ce is not so. This resource is not just an
individual, but the product of varied cultures, certain level of education and above all, a living organism
whose compatibility to the organisation is rarely tested. She is capable of responding to the treatment
given but the response is not standard or uniform. Even a slight variation can create unexpected
Organisations have attempted to deal with people, their employees, according to the understanding
prevalent about human behaviour at any point in time. The variations have been characterized from a
rather mechanistic approach to a philosophical one. The evolution of new approaches has been
triggered by research in the field of management as well as social sciences.
constant creation of customer and structural capital. A dynamic Management Information System
would therefore capture all the elements of the human contribution in an organisation's performance.
The employee displays over time a large number of competencies each of which can be measured and
valued. These competencies relate to domain knowledge, skills and technology and project
management and personal competencies such as initiative leadership, communication, etc. each of
which are important for specific functions. Software or an MIS that can capture these competencies and
convert them into productive and quantifiable output would result in a figure that is closest to the
human asset valuation.
most valued leadership skills in the HR industry is trust building. If Human Capital Management cannot
deliver on promises it has made, both its corporate base as well as its labour pool will quickly slip
away. During the recent recession, a number of leading IT companies in India recruited a large number
of programmers from leading institutes. Dreaming to work for a reputed company, many gave up other
options assuming their future was set. Hit by the recession, many of these companies went back on their
promise and could not offer the promised jobs, thus earning a bad name in the market. College
graduates between the ages of 21 and 28 in most major tech industries respond incredibly well to
Human Capital Management programs conducted by engaging and personable leaders. It has been
found that leadership success comes most often from those who exhibit a mentoring approach to the
yoimger recruits, guiding them in a nurturing manner that inspires a sense of loyalty and trust. The list
of qualities a leader needs is long but are achievable. A leader should look for tomorrow's problems in
today's environment, lear to adapt to change, set high standards and clear objectives, think through a
problem clearly, create sense of value and purpose in work so that employees will believe in what they
do, make sound decisions based on principles. He should be able to create a harmonious atmosphere of
work so that employees will be enthused to work and he should be sensitive to the needs of people.
With globalisation shrinking the world map ofi a daily basis, technology stepping ahead at a rate that is
difficult to keep up with and a work force that is often hard to recognize. Human Resources
Management (HRM) is in a state of great upheaval and constant change.
One of the biggest temptations for the US and to a lesser extent, the European businesses has been to
send jobs -overseas. With recent university graduates in developing nations earning wages anywhere
from a fifth (Comparing USD 75000 to USD 150000 a year in the US for IT technicians) to a tenth of
an American worker for a similar profile in India, all kinds of work can be sent out at incredibly cheap
rates. Such jobs include outsourcing call centers, credit card processing, legal transcription, genetic
codes analysis, invoicing, scanning of medical records and anything that has a set of simple instructions
that an employee can repeatedly follow throughout the work shift. This is the direct product of the gift
of technology, thanks to internet, wireless and high speed satellite based commimication channels
which has made it possible to decentralise the processing of information, and has provided access to an
entire world of workers from the world over, hooked on to a single practice.
seeking to assert global dominance), have led to a marked significance of HR function. These
relativities were demonstrated in a recent study of three global Indian companies with (235 managers)
when evidence was presented that positively linked the HRM practices with organisational performance
(Khandekar & Sharma 2005). HRM practices will therefore need to be at a much higher level and
imbibe global practices to train the workforce to become strategy driven rather than mere workers as at
The drivers of contemporary India HRM trends would therefore be a global mindset, a collective
performance approach, and a professional autonomy leading to a change of market driven strategic
HRM, that will be viewed to be closely aligned with managerial technical competencies leading to a
higher involvement and better output. A hallmark of future Indian work places is likely to be a more
pronoimced emphasis on managerial training, a structural redesign to be contemporary and up-to-date,
and an entire institutional architecture to achieve enterprise excellence. The primary role of Indian
managers will therefore be to forge new employment and industrial relations through purposeful HRM
practices and policies.
Observable Features
Job Description
Career Planning
Gender Equity
Reservation System
The central government has fixed 15 per cent reservations for scheduled
castes, 7.5 per cent for scheduled tribes and 27 per cent for backward
communities. States vary in their reservation systems.
2. Changes in workforce are largely reflected by dual career couples, an ever younger workforce
with little sense of loyalty, old superannuating employees, working mothers, more education
leading to specialised sectors such as information technology. Biotechnology, and better
informed workers. Employee expectations and attitudes have also changed; traditional
allurements like job security, house, and terminal benefiits are less attractive today; employees
now demand high cash compensation, empo werment and a high degree of freedom to operate.
HR is required to redesign the profile of workers, and discover new methods of hiring, training,
remxmerating and motivating employees.
3. In today's dynamic world, even unions have understood that strikes and militancy have lost their
relevance; trade union membership has fallen drastically worldwide and the future of labour
movement is in danger. HR has to adopt a proactive industrial relations approach and be prepared
to renegotiate bargainable rights.
4. The HR manager's focus on people has to be justified and sustainable. Managers who demand
decision-making, bossism, and operational freedom have to realign their roles in enhancing
organisational and people capabilities.
of work which would utilize their technical ability, skills and qualifications" was higher among those
who were receiving systematic OJT or Ofif-JT.
There are few human resources development opportunities for non-regular employees. In order to
enhance the motivation for working among non-regular employees and to make better use of their
The management of people traditionally received very little exclusive attention as people as a resource
was given much less attention than finance or raw material and all employee costs were termed as an
unavoidable expenditure. The Management had appointed an officer to act a liaison between
management and workers in nmning the enterprise. The officer was more like a time keeper and his
activities revolved aroimd time-keeping, wage administration, or basic skill training. When the
Factories Act came into force, the officer was designated as Welfare Officer or Labour Welfare officer
who also oversaw the maintenance of welfare activities in factories. The labour or staff departments
attended to these fimctions till the emergence of a new dimension of bargaining between the two
groups, management and unions which gave rise to "Industrial Relations" which had roots in the legal
This bargaining process with a heavy reliance on legalistic approaches and principles resulted in a "bag
of rules" for meeting all labour management situations from fixation of wages to retirement age of
labour. The responsibility to implement these rules and maintain records fell on the labour department/
office in factories and staff departments in banks and establishment departments in Ports, Railways and
other Govt, undertakings.
The personnel department which modified the labour department concept, enlarged the people fimction
to include better methods of selection, training, with a regulated employee welfare approach though
typically in banks, training was not attached to the personnel department. This was the era of welfare
legislation and a number of studies to assess and measure employee productivity were taken up. The
Hawthorne studies were revealing, making it apparent that "productivity was primarily affected by the
emotional state of the employee; by his relationship with other people, particularly those with whom he
worked; and by the amount and kind of attention he received from his supervisors (Miner, 1969).
Similar experiments were conducted in the Calico Mills at Ahmedabad.
As employee productivity gained prominence, the selection systems underwent a change, and training
and management development programs became a standard and integral part of the personnel agenda.
However such training stemming out of Human Relations movement had limited results. It became
evident by mid-1950s that such treatment did increase the job satisfaction level but not necessarily the
Just around this time, there was increasing awareness about making the individuals in the organisation
feel important, valuable rather than just happy. The studies conducted at the University of Michigan and
the Ohio State University by Likert and Stogdill respectively had contributed largely to this perspective.
A number of behavioural experts were increasingly involved in studying the individual worker in the
context of the work environment to measure factors that aided in better output. Mc Gregor's Theory X
and Theory Y explanation of organisations, McClelland's work on Achievement Motivation, Herzberg's
Motivation-Hygienic theory, and Argyris work on job contents were pointing out the perspective that
individuals need to perceive meaning in what they do (work) and this meaning can be created by
changing the components of the job, involving them in the processes of their work adding on
responsibility, recognition and sense of achievement as part of their "work". These studies led to the
concept of people management which in turn laid the foundation for Himian Resourdb Development
(HRD) as an approach to people management. Setting expectations before a careftilly selected
individual, providing development tools and assessing performance as part of the performance
management system, led to a structured career and succession planning, leading to growth for the
individuals as well as the organisation.
One process led to another till the entire people management equation became one of resource
management, as vital as any other precious resource, even to the extent of valuing the human capital as
an asset. Human Resource Management has by now been transformed as is evident in the changing
nomenclature of the flmction/department. Thus, we have the traditional Personnel Department being
renamed as the HR department which moved on to be termed Human resource Management, to
currently being called Human Capital Management. A careful look reveals that the traditional activities
still continue as sub- modules of the broad HR fimction.
In Banks, the Staff Department which was christened as the Personnel Department continued to
function till the late 80s.It was in some of the foreign banks that the designation slowly started to
change to the HR department and the Managers/officers of the Department had the nomenclature of
Relationship Managers. The departments with which a particular officer interacted became the
customers of that HR Relationship Manager. Some banks seriously started trying out assessment centres
as well. But in the public sector banks, there was no change. The department continued to retain the
Personnel Department tag. By the mid 90s and late 90s, these banks had a large number of old, surplus
staff and the solution by way of the VRS scheme was again introduced at an industry level and the
Personnel departments only implemented the scheme.
Develop, monitor use and update policies in line with the Company's strategic objective.
Ensure uniform implementation of HR procedures as well as organisational compliance to
recognised HR practices.
Provide each ilmction/section with adequate staff with up to date job descriptions in line with
managerial expectations
Implement all aspects of recruitment, induction, remuneration and termination in line with the
HR policies as the need arises.
Performance Management
Review performance processes and evaluate performance to ensure that the tasks performed are
in line with the Company's strategy.
Put in place measurement systems for periodic reviews and co^ection.
li-aining and Development
A great work place is where each one of us wants to find oxxrselves in. But then which is the right
place? A prospective employee will also have this question in his mind. If the KRA of the HR head is to
make her company's name to pop up in the candidate's mind, she has a great deal of work to do - Build
an employment brand for her company.
The essence is that an HR head wishing to convey focussed messages about the attribute and values of
products uses and promotes branded components (say of service conditions) whose own image
reinforces the desired attributes and values. As for banks, many in the clerical cadre (especially women
employees) joined because bank jobs were easy to perform and were considered fairly remimerative as
well. Now in a more competitive environment, this image also needs to undergo a major change.
Employee brand is a relatively new coinage but definitely a critical factor which will help one resolve
most recruitment hardships. It is all about being a company where people will want to work. And
definitely stressing on literally "being a company where people want to work", because unless you have
a great workplace you cannot create such an image.
Leadership opportunity
In simple terms, be a good employer and give employees the maximimi reasons to reject another job
offer and stay on with the current organisation.
Make them feel good and they will speak good. There is nothing like a satisfied employee who spreads
the goodwill of the company by word of mouth. He is speaking from his experience and he is the best
brand ambassador one can find.
While calling for resumes, word the advertisement in such a way to build the company brand on terms
of credibility and employee welfare. Public relations can help build a credible brand image through
newspapers reports and magazines. Getting hsted in those "best employers' surveys will add a lot of
Online strategies like press releases, newsletters, articles are also a powerfiil media for spreading the
word about the company. Also make the best out of corporate website.
Classic examples of employer branding in India are Infosys, Accenture, The TATA group and among
banks, the State bank of India.
As regards the PSU banks, there is no difference in wages and other service conditions offered to
employees except in the case- of retiral benefits. Thus State bank employees get gratuity, pension and
employer's contribution to P.F whereas in other banks, employees do get gratuity and pension but only
their own contribution to P.F. Therefore the only reason why a person will prefer one or the other bank
should remain outside the compensation and service rule sector and that is where the factors related to
branding come in.
private sector banks were faced with considerable domestic competition. Innovation became the order
of the day and computerising of accounts across thousands of branches became a priority. Banks had to
reorganise their structure and thek business model and HRM became critical in the restructuring phase
and improving the profile of the workforce.
With the arrival of competition in all the emerging markets, the HR Department had to develop new
skills towards recruitment and selection and also devise a new methodology to attract good talent in the
face of heavy competition in the campuses. The new concept called for segregating the workforce based
on age, education qualifications and business priorities. The State Bank of India, India's largest bank
opted to undertake an intensive restructuring programme. Leading MNC consultants were used for the
restructuring exercise and a new people policy was in place, to decentralise operations as well as routine
HR work towards making the workforce far more focused to assist the organisation in implementing
Let Us Sum Up
In this nnit, we examined how people management, has evolved in India and elsewhere, some basic
concepts in HRM, the changing face of the workforce and attempts at valuing human capital. The rapid
changes all aroimd has resulted in constant up gradation of HR practices . We have examined the
relationship between HRM, the traditional personnel fimction and its developments, leading to the
current emphasis on human capital management.
Management theories
HRM terminology
HRM functions- managerial and
operational Human capital valuation
HR transformation
Employee outsourcing
Terminal Questions
1. What is the basis for the rise of people management as an essential managerial function?
2. Why is it important to value human capital? Cite some examples of companies in India that
practice Human Resource Accounting.
3. Trace the transition of the HRM flinction from one of time keeping to people management.
4. How is Personnel Management different from HRM?
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Hall: Malaysia.
Chatteijee, S.R., & Pearson, C.A.L. (2000). Indian managers in transition: OrientatibnsJ^ work goals, values
and ethics. Management International Review, 40(1), 81-95.
Buckingham, Marcus-First Break All Rules.
Deal, E., & Kennedy, A.A. (1982). Cdrpdrate culture. Reading, MA.: Addison-Wesley.
England, G.W., Dhingra, O.P., & Agarwal, C.N. (1974). The manager and the man: A crosscultural study of
personal values. Kent, Ohio; The Kent State University Press.
Gopalan, S., & Rivera, J.B. (1997). Gaining a perspective on Indian value orientations: Implications for
expatriate managers. International Journal of Organisational Analysis, 5(2), 156-179.
Lannoy, R. (1971). The speaking Tree: A study of the Indian society and culture. Oxford: Oxford University
Khalilzadeh-Shirazi, J., & Zagha, R. (1994). Achievements and the agenda ahead. The Columbia Journal of
World Business, 29(1), 24-31.
Khandekar, A., & Sharma, A. (2005). Managing human resource capabilities for sustainable competitive
advantage: An empirical analysis from Indian global organisation. Education & Training, 47(47/48), 628639.
Kumvilla, S. (1996). Linkages between industrial nation strategies and industrial relations/human resource
policies: Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines and India. Industrial & Labour Relations Review, 49(4), 63558.
Meredith, R. (2007). The elephant and the dragon: The rise of India and China and what it means for all of
us. New York: W.W.Norton & Co.
Mowday, R.T., Porter, L.W., & Steers, R.M. (1982). Employee-organisation linkages: The psychology of
commitment, absenteeism and turnover. New York: Academic Press.
O'Reilly, C.A., Chatham, J.A., &. Caldwell, D.F. (1991). People and organisational culture: A profile
comparison approach to assessing person-organisation fit. Academy of Management Journal, 34(3), 487516.
Rangarajan, L.N. (1992). The Arlhashastra. New Dheli: Penguin Books
Roy, R. (2006). Quality of work life as a determinant of mental health: SCMS Journal of Indian
Management, 3(2), 87-91.
Sett, P.K. (2004). Human resoiuce management and firm level restructuring: The south Asian drama. Research
and Practice in Human Resource Management, 12(1), 1-18.
Singh, K. (2003). Strategic HR Orientation and Firm Performance in India. International Journal of Human
Resource Management, 14(4), 530-543.
Sihag, B. (2004). Kautilya on the scope and methodology of accounting, organisational design and role of
ethics in ancient India. The Accounting Historians Joumal, 31(2), 125-148.
Sinha, J., & Kanmmgo, R. (1997). Context sensitivity and balancing in organisational behaviour. International
Joumal of Psychology, 32(1), 93-105.
Slater, J. (2004). Job-hopping central: Far East Economic Review, 8(1),34.
Spencer, S., Rajah, T., Narayan, S., Mohan, S., & Latiri, G (2007). The Indian CEO: A portrait of excellence.
New Delhi: Response Books.
Time. (2007). Special Report: 60 years of Independence, 170(6), 4-42.
Venkatrataam, C., & Chandra, V. (1996). Sources of diversity and the challenge before human resource
management in India. International Joumal of Manpower, 17(4/5), 76-96.
Group Dynamics
HR Implications in Benchmarking
After reading this unit, you should be able to:
The intention to clearly define the structure and roles in a formal and organised manner, leads to an
enterprise that is a formal organisation. It may have an attribute of flexibility, room for discretion and a
method for recognition of individual talent and capacity. As for group functioning, the individual effort
will have to be channelised through the group leader and has to be for the organisation's good. The
informal group in an organisation is the network, of personal and social relationships unrelated to the
firm's formal authority structure, that arise spontaneously as people associate with one another in the
work environment. Such informal units can have pressure groups, that conflict with those of the formal
organisation. These informal units can make the formal organisation more effective by providing
support to management, stability to the environment, and become effective communication channels.
Matrix Structure
In a matrix organisation, teams are formed and team members report to two or more managers. Matrix
structures utilise functional and divisional chains of command simultaneously in the same part of the
organisation, commonly for one-of-a-kind projects. It is used to develop a new product, to ensure the
continuing success of a product to which several departments directly contribute, and also to solve a
difficult problem. The matrix concept facilitates working on concrent projects by creating a dual chain
of command, of the project manager and the functional manager. Project managers have authority over
activities geared toward achieving organisational goals while functional managers have authority over
promotional decisions and performance reviews. An example is an automobile ancillary firm with a
long term contract from a leading automobile manufacturer.
Divisional Structure
In a divisional organisation, corporate divisions operate as relatively autonomous businesses under the
larger corporate umbrella. Made up of self-contained strategic business units each of which produces a
single product, the controlling authority focuses on results, coordinates and controls the activities, and
provides support services between divisions. Functional departments achieve division goals. A
weakness however, is the tendency to duplicate activities among divisions.
Organic Structure
Organic organisations have a flat structure with only one or two levels of management, emphasising a
decentralised approach to management that encourages high employee involvement in decision
making. This structure creates independent small businesses or enterprises that can rapidly respond to
customers' needs or changes in the business environment.
Functional Structure
Functional structures group similar or related occupational specialties or processes together under the
familiar headings of finance, manufacturing, marketing, accounts receivable, research. Human
Resources etc. However, the organisation risks losing sight of its overall interests as different
departments pursue their own goals.
Drawing fk>m these distinctions, we can see that there are two interdependent aspects, i.e. one about
people and the other about activities. Historically, two streams of thoughts have developed; one, on
how to organise the activities most systematically and analytically so that uniformity in the work
and operations can be brought about, and the other, on how to understand an individual's relation to a
given activity now recognised as "work". Obviously, enough thinking has developed in both these
spheres over the years and the two perspectives have affected each other due to the high degree of their
The beginning of these two perspectives can be seen in the work of Robert Owen (1771 -1858) and
Charles Babbage (1792-1871). Owen a manager by profession claimed that a manager's best
investment was in his workers ("vital machines" as he called them). He believed in providing better
conditions for workers which he thought would result in higher productivity. Whereas Babbage, a
professor of mathematics, was an early advocate of division of labour. He believed in applying
scientific principles to work processes to increase productivity and reduce expenses. Whichever may be
the focal point, coordinating of individuals in an organisation is the beginning of people management.
Organisations have attempted to explore the best way of achieving this and continue to do so.
While designing an organisation structure, the following points need to be kept in mind:
1. Identification of key activities which will produce desired results.
2. Classification of the key activities.
organisation, its people and products take place and therefore would be the right place to share
knowledge and experience and enhance the combined capability of the group.
When it comes to learning, most oiganisations go out of their way to treat everyone equally. Each
employee has the opportunity to receive training on technical and other skills, as well as to access
incentives for continued education. But sometimes in the pursuit of uniformity, it's easy to overlook the
fact that employees are people too; people who invariably have real-world experiences that give them
unique perspectives on learning.
^ I HUMAn F^EStteii^i^^
"There's a lot that occurs in a person's life in terms of experiences and conditioning and attitudes, and
they bring all that with them into the worlqjlace," says Allen Jones, president of the Edge Leaming
Institute. "Businesses must recognise that people come to them with all sorts of prior knowledge, all of
which ultimately determine their contribution to an organisation way more than flieir technical
But many organisations do not have processes in place that can effectively leverage employees' realworld, on and off-the-job experiences. The benefits of effective knowledge sharing, can include
improved productivity, increased engagement and retention, strengthened loyalty and a workforce that
feels more valued and validated.
"It's absolutely imperative that knowledge sharing takes place for a business to be competitive," Jones
said. "Equally important. is for learning professionals to help the employee understand the impact and
influence of those experiences, the cause-and-effect relationship of those experiences and how that
affects their ability to make contributions."
Group dynamics is concerned with why and how groups develop. There are several theories as to why
groups develop. A classic theory, developed by George Homans, suggests that groups develop based on
activities, interactions, and sentiments. Basically, the theory means that when individuals share common
activities, they will have more interaction and will develop attitudes (positive or negative) toward each
other. The major element in this theory is the interaction of the individuals involved.
Social exchange theory offers an alternative explanation for group development, according to which,
individuals form relationships based on the implicit expectation of mutually beneficial exchanges based
on trust and felt obligation. Thus, a perception that exchange of relationships will be positive is essential
if individuals are to be attracted to and affiliate with a group.
Social identity theory offers another explanation for group formation. Simply put, this theory suggests
that individuals get a sense of identity and self-esteem based upon their membership in salient groups.
Group dynamics as related to development concerns not only "why" groups form but also "how". The
most common framework for examining the "how" of group formation was developed by Bruce
Tuckman in the 1960s. In essence, the steps in group formation imply that groups do not usually
perform at maximum effectiveness when they are first established. They encounter several stages of
development as they strive to become productive and effective. Most groups experience the same
developmental stages with similar conflicts and resolutions.
According to Tuckman's theory, there are five stages of group development: forming, storming,
norming, performing, and adjourning. During these stages group members mxist address several issues
and the way in which these issues are resolved determines whether the group will succeed in
accomplishing its tasks.
1. Forming: This stage is usually characterized by some confusion and uncertainty. The major goals
of the group have not been established. The nature of the task or leadership of the group has not
been determined (Luthans, 2005). Thus, forming is an orientation stage when members get to
know one another and share expectations about the group. Members learn the purpose of the
group as well as the rules to be followed,
2. Storming: In this stage, the group is likely to see the highest level of disagreement and conflict.
Members often challenge group goals and struggle for power. Individuals often vie for the
leadership position during this stage of development. This can be a positive experience for all
groups if members can achieve cohesiveness through resolution. Members often voice concern
and criticism in this phase. If members are not able to resolve the conflict, then the group will
often disband or continue in existence but will remain ineffective and never advance to the other
3. Norming: This stage is characterized by the recognition of individual differences and shared
expectations. Hopefully, at this stage the group members will begin to develop a feeling of group
cohesion and identity. Cooperative efforts begin to yield results. Responsibilities are divided
among members and the group decides how it will evaluate progress.
4. Performing: Occurs when the group has matured and attains a feeling of cohesiveness. During
this stage of development, individuals accept one another and conflict is resolved through group
discussion. Members of the group make decisions through a rational process that is focused on
relevant goals rather than emotional issues.
5. Adjourning: Not all groups experience this stage of development because it is characterized by
the disbandment of the group. Some groups are relatively permanent (Luthans, 2005). Reasons
that groups disband vary, with common reasons being the accomplishment of the task or
deciding to go their own ways. Members of the group often experience feelings of closure and
sadness as they prepare to leave.
decide who should participate next. Group size will affect not only participation but satisfaction as well.
Evidence supports the notion that as the size of the group increases, satisfaction increases up to a certain
point. In other words, a group of six members has twice as many opportunities for interaction and
participation as a group of three people. Beyond 10 or 12 members, increasing the size of the group
results in decreased satisfaction. It is increasingly difficult for members of large groups to identify with
one another and experience cohesion.
Group Roles
In formal groups, roles are usually predetermined and assigned to members. Each role will have specific
responsibilities and duties. There are, however, emergent roles that develop naturally to meet the needs of
the groups. These emergent roles will often replace the assigned roles as mdividuals begin to express
themselves and become more assertive. Group roles can then be classified into work roles, maintenance
roles, and blocking roles.
Work roles are task-oriented activities that involve accomplishing the group's goals. They involve a
variety of specific roles such as initiator, informer, clarifier, summariser, and reality tester. The initiator
defines problems, proposes action, and suggests procedures.
Role conflict occurs when there is inconsistency between the perceived role and role behaviour. There are
several different forms of role conflict. Inter role conflict occurs when there is conflict between the
different roles that people have. For example, work roles and family roles often compete with one another
and cause conflict. Intra-role conflict occurs when individuals must handle conflicting demands from
different sources while performing the tasks associated with the same role.
Group Norms
Norms are acceptable standards of behavior within a group that are shared by the members of the group.
Norms define the boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. They are typically created in order
to facilitate group survival, make behavior more predictable, avoid embarrassing situations, and express
the values of the group. Each group will establish its own set of norms that might determine anything
from the appropriate dress to how many comments to make in a meeting. Groups exert pressure on
members to force them to conform to the group's standards. The norms often reflect the level of
commitment, motivation, and performance of the group.
Performance norms determine how quickly members should work and how much they should produce.
They are created in an effort to determine levels of individual effort. They can be very frustrating to
managers because they are not always in line with the organisation's goals. Members of a group may have
the skill and ability to perform at higher levels but they don't because of the group's performance norms.
For example, workers may stop working a production machine at 20 minutes before quitting time in order
to Wash up, even though they produced fewer items that day than management intended.
The majority of the group must agree that the norms are appropriate in order for the behavior to be
accepted. There must also be a shared understanding that the group supports the norms. It should be
noted, however, that members might violate group norms from time to time. If the majority of members
do not adhere to the norms, then they will eventually change and will no longer serve as a standard for
evaluating behavior. Group members who do not conform to the norms will be pimished by being
excluded, ignored, or asked to leave the group.
Evidence suggests that groups typically outperform individuals when the tasks involved require a variety of skills,
experience, and decision making. Groups are often more flexible and can quickly assemble, achieve goals, and
disband or move on to another set of objectives. Many organisations have found that groups have many
motivational aspects as well. Group members are more likely to participate-in decisionmaking and problem-solving
activities leading to empowerment and increased productivity. Groups complete most of the work in an
organisation; thus, the effectiveness of the organisation is influenced by the effectiveness of its groups.
strengths as well as weaknesses. And, not only that, but that this group can be a part of us growing into our potential,
which is essentially becoming our fuller and better selves.
"The group loop is that we join with others around a common purpose, and purpose is simply the reason why we
come together. In the context of doing our work together, we form a bond, and the bond is all about a sense of
collective identity, what binds us together, what helps us to feel connected in a common definition of who we are.
"Finally, the world loop is about making a difference in the real world. Impact is about our desire to make a
difference, to know that our efforts essentially created some kind of change. Reality has to do with that we operate
in the real world, understanding and accepting it for what it is, rather than in some fantasy."
Ryan said the more of these needs that get met by a group, the more likely that the group will become transformative
for its members and in its results.
Whether a talent manager is bringing together a cross-functional team to handle a staffing issue or cope with layoffs,
Ryan said, "It's always wise to start with purpose."
"Make sure that people are clear about what the purpose of the group is," she said. "It's quite amazing how anybody
who's calling a group together can think it's perfectly clear what we're here for, when in fact, the 10 or 12 people
who show up don't have that understanding at all."
"Also, look at that purpose from the point of view of how compelling is it. Because one of the challenges in today's
world is that everybody's busy. Organisations ran so lean that everything's important and the pace can feel so rushed.
So the question becomes what's going to make this cross-functional team that we're creating important enough so
that people will really give their heads and hearts to it, and have it be significant enough so that when push comes to
shove, they will show up, they will do their homework, they'll be there on time, they'll follow through, they'll make
it a priority."
In an engineering company in India, whenever cross fimctional groups meet, one of the members writes down on a
board " what is the purpose of this meeting?", after the initial discussions. This obviously helps in setting the right
direction for the agenda.
Let Us Sum Up
Under this unit, we have leamt about the structure and various constituents of an organisation.
Understood the best manner in which to match a person to the job and gone through research reports which indicate
current trends in organisations.
Group Dynamics as a major topic giving inside into the formation and fimctioning of groups and how sub-groups
become effective within the over all organisation.
Organisational structure
Matrix structure
Fimctional structure of organisations Organisational
culture Forming, Storming, Norming Group Norms
and Group Cohesiveness Cyber Networks
Terminal Questions
1. How do we ensure the right person job fit. Elaborate in the context of cultural fit?
2. What are the stages of Group Formation. Elaborate in the context of Tuckmans Theory.
3.What is Group Cohesiveness?
4.Short note on Cyber Groups and how they differ from traditional groups. References
Brainstorming; Group Decision Making; Teams and Teamwork; Amy McMillan; Revised by Tim Bamett
Further Reading
Cherrington, D.J. Organisational Behavior. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1994.
Frey, L.R., and S. Wolf "The Symbolic & Interpretive Perspective on Group Dynamics," Small Group
Research 35, no. 3 (2004): 277-316.
Greenberg, J., and R.A. Baron. Behavior in Organisations. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,
Hellriegel, D., and J.W. Slocum, Jr. Organisational Behavior. 10th ed. Thomson South-Western, 2004.
Katz, D., and R. Kahn. The Social Psychology of Organisations. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons,
1978, 196.
Luthans, F. Organisational Behavior. 10th ed. Boston: McCiraw-Hill, 2005.
Robbins, S.P. Essentials of Organisational Behavior. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1997.
The following factors contribute to hard work, skill development and effective problem solving strategies:
The task itself should be motivating.
The task itself should be seen as being worthwhile. It needs to be a whole piece of work with a
clear and visible outcome so that people can feel a sense of ownership.
The outcome of the task should be perceived as being important to other people's lives. It should
affect others in the organisation or impact the external customer.
The job should provide the team with an opportunity for self-regulation. They should decide how
the work is to be done. Meaningfiil feedback should be provided on the how well the team is
The team needs challenging goals, which are clearly defined which will help it mobilise its efforts to find
irmovative ways to achieve feats that may have been considered impossible. Providing a challenging job is
the most important motivator to sustain group effort.
Rewards are important and they need to suit the personal characteristics of the people on the team. It is
important that group effort is recognised and the disruptive habit of trying to single out individuals from the
group, when there has been a group effort, must be avoided.
HBR article. In his research at nearly 200 large, global companies, Goleman found that while the qualities
traditionally associated with leadership-such as intelligence, toughness, determination, and vision-are required for
success, they are insufficient. Truly effective leaders are also distinguished by a high degree of emotional
intelligence, which includes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skill.
Studies and analysis, have focused on how emotional intelligence operates at work, examining the relationship
something about both the difficulty of leadership and its potential for producing change.
People who provide effective leadership in important jobs always have a chance, before they get into those jobs, to
grow beyond the normal managerial careers. This is the result of lateral career moves or of early promotions to
unusually broad job assignments. BHEL has a practice of exposing potential general managers, to at least 3 distinct
functions before they are finally promoted as GMs. Gobalisation has also meant that a number of successful group
CEOs have actually spent time managing regional units in diverse geographical environments as the breadth of
knowledge developed in this way seems to be helpful in all aspects of leadership.
Effective leaders must have an edge. They must be courageous enough to take risks and have an unrelenting
readiness to act. Popularity is not a requirement, but the ability to generate respect from the employees is, without a
doubt, one of the most critical attributes. They must be relentless in their efforts, unconcerned about personal
sacrifice of their time, and willing to go beyond normal expectations. Tough decisions are commonplace; imcharted
territories will be the norm. Honesty and impeccable character are musts.
Leaders get results. They make things happen. They continually advance a clear agenda, get others to buy in and
move the organisation to accomplish specific objectives. They are explicit, consistent, concise and sincere. They
generally have an abundance of charisma although some leaders gain success with a quieter influence. Exemplary
leaders take charge and are not afi-aid of responsibility or risk. Most people want to follow them. Good leaders
develop openness, honesty, clarity of purpose and a sincere caring for the people they lead. They gain commitment
and trust by demonstrating respect for the individual. They have a keen sense of understanding. They believe in
their task, they understand the objectives, they communicate clearly and they honestly project the understanding that
they need the efforts of everyone to succeed. It is all about believing in employees and their ability to create success.
Her first week on the job she had lunch and dirmer meetings with each member of the management team. Joan
sought to get each person's understanding of the current situation. But her focus was not so much on learning how
each person diagnosed the problem as on getting to know each manager as a person. Here Joan employed the
affiliative style: she explored their lives, dreams, and aspirations.
She also stepped into the coaching role, looking for ways she could help the team members achieve what they
was a poor team player confided his worries to her. He thought he was a good team member, but he was plagued by
persistent complaints. Recognising that he was a talented executive and a valuable asset to the company, Joan made
an agreement with him to point out (in private) when his actions undermined his goal of being seen as a team
She followed the one-on-one conversations with a three-day off-site meeting. Her goal here was team building, so
that everyone would own whatever solution for the business problems emerged. Her initial stance at the off-site
meeting was that of a democratic leader. She encouraged everyone to express freely their fhistrations and
The next day, Joan had the group focus on solutions: each person made three specific proposals about what needed
to be done. As Joan clustered the suggestions, a natural consensus emerged about priorities for the business, such as
cutting costs. As the group came up with specific action plans, Joan got the commitment and buy-in she sought.
With that vision in place, Joan shifted into the authoritative style, assigning accountability for each follow-up step
to specific executives and holding them responsible for their accomplishment. For example, the division had been
dropping prices on products without increasing its volume. One obvious solution was to raise prices, but the
previous VP of sales had dithered and had let the problem fester. The new VP of sales now had responsibility to
adjust the price points to fix the problem.
