Bistaspede 774 Lessonplan 1
Bistaspede 774 Lessonplan 1
Bistaspede 774 Lessonplan 1
Writing Workshop
Teacher Candidate: Ayasha Bista
Grade Level:
Lesson: Sequencing
Unit of Study: Myself and Others
Goal of Lesson (Common Core State Standards/Division of Early Childhood where appropriate)
- With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
- With prompting and support, identify characters, settings, and major events in a story.
-With prompting and support, describe the relationship between illustrations and the story in which they appear (e.g., what moment in
a story an illustration depicts)
- The students will be able to mention three major events that occur in Chrysanthemum in chronological order beginning, middle and
end after having heard the book two times.
- The students will be able to use illustrations to match with the events in chronological order by showing they remember key details of
how Chrysanthemum was feeling during those particular events.
- The teacher will be read the book, Chrysanthemum by Kevin Helkes.
- The teacher will ask the students the definition of beginning, middle and end.
- The teacher will ask the students text-based questions about the characters, settings and illustration. These may include How does
Chrysanthemum feel about her name before going to school? Do her friends like her name?, How does she feel now?, Does Ms.
Twinkles class make Chrysanthemum happy?, and How does she feel about her name now?
- The teacher will ask the students how Chrysanthemum felt during the beginning, the middle and the end of the story.
- The post assessment will be based on the students activity in small groups.
- This evidence will be collected at the end of the lesson through the completed assignment.
- The teacher will check the worksheet to see if the sequence of the story is in order.
- The teacher will check to see if the students were able to compare the illustrations to the events.
- The assessment will help the teachers see what percent of the classroom was able to understand the series of events in the book. They
will also be able to alter the differentiations in the future depending on the assessment.
- Three books: Chrysanthemum by Kevin Helkes
- Pointer
- Smart Board
- Various handouts for students for their small group activities.
- Pictures of the events (beginning, middle and end) that show how Chrysanthemum might be feeling.
Use of Technology:
- Smart board will be used to display pictures of Chrysanthemum in school, in class and at the end of the book showing her various
expressions. Students can use this as a guide for their illustrations. Smart board can be used in the future allowing students to pick the
correct illustrations while sequencing and putting events in order.
More difficult: Students will be provided with activities that are not labeled. They will be asked to label the parts of the stories and
through illustrations show how Chrysanthemum was feeling during each event. These students will also label their drawings with short
sentences by looking up the spelling for on the word wall. Some may even name four or five events instead of three while others may
label beginning along with At home.
Less Difficult: Students will be provided with pictures of Chrysanthemum at home (before school), during the first few days of school
(sad), and in Ms. Twinkles class (happy). One column will be labeled beginning, the other will be middle and the last one will be the
end. With prompting from the teacher, the students will glue their pictures next to the appropriate times.
Seating Configuration/Use of Physical Space:
- Students will first meet at the rug area for practice and instructions. They will sit making 6 columns and four rows on the rug facing
the teacher.
- Students will be sitting in small groups at their tables. Each table will have four students. Two students on two sides of the table.
- Students who need extra help or one to one time with the teacher will sit towards the back of the class in a smaller group.
- The teacher will stop at page 6 to ask the students to predict what might happen on the first day of school.
- How do you think the students felt during school? Did she still like her name? Who was she named after?
- Why did Chrysanthemum think her name was not absolutely perfect in the middle of the story?
- What did Chrysanthemum feel in Mrs. Twinkles class? What role did she get for the musicale? Did she like being a daisy?
- What did Mrs. Twinkle tell the class? What was she named after? How did Chrysanthemum feel after listening to Mrs. Twinkles
- At the end of the story, the teacher will ask the students to go over the details of the book together. The students will be asked who
the story is about (character), where the story takes place (setting), and events that took place in the story.
- The teacher will go over the beginning, middle and end with the students. The emphasis will be on using illustrations to realize how
Chrysanthemum is feeling before she starts school, during school and in Mrs. Twinkles classroom.
- The teacher will then explain the handout to the students where they will have to use illustrations to show the beginning, middle or
end of the story in order.
- The students will be split into three groups. Two groups will have eight students.
Guided Practice/Active Involvement/Small group work/Independent Practice:
Estimated Time: 15 minutes
- In small groups, the students will either be working with the head teacher, the special education teacher or the teacher assistant.
- The handouts will contain a small area for the names of the students. It will also contain a table with two columns and three rows.
- The first column will be labeled beginning, middle and end. The second column will be used to illustrate how Chrysanthemum was
feeling at those times.
- In smaller groups the students will go over the events that took place in the beginning, middle and end. They will also discuss
Chrysanthemums feelings.
- The book will be provided to each group in order to look back if necessary.
Final Summary/Closure:
Estimated Time: 10 minutes
- The students will go back to the whole group.
- The teacher will ask what happened during the beginning, middle and end of the book.
- The students will also express how Chrysanthemum felt during those events.
- Some students will be called up to share their labeling and illustrations.
- The teachers will walk around to check the rest of the classs work.
Music Students will be learning the concept of sequencing as they learn different songs. The beginning of the song, the middle and
the end.
Read Aloud The teacher will ask questions as the story is being read about the illustrations and how we know what the characters are
feeling. The students will also be asked about the various parts of the books, characters, setting and major events.
Homework The students will ask their parents about what their names mean. They will then draw a picture to show how they feel
about their name.