Scav Hunt Lesson
Scav Hunt Lesson
Scav Hunt Lesson
(Pass out blank Scavenger Hunt Sheets Appendix A. Directions for this activity will be on the
What I am passing out now is a worksheet you are going to use for our Vocab Review activity.
Again, I listen when you said that you would like to be active, but that the skits were not
necessarily your favorite. Today we are doing a scavenger hunt.
The directions are on the board. (Read directions.) The goal for this game is to fill in as many of
the blank spaces on the right side of your sheet with the BEST answers as you can in 8 minutes.
You will find the words to connect them to by looking at the answers that are around the room
and in the hallway. Those of you with the top 3 number of answers will get a bonus point on your
quiz tomorrow. Notice you may work together, but you cant just copy someone elses sheet and
you cannot use your notes! Any questions before we begin? I will start the timer nowgo!
1. Your sheet has a list of 15 of the Vocab words we have covered over the last two
2. You will find a word, definition, example, phrase, etc. that is connected to each
Vocab word on your sheet taped to a colored sticky note around the classroom or on
our side of the hallway.
3. You have 8 minutes to write down as many of the connected words as you can.
1. All of your notes should be put away!
2. You can work together, but you may not copy from each others sheets!
(Students must move around the room looking for the words or phrases that match with each of
their vocabulary words and write them down. Each one is taped to the top of a desk. They are all
intentionally short so they are easier to copy.)
1. [5 mins.] Break
Okay, the clock is up! Turn in your papers if you want credit, and you may take a 5 minute
break. Phones have to be back in the safe houses in 5 minutes.
(While students take a break I tally up the most number of correct answers and pass their
papers back. I will have Mr. E. and Ms. M. - the Collab teacher - help facilitate.)
2. [8 mins.] Debrief Vocab
Congratulations to (insert students names) who received extra credit from the Scavenger Hunt!
Lets look at these words. Make corrections on your paper if you need to.
(Using a projection of the Key Appendix C on the board, I will poll the students for their
responses to the 10 words for this weeks quiz:
The other 5 words are a combination of literary terms we have had as well as words from the
previous weeks vocabulary. I wanted to incorporate them in the activity to encourage students
not to forget old words they have been assessed on and to continue to support their understanding
of their meanings. In my original plan I included 16 extra words from the previous week, but I
realized they might add too much time to the activity and these are the ones they will be assessed
the following day.)
3. [ 15 mins]
Exit Slip and Explanation: Start at 2:05
Great job with the discussion! Now, you all are going to apply these ideas to your own work in
the exit slip. Take the sheet of paper you started with and write these things on the back. (Read
directions on the board, walk students through each step.)
This is your ticket out of class so make sure you complete each step! Flip over your paper
that you used at the beginning of class.
1. How did todays scavenger hunt compare to the skits from last week? Write a
Check () if you liked it more or an X if you thought the skits were better.
2. Write one word that is more memorable because of the Vocab Practice.
3. Write three lines using parallel structure about your favorite food.
First, write a statement, then use the same beginning or end and write two more
lines. You already have the details and ideas written down!
4. Hand me your completed Exit Slip on the way out the door.
4. [ 1 mins] Closure:
Okay, what is one thing you learned today? (Call on two students.)
Remember, your Vocab quiz is tomorrow and be sure to hand me your exit slips on the way out
the door. Have a great rest of your day!
Methods of Assessment:
[How will you know if the intended learning occurred?] List all methods of assessment used in
this lesson or which are related to this lesson and come in a future lesson. After each assessment,
indicate in brackets the number(s) and letter(s) of the unit objective and the related lesson
objectives that the assessment is evaluating.
List words they can remember from vocabulary [KUDs A, D; CCSS L.11.6]
Examples of repetition in SSR text [KUD B, SOL 11.4F]
Scavenger Hunt [KUDs A, C, D; CCSS L.11.6]
One word they know better [KUDs A, D; CCSS L.11.6]
Parallel Structure lines [KUDS F, G; SOL 11.4F]
Vocabulary Matching Quiz next class
Differentiated Instruction to accommodate one or more of my students:
David (ELL): Rather than move around the room, David will have a list of the terms in front of
him and a list of the answers and simply match them together (Appendix B). This way he does
not have to write as much only the terms and Mr. Eliason, Ms. Manifold, and I can all check
in with him while he avoids getting swept up in the controlled chaos of the scavenger hunt.
Holden (Collab): Holden has accommodations for notes the Collab teacher types them for him
and we try to make as much of our class notes available online but because he has declined the
opportunity to use a laptop in class, it is best to avoid singling him out with an altered scavenger
hunt activity. Since the students can work together, he should feel confident working with
another student from his table.
Materials Needed:
1. Hiatus
2. Obscure
3. Allusion
4. Resplendent
5. Theme
6. Bourgeois
8. Epistolary
9. Debility
10. Tone
11. Acrophobia
12. Renown
13. Languid
14. Therapeutic
15. Poised
Vague, unclear
Cause to happen
Pen Pals
Authors attitude
Michael Jackson
Calm, professional
1. Hiatus
2. Obscure
Vague, unclear
3. Allusion
4. Resplendent
6. Bourgeois
Cause to happen
8. Epistolary
Pen Pals
9. Debility
10. Tone
Authors attitude
11. Acrophobia
12. Renown
Michael Jackson
13. Languid
14. Therapeutic
15. Poised
Calm, professional
5. Theme