Over the following months, Joan's main stance was authoritative. She continually articulated the group's new vision
in a way that reminded each member of how his or her role was crucial to achieving these goals. And, especially
during the first few weeks of the plan's implementation, Joan felt that the urgency of the business crisis justified an
occasional shift into the coercive style should someone fail to meet his or her responsibility. As she put it, "I had to
be brutal about this follow-up and make sure this stuff happened. It was going to take discipline and focus."
The results? Every aspect of climate improved. People were innovating. They were talking about the division's
vision and crowing about their commitment to new, clear goals. The ultimate proof of Joan's fluid leadership style is
written in black ink: after only seven months, her division exceeded its yearly profit target by $5 million.
Authoritative Affiliative
The leader's
modus operandi immediate
people toward harmony and consensus
a vision
The style in a
Sets high
standards for people for the
performance future
"Try this."
Lidership Style
Authoritative Affiliative
Drive to
tion, team
drive to
In a crisis, to
To heal rifls
works best
Overall impact
on climate
kick start
in a teamBF-HAVIOUR
in consen
turnaround. require a new to motivate
sus, or get
or with
vision, or
input from
when a clear during
direction is
| 54 from a
and compe
tent team
To help an
or develop
Most effective leaders use a collection of distinct leadership styles-each in the right measure, at just the right time.
Such flexibility is tough to put into action, but it pays off in performance. And better yet, it can be learned.
An authoritative leader states the end but gives people their own means.
Leaders who have mastered four or more- especially the authoritative, democratic, affiliative, and coaching styleshave the best climate and business performance.
The 12 stage methodology consisted of: Select subject. Define the process. Identify potential partners. Identify data
sources. Collect data and select partners. Determine the gap. Establish process differences. Target future
performance, Commimicate, Adjust goal. Implement and Review/recalibrate.
The following is an example of a typical benchmarking methodology:
Financial benchmarking - performing a financial analysis and comparing the results in an effort to assess
one's overall competitiveness and productivity.
Performance benchmarking - allows the initiator firm to assess their competitive position by comparing
products and services with those of target firms.
Product benchmarking - the process of designing new products or upgrades to current ones. This process can
sometimes involve reverse engineering which is taking apart competitors' products to find strengths and
Functional benchmarking - a company will focus its benchmarking on a single function in order to improve
the operation of that particular fimction. Complex fimctions such as Human Resources, Finance and
Accounting and Information and Communication Technology are unlikely to be directly comparable in cost
and efficiency terms and may need to be segregated into processes to make valid comparison.
Best-in-class benchmarking - involves studying the leading competitor or the company that best carries out a
specific fimction.
Operational benchmarking - embraces everything from staffing and productivity to office flow and analysis
of procedures performed.
The Indian banking sector is at a watershed. Brisk economic growth is opening up unprecedented opportunities.
Several Indian banks are pursuing global strategies, as Indian companies globalise and people of Indian origin
increase their investment in India.
same time a number of
global banks have stepped up their focus on India, keen to participate in the sector's growth. Today, the question
often asked is how competitive are Indian banks and do the practices at work in these banks compare against global
best practices.
To assess this, McKinsey & Co. launched five proprietary surveys with help from the Indian Banks Association to
profile leading Indian banks. The surveys administered were The McKinsey Personal Financial Services Survey;
Excellence in Retail Banking Survey; IT Benchmarking Survey; Organisational Performance Profile Survey; and
Asset-Liability Management Survey. We will here refer to the IT survey.
2.6.4 IT Effectiveness
The IT Benchmarking Survey profiled 11 leading banks in India. The survey based on proprietary methodology
assesses the level of IT capability and how it links to business performance across foin parameters - total spends on
technology, alignment of IT systems with corporate objectives, utility and complexity of solutions, governance and
management processes.
The survey reveals that IT effectiveness at the top Indian banks is world-class. Most banks in India have used IT to
achieve superior business performance, driven mainly by the cost advantage in India, the focus on avoiding legacy
systems, superior IT governance that often entails direct CEO involvement and competent outsourcing.
Today, Indian banks are some of the most technologically advanced banks with vast networks of branches
empowered by strong banking systems. Their product and channel distribution capabilities are on par with those of
the leading banks in the world. Sustained improvements in infrastructure and a strong focus on technology have
helped India become one of the most IT-efificient countries in the world.
More focus on value adding activities: New private and foreign banks focus more on value-added activities
such as building new infrastructure like ATM networks and modem core banking systems; customer service
channels including call centres, Intemet banking and mobile banking;
sophisticated risk-assessment and pricing techniques; data warehousing/mining tools; and marketing tools
such as customer relationship management.
Better IT talent management: Although IT governance and management are strong in most Indian banks;
new private and foreign banks have focused on promoting and nurturing talent. This is well reflected in their
compensation structure, which is highly linked to individual performance. Further, continual effort is made to
increase the distributed ownership of initiatives among all employees.
Superior complexity handling: New private and foreign banks prove superior in managing both application
and infrastructure complexity. They are continuously advancing towards a centralised and consolidated
application portfolio. Better integrated and flexible applications are helping them to strengthen processes and
reduce the number of errors and maintenance costs. These banks also use infrastructure optimisation
technologies such as desktop and server virtualisation, grid computation, and Web service implementation.
To conclude, Indian banks have a strong competitive advantage on several dimensions such as alignment between IT
and business heads, management processes, and the ability to streamline administrative overheads and to channel
investments. But the survey suggests that several improvement opportunities exist for both new private and foreign
banks and old private and public sector banks. For instance, banks need to work towards streamlining commodity
areas such as application maintenance and infrastructure. They also need to focus on investing more in value adding
activities and outsourcing selectively. The PSU banks which is a major player in the Indian economy, have
obviously a long way to
Further Reading
An excerpt from McKinsey & Company's "Indian Banking: Towards Global Best Practices - Insights from
industry benchmarking surveys" released at the Bancon in November 2007.
Beating the competition: a practical guide to Benchmarking. Washington, DC: Kaiser Associates. 1988. pp.
176. ISBN 978-1563650185. firstbookonbenchmarking.
Camp, R. (1989). The search for industry best practices that lead 2 superior performance. Productivity Press.
"GROWTH MANAGEMENT-Experiences of successfiil companies in Central Europe".
Benchmarking: How to Make the Best Decisions for Your Practice[l].
Retrieved from "".
align with and support the new TQM culture. Information systems will need to be redesigned to measure and track
new areas such as service quality as also budgeting and resource allocation systems. Organisational structure and
design will be different under TQM: layers of management may be reduced and organisational roles will certainly
change. In particular, middle management and first line supervisors will be operating in new ways. Instead of
acting as monitors and agents of control, they will serve as boundary managers, coordinators, and leaders who
assist line workers in getting their jobs done. To deal with fears of layoffs, all employees should be assured that no
one will lose employment as a result of TQM changes: jobs may change, perhaps radically, but no one will be laid
off. Hyde (1992) has reconmiended that we "disperse and transform, not replace, midlevel managers." This no
layoff principle has been a common one in joint labour management ch^ge processes such as quality of working
life projects for many years.
Another systems consideration is that TQM should evolve from the organisation's strategic plan and be based on
stakeholder expectations. TQM is often proposed based on environmental conditions such as the need to cut costs
or demands for increased responsiveness to stakeholders. TQM should be purpose oriented: it should be used
because an organisation's leaders feel a need to make the organisation more effective. It should be driven by results
and not be seen as an end in itself. If TQM is introduced without consideration of real organisational needs and
conditions, it will be met by skepticism on the part of both managers and workers. ,
with them, perhaps with customers defining quality, is a radical one in many oiganisations,, particularly those in
banks which are highly regulated with very little scope for flexibility. Historical worker antipathy to the use of
statistics and data in the human services may carry over into views of TQM, which encourages the gathering and
analysis of data on service quality. At another level, management resistance to employee empowerment is likely.
They may see decision making authority in zero sum terms: if employees have more involvement in decision
making, managers will have less. In fact, one principle in employee involvement is that each level will be more
empowered, and managers lose none of their fundamental authority. There will undoubtedly be changes in their
roles, however; they will spend less time on control and more on facilitation. For many traditional managers, this
transition will require training, self reflection, and time as well, as assurances from higher management that they are
not in danger of being replaced.
Resistance in other parts of the organisation will show up if TQM is introduced on a pilot basis or only in particular
programs (Hyde, 1992). Kanter (1983) has referred to this perspective as segmentalism: each unit or program sees
itself as separate and unique, with nothing to learn from others and no need to collaborate with them. This shows up
in the "not invented here" syndrome: those not involved in the initial development of an idea feel no ownership for
it. On a broader level, there may be employee resistance to industry examples used in TQM terms like inventory or
order backlog (Cohen and Brand, 1993).
There are several tactics which can be helpful in dealing with resistance to TQM implementation. Generally, they
have to do with acknowledging legitimate resistance and changing tactics based on it, using effective leadership to
enroll people in the vision of TQM, and using employee participation.
The results of Sundaram-Clayton's total quality movement are reflected on the company's books. Its financial
indicators in the 5 years between 1992-93 and 1997-98 tell a tale of top-level performances.
Being a vendor to the auto-makers, its top line, of course, is tied to those of its customers: the Rs 2,048- crore Ashok
Leyland and the Rs 7,450-crore Tata Engineering & Locomotives Co. for air-brake systems, and the Rs 7,842 crore
Mamti Udyog and Hyimdai Motors India for castings. Thus, sales grew at an average rate of 35 per cent per annum,
between 1992-93 and 1996-97, although it shrank by 25 per cent in 1997-98, on account of the recession in the
automobile industry.
Likewise, the average growth in net profits in those 4 years was a stunning 83% per annum~a glowing tribute to
quality-led cost management-although it fell back by 35% in 1997-98. But, internally, its performance improved
consistently despite the recession, with tumover per employee rising by an average of 18% a year, and gross value
added climbing by an average of 12% per annum.
What Simdaram-Clayton's progress reveals is the all-important alignment, of the quality imperatives of the company
with the parameters used by an assessment framework, such as the one applied for the Deming Prize.
Sundaram-Clayton's integrated Deming's 10 parameters into the 4 sfreams of its quality practices, namely policies,
people, processes, and products, respectively. Its TQM model ensures Total Employee Involvement, Policy
Deployment, Standardisation, Kaizen, and Training, besides promoting employer - employee relations.
In short, everyone everywhere in the company is a custodian of quality.
At Sundaram-Clayton, the Quality Policy deployment spreads across the entire organisational value- chain, including
the HR team. This is especially crucial in the context of the Deming Prize, which grades the performance of every
department and function separatelyincluding the CEO himself.
Related reading: 'Total Quality Ltd', By R Sridharan, Business Today, 1999 (Financial reference is to figures of
1995-98 for Sundaram Clayton).
Business process reengineering (BPR) is one approach for redesigning the way work is done to better support the
organisation's business goals and improve efficiency on all parameters. Reengineering starts with a high-level
assessment of the organisation's mission, strategic goals, and customer demands. Basic questions are asked, such as
"Does our mission need to be redefined? Are our strategic goals aligned with oin mission? Who are our customers?"
An organisation may find that it is operating on questionable assumptions, particularly in terms of the wants and
needs of its customers. Only after the organisation rethinks what it should be doing, does it go on to decide how best
to do it.
Within the general framework of the basic assessment of mission and goals, reengineering focuses on the
organisation's business processesthe steps and procedures that govern how resources are used to create products
and services that meet the needs of the company's current customers as well as the market. As a structured ordering
of work steps across time and place, a business process can be decomposed into specific activities, measured,
modeled, and improved. It can also be completely redesigned or eliminated altogether. Reengineering identifies,
analyzes, and redesigns an organisation's core business processes with the aim of achieving dramatic improvements
in critical performance measures, such as cost, quality, service, and speed.
BPR Implementation
While BPR is associated historically with the manufacturing sector with specific processes and product mix, a
number of service industries have also successfully implemented BPR which can be applied imiversally by
following these broad guidelines.
1. Envision new processes
2. Initiating change
1. Set up reengineering team
2. Define desired performance goals
3. Process diagnosis
1. Describe existing processes
2. Uncover deficiencies in existing processes
t human
4. Process redesign
1. Develop alternative process scenarios
2. Develop new process design
3. Design HR architecture
4. Select IT platform
5. Develop overall blueprint for action and gather feedback
5. Reconstruction
1. Develop/install IT solution
2. Establish process changes
6. Process monitoring
1. Performance measurement, including time, quality, cost, IT performance
2. Link to continuous improvement
The following tiree illustrations of BPR implementation in Banks, would give an idea of the need assessment and
the implementation strategy used with considerable success.
enhance the range of services provided to corporates and network branches. In March 2004, SBI
announced that it would introduce 'anywhere banking' facility for its customers from over 9000
branches across India in the next two years. All branches in Mumbai would provide this facility
by December 2004. SBI also launched different customized loan programs to cater to various
sections of society depending on income levels and repayment capabilities. Interest rates and
repayment periods were tailor-made to suit the customer groups.
To boost its business, SBI entered into several alliances and tie-ups with automobile, insurance,
mutual fund, project finance and medical equipment companies.
Auto Finance
Unlike other competitors that relied on reduced interest rates to get business, SBI extended the tenure of car loans
from five to seven years, thereby lowering the monthly debt repayment burden of the loan seeker. SBI entered into a
tie-up with Maruti, the largest automobile manufacturer in India, to provide loans for purchase of Maruti cars at the
rate of 10.05% and 11.25% for three years and above three years respectively. After the scheme was inttoduced, SBI
emerged as the largest financier for Maruti cars in India and the number of Maruti vehicles financed grew by 17% in
the fiscal 2003-04 over fiscal 2002-03.
SBI carried out various marketing initiatives to enhance its reach. They included segregating and targeting existing
high value customers, cross sales of other products, setting up call centers and outbound sales force to secure new
customers. Plans were also made to utilise database marketing to pursue large and medium sized corporates,
government and trade finance customers. Database marketing was expected to draw increased revenue from cross
selling, lower costs and increased customer loyalty. SBI also introduced various other ways of reaching out to
customers like extension of hours of work and aggressive marketing through print and television media. SBI
increased daily working hours by two hours and Sunday banking was introduced.
Looking Ahead
SBI's restructuring exercise and growth strategies resulted in an increase in profits for the fiscal 2003- 04. Net
profits stood at Rs 36.81 bn for the fiscal ended 2003-04 as against Rs 31.05 bn the previous fiscal, an increase of
18.55%. Operating profits stood at Rs 95.535 bn compared to Rs 77.754 bn in the fiscal 2002-03. In spite of SBI's
efforts to reduce workforce, staff costs rose by 13.3%, mainly due to additional contribution to pension fund and
provision for leave encashment. The net NPA level came down from 4.5% in the fiscal 2002-03 to 3.5% in 2003-04.
SBI aimed at 2% NPA by 2004-05.
Established in 2002, the Bangalore-based ING Vysya Bank is an entity formed with the merger of erstwhile, \Vsya
Bank, a premier bank in the Indian private sector and ING, a Dutch financial services company.
The issues
Financial institutions are perceived to be opaque and inwardly focused. And ING Vysya Bank's worldwide market
research suggested the same: customers do not feel in control of their money when dealing with financial services
ING Vysya Bank, wanted to change that. They decided to launch the 'customer first' initiative that would use
technology and BPR creatively towards the objective of making the bank 'easy to deal with' for customers.
Using pre-generated kits for accessing telephone banking and ATM, including instantaneous replacement of lost
cards was the first step. "Stocking pre-generated inventory of accounts and access devices like PINs and ATM cards
at all customer touch-points took us closer to our aim," said one senior official involved with the project.
He says that the company's focus was on pre-processing all operations and technology elements associated with
these processes, so that the only task would be to activate the account and channels as soon as the customer's request
is received.
However, there were some roadblocks in the implementation. From a technology perspective, all customers facing
core banking processes relevant for account opening and account maintenance had to be re- engineered for the
project. "This was veiy challenging," said the official. Users were comfortable with the existing processes and didn't
want to change the way they worked. Initially, there was a significant disconnect between the people who designed
the new processes and people involved in user acceptance testing. To tackle that, additional training on the current
and modified business processes with inputs on the benefits of the re-engineered process was provided to the users.
From a technology perspective, all customers facing core banking processes relevant for account opening and
account maintenance had to be re-engineered for the project.
Once these challenges were surmoimted, the final roll out was completed in August 2008. The project resulted in
overall cost savings of Rs 2.5 crore at the time of project closure. "The project reduced account opening and service
request fulfillment cycle times by more than 90%, making our customers very happy," said the official.
ISO 9000 can help a company satisfy its customers, meet regulatory requirements and achieve continual
improvement. But it's a first step, and as many qualify professionals say, the base level of a qualify system, not a
complete guarantee of qualify.
international agency for standardisation composed of the national standards bodies of 90 countries.
Underwent major revision in 2000.
Now includes ISO 9000:2000 (definitions), ISO 9001:2008 (requirements) and ISO 9004:2000 (continuous
The revised ISO 9000:2000 series of standards is based on eight qualify management principles that senior
management can apply for organisational improvement:
Customer focus
Involvement of people
Process approach
System approach to management
Continual improvement
Factual approach to decision-making
Mutually beneficial supplier relationships
organisation may not be operating according the standard's requirements and to help make effective
change towards that goal.
Organisations then seek an independent auditing by a certification body to check conformity with the
requirements of the standard and to ensure that they are working in practice. However, an organisation
can implement ISO 9001: 2008 without having its management system audited and certified. ISO does
not itself certify organisations. Most countries have formed accreditation bodies that in turn approve
individuals and organisations to audit and certify organisations applying for ISO 9001:2008 compliance
Training in understanding the standards may be required. Actions taken to meet implementation to the requirements are
left to the organisation itself. The organisation then needs to address the issues needed to comply with the standards.
The ISO requirements cover a wide range of topics:
Management commitment to quality.
'Customer' focus.
Adequacy of an organisation's resources.
Employee competence.
Process management (for production, service delivery and relevant administrative and support processes).
Quality planning.
Design, purchasing, monitoring and measurement of its processes and products.
Processes to resolve customer complaints.
Corrective/preventive actions.
Once a decision has been taken to get a function, process or a branch as in the case of banks, certified under the
appropriate ISO series, the management appoints an internal champion as the Management representative who will lies
closely with the external consultant and all the concerned officials in various sections.
Each procedure that is covered under the scope for ISO certification is carefully documented with paras and subparas
with clear numbering so that reference to any procedure is accurate and once completed, gets a sign off by the
departmental head as well as the MR. Thereafter, all activities of the section are carried out strictly in accordance with
the laid down procedure. For example, if it is mentioned that the customer relations executive in the bank would pick up
a phone call within 2 rings, compliance can be monitored easily. Any deviation has to be rectified as per a laid down
procedure by the specified authority. Once all the procedures within the planned set of activities is completed and
practiced for a reasonable amount of time, the MR presents the case to the external. Certifying Authority, who on being
satisfied with the implementation, grants the ISO certification to the organisation or branch as the case may be.
Periodic reviews happen, generally eveiy year or six months and in case deviations are not rectified within reasonable
time, the certification may even get revoked.
(i) A steering committee: This is at the top of the structure. It is headed by a senior executive and includes
representatives from the top management persormel and human resources development people. It establishes
policy, plans and directs the program and meets usually once in a month.
(ii) Coordinator: He may be an HR or Administrative officer who co-ordinates and supervises the work of the
facilitators and administers the programme.
(iii) Facilitator: He may be a senior supervisory officer. He co-ordinates the works of several quality circles through
the Circle leaders.
(iv) Circle leader: Leaders may be from lowest level workers or Supervisors. A Circle leader organises and conducts
Circle activities.
(v) Circle members: They may be staff workers. Without circle members the programme cannot exist. They are the
lifeblood of quality circles. They should attend all meetings as far as possible, offer suggestions and ideas,
participate actively in group process, take training serioxisly with a receptive attitude. The roles of Steering
Committee, Co-Ordinator, Facilitator, Circle leader and Circle members are well defined.
The major prerequisite for initiating Quality Circles in any organisation is the total understanding of, as well as
complete conviction and faith in the participative philosophy, on the part of the top and senior management. In the
absence of a commitment from the Chief Executive to support the Quality Circle movement totally, it would be
inadvisable to seriously attempt the starting of Quality Circles.
2.7.15 Q C Implementation
Explain the concept to the employees and invite them to volunteer as members of Quality Circles. Nominate senior
officers as facilitators, form a steering committee.
i human ----------Arrange training of coordinators, facilitators in basics of Quality Circle approach, implementation, techniques and
operation. Facilitator may provide training to Circle leaders and Circle members. Training to include, brief orientation
programme for top management, training of facilitators as well as Circle leaders and members.
The operation of quality circles involves a set of sequential steps as under:
1. Problem identification: Identify a number of problems, decide the priority and select the problem to be taken up
2. Problem is clarified and analysed by basic problem solving methods.
3. Generate alternative solutions: Identify and evaluate causes and generate number of possible alternative
solutions, and select the most appropriate solution. Discuss and evaluate the alternative solutions by comparison
in terms of investment and return from the investment.
4. Prepare plan of action for converting the solution into action plan and implement solution as a test case.
5. The management evaluates the recommended solution. Then it is tested and if successful, implemented on a fu ll
Qualify Circles also help to develop internal leadership, reinforce worker morale and motivation, and encourage a
strong sense of teamwork in an organisation. Other benefits include higher quality, improved productivity, greater
upward flow of information, broader improved worker attitudes, and job enrichment.
Qualify Circles are not limited to manufacturing firms only. They are applicable for variety of organisations where there
is scope for group based solution of work related problems. Quality Circles are relevant for factories, firms, schools,
hospitals, universities, research institutes, banks, government offices etc. The P. W.D. of Maharashtra has set an
example for the Government organisations marching on the path of Quality Improvement.
2.7.16 QC in Banks
As for banks, the following excerpt from the Caara Bank website is illustrative of the bank's approach.
Quality Circle is a voluntary group of employees in the same work area, coming together, working as a team, solving
work related problems resulting in self development and organisational benefit. The concept has been built on the basic
foundation of "Participative work culture" with motivation and involvement of employees at grass roots level exploring
their potentials, creativity and capabilities.
With a view to provide greater exposure and wide experience. Quality Circles which have successfully completed their
projects are nominated To participate in Bank's Apex Quality Circle Contest.
For p|resentations at external forums like - Local Chapter Conventions and Annual National Convention on
Quality Circles(NCQC) organised by Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI).
Apart from the above, QC Teams are being nominated to International Conventions on Quality Control Circles
(ICQCC) organised by member countries. Several of our QCs have won prizes and accolades at these conventions.
companies practice Six Sigma, it has become imperative for all companies to initiate the Six Sigma process in order just
to stay in business.
The number of companies that have deployed Six Sigma runs into the thousands. Six Sigma has been deployed in all
types of industries including manufacturing, IT, ITES, services, healthcare, design, BPO etc. Some companies that have
realised huge benefits are GE, Motorola, Caterpillar, Microsoft, Ford, Wipro, HP etc.
Six Sigma began in 1986 as a statistically-based method to reduce variation in electronic manufacturing processes in
Motorola Inc in the USA. Today, twenty-something years on. Six Sigma is used as an all- encompassing business
performance methodology, all over the world, in organisations as diverse as local government departments, prisons,
hospitals, the armed forces, banks, tihe tiffin service (Mumbai dabbawallahs) and multi-national corporations.
The UK Department for Trade and Industry defines Six Sigma as: "a data-driven method for achieving near perfect
quality. Six Sigma analysis can focus on any element of production or service, and has a strong emphasis on statistical
analysis in design, manufacturing and customer-oriented activities." June 2005. Six Sigma can be evaluated at three
different levels: As a metric, as a methodology, and as a management system. Six Sigma is a top-down solution to help
organisations align their business strategy to critical improvement efforts, mobilise teams to attack high impact projects,
accelerate improved business results and govern efforts to ensure improvements are sustained.
The word is a statistical term that measures how far a given process deviates from perfection. To achieve Six Sigma
Quality, a process must produce no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. An 'opportunity' is defined as a
chance for nonconformance, or not meeting the required specifications. This means, one needs to be nearly flawless in
executing the key processes.
In 1995, General Electric's CEO Jack Welch decided to implement Six Sigma in GE, and by 1998 GE
claimed that Six Sigma had generated over three-quarters of a billion dollars of cost savings. (Source:
George Eckes' book. The Six Sigma Revolution). In Jack Welch's own words "Nothing compares to the
effectiveness of six sigma when it comes to improving a company's operational efficiency, raising its
productivity and lowering its cost. It improves design processes, gets products to market faster with
fewer defects and builds customer loyalty. Perhaps the biggest but most unheralded benefit of six sigma
is its capacity to develop a cadre of great leaders( pg.245- "Winning" by Jack Welsh and Suzy Welch).
By the mid-1990's Six Sigma had developed into a transferable 'branded' corporate management
initiative and methodology, notably in General Electric and other large manufacturing corporations, as
also in organisations outside the manufacturing sector. By the year 2000, Six Sigma was effectively
established as an industry in its own right, involving the training, consultancy and implementation of
Six Sigma methodology in all sorts of organisations around the world.
Six Sigma is a methodology which requires and encourages team leaders and teams to take
responsibility for implementing the Six Sigma processes. Significantly these people need to be trained
in Six Sigma's methods - especially the use of the measurement and improvement tools, and in
communication and relationship skills, necessary to involve and serve the needs of the internal and
external customers and suppliers that form the critical processes of the organisation's delivery chains.
Training is therefore an essential element of the Six Sigma methodology. Six Sigma terminology
employs attractive names for other elements within the model, for example 'Black Belts' and 'Green
Belts', which denote people with different levels of expertise (and to an extent qualifications), and
different responsibilities, for implementing Six Sigma methods. Six Sigma teams and notably Six
Sigma team leaders ('Black Belts') use a vast array of tools at each stage of Six Sigma implementation
to define, measure, analyse and control variation in process quality, and to manage people, teams and
When an organisation decides to implement Six Sigma, first the executive team has to decide the
strategy - which might typically be termed an improvement initiative, and this base strategy should
focus on the essential processes necessary to meet customer expectations. This could amount to twenty
or thirty business process. At the top level these are the main processes that enable the organisation to
add value to goods and services and supply them to customers. Implicit within this is an understanding
of what the customers - internal and external - actually want and need.
A team of managers ('Black Belts' normally) who 'own' these processes is responsible for:
identifying and understanding these processes in detail, and also
understanding the levels of qualify (especially tolerance of variation) that customers (internal
and external) expect, and then
measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of each process performance - notably the 'sigma'
performance - ie., is the number of defects per million operations.
Most practitioners and users of Six Sigma refer to Motorola's early DMAIC acronym (extended since to
DMAICT) as a way of reinforcing and reminding participants what needs to be done.
A - Analyse opportunity
I - Improve performance
C - Control performance, and optionally:
T - Transfer best practice (to spread the learning to other areas of the organisation)
A measurement of four sigma equates to approximately 6,200 DPMO, or around 99.4% perfection. A measurement of
five sigma equates to just 233 defects per million opportunities, equivalent to a 99.98% perfection rate, and arguably
acceptable to many businesses, although absolutely still not good enough for industries that need that 100% safety
into a small series of letters and nmnbers, hand-painted on each client's tiffin. For instance, Bhalekar's lunch would
carry the coding 3MC4, 3 for the carrier who delivers in Nariman Point, MC for his office in Mafatlal Centre and 4
for the floor his office is located on.
In another code below it, 10 is the number for the Churchgate station where the tiffm is offloaded and D for Dahisar
station where it was collected. So advanced, and so loved by the people, is the service that you can order it from
online grocery store Despite such facilities and efficiency-a level which Forbes noted "western
businesses can only aspire to" - the service comes at an amazingly cheap fee of Rs 150 a month, the price determined
somewhat by the recession in the business. From its peak days in 1955 with deliveries of over two lakh tiffins per day,
the century-old trade received its first blow when bank employees began leaving home early with the change in office
timings in the late 1960s. The rapid closure of mills in the 1980s-'90s also robbed the dabbawallah of his largest
clientele, the mill
workers. Now, canteens and food courts in the office districts have taken their toll.
'Process Sigma'
The sigma scale is exponential. The difference between the DPMO equating to each whole number more than doubles
as one moves up through the scale. By a rough calculation, 'seven sigma' would equate to about 2 defects per 100
million opportunities which is perhaps a little over-demanding even for zero defect industry, and that is perhaps why
nobody looks beyond six sigma.
New age banks are becoming more quality and cost-conscious; six sigma is increasingly getting popular. ICICI Bank,
HDFC Bank and some of the back office operations of MNC banks have initiated the six sigma process for specific
activities in the bank. While Citibank has six sigma running as a worldwide initiative, HSBC has started the process
for its Jndian operations.
Let Us Sum Up
In unit 2 we have gone through various aspects of an organisation as well as the groups of employees as well as
management that make up the structure.
Formation of small groups and group dynamics play a vital role.
We also understood how effective leaders develop and fimction and how they build functional teams. In
benchmarking we have briefly looked at the process and how it impacts organisational behavior.
In the long chapter on quality processes, we have looked at traditional techniques of TQM, BPR and ISO, and also
understood the implications of quality circles and the now widely prevalent six sigma process.
Behavioural Djmamics
Formal and Informal Organisations
Matrix Structure
Divisional Structure
The Person-Job Fit
Culture Counts
Group Dynamics
Group Norms
Cyber Groups
Leadership and Team Effectiveness
Leadership Develops Leaders
The Six Leadership Styles at a Glance
Human Resource Implications of Benchmarking
Benchmarking of IT capability in Indian banks.
TQM Implementation Process
Business Process Reengineering
ISO 9000 Series
Quality Circle
Six Sigma
Six Sigma Conversion Table
Terminal Questions
Discuss briefly the history of TQM Implementation in history.
Discuss how Business Process re-engineering can be implemented in the Indian Banking Industry. Cite some
examples of actual implementation.
Elaborate on the feasibility of introducing quality circles in banks branches.
Six sigma is considered the most efficient quality measure. Elaborate with examples from the Indian scenario.
Cunningham, J. B. & Eberle, T. (1990). "A Guide to Job Enrichment and Redesign," Personnel, Feb 1990, p.57
in Newstrom, J. & Davis, K. (1993). Organisation Behavior: Hmnan Behavior at Work. New York: McGraw68
Change Agent
Managing Change
Responsibility Charting
Let Us Sum Up
Change management is a systematic approach to dealing with change, both from the perspective of an
organisation and on the individual level. A somewhat ambiguous term, change management has at least
three different aspects, including: adapting to change, controlling change, and effecting change. A
proactive approach to dealing with change is at the core of all three aspects.
Successfiil adaptation to change is as crucial within an organisation as it is in the natural world. Just like
plants and animals, organisations and the individuals in them inevitably encounter changing conditions
that they are powerless to control, be it changes in the business environment (such as a fluctuation in the
economy, or a threat from a competitor) or at a ny)re individual level, trying to respond suddenly to
changes in the workplace due to new policies, technology or even a new boss.
Change management entails thoughtfiil planning and sensitive implementation, and above all,
consultation with, and involvement of, the people affected by the changes. Change should rarely be
forced on people, it must be gradual, well planned, realistic, achievable and measurable. Identify what is
expected to be achieved, who will be affected, and how much is to be changed and when. These aspects
if considered, exhibit an employee concern.
Change does not get sold to employees, instead, it needs to be understood and managed in a way that
people can cope effectively with it. Change can be unsettling, so the manager logically needs to be a
settling influence. It is important to check that people affected by the change agree with, or at least
understand, the need for change, and have a chance to decide how the change will be managed, and to
be involved in the planning and implementation of the change. Managers need to communicate face-toface with their people too if they intend to manage an organisational change. Email and written notices
are extremely weak at conveying and developing understanding.
Even in successfiil and professional organisations, change can be quite difficult to accomplish; it can be
like trying to change a person's habits. The increased body of research, practice and tools available,
provides a clear perspective on overall organisational change and development, along with sufficient
guidelines and action points for successful change.
There are many approaches to guiding change ~ some planned, structured and explicit, while others are
more organic, and implicit. Some approaches work fi-om the future to the present, for example,
involving visioning and then action planning about how to achieve that vision. Other approaches work
from the present to the future, for example, identifying current priorities (issues and/or goals) and then
action planning how to address those priorities. Different people often have very different ~ and strong
~ opinions about how change should be conducted and arguments as to how to implement whether at
one go or in phases and various modalities.
To initiate organisational change and begin guiding successfiil change efforts, the change agent should
have at least a broad understanding of the context of the change effort. This includes understanding the
basic systems and structures in organisations, including their typical terms and roles. This requirement
applies to the understanding of leadership and management of the organisations, as well. That is why
graduate courses in business often initially include a course or some discussion on organisational theory.
Organisational change should not be conducted for the sake of change. Organisational change efforts
should be geared to improve the performance of organisations and the people in those organisations.
Therefore, it's useail to have some understanding of what is meant by "performance" and the various
methods to manage performance in organisations.
Dave Ulrich has completed extensive research in this area as well. His research, validated by HR
professionals and their line manager "clients", showed that successfiil change agents had the ability to:
Diagnose problems - Understanding both the business drivers and the organisation well enough
to identify performance issues and analyse their impact on short and long term business results.
Build relationships with clients - Forming partnerships with mutual responsibility for the
outcomes of the change effort. Because the risk is higher than with most other HR roles the level
of trust required is much higher.
Ensure that the Vision is Articulated - Inteipreting the hopes and motivations of the workforce
through the Vision statement.
Set a Leadership Agenda - This requires the HR executive (if the change agent) to understand
intimately the dynamics, history and competencies of the leadership team and to have the tenacity
to insist on the agenda's accomplishment.
Solve Problems - When dealing with change, the problems encoimtered are often loaded with
emotional and political dynamics. The change agent must possess the insight to recognise the
problem, the sensitivity to see its importance to those involved, the courage to take honest and
often difficult measures to resolve it and the credibility'to be heard.
Implement Plans to Achieve Change Goals - Successful organisational change on any
significant scale can be attributed to the right strategy and appropriate change in organisation
culture. Culture change, in turn, relies heavily on aligned and supportive people policies, systems
and processes. In short, the implementation plan is an HR plan for both the HR function and for
The four key factors for success when implementing change within an organisation are:
Pressure for change - demonstrated senior management commitment is essential.
A clear, shared vision - you must take everyone with you. This is a shared agenda that benefits
the whole organisation.
Capacity for change - you need to provide the resources: time and finance.
Action - and performance - "plan, do, check, act" - and keep commimication channels open.
The most important contributions to be made through the change agent role are those that sustain the
organisation's current performance and assure its future performance by;
Enabling people to work effectively as they plan, implement and experience change
Increasing people's ability to manage future change
Where change is needed to be made quickly, probe the reasons - is the urgency real? Will the effects of
agreeing to a more sensible time-frame really be more disastrous than presiding over a disastrous
change? Quick change prevents proper consultation and involvement, which leads to difBculties that
take time to resolve.
The chief insecurity of most staff is change itself Senior managers and directors responsible for
managing organisational change do not, as a rule, fear change - they generally thrive on it. People do
not relish change, they find it deeply disturbing and threatening; people's fear of change is as great as
the management's own fear of failure.
organisational changes | 75
6. Create short-term wins - Set aims that are easy to achieve - in bite-size chunks. Manageable
numbers of initiatives. Finish current stages before starting new ones.
7. Don't let up - Foster and encoinage determination and persistence - ongoing change - encourage
ongoing progress reporting - highlight achieved and future milestones.
8. Make change stick - Reinforce the value of successful change via recruitment, promotion, new
change leaders. Weave change into culture.
Perhaps the best study of organisational development was the one conducted by Sloan (1964).
According to Sloan, General Motors Corporation divided its activities into engineering, production,
sales and finance; set up committees to coordinate the policies at the center, while decentralising
administration, established financial controls, added engineering, research and technical staff; and made
continuous changes in technology and products.
In India, in the health field, the organisational structural changes made by Apollo Hospitals recently to
expand its operations is an example. It has created several divisions keeping in view its products and
services it wishes to market, and appointed chosen leaders in the health field to provide leadership. In
the industrial field, organisational structural changes being made by Birlas, Tatas, and Ambanis are
A complete analysis of responsibility charting should be done in collaboration with all important
members. A quick look at the codes in the chart can address die following questions:
A Do too many "Don't knows" indicate the need for more structural and procedural specification?
Do the project directors have too many responsibilities? This not only sets the project
director up for "burnout" but also prevents the fullest development of participation and
leadership from other participants.
Is there a sufficient level of participation by the collaborative members to promote
"ownership" of decisions?
How can one use the structure and procedures of collaboratives to promote higher
levels of participation?
Can one "cluster" various tasks/decisions according to planning and policy,
implementation and day-to-day administrative categories?
What other agencies/organisations besides those in the collaborative should be kept
informed of one's activities? How will they be so informed?
The responsibility chart itself could be shared and approved by the various committees and boards.
Responsibility Charting is a good example of a project management tool. This tool can be used in a
veiy interactive and participatory way to engage a group of stakeholders who all have some connection
to a common set of tasks or decisions that must be made in carrying out a 'project'. The process is used
to compare how different stakeholders currently perceive their roles, to identify discrepancies, and then
to reach consensus on how decisions ought to be made. It can be quite a good design activity, and in the
end produces a clear picture of the interrelated roles and relationships that must be managed to
accomplish the project within a given time fi-ame. It usually produces a lot of leaming for the
participants as well.
As with many management tools, the important aspect is how it is utilised. It can be used in a
bureaucratic manner that precludes participation, or in an interactive way that encourages exploration
and action leaming.
Anil Singh
Dilip Mohite
Chitra Iyer
Jeevan Akash
1. Identify Tasks: Have your team list activities not clearly assigned to a person or group of people. Use the
following examples to spur your own discussion (some of these may already be assigned to your team). Aim
for a list of no more than 20 items.
Meeting Respomibittties
Sending out meeting material, agendas, and minutes.
Setting up the meeting room; cleaning up after meetings.
Taking minutes.
Facilitating meetings.
Arranging meetings with Managers.
Helping the group when it's stuck.
Maintaining files.
Leading warm-ups.
Leading the meeting critique.
Project Responsibilities
Maintaining the picture book format.
Gathering data.
Plotting charts.
Maintaining files.
Education/Training Responsibilities
Teaching statistical tools
Teaching project management skills
Teaching meeting management skills
2. Create a Chart; Set up charts as illustrated above. Then list the tasks identified in the group meetings and
discussions in the TASK Colunm.
3. Work Through the Chart: Work through the chart one task at a time, having each member mark (with an
X or initials) the colxunn representing the group or person he or she thinks is responsible for that task.
(NOTE: Have each member use a different colour marker when marking the columns to simplify later
discussion). Do ttiis for every task listed.
4. Di
Answers: Discuss the answers, again working through the matrix one task at a time. Do not move to the
next item imtil the team has reached consensus on which person or group is responsible for that task. You
can decide to rotate a responsibilify between people or groups, but you must clearly set down procedures for
how and when to switch.
Let Us Sum Up
In unit 3 we have tackled an issue of continuous interest to all organisations niamely Change Management.
Resistance to change and responsibility for managir>g change are common place.
The change agent is preferred from the HR Dept. and he has very clearly identified duties and responsibilities.
Managing change effectively is important for continuous growth.
We also studied responsibility charting and its impact on effective implementation of a task.
Change agent
The Prosci Study of Top Trends in Change Management
The Leadership Agenda for Change
John Kotter's Steps to Successful Change
Responsibility Charting"
Key Elements
Sample Chart
Terminal Questions
1. The H R manager is considered the most appropriate person as change agent. Do you agree? Elaborate with
2. Write a short note on John P Kotter's eight steps to successful change.
3. What do you understand by responsibility charting? Elaborate with the help of a sample chart.
John Fisher's personal change theory
Web References
Employee Commimication: 6 Steps to Communicate Change - Marcia Xenitelis
Change Management and Employee Communication Strategies - Marcia Xenitelis
Reasons Why Change Fails - Richard Derwent Cooke
Let Us Sum Up
Terminal Questions
People, rather the employees are the asset of any organisation. An organisation, whether it is a
manufacturing concern or service oriented, cannot function without the active participation of people.
Banks as custodians of people's money and trust, have a major responsibility to streamline the HR
activities of its most vital resource.
The qualitative changes in staff composition, skills required, absorption of functionally skilled
personnel, retaining staff in the face of competition, and in dealing with a host of problems arising out
of massive and sudden expansion in the last few decades have not been given the attention they
There is a move afoot to entrust some of the banks with the entire responsibility for HR functions, such
as wage negotiations and recruitment. As of now, the collective bargaining for wage revision is
undertaken by the Indian Banks' Association while recruitment has been decentralised to respective
banks, from the centralised BSRB. Sudden transfer of these functions may find these banks woefully
ill-equipped to handle them. It is, therefore, necessary to begin with listing out the problems involved
before looking for solutions.
The last few years witnessed an exodus of qualified and experienced staff. The environment of
vigilance inquiries and the problems on account of frequent transfers might have led these qualified
and experienced staff to decide to opt out with the introduction of pension schemes. The introduction of
Golden Handshake voluntary retirement scheme in the year 2000 has made the public sector banks
virtually bleed a very sizeable portion of their performing persormel. Even after the introduction of the
voluntary retirement scheme, the problem of overstaffing has not been totally solved. The overstaffed
cadres still remain with the banks and the areas where there is more manpower requirement have been
fiirther depleted in strength due to this scheme.
The introduction of new technology and absorption of its various dimensions as part of a new work
culture has brought in its wake new problems. The need for a total change in the mindset to deal with
the transition from a traditional, monopoly existence to one of considerable freedom has to be fully
Training institutions are trying desperately to make things happen. But they themselves lack the much
needed support and clarity in approach. Some may condemn these prime bodies as a resort for nonperformers and for those who want to escape from rough and tough routines of an active bank branch
competitive advantage." Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, has commented "outside of the CEO, HR is the most
critical function in any company. Development of leaders is the ultimate responsibility of every CEO and thus is an integral
part of HR. I saw my job as allocating people and dollars to opportunities. I wasn't designing products. 1 was putting people
where I thought they were right for the job. I did that with my partners in HR." According to Wharton Management Professor
Nancy Rothbard "If top management doesn't see value in having HR as a strategic partner - and if HR can't think out of the
box in that role then the partnership is probably not going to happen."
Given below is the HR approach of a typical multinational bank present in India, with a staff strength of over 10,000 people
across 200 offices in more than 20 countries in the Asia Pacific Region, South Asia, the Middle East, Africa, United Kingdom
and America. All major activities are covered with emphasis on the manner in which the Bank values its human capital.
1. Induction, the process that introduces the new entrance to the bank, the employee's own business or function and
particular department.
2. Training in specific products and technical skills.
3. On the job training post the initial exposure, to all operational areas including a systems training.
4. Work-based assignments in respective business or function i.e. doing a job in a particular department for a period of
5. Cross-functional attachments - experiencing short stints spent in another business or support
Development and training are an ongoing process; after the initial training, the employees are provided with internal
development programs, business-related studies and professional qualifications, and the bank also offers the opportunity to
develop skills through extemally accredited courses. These are designed in conjimction with top universities and business
schools including postgraduate, MBA programs.
Product training is provided e.g. cash handling training, operational training etc. to help the staff gain hands on exposure about
the products. The bank provides a lot of skill related training by way of credit workshops, sales & negotiation skills, project
management, etc. to help staff enhance their skill in specialised areas. On the-job training continues and staff are given job
rotation to increase their exposure to more areas of operations.
The bank sends out CDs and books to staff for self study on credit, operations, trade finance, etc. In addition, by way of more
advanced MDP programs, employees are given strategic perspectives and business goals management skills; people
management, networking and customer focus abilities to better understand and manage their jobs. Specific Competency
Training ensures that the staff excels in product knowledge, understands regulatory procedures and is equipped with unique
techniques needed for a given position.
The bank aims to reward talented and high performing employees competitively. They regularly conduct salary surveys to
ensure that the reward package remains competitive in the market place. The compensation package provided to the
employees can be divided into two categories; one for the sales persormel who are compensated on their ability to meet their
targets and the other for executives who are responsible for the overall functions of the Bank. All sales staff have goals which
are clearly defined, performance against set goals is tracked and, achievement rewarded with a clearly defined incentive
scheme. Executive compensation packages typically comprise of a number of fixed elements such as basic pay and other
common allowances and is supplemented by generous incentives and long term benefits such as stock options and attractive
Performance Management
Performance management is the process through which managers ensure that employee activities and outputs are congruent
with the organisation's goals.
In this bank, a number of measures and tools are used for the implementation of PMS. The performance appraisal system is
the primary means for managing employee performance. A performance measurement system is developed that incorporates a
tool for measuring and rewarding performance. A longstanding question that most institutions including banks face is the issue
of equitable distribution of rewards. While salary increments are given based on assessed performance, the Bank has a
generous reward structure for those who excel in performance. Thus senior officials are paid a performance bonus, part of
which is given in the form of stock options.
transforming the environment in the banking industry towards attracting the best talent from the young competitive
The Indian economy, which slowed down significantly during the second half of 2008-09, largely due to the knock-on effect
of the global financial crisis, has begun to stabilise. Performance of the industrial sector has improved markedly in recent
months. Both domestic and external financing conditions are on the upturn. Capital inflows have revived. Activity in the
primary capital market has picked up and funding from non-bank domestic sources has eased. Liquidity conditions have
remained easy and interest rates have softened in the money and credit markets.
The evolution of banking system in India has affected the hiunan resource practices, recruitment and selection practices, as
well as the entire training system. As a service industry, the primary strength of the banking sector lies with its human
resource making it imperative that sufficient efforts are made to develop the skills and competencies needed for the future of
banking in this country. Some such skills to be developed will relate to credit appraisal and risk management as also in
increasing the range of their retail portfolio. Information technology will remain a key contributor to overall human resource
development. Therefore, the HR model of the future will require professionals to be both driving and anticipating change,
understanding the complexities of the new business environment and forces shaping it.
The PSU banks decided to offer voluntary scheme (VRS) to trim its workforce as recommended by the government which felt
that the banking industry was overstaffed. The vast workforce that was once regarded as one of the PSU banks' strongest
assets became a liability following the computerisation in the banking industry. The introduction .of this scheme led to ^trong
protests from unions but the end result was that many PSU banks faced the prospect of losing its talented employees and were
left with less efficient employees.
The new generation private sector banks on the contrary continued to increase their intake of staff particularly in the retail
businesses in line with the business growth. They focused on a combination of human resource and technology in
disseminating their banking functions and practices in a more efficient and customer friendly manner. The growth of the
employee base was in line with the growth in the banks' business and growth was organic as well as through mergers. Thus
HDFC bank had a number of mergers starting with the Times bank and most recently, the combined Centurion, Bank of
Punjab as well as the south based Lord Krishna bank making it second only to ICICI bank, in the private sector.
The private sector banks in general, focus on training its employees on a continuing basis, both on the job and through
training programs conducted by intemal and extemal faculty. Some of them have introduced stock options, under the belief
that employee ownership in the company shares has a positive impact on its performance and employee motivation.
The selection process should emphasise ways of minimizing errors in employee selection and placement to improve
the bank's competitive position. Increased use of scientific selection methods will be needed.
An effective training program to define expectations, develop competencies and grow talent for the future need of the
Beyond the human resource strategies are the rewarding and compensating that can strengthen or weaken employee
effectiveness. In order to give recognition and increase motivational levels amongst the employees, many Banks have linked
individual performance to an incentive and reward scheme though here again the PSU banks lag behind. The HRM strategies
and practices should be aligned to help the banks meet their objectives - as well as better customer focus.
Core banking is a general term used to describe the services provided by a group of networked bank branches. Bank
customers may access their funds and other simple transactions from any of the member branch offices.
Core Banking is normally defined as the business conducted by a banking institution with its retail and small business
customers.'Many banks treat the retail customers as their core banking customers, and have a separate line of business to
manage small businesses. Larger businesses are managed via the Corporate Banking division of the institution. Core banking
basically is depositing and lending of money.
Normal core banking functions will include deposit accounts, loans, mortgages and payments. Banks make these services
available across multiple channels like ATMs, Internet banking, and branches.
In a number of developing countries such as India and others in Asia, it is only recently that core banking has caught on as the
I T infrastructure necessary for such services did not exist in these countries until recently. The PSU banks, staffed as they
were by the stranglehold of the imions, had for years, been able only to use what was termed as Advanced ledger posting
machines, which were basically a mirror image of the ledger accounts. A quantum leap in technology happened with the
advent of the new generation banks in 1993. Competition and a siu-e loss of business to the new banks, as far as the younger
generation of wage earners were concerned, spurred the nationalised and old private banks also to push hard with
computerisation. Most of the nationalised banks in India for example: State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Allahabad
Bank, HDFC and ICICI Bank today support core banking. As of 2007, many Cooperative banks in India such as Jain Urban
Let Us Sum Up
In unit 4 we have understood how from a traditional routine function HRM has evolved in Indian Banks.
The challenges faced by HRM with regard to new and old cultures as also due to technology changes have been examined.
We have also understood the human implications of technology especially with regard to core banking
Narasimham Committee Economic
Changing role and Mind Set of People and Management Core banking
Voluntary retirement scheme
Terminal Questions
Reference Bibliography
DBA Bulletin
Effective Executive ICFAl University
Professional Banker
Let Us Sum Up
Terminal Questions
After reading this unit, you should be
able to:
Understand the concept of
Knowledge Management (K M)
The internet revolution has changed the very basis of knowledge dissemination. From the days of a
research scholar painstakingly going through manuscripts, to analyse and summarise information, the
amount of data being made available in any format today is literally mind blowing. Thus the traditional
kingdom of knowledge has now multiplied into a galaxy of information yielding desktops that have
changed the very nature of knowledge as something precious and difficult to come by.
Nearly every day, everyone survives a flood of information that is trying to drown us in its depths.
Companies don't just hire people; they hire a pool of knowledge base that has developed into talent over
time. Some companies have the requisite resources to enrich that pool whereas others let that pool dry
up. This simple realisation about the ubiquitous term knowledge which is often used in today's scenario
in the manner of knowledge economies, knowledge organisations and more recently knowledge banks
has made Knowledge Management in Banks interesting and rewarding.
Existence and continued success of an organisation mainly depends on how well it can deploy and
manage its corporate assets. These assets can be divided into tangible assets and intangible assets.
Traditionally tangible assets have been considered to be the most important and fundamental corporate
asset with intangible assets relegated to play a minor role in the success of an organisation. As
intangible assets are easily copied by competition, organisations have found that they have to take all
steps to protect their assets to some extent.
Some researchers have defined knowledge in the context of know-why, know-what, know- who and
know-when, in order to relate it with managing knowledge concepts. For instance. Van den Bosch and
Van Wijk (2001) presented a conceptual framework of managerial knowledge integration. Know-what
can be defined as something people carry round in their minds and pass on to each other. In contrast.
Know-how embraces the ability to put Know-what into practice. Japanese researchers like Nonaka,
Toyomo and Kormo (2002) defined Knowledge by emphasizing on the relative, d)mamic and
humanistic dimensions rather than the traditional western epistemology (the study of knowledge) that
focused on absolute, static and non-human view of knowledge. The term 'knowledge' is one of the more
confiising aspects of KM. The terms 'information' and 'data' are often used as synonyms for the term
knowledge. In fact they are different from one another.
It is estimated that tacit knowledge constitutes about 70% of all organisations' knowledge base and is
difficult to identify and convert into real value unless a structured approach is adopted to manage
knowledge through KM techniques involving intensive dialogues, discussions and sharing in teams.
KM refers to management of knowledge. It is an important component of organisational intangible
assets. Continuous changes in the market expectation and the demand for new products have replaced
capital and labor intensive firms by knowledge-intensive firms. It is a concept in which enterprise
gathers, organises shares and analyses ijs knowledge in terms of sources, documents and skills of the
people.KM is also viewed as a conscious strategy of putting knowledge into action as a means to
increase organisational efficiency.
In practical application, it covers identifying and mapping of intellectual assets, generating knowledge
for competitive advantage, making large amount of corporate information accessible, and sharing of
best practices and technology within the organisation.
The companies where KM initiative are already in place and practiced with success may be called
Knowledge Intensive Firms (KIF). A Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) as he is called, is mainly
assigned the task of managing the reservoir of knowledge residing in the individual employee and
setting up a mechanism by which knowledge is shared by all concerned that would otherwise remain in
some remote department of the company. Under the stewardship of CKO, certain number of knowledge
harvesters fimction whose main task is to identify knowledge assets in the company with a view to
harness them for the benefit of company; ultimately it may result in creating new clientele base or
substantial increase in sales tumover year-on-year.
The key drivers for KM initiative are:
1. Rapid advances in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) which has
revolutionised the way in which businesses are being carried out.
2. Extremely high business competition arising because of the globalisation of economies
worldwide; this is particularly relevant in emerging economies like India.
3. Increased complexity of business and complexity of management.
4. Faster pace of innovation because of growing industry competition.
5. Increased mobility of workforce.
6. Growing recognition across all industries regarding the need and significance of ongoing and
lifelong learning etc.
Knowledge Management as a topic has often been associated with other business setups like IT than
banks. So for the entire Banking, Finance and Insurance (BFSI) Sector, understanding the importance of
Knowledge Management as a competitive tool helps assist them in being more contemporary as from
the bank's perspective, it is important to be well informed when dealing vidth customers who may be
equally knowledgeable. Peter Dmcker had renamed employees as knowledge workers and stressed on
Knowledge Management because Knowledge management prevents tiie organisations' collective
from perishing while the individual employee's knowledge will help the organisation achieve optimum
organisational efficiency. The essence of business is to convert its knowledge into goods and services
required by the customer.
Banks can follow the DIKAR model, which is recommended strongly for the software industry. This
model is different from the usual approach in the sense it starts from the end i.e. from the results, which
is a reverse process. In the DIKAR model, since results are kept at the very top and one works
backwards, there is greater possibility of achieving the desired results. In that sense DIKAR is turned
upside down and approached as RAKID where:
R = Ensuring Worthwhile Results
A= Taking effective action such that the effects of which generate data. K= Procuring the
knowledge which is the basis for the above. 1 = Having the necessary information which
Activation of KM in Banks
Problems in effective KM processes are mostly related to behavioural areas and can be solved with the
help of intensive use of technology to some extent but still needs the human and more so, behavioural
inputs so as to put in place a firm foundation for the KM culture. Free communication methods get
established, and more participative management is encouraged.: it is also essential to give way to the
I 97
"Command and Control" style of working and encourage participative attitude among employees.
service, should eschewed. The Centralised Data Warehouse where the data of all customers of the
branches of a bank is stored-should be in a position to provide readily the required information called
for, as imdue delay would tell upon the quality of service. Pursuant to total automation of branches
which turn out sizeable business for the bank, the inter-connectivity among branches to provide any
where banking experience to its customers is quite welcome but at the same time many a customer at
the time of opening or closing the account would have to bear the imdue delay due to the practice of
centralised back office functions. The front office staff who handles customers always have stereo-type
The databases of the clients can play a veiy important role in customising the services and hence adding value to it.
Highly competitive environment has made the marketing of retail banking services a challenging job. The study
proposes to find out the use of database amongst these banking institutions and the level of acceptability of the same to
meet their organisational goals.
The Indian Banking Sector has evolved immensely through history- starting from the early coinage system to the era of
credit cards and now furthers on to Internet and home banking. Today we have a host of Nationalised, Public sector and
Private sector banks that are ready to cater extensively to the needs of the customer.
Banks are no longer restricted to any particular arena of Finance. With rapid changes in the economic environment,
Indian banks have diversified into several sectors viz.: Consumer/Retail banking. Corporate Banking, Rural
Development, Industrial Development, etc. Again, Indian Bankmg Sector is no longer restricted to Indian Banks alone.
A number of Foreign Banks e.g.: Citibank, ANZ Grindlays, ABN Amro have found Indian markets as highly attractive
and profitable avenues for their business.
Database marketing can be defined as "A Direct marketing technique emanating from the use of data collection on
actual and prospective customers".
Since banking in its core a service industry, most transactions are dependent on the type of relationships that the banks
share with those who trust them. In other words, relationship marketing can be termed as the pillars of bank stability.
Database Management and database marketing adds to the strength of this pillar by helping in knowing a clear picture
of the customer profile, to understand who requires what and the specific type of service and meet such expectations as
closely as possible.
These databases, also called as the Customer Information Files have to be then indexed and scored according to the
probability of the their purchasing a product or service. One of the direct and earliest application of the databases was
by Mailers or Booklets of information to all customers that would advertise the Bank and give information of
products /services. With technology, databases have been integrated and logically used to produce personalised
packages for its clients. Now, different strategies and styles began to emerge for different banking institutions.
Custom Clustering
Data mining technologies
Online Analytical Processing Methods
Database Conquest Marketing
Call Center and Call processing Units.
1. To understand the specific areas in which the database systems are widely used in the Indian
banking industry.
2. To gauge the intensity of the use of database systems for marketing purposes and to enhance the
image of the organisation among the customers by the various banks in India.
3. To know the reasons behind high or poor use of systems in banking industry.
A1--.Increased use of systems will enable the banks to enhance on their quality of performances.
A2~The greater the involvement of systematised databases in the functioning of the bank the quicker
will be its overall processing times and faster will be its services.
A3~Customers becoming lifelong partners of the bank will be an easy task. This not only ensures
revenues but also creates opportunities to build on business with new people coming from references.
The study would help to bring abou^ a comparative pictur depicting the current level of the use of
databases in Indian banks of three categories:
(a) Private sector banks
(b) Nationalised banks
(c) Co-operative banks.
Methodology: To obtain a comparative picture, a sample of 20 Banks was taken that covered all three
categories. A semi-structured questionnaire was prepared with 40 questions that encompassed Nature
and Designs of Databases and the level of Use of the databases for the various decision-making issues
related to products and customer services.
This shows that the banking sector as such has understood the intensity with which they are faced with immense
competition. Each Bank wants to attract the masses to them and they are all in the race for Customer Acquisition
and Retention and for the low cost CASA deposits.
New private banks in India have reached a fair level of development as far as systems and its iinplementations are
concerned. The old private banks do riot possess the flexibility in their policies that can allow them to involve technical
systmatisation at a large level. Interbranch networking is yet to stabilise in nationalised and old private banks. In cooperative banks, presence of the same is limited, thus hampering data accessibility across the branches of the bank
9. The People Dimension in KM: Technology usually dominates the KM initiatives because it is the most visible and
tangible of the three components of KM- people, process and technology. However if people and processes are not
set in place there is no guarantee that people will use technology to promote KM in the organisation. Most
organisations need a change of culture without which no KM initiative will take off. Knowledge management (KM)
programs are bound to fail if not supported by leaders through their active participation. Organising knowledge fairs
and knowledge workshops bring people together so that they can share experiences. Face to face contact is an
important pre-requisite to effective computer based knowledge networking under KM initiatives.
A knowledge network is not to be measured by the extent of its reach and capabilities to communicate, but rather by
the extent to which it supports and promotes reciprocity. To build and sustain a KM system, a cultural change in
propensity to share knowledge is fimdamental, which is most difficult part of knowledge management. An
organisation should be able to induce the behavioral change among people who are the contributors and users of
knowledge. It requires strong leadership to bring in cultural changes, set the right direction, and continuously
monitor the progress.
10. Application of KM in Banks - Current & Future: While the banks in India, both under public sector and private sector,
are endowed with adequate intellectual capital, in general they are yet to adopt KM as a strategic weapon for
gaining competitiveness. That is, with exception of a few new generation private banks and foreign banks, all other
banks especially the public sector banks are yet to appreciate and adopt KM initiatives in a big way. This could be
argued to be because of lack of operational flexibility and functional autonomy. Right from the grass root level to
the top management, the need for adoption of KM mitiatives for survival as well as sustained business growth and
competitiveness, has to be understood by all.
Worldwide, all progressive organisations, including many reputed banks and consultancy firms, have already recognised
knowledge of their employees as the most valuable asset; and knowledge of the organisation as the most valuable and
strategic resource.
It is therefore relevant to look into the practical ways in which banks in India can improve their strategic competence in
today's extremely competitive market scenario. International best practices, those prevailing in foreign banks and high tech
new generation banks in India, latest advancements in the field of IT and IT enabled services, research findings relating to
banking industry with practical relevance etc. provide us with certain meaningful insights into the above aspect. These are
briefly discussed in the following paragraphs.
With liberalisation and globalisation of business, competition has become the very core of business success or failure of
firms. This is particularly relevant in the banking industry in India in the post reforms period. Actually, KM can facilitate
competitiveness of a product significantly; because it can contribute, towards putting into practice all the three generic
competitive strategies viz.
(a) Cost Leadership (b) Differentiation and (c) Focus
Banks can gain strategic competence through creating and managing organisational knowledge available to it. Maximum
amount of an organisation's knowledge is it's people; this could be as high as 90% in certain cases, of the total
organisational knowledge. When the knowledge in people is shared it becomes helpful for the organisation as a whole and
can be recorded and made use of for a long time in the fiitin-e. In the present scenario especially in the public sector banks,
and old private sector banks, there is no provision to consider knowledge contributions of the employees as part the
performance appraisal system and also to offer rewards or incentives to such contributions. For solving such cultural and
behavioral issues banks can adopt certain measures like changing their HRM policies to incorporate rewards/incentives to
staff for sharing of their knowledge and also consider such contributions during the performance appraisal process.
customer databases, and to advantageously use the same for various managerial decision making. These decisions include
customer segmentation based on various parameters, studying the behavior of customers based on their track record in
respect of facilities already availed, launching various innovative and "tailor made" products to different customer groups/
segments etc. Various business intelligence software have already been used by foreign banks and new generation private
sector banks for quite some time. This enables their business innovation and also meaningful decision making. It is wellaccepted fact that in today's world of cut throat competition, customer centricity has emerged as a strategic imperative for
all organisations, especially for commercial banks. Consequently, firms are vying with each other for enhancing their
customer service by putting in place latest management practices like Customer Relationship Management (CRM). KM
along with sufficient IT support can be uped as a powerful enabler of CRM. The application of CRM concept on the entire
organisation as well as all the customer touch points gives rise to Enterprise Customer Relationship Management
(Enterprise CRM). This cyclical, closed loop business process seeks to identify, maintain and enlarge the "best" customers
of the organisation. Further, it seeks to drive its business growth and profitability through creation of lifetime value apd
long standing relationships with such customers. Enterprise CRM results in development of "must have" products and
services and also in customer optimisation.
For supporting sound CRM systems in banks, what is expected out of KM is proper maintenance of relevant and up-to-date
customer database by the use of latest IT applications packages which in turn enables the generation of meaningful reports
and statements. Thus, decision-making on such aspects as launching new and innovative products, modifying the existing
ones, customer segmentation based on various parameters, selection of the right customer group/segments for specific
products (based on their track record, eligibility etc.) and so on becomes very scientific and meaningful. Further, this
ensures customer optimisation and better operational eflBciency. Nowadays, very advanced software is available for Data
Mining, which can be used for acquiring customers, increasing value of customers and also retaining good customers.
These are used very constructively and skillfully by some of the dynamic banks and foreign banks. Data Mining also helps
in marketing of banks products since it helps to target the right customers groups/ segments more accurately.
1. KM for Business Innovation: KM contributes substantially to bring about both product and process innovation.
There is no doubt regarding the fact that any business innovation is not caused by chance; rather it is the result of
deliberate and systematic effort by the organisation towards achieving the same after careful analysis of the
opportunities in the environment vis-- vis its own strengths and weakness. KM can act as an important enabler for
the innovation efforts of a bank, since it can provide the latest and relevant information and other decision inputs.
The basic point behind product innovation or process innovation being such factors as changing customer tastes,
preferences, aspirations, profitability considerations etc. a typical KM system can provide all this relevant
information and can prove itself to be one of the necessary pre-requisites for effective business innovation. KM
systems can make development of new products and processes very fast as well as very cost effective.
2. KM for assessing loan risks: KM can provide tremendous inputs in assessing the risks associated with a loan
proposal. Modern KM systems make use of latest Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) software. These
systems can extract unknown useful information from different databases and use the same in the given application.
Accordingly, these systems can predict the repayment behavior, credit risk of loans and hence help take sound credit
3. Knowledge Analysis: It is not easy to identify what knowledge differentiates between one bank and another. The
process of identifying specific skills contributing to the success of a firm is called knowledge analysis. It is not an
easy subject. Constant practice is required for its development. Leadership among banks will depend on which bank
leads in knowledge. In the 70s and 80s, Citi Bank in India was considered quite dynamic because of its innovative
products (based on knowledge).
Case Study
Knowledge Sharing Initiatives at the World Bank - Creating Knowledge Bank.
"The World Bank is changing its vision of itself from that of a financial bank to that of a knowledge bank, with increasing
attention given to supporting knowledge institutions in its borrowing member countries."
-An official at the World Bank Economic Development Institute in 2001.
"Given the complexity of the global challenges we face on a daily basis, it is critical that we respond to the needs of our
member coimtries in timely fashion, and with the best, most relevant knowledge available".
-James Wolfensohn, World Bank President, in 2003.
In October 1996, when James Wolfensohn (Wolfensohn), the newly appointed president of the World Bank, annoimced that
the organisation would transform itself into a 'knowledge bank', there were mixed reactions. Some were excited about
knowledge management and its potential in helping the World Bank achieve its objectives. Others considered it a waste of
time and resources and felt the Bank should stick to its original mission of eliminating poverty.
However, by the early 2000s, the World Bank had already emerged as one of the foremost knowledge organisations in the
world. It was one of the few non-commercial organisations to invest in knowledge management in a major way, and
analysts were surprised at its success in this area in a very short time. In early 2000, the World Bank was recognised as one
of the five top knowledge management organisations in the US by the American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC).
In June 2000, the Bank featured in the list of the 10 top Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) in a survey
conducted by the KNOW Network.
By harnessing the vast amount of knowledge present across the organisation and making it readily available to all
employees and clients, the World Bank created a global knowledge community. Knowledge moved seamlessly across the
world to make the work involved in poverty elimination and economic development (the Bank's primary objectives) faster
and more effective.
Let Us Sum Up
In unit 5 we have been introduced to the current exiting topic of Knowledge Management, its concepts and how it is
applied in the Banking Industry.
The application of Knowledge Management in banks and progressive use by different banks. We also saw I.T and
Database Management as a major support for Banking Operations.
The Knowledge Management capital in Banks Key drivers for Knowledge Management in Banks
Activation of Knowledge Management in Banks - Both in Private as well as Public Sector Banks Data Mining
Online Discussion Groups
Instant Messaging
Terminal Questions
What is Knowledge Management and its significance in industry today?
As a service industry, intellectual capital is the biggest asset in the banking industry. Elaborate.
How has technology transformed the profile of Human Resource in the Banking Industry?
V -V'.-.-;-..-'..
ni i human resuic^i:^
References Bibliography
IBA Bulletin
Effective Executive ICFAI University
Professional Banker
HR as a Strategic Player
HR Functions
Performance Management
ir ^
HR as a Strategic Player
Strategy Execution
Let Us Sum Up
Terminal Questions
r aw I muM
After reading this unit, you should be able to:
Understand the importance of HR as a strategic player
Developing a distinctive HR Strategy
Strategy Execution
Aligning HR Systems to the HR Strategies
The following anecdote is described by Dave Ulrich in one of his articles.
"A while back, the vice president of hvtaan resources (HR) of a big consumer product company
decided to visit with a few key customers and improve his line of sight with his company's
marketplace. To avoid wasting his customers' time, he began by reading everything he could-annual
reports, reports, product brochures, analysts' reports. His counterpart in sales was sceptic of the whole
idea, but once the HR-VP showed how knowledgeable and thoughtful he was, his sales colleague
agreed to set up a meeting with the VP of purchasing at one of their main customers. The moment they
walked into the office, however, the customer snapped, "I'm busy today. Why should I spend time with
This short story captures the past, present, and future of the field of HR. Twenty years ago, it would
have been unthinkable for almost anyone in HR to even consider spending time with external
customers. HR professionals built staffing, compensation, training, and other programs and policies
that focused on employees and kept companies legally compliant. Over the last few years however, HR
professionals have worked to become business partners and to align their work with business strategies.
They have been coached to spend time with general managers and with their counterparts in sales,
marketing, and manufacturing to ensure that HR work helps deliver business results.
cb manadei
is a commercial value attached to any individual who succeeds and is exceptional. HR must necessarily
take on this responsibility of creating value for the entire department with the organisation. So when the
marketing team is not successfiil against competition, HR must be able to develop a people's analysis to
understand finstrations, if any and design a motivational approach to assist the marketing team.
HR professionals add value when their work helps someone reach their goals. It is not the design of a program or
declaration of policy that matters most, but what recipients gain from these actions. In a world of increasingly
scarce resources, activities that fail to add value are not worth pursuing. No matter how interesting or valuable an
activity may seem to those doing it, if those who receive the output of that activity do not find it of value to them,
continuing the activity cannot be justified. The HR value proposition means that HR practices, departments, and
professionals produce positive outcomes for key stakeholders, employees, line managers, customers, and
investors. When others receive value from HR work, HR will be credible, respected, and influential.
6.2.2 HR Transformation
Many attempts at HR effectiveness start without defining value. For example, some companies invest in e-HR
services such as portals and online employee services and believe that they have transformed HR, but they have
not. While e-HR may be a part of an overall transformation, it is merely a way to deliver HR administrative
services. Moving toward service centers, centres of expertise, or outsourcing does not mean that HR has been
transformed. If new delivery mechanisms provide basically the same old HR services, the function has changed
but not transformed itself HR transformation changes both behavior and outputs. Changing any single HR practice
(staffing, training, appraisal, teamwork, upward communication) does not create a transformation. Unless the
entire array of HR practices collectively adds value for key stakeholders, transformation has not occurred.
Transformation requires integrating the various HR practices and focusing them jointly on value-added agendas in
intangibles such as customer connection, organisation capabilities, and individual abilities.
Writing an HR strategy or making a statement about HR roles does not necessarily create a transformation. In
presentations on HR strategy, a method has been evolved to ask six random participants to complete the following
statements as fast as they can:
Our goal is to be a___________________.
We will do this by leveraging
And we will ensure that we anticipate And we
will invest in
And we will be known for
And we will work with unyielding
Filling in these six blanks with the first thing that comes to mind and then connecting these statements to a vision
generates an amazingly plausible HR strategy statement that can convert a statement of desire
and actual transformation from corporate rhetoric to actionable steps. HR transformation must be more
than rhetoric; it must shape behavior and create and ensure stakeholder value. A fundamental
transformation of HR starts with a definition of HR value-who the receivers are and a clear statement of
what they will receive from HR services. It also requires a complete picture of all the elements of HR
transformation, so that piecemeal attempts do not become isolated events.
employees); enhance business productivity; achieve measurable and valuable results; create sustainable
competitive advantage; and have more fiin in their careers
Create a strategy map for the llfm: Business Indicators - teadini and lag Results - tangible and
map and
Periodically testHR
Align the HR architecture with HR HRftmclion HR system
Strategic employae behaviors
Design the strategic measurement system: The HR scorecard Results measurements - tangable and
Strategy Implementation
HR managers should identify all HR performance drivers and HR enablers or deliverables which exist
within the strategy map, and enhance those factors that can be developed. To be able to correctly
identify where HR creates most of its value, HR managers must understand the business intimately and
in detail. That will then give them the insight to see precisely where HR deliverables are supporting the
firm level performance drivers in the strategy map. This will allow the return on investment (ROI) in
HR to be calculated using these three steps.
Step 1 - Identify all potential costs: Costs comes in various combinations such as Fixed - those that
don't vary with production levels. Variable - those that change directly with the level of output and Sunk
- the total resources invested in a project.
Step 2 - Identify the likely benefits: Every expenditure must find a corresponding revenue generation;
and investment on human assets, should also correspond to contribution by high-performing employees
as opposed to the output of low-performing employees. The economic impact of an average
performance must get compensated by the superior performance of a higher cost employee.
Step 3 - Calculate the ROI of the program: The ROI can be expressed as a percentage or counted in
cash terms; or in time slots, indicating the amount of time required before the program recovers its
costs. This could be stated as breakeven, more sophisticated net present value calculations to reflect
factors like the opportunity cost of capital, uncertainty and risks or even incorporate benchmarks from
peer group companies for improvement.
"Determining the ROI of specific HR interventions, whether as an end in itself or as a means of
deciding on policies and practices, is not as difficult as it might first appear. Nevertheless, it does
require some knowledge of finance, accounting and the process of capital budgeting. It also requires a
consistent, step-by-step approach."
- Brian Becker, Mark Huselid and Dave Ulrich
A well designed HR scorecard will accurately measure the impact of all HR policies on organisational
performance and capture the full impact of HR. A well thought-out HR scorecard has four basic
dimensions; HR Deliverables, which help identify the causal relationships through which HR generates
value in the firm, with an emphasis on HR performance drivers and HR enablers. Once the HR
deliverables have been clearly defined, the High-Performance Work System (consisting of HR policies,
processes and practices) implements the business strategy and generates the deliverables specified. It is
also important to measure how the HR system is aligned with the firm's key performance drivers. When
properly aligned, the HR system should be making a definable and significant contribution to the value
creation process.
These are the metrics, benchmarks and standards by which the HR system's performance will be gauged
and evaluated. Most HR managers divide their key efficiency metrics into two categories; Core
efficiency measures - significant expenditure items which make no direct contribution to the firm's
strategy implementation and; Strategic efficiency measures - HR activities and processes designed to
produce HR deliverables such as cost per new hire, costs per trainee hour, HR expenses per employee.
1. Execute management by measurement: Implementing the HR scorecard is more than just a oneoff event. It is also more than simply keeping a running total of HR results. Instead, a well
constructed HR scorecard allows HR managers to monitor their input into the firm's results on
an ongoing basis and make periodic adjustments to ensure the HR architecture remains aligned
with the evolving business strategy of the firm. If the HR scorecard can solve a long standing
problem or do something significant, people will notice. That will create momentum, which can
then be strengthened with regular updates and validation programs. Update the HR scorecard,
make an ongoing investment in the methodology and people will gradually get onside with the
scorecard as they see what it is achieving.
5. Need for a Distinctive HR strategy: A great human resource strategy provides a compelling and
convincing business case for aligning people and organisation with business strategy. It
commands the attention of management and builds the necessary commitment for required
resources and support for implementation. Great strategies create a dissatisfaction with the
current state of affairs and causes an acute sense of urgency and readiness to change. The
importance of people to organisational success has multiplied as businesses have become more
knowledge- and technology- driven. As a result, rnost sttategy gurus emphasise the importance
of the "individualised corporation".
4. How has the change in the employee's performance affected the achievement of the business
Let Us Sum Up
In this unit we have understood the strategic nature of HR and how HR can be used as a strategic tool
for organisational development.
We have also seen the transition of HR into a strategic fimction and how strategy can be applied in all
HR activities to give a more meaningfiil approach to the HR fimction.
Terminal Questions
1. How does one develop HR strategy for an existing company with no formal HR fimction?
2. The HR fimctionary has to find a place in the top management by being strategic. Elaborate.
3. What are the applications of HR strategy in banks?
Sumantra Ghoshal and Christopher Bartlett The Individualised Corporation HarperBusiness, 1997
Michael Porter Competitive Strategy Free Press, 1980
Charles W.L. Hill and Gareth R. Jones Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach
Houghton Mifflin, 1998
Dorothy Leonard Wellsprings of Knowledge Harvard Business School Press, ' 1995
Nucor's business and HR strategy are taken from Pankaj Ghemawat and Henricus J. Stander III
Nucor at a Crossroads Harvard Business School case No. 9-793-039 May 5, 1993
Details of Lincoln's HR strategy are taken from Jamie O'Connell and Christopher Bartlett Lincoln
Electric: Venturing Abroad Harvard Business School case No. 9-398-095, April 22,1998.
For more details of how McKinsey matches its corporate strategy and HR strategy, see Sumantra
Ghoshal and Christopher Bartlett The Individualised Corporation and Christopher Bartlett McKinsey &
Managing Knowledge and Leaming Harvard Business School case No. 9-396-357 April 20,1998.
Se Rich Teerlink & Lee Ozley More than a Motorcycle: The Leadership Journey at Harley- Davidson
Role of CEO
Succession Planning
Let Us Sum Up
Terminal Questions
The "chief executive officer" is the singular organisational position that is primarily responsible to carry
out the strategic plans and policies established by the Board of Directors. In business without a board of
directors (sole proprietorship, partnership, etc.), the "chief executive officer" is the singular
organisational position (other than partnerships, etc.) that sets the direction and oversees the operations
of an organisation.
1. The chief executive must serve as the key link between the organisation and its environment. In
the liaison role the manager develops high-status contacts, and in the spokesman and negotiator
roles, deals with the fum's public. In effect, the CEO uses his status in the maintenance of prime
links with outsiders. He is the nerve center of key information in the firm and must take full
charge of the organisation's strategy-making system. Decisions related to crises, problems, and
major opportunities must be overseen and integrated by the chief executive.
The chief executive officer is the overall, primary management and leadership role in the organisation.
Therefore, it is critical that chief executive officers have strong knowledge and skills in a wide variety
7.2.1 Planning
Business Planning (plan a new business organisation, product, business department, etc.)
Strategic Planning (establish organisational goals and how to reach them)
Leading, co-coordinating activities and Resources (including performance management)
To briefly summarise at this stage, the CEO has to:
Identify key activities.
Assign each key function to be the exclusive responsibility of one executive who is selected on
the basis of personality and competence.
CEO functions as the captain of the team.
pharmaceuticals and medical devices. The 20 corporate leaders interviewed are located in ten major
industrial countries, including the US, the UK, Japan, Australia and India. The firms include GA
(formerly Computer Associates) of iJie US, which was founded just 30 years ago, and the Go-operative
Group, a UK-based conglomerate with roots in the mid-19th. century. One company, Johnson &
Johnson China, is a subsidiary of the New Jersey-based pharmaceuticals giant.
The main points
Chief executive officers (CEOs) are increasingly responsible for, and involved in, talent
management. The heads of human resources departments play an important, supporting role in
executing talent strategy.
CEOs spend a large amount of their time-often more than 20%-on talent management. However,
this effort is not typically guided by a formal talent strategy explicitly linked to the company's
overarching goals or embedded in the business planning process. Rather, CEOs engage in
selected supporting activities where they believe they add value.
Talent management has become more important because of a growing recognition that it helps to
drive corporate performance, even though the exact impact is hard to quantify.
Good talent management is not undertaken in a piecemeal fashion but consists of comprehensive
development programmes. These include the identification of leadership potential, performance
evaluations, targeted development activities and job experience.
Many CEOs mentor executives in their organisations- an additional and important part of the
programme. They regard the development of the next generation of leaders as one of the best
ways of leaving a strong legacy.
members learn
from one another and take successful actions together, the team's effectiveness and cohesiveness increase. This
increases the members' enthusiasm and commitment to the team. For a while there is a positive feedback loop in
which success increases cohesiveness, which increases effectiveness, which generates more success. This is the team's
Eventually the team accomplishes its first major success, the strategic objective for which it was framed. That strategic
success marks the point at which the team is considered to be highly cohesive and highly effective. The team develops a
team memory based on past successes and previous communication. The team memory now defines each member's
role, the team's knowledge of the outside world, and how the team operates in that world. The team memory enables the
team to perform like an experienced adult, able to quickly handle challenges in previously learned ways. When the
outside world changes, for example in customer requirements, competitors' innovations, or new technologies, the
members of a highly cohesive and highly effective team needs to learn new techniques to respond appropriately.
Winning teams are built with credible leadership and capable people in each role, who have a common purpose and
clear direction and a mutual understanding of roles, dependencies and values. They also have strong relationships with
stakeholders outside the team, have the trust and respect of their peers and are able to review their performance
Line management is a hierarchical chain of command from executive to front-line level, a rather complex management
structure, in which top management has total and direct authority and employees report to only one supervisor. Line
management structures are usually organised along functional lines, although they increasingly undertake a variety of
cross-functional duties such as employee development or strategic direction. The lowest managerial level in an
organisation following a line management structure is supervisory management.
Most oraganisations that have grown to large size today started as proprietary concems with generations of the same
family occupying pivotal positions. A recent survey indicated that only one percent of family-owned businesses in
North America reach a third generation with family members running them. Another report shows that 30 percent of all
family-owned businesses have not considered a successor, with only 63 percent having done so when the owner has
already reached age 65. Finally, another recent survey shows that more than 58 percent of small-business owners list
inadequate succession planning as the biggest threat facing their business. The situation is no different in India with the
encouraging fact that most second generation owners are more professionally qualified, generally from the best
universities in the world and hence bring a lot of new thoughts, including the need for professional management in their
organisations. A classic example in India is of the Aditya Birla group, where a young new Chairman put in place long
needed revamp of the old guard, bringing in professional managers to take charge.
become disabled or
Typically, succession planning entails three steps: a decision-making stage (choosing a successor), the gradual transfer
of management responsibilities to the successor.
As the generations pass it will be seen that the burden of managing the business requires the skills of a professional
with few or no ties to the original promoter. If such a person is already in employment, his or her ascent to leadership
may prove more advantageous to the business than carrying on a "family tradition."
Most experts in the field of succession planning suggest using these steps to pave the way for a suitable successor:
Set a target date as one's last day with the company and start shifting responsibilities ahead, overseeing the
Set standards that take into consideration the needs of the successor.
Decide on the level of responsibility as well as authority that should rest with the successor.
4. The incoming executive should produce an organisation assessment and proposed action plan.
Board would typically expect this within 3-6 months depending upon the organisation's size and
complexity. It can be the primary vehicle for initial strategic discussions between the CEO and the
Methods of managerial succession plans may vary. Most successful programs include top managements
involvement and commitment, high-level review of succession plans, formal performance and potential
assessment and written development plans for individuals. A typical succession planning involves the
following activities.
Analysis of demand for managers and professionals
1The staffing process is documented so that the responsibility of each person in the process is clear and
Performance appraisals are completed for each employee in the organisation.
There is a train-the-trainer program for each major trainir^ program within the company.
New employees complete a new hire orientation program of key company policies and procedures within
the first 30 days of work.
There is an issue resolution process that is well understood and used by employees.
Regardless of the type of company or the size of the HR department, the HR Audit is a simple, yet
comprehensive tool to analyse and improve HR's effectiveness as a function.
The audit is made up of four main steps:
1. Define desired HR practices for the organisation.
2. Assess current practices against the criterion that has been established.
3. Analyze the results.
4. Establish improvement goals and take action.
This simple four-step approach can be repeated as the annual planning and goal setting process occurs
within the company. Progress can be measured against goals and a continuous improvement cycle
naturally unfolds.
Definition of desired HR practices can occur through a variety of ways. A good starting point is to take some time
and reflect on the legal requirements and programs that the department must administer. Simply listing them is a
good first step. Next, consider the areas of responsibility and traditional HR practices covered by the function:
They may include HR Plaiming, Staffing, Performance Management, Employee Relations, Compensation and
Benefits, Trainipg and Development, Safety and Wellness, Employee Surveys, and Communication. Finally, other
areas to consider are company initiatives that the HR fimction may be required to support, such as supporting a
Total Quality Management initiative, introduction of new initiatives, specialised training etc.
With this list in hand, a statement can be written about each major practice that needs to be defined. Typically,
they are stated in the present tense and in a positive manner. The following examples illustrate these traits:
There are two aspects of setting goals: maintenance of current good practices and development of
improved practices. Knowing the capacity and capability of the HR department and system is critical in
developing a realistic plan. Good practices need to become a part of the HR system so that they occur
m a reliable, predictable fashion. Once a process or program has reached that level, then future
development can occur more effectively.
With little discretionary time available, it is prudent to review the analysis of step three and decide
which one or two areas will provide the greatest overall improvement for the HR fimction, its
customers and the organisation. These need to be the areas that goals are established for the next year.
Let Us Sum Up
In this unit we have understood the role of the CEO, his responsibility for Talent Management, the '' executive
team and line managers along with practices followed for succession planning.
We have also understood how to measure the effectives of HRD through an HRD Audit.
Chief Executive Officer Talent Management Executive Team and Line Managers Succession Planning Human
Resource Development Audit
Terminal Questions
1. The CEO is the captain of the organisational team. Discuss in the context of ideal qualities to be
displayed by a CEO.
2. Describe the role ofCEO in talent management.
3. Managerial succession planning is a strategic HR activity. Elaborate.
4. The HR audit is necessaiy every six months in an organisation. Do you agree? Give reasons.
Organisational Communication
Types of Commimication
HR and Communication
Let Us Sum Up
Terminal Questions
Types of Commununication
Barriers to Effective Communication
Steps for Effective Commimication
HR and Commimication
Until the 1950s, organisational communication as a discipline consisted of a few professors within
speech departments who had a particular interest in speaking and writing in business settings. Several
seminal publications stand out as works broadening the scope and recognising the importance of
communication in the organising process, and in using the term "organisational communication". In the
1950s, organisational communication focused largely on the role of communication in improving
organisational life and organisational output. In the 1980s, the field turned away from a businessoriented approach to communication and became concemed more with the constitutive role of
communication in organising. In the 1990s, organisational communication scholars focused more on
communication's possibilities to oppress / liberate organisational members.
In the early 1990s Peter Senge developed new theories on Organisational Communication. These
theories are "leaming organisation" and "systems thinking". These have been well received and are now
a mainstay in current beliefs toward organisational communications.
i ...........
5. The two-way method is relatively noisier and looks more disorderly. The one-way method, on the
other hand, appears neat and efficient to an outside observer.
Thus, if speed is necessary, if a businesslike appearance is important, if a manager does not want his
mistakes recognised, and if he wants to protect his power, then one-way communication seems
preferable. In contrast, if the manager wants to get his message across, or if he is concemed about his
receivers' feeling
that they are
IV t
participating and
are making a
contribution, the
two-way system
is better.
In either event, communication depends on how it is perceived by the recipient. In a two way
communication system, there is a chance to correct misperception if any. It is also tme that the impact
of receiving the commimication depends on the expectation of the recipient. Also every communication
is either a command or is an instmction or is for reproaching for doing wrong thing or may even be for
entertainment. The mood of the recipient while receiving the communication may determine whether he
will accept, understand, improve and also act as per the instmctions.
Interpersonal Communication
Most communication as we understand is verbal through the use of words, written, by way of mails and
writing. But a more important form of communication is the non formal one where body language plays
a vital role.
People cannot live without each other, we are social beings. As soon as we are in contact with others we
are communicating. For this we can make use of spoken and written language through which we make
the content of a message clear to each other. However we can also communicate without words. This
kind of communication tells iis something about the relationship between people. Often this is more
important than getting the content of the message across. The communication about this non spoken
communication, which tells us something about the relationship between people, is called MetaCommunication.
communication i
When we connect with a person, we also have to make it clear to each other how the content of a spoken
message needs to be interpreted. How we do this says something about the relationship we have with
the other person, or think we have anyway. Often words are inadequate for this purpose. To make the
meaning of ow words clear we use body language. Body language is a language without spoken words
and is therefore called non-verbal communication. We use body language all the time, for instance
looking someone in the eyes means something different than not looking someone in the eyes when
talking to her.
Lively, sparkling eyes are attractive. They say, 'Talk to me, I'm approachable.' Looking away shows
disinterest or deviousness. Looking down conveys submission. Confident people make more frequent
eye contact than people who are unsure of themselves, so develop a steady gaze. When you enter a
room move around comfortably, smile and make gentle eye contact with everyone; not too much, not
too little.
Men and women behave and respond to body movements in different ways. So it is cmcial for you to
suit your body language depending on the gender of the person you meet, or you could damage a
relationship or business without even knowing it.
.............- - "
Body language thus is a key part of effective and precise communication. Human beings are
programmed to communicate verbally and non-verbally, combining the two aspects of communication
to send and receive accurate messages. Neither form of communication is more important than the
other. However, if one form is missing or inconsistent ,the impact on communication is huge. In
general, verbal messages enhance accuracy and specificity, while non-verbal messages enhance intent,
meaning, and subtlety.
A high proportion of a manager's time is taken away by one to one communication with staff, peers and
superiors. The advantage of one to one communication is that it enables you to gauge reactions
immediately. One also gets feedback about one's plans and ideas.
COMMUNfCAtlON | ill^i^
4. With today's increasingly diverse workforce, it is easy to believe information has been
communicated but the way they get interpreted may be different from what was intended.
Rumours if not tackled in time can lead to massive amounts of miscommimication.
5. When personnel are tired or under stress, it is easy to do what is urgent rather than what is
important. Misunderstanding is a common occurrence and again can get too late before the
correct picture emerges.
6. As organisations grow, their management tends to focus on matters of efficiency. They often
generate systems that produce substantial amount of data ~ raw information that doesn't seem to
really be important. Communication problems can arise when management simply sees no value
whatsoever in communicating with subordinates, believing subordinates should shut up and do
their jobs.
There is an invisible barrier between the superior and subordinate. Because of this, in any given
situation in an organisation, there is an expected answer and an actual answer. For example:
The CEO " How are you Ravi?
"I am well sir". This is the answer expected though at that moment, Ravi may not be well. "How
is the production in the department ?" CEO "Fine sir"
This is the expected answer and Ravi will say so even if there are problems in the department.
The real issue for Ravi is, in spite of his problems, he must somehow convey convincingly that
everything is all right. The other answer that" I have problems" may lead the CEO to believe
that Ravi is not effective.
2. Effective internal communications start with effective skills in communications, including basic skills
in listening, speaking, questioning and sharing feedback. These can developed with some concerted
review and practice. Perhaps the most important outcome from these skills is conveying that you
value hearing from others and their hearing from you. Soimd meeting management skills go a long
way toward ensuring effective communications.
3. A key ingredient to developing effective communications in any organisation is each person taking
responsibility to assert when they do not understand a communication or to suggest when and how
someone could communicate more effectively.
Upward Communication
1. Ensure all employees give regular status reports to their supervisors. Include a section for what they
did last week, will do next week and any actions/issues to address.
2. Use management and staff meetings to solicit feedback. Act on feedback from others. Write it down.
Get back to it ~ if only to say you can't do anything about the reported problem or suggestion, etc.
3. Respect the "grapevine" It is probably one of the most prevalent and reliable forms of communication. Major
"movements" in the organisation usually first appear when employees feel it safe to venture their feelings or
opinions to peers.
Let Us Sum Up
Organisational Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Communication Networks including Cyber Networks
Body Language
Effective Communication
Terminal Questions
1. What are the basic components of organisational communication and who is responsible for ensuring the right
type of communication?
2. Write a short note on body language.
3. Identify barriers for effective communication and how they can be overcome.
Herbert Simon, Administrative Behavior, 4th ed., p 208.
Summarised fiom concepts developed by Alex Bavelas, "Communication Patterns in Task-Oriented Groups," pp.
503-11; Harold Guetzkow, "Differentiation of Roles in Task-Oriented Groups," pp. 512-26, in Cartwright and
Zander, Group Dynamics; H.J. Leavitt, "Some Effects of Certain Communication Patterns on Group
Performance," Joumal of Abnormal and Social Psychology vol. 46, (January 1951), pp. 38-50.
Harold Leavitt, Managerial Psychology (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1958), pp. 118-28.
Richard Arvid Johnson (1976). Management, systems, and society : an introduction. Pacific Palisades, Calif:
Goodyear Pub. Co. pp. 148-142. ISBN 0876205406 9780876205402. OCLC 2299496.
Virginia Satir (1967). Conjoint family therapy; a guide to theory and technique. Palo Alto, Calif: Science and
Behavior Books, pp. 76-81. OCLC 187068.
HR Outsourcing
Let Us Sum Up
Terminal Questions
After reading diis unit, you should be able to:
If one is given the task of setting up a new Human Resource Department in a small company where
would she begin? Such a task would be extremely daunting, but not impossible, if she follows a few
tips. To begin with, she needs to answer some basic questions:
Why set up an HR department now? What developments have made the organisation believe
that an HR department is needed now?
What is expected of the HR department and how will this function contribute to the success and
bottom-line of the organisation? Will it add value?
In other words, before she begins the task, she needs to have a clear definition of the mission and goals
of the department and secondly, what role she will play as "head" of the HR function. Once direction is
clear, there are some key "audit" issues that she needs to focus on.
The current head count of employees, is all documentation with regard to their personal details
complete, are such details stored in their personnel files and are they current?
Has someone framed policies and procedures? Are they up-to-date? Are they followed?
Does the company have an employee handbook and are all relevant rules and regulations
communicated to all employees?
How dynamic is the compensation structure, does it give scope for incentivising performance?
Does the company have in place policies dealing with sexual harassment, workers'
compensation, safety, benefits, discipline, etc.?
Many other issues to be tackled relate to recruitment, promotions, statutory compliance, training and
development etc. As the HR function is yet to take off, most of these activities may not be very well
established and even routine functions such as recruitment, salary as well as training will be managed
on an ad hoc basis, thus leaving a lot of scope for introducing and implementing a number of very
relevant and important HR activities in a professional manner. In the following pages, we shall
examine the scope and range of various HR activities ranging from the manpower planning to
termination of employment with insights into the development and positive role each of these functions
play in an organisation's structure.
Marpower Forecast
Projected Manpower
Surplus Manpower
profile 1
Shortage of Manpower
Business Environment
HRP Process
Once the manpower gaps have been identified, the next stage is the sourcing process with serious thought given to
internal as well as external hiring, the methodology to be used for both along with the training to be given. In the process
of estimating the future quantity and quality of people required, the basis should be annual budget and long term
corporate plans.
Demand forecasting is based on the following factors.
Internal Factors:
Business projections
Budget constraints
New products and services
Employee separation
External Factors:
Competitive environment
The job market scenario
Economic climate
Technology changes
Social Factors
Range from a quick management judgment where managers from across all functions forecast based on a simple
assessment. Another method is to study past ratios, and forecast future requirement, making some allowance for
organisational priorities. Work Study Techniques though a little dated, still gives the numbers for routine activities and in
new areas such as BPO operations where productivity can be measured based on number of calls per hour etc. Delphi
Techniques involve estimates fix)m a group of experts, and HRP experts normally act as intermediaries, and summarise
requirements based on a qualitative assessment. Looking within, the HR experts also identify the talent available in
house, and take into account typical absenteeism, internal movements as well as loss due to attrition.
Recruitment Process
^^^^^^ . - ^ /
All progressive organisations need to have a dynamic recruitment strategy that is demanding, flexible as well as able to
meet the needs of the organisation in quick time, in an efficient manner. The recruitment strategy takes into account the
potential of current and future employees to sustain and improve on business levels, build an image for attracting the best
talent and maintain the competitive edge throughout. Efficiency and productivity form the basis for all long term
commitment with regard to employee selection and development. A brief idea of the major advantages of internal as well
as external recruitment (associated with promotions from within V/s lateral recruitment) is given below:
Internal Recruitment
1. Less Costly
2. Candidates already oriented towards organisation
3. Organisations have better knowledge about internal
1. Better morale and motivation associated
with intemal recraiting is denied
2. Costly method
3. Chances of negative and costly errors of
wrong recmitment.
4. Adjustment of new employees takes longer
9.3.4 Selection
Selection is the process of picking up individuals (out of the pool of job applicants) with requisite qualifications
and competence to fill jobs in the organisation. It is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to
identify and hire those with a greater likelihood of success in a job.
1. Selection is concerned with picking up the
right candidates from a pool of applicants.
2. Selection on the other hand is negative in
its application in as much as it seeks to
eliminate as many unqualified applicants as
possible in order to identify the right
9.3.6 E-recruitment
There is no doubt that today online recruiting has overpowered traditional methods of recruitment. The HR professional
is considered 'out of date' if she does not use e-recruitment, as this is clear indication of how much of change the HR
industry has seen because of IT.
A leading survey says that 73% of the world's largest companies would adopt an e-recruiting strategy. Thinking why
erecruiting is becoming so popular and is considered to be the most efficient way of recruiting? The following are the
It is highly cost efficient and promises increased ROI
It gives accessibility to a big pool of resumes compared to other methods like newspaper ads
E-recruitment brings in an organised and proactive recruiting process
Easy and efficient way of recruiting
Shortened recruiting time span
Reduced complexity, reduced paper work and streamlined workflow
Establishes efficient commimication channel between recruiter and candidate
Helps in establishing a relationship between the recruiter and the candidate
Dependable database applications available to support the company's recruitment process
Modern HR departments cannot ignore the efficiency that internet brings in
From talent hunt to applicant tracking to the core recruitment process, online recruitment has changed everything. Jeff
Taylor,'s founder and CEO says, "The Internet's impact on recruiting has been astronomical. The Net
lets companies hire faster. You don't have to wait for your ad to run in the Sunday classifieds or for resumes to arrive
by mail. The Internet lets you reach applicants more cost effectively than any medium ever has."
Forrester Research says that the online recruitment industry has grown from being a $ 1.2 billion industry to $7.1
billion by 2005. It is not yet late to get on board with the competition and prepare one's organisation for the
9.3.10 Costs
The costs for registering in any online job portals like Monster or Naukri will be a much cheaper bet than advertising
in a newspaper. The existing recmiting process, will have to see some changes and though the initial costs are high,
the new process embarked on will make it cost effective as the days go by.
In keeping with the worldwide trend of outsourcing non-core activities, a large number of corporates
have started outsourcing certain routine HR functions to experts. This practice that was started in the
1990s have come to stay as a cost effective practice for a number of leading organisations all across the
world. HR Outsourcing refers to the process in which an organisation uses the expert services of a third
party (generally professional consultants) to take care of its HR functions while HR management can
focus on the strategic dimension of their function. The functions that are typically outsourced are the
functions that need expertise, relevant experience, knowledge and best methods and practices. HR
Consultancies such as Ma Foi and Planman Consulting and a host of others provide such services
through expert professional consultants. Human resources business process outsourcing (HR BPO) is a
major component of the worldwide BPO market. Performance management outsourcing involves all
the performance monitoring, measurement, management being outsourced from a third party or an
external organisation.
Many organisations have started outsourcing its recruitment process i.e. transferring all or some part of
its recruitment process to an external consultant providing the recruitment services. It is commonly
known as RPO i.e. recmitment process outsourcing.
The present value of the recruitment process outsourcing industry (RPO) in India is estimated to grow
at the annual rate of 30-40 per cent for the next couple of years, provided the recessionary trends get
over soon. The number of companies outsourcing their recmitment processes is increasing at a very fast
rate and so is the percentage of their total recmitment processes being outsourced. Outsourcing helps
save up to as much as 40 per cent of the regular recruitment costs. With the experience, expertise and
the economies of scale of the third party, organisations are able to improve the quality of the recmits
and the speed of the whole process. Also, outsourcing enables the human resource professionals of
organisations to focus on the core and more sfrategic issues. The portion of the recmitment cycle that is
outsourced range from preparing job descriptions to arranging interviews, the activities that consume
almost 70 per cent of the time of the whole recruitment process.
Outsourcing the recruitment processes for a sector like BPO, which faces an attrition of almost 50-60
per cent, can help the companies in BPO sector save costs fremendously and focus on employee
engagement and better retention. At the other end of the spectrum, job seekers are also availing the
services of the third parties (consultants) for accessing the latest job opportunities., the
leading job portal claims to have a huge data base of potential candidates which they sell to corporates
for a fee.
Outsourcing is beneficial for both the corporate organisations that use the outsourcing services as well
as the consultants that provide the service to the corporates. Apart from increasing their revenues,
outsourcing Process provides business opportunities to the service providers, enhancing the skill set of
the service providers and exposure to different corporate experiences thereby increasing their expertise.
staff their
began to
they might
projects. Over
recruitment fees
hiring hard-to-
while still
specialists. Toward this end, companies
began to examine the various steps in the recruiting process with an eye toward outsourcing only those
portions that they had the greatest difficulty with and that added the greatest value to them. Initial RPO
programs typically consisted of companies purchasing lists of potential candidates from RPO vendors. This
"search/research" function, as it was called, generated names of competitors' employees for a company and
served to augment the pool of potential candidates from which that company could hire.
Over time, as business in general embraced the concept of outsourcing more and more, RPO gained favor
among Hinnan Resource management: not only did RPO reduce overhead costs from their budgets but it
also helped improve the company's competitive advantage in the labor market. As labour markets became
more and more competitive, RPO became more of an acceptable option. Furthermore, with the advent in the
1980's and 1990's of human resources outsourcing (HRO) companies that began taking on the processes
associated with benefits, taxes, and payroll; companies began recognising that besides recruiting, they could
have their entire requirement of staff, outsourced to agencies who would then supply just the required
number of staff without having to carry the risk of such low paid, short term candidates. This would reduce
costs, reduce risk and above all, do away with the process of continuous recruitment.
Benefits of Outsourcing
Champions of outsourcing claim that the solution offers improvement in quality, cost, service and speed.
They claim that leveraging economies of scale enables them to offer recruitment processes at lower cost
while economies of scope allow them to operate as high-quality specialists. Those economies of scale and
scope arise from a larger staff of recruiters, databases of candidate resumes, and investment in recruitment
tools and networks.
Outsourcing solutions are also claimed to change fixed investment costs into variable costs that vary with
fluctuation in recruitment activity. Companies may pay by transaction rather than by staff member, thus
avoiding under-utilisation or forcing costly layoffs of staff when activity is low.
Problems of Outsourcing
If a company fails to define its overall recruitment strategy and hiring objectives, then any recruiting
program may fail to meet the company's needs. This is especially true for outsourced programs which can
only succeed in the context of a well-defined corporate and staffing strategy.
As with any program, a company must manage its outsourcing activities by providing initial direction and
continued monitoring to assure the desired results. Overall, providing guidance to external activities can
present a significant management challenge. Outsourcing of company processes may fail or prove a poor
organisational fit. Improperly implemented outsourcing could have an adverse impact on effective
functioning of the respective sections as RPO service providers may fail to provide the quality or volume of
staff required by their customers.
Business Process Outsourcing has now come to be accepted the world over and during the recent recession, has proved
beneficial to a large number of big corporates who would otherwise have had to
Human Resource as an important resource, is responsible for each and every decision taken, work done and the results
achieved. Employees should therefore be managed well and motivated by providing a competitive compensation based
on industry standards. A well thought out compensation package will also serve the need for attracting and retaining the
best employees.
Gompensation is the remimeration received by an employee in return for his/her contribution to the organisation. It is an
organised practice that involves balancing the work-employee relation by providing monetary and non-monetary
benefits to employees. Compensation is an integral part of human resource management which helps in motivating the
employees and improving organisational effectiveness.
Compensation systems are designed keeping in minds the strategic goals and business objectives and on the basis of
certain economic factors as well as the job work and responsibilities. For good working relationships it is essential to set
fair and appropriate salary levels and benefits.
Salaries should be linked with the specific job that someone carries out. For example, a manager would normally be paid
more than an administrator.
Benefits usually apply to all staff, although they may depend on the type of contract they have. For example, different
benefits may be given to permanent staff than staff on fixed-term, temporary or casual contracts.
There are three key issues to take into account when considering salaries:
Salaries should be consistent with the organisation's grading structure - the higher the grade the higher the
salary. This ensures that the principle of equal pay for equal work is followed.
Salaries should be fair. Consider what other similar organisations are paying people for carrying out similar
The grading and salary system should be transparent and easy to understand. This means that staff can clearly
see where their salary fits within the organisation's overall grading and salary structure. This helps to ensure
fairness and consistency because it enables staff to keep the organisation accountable.
include only salary but it is the sum total of all rewards and allowances provided to the employees in
return for their services. If the compensation offered is effectively managed, it contributes to high
organisational productivity.
A good compensation package is important to motivate employees to increase organisational productivity.
Salary is just a part of the compensation system, the employees have other psychological and
self-actualisation needs to fiilfill. This, a well thought out compensation structure tries to address.
Strategic Compensation
Strategic compensation is determining and providing the compensation packages to the employees that
are aligned with the business goals and objectives. In today's competitive scenario, organisations have
to take special measures regarding compensation so as to help retain valuable employees. Thus
compensation systems have changed from traditional ones to strategic compensation systems.
Cost to Company
Moving away from the traditional concept of salary and allowances which would be paid on a fixed
basis, more progressive companies now talk of the total cost to the company or CTC which includes
besides the fixed pay, a number of variable features such as performance linked incentives, notional
cost of subsidised loans (more relevant in banks which give employees highly concessional loans), cost
of car and other transportation and every item of expenditure incurred by the company on the individual
employee. This figure being obviously much larger than the sum of the traditional fixed pay, plays an
important role when attracting candidates from campus or other high profile organisations.
Compensation Structure
Scale 1
Compensation Structure
Scale III
Scale IV-V
Top Management
1. Incentives are important for inducement and motivation of workers for higher efficiency and
greater output.
2. Employee earnings go up, resulting in enhanced standard of living of employees.
3. Productivity increases and production capacity is also likely to increase, even with reduced
4. Companies can reduce the burden of fixed costs by keeping a portion of the remuneration as
A number of theories and practices have been documented right through the history of labour on how to
induce higher productivity from the worker. Time and motion studies, in the early days to incentives for
exceeding hourly targets as practiced in modern day BPOs and call centres, all have been designed to
induce that extra bit of productivity from an employee.
At the higher levels, there are the performance based bonuses paid by large financial advisory services
where the number of senior employees is kept to the minimum but their workload is heavy and highly
stressful. The amounts paid out are large^up to a crore in some of the treasury departments of MNC banks in the
country and measurement for the incentive is the volume of business transacted and profits generated for the Bank.
Whether a fixed incentive for the hourly worker or large payouts for highly skilled specialists, the underlying feature is
an incentive which is clearly variable in nature and directly linked to performance.
One of the most concerning issues for HR managers in India is the high staff tumover. In industries like call centres,
staff attrition is the single biggest issue. The industiy has grown from zero employment to an employer of quarter of a
million young English speaking, well educated and ambitious people. Attrition is highest in fraditional customer service
jobs, where young people find themselves having to spend all night on the phone, often with irate callers. In other areas
such as claims processing or accounting, the tumover rate is much lower. More worrying for many companies is the
'merry go round' in supervising and management jobs, as new centres are only too willing to pay higher salaries to
hijack experienced staff
The issue of retention is much more critical in the high value adding BPO sector such as R&D activities. This $40
billion industry has one of the highest attrition rates of around 20 to 25 per cent. The service laden BPO and KPO
industry have the highest attrition rates.
Research and experience suggest that many managers are concerned that their best and brightest employees may pack
their bags in search of greener pastures if they receive smaller bonus checks than what they think they've eamed.
Managers are struggling with how to explain to employees that their hard work in 2009, hit by recession, will not result
in a salary increase or a bonus.
Recent Hay Group research shows that employee engagement and retention of top talent are the top two human capital
concems of management in organisations today. The counterargument of many managers - that people should feel lucky
just to have a job - is difficult to rebut in today's economic environment. But managers need to be mindful that their top
talent may indeed bolt when the economy turns around not necessarily because of pay.
Hay Group's research suggests that compensation is not even in the top five reasons employees are prone to taking calls
from headhunters and exploring their career options. Top reasons employees begin a job search include the need for
meaningfiil work, utilisation of their skills and abilities, career advancement opportunities and a clear sense of
organisational direction. Based on this, managers should concenfrate their efforts on increasing employee engagement
and developing systems that better support their employees' success.
To increase engagement in the bonus season, organisations and their managers would be well served by speaking from
a "total rewards" mindset m their discussions with employees. Managers are likely to strike out if they only focus on
base salary increases and incentive payments, or lack thereof They need to broaden the dialogue to a discussion around
the entire total rewards package employees receive, which includes career development, job enrichment, recognition
and meaningful performance development feedback, in addition to base pay, bonuses and benefits.
Again, the Recent Hay Group research shows that organisations understand the need to focus on total rewards, but have
not done a great job at communicating this to employees.
NS I tT '
Ideally, total rewards discussions should be held throughout the year, not just at bcAius or salary
increase time." Managers should see each day as an opportunity to provide employees with meaningful
feedback and coaching and should shy away frorii the once-a-year performance appraisal discussion.
The engagement and job performance of employees and managers is significantly improved when
performance feedback is a continuous conversation rather than a distant event.
Following are six practical steps managers can take to improve employee engagement:
1. Help employees view their pay as more than base salary increases and bonuses and understand
that total rewards also include recognition, meaningful work and career opportunities.
2. Understand what truly engages and motivates employees. It is often much more than money as
different people value different rewards.
3. Clearly commimicate the link between performance and rewards. Clearly explain the reasons for
the reward and the amount of the reward.
4. Ensure that performance assessments and total rewards appropriately differentiate the best, solid
and weakest performers.
5. Assess and improve the organisation's work climate by training managers to motivate employees.
6. Use feedback as a gift - make it meaningful and give it often.
The last finding was rather surprising given that youngsters are not prone to succumb to fatigue easily.
But a further analysis of certain sectors such as Insurance, Retail as well as Consumer retail banking
revealed that pressure to sell and achieve monthly targets were so heavy that many a youngster would
lose sleep and be highly stressed as month end approached as a major chunk of their salaiy came in the
way of target linked incentive and some companies even had a policy of recovering from the incentive,
shortfall in sales achievement. Leaving jobs at the slightest excuse became the norm, with even a few
hundred rupees raise being enough attraction for the youngster, lured by the promise of a better working
environment, only to face similar pressure at the new place of posting.
Many companies are developing innovative practices in countering this job hopping phenomenon. The
following table illustrates some of these initiatives by leading companies in India.
9.7.3 Examples of Retention Strategies for young Professionals in India's BPO and
Services Sectors
Retention Strategy
Tata Consulting
'Wings Within' programme where existing employees get Has led to a higher
a chance to quit their current job role and join a retention rate
within WIPRO
162 I ^firm
Mahindra & Co
In the context of employees per se, the risk assessment goes a step beyond the physical aspects of safety and
security. Here, what is important is the potential risk that the organisation suffers due to bad or improper hiring.
Some of the issues involved are; negligent hiring, the screening policy and do all employees need to be screened,
and what is the legal implications for an employee's firaudulent actions, with regards to customer fimds as in a
NegUgent hiring and negligent retention lawsuits are increasing the world over, and so are employer expense and
liability as a result of these suits. Underlying the idea of negligent hiring and retention is an employer's legal
responsibility to provide employees, customers and the public a reasonably safe environment, and the liability
imputed to employers when they fail to exercise reasonable care in providing such an environment. It's when this
failure occurs that as an employer, the business, could be held liable for negligent hiring or retention. In banks, the
detection of a fraud by an employee who happens to have an earlier criminal record, could go against the bank if no
proper police verification was done prior to hiring. Consequently, from a cost contairunent and legal liability
perspective, it is increasingly crucial that businesses conduct criminal backgroimd checks, conduct such checks in a
competent manner and take reasonable action as a result of these inquiries.
A more subtle but equally harmful risk is that of bad or wrong hire. In the PSU banks, where average
performance is considered the norm, the cost of hiring substandard candidates could be a long term
liability. In other progressive banks, consistently below average performance could stand out and such
candidates get weeded out early after the first or second performance appraisal.
Let Us Sum Up
In this unit we have gone through the various HR Functions starting with Human Resources Planning,
Recruitment and Selection & Compensation.
We have also understood the concept of Employee Outsourcing with specific advantages and
We have also understood the concept of employee attrition and its linkage to compensation.
The last topic covered was employee risk assessment in banks.
Human Resources Planning
Recruitment & Selection
Employee Outsourcing
Compensation Structure
Incentive link to
Productivity Employee
Attrition Employee Risk
Terminal Questions
2. What are the good practices for a sound recruitment policy? How does e-recruitment add value?
3. Outsourcing is a major cost saving and efficient method in hiunan resources planning. Do you agree?
4. Incentive based compensation will not function in the banking industry. Do you agree?
5. It is not advisable to reduce attrition below 10% per year. Elaborate on this statement in the context of the
new generation of employees.
The Human Resource Function In Emerging Enterprises {entrepreneurship Series) (Hardcover - 2001-10-17)
by Jeffrey S. Homsby, Donald F. Kuratko
The Human Capital Challenge (ASTD Public Policy Cduncil, August, 2003)
* Tom McMullen is the vice president of North American reward practice at Hay Group and is based in
BeakWare-net articles
Use of Performance
360 Appraisal
Competency Mapping
Let Us Sum Up
Terminal Questions
Performance Management System (PMS) is a formal, structured system of measvuing, evaluating job
related behaviors and outcomes to discover reasons of performance and how to perform effectively in
future so that employee, organisation and society all benefit. The most familiar aspect of PMS is the
performance appraisal, which is derived from the goals and objectives set, which again get derived fiom the Vision and Mission of the organisation.
Management of Performance is a major managerial activity and leads to a number of other HR
initiatives starting with rewards, training and development and shows the way for a company's
accelerated growth. Performance management is the process of looking both to the fiiture and to the
past, in the context of the collective performance of all the employees in an organisation.
Driven by today's competitive business environment and the changing demographics of the workforce, organisations of
all sizes are implementing integrated talent management strategies. These programs are designed to improve the
leadership pipeline, improve workforce skills, and increase retention and staffing to meet the needs of growing
organisations. Almost two thirds of HR organisations are building integrated
talent management strategies - which look at HR processes as an integrated whole (not only as separate fimctional
processes). Ultimately, however one defines talent management, research clearly shows that performance management
is foundational - it establishes the ground rules for conversations between managers and employees.
How, for example, does one decide who gets the bigger raise? How to decide who is promoted into a given position?
How to decide who to lay off during a downturn? Who should be given an opportunity to take on a challenging,
business-critical new assignment? Everywhere one looks, these talent management decisions are dependent upon the
appraisal of an individual's performance, capabilities and potential. In most HR textbooks (and in many organisations),
performance assessment is broken into the following two fimdamental pieces.
The "What" - What did this person accompUsh? What value is he / she delivering to the organisation?
Is he/she achieving his/her business objectives?
The "How" - How did this person achieve such results? What is his / her skills and competencies?
How well are they aligned with our corporate values?
Performance Appraisals which is the most visible form of the performance management system, is a developmental tool
used for all round development of the employee and the organisation. Performance is measured against such factors as
job knowledge, quality and quantity of output, initiative, leadership abilities, supervision, dependability, co-operation,
judgment, versatility and health. Assessment relates to past as well as potential performance.
Numerous methods have been devised to measure the qxiantity and quality of performance appraisals.
Each of the methods is effective in a relative msmner for various organisations. Broadly all methods of
appraisals can be divided into two different categories.
1. Rating Scales: Rating scales consists of several numerical scales representing job related performance
criterions such as dependability, initiative, output, attendance, attitude etc. Each scale ranges from excellent to
poor. The total numerical scores are computed and final conclusions are derived. Advantages - Adaptability, easy
to use, low cost, every type of job can be evaluated, large number of employees covered, no formal training
required. Disadvantages - Rater's biases.
2. Trait Analysis: Under this method, checklist of statements of traits of employee in the form of Yes or No based
questions is prepsffed. Here the rater only does the reporting or checking and HR department does the actual
evaluation. Advantages - economy, ease of administration, limited training required, standardisation.
Disadvantages - Raters biases, use of improper weights by HR, does not allow rater to give relative ratings.
3. Forced Choice Method: The series of statements arranged in the blocks of two or more are given and
the rater indicates which statement is true or false. The rater is forced to make a choice. HR department
does actual assessment. Advantages - Absence of personal biases because of forced choice.
Disadvantages - Statements may be wrongly framed.
4. Forced Distribution Method: Here employees are clustered aroimd a high point on a rating scale. Rater
is compelled to distribute the employees on all points on the scale. It is assumed that the performance
is conformed to normal distribution. Assumption of normal distribution, unrealistic, errors of central
tendency may occur.
5. Critical Incidents Method: The approach is focused on certain critical behaviors of employees that
makes all the difference in the performance. Supervisors as and when they occur record such incidents.
Advantages - Evaluations are based on actual job behaviors, ratings are supported by descriptions,
feedback is easy, reduces recent biases, chances of subordinate improvement are high. Disadvantages Negative incidents can be prioritised, forgetting the positive ones, overly close supervision.
6. Confidential Records: Mostly used by government departments, and in older organisations where the
concept of self assessment is not encouraged. Here the report is given in the form of Annual
Confidential Report (ACR) and may record ratings with respect to following items; attendance, self
expression, team work, leadership, initiative, technical ability, reasoning ability, originality and
resourcefiilness etc. The system is highly secretive and confidential. Feedback to the assessee is given
only in case of an adverse entry. Rather negative in impact as the ratings are highly subjective and can
be manipulated to suit an occasion.
7. Pen portrait: The assessor pictures in writing about the assessee, regarding his qualities and
performance as well as his potential. Armies use this method in evaluating cadets.
Feedback Mechanism: Performance evaluation is the central mechanism that not only provides feedback to
individuals but also aids in the assessment of the progress of organisation as a whole. Without appraisals,
managers of any firm can only guess as to whether or not employees are working towards realisation of the
organisation goals.
A good performance appraisal system is not complete without an effective feedback mechanism. Most
appraisals have an element of discussion between appraiser and appraisee where the events of the previous
year are discussed and plans made for better performance in the coming years. Where the appraisee has an
apprehension that she has not been fairly appraised or that just rewards would not be available to her due to
the biased approach of the appraiser, there is a provision for review with a higher authority where again clear
feedback is given on the performance and reasons for poor rating. Such checks and balances help make the
appraisal system more transparent and less threatening.
Training and Development
Compensation reviews
Competency building
Specific Goals
Developmental Use
Salary Promotion
Retention / Termination
Lay offs
Poor Performers identification
Organisational Maintenance
HR Planning
Training Needs Analysis
Organisational Goal achievement
HR Systems Evaluation
Reinfoicement of organisational priorities
Finding the right fit for the right job has always been a matter of concern for most organisations. In
managerial terms, the right profile is a combination of several traits, such as behaviour, knowledge,
attitudes etc. A well established practice to ensure the right fit, is to map the competency of the person
against the competency profile defined for a given position. Some definitions of Competency:
A Competency is an underlying characteristic of ar person which enables him /her to deliver superior
performance in a given job, role or a situation.
A Competency is a set of skills, related knowledge and attributes that allow an individual to
successfiilly perform a task or an activity within a specific fimction or job.
Some examples of organisational competencies and how they get described and derived.
hfanagerial Competencies
Competencies which are considered essential for employees with managerial or supervisory
responsibility in any fimctional area including directors and senior posts e.g. decision making,
leveraging relationships.
Competency Matrix
HR Head
HR Manager
Communication (core)
Communication (core)
Decision-making (core)
Decision-making (core)
Compensation (functional)
Compensation (functional)
By running competency reports, the management can analyse the data and pinpoint, for example, which
core competency has the biggest gap in expected proficiency. Furthermore, this information can be used
to develop the organisation's training needs as well as talent gaps, which when anticipated, helps plan
effectively in advance, so as to ramp up intemal bench strength, fill key positions without recmiting
new hires, and potentially save the company major expenses.
A performance management system will allow to fiilly capitalise on competency reports for this
purpose- not only by providing specifics geared toward identifying skills gaps, but also by linking to
leaming management technology that seamlessly bridges those gaps. Clearly, competencies impact
every phase in the employee lifecycle-firom recmitment through career development and beyond.
While the legwork in defining and establishing competency plans might be extensive, the end results
hold tremendous potential in terms of ramping up employee caliber, rating and building employee
skills, and identifying and bridging gaps. By combining a properly constmcted competency model with
a fiill-featured performance management system, HR departments can systematically generate, apply
and leverage competency data across a comprehensive talent development strategy, ultimately boosting
business results through a stronger, more productive workforce.
A leading MNC company in India has a comprehensive career management fi:amework that helps
employees map their growth paths, lateral or vertical. Each role has a defined set of competencies
aligned to it. "Employees are expected to first acquire the competencies defined for the current role and
then focus on the competencies for a growth role before they are considered eligible for movement.
Trained experts facilitate the mapping of specific leaming activities for each competency required for a
role in the organisation and has over 4000 training programs, both e-leaming and instmctor-led to help
bridge any gaps in employee competencies.
This company has a robust and transparent Intemal Job posting process where the positions available
are indicated with the desirable competency profile for each position, thus enabling employees to get a
complete picture of the opportunities available within the company. With this information, employees
are better equipped to make informed career decisions and develop the competencies with regards to
knowledge and skills they require to move up the career ladder.
Another leading organisation has the advantage of employees delivering and exceeding requisite
performance levels since the company has mapped out competencies that are required to perform
specific roles. "New hires are pegged against those that are required for the role before being hired to
ensure they fit as per their deliverables. Existing employees are periodically reviewed with the help of
assessment tools and based on the gap analysis, are provided the necessary training and development to
hone the requisite competency. The action plans for the competency development outcome based on
such assessments are fmalised and the entire initiative is institutionalised.
A new generation Bank follows a Competency Based Training ( CBT) approach by which the desired
competency profile the trainees must attain by the end of a given training program is clearly defined
and regular tests and feedback sessions, give an indication of the extent to which the training program
is successful.
Competency mapping not only helps know your competencies but also your weak areas which can be
worked upon. Besides increasing employee morale and enhancing productivify, it induces fi-esh
thinking, fosters innovation and thereby aims to provide an enriching job experience.
Over the past 10 years, human resource and organisational development professionals have generated a lot of interest
in the notion of competencies as a key element and measure of human performance. Competencies are becoming a
frequently-used and written-about vehicle for organisational applications such as:
Defining the factors for success in jobs (i.e., work) and work roles within the organisation
Assessing the current performance and fiiture development needs of persons holding jobs and roles
Mapping succession possibilities for employees within the organisation
Assigning compensation grades and levels to particular jobs and roles
Selecting applicants for open positions, using competency-based interviewing techniques
Competency mapping is a process through which one assesses and determines one's sfrengths as an individual worker
in the context of an organisation. Large organisations frequently employ some form of competency mapping to
imderstand, identify and effectively use the competencies of their employees.
The Individual Performance and Development Plan has ^o component parts, the Performance Plan and its related
Individual Development Hn. th Prfonriance Plan is constructed by the manager and employee together,
focusing on priority-setting for the performance management cycle and, working co-operatively through a fourstep process:
KRAs refer to general areas of outcomes or outputs for which the Sector / Department is responsible.
Most roles include 3 to 5 key result areas. If individuals are accountable for more than this, they may be
overloaded, or they may not be delegating effectively. KRAs deal with results and not Avith day to day activities
and hence more quantitative the KRAs the easier they are to track. So, KRAs help individuals align their day to
day activities to overall organisational/project goals in terms of results delivered.
In order to measure if the KRAs are achieved, some Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are developed.
A KPI is a specific, agreed measure of achievement within a KRA, w^ich gci n to make up the
goals and objectives measured under the performance appraisal process. Key characteristics of
KPIs are that they are objective, independent and standardised measures of performance, not
ratings or judgments of performance, they may be QUANTITATIVE or QUALITATIVE. The
measure is activity based rather than outcome based, as these KPIs will often be more suitable to
routine repetitive ftmctions. Some examples of these terms in practice.
KPIs are usually Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound (SMART), which
help to determine if and how much the KRAs are met. KPIs Should be:
quality oriented
time specific
cost effective
10.6.17 Time
Speed of delivery (emergency response) etc.
Reduction in number of minutes/hours/days etc.
Deadlines and schedules met
Average call response time
Organisational perspective
Client perspective
Task perspective
Interpersonal perspective
Key Result Areas should, always identify the current most significant objectives of the position, giving an
indication of the rationale for the given position.
K^ performance indicators
1. Study current practices and industiy standards with regard to similar grade 4 employee training.
2. Define an illustrative competency profile for the group.
3. Design a model leaming program to cover the desired topics.
4. Identify the right profile of faculfy for the training programs.
5. Prepare a training calendar and define time frame within which to complete training the entire
Performance measures
1. Whether program design accepted by functional heads as relevant to current and future
requirements, cover all identified sectors, technical areas and required qualification levels.
2. Training program results in continuous improvement of processes and enhanced productivify.
Performance measures
1. Industry career information and websites and other mechanisms valued as providing relevant and
appropriate industry careers information.
2. Careers information systems and services adequately addressing the industries.
3. Careers information publications revised and published.
4. Continued and active involvement with industry action plans and agendas. Critical success factors
increase by 7%
average sales tumover per employee
average profit per employee
value added per employee
Let Us Sum Up
In this unit we have learnt Basics of Performance Management System, the Performance Appraisal
Process, the role of Appraisal, 360 Appraisal, Competency Mapping and Key Result Areas.
Appraisal System
360 Performance Appraisal
Competency Assessment
Key Result Area
Key Performance Indicators
Terminal Questions
1. Introducing and managing a healdiy performance management system is the first priority of the
HR department. Do you agree?
2. Write a short note on 360 appraisal.
3. Elaborate on how Competencies are developed in the context of the organisational competency
4. Identify the KRA for the Head HR position and elaborate on the selection process you would
use for getting the right candidate..
Ganesh Shermon, Competency based HRM, 1st edition, 2004
Seema Sangvi, A Hand book of Competency Mapping, 2004
High-Impact Talent Management; Trends, Best Practices andlndustry Solutions, Bersin &
Associates/Josh Bersin, May 2007
motivation, training and skill
Employee Motivation
Employee Development
Training Methodology
Employee Behavior
Let Us Sum Up
Terminal Questions
Human Resource Management is a way of management that links people-related activities to the
strategy of the organisation's business. HRM is often referred to as "strategic HRM". It has several
To meet the needs of the business and management (rather than just serve the interests of
To link human resource strategies / policies to the business goals and objectives;
To find ways for human resources to "add value" to a business;
To help a business gain the commitment of ejnployees to its values, goals and objectives.
All elements of the business strategy have implications for human resources, as illustrated in the table
below. The challenge for management is to identify and respond to these HR issues:
Where should the business be located to compete Where do we need our people? How many do we need
and at what stage of business growth?
How can we achieve improvements in our unit How productive is the workforce currently? How does
production costs to remain competitive?
this compare with competitors? What investment in the
workforce (e.g. training, recmitment) and their
equipment is required to achieve the desired
improvement in productivity?
How can the business impact cultural change?
How can the business respond to rapid technological What technological skills does the business currently
change in its markets?
possess? What additional skills are needed to respond to
technological change? Can these skills be acquired
through training or do they need to be recmited?
An important part of HRM is the Hmnan Resources Plan. The purpose of this plan is to analyse the
strategic requirements of the business in terms of manpower - and then to find a way of meeting the
required demand for labour.
Most organisations do a relatively good job of figuring out what must be done to solve their problems or
exploit their opportunities. The difficulty is that the vast majority is not able to implement these solutions
very well as they unwittingly apply their resources toward identifying new solutions rather than realising
existing potential. Such new solutions (merger, reorganisation, updated processes, etc.) are armounced and
introduced to the organisation with a typical sequence of events to include armoimcing the project,
providing new equipment or software, training, or a host of other related activities. Realisation, however, is
achieved when the organisation goes beyond just deploying the change and reaps the fiill business benefits
that were anticipated when the resources were allocated to pursue the initiative.
Realisation has become a major differentiator because one of the crucial issues facing businesses today is
not what strategy or solution to put in place, but rather how to implement these initiatives in such a way
that they have their intended impact. In volatile markets, leaders cannot afford to risk their organisation's
fiiture on important strategies and projects that are simply "installed." Today, success also depends on
being able to ensure that the promised benefits are delivered. It is very rare for one to get a platform to test
one's products, competencies etc. before launching the product or service in the market.
For example, in mergers, though fmancial and physical merger is achieved, it is very rarely that two
organisations achieve the cultural merger. Lloyds Bank was taken over by National Grindlays bank p.l.c in
the year 1961. Even in the 80s, the staff of the former, continued to refer themselves as Lloyd's staff. In the
case where Standard Chartered bank took over Grindlays, the latter's office staff who had attained 55 years
of age but below 58, had to be sent home by payment of salary for the remaining part of service as the age
of retirement in the former bank happened to be 55 years.
iMoments of Trutii
All too often, the top management feels they have determined the right strategy and plan of action, but then
something happens and the intended outcome just never seems to happen. Regardless of what the initiative
involves (opening new markets, realignment of strategy and structure, altering corporate culture, etc.), there
are inevitably "moments of truth" that dictate whether or not an organisation actually receives the value the
decision makers hoped to achieve. Companies come to these crucial crossroads and each time they must
decide whether to pay the true price of change or face whatever consequences exist for maintaining the
status quo. As change initiatives move through these critical decision points, there are four possible
outcomes: early termination, meltdown, installation, or realisation.
Early Termination
Oceasionally, approval is secured for a new initiative, but the project never really gets off the ground. Agreements are
reached about what is to be done and budgets are set, but before any official announcements can take place, everything
is discontinued. This is sometimes the result of an obvious financial or political crisis. Other times, the reasons behind
these abrupt terminations are less clear. Regardless of the cause, when efforts to introduce change are blocked after
being approved but before being officially launched, it clearly indicates that the organisation was not ready to fulfill its
Sometimes a project is announced and engaged, but at some point during implementation, it is discontinued with a
complete withdrawal of resources and activity. Meltdowns are visible failures for all to see, and the economic and
political price they incur are so costly they are generally avoided if at all possible. Because of the high visibility and
vulnerability associated with such withdrawals, it is easy for decision makers and intemal change agents (or extemal
consultants) to informally (sometimes unconsciously) conspire to camouflage a meltdown as a project that was
completed even though it never achieved the desired results.
When change projects are first introduced into a work setting, they are deployed (i.e., announced, set up, or in some way
inaugurated) but have not yet achieved their ultimate intent. Installation is about placement; managing the tangible
aspects of inserting a new initiative into the work environment (logistics, plugging in hardware and software, training
schedules, work sessions, etc.).
Installation is an essential part of the overall implementation process, but it is a two-edged sword. With it comes the
potential for either furthering the primaiy purpose of the intended change or actually preventing it from ever tmly taking
Realisation takes place when the key purpose for an initiative (for example, confirmed cost savings, measurable
increases in customer loyalty, and documented productivity gains) is actually achieved. Only when installation has taken
place are the necessary elements there to ensure that the installed solution is fiilly used as intended.
The impact of all these four stages on the human resource is substantial. Fmstration and even abmpt withdrawal by way
of resignations happen when projects are killed or terminated early for no apparent reason. When projects get delayed or
discontinued due to a meltdown, a number of the staff involved could also be directly affected; by retrenchment or if
they continue with the project, continued fiiistration at the slow progress. Installation is a happy phase as at least the first
signs of accomplishment are visible; and the people involved find a meaning to their role and efforts. The last stage of
realisation results in meaningfiil role clarity for all those involved as also possible rewards by way of increased benefits
once the project starts bringing in the projected revenues.
What differentiates those organisations that simply install new initiatives from those that are able to fiilly realise the
hoped-for benefits is their ability to manage "human landscapes. "At its most basic core, a work environment is
composed of two types of building blocks; those that are "inert" (dealing with such things as structures, policies,
technology, strategies, capital, and tools) and those that are "human" (dealing with such things as perceptions,
assumptions, resistance, fears, aspirations, beliefs, and values). Each work environment has its own configuration of
inert and human components that form a unique identity or landscape that distinguishes it from any other work setting.
The inert aspects are isolated, independent features of the landscape that have no inherent connection to one another (i.e.,
a change in software does not by itself trigger a shift in the way budgets are managed). It is the human component of a
landscape that provides all the links, bonds, and affiliations that exist within work settings. Without the human
component, meaningfiil integration of the various inert components would not exist. For example, a procedure could
stand alone, unaffected by a report showing declining quality, which would be completely detached from employee
performance ratings, which would be unrelated to the new IT system, which would be disconnected from the
implications of a recent merger. People are the bridging agents between themselves and all inert features of a work
environment; therefore, it is the human landscape that is most crucial to the success or failure of efforts to change the
way an organisation functions.
When new initiatives are introduced into a work environment, they cause shock waves of disruption . These points of
impact are the physical and political locations where new entities (advances in technology, new organisational structures,
leadership changes, etc.) are introduced and potentially affect the people they touch. Around each point of impact is a
human landscape that reacts to and dictates the success of the change being introduced. The degree to which a new
initiative spreads throughout a work environment or dies an early death is directly dependent on the human dynamics
reflected in these landscapes (how much commitment or resistance exists, how many other changes are competing for
people's attention, etc.).
Why are the human dynamics around change so problematic? Human landscapes are the breeding grounds for resistance
because all initiatives designed to bring about change, by definition, interrupt the status quo. The greater the promise of
change, the more disruption required. Despite wishful thinking to the contrary, most people are reluctant to disturb the
routines that have formed in their lives. What people resist is not the technological and other changes but changes in
social relationships in the organisation. Employees as human beings, are addicted to established habits, and often cling to
them even when doing so is unproductive or, worse, self-destructive.
This reluctance to depart from the familiar makes it difficult to bring about true organisational transformation. Even
executives who sanction what they say are important changes often hope to somehow accomplish their intentions
without having to personally leave their comfort zones. Furthermore, even if leaders are attuned to the importance of
human landscapes, they often lack the knowledge and tools to deal with these issues adequately. Whether done because
of ignorance, avoidance, or ineptaess, the human landscapes that surround important business solutions are all too often
left unattended or poorly addressed. And when this happens, these landscapes become incredibly effective at
undermining and preventing projects from achieving their fiill potential.
Because of the powerful influence people and their reactions have on the success of change initiatives, it is vitally
important for decision makers to ensure that the human landscapes encircling key business solutions are managed
properly. Many leaders, however, choose instead to deal rather peripherally with or ignore altogether the people
dynamics associated with the major changes they attempt to implement. The key to the problem is to understand the true
nature of the resistance. Much of the time, it is because executives have not fully grasped that leadership today involves
more than making the right decisions about what should be done. In addition to correctly determining the proper course
of action, senior managers must also know how to orchestrate the human infrastructure to ensure that there is enough
support from the key people involved to actually achieve the true purpose of the initiative.
Regardless of the nature of the initiative, introducing change into an organisation is always a resource- consuming
activity (capital, time, energy, attention, etc.). These resources are corporate assets that ultimately fall under the o^ership
of shareholders. All too often however, the promises made about impending change fail to actually translate into the
intended results. Usually this is due to decision makers being dangerously naive about what is required on the
organisation's part for a major initiative to succeed. What is usually missing is either an awareness that perfectly thought
out strategy about what to do can still fall flat when not supported by the people being affected or the tools and
techniques needed to successfiilly direct the human aspects of the project's execution get overlooked.
Another issue inhibiting decision makers from fiilfilling their change-related promises is the assumption that the burden
of accountability for achieving their goals falls on staff or consultants. Although intemal staff can play key supportmg
roles and extemal consultants can deliver sound recommendations, the decision makers carry the greatest obligation for
success. They are the ones who must ultimately ensure that the surrounding human landscape is ready to support
whatever needs to happen.
Regardless of how leaders may contribute to the problem, dysfimctional installation takes place when correct business
solutions are inserted into human landscapes that have not been properly prepared to provide the necessary support.
When this happens, initiatives offer little more than temporary, superficial relief from whatever symptoms the
organisation was trying to resolve. Under such circumstances, the promised ROI cannot be fulfilled. Maximum retum on
the shareholder's investment and full realisation of expected value can only be accomplished by delivering on the
promises made. Fulfilling these promises is unlikely unless the corresponding "human landscapes" have been properly
Capacity: The availability of the resources people need to adapt to the desired change.
Culture: The formal and informal ground rules for how things are really done on a day-to-day basis.
Taigets: The people whom the initiatives are intended to influence.
Creating the proper readiness around important initiatives requires that the following four questions be asked and the
necessary actions taken to ensure the key people are adequately prepared to absorb the changes being introduced. The
critical questions are:
Sponsorship: To what extent are the appropriate leaders, managers, and supervisors unwilling or unable to
provide the level of commitment needed to sustain the project?
Capacity: To what extent do users lack the intellectual, emotional, and physical resources needed to adjust to the
changes required by the initiative?
Culture: To what extent do the behaviours, beliefs, and assumptions necessary to achieve the goals of the change
differ from those that are currently shared throughout the organisation?
Resistance: To what extent are various stakeholders exhibiting overt and/or covert reluctance to support the
The challenge facing leaders today is delivering on the commitments they make when armouncing critical changes.
"Installation" of change is seldom in jeopardy; it is the "realisation" of the promise to shareholders that is typically at
risk. Fulfillment of these promises is possible only if leaders are carefiil to limit their initiatives to those they are serious
about implementing. For each of these business imperatives, they must require proper preparation of the human
landscape as a non-negotiable part of the rollout sfrategies being formulated.
One needs to have a real imderstanding in depth and detail of the specific social arrangement that will be sustained or
strengthened by the change. For this you need to know intuitively how the change will affect complex social
arrangements in the human landscape. Participative management of change may be an answer as then people will
implement agreed change.
process by which an element is learned through association wth a separate, pre-occurring element. The
typical paradigm for classical conditioning involves repeatedly pairing an unconditioned stimulus
(which unfailingly evokes a particular response) with another previously neutral stimulus (which does
not normally evoke the response). Following conditioning, the response occurs both to the
unconditioned stimulus and to the other, unrelated stimulus (now referred to as the "conditioned
stimulus"). The response to the conditioned stimulus is termed a conditioned response.
The leaming process most characteristic of humans is imitation; one's personal repetition of an
observed behaviour, such as a dance. Humans can copy three types of information simultaneously: the
demonstrator's goals, actions and enviromnental outcomes. Through copying these types of infonnation,
most infants will tune into their surrounding culture.
Enculturation is the process by which a person leams the requirements of their native culture by which
he or she is surroimded, and acquires values and behaviours that are appropriate or necessary in that
culture. The influences which as part of this process limit, direct or shape the individual, whether
deliberately or not, include parents, other adults, and peers. If successful, enculturation results in
competence in the language, values and rituals of the culture. Most induction programs have
enculturation as a major, if subtle objective.
enhanced leaming. A specific and always more difflised e-leaming is mobile-leaming (m-Leaming), it
uses different mobile telecommunication equipments, such as cell phones.
When a leamer interacts with the e-leaming environment, it is called augmented leaming. By adapting
to the needs of individuals, the context-driven instmction can be dynamically tailored to the learner's
natural environment. Augmented digital content may include text, images, video, audio (music and
voice). By personalising instmction, augmented leaming has been shown to improve leaming
performance considerably.
Informal leaming occurs through the experience of day-to-day situations (for example, one would leam
to look ahead while walking because of the danger inherent in not paying attention to where one is
going). It is leaming fi-om life, during a meal at table with parents, exploring or piu^ly by association.
Formal leaming is leaming that takes place within a teacher-student relationship, such as in a school
on tiie Qhessboard and also how to properly hold and move a chess piece (psychomotor). Furthermore,
later in the game the person may even leam to love the game itself, value its applications in life, and
appreciate its intellectual appeal.(affective domain).
Learning Process
Learning theory may be described as a body of principles advocated by psychologists and educators to
explain how people acquire skills, knowledge, and attitudes. Various branches of leaming theory are
used in formal training programs to improve and accelerate the leaming process. Key concepts such as
desired leaming outcomes, objectives of die training, and depth of training also apply. When properly
integrated, leaming principles, derived from theories, can be useftil for all areas of activity. Over the
years, many theories have attempted to explain how people leam. Even though psychologists and
educators are not in complete agreement, most do agree that leaming may be explained by a
combination of two basic approaches: behaviorism and the cognitive theories.
Behaviorists believe that animals, including hmnans, leam in about the same way. Behaviorism stresses
the importance of having a particular form of behavior reinforced by someone, other than the student,
to shape or control what is leamed. Frequent, positive reinforcement and rewards accelerate leaming.
This theory provides the instmctor with ways to manipulate students with stimuli, induce the desired
behavior or response, and reinforce the behavior with appropriate rewards. In general, the behaviorist
theory emphasises positive reinforcement rath r than no reinforcement or punishment.
Cognitive Tlieory
Unlike behaviorism, cognitive theory focuses on what is going on inside the student's mind. Leaming is
not just a change in behavior; it is a change in the way a student thinks, understands, or feels. There are
several branches of cognitive theory. Two of the major theories may broadly be classified as the
information processing model and the social interaction model. The first says that the student's brain
has intemal stmctures which select and process incoming material, store and retrieve it, use it to
produce behavior, and receive and process feedback on the results. This involves a number of cognitive
processes, including executive fimctions of recognising expectancies, planning and monitoring
performance, encoding and chunking information, and producing intemal and extemal responses.
The social interaction theories gained prominence in the 1980s. They stress that leaming and
subsequent changes in behavior take place as a result of interaction between the student and the
environment. Behavior is modeled either by people or symbolically. Cultural influences, peer pressure,
group dynamics, and film and television are some of the significant factors. Thus, the social
environment to which the smdent is exposed demonstrates or models behaviours, and the student
cognitively processes the observed behaviors and consequences. The cognitive processes include
attention, retention, motor responses, and motivation. Techniques for leaming include direct modeling
and verbal instmction. Behavior, personal factors, and environmental events all work together to
produce leaming.
Both models of the cognitive theory have common principles. They both acknowledge the importance
of reinforcing behaviour and measuring changes. Positive reinforcement is important, particularly with
cognitive concepts such as knowledge and understanding. Evaluation is often limited to the kinds ot
knowledge or behaviour that can be measured by a paper-and-pencil exam or a performance test.
Although psychologists agree that there often are errors in evaluation, some means of measuring
student knowledge, performance, and behavior is necessary.
The ability to leam is one of the most outstanding human characteristics. Leaming occurs continuously
throughout a person's lifetime. Leaming can be defined as a change in behavior as a result of
experience. An individual's way of perceiving, thinking, feeling, and
doing may change
as a result of a learning experience. This can be physical and overt, or it
complex intellectual or attitudinal changes which affect behavior in
more subtle ways.
11.3.7 Assumptions
Adult Learning
Principles of Learning
Over the years, educational psychologists have identified several principles which seem generally
applicable to the leaming process. They provide additional insight into what makes people leam most
Individuals leam best when they are ready to leam, and they do not leam well if they see no reason for
learning. Getting students ready to learn is usually the instructor's responsibility. If students have a
strong purpose, a clear objective, and a definite reason for learning something, they make more progress
than if they lack motivation. Readiness implies a degree of single-mindedness and eagerness. When
students are ready to leam, they meet the instmctor at least halfway, and this simplifies the instructor's
The principle of exercise states that those things most often repeated are best remembered. It is the basis
of drill and practice. The human memory is fallible. The mind can rarely retain, evaluate, and apply new
concepts or practices after a single exposure. Students do not learn to weld during one shop period or to
perform complicated dance steps with just one demonstration. They leam by applying what they have
been told and shown. Every time practice occurs, leaming continues. The instmctor must provide
opportunities for students to practice and, at the same time, make sure that this process is directed
toward a goal.
A vivid, dramatic, or exciting leaming experience teaches more than a routine or boring experience. A
student is likely to gain greater understanding of classical dance by performing them rather than merely
reading about them. The principle of intensity implies that a student will leam more fi-om the real thing
than fi-om a substitute. The classroom imposes limitations on the amount of realism that can be brought
into teaching. But today, instmctors can benefit fi-om a wide variety of instmctional aids to improve
realism, motivate leaming, and challenge students.
The principle of recency states that things most recently leamed are best remembered. Conversely, the
fiirther a student is removed time-wise fi-om a new fact or understanding, the more difficult it is to
remember. Instmctors recognise the principle of recency when they carefiilly plan a summary session
after each major topic gets covered. The mstmctor repeats, restates, or reemphasises important points at
the end of a lesson to help the student remember them. The principle of recency often determines the
sequence of lectures within a course of instmction.
We learn:
We Remember:
1% through taste
Initially, all learning comes from perceptions which are directed to the brain by one or more of the five
senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Psychologists have also found that leaming occurs most
rapidly when information is received through more than one sense.
11.4.1 Perceptions
Perceiving involves more than the reception of stimuli from the five senses. Perceptions result when a
person gives meaning to sensations. The meanings which are derived from perceptions are influenced
not only by the individual's experience, but also by many other factors. There are several factors that
affect an individual's ability to perceive. Some are internal to each person and some are extemal. A
person's basic need is to maintain and enhance the organised self. The self is a person's past, present,
and future combined; it is both physical and psychological. A person's most fundamental, pressing need
is to preserve and perpetuate the self All perceptions are affected by this need.
Just as the food one eats and the air one breathes become part of the physical self, so do the sights one
sees and the sounds one hears become part of the psychological self. Psychologically, we are what we
11.4.2 Self-Concept
Self-concept is a powerful determinant in learning. A student's self-image, described in such terms as
confident and insecure, has a great influence on the total perceptual process. If a student's experiences
tend to support a favorable self-image, the student tends to remain receptive to subsequent experiences.
If a student has negative experiences which tend to contradict self-concept, there is a tendency to reject
additional training.
A negative self-concept inhibits the perceptual processes by introducing psychological barriers which
tend to keep the student from perceiving. They may also inhibit the ability to properly implement that
which is perceived. That is, self-concept affects the ability to actually perform or do things unfavorable.
Students who view themselves positively, on the other hand, are less defensive and more receptive to
new experiences, instructions, and demonstrations.
Learning is a psychological process, not necessarily a logical one. Trying to frighten a student through
threats of unsatisfactory reports or reprisals may seem logical, but is not effective psychologically. The
effective instructor can organise teaching to fit the psychological needs of the student. If a situation
seems overwhelming, the student feels unable to handle all of the factors involved, and a threat exists.
So long as the student feels capable of coping with a situation, each new experience is viewed as a
A good instructor realises that behavior is directly influenced by the way a student perceives, and
perception is affected by all of these factors. Therefore, it is important for the instructor to facilitate the
leaming process by avoiding any actions which may inhibit or prevent the attainment of teaching goals.
Teaching is consistently effective only when those factors which influence perceptions are recognised
and taken into account.
Memory is an integral part of the learning process. Although there are several theories on how the
memory works, a widely accepted view is the multi-stage concept which states that memory includes
three parts: sensory, working or short-term, and long-term systems. The sensory register receives inputs
from the envirormient and quickly processes it according to the individual's preconceived concept of
what is important. The sensory register processes inputs or stimuli from the environment within
seconds, discards what is considered extraneous, and processes what is determined by the individual to
be relevant. This is a selective process where the sensory register is set to recognise certain stimuli and
immediately transmit them to the working memory for action. No matter what is happening at the time,
when the sensory register detects a fire alarm, the working memory is immediately made aware of the
alarm and preset responses begin to take place.
Long-Term Memory
Long-term memory is where information is stored for future use. For the stored information to be
useful, some special effort must have been expended during the coding process in working or shortterm memory. Long term memory is a reconstruction, not a pure recall of information or events. It also
is subject to limitations, such as time, biases, and, in many cases, personal inaccuracies. This is why two
people who view the same event will often have totally different recollections.
11.4.5 Forgetting
A consideration of why people forget may point the way to help them remember. Several theories
account for forgetting, including disuse, interference, and repression. The theory of disuse suggests that
a person forgets those things which are not used. The high school or college graduate is saddened by the
lack of factual data retained several years after graduation. Since the things which are remembered are
those used on the job, a person concludes that forgetting is the result of disuse. But the explanation is
not quite so simple. Experimental studies show, for example, that a hypnotised person can describe
specific details of an event which normally is beyond recall. Apparently the memory is there, locked in
the recesses of the mind. The difficulty is summoning it up to consciousness. People forget something
because a certain experience has overshadowed it, or the leaming of similar things has intervened. This
theory might explain how the range of experiences after graduation causes a person to forget or to lose
knowledge. In other words, new events displace many things that had been leamed. From experiments, at
least two conclusions about interference may be drawn. First, similar material seems to interfere with
memory more than dissimilar material; and second, material not well learned suffers most from
All theories of forgetting imply that when a person forgets something, it is not actually lost. Rather, it is
simply unavailable for recall. The instructor's problem is how to make certain that the student's learning is
readily available for recall. The following suggestions can help.
Teach thoroughly and with meaning. Material thoroughly learned is highly resistant to forgetting. This is
suggested by experimental studies . Meaningful learning builds pattems of relationship in the student's
consciousness. In contrast, rote learning is superficial and is not easily retained. Meaningful learning goes
deep because it involves principles and concepts anchored in the student's own experiences.
There is a considerable amount of literature on retention of leaming during a typical academic lesson.
After the first 10-15 minutes, the rate of retention drops significantly until about the last 5-10 minutes
when students wake up again. Students passively listening to a lecture have roughly a five percent
retention rate over a 24-hour period, but students actively engaged in the learning process have a much
higher retention. This clearly reiterates the point that active learning is superior to just listening.
Provide meaningful leaming experiences that build students' confidence in their ability to transfer
learning. This suggests activities that challenge them to exercise their imagination and ingenuity in
applying their knowledge and skills.
Use instructional material that helps form valid concepts and generalisations. Use materials that
make relationships clear.
Use modern teaching aids, such as multimedia, eleaming and more of animation and visuals to
help retain more.
okay, since he making fim of his own cultural background
effective, since he is showing his new colleagues that he has a sense of humor
2. Julie is Venkat's immediate boss. Due to a stringent deadline, Julie and Venkat have had to work
closely over the past three months and they have gradually developed romantic feelings for each
other. They start dating. However, when word gets back to human resources, the HR Head is
concerned about the impact this could have on work. His number one concern is likely to be:
(a) perception of favouritism on the part of other employees
(b) possibility of retaliation if the relationship ends
(c) conflict of interest between job responsibilities and personal feelings
d.2. A person who does not intend anything offensive in his or her behavior:
(a) cannot sexually harass someone because the behavior must be intentional
(b) can unintentionally offend someone but will not be held liable in a courtroom
(c) can be held liable in a court of law
3. Jagan just got an e-mail at work from a colleague in Delhi. It contained the fimniest sexual cartoon he
has ever seen and he wants to pass it along to his good friend and coworker, Ajay, whom he knows
will think it is funny, too. Unfortunately, Jagan makes a mistake and forwards the e-mail to all
company employees. Jagan:
4. Sandra works in the operations department of a bank. She considers herself to be pretty tough; she's
been around the block a few times and is confident that she can speak up and take care of herself.
However, several of her coworkers are from a background that values respecting authority. It
bothers her that her boss often takes advantage of their quiet demeanor, teases them in a sexual
manner, and says things to intentionally embairass them when he is stressed. She doesn't know
what to do, though, since he doesn't do those things to her. What is happening to Sandra could be
5. John is a savvy engineer who has been trained to handle workplace stress. When his group goes
out together and he wants to tell a sexual joke, he always prefaces it with "I hope no one is
offended by this ..." and warns that he's about to tell a racy joke. His approach:
a andb
Let Us Sum Up
In this unit we have understood various aspects of Human behavior in the organisation. The Leaming
Theory and Processes, some insight into Memoiy and Forgetting and Employee Behavior
Employee Engagement Competitive Advantage Moments of Tmth Hiunan Landscape Augmented
Leaming Cognitive Theory Adult Leaming
Terminal Questions
1. How does an employee feel that he has contributed to an organisation's performance. Elaborate in
the context of human implications of organisations.
2. Define the leaming process and characteristics of leaming.
3. Identify the process of adult leaming and how organisations can identify the right process of
leaming and development for different employee categories.
4. What is accepted employee behaviour at work? Cite instances from your workplace of deviation
and how it was dealt with.
Holt, John (1983). How Children Leam. UK: Penguin Books. ISBN 0140225706. http://^ooks?id=glEiAAAAMAAJ.
Mayer, R. E. (2001). Multimedia leaming. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-
Paivio, A. (1971). Imagery and verbal processes. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, http:/
Jvmgle Gyms: The Evolution of Animal Play, A^at behavior can we expect of octopuses?
Sandman, Wadhwa, Hetrick, Porto & Peeke. (1997). Hirnian fetal heart rate dishabituation between
employee motivation
Types of Motivation
Motivational Theories
Job Rotation
Let Us Sum Up
Terminal Questions
After reading this unit, you should be able to:
^ ^^^^^ i, ,
breach greater heigh^^
eome from an mtemal or
reasons for working. The
^ " - ^ - e obtain^eholo^^^
(Kreimer, 1995); a predisposition to
^ ^^^^^^^^
Buford,Bedeian,&Lindner, 199 ); an internal^
^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^
""iwate a penron
"bout a rappor,
Sgcaliom IheTIIS
Interest for its
own sake:
derived directly
Desire to
succeed: "I'm
not going to let
this beat me":
In order to gain
social acceptance,
either within the
class/course etc.
teacher" or being
one of the incrowd, or outside
Co-operation if classoriented.
In order to gain a
tangible reward
or avoid negative
Can develop
Achievement rests on
strict criteria of
Aspirations may
be met in other
ways. Anxiety
may impede
Abraham Maslow's theory is one of the most widely discussed theories of motivation. Abraham H
Maslow (1908-1970) was a humanistic psychologist who rejected the prevalent paradigm of exploring
psychology either from experimentation with animals (behaviourism) or from the experience of mixedup people (principally psycho-analysis), and concentrated on human potential for self-actualisation. He
is chiefly known for his "hierarchy of needs" theory.
i human liesr"^"^^^^^^
The theory can be summarized as follows:
The needs, hsKd torn basic (lowest^Ues.) ,o n, eomplex (highest-lates.) a,c as follows:
Self esteem '
He distinguished between:
Motivation; (e.g. ehdlenging woH. recognition, responsibiliW which give positive satisfaction,
yo heavier, b.
Self-determination Theory
His theory, developed by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, focuses on the importance of intrinsic motivation in driving
human behavior. Like Maslow's hierarchical theory and others that built on it, SDT posits a natural tendency toward
groAvth and development. Unlike these other theories, however, SDT does not include any sort of "autopilot" for
achievement, but instead requires active encouragement from the environment. The primary factors that encourage
motivation and development are autonomy, competence feedback, and relatedness.
Broad theories
The latest approach in Achievement Motivation is an integrative perspective as lined out in the "Onion- Ring-Model of
Achievement Motivation" by Heinz Schler, George C. Thornton III, Andreas Frintrup and Rose Mueller-Hanson. It is
based on the premise that performance motivation results from the way broad components of personality are directed
towards performance. As a result, it includes a range of dimensions that are relevant to success at work but which are
not conventionally regarded as being part of performance motivation. It integrates formerly separated approaches as
Need for Achievement with social motives like Dominance. The Achievement Motivation Inventory AMI (Schler,
Thornton, Frintrup & Mueller-Hanson, 2003) is based on this theory and assesses these three factors (17 separated
scales) relevant to vocational and professional success.
<>' Powerful but socially
"i* T
" tc
motivation |
the need to be
1^.5.1 Education
t ihsc?!
Mode, sc o
12.5.3 Business
At lower levels of Maslow's hierarchy of needs,, such as Physiological needs, money is a motivator,
however it tends to have a motivating effect on staff that lasts only for a short period (in accordance
with Herzberg's two-factor model of motivation). At higher levels of the hierarchy, praise, respect,
recognition, empowerment and a sense of belonging are far more powerfiil motivators than money, as
both Maslow's theory of motivation and Douglas McGregor's theory X and Y (pertaining to the theory
of leadership) demonstrate.
Maslow has money at the lowest level of the hierarchy and shows other needs are better motivators for
staff. McGregor places money in his Theory X category and feels it is a poor motivator. Praise and
recognition are placed in the Theory Y category and are considered stronger motivators than money.
Motivated employees always look for better ways to do a job.
Motivated employees are more quality oriented.
Motivated workers are more productive.
The average workplace is about midway between the extremes of high threat and high opportunity.
Motivation by threat is a dead-end strategy, and naturally staff are more attracted to the opportunity
side of the motivation curve than the threat side. Motivation is a powerful tool in the work environment
that can lead to employees working at their most efficient levels of production.
The assumptions of Maslow and Herzberg were challenged by a classic study at Vauxhall Motors' UK
manufacturing plant. This introduced the concept of orientation to work and distinguished three main
orientations: instrumental (where work is a means to an end), bureaucratic (where work is a source of
status, security and immediate reward) and solidaristic (which prioritises group loyalty).
According to the system of scientific management developed by Frederick Winslow Taylor, a worker's
motivation is solely determined by pay, and therefore management need not consider psychological or
social aspects of work. In essence, scientific management bases human motivation wholly on extrinsic
rewards and discards the idea of intrinsic rewards.
In contrast, David McClelland believed that workers could not be motivated by the mere need for
money - in fact, extrinsic motivation (e.g., money) could extinguish intrinsic motivation such as
achievement motivation, though money could be used as an indicator of success for various motives,
e.g., keeping score. In keeping with this view, his consulting firm, McBer & Company, had as its first
motto "To make everyone productive, happy, and free." For McClelland, satisfaction lay in aligning a
person's life with their fundamental motivations.
Elton Mayo found out that the social contacts a worker has at the workplace are very important and that
boredom and repetitiveness of tasks lead to reduced motivation. Mayo believed that workers could be
motivated by acknowledging their social needs and making them feel important. As a result, employees
were given fireedom to make decisions on the job and greater attention was paid to informal work
groups. Mayo named the model the Hawthorne Effect. His model has been judged as placing undue
reliance on social contacts at work situations for motivating employees.
In Essentials of Organisational Behavior, Robbins and Judge examine recognition programs as
motivators, and identify five principles that contribute to the success of an employee incentive
1- SeiaiMjorgoaUulfollowapathneMftl,
succeed a. goala'you^lSri^"'"""""''^"-- ^Xou
2. FtaishwteyoustartAhalftoi^h.,. ^
Motivationrequires Recognition
Participation has motivating effect
Seeing ourselves progressing Motivates us
Challenge only motivates ifyou can win
But even the strongest supporters of job enrichment readily admit that there are limitations in its application
Some such observations as under:
1. Technology: There are some jobs, which are highly technical requiring a special range of skills where it
would be difficuh to enrich such jobs. And with specialised machinery and assembly line techniques it
may not be possible to make every job meaningful.
2. Cost: Though a great many companies appear to be interested in job enrichment programs, the extra cost
may seem high if a company is not convinced that the return will at least offset the incremental
expenditure. General Motors tried six man and three man teams in the assembly line but found the work
slowed and cost increased. At Saab & Volvo motors India, it was found that increased cost was
compensated by reduced absenteeism and labour turnover. Yet the cost of the programme was a
formidable factor.
3. Attitude of managers and workers as lack of interest in doing something different or plain laziness to take
on an enlarged role act as deterrents. Some have complained that enriched jobs provide too many
opportunities to commit mistakes and some workers fear that the increased productivity sought may even
mean loss of jobs.
4. Reaction of union Leaders: There has been little or no support of job enrichment by imion Leaders. As
they could later on be held responsible if better efficiency levels result in loss of jobs.
Job Enlargement
As early as 1950 in the USA, job rotation and job enlargement were being both advocated and tested as means
for overcoming boredom at work with all its associated problems.
select those jobs where technical changes are possible without major expense;
job satisfaction is low;
performance improvement is likely with increases in motivation;
hygiene is expensive;
examine the jobs selected with the conviction that changes can be introduced;
screen the list (red lighting) for hygiene suggestions and retain only ideas classed as motivators;
remove the generalities from the list retaining only specific motivators;
avoid employee involvement in the design process;
set up a controlled experiment to measure the effects of the changes;
anticipate an early decline in performance as workers get used to their new jobs.
Job enrichment, then, aims to create greater opportunities for individual achievement and recognition by
expanding the task to increase not only variety but also responsibility and accountability. This can also include
greater worker autonomy, increased task identity and greater direct contact with workers performing servicing
Whilst job enrichment is based on a theory resulting from research carried out by Herzberg and his colleagues, the
research is not itself without its critics. Later research has not always produced such neat results. Also the focus of
the approach is the individual job and only limited consideration is given to the wider context in which the job is
carried out, particularly social groupings.
Job enrichment is improvisation of both tasks efficiency and human satisfaction by building into people's jobs,
quite specifically, greater scope for personal achievement and recognition, more challenging and responsible work
and more opportunity for individual advancement and growth. An enriched job will have more responsibility,
more autonomy (vertical enrichment), more variety of tasks (horizontal enrichment) and more growth
opportunities. The employee does more planning and controlling with less supervision but more self-evaluation.
In other words, ti:ansferring some of the supervisor's tasks to the employee and making his job enriched.
Volvo's experiment in job enlargement is worth mentioning. The ti-aditional assembly line in car manufacturing
was replaced by work teams, consisting of 15 to 20 who were given the task of some specific work like
manufacturing of breaks etc. The team was to work in an independent work shop and
12.6.6 BenefiteofJobEnrichment
io"-'"- vaHety.
- -- ^eareh on long
eittptoy^e m^tivttoini |
efficiency of production and customer service, and how each member of the team contributes to the process.
Hence, job rotation permits individuals to gain experience in various phases of the business and, thus, broaden
their perspective. Job rotation is a developmental technique that has been widely used but, surprisingly,
received little attention in himian-resources studies. Empirical research in this regard is sorely needed (Beatty,
Schneier & McEvoy, 1987).
Traditionally, job rotation is usually addressed at an organisational level. From the employers' point of view,
organisational theorists have advocated frequent rotation as a means of reducing fatigue and boredom on
production jobs so as to maintain productivity (Miller, Dhaliwal, & Magas, 1973) and fairly frequent rotation
after the initial hiring as a means of orientation and placement (Wexley & Latham, 1981). Job rotation enables
the training of workers to be backups for other workers so that managers have a more flexible work force and a
ready supply of trained workers (Rothwell & Kazanas, 1994). When rotation occurs at longer intervals, it has
been thought as a practice of progressive human resource development or a means of enhancing the value of
work experience for career development (Campion, Cheraskin, & Stevens, 1994).
The importance of job rotation has been recognised even at the national and transnational level. It has been
considered as one of the main solutions to the challenge of unemployment in the European Community.
Currently, 14 countries, 5000 public or private enterprises, and 100000 students have been involved in a "EUJob rotation" project, to resolve the bottleneck problems resulting from economic growth and to help reduce
the unemployment rate (See
Let Us Sum Up
In this imit we have learned about Employee Motivation, the various Theories and Strategies of Employee
Motivation, Employee Attitude Development, Job Enrichment and Job Rotation.
Needs Theory
Herzberg's Two Factor Theory
Unconscious Motivation Intrinsic &
Extrinsic Motivation Job Enlargement
Job Rotation
1- True, 2. False, 3. False, 4. True
Terminal Questions
Education 32
Skinner, B. F. (1953). Science and Human Behavior. New York: Free Press.
Smith, G. P. (1994). Motivation. In W. Tracey (ed.). Human resources management and
development handbook (2nd ed.).
Smith, K. L. (1990). The future of leaders in Extension. Journal of Extension, 28 (1). Terpstra,
D. E. (1979). Theories of motivation: borrowing the best. Personnel Journal, 58. 376. Vroom, V.
H. (1964). Work and motivation. New York: Wiley.
THERTON J S (2009) Learning and Teaching; Motivation [On-line] UK: Available: http:// Accessed: 9 December 2009
Arogyaswamy, B. & Simmons, R. P. (1993). Value-Directed Management: Organisations,
Customers, and Quality. Westport, CT: Quorum Books.
Beatty, R. W, Schneier, C. E. & McEvoy, G. M. (1987). Executive development and
management succession. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, 5, 289322.
Berger, C. I. & Cummings, L. L. (1990). Organisational structure, attitudes, and behaviors. In B.
M. Staw and L. L. Cummings (eds.). Personality uad Organisational Influence. Greenwich,
CT: JA Press. 287-326.
Campion, M. A., Cheraskin, L. & Stevens, M. J. (1994). Career-related Antecedents and
Outcomes of Job Rotation. Academy of Management Journal, 37(6), 1518-1542.
Campion, M. A. & McClelland, C. L. (1993). Follow-up and extensin of the interdisciplinary
costs and benefits of enlarged jobs, Joumal of Applied Psychology, 78, 339-351.
Dessler, G. (1994). Human Resource Management, 6th ed. Englewood Cliff, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Gannon, M. I., Poole, B. A. & Prangley, R. E. (1972). Involuntary job rotation and work
behavior. Personnel Joumal, Jime, 446-48.
Hackman, J. R. & Oldham, G. R. (1975).
employee development
Let Us Sum
Up Keywords
Terminal Questions
. 'l:
After reading this unit, you should be able to:
Understand the difference between Training & Development
The Methods used for Traiiiing Needs Identification ,,
Role and Impact of Training
Changing Face ofBanking in India
Future ofBank Education in India .
Growth is a natural, physical phenomenon and a number of faculties develop over time in every human
being. While the majority of those of average education and caliber do not get much opportunities to
grow in a job, (till recently, the maximum a shop floor worker could aspire was to become a foreman
by the time he retired)the last few decades have seen a dramatic change. HRM became institutionalised
and training got to play a major role in corporate strategy with the result that development of an
employee became a major key result area for all managers in whatever field. Specialised training
approach along with generous budgets have made development a core issue, mandated by the Board
and enforced by every well meaning CEO.
13.2.1 Training
Training refers to the process of imparting specific skills. An employee undergoing training is
presumed to have had some formal education. No training program is complete without an element of
education. Hence we can say that Training is offered to operatives. Education is a theoretical learning
in classrooms. The purpose being to teach theoretical concepts and develop a sense of reasoning and
judgment. That any training and development program must contain an element of education is well
understood by HR Specialists. In fact organisations depute or encourage employees to do courses on
part time basis. CEOs are known to attend refresher courses conducted by business schools.
13.2.2 Development
career advancement
point, now is not the time top reaching more efficiently, tes etd d^L
opportunities as well trained employees work
development. Employment traning improves employee engagement, loyalty and
give salosttoxctle^^^^
rr ~
Given the vast range of skills and other competencies which can be developed in people it is useful for
some sort of prioritising to take place so that training focuses on the areas which will yield best benefit,
and the return on investment gets justified. Prioritisation can be on the basis of the essential and
desirable for an existing or a new activity (skill, competency, new knowledge) and based on how it will
impact the job and organisational performance. The highest training priorities are obviously the
activities which are of high importance and immediate in need.
Many organisations face the challenge of developing greater confidence, initiative, solutions-funding,
and problem-solving capabilities among their people. Organisations need staff at all levels to be more
self-sufficient, resourceful, creative and autonomous. While conventional skills training gives people
new techniques and methods, what will develop their maturity, belief, and attitude, which are so
essential for the development of managerial and strategic capabilities is a well planned behavioural
trainmg intervention. The focus here is on developing the person, along with the skills. Provide
learning and experiences that they would like for their own personal interest, development and
fulfilhnent. Performance and capability are ultimately dependent on people's attitude and emotional
maturity. Help them to achieve
innovation in
.o) ai SLR
Cel. many banks are trying to introduce a perfomiance linked mcentive system.
There is snecial focus on corporate governance and the setting up of specialised board-level panels such
Standine Committee on International Financial Standards and Codes under the Chairmanship ^ iTy. V
t^hriLfified glow standards and codes as part of the efforts to create a sound
The RBI's
-".e could o. ta
O serve by """"
------ II^L^IM
^ demographic
The transformation of banking caused by the rapid development of information and communication
"irh^provided baling entities with new ways of bringing th^^^
i^e banks would now have to increasingly deal with knowledge worke^ i.e -/^o works pnmmly ^^ information and
uses knowledge in the work place. Traditional banking has electronic banking, and therefore the standard form of
contact - personal contact - is taking a back seat to new, faster, more conformable, and cheaper means of
The introductionofelectronicbanking services also creates new tasks to be faced, such^theoptimis^^^^^
^d HLn chamiels and the security of data transfer. The customer will not purchase a servie &at ?ails to meet his
requirements or a service that does not guarantee the required pnvacy and sec^^^ B^ therefore are trying to devote
enough attention to all aspects of the modernisation of traditional
Basic electronic banking includes services provided through self-service zones,
mail Banking andPhoneBanking.Anew product is the electronicpurse,sometunescalleda multipurpose
wLh is a payment instrument for making non-cash pa^en.. The I S^cific fomi of electronic banking.
Electronic commerce comes m three basic forms, the e-shop,
e-store, and e-exchange.
With such an array of new products and more on the way, based on customer demand, India's banMng 72sTnZi
strengthen itself significantly if it has to support the modem and vibrt economy which
Moires to be pTcusing on enriching humancapilal will help theb^^^
^ eS. ms sector nlds to fiindamentally strengflien institutional skill ^-Is ^^ and marketing, service operations, risk
management and the overhaul the organisational Perfo^ce tSiic Strengthening humL capital will be the single
biggest challenge. The older employees wdl either fede awT-get Quipped ^^th some of the skills needed for the new
banking while the younger empirees ZSZ^Zd PSU banks would come with a different set of capabilities, which need
"Siderightwaythrough training andperiodicrefr^^^^^
also have the need to fimdamentally strengthen skill levels.
In the field of the knowledge economy, the re-orientetion in banking is required at two levels. The first
of banking man^-nt, the continuous improvem^t of which the use of infomiation technologies and
knowledge systems. This will involve, above W for
and manaiment infomiation systems. All these will need strengthenmgthroughasenesofwelldesig^^^
training programs, to be conducted by experts in the respective fields. 13.6.1 Issues and Challenges in
^^ ^ased on universal banking, subsidiary or
~ ^^^
and also
le ^
a^Tf "" ^ ^
met die requirements, the changing face of
need for a different and more LfghteLd ^"w on ^^^^^^ ^f^^7
orgamsation is more apparent in toco's dynai^^re'vir^I^^.
Let Us Sum Up
deciding thf
^ ^^^^
Identification of Training Needs Impact of Training Changing face ofBanking e-Leaming
1. True, 2. False, 3. False, 4. False
Terminal Questions
1 Hire for Knowledge and Train for Attitude. Do you agree with this traditional approach?
2'. Differentiate between training and development. What does a training needs analysis help m
3 Indian banking today is exciting for the employee as well as the customer. Elaborate
4. Training and education inlndianBanking has tobebasedontransferofastrongknowledgeba
Do you agree?
^ , , .,
. Gagne, R. (1962). Military training and principles of leaming. American Psychologist, 17,263276
. Gagne R (1985). The Conditions of Leaming (4th ed.). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
. Gagne R (1987). Instractional Technology Foundations. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.
. Gagne! R. & Driscoll, M (1988). Essentials of Leaming for Instmction (2nd Ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
. Gagne, R., Briggs, L. & Wager, W (1992). Principles of Instmctional Design (4th Ed.). Fort Worth,
TX: HBJ College Publishers. Relevant Web Sites:
. The following web sites provide fiirther information about Gagne and his work:
training methodology
Subject matter of Training
Training Methodology
Types of Training
Benefits of Training
After reading this unit, you should be able to:
Indian Companies are using latest technologies to train and re-skill employees, rich are P^ji^^g ^ ^
more flexible and convenient compared to traditional methods. The demand for skilled
Znowttrwori^^^^^^^ is encouraging companies to adopt the latest technologies for corporate
techniques, as well as a host of other innovative, technology-dnven teaching methodologies.
Corporate training programs in India have long been synonymous with elaborate itineraries and long
S^programs Lar^ocal and multinational companies were known to take employees to exotic Sri^hem up
in up-market hotels to attend corporate training sessions. This involved much
logistics and heavy expenditure.
Today, with the recession on, all that is history. But Training must still proceed
Hidi Economic growth and the country's outsourcing boom have created an increased demand for X
Zp'weulSi^^ to acute slSis scarcities. However, while the numbers to be trained have
remained high, training budgets have shrunk.
"Comnanies today can't afford to ignore corporate training," MuraUdhar Rao, president and COO of NIS
training, education and leaming solutions provider m India.
"Comnetition does not recognise inflation," Rao said, noting that technology-driven training modules
haveT-hS; rthe ciTent business clinlate.''We a^^
These include media like Web, video, audio and broadband."
Ashok Zutshi, senior vice president of training at New Horizons India, said in a phone interview 'We
oishe X-s have not Lily disappeared, they defmitely prove to be a lot mo^
Usine technology thercfotc, pix.ves not only more cost-effective, but also offers a lot of flexibility, S
S^^Horizon Ma is an IT training company, and a joint venture between New Honzons
Worldwide and the Shriram group.
Rao said: "We are on the threshold of a revolution in the corporate training industry. Today, there are
several innovations taking place in this space."
foaddn,on,tofilItheskiIlsgap Indiante.h
Thiruvananthapuram, respectively
However, while coi>ventional skills training gives people new techniques and methods, it won't
develop their maturity, belief, or courage, which is essential for the development of managenal
and strategic capabilities.
2 Performance and capability are ultimately dependent on people's attitude and emotional matmty.
Help them to achieve what they want on a personal level, and this provides a platform for trust,
'emotional contracting'with the organisation, and subsequent sMlls/process/knowledge development
relevant to managing higher responsibilities, roles and teams^
3 When people develop confidence, integrity, and more knowledge, they automatically become
more proactive, solutions-focused, responsive, which has implications across a whole team with
multiplying effect. This means the rewards must be there too, or people have no reason to stick
their Lks out. And not just the prospect of fmancial reward. More importantly the He^berg- type
motivators - real extra responsibility, recognition, and involvement in new successfiil and
interesting projects. This is the fiiel of people's growth and change.
The Society for OrganisationalLeaming (MIT) definesa'-Learning Organisation''asonem
of information
IS often left out in order to simplify the contenflk fT P'"'' ^^^raneous information skills in areas of knowledgeTafart^Ce^^^^^^
^enns, to ensure success in corporate
points from a PowerPoint presentation to games to hasten leaming, training has taken on entirely new beginnings, suited
for a new generation of employees who have to compete against the best and most competent.
The same basic principles apply to designing self-study programs as to any other sort of training design. The internet
enables self-study leaming and development programs which have come to be accepted as more useful, empowering and
cost-effective than ever before. With e-Leaming becoming the way of life for big and small companies, effective and
robust interfaces are also required to ensure the system is robust, effective and dependable.
Corporates expanding their geographic presence and increasing their headcount are looking at virtual universities to
enhance employee knowledge. Traditional sectors are actively pursuing e-leaming, more common in the knowledge
sector. Providers of e-leaming tools and technology say that they are witnessing over 100% aimual business growth.
Competition is forcing corporates to commit substantial resources to enhancing employee knowledge. Indian companies
increasing their global presence through acquisition and intemal growth are seeing a growing base of culturally and
academically diverse base of employees, with a wide range of skills sets. To provide them with a uniform knowledge
platform, corporates are leaning on e-leaming solutions.
Starting with the IT companies, LMS is now common place with most large corporates as it helps them share information
and is used as a ready reference point for disseminating information and knowledge. AS a self leaming tool, LMS has
some unique advantages which transcend time and place.LMS can provide 24X7 flexi-time training to the users, who
may be geographically dispersed, enables one to put in place consistent leaming standards and has the capacity to give
instant feedback by way of test scores and other statistics.
The LMS can prescribe individualised trainings for users based on their needs and get the most out of the investment, by
simplifying administration and monitoring of training programs. Integration with other enterprise applications ensxn-es
there is no redundancy of data. Measure the effectiveness of training initiatives and align it to organisational goals.
Ability to limit and control access to the courses ensures that security is never compromised. Conformance to leading eLeaming standards, such as SCORM and QTI allows one to plug content from any third-party vendor.
not adequate.
- f
Piyush Dutta, associate vice president for human resources at Hrr r.. c . o
S; ru-Sr^^-^-'Oiie. and Tata
ta ^eir own tnmnng eamps in Mysore and Thimvananthap,
^ i m i
Similarly, in the banking industry, the ICICI Bank partnered IT education services provider NUT to set
up the Institute of Finance, Banking and Insurance (IFBI), which provides training in the banking
insurance and allied services.
According to Rao of NIS Sparta. India continues to face an acute skill shortage and more needs to be
done to resolve the issue. "Corporate India is not doing enough insofar as training employees is concerned
Companies often find it difficult to identify skill set gaps of their employees," he said.
Professional centre of excellence for training and research in Banking and Bank Management
Development of Customer-centric and Market-oriented professional Managers and Leaders
Internal Consultant / Change Agent for the Bank
Research and Development to support strategy formulation for achievement of Corporate Goals
Consultancy and guidance to Staff Training Centres operating in various Circles of the Bank.
14.5.4 induction
Ki.-.. .
offenngs avadable to users. Organisations can tailor such solutions to ensure that their employees are
recervmg^dmterBctmgwiththemost appropriate
such as Content allow organisationstomanageandexposeawiderangeofle^
and courses m a way that transcends employee leaming styles and generational sensitiviti^. Since Gen-Y thrives on
constant praise, organisations should consider updating their approach to
perfomiance m^agementtoprovide these employe^^
to receive feedback Perfomiance plans for this group should allow managers to easily reco^e both
pnvately and publicly the accomplishments of the winners. 14.5.7
Broadly Spealcing
Employees and managers can be divided into 4 categories viz; activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist. Activists are
gone for anything. Reflectors as the term suggests, would like to think over. Theorist is a person who would like to
connect his experience with theory. Pragmatist is a person who thinks it best o apply his experience m practice.
Acknowledging the learning styles of the participants will be helpful
llU LtgZf^'"
spirit Disadvantage - It may beeZ^^T^^? coordmtton ean be improved, iitstills team ^Iwtiot" - = verba, potation to
""""^'i"- No authentie feedback
- Uw
well aa
performancemanagementtoprovidethei.^r^ ?^^
to receivc feedback. PerflS^tTo
Privately and publicly the accompHshme^ ^f thf Jnnt
^PP^ach to
advancement. They
'' ^^
(often across
Many organisations face the challenge of developing greater confidence, initiative, solutions-finding,
and problem-solving capabilities among their people. Organisations need staff at all levels to be more
self-sufficient, resourcefiil, creative and autonomous. This behaviour enables staff to operate at higher
strategic level, which makes their organisations more productive and competitive. People's efforts
produce bigger results. It's what all organisations strive to achieve.
However, while conventional skills training gives people new techniques and methods, it won't help
develop their maturity, belief, or courage, which is so essential for the development of managerial and
strategic capabilities. The focus is, on developing the person, along with the skills. It is important to
provide leaming and experiences that they would like for their own personal interest, development and
fiilfillment. Perfomiance and capability are ultimately dependent on people's attitude and emotional
maturity. Help them to achieve what they want on a personal level, and this provides a platform for
tmst, 'emotional contracting' with the organisation, and subsequent development of the skills,
knowledge and attitude relevant to managing higher responsibilities, roles and teams.
Participative workshops work well in beginning for this type of attitudinal development. Involve people
right from the start. Focus on what they want. Begin with a personal development questionnaire to set
the scene and provide examples of'altemative' leaming opportunities. It starts with the person, not the
skills. It is about attitude and emotional maturity. Emotional intelligence principles and methodologies
fit very well with modem approaches to developing people's belief, maturity and attitude. Case study
methods as well as situational experiences studies and discussed will also help give the participants a
better feel for tackling real life situations.
When people develop confidence, integrity, and sound knowledge of the job,, they automatically
become more proactive, solutions-focused, responsive, which across a whole team has a cumulative
effect. Johari window is a usefiil model too. So many people at work are simply 'going through the
motions', acting in a 'conforming' state, often because they feel insecure, lack confidence to do what
they think is right, or are nervous about being bold, most of which can be avoided with a Httle effort
and planing to design appropriate training programs which will address a lot of these deficiencies.
Generation Y, Millennials, or however you like to refer to the latest generation to move into the
workforce ... they're here, and now we must train them.
More than past generations, today's college grads rely heavily on technology and social interaction.
They can send instant messages while reading an article online and text a fiiend on their phone, all at
the same time. Training Gen Y employees requires a mix of technology, social networking and
entertainment in order to drive the message home.
^^^ ^^ hair
^ot to forget Face
So. how do we train this group Of casual social butterflies now that theyVe pa. of our wo
^ '^o'npletely
Keep it Short
aud-oand video
Allow freedom
at their leisure. Digital options also gi^ G^TtLffr f
previous training session on thero^
"^^^als that were taught in a
When training any generational group, the goal must be to provide valuable leaming experiences that give
employees the tools to develop in their careers. Training is a gift employers give to their workforce that
keeps employees engaged, happy and productive. Knowing how younger generations leam best will help
develop the next great leaders in our organisations.
14.10.3 Training for New Hires at a New Generation Banic - Playing Games
For some new hires at a new generation bank, play is an integral part of work. These hires, typically
junior and middle-level managers hired for customer-facing fiinctions, are made to play online games for
several hours before they get down to the business of dealing with people.
"Gaming is an integral part of our induction programme," says one of the new trainees at the bank. More
than 2,000 ICICI employees have been playing games, and winning prizes, as preparation for handling
customers. The use of online games fits in nicely with the HR department's focus on e-leaming. "The
gaming initiative reinforces our brand proposition of anytime, anywhere leaming." Say the trainees.
The training department uses four games-queue management, cheque clearing (operations), cheque
payment across the counter, and savings accounts. As the names suggest, these games present situations
with customers seeking services in these areas. The games, developed by the Tata group's e-leaming
company, Tata Interactive Systems, require the staff to provide quick services and resolve issues
For instance, the cheque clearing game involves all the steps involved-fi-om the point a customer presents
the cheque to the bank executive till the encashment of cheque. For every right move players make, they
get a part of the key to the kingdom, while they lose a life for every wrong move.
It is only after the new hires become adept at winning and achieve a certain proficiency that they are
allowed to actually deal with customers. "The drill prepares employees to deal with customers efficiently
from day one. All the effort is about creating a good experience for customers," says one official.
Experts say gaming could become an important tool in human resource management. "Gaming as a skill
enhancement and training tool has a huge potential in sectors and companies that are growing very fast,"
says Quentin Staes-Polet, CEO, Kreeda Games India Pvt Ltd. "This is all the more trae for sectors that
have a significant population of young people in the workforce. The fan element in the games infiises
interest in leaming, which is an important thing for the young generation known for its changing interest
levels," adds Staes-Polet.
Games-based training also tums out to be much more cost effective than other training methods. The
gaming engines used at the Bank cost up to Rs5 lacs. Games also provide the Bank with an opportunity to
assess skills and performance of employees without actually allowing these people to interact with
customers. "Games can be used to capture key real-time information about people, activities and
outcomes and to provide more frequent guidance and link performance to recognition," says Daniel Dias,
director, IBM India Research Laboratory.
Meanwhile, the Bank says there has been a tangible reduction in error rates and improvement in
productivity among employees trained through games. "But we would like to be a little guarded and
gauge the results across functions, and over a period of time, before we call it a success," says bank
14.10.4 Return on Investment (ROI)
more programs in house, seelcing low cosfta lal.
^"^h as
one thing in common, to improve the RW ra^on tail' T"
" ^^c. have
programs and not really being sure of ^ Z rZTZVlT '^^ various approach to training; now, companies want
to s
spendmg money on actually works. ROI and WA hav IvI ^
draining they are
^^^ "eial
costs exercise does help in
^^e program, this
" r
and self-study methods. Using comparative evaluation techniques, orgamsations can make rational decisions about the
methods to employ. As training has to cover the maximum number of staff, it is also important to track the numbers
though from a different perspective than mere statistics.
Costs related to training are both direct, such as external design and development, consultancy and trainer fees, travel
expenses and actual venue costs including food and material. Indirect costs on the other hand relate to costs that may or
may not be directly associated with a training event but which would have been incurred anyway, whether or not the
training took place. Examples are salves of in- house trainers and establishment costs of rooms and equipment. Efficiency
is a measure of the amount of learning achieved relative to the amount of effort put in. In practical terms this means the
am^t ot time it takes to complete a piece of training. Efficiency has a direct relation to cost - the more efficient a training
method is, the less it will cost.
The most important results sought from training are learning, behaviour as well as performance changes.
Learning in terms of new or improved skills, knowledge and attimdes, is the primaiy aim of a training event. Leaming
can be measured objectively using a test or exam or some form of assessed exercise. If a trainee has to achieve a certain
level of leaming to obtain a 'pass mark', then the number of passes may be used^ an evaluation measure. Another
important aspect of leaming is the degree of retention - how much of the
leaming has stuck after the course is over.Anumber of organisations resort to Competency BasedTraming,
where the competency level expected to be attained after a training program is defmed upfront and trainees, measure on
the actual competency levels attained through a series of tests and feedback.
Behaviour Change
If a student has leamed something from a course, it is expected that this will be reflected in their
behaviour on the job. Ifatrainee employs what they have learned appropriately,thentheirworkbehavioij
will meet desired criteria. Behaviour can be measured through observation or, in some cases, tl^ough some automated
means. To assess behaviour change requires that the measurements are taken before
and after the training.
Performance Change
If as a result of training, trainees display appropriate behaviours on the job, then the training has indeed caused the
positive impact on performance. A wide variety of indicators can be employed to measure the impact of training on
performance - numbers of complaints, sales made, output per hour and so on. In order to gauge the real difference in
performance, it may be also advisable to compare with a control group , a group of employees who have not been
through the training.
, ^^
te managemen, eom^taen, s.
.eg^ted Witt teb focs ia .
be te ed nesu,. fa,,
X ivesef
Stm,egy and nmi ge.
eff. ajtaizlzllnli
ts^rrds ~ ^^
niora,e and confidence.
-- efficiency
based learning situations while Gen X workei^ prSo eis less likely to participate in or benefit
relationshipThis generation
operates in a rapid-fire mode. In conlxast to their older worker counterparts who prefer to receive and
in a linear fashion, millemiials are multi-taskers who prefer to receive information
quickly and from multiple sources in real time and parallel process it immediately.
Whilethe generational differences in, expectations for andapproaches to the workpl^^^^
can adjust horizontal talent management strategies to accommodate each generation. Organisafions c^
and should consider incorporating non-traditional, informal training programs such as online leaming
ItT^leaming, and oL opportunities that facilitate leaming and collaboration. In many cases
Content, for example, isanext-generationtalentmanagementsolutiondesignedtom^^^^^
offerings available to users. Organisations can tailor such solutions to ensure that Aeir employees are
receiving andinteractingwithlhemostappmpriateandrelevantleaming^dtrai^^
and activities By providingasingleplace where leamerscanbrowseandselectlearmng content, solutions
and courses in a way that transcends employee leaming styles and generational sensitivities.
Let Us Sum Up
In this unit we have leamed the subject matter of training, training methodolo^, current trends in ttailg,
as well as various types of training. We also saw the benefits of training talegem^^^
^special emphasis ontrainingofnewgenerationemployees.ROIontrainingcompletedt^^
Subject Matter of Training
Training Infi^stmcture Soft
Skills Training Training of
Generation Y Talent
Management ROI on
Alternate modes of trainmg are more cost effective but their effectiveness is not guaranteed. f
An effective training program must address generational differences and develop better
5 - All traditional training methodologies need to change for Gen Y employees
6. ROI on traming is directly measurable on the job. f
Terminal Questions
2. Where wil, you ^e al,er,te modes of .raining such as web based ttaining.
3. In fte banldng indusUy onteourcing of ttaining is essenUal. Do you ag,.
5. WMt are the common applications Of training?
Swali Prasad is a freelance IT wi^^ based in IndU
. Ga^e, R. (19.2, Milita, tuning and principles of leaming. American Psychologist, 17, 263-
. The following web sites provide further infonnation about Gagne and his work htm^appendix_A-Cpdf
Hd., Fort
V7 -v-i
(Part A)
Personnel Function
Legal Aspects of Personnel Function
Let Us Sum Up
Terminal Questions
After studying this Unit, you should be able to*
llm ^
performance ethics and n^, u f ^ organisation that is flexible has
has led to companies proactively taking the^^^^^^
^ far, we have focussed on various asnerts of
Ta ^
retrenchment across all other industries, including the new generation banks. This development itself is an
indicator that the power of collective bargaining as well as the influence of the imions over the workforce in the
banking sector, will not fade away for quite some time to come.
Organisation Mission / Vision, Business Goals, Strategy, Oiganisation Life Cycle Stage and Organisation
Competency Identification (Key Competencies Required) including Competency Mapping Industry/
Competitor Analysis
Performance Management and Review Mechanism, Key Result Areas, Key Performance Indicators and
Key Deliverables.
Employee Morale and superior performance.
Selection, Performance and Potential Evaluation, training and development. Compensation, Rewards
and Recognition, Employee retention.
Career and Succession Planning.
Employee welfare.
Labour has for centuries, been at the mercy of the employer, and exploited to the maximum whether it be in the
coal mines of Europe in the 1 c e n t u r y , modern mines in China, or even the hi tech call
a relook. A bu^ess
^^^ l a cilL of I
regulations which have b^n^
Legislation on Wages
To regulate and improve the working conditions. To provide for fixation and payment of minimum wages.
To ensure timely payment of wages and avoid unauthorised deductions from the wages.
To spell out and notify the service conditions for the information of all concerned.
To provide for formation of trade unions with a view to promoting collective bargaining.
To arrange for social security measures in the event of sickness, disablement and death of
8. To promote industrial peace by providing for machinery for settlement of industrial disputes.
9. To be receptive to the market demands and enact legislation for facilitating modem businesses.
Objectives: The Act provides for abolition of contract labour and where possible regulation of the
contract labour.
human resource
a canteen if the establishment employs 100 or more rooms if the conttact labour is requited to halt at nighf
sufficient supply of drinking
first-aid box.
-- - p-. of If the contractor fails to pay the same. ' P^^ ""Paid wages
A shop or establishment (which includes commercial establishment) is to be registered under the Act
with the local authority. The license is valid for one year and needs to be renewed.
No employee should be asked to work more than 9 hours on any day and 48 hours in a week. He is
allowed to work 6 hours extra in each week and six days in a year for preparation of accounts, stock taking
etc. But such over-time should not exceed 24 hours.
It provides for rest intervals in such a way that no employee is required to work for more than 5 hours
before he has had an interval for rest of at least one hour.
It also provides for weekly holidays. Every commercial establishment has to remain closed on one day of
the week and the employee is to be paid for such closed day.
The Act makes provision for leave. If an employee has worked for more than 240 days during a year, he
is entitled to 21 days leave which can be accumulated up to 42 days. If the employee is discharged before
he has availed of the leave he is to be paid for that leave. Even when the employee quits employment, he is
to be paid for such leave if his application for such leave was rejected earlier.
The Act requires the employer to maintain attendance register, leave record, etc. Notes:
Different States have enacted similar legislation and these are applicable to the shops and establishments
located in those States.
Banks have been granted exemption from many of the provisions of these State Acts.
The advent of malls and other service sectors offering round the clock services, authorities under the Act
have been lenient in permitting relaxation on the opening and closing timings as long as individual working
hours and regulations with regard to rest, holidays and overtime payment are adhered to.
Salient features
Trade dispute' has been defined by the Act is a dispute between employers and workmen, or workmen
and workmen, or employers and employers, which is connected with the employment
or non emploj^ent or terms of employment or the conditions of labour. The definition is almost similar
any trade or business. Note: although trade union is commonly understood as union of workmen, an
organisation of employers
can also be registered as a trade union under the Act.
-on or employers
^ trade union can by subscribing their names to the rules of the
union and by complymg with the provisions of the Act, apply for registration of the trade union
. If Ae trade union is in existence for more than a year before it applies for registration it shall submit a
statement of assets and liabilities in the prescribed
to the S^Trade
- the following
(i) on the application from the trade union, or
(ii) if the Registrar is satisfied that:
becomes a body corporate and a legal entity, distinct from its members,
has perpetual succession and a common seal,
has powers to acquire and hold movable and immovable property,
has power to contract,
can by its name sue and be sued.
. The general fund of the registered trade union shall not be spent on any objects other than the following:
payment of salaries and expenses of the office-bearer of the trade union;
administrative expenses including audit of the accounts of the general fund;
. expenses of legal proceedings for prosecuting or defending the trade union or its member for securing or
protecting any right of the trade union;
. A registered trade union can constitute a separate fund for political purpose. This fund can be utilised in
furtherance of the following objects:
. only from the contributions separately levied or received for that fund; without compelling the members
to contribute to the fund;
without excluding any member from any benefits of the trade union who has not contributed to the
fund, or putting him to any disadvantage;
without making it a condition for admission to the trade union.
. The account books and list of membership of a trade union shall be opened for inspection to any member.
. Not less than one-half of office-bearers of the trade union shall be the persons actually engaged or
employed in the industry to which the union is connected.
''^''''^^^iDISPUrESACT, 1947
any per,n:
"" ^^^
The Act provides for constitution of conciliatory machinery with Conciliation Officers to be appointed on
Boards of Conciliation to be constituted by the appropriate government. The role of the conciliation officer
or board is to mediate and promote settlement of industrial disputes. If the conciliation proceedings fail, the
Act provides for appointment of Labour Courts, Tribunals and National Tribunals for the adjudication of
the industrial dispute. The Act also provides for voluntary arbitration of disputes, if the parties so agree.
Thus the Act provides for redressal of industrial disputes in a three pronged way:
discipline, withdrawal of any concession or privilege. 21 days' notice to the workmen likely to be affected
by the proposed changes is required to be given.
The Act prohibits strikes and lock-outs in public utility services without giving due notice and also
provides for general prohibition of strikes and lock-outs under certain circumstances.
The Act provides for lay-off, retrenchment and closure for which a specified procedure is required to be
followed and compensation at the prescribed rate to be paid to the workmen affected.
The Act can be made applicable by the State Government by notification to establishments.
The Act covers employees whose wages are less than Rs 1600/- p.m.
The term wages has a very wide coverage meaning remuneration, overtime payment, leave salary,
payment on termination etc., but excludes any bonus, contribution to PF or Pension Fund, and any Gratuity
In organisations employing less than 1,000 persons wages shall be paid before the expiry of the seventh
day, and where more than 1,000 persons are employed it shall be paid before the expiry of the tenth day,
after the last day of the wage period in respect of which wages are payable.
I HUMA^J. RESgMBpE:;,^!^^
applicable to banks.
- -- -
-nufacmriug, oil 1,1, employment in
con,rio ,0 d,e pension Jd or
on discharge, and (veiling allow^
""" """
^^ PyaWe
. A ^
a guaranteed time rate and overtime rate
The Act applies to all factories and establishments employing 20 or more persons.
Bonus is payable to:
employee whose salary/ wages does not exceed Rs 10000 per month *
who has worked in the establishment for not less than 30 days
Not disqualified to claim bonus due to fraud, theft or any other misconduct.
Bonus of very person drawing salary between Rs 3500/- and Rs 10000/- per month shall be calculated as
if his salary were Rs 3500 pm.
Salary includes basic pay and deamess allowance but not other allowances.
Determination of Gross Profit is the first step towards calculating amount of bonus. The procedure of
calculating Gross Profit is given in the First Schedule for banking companies and in the Second Schedule
for other companies. From Gross Profit certain charges are to be deducted such as remuneration of partners
or proprietors, a return of 8.5 per cent on equity capital and 6 per cent in reserves, depreciation under the
Income Tax, direct taxes, dividend paid or payable. After deducting these, 'available surplus' is arrived at.
67 per cent of available surplus is 'allocable surplus' for a company and for others it is 60 per cent. Bonus is
to be paid from the allocable surplus.
Every employee who has worked for not less than 30 days in an accounting year is eligible for bonus. He
is, however, disqualified if he is dismissed for fraud, riotous behaviour on the premises of the
establishment, or thefVmisappropriation of any property of the establishment.
It is an obligation on the employer to pay bonus at a minimum rate of 8.33 per cent of the salary or Rs
100/- whichever is higher. It is to be paid irrespective of profit or loss or whether there is allocable surplus
or not in the accounting year. The maximum rate is fixed at 20 per cent.
Where the monthly salary exceeds Rs 3,500/- the bonus payable is calculated as if the salary was Rs
The Fourth Schedule to the Act illustrates the method of set-on and set-off. The excess of allocable
surplus after distributing bonus shall be set-on and carried forward up to the fourth accounting year. In the
case of shortage or want of allocable surplus, the amount distributed will be carried forward for set-off out
of allocable surplus.
New establishments get exemption from payment of bonus for a period of 6 years or up to the year they
show profit, whichever is earlier.
If the employee is found guilty of misconduct causing financial loss to the employer, the amount of loss
can be deducted from the bonus payable for the year in which he was found guilty of misconduct.
An acknowledeement n f . ,
or work of a atai^r rl^, -""em te m and omen for U,e same wori, ' "
Of eondons of service
^.^<.men.n.aonteemp,o.ees ^
employer's business.
^ f - - -
<Ws no. eoMinue for more .han S
- -enee of .k
"ndgi a^d^^
compensation is payable. Similarly, if the workman does not present himself for medical
examination or does not take the treatment which aggravates the injury, he is not eligible for
compensation. Schedule I lists the different types of injuries and percentage loss of earning
capacity or disablement.
Section 4 to 7 detail the rate at which compensation is payable for different types of disablement
caused due to injiiry for.fatal injury as well as permanent total disability.
If any workman who is in employment for more than 6 months, contracts occupational disease
peculiar to that employment, it is deemed to be an injury arising out of and in the course of
employment. Some of the occupational diseases listed in Schedule III are: anthrax, poisoning by
lead, phosphorous or mercury, telegraphist's cramp etc.
of Notional Extension: The Supreme Court explained this doctrine: "as a rule
employment does not commence until the workman has reached the place of employment and
does not continue when he has left the place of employment. This is however subject to the
theory of notional extension of the employer's premises so as to include the area the workman
passes and repasses while going to and returning from the workplace. There may be reasonable
extension in both time and place and a workman may be regarded as in the course of
employment even though he had not reached or had left the employer's premises. The facts and
circumstances of the case will have to be carefully examined in order to determine whether the
accident arose out of and in the course of employment keeping in view at all times this theory of
notional extension" (Saurashtra SaUMfg. Co. Vs. B V Raja and others: AIR 1958 S.C.881).
Incidentally, the Supreme Court has subsequently observed, while examining the point under the
Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948, that in order to succeed in such cases, it has to be proved
by the employee that: (1) there was an accident, (2) the accident had a causal connection with
the employment and (3) the accident must have been suffered in course of employment
(Regional Director, E.S.I. Corporation and another Vs. Francis De Costa and another: 1996 (II)
CLR 812). In short, the accident should have causal coimection with the employment.
. h e g e e . e . g e h Jheen
. ^e te wage, tae.ude. basic pay. de,ess allowance and .ining allowance if anv
mvested in gve,n,en. sectHfe. ne^o^aSe^s
. -e accn. of
sister, etc.
To be entitled for maternity leave a woman must have worked for not less than 80 days in the 12 months immediately preceding the day
of expected delivery.
In case of miscarriage, a woman is entitled to six weeks of leave from the day of miscarriage.
For illness arising out of delivery, premature birth or miscarriage, a woman can take extra leave up to a maximum period of one month.
A woman employee can ask for light work for one month preceding the six weeks prior to delivery.
No pregnant woman shall be given any work of arduous nature, or which involves long hours of standing or which is likely to interfere
with her pregnancy or normal development of foetus or is likely to cause miscarriage.
A woman worker after resuming duties after delivery is to be given two nursing breaks in addition to her regular rest intervals, to nurse
the child till it attains the age of fifteen months.
Every woman entitled to maternity benefit is also entitled to a medical bonus of Rs 250/- if no pre-natal or post-natal care has been
provided for by the employer free of charge.
Apart from the benefits provided under the Act, some States provide additional benefits such as free medical aid, maternity bonus,
provision of creches.
An employee is a person employed to do any skilled, semi-skilled or unskilled, manual, supervisory or technical or clerical work.
The Amendment Act of 2010 removed the salary ceiling of an employee, but the maximum gratuity payable shall be Rs 10 lakhs.
Family of a male employee is his wife, his children, married or unmarried, dependant parents and the widow and children of his
predeceased son, and in the case of female employee, her husband, her children, married or unmarried, her dependant parents and
dependant parents of her husband and the widow and children of her predeceased son.
Salary or wages means all emoluments earned and which are paid or payable in cash and includes deamess allowance, overtime and
any other allowances.
Section 4 confers a right on the employee to receive gratuity if he has rendered continuous service of not less than 5 years, on his
superannuation, retirement or resignation or on his death. The completion of 5 years is not necessary if the termination of employment is
due to death or disablement.
or ac. of Solent or an
member(s). An employee ho
in the course of
- - - 'PPota.
""'y .hose
The Act does not apply to vacancies to be filled through promotion or on the results of any examination
conducted or interview held by any independent agency such as Union or State Public Service
Commission and the like.
Note: Notification of vacancies is compulsory for' public sector banks. Where the appropriate government has
issued notification, notifying vacancies is compulsory even in private sector banks. By a letter of September
30,1978, the Government has advised that all vacancies in the subordinate cadre be filled through the
employment exchange and other sources can be tapped only if the employment exchange issues a non-
' ""I ^
"> hold back U,e
"f hiring and
complimentary policies for providing social security and welfare to workers. But if this goverrunent can achieve
a major rationalisation of India's labour laws, it will leave behind a legacy for many future generations.
Indeed, the present situation seems promising. There has been a climate of mutual trust and opermess. For the
past almost a decade, no major industrial strife has taken place. The management of Air India could openly go to
the employees seeking their help to bring the ailing airline in profit. It is commendable the way the employees
have reacted to the situation by voluntarily opting for a cut in the salary. This is a welcome change. The country
is ready for a quantum jimip in the industrial output and overall economy. If the political atmosphere lends some
stability, the march on the charted path is indeed a possibility. We all need to view our roles from this perspective
and contribute our might earnestly.
Let Us Sum Up
In this Unit you have been exposed to traditional personnel fimctions as well as the legal aspects of the fimction.
We have seen major labour laws affecting employees especially in the banking industry. Some insight into
specific labour laws and the features affecting employees have been described. We also saw the changing
scenario on the labour front which will have a direct impact on the union and their influence over the working
Employee Morale
Employee Welfare
Available Surplus and Allocable Surplus
Labour Legislation
Conflict Settlement Check
your progress
State whether the following statements are True or False.
Legislation on working conditions has helped in ensuring better working conditions for staff t
The Shops and Establishment Act is applicable to banks in all states. f
Legislation on wages is strictly adhered to by industry. f
The ID Act as well as the Trade Unions Act have lost their relevance for modem industry like BPO and
Retail. t
5. Recent amendments to labour laws are more frequent and more realistic. f
Terminal Questions
1. Describe the operative functions of personnel management.
2. What are the objectives of labour legislation?
3. Describetheol^ectivesandmainpn,visionsofthesocialwelfarelegislation
5 Tr rr"
Establishments Act of your State applicable to your bank.
5. Explam the doctrine of Notional Extension.
y "r oanK.
6. Critically examine the statement 'The Trade' unions Act is redundant today.
-Terence to the labour laws. What
Industrial Relations
Collective Bargaining
Let Us Sum Up
Terminal Questions
n the ^^^^^^ environment that existed m the prelabour movement in ma^r p a L " " e ^ ^ ^
leftist movements in India.'while We^t^XTL fe itt
legitimacy With the first electedMar^istgoveLn^^i^hXi^^^
cooperation but even then, the induiiiarwolr,^^^^^^^
at the work place. There was an increasLTaw^srof
by the employers. There were no regulaXrfs rrrect^^^^^^^^
wages were very low and were paM irre^y ^
"" ^
'" the
of non'
^^ Naray
literacy amongst workers and for rS^es^^thr^Zci
^o achieve goals
aggressive, Ueateig
"f ffons by 1
Similarly, promotions and career advancement are based on merit as against the fixed time scales and
seniority of the unionised environment. In short, employees in the new generation organisations do not
feel the need for some external help as they are confident in their ovm merit and ability for career
progression. As for job security, they do not even understand the term as jumping jobs is considered the
norm today, with very little thought for long term associations.
The drawback of multiplicity of union is that it vitiates the atmosphere. Frequent clashes, violence etc.
have root cause in multiplicity of unions. Of late, the workers and the union leaders have realised these
drawbacks. Different unions attempt to join a common platform and pursue the goal unitedly. This is a
good sign. One may not wish away the problem. But wisdom lies in attaining the best results in the
conflicting situations both for the imions and employers.
Check-Off Facility
Multiplicity of unions leads to another problem of dual membership of workers where a worker is
shown as a member of more than one union. Many of the benefits imder the Trade Unions Act and
Industrial Disputes Act or Bombay Industrial Relations Act accrue on the basis of membership of the
union and more importantly, the most sought after recognition of a union. This solely depends on the
membership the union has of the workers within the industrial unit. But in the scenario of multiplicity
of unions, there is a kind of competition in getting more and more workers as members. Thus, it
becomes necessary to verify the membership of the unions before any status is allotted to them. Checkoff facility is one such measure.
In the banking industry the unions have been enjoying this facility through the payment of union
membership fees by way of deduction from salary. This has been considered as authorised deduction
under the Payment of Wages Act. The union in turn gets an authentic information fi-om the employer as
to how many members it has. In case of dispute the data is verifiable as the deduction is made on the
strength of the authority letter given by the worker and the amount is credited to the account of the
union. The member may, however, withdraw the authority given to the employer without formally
resigning from the membership of the union. Thus the union will still show him as its member, whereas
there may not be any membership fees received fi-om him through salary payment which of course can
be verified. Another method of check-off is that the employer gives data to the unions as to how many
workers are members of any union operating in the unit. The check-off facility is considered usefiil for
both the employer and the unions. For the employer, it serves the purpose of verification of
membership and to decide as to which union should be recognised if required under any of the
applicable Act. Even otherwise he gets to know the trend of membership of the unions. For the unions,
it serves the same purpose but from a different point of view. It can stake its claim for being a
recognised union and therefore for being invited for negotiations.
The lack of faith in each other despite the verifiable data leads the labour enforcement authorities to do
this verification, in case of dispute. The Industrial Disputes Act provides for a machinery to amicably
settle various disputes, including the basic one - the check-off.
We also saw fta, fte employe.' aSl^^t S ' ' r ' "
maker and inten=sied only in higher wages rSstrZ? f""" ^
aggressiveness of fc unions who teok'on ra^TnTpl;
' .'"We"" al
some of the more aggressive pri4e banks too^fh '^^^^ out unscathed from the ordeal though ^afi
especially at the lower end but w^
^hers did
would have made it impossible for the industry to^J^^
^PP^^^'^h which
scenario m the countiy where even though ZLsZe 'i^ T " ^^
'"^-^rial relations
have changed hands from individuals to co^me hZlT
^^^he industries
more m tune with their lifestyle changes tI lol^f' ^ "^P'^^^ions of workers have changed importance in
the changing scenario.
^ ^at
achieved onty through satisfactoiy industn^l XZ r A '
^^^ ^^^^ c be
pursuit of the industrial objective Badly
^^^^^ions contribute greatty in the
problems leading to a tense atmosphere^oSntd^^S^S^^^^^ - industrial relation:
- - Of a
^ the tenns and coLitLs
^^ P^'^ ^^ly^ng on
'"tions to their problems. THe
" ^^^ "^ans a s^
of objectives where both f them
forth their vilw
^heir service or adopting otheT
-"-tive LgLlg
these action!
"^P'^y^r thus
^^^ and workei.
''"ve oargaining
T ^^^
wage settlement. It may also begin with the mel^^ of tfe '
^lement such as
benefits being necessary for the worker, of t h T , ^ ^ t h e need of certain other
typically, the process could include:
The union writing to the employer making new demand and arguing as to how it is necessary and relevant to
sanction the demand.
2. The employer may on his part try to convince the union as to how the demand is irrelevant, and
carmot be acceded to.
3. The process may continue for some time with each party issuing notices, letters, replies to each
4. The union may thereafter decide to intensify its action and give notice of non-cooperation or
5. To avert the production coming to a stand-still, the employer may call the union leaders for
6. The negotiations or rounds of negotiations, may take place with parties trying to prove their
point of view.
7. Finally, an agreement may be reached by both the parties leaving their rigid stand and
compromising in the larger interest of the workers and the industrial unit.
How strong is the union, how serious and important is the issue raised by the union, will decide what
kind of negotiations will take place. It will also depend on the financial state of the unit and the burden
the demand puts on the unit. While different views may prevail in the beginning of the bargaining
process, differences get ironed out and the settlement is reached. The cardinal principle both for the
employer and the union is a display of fairness. It is necessary for the union to keep in mind that no
demand can be in real sense fiilfilled if it bleeds the unit. Similarly, it is for the employer to realise that
he should be paying willingly what is within his capacity to pay and is the practice in the industry. He,
on his part, may, however, try to see how strong is the union on its commitment and whether the
agreement once reached will settle the dispute in reality. This point carries fiirther weight when the unit
has more than one union operating. Of late, employers have started making demands on the unions as
quid pro quo by listing several factors like increase in productivity, reduction of wastage, zero error,
improvement in quality, lower wage scales for fiiture recruits. This only adds to the complicated process
of collective bargaining.
almost 45 years ago. Indeed, the first Bi-partite settlement of October, 1966 in the banking industry is a
tuming point. Prior to that the Sen Award (1949-50), The Sastry Award (1953)the LAT award, the
Award of the Desai tribunal, set the working conditions of the workmen in banks Dissatisfied with the
TTthi t
-le issues, ^a
n(rte IS that the spint persists with almost the same results. There have so far been nine fiTpSe
settlements m the industry, as indicated below:
October, 1966
October, 1970
August, 1979
September, 1983
April, 1989
February, 1995
March, 2000
June, 2005
First bi-partite settlement Second bi-partite settlement ' Third bi-partite settlement ' Fourth bi-partite
settlement Fifth bi-partite settlement Sixth bi-partite settlement Seventh bi-partite settlement Eighth bipartite settlement Ninth bi-partite settlement
April, 2010
j^e bi-p^ite settlements in the banking industry have set a t^^^^^^
issues of salary and allowances, duty hours, medical aid and hospitaliLon scheme kafe
" ^^
eT^" a^^^^
Ter; hrieei no m^^^^^^
ofX 0^^
or me omcers of the banks, the same process is followed.
of md"^
S nLd lo t H . f ri u
ther service conditions. Such
t Z ' i^^T
a- no longer on
current terms, but more on an mdividual basis, linked to a "Pay for Performance" approach
Let Us Sum Up
In this Unit we have discussed the nature of trade unions in general and specific unions in the banking
industry. We have also understood the manner in which the majority union is identified and given
recognition. Collective bargaining and its fimctioning in banks especially through the bi-partite
settlement has been studied in detail.
Unions Check-off
Facility Collective
partite Settlement
Terminal Questions
1.The term 'industrial relations' needs to be changed to 'employee relations' for bringing about a
more positive work environment. Do you agree?
2.Describe the rise and influence of unions in banking industry.
3.Enumerate the stages involved in a typical collective bargaining.
4.Majority of the banks still choose to bargain under the umbrella of the Indian banks'
Association. Is this a retrograde step. Critically examine the concept of negotiations and its
impact on the Indian Banking Industry.
Sarma, A M; Industrial Jurisprudence and Labour Legislation; Himalaya Publishing House, 1991.
employee discipline
(Grievance Redressal and
What is a Grievance?
Grievance Redressal
Conflict Resolution
The group of people who make up an organisation follow certain levels of hierarchy, with various
functions and responsibilities assigned to each. These managers work in teams where again there are
leaders and followers, all with common goals to be achieved. Management in a broad sense means
officers and supervisors who are responsible to manage the day-to-day affairs of the organisation, and
who direct the workforce to achieve the defined goals. In a situation where one group of persons is
directed by another group, it is quite common to have a difference of opinion on values, procedures,
systems, and methods, among these people. If the differences are strong, it takes the form of a
grievance. There cannot be an organisation where its members do not have any grievance at any point
in time. It is but human, where emotions come into play constantly, that disagreements,
disappointments would take place. When a person feels aggrieved on the behaviour of another person
in the same group, or due to certain procedures and systems, it is a grievance.
It is necessary that the grievance is redressed immediately. Not resolving a problem can become a
cause of worry later on. Allowing the grievances to remain unattended will create a situation of tension,
dissatisfaction and will result in lack of interest on the part of the affected party, leading to poor work
output and even major errors. In a worst situation it may lead to accidents, disharmony and strikes-a
situation every one would like to avoid. Thus, it is imperative to handle the grievances immediately
when they are noticed.
An analysis of the definitions given above shows that grievance covers dissatisfaction, it may be voiced
or not stated expressly, it could be valid or mith and even imaginary, it may or not be connected with
the organisation's work, but the employee feels an injustice has been done to him.
The objective should be to ensure that grievances are handled effectively and expeditiously and they are
not allowed to snowball into disputes.
Paragraph 517 of the Sastry Award provided for a grievance procedure. Any employee aggrieved by unfair
treatment or wrongful exaction of work on the part of a superior, either on his own or through his union,
submit a complaint to the manager. The manager, as soon as possible, should investigate the complaint and the
employee concerned or the union representative will have a right to be present.
The Code of Discipline which was adopted in the 15"^ session of the Indian Labour Conference in 1957
provided for a draft grievance procedure. This was approved in the 16th session of the Conference in 1958 and
was recommended by the Govemment of India as a Model Grievance Procedure for adoption by various
organisations. Following this, some banks provided for a formal grievance machinery and widely circulated the
information among the staff. However, the efforts were not very successfiil. This was because the management
introduced it more as a mere compliance of the suggestion received from the Govemment while the unions
looked at it as a device to imdermine their importance. The felt-need of both the parties, which is so vital for its
success, was conspicuous by its absence.
organisations where there is an open and trusting atmosphere, and people are involved in decisions related to their
position and career, the chances of conflicts are remote and even where they occur thev can be resolved faster.
Where the atmosphere is of excessive control, free flow of information is not possible which may create an
atmosphere of tension, more difficult to handle.
denote opposite orclashingpointofviews.Inaworksituation differing opinions andperceptions
can be termed as conflict. Man is a social animal and the human tendency to be a part of one group or
the other results in the individual becoming part of an organised group. A conflict may arise within the
group members when a particular member or members hold a different view than the others about a
work situation, work procedure, systems etc. which can immediately be solved by referring to the
manual or to a senior officer. But if the difference is in approach or ideology relating to the working
conditions, it needs to be addressed, either at the individual level or when it affects more people by the
representative union.
Conflict arises basically from different perception of a situation and'the prestige and ego of the person percieving
the situation. The conflict resolution therefore would lie in the fact that the persons involved should endeavour to
view the problem from the other's point of view, analyse the problem from a detached attitude, devoid of
emotions and then attempt to solve the issue. It is likely that once an emotion-free approach is adopted, it may be
easy to resolve the conflict.
As in any issue that needs to be solved, some basic steps if in place, can help solve a problem. Clear
communication, a perception of the goals and targets, adequate role clarification and a process that can identify
and resolve conflicts quickly, will help in the management of conflicts.
In a group situation, one needs to acknowledge the fact that each one depends on the other to accomplish team
goals. Once this inter dependence is realised, cooperation becomes easy. Emotional outbursts under control, the
problem should be identified and analysed realistically to know whether the problem is 'real' or 'perceived'.
Conflicts cannot be resolved unless there is a culture of openness and mutual trust. Seniors can set examples by
encouraging an open culture and practice at all the levels.
Many problems have their origin in defective commimication systems. It is therefore necessary to improve the
communication channels, and encourage upward communication so that the tensions are released. Ambiguity in
the role definition and lack of clarity as to what is to be achieved by the group, creates a conflicting situation.
Properly defined goals for the groups and the roles of the individuals to achieve, will minimise the problems.
Let Us Sum Up
In this Unit we have studied the nature of a dispute as well as grievance and understood the procedure for
grievance settlement. We have also seen how conflicts are identified negotiated and resolved.
Grievance Dispute
Grievance Settlement Conflict
Terminal Questions
1. Describe a 'conflict'. Why is it necessary to resolve a conflict situation?
2. Differentiate between a dispute and a grievance. How do you resolve both?
a constructive role in conflict
What is Participation
Methods of Participation
Terminal Questions
involvement in the initiation, formulation and implementation of
through people and they play a very important and influential role in the management process An
the Z to" f
-- due to the perceived conflict of interest basically between
the two groups of management and workers. Lots of energy gets dissipated in resolving the grievances and
conflicts and to maintam hannony To a large extent, the conflict of interests can be minfmised iTa
iebfo^'drt^ ' "
organisational goals are their goals which can bTtohe
reinforced by what is generally termed as workers' association or participation in management. In a hteral
sense, it means allowmg workers to take decisions in matter, affecting them and their organisation which is
primarily considered to be the prerogative of the management.
Laboii ronT'
f f riment in this direction started in the year 1957-58 when the Indian
rir . P
recommendation of a working group to set up the Joint Management
Counals. Pnor to this, the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 stipulated constitution of Works CommiTtee.e
consisting of representatives of employers and workmen in the industrial establishments in which ToO
mirnrand forT
i nation, a wm-wm situation where important decisions are taken which can be
implemented easily as they are based on consensus, notwithstanding the fact that the concerned parties
take care to safeguard their interests. In a true sense participation should mean to all the parties-at least to the
management and workers-joint decision-making with the entailing responsibilities being shared jointly and also
the duty to implement the decision. But such an ideal situation is possible only if the level of understanding of
both the management and workers have reached such a level that there is an atmosphere of openness and mutual
trust and there are no different groups of workers or trade unions. But idealism is seldom a reality!
Despite the differences in perception it has now come to be accepted that participation helps workers to
contribute better to the overall effectiveness of the organisation. The level of participation, in practice, ranges as
Informative participation: refers basically to information sharing concerning the balance sheet, production
schedules etc.
Consultative participation: in which a joint council is constituted which considers matters such as welfare
programmes, safety procedures etc. However, the decision making power rests with the management.
Associative participation: Here the role of the joint council is not limited only as an advisory body. The
coimcil's recommendations in the defined areas are implemented by the management.
Administrative participation: Where the decision comes to the council with alternatives to select from for
implementation. Still there is no participation in the decision-making process but there is a choice to be
made from a few alternatives and the alternative chosen jointly will be accepted for implementation.
Decisive participation: Here the decisions are taken jointly on matters relating to production, welfare etc.
Having seen what is participation and different levels of participation, let us now consider the purpose and
advantages of workers' participation in management. Participation in important areas affecting workers, result in
a unique motivational power and a great psychological value. Peace and harmony between workers and
management lead to workers getting to see how their actions would contribute to the overall growth of the
company. They tend to view the decisions as 'their own' and are more enthusiastic in their implementation.
Participation makes them more responsible and they become more willing to take initiative and come out with
cost-saving suggestions and growth oriented ideas. It also ensures optimum utilisation of resources because of the
feeling of "ownership" of the decision made. Some of the more visible benefits are:
The confrontation orihe level of resistance and resistance to change comes down. Change is the sign of
growth, and willingness to accept change helps the organisation adopt new methods easily.
It ensures free communication and the channel for upward communication opens up. It helps in reducing
the distortion or failure of communication and consequently implemented decisions become more
Joint decision-making reduces the conflicting situations and therefore the disputes. The productivity of the
unit increases.
is achieved.
management. The
as well as private sector. Experts studied imem^o^rleS ^ fconsultation in public and recommended a nonsLtory ai?roa7mre e^Z.^^
per the Industrial Disputes Act, LfManf c^^
- ^ -nt as
participation in management. Joint Managernent ConnT ! I?P'"^ workers- workmen. There are equal
fUnctionsasaconsultativeforum w^tifiZt^! f"
management. The Council
responsibilities are also giveZ'le^infMr^ ^^
Certain administrative
admitted that the Joint M^^Selnt
^ ^ "e
tothefactthattheseCouncil^asicJi:;^ 18.3.3 Workers' Participation on The Boam
nghte as any other director has on the Board. The workers' participation is thus ensured at the highest
^^ goent extended this concept elsewLe
specially, in the public sector banks and also appointed officers' representative on the Board of Directoi.
with status similar to any other director.
Normally, ^ representative of the majority miion gets this appointment. Due to multiplicity of unions
iLroTr^ nr "
^^ confrontation with the other union challenging
Ae appointment, challenging the membership nmnber of the selected union and even challenging the
membership venfication process. In a few cases, the matter is referred to the court for adjudiLion.
Another point of concern is that although the participation is ensured at the highest level, it is not
supported m many organisations at the shop-floor level. Thus the participation does not become effective
in ui6 iruc sense.
S sip cmmcil
iioTh?rn J f
foductivity norms for the unit as a whole, efficiency level etc. It looks
into the matters which remained unsolved at the shop councils. The joint comicil thus operates on broader
issues concerning the unit. The employers and the workers implemented the scLme, bu" Ziir of compulsion
from the govemment. In 1984 again this scheme was
SniZte^ T govemment. The objectives of the shop council and joint councils are very noble. In stlmT
noticed in the system of workers' participation in Board as that
^ ^"PP^'^-g
at the shop-level or
S n^X H f TT
management attempted at the Board level does
not percolate down to the shop-floor where there still remains the "we" and "they" attitude In this respect
the two-tier model of joint consultative committees appears to be more pra^natic.
'>'' quali^-
Fo- QCs to
succeed in the
- America,
^^^ software
companies such
which is admittedly veiy high in the softw^e Indul^
We have seen in this unit various methods of workers' participation. The idea though very noble, has not been
successful due to various reasons. The main reasons have been:
The experiment has not been successful partly because of the inhibitions of the trade unions that their
importance is being eroded by adopting this method.
At many places the information sharing has not been total by the employer, because of his
The representatives on the Board or council could not rise above the conflict of different roles in which
they had to function. On the one hand, they have their role as trade union leader and on the other, they
have to act as a Director on the Board taking a broader perspective of an issue. The experience shows
that the representatives could not overcome this dilemma. Thus, the level of participation was only
restricted to specific issues.
The participation could not come to the level of decision making and remained at the level of resolving
personnel and welfare issues.
Let Us Sum Up
In this Unit we have studied the approach to the setting up of committees made up of staff members on a
voluntary basis. We have familiarised ourselves with works committee, joint management committee as well as
the manner in which the workers get represented on the board. We also have familiarised ourselves with the
concept of employee stock option and how some banks have tried to implement join committees for
Workers' Participation Works Committee Employee Stock Option Employee
representative on the board
Terminal Questions
1. Describe the concept of workers' participation in management.
2. What are the typical joint committees and how are they constituted?
3. What is participation? What are the various levels of participation?
4. Describe the legality of various joint committees.
5. Enumerate SEBI guidelines on employees stock option.
Discipline in Workplace
Discipline Management
Domestic Enquiry
Frauds in Banks
(Discipline Managenfient)
304 i human
After studying this Unit, you should be in a position to
The following are the assumptions in employee discipline- 3. ^^ issuing instruction of good behaviour on his
there should be consistency in managerial follow-up action, i.e. the outcome should not be at a large
AVhat emerges from the above is that for effective discipline at the workplace it is imperative to have fair play,
proper and crisp communication of the rules and regulations, and impartial treatment of the cases of
Discipline that restricts the freedom of an employee connotes a negative feeling as failure to comply invites
19.2.1 Counselling
en,ui,> followed by
in penal aeto if
^l^e t?"
p^ved tTJ^^
Misconduct of any type is a matter for concern, and where such misconduct involves acts of moral turpitude,
they need to be addressed iimnediately and appropriate action taken. We have seen the steps to be taken
while initiating disciplinary action against an erring employee. However grave the offense, there are certain
clearly laid down principles with regard to the manner in which disciplinary action can be initiated, the most
important being the principles of natural justice.
These principles are universally accepted set of rules which have survived the test of time. They ensure
protection of rights of the individual employee. They provide a sort of guideline for disciplinary proceedings
in all cases of misconduct. In essence, the principles say that there has to be a fair play, all along, during the
disciplinary process, i.e right from the issuance of charge sheet to the imposition of punishment, if the
employee is found guilty of the charges. It states that the person who is proceeded against should have
adequate notice of the proceedings against him, he must have reasonable opportunity of being heard before
the case is decided, and the authority must act impartially and in good faith.
These principles have come to be accepted over time and have a semi legal status so much so , there are
instances when punishment by a Disciplinary Authority has been set aside if the procedure followed has
been arbitrary and the pimishment disproportionate to the offence.
The principles of natural justice, including later additions to these principles, are enumerated below:
no man should be a judge in his own cause;
no one should be condemned unheard;
the employee proceeded against should be clearly informed of the charges levelled against him;
the witnesses should be examined in the presence of the employee who should also be given a
chance to cross-examine them;
the employee should be given a chance to examine his own witnesses;
documents relied upon for proving the charge should be given to the employee for inspection; and
the punishment to be imposed should be commensurate with the nature of the misconduct.
cannot be enforced.
. If^e e,p,o,ee is not prosecuted for soch a o,fece the hak .ay take steps to prosecute hi ir rCZ^T.^:
^~ta, proceeding cI
Wngheldsintultaneousiy.Ho!,^ fcbita't
been stken to prosecute an enirr ^ ; ^^^
offence, the aage,et nray' then dtl
s if hTi::;" ""
mtseonduet. Thus, it is necessary to wait for a peri^ of "'/"'"'"tel act of gross
against the employee.
" J - "
f" the authorities to proceed
employee discipuine
In awarding punishment the authority will take into account the gravity of misconduct,
previous record and aggravating or extenuating circumstances.
An enquiry need not be held if the misconduct is such that even if proved the bank does not intend to award punishment of
discharge or dismissal;
the employee has made voluntary admission of his misconduct;
the employee is charged with minor misconduct and the punishment proposed to be imposed
is warning or censure.
The Managing Director of the bank shall decide which officer-i.e. disciplinary authority-shall
be empowered to take disciplinary action. He shall also decide which officer shall act as appellate
authority. The disciplinary authority may conduct the enquiry himself or appoint another officer
as the enquiry officer for the purpose of conducting an enquiry.
removal from service which shall not be a disqualification for fiiture employment;
recoveiy from pay or such other amount as may be due to the officer-employee
of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the bank by negligence or breach
of orders.
The Managing Director or any other authority empowered by him may institute or direct the
disciplmary authority to institute disciplinary proceedings against an officer-employee of the
Major penalty cannot be imposed unless a departmental enquiry has been conducted in
accordance with the laid down procedure. However, for imposing minor penalty the procedure
is relatively simple and the same has been spelt out in the appropriate regulation.
Where it is proposed to hold an enquiry, the disciplinary authority shall frame definite and
distinct charges on the basis of allegations and the articles of charge together with a statement
of allegations shall be communicated to the officer.
The officer is asked to submit his written statement of defence to the articles of charge and
statement of allegations within a stipulated period.
There are other types of banks, namely new private sector banks which came into existence during the early
nineties. These banks also have their own rules in respect of conduct and behaviour but the same may not be
as exhaustive as the one we saw. But the underlying principle in any rules is that they should be fair and
meet the requirements of the principles of Natural Justice. If penalty is imposed without following these
f .
i-h' './'.iA
Witness: A witness is a person who appears in the enquiry either in support of the charges or in
support of the CSE. The statements made by the witness are considered as oral evidence. The
witness should be examined first by the party producing him; this is known as examination-in- chief
Thereafter, the opposite side can cross-examine the witness. The enquiry officer should carefiilly
observe the demeanour of the witness so as to arrive at the credibility of his statements.
Persons who can be present at the enquiry: Departmental enquiry is a closed door proceedings and
not one where anyone can attend. Only those connected with the proceedings can attend the enquiry.
They are: (a) the enquiry officer, (b) the management representative (MR), (c) the CSE, (d) the
defence representative (DR), (e) the witness whose evidence is being recorded and a typist or a
stenographer who records the minutes of the proceedings. The witnesses are allowed to depose in the
enquiry one after the other and, therefore, no two witnesses should be present in the enquiry at a
- The proceedings: At the first hearing the enquiry officer should enquire from the CSE whether he
has received the charge-sheet and has understood the contents thereof Then in the presence of his
representative he should put a question to him as to whether he pleads guilty to the charges. If he
pleads guilty he should be asked whether he has understood the consequences of his pleading guilty
and whether he is doing so at his volition. Answers to these questions should be recorded, preferably,
verbatim. If the CSE does not plead guilty to any or all the charges, the enquiry officer should ask
the management representative to lead the case in support of charges. The MR may lead his case
through witnesses who should be permitted to depose one after the other. After the examination-inchief of the witness, the CSE should be given a chance to cross- examine him. Only after the crossexamination is over the next witness should be called. The documents taken on record should be
given to the defence for inspection and thereafter taken on record. When the MR closes his case the
defence should be asked to present its case repeating the same procedure. After both the sides have
led their evidences and have also summed up their respective arguments, the CSE should be asked
whether he has anything else to say or submit. Thereafter, the enquiry proceedings are closed.
f .
5. If the CSE prefers an appeal against the decision of the disciplinary authority, the appellate
authority should dispose of the case, as per rules and the principles of natural justice.
6. In the case of officers, there is one more step involved, i.e. review. The reviewing authority
may call for the record of the case within six months of the date of the final order and pass
such orders as it may deem fit. If the reviewing authority proposes to enhance the penalty, a
show cause notice will have to be issued.
As mentioned earlier, domestic enquiry is a quasi-judicial proceeding. If the matter goes to the
labour court (in the case of award staff) or to the High Court, these courts may go through the
enquiry proceedings, findings and orders passed by various authorities. It is, therefore, imperative
that every concerned authority acts in good faith, and follows the principles of Natural Justice.
f .
role of the Defence Representative is to disprove the charges leveled against the delinquent
employee in the charge sheet. To this end, he will also produce documents and witnesses well in
advance and cross-examine prosecution witnesses. He will also submit a brief to the Enquiry
Officer, after going through the prosecution brief
Top Management
Senior Management
Middle Management
Junior Management
scope for manual handling thus leading to minimal chances of frauds except in collusion with two or more
All organisations that have different layers of staff as well as fimctions spread over various geographical areas
have the need to delegate power and authority to officials at various levels. Thus typically in a bank, the top
management fimctions at a strategic level with very little exposure or involvement in day to day affairs of the
A cursory glance at various activities in a bank would reveal a broad division of fimctions and responsibilities
as under:From the above table, it is obvious that authority has to be delegated at various levels for the smooth fanctioning
of the Bank. While all large loans requires sanction of a Committee or a Higher Authority, it is at the small and
retail loans that employees tend to misuse the authority delegated to them.
The risks associated with delegation of authority essentially refers to the possible misuse of financial powers.
While the reason is obvious, the best preventive measure is by training employees in the correct procedure, by
putting in checks and balances at every stage of a proposal being prepared and approved and also a
measurement system which gives indication of deviations if any from the laid down procedure which are
considered as early indicators of defaults which again could be related to fraudulent activity.
The Central Government has enacted a number of laws to safeguard the equality of all people in the coimtry so
as to prevent any discrimination due to one's gender, cast or creed. The Constitution guarantees freedom of
movement, freedom of employment and the right to pursue any dignified vocation in any part of the coimtry.
The Central Government Institutions including PSU Banks are required to be "equal opportunity employers"
which means that they are required to show no discrimination in the selection of people based on commxmity,
caste, creed, region or gender except for reservations prescribed by the Constitution of India. This prevents
harassment of individuals due to their personal or religious background and also can be acted against by banks, if
individuals are discriminated and suffer disadvantages on account of such discrimination.
The Central government has made it mandatory that all organisations with a sizable number of women
employees should have a procedure for recognising and preventing cases of sexual harassment. Under this
provision, all organisations including banks are required to notify a senior lady officer as Head of Sexual
Harassment Committee in the organisation with powers to investigate and recommend action whenever a case of
sexual harassment is reported. This notification is aimed at preventing the occurrence of sexual harassment cases
at the workplace both against ladies as well as gents and the procedure lays down clear guidelines regarding the
manner in which such incidents are to be investigated and the action required to be taken against erring officers
in case the law of the land (Criminal Procedure Code) has not been invoked in terms of a police compliant. The
enactment of this directive has been welcome all across the country and a whole generation of women employees
have benefitted as any case of sexual harassment once brought to the attention of the authority has to necessarily
be examined and investigated with the Head of Sexual Harassment Committee taking an active role in
recommending suitable action.
shows a person any sexually explicit visual material, in the form of pictures/cartoons/pin-ups/
calendars/screen savers on computers/any offensive written material/pornographic e-mails, etc.
engages in any other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, which could be verbal, or even nonverbal,
like stanng to make the other person uncomfortable, making offensive gestures kissing sounds, etc.
It is sexual harassment if a supervisor requests sexual favours from a junior in return for promotion or other
benefits or threatens to sack for non-cooperation. It is also sexual harassment for a boss to make intrusive
mqumes into the private lives of employees, or persistently ask them out. It is sexual harassment tor a group of
workers to joke and snigger amongst themselves about sexual conduct in an attempt to humiliate or embarrass
another person.
Let Us Sum Up
In this unit we have leamt the need for discipline in organisations, procedure for enforcing discipline and
also for dealing with indiscipline. We have gone through the domestic enquiry procedure, the guidelines
with regards to pnnciple of natural justice as also the need for corrective and quick action. We have also
understood how frauds occur in banks and the need for a vigilance department to arrest the incidents of frauds.
Discipline Principles of
Natural Justice Prevention
Check Your Progress
State whether the following statements are True or False.
1. Disciplined behaviour is a voluntary concept.
2. The enquiry officer can permit the delinquent employee to be defended by a lawyer.
3. Instances of reported sexual harassment if not acted upon promptly invites punishment.
4. Principles of natural justice are guidelines and not mandatory.
Terminal Questions
Datta, SK; Guide to Disciplinary Action, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, Third Edition, 1994.
James G March; Herbert A Simon (1958). Organisations. New York: Wiley, pp. 9-11. ISBN 0471567930
9780471567936. OCLC 1329335.